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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:19 pm
Sharu Kitsugi had been tracking Nuevo Espada for some time now..and for all her efforts she just came to a spot outside Karakura where she felt his energy. While she was tracking him down..she managed to run into a girl who seemed to be doing the same..and although she disliked Vizards..she didn't have any particular hate of them..thus asked the girl to team up with her.

"This is where the trail ends. Do you feel him anywhere nearby Rena?" Sharu asked figuring that Rena would have better luck tracking a reiatsu that was similiar to her own. She knelt down on the ground and looked around for any signs of movement..but..she didn't have any real luck. Since Arrancar looked human..footprints weren't going to be easy to track since people came and went through this area all the time even though its dangerous.

"No..I don't sense him nearby..He might be hiding his presence however..We shouldn't give up he could still be nearby." Came a reply a few minutes later as Rena Lisola shunpo'd to be next to the crouching Sharu. She felt something..demonic..inside this girl..but she figured she would handle that bridge after she helped defeat the Espada. Besides..this girl couldn't be evil if she was against the Espada..could she..? best not to dwell on it at the moment.. First thing first..the Espada must die. She had been tracking Number 6..who was formerly number 8.. ever since their last fight.

The two of them continued to look around the area for any clues to where the Espada could have disappeared to..and eventually gave up as they found no physical evidence he had stay'd. However, as they went to leave to investigate a different area..both of them stopped as they felt a nearby massive surge of reiatsu. How could they BOTH have missed such a reaitsu so close by? it was unmistakably the reiatsu of the Nuevo Espada no 6.

Rena drew her Zanpaktou and called out "Cry havoc" to release her shikai and then took a defensive stance as she looked around for where the Espada was while in the meantime Sharu merely pulled out both her guns and sighed while spitting out what was left of a cigarrette.

"Come out Espada we know your here" Sharu cried out to gain the Espada's attention. While she did this Rena merely created a circle of ice on the ground around the two in case of a sneak attack. They were both ready for this fight..and They hoped they would be enough to handle the espada by themselves.

"This time.. I won't be beaten.." Rena muttered while they waited for the Espada to make his appearance. Sharu glanced over at the girl with a questioning look but kept her thoughts to herself. if Rena had been beaten once..Sharu sure hoped she would be enough to turn the tides of battle.
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:42 pm
The arrancar nonchalantly out from behind a tree, he had both his hands up in the air "ok ok mademoiselle, you got me" he shined a playfull inviting smile. His orange hair blew in the breeze, his deep black eyes shut with the smile. His pale white skin kinda glowed abit, just as his golden crown glistened in the sunlight. He wasnt wearing his navy jacket today, instead another striped shirt and black skinny jeans. He was abit thrilled to see Rena again after this last encounter. She seemd healed from that fight and even brought a friend to play with. "ah, Rena, who is your friend" his smooth voice echoed through the woods as he opened his eyes and glanced momentarly at the girl standing next to her.

Both of them seemed angry at him, he understood why Rena was as such, but this other girl had no real reason in his view. He could sence a different kind of energy then shinigami or human, and it deffenently was arrancar. "ah, Did you hear about my promotion rena" the smile never left his face "what have you accomplished from our last fight?"

He walked abit close to the to of them, hands still high in the air as if he is underarrest. he was in a playfull mood today. Quite calm today, and pretty giddy. He was also in wonderment of this young girl beside Rena. He got almost right between them when he finaly stopped, he moved his hands down slowly and extended on to the other girl to greet her "by the way, im Grand" he said sincerly

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Tue Apr 26, 2011 7:45 pm
Sharu scoffed as the Espada introduced himself and merely pointed a gun in his direction before firing what seemed like a cero at him. This bullet may have looked similiar to a cero but was weaker as it wasn't a real cero. She then proceeded to fire a continual barrage of bala from both of her guns as she stood in place and grinned with a blank death stare on her face.

"I didn't help this vizard track you down just so you could talk! DIE Espada!" She said alloud as she continually shot at him with bala equal bullets of energy. They wouldn't hurt at first..but even enough of a small thing could become dangerous after a while.

Sharu was going to enjoy this..Matthew may have stated they were allied with the Nuevo Espada..but never did he state she couldn't do as she pleased and killed ont of the little bastards. She disliked hollow of any type..though she didn't seem to have a problem with Vizards..but she hated.. anyone..who called themselves an Espada. She didn't really have a logical reason..other than that Espada were claimed to be the strongest of hollow. That was enough for her to want them all dead. Call it an old habit from when she was didn't matter. She still wanted to kill all of Nuevo Espada.

