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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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supa cute chibi
supa cute chibi
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Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Empty Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed)

Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:36 pm

Vice Captain of the 1st



Slightly Chaotic with a Side of Cutesie


A meeting of old friends, Connecting on physical and mental levels that now lie in a greater state than they once were

Hinashi walked along a stone path that had been worn smooth from the years of travel, the sound of her quick foot steps lost in the massive forest around her. She moved in the shadows created by the giant trees surrounding the path. She climbed up into the branches of one the trees and continued along the path jumping from branch to branch. She looked around, hanging on each branch for a second before continuing to the next one. Finally she spotted her goal. A small clearing in the forest. Plenty of room for a spar. And even better, a small river right next to it. She could feel the pull of the water as she gazed at it from across the clearing. It was small but the current and source were mighty. This was the perfect place. She smiled and pulled a white pipe from her jacket. She packed it full from small pouch she kept in a pocket on her black coat. Soon her pipe was lite, Her freshly painted fingernails glistened in the patch of sunlight. Light blue with symbols painted in purple. She giggled slightly as a small flame flashed in front of her face. After a few small puffs her pipe was finally lite and she puff slowly, letting the taste of plum and wine surround the area around her.

She jumped down and landed on the edge of the clearing. Slowly she walked to the other side and sat by the river. Soon the purplish red smoke sat around her in a haze. She looked around and finally noticed a faint source of reiatsu. Her opponent had finally shown himself.


Artist:Bassnecter Ft. Seasunz

Song: Cozza Frenzy

Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Othercharcater
The Dark Enforcer
Joined : 2011-03-14
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Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Empty Re: Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed)

Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:38 am
Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Yuriba22
||The Dark Enforcer||

Its been too long. When was the last time Yuri heard the name "Hinashi Oro'Nyaba". Seems like eons and eons ago, But, obviously it hasn't been that long. With everything that has happened to Yuri within the last 33 years, It's hard to keep up with the amount of faces that have been clouded into his mind. Zefonse, Hinashi, Ravana, Too many people to count, Too many connections that have been made through good terms or not. This however, was a connection that was made on good terms; Yuri met Hinashi when he was still in the gotei, Now that seemed like eons ago. They have a intense fight that ended up in a draw. Even though he may not always remember the face of his opponents he always remembers their fighting style and/abilities. Lightning. Lots of it. No matter, Yuri was stronger and more fit then he was in that encounter, More attentive than ever before. That wasn't the only thing that changed within The Dark Enforcer, He was well equipped now, not only having a zanpakuto but, Another weapon that he could pass off as a Zanpakuto; The Yato Issen. A dangerous blade to even the most adept fighters and warriors. It was time to see if Yuri wasn't the only one who has improved, Physically and mentally he was prepared for the upcoming tribulation.

"Hmmm, Now I think this is the right way..."

His foot steps were soft and clean, not making any more noise then he had to. His new apperance was one to make some people turn tail and go the other way- Not because of his daunting power level, But, Just the look of prue grit that was always on his face. His Shinigami attire was still the standardized black uniform, But, he had a Brown and Yellow belt that was tied around his waist instead of the traditional white. He now sported a black cloak that was given to him by an old man from days old, It had a shocking resemblance to the Haori's from the Gotei Juusantai. The sleeves and tail draped down the exact same length too. On the bottom of the cloaks back, the Tailor embroidered the Kanji word "Soul". This cloak is made out of the finest cotton that could be found within the man's power. It's very light and versatile, Meaning he is able to wear it in battle if he wanted to. This Cloak is infused with a modicum of the Reiatsu Enhancement from the Old man, It allows for Yuri reflect low level energy attacks back at the user if He waves it, otherwise, It would just burn up. On the inside lining of the back of the Cloak, A Light layer of Titanium Alloy was recently hemmed inside, Allowing Yuri not to worry about rear flanks with sealed, Or Normal weaponry- Although, If struck with a powerful enough Thrusting attack, It could go through the layer. The trees around the vicinity with not very far in between in this area, His amethyst eyes shifted from side to side examining the surroundings. Lifting his right hand to his face, He arched his fingers over his eye brows to block the sun rays.

