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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Tue May 21, 2024 10:47 pm
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


As usual, Solomon was experiencing a relatively routine day so far, observing nothing but the constant hustle and bustle playing out around him in this vibrant section of the city. With such ideal weather, there were certainly a variety of events he could indulge in, and since he no longer had to account for being wholly focused on his duty as a Vandenreich member, the free reign allowed to him meant there were opportunities to participate almost anywhere his heart desired.

In truth, he intended to relax for a change. No intense training. No overzealous desire to run headfirst into an opponent several leagues above his station. His aim was solely to enjoy himself and interact with any civilians willing to engage him in conversation. Even better, there was currently a lively celebration being held in the downtown sector of the City. Johnathan Walker II, a close peer of his and fellow footsoldier in the Sternritter, thought it fitting to honor and celebrate the City of Light's longevity, their strength, and the civilians who held so much faith in them.

He offered to assist the man's efforts with his funds, promptly dismissed by his friend who often reminded him he was a little too trigger-happy with his funds. That still lingered somewhat, but Solomon understood the notion well enough to accept it. From his point of view, his friend succeded without missing a beat. With exceptional decorations that didn't appear overbearing or sickeningly extravagant, and a gathering of civilians indulging in cheer and food alike, to say nothing of the fun target games for the children, Solomon's worries that it might go south were unfounded. That brought him no small amount of joy, but now that he's here, he's wondering what to engage in first. Target practice could be fun, but then the food smelled pretty enticing as well. Or did he try something else altogether? Decisions, decisions...


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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Fri May 24, 2024 11:33 am
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  K46acgwgk27

Some kinda...celebration?
Joli couldn't help but smile a bit to herself as she glanced over her shoulder at the little powow going on. That smile tinged slightly with solemnity as she made her way down the sidewalk. Wandering, mostly. She had of course fully explored the lovely neighborhood around her hotel. Though certainly she'd had quite a few more neighbors than she'd expected. She had even considered trying to get a proper place. But the very idea stung in her chest. The last thing she needed was to go from bumming off her parents to bumming around her sister.

She glanced into the storefront next to her and saw the people working inside. One of them even perked up and gave a friendly wave as she walked by it. The place hardly seemed real, and there was a in the air. Something that once upon a time, had gotten to her only when there were hollow attacks or some other nonsense. a kind of sixth sense that had kept her out of trouble. Reikaku, someone had called it.

But well, she was so unused to being around so many spiritually gifted people, it gave her a headache these days. Ugh.

She closed her eyes and rubbed the back of her head, sighing to herself as her walk slowed to a stop, and she sat herself at a bench. Damn, this felt crazy, how did Nat get used to sensing so much all the time?
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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Sun May 26, 2024 2:01 am
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Nc14v0I



Azure eyes recognized a blonde-haired woman walking in the small distance. Not exactly proximity, to be certain, but distant enough from the numerous partygoers occupying the area. There was some small similarity about her that he couldn't quite pinpoint. He had never met her before, certainly, but he couldn't shake his curiosity about her now.

Observing her quietly, it'd be foolish to overlook the natural attractiveness in her countenance. A striking appearance that could be found on whatever most considered supermodels these days. Additionally, she appeared to look somewhat disoriented by the large gathering, evident in the way she rubbed at the back of her head.

His helpful nature guided him ever closer away from the celebration for a moment, Solomon growing curious as to whether she felt discomfort among so many individuals or if she was simply relaxing, enjoying her own solitude away from the liveliness playing around amongst them. From behind, he called out to the woman with a wave, a polite smile dancing along the corners of his mouth, offering a can of soda pop as a way of introducing himself.

"I don't mean to interrupt your train of thought, miss, but I couldn't help but notice you walking by with some level of discomfort in your expression. As a proud member of this city, it is my sincere hope to ensure everyone is enjoying themselves to some degree or another. And, I couldn't help but notice you appearing a little troubled? I don't know every civilian like the back of my hand, but you seem new. My name is Solomon Richter. If there's anything at all I can assist with, I'm all ears."