Rena shook her head as she watched the girl fire her guns. It looks like if she used Runic she would affect her partner as well. That was going to make things harder for Rena..because the last time..Runic was the key to her success. However..she didn't have much time to be wondering about that..She created pillar of ice underneath herself and rose it to be 20 feet in the air..she then proceeded to create ice shards from her blade with each swing she took and hurled those shards at Grand in rapid succession.

"This time you'll find it alot harder to find the ability to waste time talking Grand We are both out to end you and your kind." Rena stated as she put her blade above her head and swung it once more in order to conjure a watery dragon from the tip of the blade. This dragon immediately launched itself at Grand with great speed..making it towards him almost as the shards she had launched earlier did. She thought back to the last time she fought grand and had to calm herself from being angry at the results of that fight.

As of now..the two were working independantly..though they shared a target. They would probably continue this until they figured out how the other fought. If that were to happen..seeing how they were both intellegent..grand would quickly find himself in a difficult spot..even with the two of them being weaker than he is.
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Tue Apr 26, 2011 8:24 pm

"heh" he said has he kicked aback placing himself directly infront of the bullet. Its bright light tantalized him abit before being placed directly infront of it, making it so no one can see him. and with the intense restu of three different beings mixed in the air will make it very difficult to sence exactly were he is.He sonido'd out of the way but no one saw it, and the noise of the hyperactive girl shouting and shooting would drown out the echoe it created. He had no idea what this other girl was capable of, and it was quiet annoying to fire without introduction. he decided to give her Rena's old name. "oi, chienne" the words echoed throughout the forest, leaving no trace of the wereabouts. "Would you be so kind as to call me the prince" it was a humble voice, even thou the words were not.

He then appeared next to the girl spining his gun around his finger. His voice no longer echoing he spoke sincerly "and it be abit better for you to calm down." thats about when he noticed the dragon, He has seen this move before and did not hesitat to shoot a couple bala out at it to slow it enough to duck out of the way. The shards impaled his legs, but the blood easily clotted around it.

He spun around and 5 cero charged within his gun. Thanks to six coups zéro, he was able to fire one more than most arrancar, and even espada. He spun around the gun and smacked it extra hard against the girls head along with another shunpo about rena preparing to knee her in the face.

Last second he switched from the knee to a side kick against her jaw and in mid flips fired a pretty strong cero out at the other girl. He then landed on the ground between them. He knew the battle was far from over, but he still had a trump card. If things got as ruff as last time, he would remove his crown to be at full power. He did not intend on using ressureccion this time. He was gonna draw it out abit.

"boy are the ladies after me" he joked, he was still in a playfull mood. He wasnt as ready to take things seriouscly, maybe if it was Rena alone it would be a different story. He figured most of them out. The girl was a pretty psychotic girl who had something against the espada, due to her reffering him as such and not just arrancar. He already pretty much figured rena out, and she would probably get more seriouse from the get-go. He wasnt sure how she would act between an enemy and ally with energy based attacks. so he was still hesatant to use them on her. He was still trying to find new ways to take out that move. just one thing and the match would be his, for as last time that was the biggest thing stopping him from an instant kill.

He then dashed into the dust that his cero made and spun his finger into the hair. "couteau mystique" He said with confedence as gold and silver energy sliced up the smoke and hopefully the girl. he kept the move closer to him in order to block some of the oncomming cero or ice if either were fired at him. He may not be seriouce, but he still had to handle this conflict with care. It was two people who were hardly weaker than him. and one of them was completly unknown to him.

Last edited by Grand on Thu Apr 28, 2011 11:19 am; edited 2 times in total

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Wed Apr 27, 2011 5:22 pm
Sharu dipped backwards as the man show'd himself by her being and attempted to pistol whip her in the head. She answered him with a gun pointed at him but before she could fire he was already gone to be beside Rena. Sharu rushed forward with speed greater than what she appeared to be capable of and swung her leg to counter his own before it could reach Rena. Sharu would have angled her kick to make her foot hit his leg..if this was successful a shockwave would have emitted from sharu's foot causing the man to become off balanced and stumble back a few inches.

Rena took the opportunity of Sharu's intervention to shunpo backwards and stab her blade forward at the air. When she did so a large ice spike shot out from the tip of her blade in an attempt to impale the man and end the fight..Though she knew better than to expect a quick victory and prepared her next attack by shunpo'ing in the sky and creating a rain of icey shards that would seem to slightly home in on the man's presence as she controlled them to make sure to not hit her new ally.

Sharu took a step back as the ice spear came forward and rose her guns and began to fire at the man point blank range. She continued to barrage him with her guns as long as she kept eyes on him. She wouldn't use her good powers just yet.. There wasn't a need to.

