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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Sat May 28, 2011 8:47 am
Pink Crane Ranger and Mr. Caveman

"Oh! Boo! Fucking! Hoo!" Caveman shouted at Hioshi. "I'm the only fucking man getting randy around here for the love of bitches!"

The pink ranger looked at Caveman and looked ready to slap the bastard for his bad mouth. However, she did not have a chance to move as a lesser hollow, as big as a tree, swooped its branch arm and swept the pink ranger off the ground. Luckily, she kept a firm grasp of her blaster and she turned to face it as Caveman began to walk to the hollow, grumbling. The pink ranger blasted at it as its face burst into flames, forcing it to drop the pink ranger.

Luckily, Caveman was under her to catch her. Unluckily, he chose to walk on by before she hits the ground. He started running the moment that the pink ranger hit the ground. Like a cartoon, he ran up the hollow and grappled onto the edge of its hollow hole with his left hand. "FUCK YOU VERY MUCH!" Caveman shouted after his right hand and forearm seem to consumed itself in a layer of a strange bony structure similar to the Hollow's mask. He lunged his hollowfied arm into the hollow hole and his spiritual aura quickly spiked high and mighty, causing the hole to become bigger, tearing the hollow from the inside. As the hollow falls apart and deteriorates, Caveman dropped to the ground and landed on the ground while his spiritual aura wades. The pink ranger did hit the ground in the fall, but her suit's shield kept her from getting too injured. She would be sore in the morning, but she can still move.

A Thorny Mess - Page 2 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
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  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Sat May 28, 2011 1:32 pm
Hoshi sat there as the little girl bandaged his wounds. "My name is Hoshi, Thank you so much Gumi." Hoshi had stopped crying and the bandages stopped him from bleeding but his good arm was still broken.

He saw how the other two defeated the hollow that atacked them. At that moment Hoshi felt more Hollows surround him and Gumi. Instinctively he grabbed Gumi and used his body as a shield as a clam shapped transparent shield surrounded them and many small flower hollows attacked and surrounded the shield. Hoshi yelled "Flame Vortex!!". At that moment a swirling vortex of flames surrounded the shield incinerating the hollows while keeping Hoshi and Gumi safe. After the spell ended the shield remained around them as he looked at Gumi and asked "Are you ok Gumi?".

On the other side of the dome thousands of thorned vines started making their way to the other humans present.
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Sun May 29, 2011 2:23 pm
Gumi blinked as she received a thanks. Making her smile, not many said thanks to her. She just did what she did which was to be kind and helpful.

"My name is Hoshi, Thank you so much Gumi."

It was good to see him stop crying to say the least but it made Gumi frown to see his arm broken. She couldn't do much about that which made her upset.

"I'm sorry...I can't mend your arm.."

She said shortly looking as if she was about to cry, tears welling up in her eyes as she sniffed.
Feeling a strong presence around them Gumi was soon grabbed before a shield surrounded the pair of them. It all happened so quick which almost made her screech from the shock of how fast everything was happening.

"What's going on Hoshi-kun?"

She asked quietly, shaking lightly before hearing him yell, 'Flame Vortex' She soon felt the temperature raise slightly, although not a lot due to the shield not letting them get hit or burn nor feel a drastic change int he temperature. But she did see the hollows diminish by the vortex.

"Are you ok Gumi?"

Hoshi had asked her, she just stood there blinking wondering what happened. Her face was slightly pale before she buried her face within Hoshi's back shaking with fear.

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Mon May 30, 2011 8:41 am
The Pink Crane Ranger and Mr. Caveman

The pink ranger looked around to find her blaster and luckily, she finds it not broken, so she can still use it. However, the area around her and the others begins vibrating as the air is getting thin. The source of it was Caveman's immense spiritual aura shooting up as he smiled in pleasure. "More to come? Sorry if I have to allow your guests to get the fuck out." Caveman spoke to the hidden hollow. "Pinky. Blast some energy into my sword." Caveman demanded. The pink ranger wanted the girl to get out of the area quickly, so she aimed her blaster and fired it at Caveman's sword. After the fifth shot against it, the sword illuminated in a red glow. Caveman looked at Hioshi and patted Gumi on the head with his left hand as he walked by. The real intention was to gain up momentum so the vines cannot stop him and he can blow a hole into the wall so Hioshi and Gumi can leave. The pink ranger holstered her blaster and helped Hioshi onto his feet. "We're getting out of here. As soon as we can hear a blast, run into the smoke. Stay close to me." The pink ranger spoke to Hioshi in a hushed voice.

With enough distance to run, Caveman held his sword to his side for a slash. He charged at the targeted spot in the dome of thorns and veins. While Caveman passed by, the pink ranger cued both Gumi and Hioshi to run closely behind him, despite Caveman is faster regardless of who is following him. Usually when it comes to Caveman, when he runs, they need a truck to stop him if he is unarmed and his sword is not supercharged. In the blind assault, Caveman swings his sword, unleashing a large wave of red burning energy. The wave is thick enough that Caveman and the others can run through it while powerful enough not only to burn the thorny veins away, it delayed the regenerative property...providing if it had any. If the hole was made, Caveman and the others will have enough time to get out of the dome and find a more suitable place for fortification against the unseen on top of a large slab of rock or something. If it did will infuriate Caveman to the point that he will attack the dome quick and hard in attempt to force an opening for the pink ranger and the other two to get out.

