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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:47 pm
Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Fee2cd8346ce885eea8bc6464ad21fee


It had not been too difficult for Vandenreich officials to send forth some to investigate an alleged trail of killings around China’s outskirts, bordering Russia. These assaults were done by an alleged singular entity and created a bit of an issue but had mostly gone unhindered, though on a long standing roadside was a litany of corpses, mostly military escort and a few flaming husks of vehicles.

Across this was an ambassador-like vehicle, littered with strikes and whilst a woman lay lifeless with a stream of thick crimson staining the side, a gloved hand was wrapped around a Chinese individual who was frothing. The vocal chords already torn from screaming as a current of electricity was making flesh bubble a little, a soft musing from a masked man and a dripping knife within the right palm.

."You had everything, wealth, influence, women! Aha…That look, I know what you’re thinking, they all think it in these moments of excruciating pain….Why you? All life, success…Everything withers into a precious ending little thing.

He amplified the spell as at this point, shrieking ceased into a mere gurgle as the body spasmed.

."Shhhh, a new era is dawning and from your withered, insignificant little body shall bloom forth something….Beautiful.


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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Re: Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Mon Apr 01, 2024 4:10 pm
Stella had come to China on a mission with a partner, and as they would see the display of blood and corpses she could feel herself wanting to vomit. She would try to avoid looking at it too deeply as she would see the masked man holding someone as he would finish them off. Stella would feel her stomach flip as she watched, but she could also feel a sense of anger? Stella hasn't really ever been this angry before in her life. Of course she's been annoyed before like everyone has, but this? This feeling is different. She would speak through gritted teeth.
"T...this person is a monster."

As she would waste no time using steigen to attempt to get behind the man summoning her axe and swinging directly at his back.
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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Re: Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:21 am
Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) JZD2kpd


A sigh escaped the pink haired giant, watching Stella as she darted towards the creature who’d caused all the suffering around them. It was such a reckless move but the Sternritter couldn’t blame her for doing so. The anger was churning inside Meninas as well, growing by the second, her eyes focusing on the bastard who’d caused so much pain. This wasn’t her entering a sparring mode, as it were, it was something else entirely. She didn’t just want to stop this individual. No, she wanted to beat the life out of him completely. Such creatures should not exist and by the time she was done, this one wouldn’t.

Using her own Steigen, the skilled Sternritter would easily traverse the sky, her surfboard form of travel well honed at this point. Where was she heading? Directly for her opponent, gaining speed as she approached, her spirit weapons forming over hands. Pink coloured gauntlets, made for only one purpose and while this creature was dealing with Stella’s swing, Meninas would come in and follow up with a powerful right handed punch with her gauntlets, her powerful Blut causing red veins to travel across her body, enhancing her strength further.


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Wed Apr 03, 2024 12:11 pm
Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Fee2cd8346ce885eea8bc6464ad21fee


The smell of such flesh bubbling into a frothing mess did have something extra to it, Zathrusta glancing as the flesh which touched the palm was seemingly suffering for a mild necrosis. Aha! Excellent! It would seem those abilities are finally piercing through fle- Huh? A shift of the head came, noticing an incoming reiatsu target as it soared toward him. My! Insole- Fucking Quincy. Filthy insects, circumventing an order forged that only his ilk could judge. Very well.

It was though his inner monologue that broke a bit of attention, body twisting to throw the body at Stella! Atleast that was the intent until something vibrant and pink seemed to flank him, eliciting a brutal snarl as the axe cleaved against the side, tearing apart the tight overcoat and eliciting a splatter of crimson vermillion, before feeling a horrific kinetic force reach the cheek. The body flung across the air, feeling an evident crack from the lower jaw! Ow! Tarmac dragged against clothing, only for each hand to dig into the ground bellow.