"Crap." She muttered as the rain of Ice Shards came down around the area..Sharu began to do many acrobatics and spins to start avoiding the many shards that came down while shooting a bala bullet at Grand every chance she got to use her hands.

"GRAND!" Rena cried as her blood began to boil..She was losing the fight against her anger and was already showing it..Her reiatsu sky rocketted to its limit even though she had the supression ribbon, "I will make you suffer!" She cried out as she began to conjure a giant ball of water and partially frozen water above her head. she kept her blade infront of her defensively..but it was obvious that she was focusing on that simply continued to grow and grow and soonw as the size of a two story building..but it didn't move just yet..She simply kept focusing on it.

"Damn it that girl's already lost it. She's just going to make this harder for me.." Sharu growled as she took a step back and suddenly vanshed without even leaving a reiatsu signature..She instantly appeared 90 yards from her last known position and began to return to simply firing energy bullets at Grand's being.

Now they just had to see what he would do to minimize or escape the damage they just tried to inflict upon his body.
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Wed Apr 27, 2011 9:52 pm
Tracking the Espada -Kano- Grand-1
Grand knew that he shouldnt be taking this lightly. Infact, after being impaled in the gut with a chopped of ice spear, he lost his giddyness. The blood fell in globs of thickness as his instant regeneration began to work. Some of the bala from the girl was hitting him. They were quiet weak and he didnt much recoil from them before pulling his pistol up. Two gran rey's were charged up in his pistol, and 4 other cero aswell. He was going to use them abit sparingly, usualy shooting more than one gran rey out of his gun can bust it up pretty bad.

He fired one cero destroying all the rest of the bala shot at him, he flicked his wrist while firing waving it toward Rena. The ice shards so began to fall as he menuvered around them such as this angry girl, but moving in the precise angle using Rena's own shards to block the oncoming cero. He made it almost look like a dance among dances, matching her every movenment, well in till Rena's pressure sky rocketed. "oh, so soon" He sounded disappointed.

He tapped his crown off in the mist of the attack as his pressure skyrocketting just as high if not higher. A tattoo was revealing the number six instead of eight from last time Rena saw. but before the tatto was fully revealed, he sonido'd right to the side byRena's leg grabbing it while using the momentum to push her off the ice pillare and swinging her down.

Right after the slack from his arm was gone, infact not even a millisecond after letting go he fired the Gran rey cero at rena. But added a slight angle to it, making it after the angry girls new area. The gran rey blocking of all of the bala.

Grand re-orientated himself for a quick second and charged up his pressure to heal what he could. fixing all of the internal organ damage, and slowly began to work on the tissue. He had practiced healing internal organs just for this. although there would still be a sharp pain in till he was alone to work on them.

He charged up the rest of the cero slots with 5 cero and 1 gran rey left. aimed it in the general area of the angry girl. "zéro fusil" he spoke with more seriouce. He had decided this about the two girls. Rena has gained his respect as a warrior, this other girl was an obnoxiouse arragont brat.

When he spoke the words out of his pistol fired 6 simotanious Cero, one of wich being Gran Rey. They fired down at a high power, even the pistol recoiled up to Grands head level. with the huge explosion covering the whole ground area. He was abit more seriouce this time. and he had no handicap as of such versing only rena

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Thu Apr 28, 2011 5:05 pm
Rena cried out runic as she was thrown and absorbed the Gran Rey Cero that came for her. Luckily she didn't have to worry about absorbing all the bala too because the cero had nullified most of them. She pulled down her mask as she continued to fall down and fired a cero at Grand. Landing on her feet and firing a hado at him this time.

"Hado no 31 Shakkahou!" she said as she put both hands up and fired the hado at him. It was opposite her element but it was still as powerful as any other hado she could cast. as she did so she did a quick 360 spin with her blade horizontal and near her chest as she created an icey dome around herself that began to shoot the oh so familiar cannonballs of water towards Grands position. She then pointed her blade at him and released another big ice dragon that flew at him at half the speed of a shunpo and tried to grapple him before exploding. The dragon would have exploded into tiny shards even if it failed to grab Grand..making it effective either way.

Sharu merely grinned as the massive Cero was fired at her and missed. For she was gone without a single trace until the moment she appeared 30 feet behind grand and fired a highly concentrated bullet of energy at the back of his skull..this bullet being as fast as a bala..would make it extremely difficult to dodge. However..Sharu's position was quickly compromised as Rena began a new assault with her dragon. When it exploded she was forced to disappear again..this time landing on the ground a good 50 feet from both the combatants and began her bullet barrage upon Grands being once again.

"Your going to hit ME if you keep using Aoe's like that girl!" Sharu said with annoyance as she continue to fire upon grand. She didn't have time for a response because She just noticed that grand's wounds were slowly healing. Her eye twitched as she recalled that some hollow retained the ability of regeneration and cursed her luck that this one had it.

