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Tue May 14, 2024 3:32 pm
Rangiku made herway through the gates of the seretei as she would walk into the first district of the Rukongai. She had a friend in mind that she was going to visit, so she would walk with a Little pep in her step but not rushing by any means. She didn't want to make it seem like there was a problem or anything.

Exchanging friendly waves to some of the familiar faces of the rukongai she would make her way through the winding districts until she comes upon a familiar house. Somewhere that she hasn't been in some time, but still a familiar feeling washed through her mind. As she would gently make her way up the stairs to Tokis childhood home she would gently knock on the door.

Waiting for her old friend to open up she would try to keep an eye out for any familiar faces. Last thing thst she wanted people to think is that she was annoying them as afterall she wasn't that type of person. She tried to make time for anyone and everyone who wanted to speak to her.
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Wed May 15, 2024 6:35 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) 1295340

“Now how am I going to create this?” Momo muttered to herself with a laugh, admiring the sketch that she’d just finished. It was always the first step in the creation process for her and as she mused, she could just imagine casting the spell against someone who’d annoyed her. No, maybe that was a little cruel. Who deserved to be eaten by a massive flaming snake after all? Well, besides…anyway, she pushed that thought aside as she stood up to make a drink.

The knock on the door, however, put paid to that and after taking a moment or two to smarten herself up, the petite ex lieutenant would head towards the front door. She didn’t remember having anyone coming around for a lesson that day and so the dark haired woman was slightly on her guard. Old habits, she thought with a sigh but once she felt the spiritual pressure from the other side of the door, any sign of wariness disappeared. She recognised that signature alright.

Opening the door, a smile on her face, Momo would tilt her head upwards to look up at her old friend. Rangiku had helped her and Toki out so much during the dark days and the dark haired woman was so glad to see her.

“Hey Rangiku! Been a while since we last spoke. Come on in.” She cheerfully said, beckoning the woman in with a chuckle.


Last edited by Ashaiya on Thu May 16, 2024 7:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Wed May 15, 2024 3:08 pm
Rangiku would have a bright smile as she heard the door begin to open up. She would wait until she got a little bit into the home before she would take her old friend into a tight bear hug. It had been a little while since they had seen each other, so she was extremely happy to see her.

"Been a long time Momo, how have you been? Is Toki still coming to visit pretty often?"

Rangiku would ask, and even though she knew the answer she just wanted to make sure. She knew that being a seated officer was busy work, but if Toki was neglecting to come see his MA she was going to have a word with him. As she walked into the building she would look around. The memories of being around during Toki growing up brought a smile to her face as she waited for Momo to give her a place to sit.

Despite spending quite a bit of time here she still didn't like to impede on people. Rangiku would try to sense for anyone else in the house as if she had a student she didn't want to interrupt anything.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I?" As
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Thu May 16, 2024 7:53 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=6diBsGJBXkoQ7kNvgG52Bks&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

A chuckle escaped the Ex Lieutenant as she was pulled into the hug, returning the affection as best she could. She had thanked Rangiku so many times for being the shoulder that she’d needed so many times and yet no matter how many times it had been waved off, Momo still felt that it was never enough. There were times back then where all she could see was darkness but during all of that, Rangiku had always been there to show her the way out. Momo’s only regret was that it had been so long since the last time they’d spoken but given how busy her old friend was, it was something she’d come to accept. The Gotei did tend to take over a person's life, something she knew about well enough.

“Been feeling a lot better these days. I still have a bad day now and again but it’s nowhere near like it used to be.” She answered cheerfully. “Toki comes around whenever he can but I get that he’s got a lot going on.”

Inviting Rangiku to take a seat, Momo would resume after a second. “Oh no. I’m just working on a new spell or two as usual. I’ve gone through a couple of sketch pads over the last month or so. Inspiration seems to be in the air at the moment.”

A question would soon follow, along with a chuckle. “Want some tea? I’m sorry I can’t offer you anything stronger but I don’t keep any booze around.”


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Thu May 16, 2024 3:31 pm
Rangiku knew that Toki would make time for his mother when he could. She just wanted to be extra sure of that fact, so she would allow the hug to break off before she would listen to her. Hearing her talking about new kido had her curious as she would then ask.

"OH, I need you to show me what you've been working on sometime alright? I was never that creative to make brand new spells like you Momo."

As she would follow her in farther getting offered tea she'd smile before feigning an annoyed look at the apology. There was very little the ex lieutenant could do to actually annoy her friend, but she would wave a hand making sure she understood it was no problem at all.

"No reason to apologize for not feeding into my vice Momo. I'm just glad you're doing well, and for the record I would love to have a cup of tea with you. I finished early today, so I have some time to kill anyway."

