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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Mon May 06, 2024 8:59 am
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Her sketchbook was squeezed with incredible anticipation, having carefully wedged herself between an opening of the cavern to look below, a whole herd of Gillian roaming the grounds beneath her, varying in size and even shape of mask occasionally as pencil scrapes tainted the fresh white page pressed into the grey terrain. That little project she was taken here for was done, she saw no harm going a way's out to do what she'd desired here most, having traveled miles away from her origin point with little concern of getting lost; she had her way back.

Though, she didn't expect this feeling from herself, this feeling of.. Giddiness? Every unique facet of the land or life she saw, she greedily recorded it - it was a sight none but her would have witnessed prior, in terms of the human population. Was the mere idea of discovery what got her so riled? Ugh, she felt like a little kid.

But wow, she didn't think they varied in size so much. Sure there was the occasional sighting in the Living World though that did nothing to inform of what she saw. Why a flock? Don't they eat each other? What a strange behavior for a bunch of mindless animals...

Well, it was time to move away from them.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Tue May 07, 2024 9:32 am
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] L7lxc2ezwv7

"Hmhm~ Having fun?~"

Verdada ventured from behind Catherine, intentionally seeking to spook the woman as she watched them eyeballing the gillian with such intense curiosity. Blood was splattered along Verdada's outfit. Having dealt with a few hollows that had ventured a bit too close to their little spot up in the canopy. But all the same those tired eyes watched Catherine with no shortage of mirth.

"You just gonna em all day? Surprised you're not down there looking to dissect one of them." She noted with a passive aggressive little hum, canting her head to the side as she watched the woman closely.

Certainly Catherine's request to come here had been rather fascinating. And she had been all too happy to comply. After all they were friends now weren't they?~

"Cmon, you have such a lovely spread of samples down there. Don't you just wanna get in there and get your hands dirty?~"
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Tue May 07, 2024 9:57 am
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Her lip curled when she heard that familiar mocking tone, pulling away from her intensive sketching and note taking to look Verdada's way. Sure yeah, she did ask, but it didn't mean she was all that pleased with her so called acquaintance; although the woman nearly killed her, she did prove to be of use and interested in what she was. Woman was kind of psychotic, but it wasn't too far a cry with the bastards she normally did work with or for; she just had to be careful.

"Ohhh Verdada, as much as i'd love to tear one of those great big brutes open, i'm sure i'd have seven more descending upon me to give me a good bite-bite chomp-chomp. I'm a researcher, not an idiot - I know when it's too hot of a situation to jump into."

An annoyed huff and eyeroll would return her to looking at the herd, only to see it had moved on. Shit... Oh well not like she didn't have millions of other hollows to carefully watch at a distance.

"...Real creepy how this place makes one feel."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Tue May 07, 2024 5:15 pm
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] L7lxc2ezwv7

Verdada smiled slowly at that and tilted her head.
"You really are something~ For all the work you put into claiming that you didn't want to die. And here you are, putting your life entirely in my hands. You make a good point. All I'd have to do, was bala a couple of them, and then leave, and you'd be stuck here. With a whole her od them piling in on you." She hummed amusedly, staring fondly at Catherine as she drimmed her fingers on the branch they were settled on.

"You really are something. So focused on the faunua that you ignore the flora. Don't you think its rather...odd that there are trees down here?~ Without any water?" She ventueed with a tap on the canopy they were set on. "Or those crystals growing from the ceiling? Or WHY theres a ceiling above us?" She giggled to herself as she sighed and stood up. "IT's so adorable. But I suppose compared to the last scientist I knew, its hard to measure up one's curiosity." She leaned in and lightly peered over the woman's shoulder at her notes.

"So. Just what is it you're looking to find here. That you've essentially thrown your life away to get it?~"
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Tue May 07, 2024 5:37 pm
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Yeah, she could tell this was some kind of mind game, it hardly inspired any sort of worry or anxiety in her at this point, sitting by and occasionally looking far down beneath them for any other herds showing up whilst Verdada put up all her harrowing talk. Staring at her unfazed, allowing for her to finish up this little thought experiment of her's, she'd shrug and smile in a way that'd make milk curdle,

"Quite the awful thing to consider doing to someone you consider a friend, don't you think?" Her tone was relaxed; even if by some pure misfortune Verdada decided to be squirrely and leave her for dead, well, it was just like she decided last time she was here - she'd simply make her own way out no matter how long it took, she had hollow in her and the capacity to develop it more was made only more promising in this place. It'd only be a matter of time of her figuring out how to open a way through the Gargantua on her own, and then hunting down the miserable wet rat, "Pretty mean theoretical there, buddy."

"As for our surroundings, i'd hardly call this flora..." She'd give the holding they were in a few knocks, "More like minerals imitating trees. Quite the weird structure but I guess this world's idea of plants might be different than the living's own. Fitting, I guess - it is on the death plane... But strange considering Soul Society apparently has a sun and water cycle. Two out of three have a sun, and the only similarity between here and home is that the moon's phases seem to be inverted."

Looking at Verdada directly with narrowed eyes, she'd sigh, "I'm looking for as many things to jot down as possible. There's hardly any information on this place and even if I felt like entertaining it, I doubt those Gotei twits are too thrilled to share with a lowly mortal."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Tue May 07, 2024 8:55 pm
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] L7lxc2ezwv7

It was very adorable that Catherine still thought that this was just a game, and not serious considerations that, for the time being, remained considerations. Though she did glance down, mentally noting just how far from the edge Cath was. Ahhhh, not worth the effort as it would be right now.