"Sorry but I trust you to get the hell out of the way!" Rena said as she swung her blade over and over to release her own barrage of icey shards at Grand. It almost looked like Tousen's many blades skill..except with ice was quite a sight to behold.

The two of them still weren't doing dead on teamwork..but they were still a formidable force to be reckoned with. This would put pressure on Grand to maybe even cause him to release in order to put him at a higher state of being than the two girls who were intent on killing him.
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Sun May 01, 2011 3:13 pm
Tracking the Espada -Kano- Grand-1

Grand finally lost it. He thought to himself that after all these years of keeping this long fuse to his rage, some small girl who wouldn’t even try to get stronger blew him up. He had it, he was done, he didn’t care anymore what happened to her. His eyes went from Deep and filled with life, to cold stone black. He has returned to his more killer instincts and was gonna make sure, that he would crush her spirit beyond hell. His pressure shot up to heights that may even alarm nearby shinigami closer to the center. His eyes not filled with rage, but literal nothingness. He was not the angry go crazy, he was the contemplative evil, kept control of his mind. The air around him fell silent. His whole aura could show how pissed he was now. For this girl that attacked him, this girl that he let live, This impudent child decided not to grow in strength. and not to mention the demon that was with her in the first place, some psychopathic demented wanna be evil bitch was even trying to stand a chance. He had always hoped for the day that Rena would come back with much more strength, but instead she decided to take sides with the enemy in some desperate attempt to kill him. He truly was down messing around, he was done having fun. This match had become more serious then he has been in centuries. Grand was no longer gonna give them the long leash he had on them, the free hits he allowed to make things look in her favor. He was hoping that this demon had just deceived her, tricked her into not telling her own alignment. But it became clear to him that either Rena was a fluke at the beginning, or she really did decide to work with her. He was gonna end this battle soon. He no longer cared for the life of either of these girls, these Cheinne's. Grand was not gonna give an inch, he was ready to completely annihilate them. The aura was still in burst, nearby animals flocked away by the chill that he was emitting was the cold feeling you get when a man goes deep down into darkness, the chill that curls up your spine, standing the hair on your neck as if gelled. His eyes burned through what he saw as he watched Rena cycle down from the sky from whence he whipped her. Gold and silver energy was bursting from him. His face looked angry, his eyes looking down on Rena who began to charge that deep red crimson cero. That abomination didn't deserve such a dazzling power, he would be sure to make sure it would not be used again. The orb of red reflected of his burning cold eyes. All his plans were coming in his head as the instant was passing. They would be set as soon as the bloody red left her finger. He would not hesitate for any kill shots. For now this wicked vizard would be his main target, the damned demon will face him yet. He could careless if she were to leave now. His main focus was on this vizard. The one that he had respect for once, but now utterly gone, her title wasn’t just back to Cheinne, it was farther below that, he now thought of her as a mosquito that will soon be squashed beneath his thumb.

He pushed his leg, extending in the air with great power pushing out at a raging speed, his hair whipped out of his eyes, which were dead aimed on the vizard. He was so angered, that he didn’t even want to think of an insult, a name, even some way to speak her down to were she belongs. Instead he would crush her under his foot. He would stomp her down to powder, down to dust, deep into the gates of hell. Her place belonged no more on this earth. The instant that she shot that hollowfied energy that she should not own, he sonido'd. It's deep burst of lone toned frequency echoed in such a boom. The tree's rebound it making it hard to even pin point the source of the deep note. And before the cero reached about five feet away from her, Grand was right their between her arms. He pushed his elbows out knocking the cero off course towards the demon. His gun was holstered snugly during the boom of speed, he lifted his fists up and started a barrage of fists in close range against the vizard. Each shot was filled with bala energy creating a greater impact each blow. Strike after strike aiming at each of the chest vitals, he punched at her left shoulder with greater force interrupting her hado dead in its tracks and then kicked off along with a blow to the gut almost at sonido speeds. They were only three feet from the ground as he laughed this fist full of bala into her gut with nothing but the hard grassy ground to help her absorb the impact. Each of his punches moved with such rapid and precision. Not wasting a single ounce of restu. Not even a waste of physical strength. He hit in all the right spots to make it even for a much weaker hollow would do a great amount or pain. Making his seem even more tremendous. He then kicked off her into a high jump. His gun was now charged with the bright golden cero that glittered in each chamber, along with a golden mix with silver signifying a new gran rey. But they felt much different from his last cero, even the bala used before were at a whole new level then before. His determination had reached close to its limits. He rushed forward as the vizard stood up and sonido'd behind her following the path of her motion in the spin. Pressing his back against hers. Just merely touching her made him despise her all the more. He then pushed his back as soon as she finished the dome pressing her against the ice wall. There really was no were for her to run, causing her to get trapped within her own safety dome. He hoped that it would be strong enough to block off the attacks from the bastardy demon. He spun around and smashed another kick against her spinal chord. Pressing her face against the ice wall. “Vizard” he spoke with anger. “I have left your life, let you live to become strong and fight me again. I let you live so one day you could come back and fight me. Fight me with the strength to kill. But instead, instead you bring some demented demon who's aspiration in life is not of your own, you stoop so low as to kill me that you join with the one who may very well be the opposite of you. You had my respect, I was even looking forward to face-off against you, fight you many times over until you were able to actually kill me as you had intended when you first attacked me. But now, you will be crushed as you have crushed my view on you”his voice was stern and deep. Unlike any a soul has heard before. he fired an extremely powerful cero blasting the inside of the doom to shards, and sonido'ing out before the vizared gets a chance to recoil. He appeared heading to the demon at a rushing speed as the vizared's dragon followed him. He ignored it while shifting his feet side to side dodging each bala to the side. A few hitting him with a decent amount of strength even slowing him down a bit, however he did not wince at the pain he felt, keeping each hit inside of him.

