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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Age : 25
Location : Good Question.

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Tae Akatsuki [FINISHED] Empty Tae Akatsuki [FINISHED]

Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:45 am
Tae Akatsuki [FINISHED] Izumi-banner

Basic Information
» Name: Akatsuki, Tae.
» Alias':
▕ Taechan.
▕ Joshi Kishin [JK].
» Age: 190s.
» Birthday: May 20.
» Gender: Female.
» Race: Shinigami [+ Hollow] (Other).

» Affiliation:
▕ The Kishin.
▕ Soul Society Outlaw.

» Alignment: True Neutral.
» Nationality: Japanese.
» Martial Status: Single.
» Sexuality: Heterosexual.
» Ideal Mate: A Solid 10/10.
» Special Skill: How's all of them sound? .

» Height: 5'3"
» Build: Don't worry, you'll know.
» Hair Colour: Blonde-Brunette.
» Eye Colour: Onyx.

Tae Akatsuki [FINISHED] Izumi-app

Psychological Analysis
At a glance she is unassuming, an obnoxious and pretentious teenage girl to anyone that gives her a moment of consideration. While that is true of her behaviour, Tae is ultimately someone who is a problem in more ways than just being a nuissance. As any kishin, who is functionally a hollow, would be she is an enemy of Soul Society. Why she turned away from the Soul Society and her life in the Gotei Thirteen is up for debate, she'll never tell you frankly.

Tae is not a woman of strong morals, she's too vain and too smug to keep a man for long so she flutters about between partners and hobbies. The attention span is short though so she'll never keep an interest for long before moving onto something else, that's why it's amazing really that she's even stuck to being a kishin but maybe that's also because she's got a talent for it which keeps her interested by padding that ego of her's.

When she isn't hunting for souls to feed her sword, Tae is easily found her favourite hobbies of shopping and making friends as a social circle.


Tae was born in Japan as a human, almost two hundred years ago roughly. It was a time of peacefulness, at least for her. She lead a relatively mundane childhood with nothing eventful from two loving parents, her mother stayed at home to raise her and her siblings but her father was a soldier in service of country and emperor.

It was when she was in highschool that her life was turned upside down. The country was going to war and join the war effort to establish amazing nippon supremacy, or so they said. Tae spent most of the time wondering why her father never came back home after he left for that glory they spoke of. It could've ended there, the loss and sadness at not knowing where he was going. Her friends all blamed those dirty westerners, and so she blamed them too. She'd never met a single one of them in her life but apparently they were the cause for her father being gone and that was enough for her to hate them.

While it could've been a grudge carried through her whole life, Tae would not live to carry that burden very long nor would she live to grow old and die a ripe old woman. Her life ended swiftly and in a blaze of hellfire, everything she had grown up with and known in her life was razed to the ground and she was left with many other souls standing around in distress and despair. They all wept but she was just confused, it was the kind of thing where you could think that the entire ordeal was a dream.

Life did not end like that, a world could not be destroyed like that but alas it was. It was fortunate though, with all the despair many of the souls found their chains of fate encroaching fast. People in black robes were abundant as they fought the people that had turned into monsters, you can see how this might appear like a dream to someone? Especially when one of them told her that they were sending her to a better place, where she'd never be hungry again.

That was a lie. From the moment she got there she was afflicted with the need to eat. Stealing and begging, whatever could make things work until she became aware of the new life she led. Tae was a much different young woman then, more modest and polite. Her dark hair made her not stand out much but her reiatsu spoke louder and in time she eventually learned of the existence of the shinigami which made her remember the time before she ended up in this wandering soul city.

That's where she went.

It took her seven years to graduate, hardly the most outstanding and she always remained under the radar. She served as an unseated member of the thirteenth division for much of her service, narrowly avoided being a victim in the tragedy that took the life of her vice-captain Kaien and many others of her division.

