Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Wed May 22, 2024 8:16 pm
"Truthfully? It's pretty rough. Don't tell anyone I told you that though. I'm not sure how far it's gotten out about how rough we've had it. We're still even on lockdown. The only way I can leave the soul society is by getting sent out on a mission, and as soon as its over I have to come back."

She'd speak truthfully with her friend. It felt good being able to admit it to someone. She doesn't really want to talk like this around the barracks because she doesn't want to mess up the moral for the division. As she would sip at her tea she would begin to think of something. Would Momo take her on as a student to learn kido better? She hadn't been able to achieve bankai so she's been studying about different ways to push her strength forward.

"Momo, could I make a simple request from you?"

As she would wait for the response her question ran through her head. Had her and Momo lost the closeness they once had? would the woman say no to the training? She didn't think so because out of everyone in the gotei she was one of the ones that Momo decided to stay friends with. Not that Rangiku gave her much of a choice, but that's besides the point.
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Thu May 23, 2024 11:52 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Hinamori.Momo.full.194282

The Ex Lieutenant didn’t like the picture that Rangiku was painting and a frown crossed her features as she listened. It sounded like the Gotei was in a dreadful state and Momo couldn’t help but wonder just who it was this time who was causing chaos. There was always someone else, no matter how much effort was put into keeping the peace. Well, it wasn’t her business anymore and she simply nodded her head in response to the information. “Sounds like a nightmare.” She eventually said with a sigh.

Taking a sip of her tea, Momo would take a few moments to allow the scent and taste of it to lift her mood. It always seemed to do the trick and it'd become her go to drink for whenever she was feeling down. Today was no exception and she soon found her concern melting away, at least for a while.

When Rangiku asked a question, Momo cocked a brow, a questioning look crossing her features. “You know you can. After all you did for Toki and me, I can hardly say no. How can I help?”


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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Sat May 25, 2024 6:32 am
Rangiku would think about the word nightmare. Did she consider the situation in the gotei unfavorable? Without a doubt, but did she consider it a true nightmare? Not really. This was mainly because in her mind this brought her back to the place she felt she belongs a little more. Teaching gave her a reality check, and she truly did enjoy it. She just couldn't fight the feeling that she was back home.

"I'm not sure if I'd call it a nightmare. I....think I feel like somewhere I belong. Teaching was fun, but it's a little hard to explain. I think that I feel at home in my position. A little more than I ever have.... Sorry for rambling."

She'd apologize as she didn't want to sound like she was discounting Momos feelings. Her complex feelings of the gotei made alot of sense, and who wad Rangiku to even question those feelings at all? She was just giving her perspective on the situation. After that though she would make her simple request. She wanted to be my taught some more kido. She was a little above average at it, but she wanted to be great.

"For that favor. I want you to teach me more kido. Feel like I need to improve on it."
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Sat May 25, 2024 2:09 pm
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When Rangiku made her request, Momo had to smile to herself. It was definitely becoming a recurring theme that members of the Gotei were coming to her for help and while the dark haired woman was always happy to help, she wondered why. Perhaps it was just a case that they wanted to learn from someone outside the organisation, something which the petite woman most definitely understood. Those she taught had been awfully open with her about certain topics and honestly she felt as though she was becoming a mother to her students.

“So the teacher wishes to become the student, huh?” She’d reply with a small laugh. “Sure, I’ll help you out but under the proviso that you’ll be up for training me in one of the other arts one day. I’m a bit rusty with them, as I haven't had much need for them besides Kido.”

Nodding her head towards the back door, she’d add after a second. “I’ve got my training targets all set up out back, so there’s plenty for you to aim at.”


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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Sun May 26, 2024 5:41 pm
Rangiku would finish her tea as she would nod. She had no problem at all helping Momo train some more. she figured that some of her other abilities had probably dulled in her time not really fighting. She was always much better than Rangiku at kido though, and she was really happy that the woman continued to hone her craft of kido. As she would sit the cup down she'd speak out some more.

"Alright, I'd love to train with you again. For old times sake it could be really fun. Maybe we should invite Toki along as well. It's been a bit since I was able to train with him either."

As she would scoot her cup closer to Momo hoping she would give her some more tea. The tea was awesome, so she was hoping for some more. As she would wait a bit patiently she would tap her feet happily. she really enjoyed spending time with her friend, and a part of her wished that she would come back to the gotei. Although she knows that's an extremely selfish thought for her to have.

