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Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Empty Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++]

Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:47 pm
Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Youtubeshit-1


Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Image4035-1


• Gender: Male
• Age: Over 800 Years Old
• Gender: 100% Male
• Eye Color: Red colored Sclera with a orange colored iris and black pupils
• Height: Seven Foot Eleven
• Weight: Can range from One Hundred Thousand Pounds to Five Hundred Thousand Pounds
• Skin Color: Faded Orange Scales with patches of white on his upper body and chin
• Shoe Size: Unknown

Full Description:

In Shark State: Since Radioactive is constantly his shark state which functions as his shikai as well, this is his main appearance. It won't be hard to spot him whenever he is in this state. While in shark form he stands at a mighty seven foot four feet tall, weighs between one hundred thousand pounds when his power is at idle to a whooping five hundred tons when at full power. If that wasn't enough to get your attention, the scars on his face and chest area's should get some of your attention along with his massively long tail that is at least five foot long by itself.

Usually, when he is in this form, he wears a pair of extremely long "Trip Pants" that are black, gray, white and orange in color with mutiple belts attached to it, two plus signs on the front and back pockets, and three black rectangle shapes below the part of his pants where the zipper for it to change into shorts are. He'll also usually have on a pair of black and orange colored fingerless gloves that he straps onto his hand and wrist, mutiple piercings on his fins and tail together with a strange black and orange accessory for his tail.

A few other things to add are: that Radioactive's hair in this form is down to his neck in this state, he has sharp black claws on both his finger nails and toe nails and his feet are human shaped.

In Human State: Rarely does Radioactive ever reveal this state to others apart from his family, so not many people have seen or can remember Radioactive's Human Appearance. So if you were to witness him in this form, you should take note of it since it's a very rare occurrence.

In his regular body, Radioactive has very long dark blonde colored hair flowing down to his lower back, his Sclera turns back to the typical white and his iris's are a yellowish color and more scars are visible on Radioactive's form then in his shark beast state. You'll also see that his shrunk in height back down to six foot nine and his muscle mass decreased somewhat. Even in this state, though, he still has razor sharp teeth and claws.

Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Image4036-1

• Unfazed Attitude: Based on the upbringing of his human life, the trials he endured as a Shinigami and the long bloody trail he has left in the wake of becoming the beast he is today: Radioactive isn't really the type to overly react or otherwise fall under mental distress. The whole world around him can be descending into the pits of Hades itself, but Radioactive would march through these fires without a many worrying thoughts. This has produced a sort of aloof facade from Radioactive's body language at times. As, in many social situations, Radioactive can remain obvious to some of the madness that can be occurring around him. One such instance of this would be a time where he was at a social gathering with his family many years ago. Both Radioactive's wife, Chinchuro, and his sister, Priscilla Yunari, had decided to go on a drunken rampage across the city. Near the end of their trip? They had apparently slammed a car straight into the living room of the house they all shared, but there remained Radioactive...indifferent to the major landscape to his house and casually eating a bowl of chips he had gotten for himself.

Another such display of this aspect of Radioactive's personality is quite often in combat. There have been many times where opponents would throw violent words at him, insult his entire family, brag viciously about their powers made it hopeless to begin fighting against them and the whole nine yards. Yet, despite all these sorts of taunts, boost about ones ability and confrontational demeanor's; Radioactive does not often seem bothered by it. In fact, in some instances, it's only served to make him more thrilled to fight the opponent then anything. So, all in all, Radioactive appears to be a man who really knows how to take life fairly easily and simply prefers to go with the flow of things. Never worrying too much about the circumstances of his life and always just remaining so impervious to the balls life tends to throw at him from time to time.

• Family-Man: Despite outward appearances, Radioactive is a very family oriented man. He believes a good part of the reason why most are so lost in this day and age is because they've lost sight of the one thing that matters: having people that love you and someone to protect. This trait in his personality was developed due to his upbringing in his youth. During most of his human life, his family was forced to stick heavily together during many of the different fights, battles and wars that occurred in old Mother Russia. Through these series of conflicts they were forced to learn to band together, trust each others lives by the way of the blade and always look out for one another...NO MATTER WHAT. Thus, when he and Priscilla had died in the perils of combat, he was greatly relieved when they had both arrived in the Soul Society together. They weren't sure where their parents, or anyone else in their family, had happened to end up. However, since it was clear they had each other, Radioactive had intently watched over his older sister with the utmost care when they made a life for one another in the Rukongai and eventually into the Seireitei when they were recruited to become Shinigami based on their ruthless fighting methods.