The pain did not show in Grand's face, however it was there. He rushed up at a speed and sonido'ed to the side in a spin with his kick high in the air against the demons face along with grabbing her shirt on the back of her facing her against the oncoming dragon. “why the hell are you even working with one who looks in the virtuous bastardy demon. A demon and a half-mutt hollow. Today is such a sickening day” He whispered this quick and deeply while digging his nails wrenching at her back making is so if she were to move, the skin would rip off of her back, revealing the muscly innards to her spine. He pressed his revolver at her back as it glow golden yellow. The shine itself may look like the eye of a being transcending the depths of the beasts. The cold barrel pressing against her shirt, as the warm energy shown brightly and shot out with a force stronger than the last cero. Leaving four left in the roulette, each of which getting stronger as time passes. He angled the shot to the point to were it can pierce through the ice dragon destroying it before it got even near him and the demon. He assumed that she would have someway out. He always planned for things of races he had not learned about, she has already disappeared once. Whose to say that a second time was not possible. He decided to save that issue for later while he turned racing back to were the vizard was. His mind was racing, so many thought appearing in and out of his head. Different ways to win, different scenarios to lose. He thought maybe crushing the vizard's skull face first against whats left the ice dome behind her, and continue to drag her onto the ground. Maybe even stomp hard onto her foot, grip against her face, digging his fingers deep into the putrid flesh and bash her head into the ground over and over until the blood paints the crater made with her own skull, and her breathing stops. Or maybe even give her some set of dignity and set loose his reseruccion upon her. And his last thought was just to blow the smithereens of the whole forest that he can, releasing every bit of energy. But he would only be sure to take down the vizard while the demon could come in from behind. That's right, he still had to think about that demon. The wicked soul who probably tainted the vizard with this gang up plan in the first place. He would make her pay just as much as the vizard if not more. Demons are what he hated more than arrancar, due to the constant comparison between the two, saying both are evil entities. Grand would take out the remainder anger off on her, and then some. He would exhaust her energy and slowly rip out her skin, making and let her heal just enough to not bleed to death. Keeping this punishment going for centuries to come before he grew paranoid and would terminate her.

Yes, his civilized attitude was essentially gone by now. He just wanted to allow the crimson blood of the same color of cero to spread across the land, dyeing the tree's tainted red, the grass crimson. And when the moon shines upon this place, allow it to glow with such a deep intensity as those who walk this land will feel the dead souls of vizard and demon, making them spend eternity to this land or hell together, just the way they should be. By the time he covered half way there, he noticed that the demon girl was still alive, for the blood soaked cloth still remained in his grip. He tossed it and speed up before causing the deep tone with another sonido. Appearing in front of the vizard again. Just as he was half way to her during his sonido, he had to stop it short in the middle of the distance he covered. By now he was only thirteen feet away from her, with ice shards raining down against him. He rushed forward covering his face but leaving his eyes on the target, shunpou would probably cause him to be cut up with the shards hitting him with intensified speed. He would sway left and right, gaining cut against his slim shoulders till they became to much to were he hopped over and smashed the top of the ice dome that was left that the vizard was under. He broke through and whipped his pistol down against the top of the vizard's head, even if dodged it would still cause such a large impact, shattering the dome. The ice dazzling with the sun light, made it quite bright in the center. It shined across Grands serious face, he not even squinting at the light, he rushed forward to a side kick against the vizared's face, at the same time shooting a bala at her gut. Then a right hook against her chest, and bala to her face. Kick from behind her shins and a bala against her stomach. He kept this dual comb going at such a pace and flow he left no opening. He was in this fury of attacks, all his sight and mind on this one vizared, all the while keeping a sense on the demon, making sure for no sneak attacks or disruptions. He ended his combo with whipping the hilt of the gun strong enough to send her flying into the forest. Some hollow energy still sparking from the hilt. “alright.....” he was ready, his damage was getting healed a bit faster from his allowance of spirit pressure after snapping.

