Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2012-03-22
Posts : 1090
Age : 30

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Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ] Empty Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ]

Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:04 am
Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ] Th_Demon_Dragon_by_Kinzoku_Hyoukai

Hollow Template

General Information

Appearance Age:unknown
Possible True Age:1,000
Possible Gender:female

Hollow type: (Adjuchas)

The dragon hollow is a powerfully beast. Rebellious in it's nacher. Mizuchi is mistrusting of others. This it holds hatred towards humans and soul reapers alike blaming them for her death.unforgiving of them and the world it self. Other life forms can't be trusted in her opinion. she has a lack of interest in social relationships and a tendency towards a solitary lifestyle. the is not how she truly how she feels but a act to save her self for further pain.
(true hidden self)
She is nothing more than a scared little girl afraid on other .. Afraid they will hurt her. To spite her sad disposition she wishes to have friends. She wishes with every fiber of her being to be loved ... To be wonted bye some one. her hard outer emotional shell is only to protect her fragile inner self. ( If i don't care , if i am mean to them than they cant hurt me ..right? )
Personality aspects:

dedication to spite her mindset. she is a vary driven person on her own way. win she macks you her mind that is that. she ma not do it perfectly but it but she will try getting it done non the less.

Loyalty She is not loyal to anyone or any of the Organizations. The is due to her untrusting nature. It would take a lot to open her up. But if some one did get past her outer shall and would do anything for them. she would as will likely becoming mentally dependent upon them.

sexuality She cud be called bisexual. She is a living thing so even tho she is antisocial the primal urges are steel their. She is steel "Pure" Thees is to say she has not really engaged in sexual activity of any kind. She has hand day dreams about males and females. Even if it s only in her head she truly enjoys the idea of another living thing caring for her . Tho win the dream is over she awakes to the same cold world as be for.

energy levels Energy not as in her spiritual powers but in hyper or Sloth like behavior. She is energetic and loves to keep moving . Due to the shear size of her body a she keeps to the sea and hueco mundo where space is not a issues. She puts her energy towards run and swim. As will as other things such as hunting her pray.

-mental capacity She is not the smartest hollow. She that is to say she wont call for some tricks. She is not gullible . But on the other hand leading her into a trap would take little effort. The only thing is what will bate her to the trap? A living thing works best( you your self)

habits She like to watch the sunrise and sunset for the butch. As will she like swimming in the the abyss and seeing all the odd fish. she has a nest is the sea ...( and is very protective over it) . She is her happy place . she has a habit of attacking anyone else that tries to go their.

present goal To-spite her mind set she is a drives person. she may not do thing prefect but she will try. her goal right now is to become more open to other of her own kind. It will b hard for her but she is going to join a organization.

Gillian-Adjuchas Appearance:
form #1 the massive best: in this form she is a large dragon fearsome "looking". her body has green orbs on it that help her to use her use the Reiatsu Draining Ability. she has wings and can use them to fly her body is has natural armor but their is gaps in it. her hend's bearing claws on them and feet as will

form#0 at full power: The form is much smaller the size of a normal Adjuchas. the orbs on her body and her body it self changes color as will more human like in the form the wigs are made of fire and only out wig used. she bears 4 horns the is where her Cero forms from

Gillian-Adjuchas Abilities:
Shift form (advanced at will hollow ability) prerequisites Change size/. He hollow can make a swift action to the hollow is equal to the size they where before they became an adjuchas, with the minimum size being their racial size. This effect of is is the hollow chose to reduce her size using "Shift form" instead she will go to full strength. Being that she is now smaller she has has more mobility and her spiritual pressure is concentrated. In other words if she in not in #0 form she in only at 50% power.

Garganta between the living world and Hueco Mundo

Cero a powerful spiritual light fired

Form Cero type: advanced hollow ability as an augmentation to a
physical attack. the damage for the cero is added to the damage of the next physical attack. if the attack misses, then the cero charge is still used

Unique Availabilities:
winds of fire: a light fire storm that's only about 5% the strength of a Cero.

can breath underwater

Reiatsu Draining: is able to drain the reiatsu out of people. By placing her hand over the fallen person rather its friend or foe,the reiatsu will shoot up from their bodies in purple arcs that then formed into a ball in her hand. than eating it to (heal and or gained power. ) If she does this to some one a full tire or more weaker than her she will only heal a little. the weaker they are compared to her the less it heals. if the person is the same tire level to +1 it will heal her more and and restores some of her spiritual powers. if she can do this to some one +2 or +3 witch would be hard to do. this will heal her greatly and make her stronger helping her evolve as a hollow faster and restoring her own reiatsu quite abet. ( this can only be used on the fallen if they can stand and fight if they can try and run it won't work only the weaken can fall pray to this skill. {The down side } she much eat the ball is she in interrupted she will not heal or anything and as a the Reiatsu will going in to the air. If some one got a Ability that absorbs reiatsu such as Quincy ,Iramasha or any other skill basted off reiatsu gathering and/or absorption. ( the the next attack will b amplified ) how much it's amplified by is based off the tire of the person she took the reiatsu from. (tire#5=5%+)(tire#4=10% +)( tire#3=20%) (tire#2=30%)( tire#1=60%+ (tire#0=120% + if the person is under 0 tire/ if they are a #0 tire than its only 100%+) side note she CANT gather reiatsu from the air her seld only from body's whit this skill.