This trait was further put to the test when they had undergone inhumane experiments in order to create the ultimate weapon for the Soul Society during the war against the Quincy. Through back-door-deals, Radioactive, Priscilla and a few other candidates were selected to go through experimental trials to induce a infused Shinigami who had the capacity to use dual spirits: their Zanpukato Spirit and an External Spirit who would be infused into their body to increase their destructive power. This would later be named a "Ziamichi", but the two of them had foot tooth and nail for another to endure the experiments, despite Radioactive having the time of his life with this challenge. While he had thrived in this sort of environmental, his sister could not weather the brunt of her powers. It had steadily began to chew up from the inside and created a very frail mental state for her, which resulted in Radioactive heavily watching over his sibling.

Things had proceeded like this for months on end...until it ended in tragedy. Being unable to tame her powers at this point, there was a massive massacre on unknown mission Priscilla was sent out on. He wasn't sure of the details, but just knew his sibling was in trouble because the Gotei 13 had imprisoned her and was ready to put her to death. Without even thinking twice about what would become of his future, Radioactive threw everything in the heat of the moment to free his elder sibling from the clutches of the Soul Soceity. Throwing life and limb for the desire to protect her; there wasn't a single doubt in his mind that what he had done was the thing, despite killing countless Shinigami and causing massive devastation in the Seiretei during this escape.

With all that said, this is one of the primary examples of how strongly Radioactive feels about family. Even despite the disbanding of his own family, Radioactive still lives by the memories of his once loving children and wife. No matter what happens down this road called life, he will always await their return and bear no grudges. They were raised to be soldiers, just like him; so everything will work out, heh...or at least, that's what he hopes.

• A Blazing Desire To Never Back Down: If it's one thing Radioactive likes, hehehe, it's a challenge. It doesn't matter how big or small it is, Radioactive will always take a challenge head-on without any sort of second thought what so ever. It's resulted in quite the many brawls that have changed entire landscapes over places such as the Soul Society, Earth and even into the pits of Hueco Mundo. In fact, during a battle against Ceon Clixx, the true raw intensity that was and is Radioactive had came up with the vengeance during this dispute. As, when in the hell of combat, the beast within tends to constantly come out of Radioactive when placed in intense battle situations. Thus, when he was enraged enough by Ceon's tactics during the course of this fight, it ultimately caused Radioactive to lose any sort of sense of holding back and blew a devastating large crater within the Seireitei; alongside the Soul Society itself. Radiation had spread for countless miles, even forcing another Captain to fallback who had decided to witness this battle. So, to say that Radioactive is hot-blooded at times...hahaha....that's a major understatement.

Just where does this stem from, though? Radioactive simply goes where his instincts takes him. From his observations of most warriors these days? A large lot of modern day champions listen too much to the doubts inside of their head, the fear that radiates from within their hearts based on the constant threat of war that is ever prevalent in the new world and cloaking of their true selves behind the guise of convoluted powers which results in the weakening their overall primal instinct; something that that they actually need in combat. For, the more valor that burns in a man or woman's heart? The more chances of success they have in ultimately annihilating their opponent should the time for battle come.

Though, that isn't to say Radioactive mostly treats challenges as a game of life or death, either. And, Radioactive doesn't divulge into the seeds of arrogance that so many fighters have because of his brutal combat style. To him? Everything is always a chance to pit his might against the determination of others. It doesn't matter if they outsmart him, it doesn't matter if they out arm him, it doesn't matter if they out power him, it doesn't matter if they are equal to him and it definitely doesn't matter if their below him; THE ONLY THING that matters is rather or not they have the primal spirit blaring within their hearts to do battle against or alongside Radioactive. Do they have primordial flare within them to see that their hopes, dreams and desires to overcome their challenges become reality? If they do, they are clearly worthy of having by his side or becoming a excellent advisory in the lines of war. More importantly, in order for him to accept people like this, does Radioactive himself possess these traits he constantly goes on about to his challengers and himself?

