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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Mon May 13, 2024 10:48 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 FfcLM5T

"Mmm. No. It wasn't Cyrus. I didn't need him in my life to pretend to care. You could say I had it at birth."

She placed a finger on her lips, timidly looking to the side in thought. She honestly didn't want to share her past, not like this, but Ehefra deserves Helle's honesty. Despite the negativity thrown her way, Helle's simply not the type to care. She's always been the type to do what she wants because she wants to, and she wants to talk to Ehefra, so that's that.

"I never knew my mother or father, and the people who raised me has filled my head with fantasies. They promised me the world, made me feel special and unique, but they just wanted to use me. I ended up killing them. You could say Cyrus had boosted my already inflated ego, but we weren't exactly healthy together. I pushed myself on him, and when he found another woman, I almost did what I did before to him. It took a while of being crippled and broken before I learned just how insignificant I am. You blame everyone else around you, question why they're not as capable as you and this and that until you just get it one day. I don't really know what you want or need, so all I can say is that knowing there's something missing is enough for now."

She shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat her food. Honestly, she has no idea if trying to relate will help, but it doesn't hurt to share why she comes off so similarly to Ehefra. Sitting here pondering it, Helle can see how they're somewhat two sides of the same coin.

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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Mon May 13, 2024 12:49 pm
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Myd5crded24

Alright well that was… not what she expected. Some small part of her was validated that it seemed Helle had quite a few correlations with her own life. Patting herself on the back for that. But the rest of it startled her. The casual mention of homicide, the drop that she had apparently sincerely considered murdering Cyrus as well, and had fucked herself up in the process.

”Fuck I really hope I don’t suck at this as much as you do. Like, I get you’re trying to level with me but no. I don’t blame other people. Well not for like… my own shit. Your retarded report thing? I blame you for that. Your stupid porn star body? Yea I blame you for that. But I know I deserve shit for how I handle my own life. And the fact is that y- STOP. FUCKING. EATING. WHILE IM TALKING TO YOU!” She attempted to grab the fucking food out of Helles grasp and shove it to the side as she planted her hand onto the back of the couch, barring her from going for it again.

”Cant fucking even remember what I was about to say. The point is, what I can’t fucking stand is hiw your PRETENDING to not care about… All Of this! Youre trying to eat fucking chinese food while talking about contemplations of murder! And before you even try it don’t lie. If you didn’t fucking care you wouldn’t have gotten fucked up. You wouldn’t have thrown a tantrum in your office. And you CERTAINLY wouldn’t have followed me to my house. If youre gonna fucking.. sit there and try to level with me. Can you wipe that goddamn stupid blank expression off your face!?”
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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Mon May 13, 2024 3:09 pm
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 FfcLM5T

Her food...



Her eyes fell to the floor. Her lips, tight and taunt, thin lines, betrayed nothing. The silence is eerie, deathly so. Maybe Ehefra will yell at her again. Maybe Helle will fail to reason with the woman again. She's not good at connecting to people. There's a reason she's so intent on working so hard as she does, nonsensical as it is, but this talk about being real...

"I can't... This is the real me. It's what they made me to be. I'm sorry, but I'm just... a monster in human skin."

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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Mon May 13, 2024 4:00 pm
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Myd5crded24

Ehefra blinked, staringn in disbelief at the woman as she hovered over them. And they just…. Stared back? Until finally the woman spat out that absolute horse shit. At first she said nothing, as if expecting a sudden smug smile again. But it never came, and she narrowed her eyes as a slow and unrelenting incredulity burned across her features.