“armes à feu Majesté ….Je vous commande” he spoke these words with a stern deep voice, a voice that he had not had used in a long time. The ages of his life could be heard on them, and he mind focused only on his current stomp on this vizard, crush her wings, light her icy soul aflame, all the while starring into her soon to be dead eyes, so she knows how agonizing this would be, and was for him to lose such respect. He also would take care of the demon, blast her to oblivion, blast her PAST hell. He wanted both of them to be so smashed and scarred that they would never even attempt a fight with any being. He would draw fear from their repressed subconscious, and make them fear any battle like they will to this one. Make it so every battle they are possibly in will make them worry about their lifeless body just laying on the floor, He would kill them if he could not. The words echoed louder than a sonido. Bouncing off tree to tree, till they left a low ring in your ears. He was tapping his gun on his should while he said such things, and in an instant. His restu calmed down. The angry evil was gone. The millisecond of peace before the storm. The pressure shot up at such an explosion that it could be heard from out of the forest. He no longer cared for whether an Espada as himself will be caught in Karakura. His temperament reached an all time high today, high enough to use this and give it little to absolutely no restrictions. Normally using this would cause him to forget all aspirations, all memories. A perfectly pure demon, pure except for the highest goal left in his mind. And the goal was to wipe this demon....and this vizard from life of fighting, talking, and if necessary even death. This was a change of rules since he last battled the vizared, were he had to spare her life, acting more timid, and less in the corner. But now it would be all out. His gold and silver pressure hit the sky, and the dust, grass, dirt, and leaves exploded in a fury around him. The ground beneath him scorched and he soon became hidden within the rubble from the pressures rage of fury. The pressure was so large that it could not be sensed. Well not entirely, instead no matter how hard you sensed, it seemed he would be right under you, above you, everywhere. The battle had pushed him far beyond the edge, all become of that damned demon, and bastardy vizard. “....” He breathed out a side, everything went silent except for the settling rubble, dust and dirt still hiding him. Then, a large fury of deep booms echoed. A from was seen dashing about in sonido's. Before reaching to the vizard he sonido'ed a fury around her. His appearance was still unclear to any, and it wasn't even sure if the vizard remembered this form. Last time she was caught in the rush of that battle and anger so it seemed, this time it was his turn. He appeared in front of the vizard and punched an amazing punched to the face, digging it in deep and extending his arm at a blinding speed, his muscled contracted as they pushed out, able to see them move within the skin, his bulk showed much more.

Tracking the Espada -Kano- Untitled-1-4

He dashed forward at a blinding pace, his feet smashing into the ground and punched the vizared into the gut. Dust fling about him as every step was crashing into the earth. His bulk exceeded his old form, as a black tattoo danced up his arms and across his chest. His eyes were a deep voiding black. Expressionless on his face. A black mark raced from cheek bone to cheek bone. His lips were sealed shut. He was now shirtless by the explosion of restu, and his paints held still together, but were stretched loose and lay baggy on his legs. His mind was really empty, most of it was instinctive. The only words that rushed in his head were 'Take out these people, The demon...and the vizared'. They echoed deep into his head, and even into his heart. His skin was now pale white, and a new weapon was basking in the suns ray, Its golden blade extended out of the blackened revolver, a detail was patterned onto the blade. And the colors of the cero that were charged, four brightened gold cero, and on in a violent mix of gold and silver. After punch to the gut he reeled back his fist. It had a thick black glove, with signs of chain male being worn under. He pressed it hard again, attempting to bust her rib to tiny frail fragments, along with swinging out his sword stabbing it into her gut and shooting a overwhelming cero close range before sonido'ing again. This time to the demon which he had been paying attention to in the depths of his mind. He swung the sword against her neck, and pulled it back in a fake out to knee his left knee against her gut, all the same time as bringing his closed fist down against her spine, then kicked up with the knee and took aim. “D'énormes vagues vigueur le mal” his voice was deepened. Commanding, yet innocent. It seemed hard as a diamond, and echoed just as easily as a sonido. It hinted the structure of command, booming out loud. And the animals who heard this voice at the distance they already ran from him, would run faster. He swung his sword down and with it came a violent array of gold and silver spiritual pressure. It crashed against the demon with the force of a tidal wave, swirling its ravenous energy around her, tearing at her flesh. “tir précis...”his eyes began to glow back, seeing exactly the vitals of the demon. “..Puces Démon rapide” He said before firing a rapid amount of energy bullets. The silver and gold flung through the air in all its glory, shining brightly through the dust, with ninety-six percent chance hit, leaving only four percent to miss. Each one aiming at the demon in pinpoint accuracy, and close range, shooting at 146miles per hour in a four foot distance, and keeping his eyes open for change of shot, ready to aim and shoot wherever she appears, continuing the cycle.

