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Sun May 12, 2024 11:01 pm
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) FfcLM5T

This is correct she is pretty sure. If the directions given to her were accurate, the door her fingers are soon rapping against should stir the sole woman inside. This is bound to be good, yeah? This is a smart idea. Though, no one should ever call Helle an intellectual. Her emotions pull her around the same as any other person.

Well, either way, the bag in her hand is enough of a peace offering to at least get an audience, yeah? That's what she hopes at least. She wonders if the inside if much like the lab. Not everyone is as work savvy as she is, are they? Ah, curiosity has her antsy, but her eyes are clear and focused on the current objective.

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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Sun May 12, 2024 11:21 pm
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Myd5crded24

The door swung open as soon as Helle knocked.
And the door opened into an almost entirely dark house. A jacket and labcoat thrown onto the floor by the doorframe, along with shoes that had been kicked off to the side, rolling the carpet slightly from the act of their removal. A welcome into the pitch black that was the inside of the house.

All save for the faint glow of an LED display in the livingroom, that gave the slight silhouette of the Administrator on her couch. Even with her door opening, she didn't respond to Helle entering, she just continued looking at the screen, remaining entirely silent as a video played infront of her.
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Sun May 12, 2024 11:46 pm
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) FfcLM5T

Huh. Doors aren't supposed to do that, are they? Though, a quick side-eye revealed the obviously broken latch. That's not a good sign, but a broken door's probably unneeded to see that things are pretty dark right now, and that's meant literally too. Helle had to squint into the dark room, seeing the woman all by her lonesome.

Well, first things first, Helle moved her hand against the wall until she found the light switch and flicked the lights on. She then walked over to Ehefra and sat down next to the woman, staring forward at whatever the other woman may have been watching. Quiet, she just sat and waited to be acknowledged, holding the soggy bag of Chinese food on her lap.

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Sun May 12, 2024 11:57 pm
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Myd5crded24

She'd heard Helle, but had simple hoped that Helle was going to go away. Enough that she slowly closed her eyes when Helle made their way into her house, and settled down heside her. Her eyes slowly drifting to a close as she set her wrist onto the spacebar and stopped the video. It was a home video, with two adults quite clearly taking a young Ehefra to the beach. Belle and Bauher Kleinmund.


The sound of the bag being deposite. She slowly closed her eyes and let out a steady sigh, before a shaky smile formed on her lips as she glanced over toward the sound and saw her food. She tensed her jaw and then looked straight ahead. She waited for several seconds, staring at that frozen screen before closing her eyes as it became abundantly clear that Helle wasn't going to leave. Those tired eyes staying closed as her voice came up.

"You won.... okay?" Her voice shook so very slightly as she raised her hands up in surrender. "I'm tired, just please stop...."
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Mon May 13, 2024 12:26 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) FfcLM5T

"Winning? I wasn't particularly aware of a competition," Helle spoke, her voice soft.

Her eyes had looked down at the screen, the foreign still video interesting in a way. Helle recognized Ehefra and could surmise the other two as her parents. Parents are a somewhat strange thing to Helle. She never knew hers and never had actual parental figures in her life. All she's ever known were instructions and yada yada about being the best and being a weapon. In the end, it doesn't really matter.

"I just came to bring you your food, and to check if you're okay."

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Mon May 13, 2024 5:34 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Myd5crded24

Ehefra closed her eyes at that and reached up to slowly rub at her eyelids, a sigh escaping her, her jaw tightening as she suppressed the urge to give a smartass response. But she was too tired for that. She considered lying. To tell the woman that she was okay. But was so painfully obvious that she wasn't. It was pathetic. That just some squabble, and a bit of a double bait had reduced her to this. She felt the slightest ting and heat in her eyes as she clenched her jaw and sniffed softly. But she didn't start crying, no, she was a fucking mess. But she didn't want THAT. The last thing she needed was another breakdown. Just... force your way through this ehefra.

And a sigh finally escaped her, her hand dropping back down to her lap as she opened her eyes again.

"My mom died last year." She stated quietly, her eyes drawn to the screen as she did. "I didn't take it well." Just the memory alone made her heart hurt. OF the things she did to the people she cared about during that time. The mess she was. Helle peobably didn't know much about it. Not like she was a ritter. And Helle had been going through her own shit at the time from what Ehefra had heard. But ...yea. She'd fucked up just about everything. Ira. Natasha. Candice.

