Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:01 am
Rangiku would nod in agreement about it being a shame. Rangiku wished they had reached some sort of agree thst way she could have unlocked bankai but ultimately she would shrug. She supposed she could risk that Kisuke training that Ichigo and Renji had done all those years ago, but she wouldn't do that. She didn't want to force it out of Haineko.

"So, would you mid if I came over every couple days to keep working on casting? I don't wanna be constantly casting level 60 kidos in the barracks. Don't think captain would be to thrilled about that."

She would speak with a light hearted tone. Momo could probably tell it's got another meaning to. Rangiku wants to spend some more time with Momo. It really does feel like she hasn't been here in ages, and it's been a really fun time.
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:52 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

A smile crossed Momo’s features as Rangiku made her request, one that seemed to light up her entire face. She knew why her friend had asked and honestly, there was no chance that the dark haired woman was going to turn her away. Momo had turned too many people away over the years, to her own detriment and the time had come to start reforging the old bonds again. If anything had come from her taking on students, it was that simple truth. There was no reason for her to stay isolated anymore and never had been in the first place. She just hadn’t seen it back then, as lost as she’d been in her own head.

“You can visit any time you like. My training area is always open for you and…I could use the company.” Momo replied, accepting her own previous mistakes. “I’m going to try and make an effort to start teaching more, as well as trying to find our old friends and make things right with them, wherever they are.”


Last edited by Ashaiya on Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:31 am
Rangiku would approach momo and wrap her into another tight embrace. Unfortunately she would look up and see it was slowly beginning to creep into night time as she let out a small sigh. She had to get back to the barracks to make sure no one causes a ruckus while the other shinigami are trying to sleep. She would keep her in the hug for a long minute as she spoke to her.

"I'm glad to hear that, but remember. You don't owe anyone anything. I don't want you to think that you do."

As she would keep her in the hug not wanting to let go. a part of her wanting to just go back to how things were all those years ago. However, at this point that wasn't possible and Rangiku wasn't going to push the issue and try to get Momo back into the gotei. She understands why she isn't particularly excited about the gotei anymore.
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Fri Jun 07, 2024 1:20 pm
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

Rangiku’s words meant a lot and as she was held in her friend’s arms, Momo would nestle up against her. It felt as though all the years that had passed just melted away while they hugged, as though they were back in the old days when everything seemed so much more simple. She appreciated the support that Rangiku had given her over the years, who was one of the only real friends she still had. In the back of her mind, she was kind of expecting the redhead to ask her something else regarding the Gotei but she appreciated the fact that Rangiku didn’t.

“I’m not sure where my path leads in all honesty.”
Momo eventually said, her tone slightly muffled by the hug. “I feel a little like I’ve wasted so much time since Toki has grown up and joined the Gotei. While he’s been carrying the burden of his father and handling it like a real pro, I haven’t been able to leave this house some days. So frustrating.”

After a moment, she’d sigh and add. “I just wish I could forget that bastard and never think of him again. He caused so much harm to all of us and yet he still haunts me from time to time. I hate him more than anyone and I hope he’s rotting in Hell but I still wake up some nights, feeling his hand on my head like he used to do.”


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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:14 am
Rangiku had a different idea when she heard the last bit as she place her hand on top of her head. Ruffling her hair she would then look down to her with a bright smile. Hoping that she could get her to remember that feeling instead of what Aizen had did. She knew that it couldn't be easy since Toki looked so much like Aizen, but at the same time she knew that Momo never let that get in the way.

"Try to replace him touching your head with mine. I feel like mines alot better anyway, right?"

She would ask questioning as she waited. She didn't want to leave Momo in the state she was in now as she felt like that would be rude. She would hold off on leaving for a few minutes before she would have to go back. She was the Vice Captain afterall so did it really matter if she was a few minutes late?
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Sun Jun 09, 2024 3:27 pm
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

It wasn’t an idea that she’d thought about before but as Rangiku touched her head, Momo briefly closed her eyes and tried to focus on the feeling, doing her utmost to etch it to her memory. Her friend was so gentle with it and was rather different to how he had done it. She realised long ago that he’d only done it to bolster his ego, knowing that she was well and truly wrapped around his little finger. Yet, she knew that Rangiku wasn’t like that. A smile would cross the dark haired woman’s face and as her eyes opened and she looked up at Rangiku, the Ex Lieutenant would hug her close friend again.