Any normal being would be devastated by such kinetic force, lucky for him this body held a certain resilience to it. The pair of violent amethyst iris would spark in a glow, moving to stagger into a standing position before cracking his neck, a clear trail of blood moving from below the white mask. The scent of iron filling his nostrils. Now that was rather rude. If it wasn’t for his skill in spellcraft, a lack of speech would be most devastating.

."Ooho! Ow! Meh….Y-You throw a mean r-right hwook yah know?

He found it a little slurred due to the recent movement, glancing at the wounding he had has also received before each hand came out in a rapid embrace, before they each came down in a claw like swiping motion!

."Hadō#1: Shuuuu!

It was difficult to tell, though became more obvious as the usual weak teleknetic shunts which could be enhanced to various degrees had been altered entirely, instead turning into refined blades of telekentic energy. They burst forth, a barrage of these incredibly sharp crescent movements that dug into the ground, uprooting tarmac and slicing through the cars behind with relative ease! Only for his hand to return in a backhanded motion, once more repeating such a strike with the hope that by the end of this feral, impulsive response they’d be bloodied chunks on the floor! He was not thinking a whole lot.


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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Re: Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Wed Apr 03, 2024 3:11 pm
Stella's veins would turn blue a little slowly as she wouldn't want to risk getting hit by the spell. She couldn't tell exactly what that was as she hadn't hurt it, but it seemed similar enough to gebet to not be completely foreign. As she would rush forward doing what she can to dodge the attacks, but a blade luckily enough scraping and cutting down her cheek. It wasn't very deep, but even through her blut vene the sword cut as she would feel the injury. Her adrenaline was now pumping through her venes as she would get in front of him taking a swing at his arm attempting to severe it.
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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Re: Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Fri Apr 05, 2024 1:34 pm
Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) JZD2kpd


He didn’t look all that durable and Meninas was a little surprised that she hadn’t done more damage to him with her punch but the Sternritter didn’t panic. At least her attack had done something, as had Stella’s and the scent of blood was definitely in the end. It didn’t set her off or anything but knowing that he could be struck caused her confidence to rise. If her fist could reach him once, it could do so again and maybe, just maybe, she could shut him up for good. There was something about him that Meninas just didn’t like and it caused her expression to become rather firm.

When he started to utter a spell, Meninas leapt backwards to try and get out of the way of whatever it was. Spellcraft was something she knew a fair amount about but her experience against Shinigami was rather limited. All she had to go on was the fact that he referred to it as spell one, which gave the impression that it was rather weak.

That didn’t seem to be the case though and soon enough her Blut changed colour from red to blue, in order to defend herself. She was hit a couple of times by the blasts but with her natural durability and Blut, Meninas took them rather well. Summoning her bow would have been the natural course of action but as she dropped down near a car, Meninas instead lifted up the vehicle and hurled it at the strange man, using her massive strength to toss it like it was made of nothing.


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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Re: Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:48 am
Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Fee2cd8346ce885eea8bc6464ad21fee


Well. Well. Well. Curious little lack of synergy this one has?

Zathrusta thought to himself, watching as Stella zig zagged her way beyond his usual tricks of the trade and abilities to merely cast most into meaty, bloody chunks across the floor. How interesting. Brave even! Yet a little foolish. My how these Quincy did excite him. It was the one that decided to create more distance that elicited another curiosity, his iris able to see beyond the natural vision and the Blut changes. She was exceptional at it. Best he had seen so far, though her strength as his jaw discovered. It had to be her main source of strength.

No doubt testing to see if her enemy had the ability to handle himself in close combat.


Is that a fucking car?

The left hand of the Inner Hollow raised a bit, forming a blue ball of sudden spherical energy before letting out an entertained growl, forgetting the current cracked situation that limited his ability to say much right now. If the Quincy was currently using the car as a means to get him to move so her Stiegan could catch him offguard? He would invite her to try. Now! Stella came closer and before she closed the distance entirely, Zathrusta released this distorted looking spell.


