Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Master of Hakado
Master of Hakado
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Sat Jun 04, 2011 4:14 pm
Zen blinked in disbelief at the mans words.He couldn't believe what he just heard. "You know in this fight I've noticed that you are
far supieror to me right now." Zen at a loss for words felt corners of his mouth begin to rise. To be praised by someone he knew was stronger always made him fell good. It took a true man to admit that someone else is superior to them of their own accord.
"But you don't know how much I'm holding back for
now as well." At these words Zen came back down from his high. He went back to being serious. Since this wasn't a real fight he wouldn't seal his opponents sword, it was just a spar.

Zen bowed, acknowledging the azure fellows words. "Thank you! Since, you've already admitted the outcome to this portion of the training, hows about we take it to the last step? Powers, but, lets not kill each other," Zen said with a sheepish grin while scratching his cheek. He allowed the bracers on his arms that were made by Yin to disappear, and as the sword fell he caught it at the hilt, he then tossed it back to the azure clad boy,"here, I want you to be at your best." He then set his hands ablaze and took his stance. He channeled his chi into his eyes, as every thing became clearer and even slowed down a bit. "Lets get this show on the road shall we?" He said as Yin began to give him some of her energy, they figured they'd better be safe than sorry.

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"Zen Muso at your service."
Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
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Sat Jun 04, 2011 5:32 pm
Sound Master, Yayjuu
Quincy Ziamachi

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Zero listen to what his current sparring partner was saying to him. so finally we would reach to the powers and of course he wouldn't kill him. As the sword was tossed at him Zero quicky moved to the left and let the sword hit the tree behind. It wasn't that he didn't want the sword it was just that he was more range person than melee with a sword. He would have to tell him why he hadn't taken the sword.

"I won't be taking that sword because I'm more of a range person." he explained and revealed his quincy bow.

"And also this is only still a part of my power. They don't call me the Yayjuu Sound Master for nothing." he added and aimed at Zen.

Within a few seconds 50 spiritual arrows were now flying at Zen. He knew that he could dodge it by his show of speed from earlier. But the next move would make this battle a little bit interesting. As the arrows went at Zen a exact copy of Zero appeared next to him. This was going to confuse Zen for sure he would hope as he would dodge the arrows. But as one barrage of arrows was pasted his echo replica of himself fired his 50 arrows at Zen.
The Voice

I watched the battle begin inside of Zero but as he created the echo i was called out to cotrol it. Almost immdiately i knew what to do so I just fired my round of arrows and waited for zero's next move. It was quite simply and now we both watched as the arrows went at the opponent. The chance of him dodging them all was near certain with his show of speed earlier. Even though Zero orginally couldn't really kept up, he could.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
Master of Hakado
Master of Hakado
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Sat Jun 04, 2011 6:10 pm
Zen looked at the arrows that were being launched at him and he smirked having seen this tactic. He was careful to see how fast the arrows were moving and nodded to himself. As they flew toward him he began spinning release fire from every point in his body. As he spun, the flames surrounded him and formed a dome of fire, he kept up the fire as the 100 arrows had bounced off of them. Zen didn't say the names of his attacks, for he thought they took away the time for the attacks to be said and that was all that was needed to form a counterattack. In a fight, naming attacks, could be the difference between a win and a loss.

Zen then felt it, with his heightened senses he heard what was happening and as the flames died down he looked at the echo. "ZEN THAT THING HAS A SOUL BE CAREFUL" Zen nodded, he didn't usually hear Yin get loud about much of anything when it came to a fight. He knew that he should avoid that thing as much as possible. He decided it might be best to keep it ranged. He then raised his right hand and sent a stream of fire towards the two of them, the flames were about one thousand degrees Fahrenheit and Zen had control over them. This way he wouldn't cause a forest fire. He continued the stream of flame until he stopped and waited to see what would happen.
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Sat Jun 04, 2011 7:22 pm
Training Training Training! [Open] - Page 2 Genpakupostpic
Genpaku Arishima
Captain of the Special Human Task Force

Shikai Cooldown: 0 Posts
Bankai Cooldown: 0 Posts

The command was given at a normal voice, but at its call the barrier sprang up between the two combatants. The flames crashed against the wall of spiritual energy, but didn’t budge an inch as they raged. Above the scene of the battle stood a young looking man, hair of silver and eyes of deep green. He wore the garb of a shinigami, but not just any shinigami; a captain. The white haori hung about his person well. He looked down at the pair with a small smile on his face, which made him seem even younger than he was. Genpaku had always had a youthful appearance then again.
”Sorry to interrupt this little sparring match guys, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to call it quits here for the time being,” he called out to the pair as he stood there.

He didn’t expect a fight, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t prepared. His two zanpaku-tous sat quietly at his side. One hand rested casually on the hilt; not a gesture of distrust or aggression but more because of the way his zanpaku-tous hung off his obi they served as a convenient arm rest. Along the back of his Haori the divisional symbol of the Special Human Task Force sat.

”The Special Human Task Force is going to be conducting a training exercise in this area shortly, so I would appreciate it if you guys either quit for the day or relocated to somewhere else,” he said, an apologetic smile on his face.

These exercises were not so uncommon anymore for the SHTF: after the events of the previous invasion, he had been training both himself and his division relentlessly to make up for the weakness and lack of response that felt had been exhibited. Most of his division wasn’t aware that a training exercise was scheduled for today; they would know shortly though when he set off the alarms to simulate the event. That was besides the point; he looked between the pair as he waited for a response.

~We trip and stumble only so that we may stand back up...~

Genpaku's Cast of Misfits and Titans
[Character Thread]

Master of Hakado
Master of Hakado
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Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:15 pm
Zen looked up at the man. He felt an immense power coming from him, not as much as Zero, but still enough to make Zen listen. He let the fire in his hands dissipate as he let a sigh escape his parted lips. He scratched his head and looked up at the man, a sheepish grin plastered on his face, "No problem sir... as a matter of fact I think we were just wrapping up," he said. He had a lot of fun that day and felt he had learned a lot about his powers. He figured close combat was his specialty, but still hadn't tried out his new guns. He looked over to Zero unable to read his expression. "Well, I'd say we had a lot of fun today wouldn't you, hey we could always just move, I honestly don't mind... I have a few more tricks up my sleeve yknow?." He said with a big grin plastered across his face.

Zen actually like Zero, and it wasn't because they had the same two first letters. It was because Zero had shown himself to be humble yet, Zen could telll he was strong. Zen sighed as he though back to being called superior and felt tears of joy spring to his eyes. He then shook them away, for he wanted to look manly and he watched Zero as he waited for his response to the new man. Zen then got a really good look at him, he felt that if needed, He and zero could take him, but there was simply no need, he hadn't felt any kind of anger, hate, or blood-lust coming from the young looking mans body. As a matter of fact it just registered to him, how young the man in white was. Exactly how old was he.... He honestly couldn't tell... well these were things to think about.

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"Zen Muso at your service."
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TOTM November 2011
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Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:11 pm
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