When the ryoka invaded, she was stationed in Naruki City. A pretty boring assignment which suited her fine, she hardly wanted to deal with those ryoka that had invaded the Seireitei that were apparently monsters in their own right. All that effort, for what? One person? She didn't get it but that was probably because she'd already experienced death on such great scale that the idea of a person dying was a numb thing for her.

Then came the twist of Aizen's betrayal and the beginning of the Winter War. Uneventful, yet again. What was a lowly twelfth seat like her supposed to do against an Espada, right? Oh yeah, she had become a twelfth seat since the ryoka invaded and the situation resolved itself. The real clincher was the invasion of the demons led by Ender. It was absolutely devastating, on par with the tragedy that took her life as a human away from her. There was a motivation to stop this encroaching destruction and so when a group of shinigami thought of a solution she jumped on board.

How bad could acquiring hollow powers be, right? Ichigo Kurosaki and the vizards had done it. So she accepted the role of using a bakkōtō to slaughter the ranks of demons and feed their souls to the hollow corpse in the shape of a sword. Who cared? They were invaders that took away her loved ones after all, sound familiar? After they had done their service though and the original group stood there with their evil swords, ready to relinquish them there was no one willing to do it.

What if they didn't? They had spent so much time and effort to cultivate this awesome power, right? Seemed a waste to throw it away. Well that was her thoughts on the matter, she was sure the others had different opinions as to why they didn't want to give it up. So they walked the path as outlaws and never the one to make a great presence she went along with it.

The JK stuff? Yeah well that's a recent development in the last twenty years since she had became so accustomed to the living world's culture. It really knew how to make a girl want to stand out and make an impact.

Relationship Information

» The Kishin: The group of between eight to twelve shinigami outlaws that acquired the power of a hollow during the time of World War Three. Originally formed as a means to seek greater power to deal with the scourge of demons that invaded, the swords that they carried were fed the souls of demons to grow the hollow sword's that they wielded. Eventually with the death of Ender, rather than relinquish their hollow powers they doubled down and became a group of outlaws intent on becoming stronger as they drank deep from their forbidden power and became drunk on it.


» Kishin: While a shinigami, Tae is a member of the Kishin. A group of shinigami that acquired hollow powers through illegal means not unlike the vizard. While they are similar in their nature, what differentiates the kishin from the vizard is that they do not undergo hollowfication themselves. Rather, they abandon the zanpakuto in favour of the bakkōtō. What makes them enemies of the soul society is that in order to grow their power, a Kishin must quite literally feed their bakkōtō to allow it to become stronger. Having it kill and absorb the souls that their blades slay to grow its power. Simply put, they have not hollowfied themselves but are using the power of hollows to grow stronger.

A kishin appears to possess the same consistency of split reiatsu as a vizard with first glance but in reality their reiatsu is unchanged from when they were a shinigami. What gives them the appearance of a split reiatsu signature of hollow and shinigami is the bakkōtō itself. If the two were to be separated, the kishin would be identical to a shinigami until reunited with their sword.

How this works mechanically is that instead of their traditional zanjutsu skill being tied to their zanpakuto, it is tied to their bakkōtō. At Adept they unlock the first release form of their bakkōtō called Resucitación upon reaching Advanced they acquire the second stage of the bakkōtō called Reanimación and finally, upon achieving Master they can hypothetically unlock a form called Resurreccion, equivalent to the shinigami Shikōkai.

» Shikai: Resucitación [Spanish for Resucitation]: The first release form of a bakkōtō is called resucitation. Identical to the shinigami's shikai, it absorbs a bit of the shinigami's reiryoku to stimulate the nucleus of their sword like a defibrillator to restart the heart of a human. This causes the sword to undergo a transformation which draws out the hollow's power that it had and lets the kishin wield it as a weapon.