"I hurt a lot of people I care about while I was grieving. I thought I was .... just being a bad friend at the time. But I think I'm just a bad person." She murmured quietly, and that hurt. It hurt.... so very much. That she'd made Ira into a liar. Or maybe just a fool.

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Mon May 13, 2024 6:50 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) FfcLM5T


"Well, first off, I should apologize. I did not mean to upset you. If I had known, I would have been careful with how I carried myself. I understand."

Though, she didn't exemplify what she understood. Helle can find common ground with the fact that emotions are difficult to control and easy to lose yourself to. She has felt distress before and had picked up bad habits because of it. Some may even say she still possesses her unhealthy lifestyle, even if she believes she's grown better.

"I do not think you are a bad person, Ehefra. You are careless and run your mouth, but underneath all the joking and teasing, you always try to give advice or offer assistance. You even bought me lunch despite any animosity between us."

Speaking of said lunch, she ruffled through the bag and pulled out whatever Ehefra had ordered herself. Placing it down, she started to hum, making sure the other's food is still warm. She has used her powers to generate heat by vibrating Reishi around their food.

"You should eat."

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Mon May 13, 2024 6:59 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Myd5crded24

The sound of the food barely registered, and she closed her eyes as she fought back the malicious thoughts in her head. When Helle apologized she held her tongue, even if she wanted to throw the bag of food in her face.

But those feelings didn’t give any reprieve. They just reminded her how awful she was. And the terms of comfort Helle tread were all too familiar.

But she knew. Being nice didn’t make her a better person.

”Anyone can be helpful under the guise of being nice. It doesn’t tale much to pretend you care. Helping people makes them less annoying. And its a great way to feel like youre better than them, since they cant even help themselves.”

She turned and gestured at the food before glancing up, making eye contact for the first time since Helle got here.

”Even someone like you can fake it.”
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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Mon May 13, 2024 7:14 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) FfcLM5T

Helle chuckled.

"Or maybe I'm just a nice person, and I know you're not as bad as you make yourself out to be. You did run to my aid after all, and you were genuinely mad to see that I was just having a little fun."

She tilted her head a bit, understanding Ehefra a bit more. Her eyes focused on the screen, at Ehefra's mother. With a huff, she popped open the lid to her food and took a bite.

"I used to be like you though. I thought I was helping people because they couldn't. I tried living my life like a God. It took almost losing everything to change my mindset."

She sighed.

"Even if you mean well, fake is fake. Delusions are delusions. That's why you shouldn't give up. You know what's up, and that's the first step."

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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Mon May 13, 2024 10:14 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) Myd5crded24

She felt a tremor in her chest. What was she pretending now? Was this her punishment? Was it Helle’s turn to feel like she was taking the high road. Helping this poor lowly sack of shit?

It was disgusting, and she felt that anger trying to fight her fatigue. But her anger didn’t win.

What won was a soft little chuckle

”I thought you sounded familiar. Thats why I can’t fuckin stand you. This is the same shaky bullshit that I’d feed someone in need. And just like me, youve got some immature tendencies under all that professionalism. Which is why I know thats a bunch of horse piss you just spat out. ‘You know whats up and thats the first step’? Get fucked Helle.” She turned her head. Narrowing her eyes as she smiled.

”Now youve got me curious just how similar we are. I mean I can practically remember saying shit just like that. Did you get fucked over too? Did someone come along and sweep you off your feet? Make you feel important because THEY were just as much a mess as you were? I heard that you used to be tight with Cyrus. Was it him? And if it was. When did YOU find out about the other woman? I ran into mine at a hospital.” she chuckled softly as she laid her head back and stared up at the ceiling, eyes tearing so very slightly.

”I wanna say Im full of shit. Hot peace of fuckable meat like you? Who would need anything else? But people are weird so theres always a chance even you werent enough. Maybe thats why it feels so good trying to fix someone else. But whatever, I’m getting ahead of myself.” She leaned in and smiled tiredly. Painfully.

”So how’d I do? Good guess? Bad guess? Are you a fucking immature bitch playing at adult just like me? Or am I about to get slapped?”
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