It would suddenly unleash a barrage of sticky, thick webbing at the incoming car and Stella! Alongside the surrounding area, aiming for it to be redirected into Men’s own comrade before committing to a Shunpo, appearing just above the vehicle. Eyes moving to the Quincy with a rapid twist of the free hand, body twisting despite the taken wounds!

."Hadō#57: Daichi Tanyo.

He uttered, a sudden wave which followed the left hand saw several of the vehicles which were charred and marked near Men start lifting and flying toward her, careening and grinding against the floor though clearly on a warpath to return her thrust in kind! This telekentic ability having a twofold opportunity for the entity to maybe even force the pink haired warrior a difficult choice, for to dodge them might result in Stella being in the way!


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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Re: Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Sun Apr 07, 2024 5:51 am
Stella would Steigen off to the side to get away from the webbing as she would glare up at him. She would turn off her blut vene for now as she would try to get more in sync with Meni. Hoping that her slight pause would allow Meni to understand what she was trying to do. Their win condition would be to have meni get as many direct hits onto him as possible. From what Stella could tell her and the Vizard were closer than what Stella had thought.

Meni was above her, and Stella would take the back seat to allow for Meni to do her thing. Stella would attempt to fight as a support fighter for the duration of the fight.
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Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Empty Re: Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella)

Sun Apr 07, 2024 7:33 am
Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) JZD2kpd


As her father would no doubt have said in his deep Scottish tone, the hell with dodging those cars. Instead, Meninas would defend both herself and Stella in the most simple and effective way. By simply smashing the pieces of debris that came flying towards her with her gauntlets. With her strength, she’d punch through the pieces of junk with no real issue and soon enough, the area around her would just be filled with what had once been projectiles. The Sternritter wasn’t in the mood for his bullshit and knowing that Stella was a little less inexperienced only caused Meninas to feel a sense of protectiveness over her.

Once her partner was defended, Meninas would take the offensive, heading up towards the insane lunatic, channelling energy into her gauntlet. The reason why didn’t take a genius to figure out but as she hurled her fist forward, a blast of spiritual energy would emerge, travelling fast towards her and Stella’s foe. It’d been a long time since she’d last felt such an intense dislike for anyone and when the pink haired warrior thought about it, the targets then had been her own brothers. Not that now was the time to allow such memories to cloud her mind.


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Tue Apr 09, 2024 2:16 pm
Tag Team Turmoil! (Akira vs Meninas/Stella) Fee2cd8346ce885eea8bc6464ad21fee


Distance secured.

It was not without notice that Stella had gone out of his range, though a sudden gutteral sound followed through his body. What? The last movement of the jaw eliciting a crunch, kinetic energy catching up as the flesh on the jaw was the only thing keeping the skeleton truly intact. Damn that pink haired bitch. The right eye feeling fuzzier for vision had been affected by the initial strike. It was not without acknowledgement that most Kido could not be used outright without some form of speech.

As vermillion traced his jawline and an ungodly amount of pain was surging through his body, each hand raised in a X position as a sudden blue barrier formed, Meninas closing the distance as the burst impacted the basic forging. The chipped sides and rapid formation showing a clear insight into the wordless ability to construct spiritual energy for defense, though each palm now moving as a look of blazing rage pierced through his eyes.


They would both suffer for this transgression!

Zathrusta’s energy burst into life, rapidly constructing a skeletal ribcage around the being as it raised to the top of thirty feet, emerald and blackish mixture creating a revolting, crooked looking entity. Each shoulder burst out with skeletal arms, They rotated about, each one moving sluggishly though with a reach of fifteen foot, finally forging a cowl like head, concealing anything at the time. He could not speak, but there was a clear look of glee.

The left and right arm began to move, at the pace of your usual human as it seemingly followed the movements of the individual wrapped inside the ribcage, left moving down to begin a clenched fist action, plummeting with the intent of responding with a crunch onto Meninas whilst the other carved through ground like nothing, each finger moving to begin sending debri flying toward Stella! Notably, each joint seemed to be a major connection point of energy, maybe a weakness to this thing?


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