» Bankai: Reanimación [Spanish for Reanimation]: The second and final release form of a bakkōtō, whereas before the kishin jumpstarts the sword into releasing some of its previous form the second release is actually where the sword has cultivated enough souls inside of it that the sword resonates with the wielder as a proper weapon than just a tool, though they cannot maintain it for the same amount as indefinite time as a shinigami might. Functionining similar to a vizard mask, the Kishin may maintain the Reanimación two posts for every rank of zanjutsu that they have as the sword is devouring their spiritual power to maintain this state. Too long and their soul will be devoured entirely.

At this stage the hollow nucleus is Menos Class, ranging between Gillian and Adjuchas.

» Shikōkai: Resurrección [Spanish for Resurrection]: The third and 'hypothetical' release form of a kishin. It follows the same principle as the shinigami's third release but instead of fusion between shinigami and zanpakuto, it is actually the fusion of the bakkōtō into their own soul to wear the hollow's power. The resurrección follows the same time limit as a shinigami although for different reasons, it is not the pressure of maintaining this form that puts the user at risk but the fact that they risk undergoing complete hollowfication through using this method resulting in becoming a hollow or arrancar.

If one were to reach Resurrección then their hollow nucleus of the bakkōtō has reached Vasto-Lorde level.

» Gekikawa Kenryuu [激かわ剣流, Super Cute Sword Style]: The sword style of Tae, despite its inocuous name there is a strangeness to the swordstyle that gives her remarkable capacity to cross blades. A flurry of strikes that range from slashing to stabbing, often done with just a single hand to keep the other hand free. She is quite proficient at weaving cutsie motions or gestures into her swordplay with her free hand such as slicing at a person while making a "v" over her eye with the free one, or you know, shooting kidou with her free hand. They're both super cute as far as she's concerned.

» Kawaiidou [可愛い道, Way of Cuteness]: Her kidou aptitude is pretty decent, Tae's capable of casting most kidou spells that you'd expect to see from a shinigami. So what makes her approach different? Well, you'll see a lot of aesthetic modifications from Tae. She's got to stand out to tell you that she's not like other shinigami, you know? Shakkaho? No thank you, let's make that pink and when it makes impact it explodes in a burst of flashy colours with glitter everywhere too. She's dropping a Hainawa on you? Well it's going to look like a dazzling chain of pink stars that wrap around you instead of some boring old plain gold rope.

Now as far as practical modifications? Uh... Nope. Just pretty competent at it while adding some flair.

» Shunpo: A competent practitioner of the stepping techniques of the shinigami. Tae is highly adept in pursuit, both as a hunter and out of persistence at refusing to let a cute boy get away that she's set her eyes on. On the other hand, she is fully capable of escaping from a sticky situation with it if she needs. She's a wanted criminal after all.

» Hunter: As most members of her group are, Tae is a very proficient hunter. Tracking, trapping and pursuing targets is second nature to her which isn't the first thing that comes to mind when she's noticed. Hunting people based off reikaku is something she's really good at but even devoid of that, she's quite keen and able to track people through more mundane means such as footprints leading her to her quarry, setting up traps to lure them into and then pounce. Tae is remarkably competent as a hunter seeking prey for someone with as much flair and attitude as she does.


» Bakkōtō Name: Yatsukahagi [八握脛, Eight Grasping Legs].

» Nucleus Summary: The hollow nucleus that Yatsukahagi was created from is called Araña, the original being a spider-like hollow who's nucleus allowed her to generate and spit web. The web that Araña used was believed to represent her inability to let go of her regrets and as a result the power of Araña is tailored to trapping its victims and killing them slowly.

» Inner World: Tae's inner world takes the form of the high school she attended, a fond memory of her time when she was alive. It looks in perfect condition but if she finds herself feeling depressed then the entire place becomes more worn and broken until it looks

» Bakkōtō Appearance: It's a katana, she's glammed it up a bit though with its sweet pink sheathe and white handle wrapping. It's got an oval tsuba with an indent at the top of the oval in the shape of a triangle. From the base of the sword hangs a cute little charm.