”Yea try again, Bitch. I SAW you grinning like an idiot not fucking fifteen minutes ago! You were smiling like you were having the time of your life don’t give me that shit! Whats so different now huh? Are you ONLY able to smile when you’re fucking with me? Well come on then. Go ahead! Make fun of me. Crack a joke. Do whatever the fuck you want, just get that goddamn LOOK off your face, I can't STAND it! You want me to fuck up? You want me to crack jokes? Make a fool of myself. I don't care, TELL ME what I need to do." She raised her voice, not quite yelling, but certainly very passionate as she by now had Helle by her shoulders, resisting the urge to shake the woman as she stared down at her. Waiting for that infuriating stony face to change. Into something, ANYTHING.
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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed May 15, 2024 8:31 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 FfcLM5T

"What did you say? It's easy to pretend? Though, I've tried my best to grow out of that. It's slow, but the progress is evident. You can't make a smoker stop smoking in just a day, just like you can't erase an entire childhood of abuse in just a few years."

She tilted her head and thought about it before nodding.

"And yes. I did find genuine joy in our banter. It made me happy to know I had successfully gotten you to show a side of yourself besides the constant badgering. I did not expect it to be so visceral though, and maybe the fact it reminded me of my own explosive moments is why I decided to follow after you."

However, the severity of the situation wouldn't put any other expression on Helle's face. She wouldn't smile when faced with Ehefra'd anger. This does not feel like the right moment to crack one. She's simply serious, and Ehefra must accept that this may be how she is for the entire conversation.

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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed May 15, 2024 9:03 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 W7pjckqwe27

Ehefra paused as she took a moment to absorb the woman's words. She didn't know if she quite believed it. She was raised by some weirdo fucks and then decided to kill them? What a fucking ....ridiculous thing to have to have lived through. She furrowed her brows for a moment and felt a little ....robbed? But also, something else. A familiar sensation, though certainly never something she'd have imagined feeling toward Helle. She felt bad for them. She had her own proiblems., stuff that made her .... an absolute horrid bitch at times. Most of the time for a while, and now just sometimes. But it seemed Helle had suffered something just as awful, but well. It manifested a bit differently. Sadly, Ehefra's expertise, at present, did not extend into psychology.

She had no idea what to say to this woman. Even less when Helle admitted to enjoying ....specifically getting to her. HEr face lit up once again as she was reminded of it and she promptly broke eye contact. "Shut your stupid ...fucking face about that. I'm plenty nice. Just not around women like you" She growled, furrowing her brows as she glanced back down at the woman. beneath her. Considering it. That the woman's sensation of Joy came from Ehefra halting on her ... 'badgering'. Whatever that meant. She knew that it meant

She supposed she had been pretty aggressive at Helle. And she knew exactly why. She hated being near her. Comparable to her. Even the areas in which she herself was practically the top dog in? Helle was better. She was pretty, but Helle was prettier. She was strong, but Helle was Stronger. She was smart, and Helle....had a pretty awesome chest. So yea, she'd taken a personal interest in picking out her flaws. Like she did with a lot of people. She sighed a little and tensed her jaw. Clearly struggling with what she was about to say. IT was so easy with someone like Ira or Kaede. But, well. It took a bit of effort to force herself to say what she was about to say.

"Helle. You.... are really really attractive. And it honestly makes me wanna punch a wall. BUT..... I still wanna help you. Purely out of the selfish disdain for that face you always make. I myself had a ... genuine joy, as you put it, when you smiled back in the office. It was surprisingly nice." Her wordse were terse as she struggled. To try and come off as observant and aloof. To try and sound as neutral as possible. "I .... would prefer... if you were to smile more often. You're never gonna feel it for real unless you practice right? So cmon bitch, lets see your fake smile. We'll do it together. Alright? Count of three." She insisted.

"One, and a-two. Three. Smile!" Ehefra put on a smile of her own, a bit tense, and insanely awkward. But hey, Helle said she liked seeing her like this right? So whatever.
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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed May 15, 2024 9:32 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 FfcLM5T

It seems some headway has been made. Ehefra seems to now understand that Helle is not just messing with her for the Hell of it. That's good, but the woman's suggestion afterward was... Well...