Rangiku really had finished early. Though a rarity that has become much more common since Momo had left. Seems like all the grading and what not for the school had woken up her mind to deadlines and actually getting all of her work done in a reasonable time.

"I have heard that you're picking up students though. Anyone standing out in the kido department, that I should be looking out for?"
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Fri May 17, 2024 7:18 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=6diBsGJBXkoQ7kNvgG52Bks&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

“Meh. You were always better at me in the other fields of study though so it all balances out.” Momo answered with another laugh, well aware of her own limitations. “I’ll be happy to show you what I’ve been working on some time though. I’ve had plenty of time to work on spells lately and I got a target range set up in the garden.” Something that her neighbours didn’t always appreciate.

Well, she had until recently. Now it seemed that she had guests most days although she wasn’t complaining about that. It was nice to feel wanted again and the smiles that she managed to conjure on the faces of those she met was rather heartwarming. The only downside was that the Gotei seemed to be the reason for their unhappiness in the first place. It was a bit of a conundrum and one that Momo didn’t know how to truly help with. She could be a shoulder for them but the real change had to come from the organisation.

Heading off into the kitchen to handle the tea, Momo would hear Rangiku’s question, which brought a smile to her face. “There’s a guy in the 8th named Ranma that you should keep a close eye on. He was around here the other day learning a new spell or two. He’s pretty gifted and he picked up chant skipping rather fast.”

A chuckle escaped her then, as she joked. “That aside. What’s this about you and finishing your paperwork early? What happened to the slacker I used to know?”


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Sat May 18, 2024 4:25 pm
Rangiku would giggle happily as she would go taking a seat and awaiting the tea that was soon to be given to her. As she would try to think about when her switch had changed. It must've been after she worked in the academy for a bit where she took her deadlines for marks and what not extremely seriously.

"So, I think it was my time at the academy that had me really kick my ass into gear."

As she would speak she'd smile at the fond memories. She truly did love being there, but it seems like that her place is bag in the squads. Like Noharu had said. In these trying times they are probably needed in the squads more than the academy. Also the academy will always be there.
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Sun May 19, 2024 10:16 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=6diBsGJBXkoQ7kNvgG52Bks&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

There was another laugh that could be heard from the kitchen as Rangiku replied, a light one that could have seemed as though Momo was the exact same girl front years ago. Rangiku had always been able to bring that vibe back to the Ex Lieutenant and it kind of made Momo feel bad for not having tried harder to keep her other friendships intact too. Yeah, she’d been in a bad place for a long time but that was no excuse, not when she thought about it more.

Finishing the tea and bringing in two cups, Momo would hand one to her friend, a bright smile on her face. “I guess having to teach a bunch of students every day would make even you have to clean up your desk a little more often. That being said, I bet you were the teacher that all the kids wanted to have.” Her grin turned rather cheeky as those words passed her lips.

Taking a seat, she’d ask. “How’s it feel being back in the squads though after your break? Must feel pretty weird, right?”


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Mon May 20, 2024 6:48 pm
Rangiku would contemplate the question as she sat waiting. She wasn't really sure how she felt about it yet really. She was much more busy than the academy now, but she does often teach alot more than she used to. She leads alot of group training, and when she can spare some time she'll even take time to teach some kido. Although, she wouldn't be able to teach them to the level that Momo is able to.

"Well, I'm more busy that's for sure. Though I think my time in the academy made me a much better seated officer than I once was. I still have my fun of course, but I am alot of effective at getting things done than in the past."

As she would think back to how she would throw all of her work on Toshiro. Well not all of it, but an amount that she's ashamed of now. She wished she would've gotten a little more serious sooner and she may not have been eclipsed like she had.
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Tue May 21, 2024 11:51 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) Hinamori.Momo.full.194282

“If you never had any fun then I’d be asking who you are and what you’d done with the real Rangiku.” Momo answered with a laugh, taking a sip of her drink before placing the cup on the table. “It’s nice to hear that you’re a lot more willing to help out your Captain though, as it definitely wasn’t always that way.” She was just teasing, of course, although thinking about Rangiku’s previous Captain wasn’t something that Momo particularly wanted to dwell on.

“Quite a lot of the people I’ve been meeting lately have been talking about how hectic it’s been in the Gotei due to the Africa affair. Is it really as bad as they’re making it out to be?” She then asked in a more serious tone, knowing that Rangiku would simply tell it like it is. “I can’t go out to pick up shopping without those in the district talking about rumours of war. Sounds pretty rough.”

A small part of her wondered if she should be doing more to help the situation but that sense of resentment towards the Gotei always stopped her. She’d put herself on the line for them before and all it had brought her was complete and utter misery.


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