"Damn, it's bright."

The Dark Enforcers nose suddenly flared up from an aroma of smoke- Nostalgic. Just like old times. The trees then clears to reveal the open space of grass that was in the middle of this forest. The river to his right was flowing quick and mighty, defiantly a point to be noted for a latter date in time. His final foot step landed at the edge of the river bank, Yuri then looking down at Hinashi with his usual nonchalant mannerism. Teion-en, Yuri's main weapon and best friend- The other half of his soul, So to speak. In its sealed form, Teion-en is a normal katana with a rectangular tsuba with inward-curved corners with curved slits above and below the blade and a series of curved lines embossed on either side of the blade. His Zanpakuto is 76 cm in length With a white and black Handle and a Brown Sheathe, The Guard of the blade is Gold. On the Sheathe, there is a White Rope that Dangles Aimlessly- However, He was holding the white ribbon with his left hand. Lifting his hands behind his head slowly, Yuri interlocks his fingers and leans back slightly. She hasn't changed at all. The purplish hue of smoke that lingered within her immediate vicinity was defiantly good smelling, But, He was never a person to smoke. He turned his head from left to right, taking in his surroundings once more for the free time he had left to "stargaze so-to-speak; Behind Hinashi about 20 feet was a cluster of trees that stuck out further then the rest, They were about 25 feet tall with lots of appendages- Very healthy trees. There were about five of them in this cluster, most of them generally the same size if not a bit smaller by a foot and a half at the most. But, other then that, there wasn't much obstruction here- She picked a good spot. Cracking his neck from side to side, The Dark Enforcer states.

"Should we get started or what? Come on, Lets see what your made of."

Lowering his hands to his sides slowly, Yuri hoists Teion-en unto his belt around his waist. Clinching his hands slowly, He attempts to relief any tension that he may have. Lifting his right hand towards his belt, The Dark Enforcer drew his blade towards Hinashi, However, it wasn't Teion-en. It was hoisted on his left hip, slightly draped to his backside, It was the Yato Issen. This weapon could easily be passed off as a zanpakuto, Its abilities being that of what a real shinigami's shikai could accomplish. The Katana has a Octagon shaped hilt, A extremely Shiny blade with the Kanji (正宗; Masemune) engraved into it. The Blade length itself is about 100 Cm's long, with the handle being 30 itself- Giving it a Total Length of 130 Cms. The Sheathe has a Blue-flame like Design that wraps around the outside, The backdrop of the sheathe being Black in Color. The blade of the weapon wasn't alone, It is constantly veiled in a Purple Energy that allows the for the ability to take place. After pointing his weapon at her for a brief moment, He relaxed into his fighting pose, placing Yato Issen onto his shoulder in a nonchalant mannerism. Holding his left hand out towards her, He gestures her to make a move. This time would be different.

Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Cfxvcxvgcx_zpsfisagwqu
supa cute chibi
supa cute chibi
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Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Empty Re: Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed)

Fri Nov 18, 2011 2:40 pm
Hinashi turned and looked over towards the edge of the clearing and noticed that her sparing partner had finally arrived. She stood, her full height extending over Yuri's, and waved. Smoke drifted from her mouth and drifted away on the soft breeze that fell into the clearing. It had been a good while since their encounter and fight all those years ago. Much had changed since then. He seemed different from the last time they had faced each other in combat. She couldn't put her finger on it but she noticed that he was quick to start, just like the time before.

"I see your as eager as ever Yuri-kun. Formalities aside lets get started." Her hands slipped into the small set of knuckle busters hidden inside her sleeves. Electricity crackled as they came to life. She let out a slight giggle and whipped her long orange hair back behind her head. She remembered their first fight. Her style had changed from back then and she was eager to she how his had changed. He still had that goofy way of holding his zanpakuto but most thought of her as odd for not using her zanpakuto more. Hinashi slammed her knuckles together and a sharp crack rang through the clearing. She would rather use her fist than a sword. Her legs were as powerful as any strike and her fists twice as fast. Plus she had more than a few suprises hidden up her sleeves.