“It feels so much better and I’ll always remember your touch rather than his going forward. What he did to me will never go away but I’m not going to dwell on it anymore. I’ve got too much to live for and he can’t hurt me any longer.” Her tone was genuine and sweet, appreciating the efforts that Rangiku had made. She knew that the redhead would have to return to the Gotei soon but for the moment, Momo just appreciated all that her close friend had done for both her and her family.


Last edited by Ashaiya on Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:51 am
Rangiku would smile as she hoped that it was true. That Momo could replace the memory of Aizens headpat with hers. She knew that it was babysteps in helping her get over the ex captain but she also knew that Momo was more than strong enough to get over it. She wasn't sure if Toki would revert her, but she was fairly sure that would never be a thing.

"Good, I want you to bounce back as strong as ever. I mean I remember when you were a little more on the frail side, but now look at you."

She'd joke as she would pat her shoulder with a teasing smile. Wanting to make sure she left Momo with a laugh. She wanted her to remember this talk atleast for the foreseeable future, and she hopes that maybe forever. She just wants the woman to move fully past Aizen. She's done great so far, but sometimes she's sure it's a struggle.
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:30 pm
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

“Mmm. Bags under my eyes and scared of my own shadow. I’m definitely glad that I’ve managed to leave that version of me behind.” Momo replied with a smile. “Still can’t believe some of the stuff I said back then and I bet that I looked like a fool. Ah well, it’s all in the past now and I can fully focus on what’s to come instead of what’s already happened. As long as Toki is happy and healthy then that’s all that matters to me. He’s the one shining light out of that whole mess.”

Chuckling, she’d glance up at the tall redhead, joking with Rangiku again. “I suppose you’ll have to start thinking about heading back soon, huh? Wouldn’t want the Gotei to start pitching a fit because one of their Lieutenants is caught being out late, after all. They might think that you’re out drinking like in the old days.”

She felt quite chipper at that point and while the thought of her friend leaving made her feel a tad blue, Momo was glad that they’d been able to reforge the old bond again.


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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Wed Jun 12, 2024 6:29 am
Rangiku would pull the smaller woman into a tight hug as she would feel a little bad for having to leave. Truthfully she didn't really want to leave, but she knew the ex vice captain was absolutely right. They could easily think that she was out on another bender as relative to how long she's been alive the new more hard working Rangiku had been rather new.

"Yeah, something like that. It's okay though. I'll be back over every couple days now that I can have an official reason to come out and see my favorite person."

She'd speak honestly before letting the hug go and turning to the door. As she would pull the door knob she would give a small smile and an almost sad expression as she pulled the door open and began to leave. Speaking out one more time she was glad she even get to come out here at all.

"Stay out of trouble Momo-Sensei. I'll see you in a couple of days."

Before she would flash step off in the direction of getting back into the seretei. She wished Momo.was able to live closer to the barracks, but again she was aware of why that doesn't happen
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Wed Jun 12, 2024 8:33 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 5 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

Waving to Rangiku as she left, Momo would head towards the front door before closing it. It’d been quite the chat and she found herself feeling far happier now than she had in quite a bit. To have her old friend back in her life permanently meant more than she could say and it gave the dark haired woman the resolve to follow through on what she said and try to reach out more to those she knew or once had. She had no idea where most of them were but that wasn’t going to stop her and perhaps it was time that she try and wander the Soul Society a bit.

Heading back to where she’d started, Momo would pour herself another cup of tea. There was still a little time before she’d head to bed and so she’d take a seat on her favourite chair and take her sketch pad in hand again, her hand soon moving across it again as she began to draw. This time, however, it was not a spell that she was drawing, instead it was a picture of herself and Rangiku.

Smiling at her work as she went about it, Momo would utter aloud to herself. “Thank you, Rangiku.”


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