"Toki is doing well though. I told him I was coming over to see ya, so I thought you'd like to know he's still on the straight and narrow. He declined a Saturday drinking with me and some of my officers though."
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Mon May 27, 2024 7:33 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=7hu5Uo_hkI4Q7kNvgGIMR-i&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

Taking the hint as Rangiku moved her cup gently over to her, Momo would chuckle and refill it without any need for words, knowing exactly what her friend wanted. It didn’t seem to matter whether it was alcohol, soft drinks or hot, the Lieutenant just seemed to love to keep drinking until she couldn’t take any more. It never seemed to go anywhere other than her bust though, a fact which always made the dark haired woman feel just a little jealous. She had so little in that regard compared to Rangiku.

“If Toki wants to get involved then I am all for it but I’m not sure if he’d want to train alongside his mum. He’s his own man and I wouldn’t want to embarrass him or anything like that.” Momo replied with a slightly smaller smile. “He’s grown up so much and I’m so proud of just how well he’s doing among the Gotei. I know how rough it’s been with all the gossip that he has to put up with but he seems almost immune to it all.”

Momo paused briefly before adding. “He handles it a lot better than I did back in the day.”


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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Tue May 28, 2024 7:40 am
She'd smile at the thought of the young boy she helped raise being a seated officer. She knew that he would be talented, but she was just glad that he didn't didn't have a resentment for the gotei. She knew that he may have a hard time if people found out who his parents were. However, now he's making a name for himself. Hell maybe he'll even pass where his father and ichigo had been able to reach.

"Yeah, I'm proud of him to. Even if he won't come and drink with his auntie Rangiku. It'll be alright. Us 3 should definitely get together soon though. Could spend a day or a few hours together for old times sake."

She'd speak as she did really want them to do this. She had already brought up the idea with Toki, and it shouldn't be too incredibly difficult for her and Toki to get off at the same time. If Rangiku was able to finish her stuff up early then Toki definitely should be able to do so.
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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Tue May 28, 2024 11:17 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=7hu5Uo_hkI4Q7kNvgGIMR-i&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

“Sounds like a fun time to me and I could definitely do with it. I’ve become such a hermit over the years.” Momo replied with a self deprecating laugh. It wasn’t something that she should be laughing about honestly but after going through so much, she felt as though maybe trying to make light of it was the way forward. “I suppose that’s kind of why I started training people. Staring at these four walls by myself was driving me crazy.”

Taking a sip of her tea, she’d then ask, thinking about the training that Rangiku had asked her about. “How’s your Kido these days? I’m pretty sure I can help you out but you’ll need to give me the gist about where you are with your studies. That Ranma kid that was here the other day was learning about chant skipping and spell modification. He’s not bad and with a little work I think he can become quite formidable with the art, if he stops being quite so reckless.”


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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Wed May 29, 2024 6:12 am
Rangiku would stand up and pull Momo into a hug at the self depreciation. She knew that some people have that type of humor, but with all of what Momos been through she didn't want to hear her speak like that. A part od hearing it hurt her heart, but she would allow herself to let go of the woman before ruffling her hair.

"You shouldn't talk like that Momo. You're doing what's best for you. To he'll with what anyone else thinks."

As she would hear the second question she would smile inwardly at Ranma asking for higher level kido training. Seems like he was going to be trained in that regard. It's good to know for any sparring that they do in the future, but she would then answer her.

"Uh I just want to be able to use the rest of the spells. I can get to about 60 without having trouble but anything after that is inefficient and doesn't work properly."

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It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 Empty Re: It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo)

Wed May 29, 2024 7:40 am
It's been awhile(Rangiku/Momo) - Page 2 364726804_675643814603378_1241045697266803871_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=7hu5Uo_hkI4Q7kNvgGIMR-i&_nc_ht=scontent.ffab1-1

Returning the hug, a single tear would fall from Momo’s face but that was the limit that the dark haired woman would show. To be so aware of yourself and your failings was a rather painful place to be in and the Ex Lieutenant had discovered her own in a way that she hoped that no one else would. She knew that Rangiku had gone through a great deal of pain with the death of Gin and there were countless others who’d been scarred too. Momo simply wished that she’d been in the right state of mind to help back then. Perhaps there was still a chance now?

“I know, I know. Old habits die hard, I suppose.” She replied, again trying to smile the pain off. “Don’t worry though. I’m not the naive girl I once was and I’ll give anyone who talks bad about me a jab with Tobiume.”

When the topic turned to Kido again, Momo tilted her head to one side, pondering for a moment, her smile becoming a grin. “Oh, so you’re getting to the fun part, huh? Well, I can have a look at your casting and see if I can find an issue. It does get a bit more tricky around the 60’s anyway, especially if you try and get clever with it."


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