One thing for certain, if the unseen hollow would kill Caveman, it is in for a big surprise.

A Thorny Mess - Page 2 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
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  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Mon May 30, 2011 11:13 am
~Outside the Dome~ Zen and Mythos~
On the outside of the dome Mythos stood shooting bala at the dome of vines trying to break it open. "I have to save my little brother from that evil hollow!" he said. Zen was also walking in the forest when he heard this and flash stepped to Mythos. "Stop it right there!" Zen said seeing the Arrancar. Mythos didnt stop shooting bala "Im trying to save my little brother Hoshi from a hollow thats trapped him and other humans inside!". "HOSHI!!" Zen yelled "BUT YOUR AN ARRANCAR HOW CAN YOU BE HIS OLDER BROTHER!!!". "Its complicated, you seem to know him so help me!!"

"Can you fire a cero?" Zen asked Mythos as he stood next to him.. Mythos stopped shooting bala and responded. "Of course I can, and the name's Mythos". "Mythos.. The name is Zen. If you fire your cero and i fire kido at it we might be able to break it" Zen responded. "Alright" said Mythos. They both walked back to the same distance. Mythos put his hands in a circle over his oddly star-shapped hollow hole in his chest and started charging his silver cero. Zen pointed at the dome and said "Hado 63: Raikoho!!" with that Mythos screamed and shot his star-shapped silver cero and Zen shot a giant wave of yellow energy. The Cero and Hado mixed forming a giant glowing star that hit the dome in the same spot as Caveman's energy wave. The giant clash of spirit energy was more that enough to desintevaporate the vines. Mythos and Zen ran over to the people and to Hoshi. "Is everyone alright!" they both asked and then looked at Hoshi. "Hoshi what happened to you!!" Mythos exclaimed as he hugged Hoshi.

Hoshi had an expression of confusion as zen then said "Hoshi this is your older brother Mythos". "So your the brother mom always talked about!" Hoshi said. The reunion was interrupted by a giant thundering "MOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Out of nowhere a giant cow hollow appeared and it looked mad. "thats what causing this" Zen said. "Thats one giant piece of steak" Mythos and Hoshi said at the same time as the cow started eating the trees.
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Mon May 30, 2011 3:26 pm
Soft footsteps were heard before a hand was placed upon Gumi's head. Opening her eyes quickly with a sniff to see someone walking past her after patting her head.
"We're getting out of here. As soon as we can hear a blast, run into the smoke. Stay close to me." Hearing this, Gumi looked to her new friend before at the two others. She knew someone was here and here they were!

Staying close to both his friend and the stranger the girl watched the man run past her with his sword. At this they were both queued to running behind the stranger. Although a giant glowing star was planted in the dome the same time Caveman had attacked it.

"Is everyone alright!, Hoshi what happened to you!!"

The girl stayed where she was and watched what was happening, wondering what was really happening and how. She personally was fine just confused is all.
Although seeing someone that went by the name of 'Mythos' Gumi looked and both of them looking for any sort of resemblance after she heard Zen say, "Hoshi this is your older brother Mythos"..
Although she was cut off from asking any questions when a loud moo sound was heard with a giant hollow eating the trees.

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:21 am
The Pink Ranger and Mr. Caveman

Caveman's blast and the opposing blast collided and consumed Caveman in the process, but due to the Pink Ranger's instruction, the blasts missed her and the other two. As an arrancar and a shinigami was apparent, Caveman emerged from the smoke and seemed to suffered injuries from the blast and thorny debris. "Fucking...ouch...assholes..." Caveman spoke as people can notice that Caveman has a large thorn in where his heart would be. Caveman grabbed the thorn and ripped it out of his chest as his spiritual pressure began to rapidly climb. Black smoke rise around Caveman as anyone who is spiritually aware can tell that Caveman is different from a normal human...he is becoming more hollow than human while he is standing. A sudden eruption of spiritual aura echoed through the area like a little girl's shriek. Those who are near him will feel it like being tackled by a big guy while can only recall it being more of an echo than anything else related to a Hollow or a normal kind. After the dark pillar of spiritual energy cleared itself, Caveman is now eight feet and two inches while looking like an arrancar in resurreccion form.

A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Lordi1
The Pink Ranger looked at Caveman with her blaster drawn against him. "What is this?! Urahara did not say anything about this!" The Pink Ranger questioned in surprise. "Big steak indeed, whistle-cock." Hollow Caveman remarked to Zen's comment about the hollow cow. "You fuckers will have to cow. I'll be sure Gumi and Fucky-dee are safe." Hollow Caveman spoke before he sat rubbing his chest that is healed during the transformation. "How can we trust a Hollow?" The Pink ranger asked. "Haven't killed you people yet. Good enough, bitch?" Hollow Caveman answered. The Pink Ranger sighed while putting her covered hand over her helmet's visor. "Fine, but I'll kill you if you hurt Gumi or Hioshi." The Pink Ranger warned Hollow Caveman. The pink ranger holstered her blaster and held out her hand. A pink light converged and formed into a bow and arrow. The Pink Ranger caught the bow and arrow before readying her archery at the cow hollow. She will fire at the moment that the other two caught its attention.