life :
name mimiru takanashi : As a young girl she had more spiritual energy grater than 90% of kids her age. she lived whit her mother(Kako takanashi ) and father (Aito takanashi ) . Kako worked as a school teacher. Aito was a police officer. they was a happy family . she and Aito was close to each other. she was the ideal " daddy's girl". they was inseparable usually going to game arcades and having fun together . she and Aito took a fishing trip one Summer. That day would change her life for ever.

she and her father was out on a boat it was early sunrise win a hollow attacked. Aito had some spiritual ability's of his own and managed to drive the hollow away but he was injured in the process. the boat was destroyed and Aito was bleeding a bet . even tho he was injured he managed to get his beloved daughter to the beach. thes was not to far from town. as Auto laid on the beach " mimi-Chan ... i need you to go back to town ok? i need you to try and get help ok ? remember the men i told you not to talk to in front of others? " she was scared with all that had happen and all she seen. o most to the state of paralyzing shock "Aito: mini-Chan i need you to b strong k " "mimiru: the one in black robes right ? "Aito: yes find one of tho's men and till them what happen." she runs as fast as she can back to town. she
searched the town's alleyways and streets looking for a man in black robes. win she finely found a Shinigami she was crying heavily her voice o-most incomprehensible. she begged and pleaded for him to help her tilling hem to follow her to the beach. he blows her off " sorry kid i don't got time to play at the beach with you" in cold voice. jumping over a wall and walking off. mimiru runs whit all the straight she got's left in her legs around the wall. she sees the man walking down the street mimiru try's running after him as she get's halfway she trips cutting her leg. and she is kneeling on the ground mimiru screams out in front of all the people"PLEASE HELP ME THAT MONSTER HURT MY DAD!!....(her voice gos down low) he is bleeding..PLEASE why won't you help me? .." in less than the blink of a eye the Shinigami was standing by mimiru "what do you mean by monster ?" she tills him what happen. the Shinigami than told her to go home that he would bring her father back petting her head and rushing off. ..she lived all the way across town with her hurt lag she was limping, tired and weak win mimiru got home she walked in seeing her mom standing their and faints.
waking up in a hospital later that night .. she hears a man talking .. her mother is .. crying . walking to the door opening it slightly she seen the Shinigami .. but he is in normal clothes now. " i m sorry mam by the time i got their he was done gone. the I'll hunt down the animal that did this to self. lucky he sent your darter back to town ahead of him or she ... " he stopped mid sentence. Kako: " what kinda animal can do that to some one... he was ripped to pieces.

after her Aito death Kako blames mimiru for what happen . "If you did not go out their .. if you was not borne ... maybe he would be alive " the more time that past the more abusive her mom got to her ... both mental and physical abuse. mimiru her self blamed the Shinigami if he listen to her the first time maybe he would made it in time to save Aito before the hollow returned for him. rumors spread that mimiru caused her own dads death. her friends abandon her. she become a wallflower. she was sad and in pain all the time yet no one reached out to her.
she was waiting for a bullet train to take her to school. she was dazed out of reality .. like she was most the time. lots of people standing around her talking. she could here boys joking around vulgarly about a girl. as the train pulls in the boys r now playing ruffly. one is pushed hard falling off balance and slamming in to her throwing her for worde in front of the bullet train. death was instant but not permanent. she become a ghost . mimiru did not really care about her being dead... no it's more like she was happier this way. she felt distant from the living world in a way" they cant see me they cant hurt me "

she watched the living people and their happy life's. this made her mad feeling deep hatred and malice for all the "happy living people her own mother did not even really care about her passing. this enraged her more. as soon as the hole started to form she forced the hole open her self. she become a hollow of her own free will.

Gillian as time moved on mimiru become numb to the world and the feelings of others. getting in more and more fights with other hollows. a big fight broke out amongst a group of hollows. as the battle raged on they all joined as one being she become a Gillian

Adjuchas: she was a gillian whit a strong need to eat. she Devouring lots of other gillian. she keep doing this none stop day and night . her powers was growing she can feel a Change coming even as a next to mindless gillian. than it happen she transcended her gillian form and bcome a Adjuchas. (what she is now )
Role Play Sample: N/A



General Skills

  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill:/Beginner

Racial Skills
[*]Acid Skill: Beginner
[*]Garganta : Beginner
[*]Cero/Bala: Adept
[*]Regeneration: Beginner

Last edited by zetsurin on Mon Aug 13, 2012 1:02 am; edited 8 times in total

Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ] Empty Re: Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ]

Sun Apr 08, 2012 3:45 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Comments/Notes: Hrng.. you may want to fix your spelling in the future. Approved. xD
Tier: 5-1

[b][center][u]Will Skills[/u][/b][/center]
[list][*][b]Willpower/Determination:[/b] Beginner
[*][b]Mental Deduction:[/b] Beginner
[*][b]Pain Endurance:[/b] Beginner
[*][b]Focus:[/b] Beginner

Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ] Empty Re: Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ]

Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:48 pm
Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ] Tumblr_m8a1dzPeNR1qiqegzo1_500
Aivee Clean-Up Time!
This member has left the site or is inactive! Therefore, I am placing this into archives! Don't worry, if you want it back, simply post Here!
Bearer Of Hell
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Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:01 pm
Moved back to active on user's request
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ] Empty Re: Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ]

Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:15 pm

✖| TLC NEEDED! Gao! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

Inactive Character Warning!
Just reply if you don't want 'em to be taken! D:
Gao! If you wish to keep it, reply to this within a week!

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Seasoned Member
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Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:54 pm
you can archive this one she was only made to help others and no one really needs it right now
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ] Empty Re: Mizuchi/Gensh [APPROVED |4-2 ]

Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:35 pm

✖| Kuma Shock! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

Archive Upon Request!

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