He twisted around and sonido'ed back to the vizared, during his travel he quickly whispered “Sabrer Courageux” and launched it infront of the vizared with in millisecond of appearing by her, crumbling the ground and exploding it an a large wake. Then continued with an onslaught of slashes, each faster then the last. Then lifted his blade into the air “ D'énormes vagues vigueur le mal!” He smashed his blade into the ground sending the turmoil of the gaint wave of gold and silver, swirling violently and crashing against the vizard, ripping her up in a strong shred. It was much stronger then cero, and would be hard even for her to handle with runic. He dashed into the onslaught of the fury of energy towards the vizared, getting shredded up himself. He winced a bit. He dealt with the pain, his punches though were weakened as he swung his fists at her while the energy was shredding around. When the attack clears up and stomps his feet in the ground. “démoniaques déchaînement” and those were the last words he heard himself say. His eyes began to shiver, sweat filled his face. His blood lust shot through the roof. His inner instincts have now taken over. He rushed forward in a barrage of slashes, spilling blood as much as he could. Making sure to paint the ground with the crimson red. He gripped the vizared and flung her violently to the demon and sonido'ed. He appeared next to the vizared while she was flinging gripping onto her neck. His gun grew a very bright gold and sliver, even the barrel was shining. He flung her against and raised down his arm.

He straightened his arm and braced it a bit. He did not know why he was a afraid of something, and did not know what it was. “Le chevalier du sang” the shine brightened very very bright. Silently the light shot out towards the vizared and the demon, it was moving at a blinding path, and hit the victims as soon as they even thought to have noticed. Then, the rest was just engulfed. (OOC: BOOM!!!!!!!!) The Cero Erupted into a harsh explosion, engulfing even to were he was at. He felt only the pain of the bones shattering in the arm he held the gun in. He screamed out at this pain, the bones pressing against his nerves as his abilities tried to search and put them together, all of the damage was contained in his arm, no bone popping out, but his arm was left with many fractures and breaks, and shoulder was out of its socket, giving almost nothing to put back in until the bone refigured its self. The explosion tore against his skin, but he did not feel that pain, only in that one arm.

(OOC: Grrrr, only 8 paragraph's)

Last edited by Grand on Thu May 05, 2011 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

"We're being your balls untill you grow some."(Nickcca/ June 25, 2011. 5:48pm)
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Sun May 01, 2011 6:15 pm
Rena sighed as the man came forward towards her during her cero's launch. She shunpo'd the moment his elbows touched her arms that way he wouldn't be able to begin to unleash a world of hurt onto her..which as she watched that was what he had intended to do. He then moved back and sonido'd to be at her back..She wouldn't be caught doing a dance with him again..and shunpo'd while simultaneously opening a hole in her dome..closing it the very second that she was out and making it converge on the hollow who was inside.

He was grossly underestimating her control of her abilities..which only made her sad that in his idiotic anger..he had lost the ability to think conherently. He didn't know anything about Rena though for some reason he seemed to think he did.

He fired a powerful cero after the dome converged around him and Rena was forced to call runic and stabbed at the Cero with her sheathe..using the hand that held her Zanpaktou to claw her mask down and redirect the energy to that same hand as she fired a cero using the energy she was absorbing to double its size and power. As he spoke she couldn't help shake her head and speak to counter him.

"you don't even realize why I am doing this do you Grand. You are a hollow. Hollow must die..regardless of how where or why. You are the enemy and I will have you dead no matter what you seem to believe you know about me. I don't care if you respect me or not. Your entire race must be eliminated."

As grand spun Sharu in the way of Rena's dragon she caused the dragon to split and go around the girl..slamming into the being of grand if he didn't move out of the way ice touching Sharu's body as Rena controlled every molecule to make sure that didn't happen. He was once again underestimating her control of her own powers..and it was beginning to depress her.

Rewind for Sharu's actions during Rena's post up to recent events.