On a deeper level, he believes he does possess the needed beast within to obtain, live by and ultimately guide others through this aboriginal way of life. This was only cemented further by the love of his life, Chinchuro Chiromaka. As, from the moment those two had fallen in love, something inside of him ticked. It pushed Radioactive's monstrous urges even further then they did when he was nothing more then a mindless weapon for the Gotei 13 during the war that resulted in the near-total destruction of the Quincy race. Having to rise, protect and guide his family? That woman, his children, the family they all really made the huntsmen within Radioactive become that much more stronger. Just the mere thoughts of those he loved within his life accelerated, motivated and pushed Radioactive to always do his best, show no fear and have the barbarian within him rage with the vicious intensity until the crimson ooze of bloodshed had dissipated from the lands and his family was safe.

So, in the end, you could say the only thing driving the loving memory of his wife. All of this hardship, all of these trials and all of the challenges met...ALL OF the name of this woman and his family. If there is a fucking all knowing god, Radioactive hopes that the all of the never-ending strife he has put into his life will keep the burning hope that one day his dearly beloved will return to his side and once again his family can be at peace. He knows he has alot karma to burn through for all of the horrible deeds he has committed in his life. Heh, there is no complaining, whining or bitching on this ceaseless road to nowhere. So the only thing left to do is to meet the dawn of a new day and take every obstacle that presents itself head-on until his dream is realized or his life is slain.

End of story.


Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Image4038-1


Birth Into The World

Radioactive was born over eight hundred centuries ago in a small Russian Village during a cold winters night. Much like his older sister, Priscilla Yunari, Radioactive does not remember much time from his childhood ,being as old as he is now. Though from what he gathered from his own memories along with Priscilla, they were both aware that she had two very strict, but loving parents along with three other siblings. Radioactive had two siblings in total within this household, Fang being the older sibling of the male half, while Priscilla was the older of the female half. Then, there was also his other sister, Sayuri. Priscilla nor Radioactive or anyone else in the family isn't entirely sure what happened to Sayuri, but she disappeared around the time before Priscilla's death.

You see, the family Radioactive and Priscilla had came from were full of Russian Warriors that did combat in many wars during the civil unrest that arouse during The Time Of Troubles in Russia around 1601 through 1613. They had fought many battles, in more then just the physical sense as well. They all battled hard against the famine during the time, the bitterly cold summers, increased social disorganization and fighting to stay alive.

Eventually, however, Radioactive ended up dying sometime around 1610 with his older sister, Priscilla, in all or nothing battle. They each gave it their all during this fight and died as great Russian Warriors. For each of them, it was the ygreatest possible way they could put an end to their life. Dying in combat was truly a glorious way to pass on to the next world.

Enter The Soul Society

When Priscilla and Radioactive had both arrived into the Soul Society after making their peace with the world of the living, they were surprised at how different it was from their homeland of Russia. They weren't used to the Japanese style of how everything was ran. At first, they did not like it one bit. They wondered why their ancestors did not put up a tough enough fight in order to claim this land as theirs. But, as more time passed on, they realized the depth of how serious this world. Billions of people from all over the globe from all periods of time had arrived in this dimension. It really sunk in when they realized how vast this place could possibly be.

Though, when they eventually made their way to the Rukongai, Priscilla and Radioactive both forgot about all that. Once again, they were placed in the front lines of war as they did battle against the criminals, rapist, murders and corrupt Shinigami that infested these areas. The two of them fought hard, long and bitterly for years until they gained a reputation for hauling ass throughout the Rukongai.

And, during this time, the duo began to have their Shinigami power come to light. Through this period, Radioactive's power surfaced through the fact his reitsu was insanely powerful. In fact, some often refereed to his spiritual pressure of that of Zaraki Kenpachi due to his insanity he gave during combat. Meanwhile, Priscilla's powers emerged through the ability of gaining intense speed during combat for someone of her level along with being ability to create balls of reitsu.

As more time went on, their powers began to develop even more. With each bloody fight they were in, they gained one step closer to attaining their Shinigami powers. Soon, during this time, they had learned of the Shinigami Academy. Interested in finding a way of the hell hole they were each in, they decided to join up with the ranks of the Gotei 13. After all, if all went well, Radioactive and Priscilla would have another chance to prove that they were hardcore Russian Warriors to the people of this world.

Thus, they began life as Shinigami.

Enter The Gotei

Upon joining the ranks of the Shinigami, each of the duo were only trained as Shinigami for a brief period of time. After less then a few years inside of the Shinigami Academy, both Priscilla and Radioactive had became fresh, eager and powerful Division 11 members. Radioactive was well known for his brutal physical strength that rivaled Kenpachi at the time along with his vicious killings on the battlefield. Priscilla, however, was known to be deadly beauty inside of her squad. She was swift, fast and blood thirsty on the battlefield and she did it all with that delicious smile on her face.