A Thorny Mess - Page 2 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
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  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:21 pm
Zen looked around and said "Mythos, Pink Ranger you look after the little girl. Hoshi, you are going to fight the hollow with me." Mythos and Hoshi noded.

Hoshi lifted his left arm and said "Cure!". Like always his arm was unexpected results. Underneath everyone a giant glyph formed as it started glowing healing and restoring everyones energy. Hoshi's arm got mended and was like brand new. The shining glyph then disappeared as Hoshi and Zen walked forward and stood before Caveman. Zen then uttered the words "Bankai". Instantly his spirit pressure shot up to captain levels as his clothing changed into his shinigami uniform.

Hoshi stood next to Zen as a bright white glyph formed under as he started saying "Oh mightiest of stars that shine in the sky, come forth and pass judgement on this corrupt soul..." At that moment the sky started getting dark, as the wind started picking up and the sound of thunder could be heard loudly. Then orbs of light formed around the giant cow hollow. Then Hoshi yelled "Indignation!" as a giant winged blade fell with a giant flash and bolt of lightning on the hollow. "JUDGEMENT!" He yelled as the 8 orbs around the hollow turned into giant swords and also impailed the cow. Then before disappearing the swords exploded but the cow was still standing.

Hoshi had used most of his energy as he blacked out and Zen caught Hoshi in his arms and started walking back carrying Hoshi. As Zen walked by caveman he said "Finish it off" as he continued walking back towards the others.
Satan's Spawn
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:39 pm
Seeing Caveman get hit it wasn't long until Gumi had noticed a large thorn stuck through the man's chest of where his heart would of been. This of course automatically made Gumi want to help this man and try to heal him up although she was unable too the moment Caveman had pulled the thorn from his chest black smoke was then seen, covering the man.

This was something that made Gumi know he was far more than just different to both her and Hoshi. And to feel such a high increase of spiritual pressure made Gumi's face turn from worry to shock as she suddenly darted to hide behind Pink ranger shaking in fear at not only the high increase of Caveman's spiritual pressure but his new form too. A few minutes later Gumi rushed over towards her other friends too scared to go near Caveman.

The girl was unusually quiet for once, she was too focused on not getting hurt by Caveman more than the hollow. Hoshi had suddenly in this time shouted 'cure' before a giant glyph had formed under neath everyone, restoring everyone's energy.

Gumi watched in amazemet as Hoshi's arm was healed relieving herself from the worry that was placed on Hoshi wondering if he'd be alright. Watching Zen and Hoshi walk over to Caveman Gumi quickly ran and hid behind Mythos, feeling the raise in spiritual pressure as Hoshi had yelled a unfamiliar word, 'Bankai' Who just were these people? It scared her to be around people she didn't know what had weird powers.

After something else was said the sky soon grew dark, luckily although it was something Gumi wasn't afriad of, the dark. But as soon as she heard the thunder she suddenly jumped a mile, staying hidden behind Mythos in case anything would happen. er attention was then placed upon the cow hollow as orbs of light formed around it.

Hoshi was so brave and strong to go up against said hollow! A word 'JUDGEMENT!' Was called from Hoshi's voice as the orbs turned in to swords which were soon to impale the hollow. They soon exploded, leaving the hollow still standing. But to see Hoshi collapse alerted Gumi one again, the worry placed upon her face.


She called out hoping nothing bad was going to happen to him. He watched Zen carry Hoshi as they walked past Caveman not really catching the simple words said. She was more focused on Hoshi now!

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Hon Hon Baguette.
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A Thorny Mess - Page 2 Empty Re: A Thorny Mess

Sun Jun 05, 2011 10:12 am
Hollowfied Caveman and the Pink Ranger

Caveman craned his neck back and looked at Zen with an upside down look of real annoyance. "For a shinigami, you are fucking annoying. I merely came to hunt down a game, not a carcass. Let the whore do it while Gumi gets to tenderize that Yoshi prick." Caveman responded to Zen before the Pink Ranger angrily punched Caveman in the face. "The name's Pink Ranger! Not whore!" The Pink Ranger shouted at him. "So sayth the lass who kept looking at Yoshi's cock." Caveman retorted. The pink ranger was definitely infuriated by Caveman. She aimed her bow and arrow at the wounded cow. Her arrow began gathering energy from the air like a Quincy gathered energy. However, the outcome, she fired a thick arrow of pink light at the Cow, watching it fly at it with the velocity of an average arrow fired from a crossbow. "Second rate attack really. That bonehead can do better." Caveman spoke, referring to Mythos. "Well I'm sorry that it is that weak compared to you, hollow berserker!" The pink ranger remarked furiously while walking to Hoshi and Gumi. When she gets there, she knelt down to Gumi and Hoshi while they are on the ground,

"Are you two alright?"

A Thorny Mess - Page 2 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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