One stumble to the left, two stumbles to the right. Hinashi's body swayed back and forth as she stumbled slowly towards Yuri. If he blinked he would miss what happened next. As Hinashi's empty coat fell to the ground she would appear in front of him. Her body crouched in front of him. Her fist would be sunk deep in his gut. Even if her fist skimmed his body, the damage from the electricity coming off of her knuckle busters would be enough to hinder any quick movements for a while. The first move would be hers, and hopefully not the last. She could feel his strength and knew that if the blow did connect fully he would still be able to fight on.

Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Othercharcater
The Dark Enforcer
Joined : 2011-03-14
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Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Empty Re: Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed)

Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:57 pm
Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Yuriba26

Nothing would stop him. Nothing would stop his determination to show the world his progress. The Dark Enforcer watched as Hinashi stood up and waved towards him. Still friendly. He smiled slightly in response as he retained his stance, Not breaking his concentration for a moment. As the smoke cleared from her mouth, the aroma drifted aimlessly to the passing winds- Some of it coming into the nostrils of Tsukuyomi. His nostrils flared up slightly in response, taking a soft breath in reprocussion. Yuri grinned slightly as Hinashi gave her rebuttal, Agreeing wholeheartly- That was why they were there after all. His amethyst eyes were glancing over everything that they could, attempting to gain the inert advantage of pure attentiveness. As his eyes glanced to the right slowly, His peripheral caught the changing of electricity. No sword ? Just a couple of brass knuckles- Interesting. She didn't use them before in the previous fight, New style perhaps ? It begins. No time to second guess anything. Clinching his right fist slowly every two seconds, The Dark Enforcer slid his right foot backward about an inch in response to Hinashi whipping her long orange hair behind herself. With his stance situated, his willpowe hardened, and his deterimation skyrocketed, Yuri was ready for almost anything tha Hinashi threw at him. A loud crack rang through the area as Hinashi punched her fists together.

"My thoughts exactly"

As Hinashi made her first move, His right eye brow rose in a pecuilar manner at her mannerisms. One stumble to the left, Two stumbles to the right- Clearly something to make Yuri lose his concentration. Quick movements- Shunpo ? No. Natural speed, seems like she sped up as well. Her empty coat fell to the ground as Hinashi came up at a low crouching standpoint. Fast, but, not fast enough. As she attempted to punch his gut with an electricfied fist, The Dark Enforcer leaned on his right foot, swaying to the right side swiftly to dodge the punch and the field of lightning around it. During the follow through of his evasion, Yuri side-stepped to her rear flank without much delay, Yato Issen now being held at his left side instead of his usual shoulder stance. As he reached her Flank, He swung Yato Issen horzontailly towards her hopefully exposed right kindey/Latiamiss dorsi. Even if that attack didn't strike true, Yuri was far from finished. Springing back about three feet, Yuri cleared the rushing torrent of water, landing on the other side of the bank- His feet and landing completely graceful as he did so. Glancing at the water, Tsukuyomi had an idea he wanted to place into action. Pumping only a modicum of reiatsu into Yato Issen, Yuri Swung his Weapon at the river, creating a medium sized wave of water to fly towards her- However, It only stayed water for about a second. Pointing Yato Issen at the flying wave of water, his Reishi begins to build up rapidly to the point where it becomes visible around him.There is a quick flash of light, and Yuri's blade is now coated in White ice with a Purple aura. As the flash fades, Yuri's blade can be seen letting off steam, expanding over an area of a 20 feet circular around himself; At the same instance, The wave of water instantly turning into a frozen arc of ice.

"It all starts with some fun doesn't it ?"

This ice manifestation wasn't the power of the Yato Issen, Or his zanpakuto's sealed state, It was the Inert power of Yuri Hisui Tsukuyomi- The Hyougajin. Due to Yuri's heritage as the sole heir to the Tsukuyomi clan, he was given one gift that was later on discovered when he had been caught in a Fight with his Best friend. His body can produce Ice by simply pointing at an object through great concentration and Reiatsu. The Ice created by him is indeed a very strong one, able to freeze Medium Level Flames with Little Effort. His Ice Abilities are known as some of the Coldest Ice powers known to Humans, Shinigami and others alike. These Icicles appear White, and can spread easily, proving to be very dangerous. The arc of ice covered hinashi's vicinity for about twenty feet in each direction, Almost like a roof of ice that was about eight feet above the ground, steaming from the river as a root. Yuri then reverted Yato Issen to his shoulder before lifting his right hand towards his bangs, whipping them out of the way; At the same happenstance, Expelling towards Hinashi with a swift shunpo. Appearing in front of her with a two foot clearance between, Yuri closed in the gap before muttering softly.

