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Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:09 pm
Rangiku would nod as she would feel a little strange for using such a low level spell. However, she wasn't sure if she should start with the big guns right away so she wanted to start low. She would attempt to do no incantation and alter the spell a little bit in this next attempt. She wasn't sure if she could get it to do what she wants, but you never know if you don't try.

"Bakudo #9 Geki"

She would do the same as she would draw the symbol in the air. Red appearing around her body, 1 of the full dolls, and it looks like on the the second doll she was only able to effect one of the legs. The red outline of the spell on the right leg of the second doll as Rangiku would huff slightly annoyed.

"Thought I could atleast manage something like that. Guess I haven't been training my kido as much as I should have been."
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Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:22 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 4 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

“What you tried to do was tough and the fact you were able to modify it at all while skipping the chant is a good sign. Don’t beat yourself up about it. It just means that maybe you’re not quite ready to do it all just yet. I’d say you’re already pretty skilled and can hold your own but if you want to climb higher then you’ll need to practise chant skipping and modifying on a regular basis. At your level, it’s your imagination that's limiting you as much as anything else.” Momo answered sagely.

Satisfied with that, Momo would scratch her head briefly and then ask. “Since you mentioned that you struggle a bit with the 50 ranked spells, how about you have a try at Tenran and let’s see how you get on with that? Don’t worry about getting fancy or anything like that, just take a good stance and make sure you cast with conviction. Show that dummy who’s boss.”


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Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:01 pm
Rangiku would nod as she listened to the woman. She appreciated the fact that Momo did compliment her ability and then lay the criticism on. That was a good idea, and she would have to remember that for the next time she talks to Ranma. What a good idea that was. As she would listen to the rest of the instructuon she would sigh. She really wasn't very good at the 50s kido, but she guessed she had to give it a try if she ever wanted to get better at doing it.

"Yes, Momo-Sensei"

With a little bit of a teasing tone before she would begin to think about the technique. She doesn't often use kido in the 50s. She tends to stick with the lower level stuff because it usually gave her a big enough opening to use her strengths. Rangiku would begin to chant the incantation before she would point the kido towards the doll as the tornado would shoot out towards the doll. Smiling she would look over to the woman as she would ask her. The tornado didn't seem to be very fast, but it didn't look too weak.

"How was that?"
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Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:33 pm
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 4 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

“I thought you said you struggled with 50’s Kido?” Momo quipped in reply, chuckling and nodding her head. “You cast that well enough and while it was lacking a bit in speed, I’d say that you’ve got a decent grasp of it. I don’t think you have anything to worry about in terms of using spells of that level in truth, it’s just that maybe you’re a little reluctant to cast them? When you use the bigger spells, you need to mean them, otherwise they come out a bit flat. That being said, it was a great effort.”

Pointing a finger at the dummy, she’d say. “Bakudo #61 Rikujōkōrō.”

Momo’s spell would erupt from her finger, striking the dummy and paralysing in place in what would seem like moments. The six beams of light would make the dummy look as though it was the centre of a strange sunflower, which caused Momo to laugh considering who it looked like.

Turning to Rangiku, she would nod her head towards the target. “We’re going to start to up the numbers now until we reach your limit. Have a try at that one now using the chant and let's see if your Bakudo can match your Hadō.”


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Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:28 am
Rangiku would sigh as she was sure this one wasn't going to work well. The last time she used a 60 it pretty much failed to do what she wanted it to do. Hurting her pride a little bit in the progres, but practice makes perfect she guessed. As she would point her finger out towards the doll and begin to chant. Finishing the chant she would exclaim the same spell Momo used. Atleast it was close to the 50s.

Bakudo #61 Rikujōkōrō.”

6 beams would shoot out, but they didn't look right as they were much thinner than what they probably should be. Seeing this Rangiku would sigh as she wanted them break one at the time. Temporarily holding the doll in place, but not lasting very long.

"See what I mean?"
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Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:58 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 4 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

“That’s alright. Don’t worry about it too much.” Momo would reply, patting Rangiku on the shoulder in a sympathetic manner. “All that means is that for the moment, it does seem that around the 50 mark is where you are right now. It’s nothing to sneeze at and with a little more work, I think you’ll be able to crack on into the 60’s and beyond. I think for now, your main form of practice should be on manipulating your spells, as well as continuing to skip chants as much as possible.”