He hoped that he had avoided coming across as overly formal. First impressions, though not a death knell for him, were always ideal when aiming to form bonds with others outside of his peers.


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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 10:17 am
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  K46acgwgk27

Jo was a bit startled when she suddenly spotted a bottle of soda infront of her. Blinking owlishly before her attention shifted to the pretty blonde guy that was promptly offering a friendly little smile. Had she been that obvious?

She glanced at the bottle itself and then looked back up to offer a sheepish smirk. "Uh, sorry I'm just uh. New to the city, hon. I'm from the states, but I'm definitely not used to sensing so much uh..... ghost energy." She chimed and grinned lopsidedly. Almost instantly distinguishing herself from who he might have mistaken her for. Unlike Natasha, Joey had spend most of her adult life in the city, and so what few vestiges of southern drawl were sparse and usually only popped out when she was with family.

Still, she canted her head a bit to the side as her eyes shifted to the soda in his hand, and then back up to the gentleman himself. IT really wasn't hard to catch the scent of a nice guy, and she accepted the soda, but didn't get to drinking it just yet, rather she canted her head to the side. "Awful nice of you though. You a Host or something around here? There a club or something nearby?" She ventured. Friendly, pretty guys walking around advertising some establishment seemed like something one could expect in a city this snazzy.
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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Tue Jul 02, 2024 4:54 pm
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


"Host? I suppose you could say something like that. One of my friends wanted to celebrate this city's perseverance and how we've all managed to survive after everything we've been through..."

Solomon chuckled softly. Someone from the States, hm? He wondered about what part she descended from. So many of the Vandenreich's members came from different walks of life, and others were entirely different races altogether. He never expressed it vocally, but he was quite thankful for that since it allowed him to learn more about the world and others as a whole, but that was neither here nor there. When she took the drink, he took a minute to turn his gaze back to the other partygoers.

"Alas, there is no club nearby. We're merely celebrating today, and I'm tasked with making sure everything goes well. Honestly? It''s no different from bodyguard duty, really. Nothing too different from what I engage in as a member of the Vandenreich. No, I simply wanted to make sure you were alright since you looked a little uncomfortable from my perspective. Though, now that you've explained yourself, I can see why being around so many people might feel overwhelming. Have you been experiencing any form of headache lately?"

He wondered about the level of her reikaku, her ability to sense and see spirits. Was she closer to a normal human, perhaps? Or one on the cusp of discovering their abilities?


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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 10:49 am
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  K46acgwgk27

She raised a brow slightly at his explanation and the glance towards the rest of the crowd. Right, the city had been attacked. Frankly it seemed like a lot was going on for the city as of late. She still was a little uneasy after the alarms that had sounded just the other night. A brief lockdown, but well, not like she had much information on it. Natasha would probably explain it at some point, but for the time being...

"Ah, just a little. Like I said, it hasn't been anything too rough or sudden. I'm just still not used to it. Especially .. some of the werider energies." She murmured softly. She had thought she was going crazy when she first had felt it, especially when nobody else reacted to it.

Hollow energy. Not quite like the monsters, but similar, and she just... felt them walking around the city. And nobody panicked. Sure, she saw some looks thrown the persons way, but still, that nobody was like...visibly scared. It was a lot to handle. And hell, it seemed there were more every day. "Honestly I really only feel it here and there. Theres like a few houses and buildings that make it bad. But I'm getting used to it ... ish." She noted with a calm smile. After all, no use fussing, right? If everyone else seemed fine, then eventually she would be too, right?
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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 1:17 pm
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


"Weirder energies... Ah, I believe you may be referring to some of the other races - namely arrancar - who've taken residence here."

Solomon was no stranger to this city. He was well aware of its residents and those allowed to enter this bright metropolis. He could imagine how jarring that might be for a newcomer, if not odd. Depending on how long she had been here, there was also the recent lockdown... but he brushed that thought from his mind as he nodded his head.

Minor headaches didn't sound too compromising. From the way she expressed herself so far, it didn't appear as though she was going through any crippling effects. That was a relief. He wouldn't pressure the subject, but he offered his assistance, anyway. That was simply who he was at heart, after all.