"Souryuu Rengazan"

A custom swordsmanship ability that was crafted out of pure improvisation when fighting Hollows on his own. When this Attack is used, Yuri makes a chain of several wide slashes, moving forward with every strike. This is a damaging and deadly attack which is not easily avoided by grounded enemies. The implementation of this attack varies on how Yuri is actually feeling at the moment, He can use it as a chain of seven frontward slashes, or make four wide slashes with kicks placed between each slash- In this position, He was going to use seven wide slashes In conjunction with his Hyougajin; However, He wasn't going to release shockwaves, Just keep the power around the blade itself. The slashes came in this order: Downward at her chest, Upward at her chest , two horizontal slashes at her midsection from right to left, Another upward at her chest, A downward follow through slash, And Finally ending with a spinning horizontal slash. Yuri wasn't playing around here, He wanted to see the full capabilities of the New Hinashi. Even if None of those strikes hit her, The Dark Enforcer would then Jump backward about three feet, Holding Yato Issen outward at Hinashi- He was hoping even one of those strikes would hit her, Knowing the daunting power that Yato Issen holds if struck by the blade. How would Hinashi stack up to Yuri's counter attack ?

Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Cfxvcxvgcx_zpsfisagwqu
supa cute chibi
supa cute chibi
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Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Empty Re: Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed)

Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:34 pm
Hinashi watch as her punch was sidestepped with ease, her opponent shifting to her right leaving her rear wide open. A strike to that area could end the fight early and leave her with a wound most difficult to bear. Or that would of been going through Hinashi's head if it wasn't for the first of her tricks. She pivoted and her right fist connected with the blade directly. Sparks flew and her body was pushed back a few inches. Yuri's blade was caught between two of a set of four claws protruding from the top of her knuckle busters. Electricity crackled between the blades. Her face broke into a wide grin as she pushed back and swung with her left hand, missing his face by a few inches as he jumped back. He landed on the other side of the river and then something strange happened. She stood and watched as a wave of water formed and started to fly towards her.

"Now thats about the worst thing someone could do in a fight against me." In side of her a tiny device shaped like a hour glass whirled to life. But before it could fully activate, another odd thing happened. The water turned to ice, Yuri's blade turned white, and an eerie white fog filled the area. It took every ounce of Hinashi's will to keep from bursting out with happiness. Yuri had figuratively put a really tall child in a candy store. All the water around her, the pull of power just within her reach. She could feel the small flasks tucked away in hidden pockets turning cold. But she decided against it. Her new style focused on using her hands and feet, her body being able to take twice as much punishment as someone at her level.

Yuri appeared in front of her and she saw the determination in his eyes. This fight was serious and she knew that if she didn't release her true power she would lose. His first strike came for her chest and she sidestepped to the left around his strike. She spun on her left foot and struck with the back of her hand. Once again her target missed and she jumped back to avoid a upward strike to her chest. "He has gotten faster and stronger" she thought to herself. She dodged to the left and jumped back while she tried to pick apart his attacks. He was relentless as another upward blow missed her body by inches. She jumped back one more to dodge a downward blow and saw her chance. When his blade was pointed toward the ground she stepped forward and placed her foot on top of the blade. She stretched to her full height and attempted to slam her knee into his face. If the blow connected she would plant her right foot in his chest, and use it to push off and landed a few feet away. A lucky move in which her height played to her advantage but luck wasn't enough to win a fight like this. Inside her the tiny hour glass once again whirled to life. The air around her began to shimmer as the output of her reiatsu tripled. A purple aura covered her body, mixing with the smoke still flowing from her mouth. Two black ropes lifted from her back snaked toward her lower back. Each end wrapped around the handle of two kunai, each about a foot in length and lifted them from their sheaths on her hips.