Thinking about it a little more, Momo would then suggest. “I actually had your subordinate use Shakkahō when it came to practising because it’s quite easy to manipulate. What you do is focus on creating two or more smaller fireballs rather than just one. He was able to summon two so how about we see if you can beat his tally? It works the same as when you manipulated your Geki spell, just imagine your spell creating more than one fireball while casting.”


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Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:20 am
Rangiku would nod at Momo before she would practice Now that she knew that someone under her was training in kido she needed to be able to out do him. Atleast for her pride as she would hold out her hand and begin to chant. Allowing her other arm to sit attop her forearm of her hand that's stretched aiming her palm directly at the doll. Focusing on creating more than one fire ball the red head would make three.

"Hadō # 31 Shakkaho"

As all three would launch towards the doll smacking into it with a loud crack as Rangiku would feel a little proud at being able to change the spell at all. That was something she wasn't super familiar with doing, but seeing how Shakkaho was a lower level spell then it made sense she had a better understanding of it. It's one of the kido spells that feels like she's been using it forever, but of course that was an exaggeration. She hadn't been the best at kido when she came out of the academy so it was one of the skills she had to get better at over time.

Last edited by Frost_Rei on Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Thu Jun 06, 2024 8:27 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 4 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

Giving a little clap as Rangiku completed her spell, Momo would cheerfully comment. “That’s a great effort and I think you’ve definitely got the skills to keep working on that modification in particular. It’s a good one to keep practising with and with work, you can probably summon at least a few more smaller fireballs. Just keep in mind the fact that each one will be weaker individually, so maybe it’s not best to use against a super strong opponent. That being said, you’ve definitely surpassed Ranma for the time being. Two is his current limit.”

As she pondered about the next step, Momo would curiously ask. “How are you getting on with Haineko, by the way? Have you managed to materialise her yet and achieve Bankai? I know that’s what you've been trying to do all these years. Have you managed to come to understand her feelings?”


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Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:02 am
The topic was a little sore for the red head. So her being a little proud at being able to manifest 3 fireballs washed away as she would sigh. Glancing down at her sword. Their relationship had gotten alot better, but the progress on achieving bankai still hadn't moved an inch. She has tried she really has, but it just hasn't worked out that way. A part of her assumed it was something wrong with her.

"Our relationship has gotten better, however I can't get her to budge on anything bankai related. Truthfully that's why I'm trying to learn more kido. I want to learn how to use shunko so I can mix Haineko in with hand to hand better."

In some fights Rangiku not being able to use bankai was a huge disadvantage. So it did hurt her in the long run, so she was looking for alternate options. Settling on learning more about hand to hand, and maybe in the progress Haineko will loosen up about the bankai idea. She wasn't super sure why the cat was so against it.

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Thu Jun 06, 2024 12:14 pm
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 4 Hinamori.Momo.full.1514580

As she listened, Momo would think about her own zanpakuto for a moment. Her and Tobiume got along awfully well at this point but the topic of Bankai hadn’t honestly come up, as though both master and spirit knew that it wasn’t where their hearts truly lied. The dark haired woman had dedicated so much time to Kido that it had become almost the core of her powers, with her zanpakuto simply seeming to be a way for Momo to add a little more fire to her spells. Tobiume had helped Momo out so much during her long recovery, being an important friend during that horrible period of her life.

“It’s a shame that you haven’t been able to reach her yet but perhaps by improving in the other arts, maybe you’ll get her out of that uncooperative and lazy mood that she often finds herself in.”
Momo replied kindly, chuckling slightly to herself. “As for Shunko, that’s certainly a step up from regular Hakuda and I agree that you’re going to need to go up a Kido level at least before you can entertain that. I know you can pull it off though.”

Thinking about it more, she’d add. “You’ll need to push yourself into the 60’s and higher if that’s truly your goal. It’s fine sticking with the lower ranked spells for the moment when practising chant skipping and modifying but you’ll need to try and least be able to use spells like Rikujokoro comfortably and the only way to do that is to keep hashing away at it. Over time, you’ll get used to the focus you need to pull those spells off.”


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