Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The test. (stella/gillian)  Empty The test. (stella/gillian)

Fri Feb 09, 2024 4:43 am
Stella would be walking through the outskirts of a smaller Japanese town. It was much larger than what she lived in back home in Germany, but she did make a slow patrol around the village. She had felt a weird presence here a couple hours ago, but it seemed to have vanished without a trace as she would look around the woods on the outskirts.
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The test. (stella/gillian)  Empty Re: The test. (stella/gillian)

Sat Feb 10, 2024 10:24 am
The test. (stella/gillian)  Menos-grande-gillian-1


The plan had been simple. How did it all go so wrong? Wirecutter, an especially cruel Hollow smart and craven enough to not draw the attention of watchful Shinigami or Quincies, had come to this small town in Middle-of-nowhere, Japan, to occasionally feast on humans who wouldn't be missed. He'd draw no danger to himself, and as far as those idiot humans knew people were just up and leaving or getting themselves kidnapped. The perfect strategy! And yet...

It was Wirecutter who found himself being devoured. A bigger, badder Hollow had suddenly appeared and immediately made short work of its prey who was forced to watch as its killer consumed him. It took nary a minute for Wirecutter to be made into a meal. His story didn't end there, however; it was Wirecutter, weak as he was, who proved himself the tipping point for the larger Hollow, who's white skin began bubbling and who's mask shook and rattled. And then, black.

A few minutes later a horrible screech shook the forest's trees as a terrible, malevolent Spiritual Pressure washed over it like a gale wind. From where Stella was she would hear the crash and tumble of trees being snapped and knocked over long before the towering black body of a Gillian-class Hollow crushed a path through to the forest's edge.

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Sat Feb 10, 2024 8:17 pm
Stella would hear the shriek as she would shiver at the sound. It was throwing her off, but she would realize she has to do something. Veralia wasn't around, and she didn't sense anyone that could deal with it. She would summon her axe as she would make her way to the Gillian. The first thing she would do is attempt to draw it farther from the village. She didn't want it to destroy the village as she would make an attempt swinging the axe hard at its foot.

Remembering that this class of hollow may be strong but they are stupid she wouldn't waste time. She needed to make the first swing atleast count a little. As she would bring the axe towards its foot the blue venes of blut arterie would glow on her arms as she would attempt to cut the hollows foot.
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Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:13 pm
The test. (stella/gillian)  Menos-grande-gillian-1


With little to no delicious Spiritual Pressure emanating from the town itself, the Gillian's attention was drawn to the little woman rushing toward its gargantuan self. Still so early in its birth, the Hollow lacked much intelligence or individuality and so, for the moment, it was still acting upon instinct; and it's instinct said this woman was of no concern. Just another morsel waiting to be consumed.

Is that pain? The Hollow couldn't tell, but its eyes were drawn down to the scene playing out below it. The woman it had decided was no threat had lodged its axe in its foot. Though, Stella would find her weapon had dug no deeper than a couple inches, the strength behind her opening swing not enough to cleave any further. Yet there was something that did drive the axe deeper, deep enough to be a nuisance. What is this gross Reiatsu coming from her?

With a sudden jerk, the Gillian kicked forward with its foot to send both Stella and her weapon flying. Then in a blink the hulking Hollow, moving far faster than its size would suggest it capable of, stepped forward and slammed that same foot down onto the top of the Quincy woman.

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Mon Feb 12, 2024 8:23 pm
Stella would be launched back toward a tree as she would drop her axe. She thought she could get further into the foot than she did as she would slam into the tree. Forcing her to drop her axe as she wasn't prepared to see it move so fast, but she would attempt to quickly grab her axe and roll out from under its foot. She had the breath knocked out of her, but with the adrenaline already starting to rush through her she had to think.