The first attack was his, she knew that. When he attacked he was relentless, but there was one flaw. Sure the attacks came quick. But maybe she could get under his reach. In a flash she was gone, reappearing less than a foot away before disappearing once more. Her image shimmered to his left, then to his right. She was done playing defense, wondering if he could adapt to a hail of blows coming from a close proximity. She reappeared to his right, spinning in a round house kick toward his shoulder, when the first kick connected she would strike again with her left foot. She would strike with her left fist then her right fist twice before striking with her left elbow, following it up with a spinning elbow, striking with her right elbow. Then she would strike with her left elbow and her right fist before stepping back a foot and leaping up to drive her right knee into the side of his face. She would then jump back and wait, wondering if the dark enforcer would be able to stand up to the power of her style.

Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Othercharcater
The Dark Enforcer
Joined : 2011-03-14
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Location : Seireitei

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Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Empty Re: Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed)

Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:22 pm

Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Yuriba34
||IKUZO!; Beginning of the end||

"The worst thing that he could have done ?". Yeah right. Everything was going exactly as Yuri predicted during the beginning of this fight. Everything up to Hinashi scoffing at Yuri trying to use the water against her, knowing that she has electric capabilities. Although she made the remark about Yuri using water against her, She made no attempt to use the newly harnessed source of power. Foolish. He gave her the chance to counter the water, but, it seems she will have to learn the hard way. As Yuri was implementing his "Souryuu Rengazan" technique on Hinashi, He noticed that her movements were a lot more swift then before- However, He was only inches away from tagging a piece of her flesh at the hands of Yato Issen. No matter, He just knew that he would have to kick it up a notch before actually showing the change in The Dark Enforcer to its full extent. The moment Yuri finished his final strike, Hinashi pounced on his weapon in attempt for a quick counter attack- One that seemed like a thrusting knee. Swift, But, too slow. As the assault came close to Yuri, He simply counterbalanced his weight, allowing him to bend his back at an extreme arch, But, also keeping the strength on his arm to swing the blade upward to make Hinashi push off as she did, Dodging the attack with pure acrobatics. Pushing off the ground with his right hand, The Dark Enforcer sprung back himself about two feet, landing on the ground with a soft impact; His cloak aimlessly lowering to the bottom of his person, along with his hair beginning to rest on his back and shoulders- That would be the only thing resting on the Dark Enforcer.

"Come on now! That all you got ?"

As he muttered those words, Two ropes was then seen lifted from her back, a faint silver sheen was seen in the corner of the Dark Enforcers eyes- Blades. Small ones at that. Medium to long range weapons, Dangerous, But, Get inside the range of the toss and its game over. Counteracting weapons like that were always a little bit of an annoyance to Yuri, Not because it's hard, merely because He hates having to wait so long for the opening to arise. Yuri's amethyst eyes narrowed, the grip on Yato Issen beginning to grow even tighter then before in preparation to the counterattack of Hinashi. Knowing the the "Roof" of Ice was still intact and getting colder as time goes by, Yuri kept that in mind of his next assault- Also the eerie fog that seemed to appear when Yuri's blade suddenly turned white, letting off stream. All was part of the large plan that he hope would lead him to victory today. In another flash, she was gone. Another shunpo. Yuri hardened his gaze and stance as he saw he appear in front of him on more then a foot in distance, He didn't move from his position when her image came up- Good plan, because she vanished once more. The random shunpo game ? There would be only one reason why someone would do that- Trying to gain an inert advantage on the victims weakest flank. Luckily for Yuri, He was gifted with the ability to be ambidextrous; Being able to switch hands seamlessly with no added effort, as if it was second nature- Mainly because it is. As She appeared to his left and then his right, The Dark Enforcer grinned softly as she appeared on his right flank- His supposed "weakened" flank. Most people that see Yuri fight would notice that his weapon is mainly being held in his left hand, Mainly because he IS left hand dominate, The right hand however, has no trouble keeping up when it comes to the change over of hands. This was her chance to show Yuri that not only her agility increased, But, Her offense as well. As the Spinning roundhouse kick on his right flank came towards him, He slid his posture down towards the ground, planting his right hand on the ground for a moment before another left sided kick came to the forefront. After dodging the first kick, Yuri lifted Yato Issen to his left flank with his right hand bracing the impact of the assault; Another grin was seen plastered on his face, his eyes shimmering from what seemed to be now excitement.