» Bakkōtō Sealed Abilities: Bakkōtō do not possess unique sealed abilities but they do have a couple of universal abilities that all bakkōtō have as characteristics. This is due to the nature of the hollow nucleus of the bakkōtō itself will only be stirred from its stasis upon resusitating it.

» Soul-Body Separation: When the base of the bakkōtō is pressed against a target's body it does not perform a konsō on an individual. When a bakkōtō's base is used to push against a living human's body it forces the soul from the body much like a hollow that tears the soul out of a living human.

» Acid Blade: The blade of a bakkōtō is quite deadly due to the fact that it has the acid touch attribute of a hollow, to touch the blade of a bakkōtō is to essentially touch the skin of a hollow. This makes it quite advantageous when fighting as it causes a great deal of pain if a person is wounded by the bakkōtō as well as inserting hollow reiryoku directly into the targets in the process.

» High-Speed Regeneration: Due to not being a reflection of the shinigami's soul but the corpse of a hollow turned into a sword, the actual process of breaking a bakkōtō is not problematic for a kishin. As long as the sword is not completely destroyed the bakkōtō is capable of regenerating itself regardless of the damage done to it, even should its resucitación and ranimación be damaged it will be fine after a couple of days.

» Kūmon [空門, Air Gate]: Whereas shinigami are able to open a senkaimon with their zanpakutō, a kishin is able to replicate the action with their bakkōtō to open a pathway into the garganta to allow them to travel between realms in the same fashion the creature their sword is made out of would.

Resucitación INFORMATION

» Resucitación Release: Spit, Yatsukahagi.

» Resucitación Appearance: Upon calling out the command of Yatsukahagi, the blade of Tae's bakkōtō splits into eight long tendrils that are sharp enough to allow it to function as a whip or be manipulated as limbs. The eight extensions can extend up to twenty metres and are capable of ensaring targets or piercing them.

» Resucitación Ability: The special ability of Yatsukahagi is its ability to shoot a goo-like substance. There are nine points where she can shoot this substance; all eight tips of the tendrils can shoot the web and the ninth point is hidden where the eight extensions of the blade originate. The characteristics of this web is the remarkable level of adhesive properties that it possesses, easily able to cover the area and trap targets to bind and make them unable to escape. The adhesive abilities of this web are strong enough to bring something like a tank to a halt after a post to harden, requiring one to either get rid of the web immediately or have means to break it at its full strength.


» Reanimación Release: Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi [Black Widow's Eight Grasping Legs]

» Reanimación Appearance: The combination of Tae's power being fused with the bakkōtō's blade causes it to glow bright red before expanding into the silhouette of a giant spider-like hollow, this lasts for but a moment before it turns black and disperses into the surrounding environment.

» Reanimación Ability: The fusion of the two individual power sources, Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi's power grows substantially and undergoes some alterations due to the influence of the wielder in the sword. The blade grows before disappearing, allowing for Tae to open up gargantas within the radius of 150 metres from the handle of the sword. She can create up to eight of these gargantas, extending one of the blade-like tendrils from the portal to strike at her targets and ensare them.

She retains the ability of shooting the adhesive webbing but through usage of her Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi it becomes all the more potent by having multiple angles to appear from and take surprise her targets to truly entrap them in her web. While not immediately noticeable, this radius goes by the handle of her sword and even should she be disarmed she is able to use Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi which grants her the ability to lull her victims into a false sense of assuredness but she must be within 150 metres of Viuda Negra Yatsukahagi herself to utilise it.


General Skills
» Durability:
» Speed:
» Strength:
» Martial Skill:

Will Skills
» Willpower:
» Deduction:
» Focus:

Shinigami Skills
» Hakuda:
» Hoho:
» Kido:
» Zanjutsu:



Tae Akatsuki [FINISHED] Gamma_Signature
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