"That's a relief. As long as you say you're alright, I'll take your word for it, miss. With the different races here, I can imagine it isn't always easy, especially if one is in the process of developing their spirit sense. If you ever need any assistance with that, I'm always somewhere around the city on duty. I'll gladly lend a hand and introduce you to others who might be able to help. I know our Steingruft division could probably invent an item that could help if it ever gets out of hand."

Solomon decided to take a seat on the bench as he posed another question.

"If you don't mind my asking, what led you to the City of Lights? Vacation? A new place to call home?"


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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 1:37 pm
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  K46acgwgk27

She paused for a moment at that. Arrancar? Like from Shadowfall? She thought those were rare. She'd sensed at least....three... maybe four? What the heck was drawing them all to the city of lights? And they were just... living there? She knew her own views were a bit skewed, not all areas had the history of living under shadowfall rule. She vaguely wondered where this guy had grown up, but perhaps that wasn't a constructive way to go about this.

"I've been looking for work. Honestly. I came here to visit my family, but well, in the meantime I've been looking around a bit. I admit I'm not entirely sure I'll be finding work here though." She noted with a sheepish chuckle. "Not that it's not nice here. But uh, living out in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight kinda... has put me a bit on edge honestly. I don't think I could like ...LIVE live here." She looked back to her phone. "But theres some fancy companies and such around that seem like they have good branches elsewhere." She pointed out before looking around.

"But you know. A little break from job hunting to enjoy the festival seemed nice as well. Seems a lot of people are celebrating." She murmured. She'd heard a lot of talk about a Vastime Hole, that was out in africa right?
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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Wed Jul 03, 2024 5:15 pm
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Nc14v0I


"Honestly? I can't blame you. It was a little difficult for me to adapt myself to these surroundings as well. I can't exactly imagine most being comfortable with the idea of living in the middle of such a large body of water."

Solomon was mindful enough to recognize that. In truth, wondered about the feasibility of this city remaining here in the long term. Through one cruel stroke of fate or another, this city always seemed to find itself mired in some form of conflict or another. If everyone needed to evacuate, how would they even begin to reasonably do that?

The city itself was a lovely place, and it was home to pleasant individuals. Some even supported their cause without aligning themselves with the Vandenreich directly. All things considered, everything was fine in a vacuum, but what about the future? Hearing her next words, he turned his gaze returned to the partygoers she was referring to.

"Yeah. I didn't expect this many people, but... as a result of what's been going on in Africa, we've welcomed some new residents into the city who are looking for a fresh start away from the conflict. Of course, if you wish to join the festivities, then I'll gladly show you around. As they say, the more the merrier."


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American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  Empty Re: American Woman[Joli, Solomon]

Thu Jul 04, 2024 1:03 pm
American Woman[Joli, Solomon]  K46acgwgk27

Joli nodded her head a bit at that and snorted, smirking a little. "Well, considering you live here, I think you've managed pretty well I'd think." She pointed out. A bit amused that he'd say such a thing as a denizen of the island. "Still, I dunno. I don't even know if I want to find a place to settle at all. Like I said, I'm here visiting. But it's kinda nice travelling. Not really something I was able to do when I was younger as much." She pointed out.

She took a moment to look at the citizens. Yea, some definitely did seem like they were fresh from somewhere else. Heck some of them even seemed to have trouble with english. She didn't envy those that had to help them get settled in, not that she didn't feel for their plight, but well. She couldn't imagine trying to coordinate around language barriers.

"Buncha people just ... up and moved here? Aint this a little far? Well...I guess if I wanted to be safe this'd be the place to be. Suppose if youre already leavin your home the exact distance dont' matter if you can stick it..." She trailed off, folding her arms a bit as she considered her own situation. Nothing like them. She had no peril pushing her out. But well, she wasn't gonna feel bad about that. Still. Maybe while she was here she could....dunno, volunteer a bit or somethin. Hm, maybe something to ask Nat about. "So what about you? where did you wind up here from?"
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