She didn't feel the blood that dripped slowly down her head yet as she would quickly try to get to the same foot she had already manged to dig into. She couldn't remember in her current state if Gillians were able to regenerate quickly or not. However, she would try to apply the same logic that was used in her experience logging. You can't cut a tree with one swing. As she would make another attempt at the foot, but this time she would focus on the cut she had already made. Attempting to push it deeper.
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Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:05 pm
The test. (stella/gillian)  Menos-grande-gillian-1


Stella's thoughts would prove to be a warning of what's to come as the gargantuan Hollow's foot did indeed begin visibly regenerating, the wound she had inflicted slowly but surely closing. Her quick thinking got her back to its foot before it was back to new though, and the ensuing swing of her axe would be even more effective than the first as it sank more than halfway through the Gillian's car-sized extremity.

With a howl that once again shook the nearby trees, the enraged Gillian announced it's wrath. Its malevolent Reiatsu spread across the area like an abominable wind, enriching all nearby living creatures with a sense of dread. The Gillian stared down at Stella with glowing red eyes, its mouth opening to reveal a sphere of energy just as crimson. This sphere grew agitated then was fired in the form of a massive Cero that quickly expanded to a dozen yards in width before reaching the ground where Stella stood at the Hollow's feet.

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The test. (stella/gillian)  Empty Re: The test. (stella/gillian)

Wed Feb 14, 2024 6:42 pm
Stella would see the blast as she would take a deep breath. She realized that it was much slower than what she had gotten used to in her trainings with Veralia. So, she would jump under its legs in hopes that it wouldn't be able to hit her directly. She would try to remain cognisicient of any debris heading her way.

She would attempt to use the already damaged foot as cover as she would continue to try to cut down the foot like a tree. She would employ a similar tactic as she would take a wide hard swing at the heel of the hollows foot. As she does so though she makes contact, but a piece of debris would hit her back as she would slide away from the foot with a gasp. The debris that caught her had launched her several yards back as she would hope that her cut got it atleast deep enough to make the ankle stop supporting so much weight.
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The test. (stella/gillian)  Empty Re: The test. (stella/gillian)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:27 am
The test. (stella/gillian)  Menos-grande-gillian-1


Merely standing a couple feet to the side would not prove a sufficient defense as the energy from the Cero expanded rapidly, potentially encompassing and overwhelming Stella in addition to any debris sent her way. Continuously hacking at the same foot, which would merely begin regenerating every time her efforts were interrupting, would not prove a suitable offense either.

Angered by the comparatively tiny woman's efforts, another bellow escaped the Gillian class Hollow as it took two steps back and away from her, with each foot shaking the earth when they dropped. It's simple mind decided, like she had, the best course of action would be to simply repeat itself; and so, a crimson glow adorned it's mask before it's maw once again opened wide and loosed another powerful Cero at Stella.

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The test. (stella/gillian)  Empty Re: The test. (stella/gillian)

Sat Feb 24, 2024 9:41 am
Stella would realize she made a mistake as she misunderstood the hollows ability to hit her where she stands. As she goes to use Steigen to go deeper into yhr forest so that she may have a better chance hiding from this one. she would wince as she felt energy catch her right leg. It felt like it was on fire as she would move through the trees. She didn't have to exercise the hollow she just had to lead it away from that village and try to annoy it to the point of it leaving.

Stella was aware of her own short comings, and if this fight goes on for an extended period of time her leg is going to be a problem. She was finding it easier to ignore the pain currently due to adrenaline, but if that wares off she's not sure the consequences. She would try to keep moving through the woods for now, and attempting to move in different directions to make it harder to hit her.
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The test. (stella/gillian)  Empty Re: The test. (stella/gillian)

Fri Apr 12, 2024 11:56 pm
The test. (stella/gillian)  Menos-grande-gillian-1


The titanic robed Hollow turned to face the direction its prey had fled in and immediately began following, its massive legs shoving aside and breaking trees as if they were little more than blades of grass. Though its walking could best be described as lumbering, the Gillian's towering size gave each of its strides enough length to follow behind Stella without being left in the dust.

What was once a quiet, peaceful forest now found itself being cut through as if by a building-sized axe. All was crushed beneath the gigantic Hollow's feet as it hungrily stalked its prey. Then, with little warning, it suddenly came to a stop and gathered more energy in front of its maw which was thereafter released in a beam that shook the forest to its core, its aim directed once more at the fleeing Stella.

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