"That's more like it!"

It wasn't over yet- Not like he expected it too. He didn't really take notice of her Reiatsu output until she connected with the second kick to his left, Along with the purple aura that surrounded her person. It seemed like from before to now, It tripled in potency. A Dangerous tactic, But, Allowing one to exhaust their reiatsu a lot more quicker then anticipated. But, Enough thinking, He had what he needed to know in his head for the time being, considering enough that has been portrayed and known from memory. As the first Left punch came towards the Dark Enforcer, Yuri Pulled back on Yato Issen towards the center of his Body to Block the punch with the flat edge of the Blade; With the blade being White like that, The temperature of the weapon was actually negative 50 degrees, able to create frost burns on human skin with little effort over 3 seconds of exposure. After blocking the first left handed punch, a flurry of right handed jabs came flying inside of his zone. From the same stance, He lifted Yato Issen upward with the same flat edge blocking the two jabs at slightly different angles. Hinashi then swiftly followed up with a left elbow strike- Very fast and quick in the deliver. With his right hand free, his raised his forearm in an "L" formation at his side to block the attack, Getting pushed a couple of centimeters to his left from the force. Yato Issen was now lowered at his side, His eyes fixated on hinashi's continued assault as a quick spinning elbow from her right hand side was coming towards him- Sure, her attacks were swift, and quick, but, she continued to alternate the sides of her attack, something way to simple to read in a battle. Lifting his weapon with a wild swing, The flat part of the blade once again made contact for a brief period in time, Parrying the spinning elbow with ease before shunpo'ng about a foot away from his position to appear behind her. Pivoting on his feet to close the gap between the two again, Hinashi still wasn't finished- Just what he wanted, Great stamina and courage. She attempted to strike with a left elbow again, following up with a right handed punch. Slipping under the left elbow with a slide on the ground, He dodged both attempted strikes before noticing Hinashi stepping back about a foot as Yuri went the other way for about 4 inches; His back was now faced towards Hinashi as she jumped back.

"Damn, You can hit pretty hard for a chick. I forgot."

His right arm was beginning to get just a bit sore from blocking all of the rough strikes, not allowing him to be at full power with that arm for a moment. After regaining his posture, he stood up to glance behind himself- Hinashi already beginning to lunge towards The Dark Enforcer. She was incredibly tall, a height that made Yuri even look short- And He's six foot two. As she closed the distance between the two, The Dark Enforcer simply pivoted on his right foot clockwise, Allowing him to spin beside Hinashi Seamlessly on her flank before shunpoing from position- Appearing on top of the "roof" of ice that was created and about to be used by Yuri Hisui Tsuykuyomi. Knowing that she was still down there and the fact that there is at least a twenty foot zone of imitate danger in every direction, Yuri decided to do this. After taking two seconds to spin his Yato Issen's tip towards the Ice "roof", Yuri pumps it with a significant amount of reiatsu he deemed need to shatter the roof by plunging the sword into it. The Roof literally shattered the moment the tip of the sword entered more then a centimeter. Massive, small, medium, large, jagged blocks of Ice were all raining on the vicinity of Hinashi. Continuing to Fall to the ground with extreme prejudice. Lifting Yato Issen towards the sky, The purple aura around the white blade shined for a moment before Yuri said softly; All the mist in the imitate area beginning to hold still and stagnant.