Ehefra counted down and smiles, and Helle saw the most awkward of expressions on Ehefra's face. The audacity to even suggest this and then go through with it, why only Ehefra could be so... Ehefra.

"Pfft..." Helle turned her head, a quick scoff to cover up her small chuckle as she tried her best to not laugh.

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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed May 15, 2024 9:43 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 W7pjckqwe27

Two things hit Ehefra both at once. An immediate stab of embarassment and indignation twisted into one as rather than another generic smile, Helle promptly seemed to have a straight up honest, visceral reaction to Ehefra's attempts at gettign a smile out of her. Second? A shot right to her chest as she sees that mirthful little smile, smothered in Helle's attempts to keep from laughing. She'd prepared herself for the one she'd already seen, but this was.... cuter. The one Two Punch of emotions did nothing to help the strained look on Ehefra's face as she felt her face turn red. "HAha! There see? Much better! Totes the best! Ahaha, that was ... good hustle!" She gave a nervous, energetic approval of the smile. Fighting to retain some semblance of composure. Oh fuck what the hell was going on with her voice?

Ehefra almost faceplanted onto the couch as she attempted to swiftly pull back from her overbearing position over Helle. A bit uh... overaware that she'd been all up in Helle's personal space, and in her haste, she almost knocked over the coffee table as she hurriedly sat herself down next to Helle and cleared her throat. Barely catching the bag from falling off the table as she opened it up to look for her own food.

"Awesome, real good, real reall uh...stellar! That's enough practice for now don't ...don't want the food to get cold right? Lets uh.. lets eat and then practice some more after." She cleared her throat and smiled to Helle as she spoke, aggressively trying to distract herself from her own racing heart.
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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed May 15, 2024 9:55 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 FfcLM5T

Not to be the bane of Ehefra's existence, but the woman did this to herself. She wants Helle to express herself, yeah? Well, she should honestly think these things through before she turns into a tomato. Not that Helle minds the obtuse atmosphere. This is a term she's heard of before that relates a bit too well.

Though, she didn't make it known yet as she watched Ehefra stumble about after making sure she didn't devolve into a laughing ape. Humourous as it was and is, Helle's face slowly turned back to it's muteness, but it's rather obvious that the light in her eyes had return. She's been suggesting Ehefra eat this whole time, so she's relieved the woman's finally taking her advice.

Well, guess she'll strike while her opponents struggling to recover.

"Down bad, are we?" And, with a tilt of her head, you could probably compare her whole demeanor to a golden retriever, the little twinge of hair that floats a top of her swaying to the side as gravity pulled it.

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UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 Empty Re: UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra)

Wed May 15, 2024 10:12 am
UnProfessional Audacity (Helle/Ehefra) - Page 2 W7pjckqwe27

Ehefra took a moment to get her Lo Mein unpacked and start taking a few bites. Very aware that Helle had chosen NOT to go for her own food, and instead seemed focused on her. She'd not gotten more than two bites in than did Helle go ahead and hit her with that question. Briefly chokking a bit on her food. Which.... was NOT as cute as it was in Anime. She gagged, retched, and then spit the food back into the container before coughing to clear her throat, eyes tearing up a bit as she struggled for just a moment before .... sitting up straight and closing her eyes.

" The hell kinda question is that?" She grumbled, itching the back of her neck as she felt her face practically steam. She considered, briefly, denying it. But well, it was a little late for that. And she tensed, slowly growing more and more wound up as she glared over at Helle and.... struggled to find something to say. Arguments and comments bubbled up in her head, only to realize that none of it was going to help her case. "You- Shut up. I'm not 'dOwN bAd'. I just like seeing your face doing something different." A mocking tone as she repeated the phrase and promptly tried to spin it in some other way. But frankly, she may as well have just admitted to it. And almost instantly, based on the look on Ehefra's face, she realized that as well.

"So what if I am? The fuck're you gonna do about it?" She mumbled under her breath.
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