Sharu had not stopped firing her highly condensed energy bullets at Grand with either of her guns and had continued to do so with great accuracy however she was forced to stop and move when Rena's cero was misfired and came towards her. Sharu tried to think if there was anyway she could fight more..but..

She didn't really have any other means of attack besides hand to hand..even though she was good at it..and even though every move she made was empowered by Reiatsu..She didn't think that it would do much to fight against a Heirro even with her demon blood coursing through her body. She watched as Rena was forced into a pure defensive way of fighting and wasn't really able to do much more than continue to rapidly shoot the man while making sure not to hit Rena.

However..She was soon put in a bind as the man decided to go for her instead of Rena. He grabbed her back and dug his nails in..only to no longer be grabbing anything..She allowed shadows to swirl around her very skin and sunk into the ground..disappearing and reappearing 40 feet away..though her back still hurt because he dug his nails in..he didn't succeed in taking her skin from her because the shadows had forced his fingers away from her body before transporting her.

She had decided that trying to talk was a waste of energy at this point and resumed firing at grand's body with one gun while charging a black energy ball in one hand before firing a black cero into a shadow portal that opened up beside her..its twin portal forming directly above Grand's being making it crash down with great speed and power. Soon after she was presented with a new problem as he sonido'd near her and swung at her neck..only for his knee to come for her gut. She countered this with her own knee and as they collided a shockwave emitted from her knee allowing for the lessening of damage to her knee and keeping him from hitting her in the gut. It still hurt her..but it wasn't anything that could have kept her from moving.

Unfortunately he released a massive wave of energy from his blade soon after the knee attack. She managed to dodge the blade itself..but didn't move to the side enough to avoid most of the damage that was caused to her right side by the wave of energy..Luckily..she began to heal the damage immediately and sunk into the shadows once again to reappear beside Rena. However the man then began to shoot bala bullets much similiar to her own except faster and stronger. With this incoming she threw up a double layered barrier of reiatsu that managed to absorb most of the her enough time to grab Rena and move her out of the way of the remaining barrage.

This happens when you finish your 146 mph barrage thing

Rena had been moved out of the way thanks to Sharu and was finally able to move on her own again having been able to rest for a little bit due to his focus being elsewhere.
However..before she got the chance to do much thinking..he was already infront of her again with his blade sending forth immense power. She managed to parry and use her own physical strength to match his sword swings but then he brought the blade above his head and swung down creating another giant wave of energy down upon Rena. She didn't have time to waste.. But thats when something unusual happened. Sharu had drawn a sword and pointed it at the exact meridian of the incoming energy wave while kneeling infront of Rena and facing Grand. When she did this..the energy wave was cut asunder..being forced to split in two and be diverted harmlessly to both sides of both Sharu and Rena.

The hollow then muttered something new..and went into a ballistic fury as if he was taken over by his primal instincts. Sharu..unable to block with the sword she drew..ended up blocking his sword with both her manifested guns for a split second before being forced backwards as her guns shattered. She reformed them..but it took energy from her..her body was already running at its limit to continually replenish her energy..and even with that..recreating her guns caused her to be fatigued. The man tried to grab and throw Rena..but his hand was met with an ice spike that tried to impale his hand as Rena moved backwards quickly.

Soon after however he once again tried to fire a Cero that seemed overly powered..With her mask still on..Rena had no choice but to put her sheathe forward and call runic after the beam collided with both her blade and her sheathe..She was being forced to move backwards even as she was absorbing the energy.when she finished absorbing it..a great flower of ice was forced out from her body in an attempt to compensate with the energy flow..her reiatsu ribbon was snapped from the immense strain..and her illness began to show itself as Rena coughed up blood and was forced to a knee . Sharu was on her feet pointing her newly formed guns at Grand waiting to see what he did before trying anything more..but Rena's body was already out for the count. Her mask crumbled even though her time limit hadn't been reached. Her breathing was already heavy but now it became more so.

Sharu stood ready to continue..but Rena looked like she was about to die. Sharu knelt by her and placed her hands on her and began to attempt to heal her. This slowly began to work..but without Rena's ribbon..her illness would not be curbed..Rena was out of the fight.

Even though very minimum physical wounds had been dealt.. Spiritually..Rena was unable to continue fighting. Even with Sharu healing her was too late..the Illness in Rena was prohibiting the continuation of the fight on her end. Sharu recognized this and stood infront of Rena with her guns pointed at grand once again ready to continue to fight by herself but at this point..she didn't know how she'd be able to fight when she would more than likely be forced to defend this girl instead.
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Tracking the Espada -Kano- Empty Re: Tracking the Espada -Kano-

Wed Aug 17, 2011 3:46 pm
Archived as no posts on here have been made recently. Rena and Grand have also left.

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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