"Byakuya Senmetsuken: Gessenkou"

The ability that Yuri used to create such an fog in the beginning was called Byakuya Senmetsuken- Though he didn't say it as he activated it. This extension however, requires one to actually call out its name for activation. The final stage of Byakuya Senmetsuken is the mist thickening into the fog, Now with a diameter of 40 feet. The fog is so dense and cold, that continued exposure to it is dangerous. The fog has a temperature of roughly Negative 30 degrees Celsius, and one cannot see any more than your swords length (a normal katanas sword length) in front of you; unless Having Keen Eyesight. Anything past that forms as black shadows or dull grey blurs. The fog is eerily quiet, no outside sound can pierce the thick, icy prison, and so sounds inside echo and reverberate oddly, adding to the panic many feel inside it. The cold is piercing, and unrelenting, and Yuri's similar Reishi is magnified through the fog. Some inside it panic when they realize that they cannot get out simply by walking forwards, the fog usually tricks them into walking in a slight curve, and if you lose your cool in the fog, you freeze. The fog can be momentarily blown away by an explosion, or a wind attack, but it will descend again quickly, its heavy, quiet blanket wrapping itself around Yuri and his opponent once more. His entire blade is now coated in a creeping, Shimmering Pure White ice; He wasted no time, lunging towards Hinashi with daunting speeds, Yato Issen still being held in his left hand before appearing in front of her with a distance of a foot and a half inbetween the fog. As he closed the distance, Yuri swung the white blade to her right side with a quick delivery; At the same instance as he released the swing, A five foot long shock-wave of ice being launched from the wake of the swing. It wasn't over yet, With all the debris falling everywhere, Yuri had to side step three feet to her convinent left flank to dodge a massive boulder of Ice that narrowly crushed him. Now, That he was over here, He had the perfect idea on what to do next; The fog allowed Yuri to block Hinashi`s general view of the river unless she looked for it. Stepping back into the fray, Yuri switched hands seamlessly, allowing his right to take over for the time being as he spun counterclockwise to attempt to slash Hinashi at her left arm, near the latiamiss dorsi again. With everything falling around it would be hard for enough the most adept fight to stay on their toes with such an extreme tactic. If that attack didn`t strike true, He would follow it up with thrusting strike to hopefully make contact with her back. After that, Yuri would spring back about six feet into a shunpo, being covered by the fog to shield his movements from view. Sheathing Yato Issen back into its Scarab, He placed hand on his pride and joy- Teion-en. As he unsheathed it, the same White glow was over that blade just like Yato Issen- It was enough fooling around with Yato Issen.

"Tosho, Teion-en!;
Tsuiga Bakuensou"

The white Blade began dissipating into Blue Flames all around him. Swirling around his Hand that was continuing to hold the hilt, it then Morphs into a Ice Blue Scythe with a Purple Tassel at the end of the Staff Part of the weapon. The Blade Has a Silver Engravement of the words "Purge" in Kanji. The Reiatsu Yuri Tsukuyomi Now emits are a Dense Wave of Blue Flames that contact create Injuries to a Fine Degree. Teion-en is Said to be the Very Pinnacle of Fear within Zanpakuto. With the blade being about 80 Cm's in total Length, This scythe is one dangerous weapon. Along the pole-arm of the weapon, That same Purple tassel Now wraps around the entire thing, signifying That his weapon as Changed. The blade of the weapon remains the same length, Although, Along the tip of the blade resides one hook that hangs about two Inches. The hook is great for versitile uses, Such as hauling pieces of debris and sudden weapon locks if given the Opportunity; The Ability that he called out was called "Tsuiga Bakuensou". It was probably Yuri's favorite shikai ability, considering what would happen if the enemy made the wrong move. Lifting the Scythe into the air, He instantly slams the blade into the ground accompanied by a Blast of Cold Flames Upward that reaches in front of him about Three Feet High and wide. The ground begins to shake as multiple Blue fire spears shoot from the ground at about Fifteen angles to trap the opponent in a prison of Cold flames. The ability was firing about nine spears every 1.5 seconds on various flanks around Hinashi for nine seconds- For a total of 81 spears being fired in total. 10 Feet in Diameter around opponent; 70 feet of Reach in total. After the ability, Yuri removed his weapon from the ground and resting it on his shoulder. He pulled no punches this time. Standing in the fog, Yuri waits to see if Hinashi would be able to make it to fight a little bit longer.

Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Cfxvcxvgcx_zpsfisagwqu
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Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed) Empty Re: Old Fights, New Beginnings (Yuri, Closed)

Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:32 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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