"That sounds like all the more reason to do it~ Just imagine, if you learned to do that. Then you could come and go whenever you pleased~" she chimed, circling around Catherine to glance over to the menos down below. "They say that fullbringers get pretty excited in hueco mundo. That your inner hollow gets all...stimulated. Ya feeling Stimulated Cat?~" She asked with a glance over her shoulder, as she peeled a feather from her hair and used it to make a few markings on the tree trunk.

"Cmon, lets pick one off from the pack and take it down. I think a little exercise is just what you need. You don't have to pretend all those human emotions of yours over here. It's nobody but us monsters~" She reasoned, giving a little poke to Catherine's chest as she did.
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Tue May 07, 2024 9:19 pm
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

It wasn't that she was uncertain in her capabilities, but rather being faced with a situation of inexperience; she's never taken down a hollow that big before, much less a Gillian. The last high class hollow she took down, it was some Adjuchas that breached, even then she barely got that victory out... Gillian were a whole other story despite technically being a class under. But, they were in a subterranean region, maybe if one were lured into a smaller space she could pin it with her Fullbring... Still, she wasn't sure.

"Okay, first - ew, don't call it 'stimulated'," She made her disgust audible as she pushed the woman's hand away from her chest like she were a dirty towel flung at her, "But yes I have felt.. Different each time I made contact here. Like home. It's fucking creepy and I don't like it."

Her gaze wafted down below them as she heard the faint roars of another herd passing through, her thoughts mulling on the arrancar's words. Nobody but us monsters, huh? What twisted shit was she thinking of?

"..Fine. Help me lure one to a smaller space. It'll be hard to kill it otherwise," She pulled her machete from her belt, crafted from claw and bone. Had to be careful with it, thing never dulled, "Only have this."

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Wed May 08, 2024 5:33 pm
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] L7lxc2ezwv7

Verdada chuckled softly and sighed, looking fondly at Catherine as the woman prickled and fussed over her word choice. All the while, Verdada herself climbed up higher into the tree and peeled a few feathers from her hair, sinking the sharpened points into the trunk as she hummed to herself. Pushing them in so that the blade-like feathertips pointed outward. Casually just sticking more and more into one of the branches as she listened to Catherine.

It wasn't until Catherine pulled out her MAchete that Verdada spared a glance in her direction. Eyeing the weapon itself before giving a little lopsided smile. "Oh yea. I do remember you trying to choke me last time. I guess you are a bit on the weak side. Well that's quite alright hon. That's why you have me." She noted with a little wink. sticking another handful of blade-like feathers into the bark.

She promptly dropped, her ankles looped around the branch as she then hung upside down from the branch itself, tilting her head as she peered down below, precariously dangling from the tree as she eyed the herd.

"And how about that power of yours? Is there any additional information I should be aware of?~Wouldn't wanna get caught up in anything dangerous."
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Sat May 11, 2024 12:41 pm
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Heartburn stung her at that memory, gritting her teeth behind her lips. She was just trying to get under her skin, she always did that, as if it was a big joke to her. She also greatly disliked the amount of feathers that were being stuck into the root-like formations; she made sure to put that sample away nice and secure so that she didn't get any surprise vibrations, she never wanted to feel that tremoring again.

Making a calm stride to one of the openings of the bark, she looked Verdada's way with that question. Curling her lip, she'd roll her eyes - not telling her would make the hunt harder,

"Stay to the outermost bounds of the space, as close as you possibly can. You'll drown otherwise."

Grabbing a few stray stones, she'd make her way down with the aid of Bringer Light guiding her path and cushioning her fall. It felt odd using her power here, like they were stronger... More lucid. Like she felt in touch with herself. It scared her in a way she couldn't place.

Down she went, quickly into a hiding space as Verdada surely followed, keeping her presence hidden as she watched the herd crawl on by. A Gillian lagged behind - that would be her target.

Positioning the stones in her hand, she'd shoot one much like a bullet into the back of the beasties' head, the massive creature halting it's progression. She was surprised it had any sort of cognition to react in such a way.

"Saw some cover it can fit into thataway," She'd point someplace west, with a squint one can see a hollow of roots that'd be big enough to fit the critter, "We just gotta run it in there."

With little other preparation, she'd emerge from their place of hiding, flicking another shot at the towering horror, the piling of souls releasing a furious growl as it's progress would move it further from it's herd and right for her.

END | A Glimmer of Sunlight
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Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] Empty Re: Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada]

Sat May 11, 2024 2:02 pm
Off In The Cold Woods [Catherine, Verdada] L7lxc2ezwv7

Verdada couldn’t help the playful smile creeping across her lips as she watched Catherine, brows raising slightly as she gave a nod of her head. Drowning? ”In all your dreams you drown eh?~ How interesting. At range it is…” she hummed thoughtfully. Lightly drumming her fingers as she surveyed the menos down below. She tore the bark from the tree, taking the array of knifelike feathers with her.

Her own sonido flickered after catherine. A tinge of strain. Tch, she’d been having to use it much more often lately with all the hollow hunting she done. But she’d have to rely on it now to make sure her positioning was done properly.

She watched as Catherine slunk about and tossed a few rocks to garner its attention. Annoyig it a bit closer. It was once it was sufficiently far from the herd, she eacapated the situation. She plucked one of the feathers from the bark and held it in a throwing position. She lightly bumped Cath with her elbow. Giving them a bit of heads up, since it would mean the gillian would likely charge.

Slipping toward the opening of that hollow, Verdada flicked that feather with considerable speed and force, the feather slicing silently through the air to SHUNK into the creature’s neck, drawing a spurt of blood and drawing a blood curdling shriek as it suddenly LUNGED towards its attacker. The Arrancar primed, waiting for it to slam into the hollow before using Sonido to dart off towards the edge of the area as instructed.
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