So, with their repetition in hand, this gave Radioactive the foot in the door in order to become a prime candidate for becoming Kenpachi's Vice Captain. Most of this potential was shown through his vicious, brutal and one-sided fights during missions, spars and training sessions others had witnessed from Radioactive. Some had seriously compared him to Kenpachi in terms of strength and power. The way he did battle, his attitude and that nature of his really pushed him over the top compared to most in Squad Eleven. And as a result of all this history logged on Radiaoctive, the news on him eventually caught the attention of Captain Zaraki Kenpachi. So, as most would guess, both of these men would enter a bloody brawl upon meeting each other

After a long series of training sessions, brawls and missions done together, Kenpachi eventually prompted Radioactive to Vice Captian status due to the astounding results he produced in his squad. However, despite going through all of that with each other, neither of them really knew each other on a real personal level compared to Yachiru and the others Kenpachi was seen hanging around at the time. It was strictly a professional relationship, heh, if you could call beating each other senseless that. However, because of these events, Radioactive has always had a good respect for Kenpachi and was assured Kenpachi most likely had a similar respect for his fighting style. This made working with each other very smooth and easy at times over the time he was in this squad.

The Capture And Transformation Into The Beast

But, As more years went on, however, they both Priscilla and Radioactive would eventually gain the attention of KJ Yunashi and Captain Mayuri. The two siblings would each become the target of a wild experiment the two mad scientist had planned out for them. They had intended to implant two of the strongest shark demons they had captured through a mission on Earth and see if it was possible to create their own home brewed Ziamichi in order to combat the Quincy War going on. Radioative would be meant for mass destruction, while Priscilla would have been created for quick kills and to eventually add-on to Radiaoctive's power through her water talents.

So, with the blueprints already planned, the future shark duo had been attacked by some of KJ's lab assistants and test subjects. As always, the two put up a fierce fight with mass bloodshed, but through a sneaky technique, KJ was able to subdue them by a poisonous gas that nearly killed the both of them. Luckily, for KJ and Mayuri, they easily had the tools to bring them back to life in the lab. Thus, they began the process of transferring both of the shark spirits into the siblings. Priscilla would end up getting a Female Demon named Vody Kosa and Radioactive received an unknown, but strong demon spirit that he himself eventually overcame and killed later on.

During the operation, though, the two were both subjected to vivisection without anesthesia, repeated amputation and multiple organs modified, removed or replaced. This would be a hellish nightmare for most, but Radioactive's body didn't seem to mind as it had been through many tough situations like this before. Therefore, he simply adapted to the pain and bared through it. The main challenge and showdown, however, was the one happening within Radioactive. With his body out of wack, his powers unstable and a new host attached to his soul; Radioactive sought to destroy whatever the fuck was inside him first.

Thus, he emerged in his inner world to find it going into shamble with the wake of this ferrous shark beast wrecking havoc within his soul. Radioactive's Zanpukto had wished to fight alongside him, but he refused his app. Why? At this point Radioactive wasn't upset at all with the events that had transpired. In fact, he was jovial about what was happening. The pair of mad scientist had actually given him a good challenge to overcome with this shark beast being sealed within his body. Radioactive made a serious claim to his Zanpukto that by the end of the next thirty minutes, this beast would be killed and his power theirs.

So, as uncomfortable as Radioactive's Zanpukto Spirit was, he was forced to watch from the sidelines due to the terrible teamwork the two of them have. If they were to even attempt working together, it would most likely end up in the two of them clashing and the Shark Spirit gaining full dominance over Radioactive's body. If worse came to worse, the Zanpukto Spirit was ready to claim full control over his body should the Shark Demon had won over this battle for dominance and Radioactive ending up dead from this truly overwhelming fight. Despite all this, though, Radioactive really was not worried in the least bit.

Ready for the battle of his life, literally, Radioactive eagerly partook in battle with the extremely powerful Shark Demon that wanted his very life and soul. It was by no means an easy battle for Radioactive, but somehow, despite the size difference in the two, Radioactive was still able to keep up with this creature. He took the blows, blasts and attack's this creature dealt on him like a champ. Anything the shark dished out, Radioactive's sheer will, physical strength and power guided him through this harsh storm. The Shark Beast had never encountered such a man who could withstand being in his presence for this long. In short, he wasn't used to fighting someone on or near his level. Therefore, this mental disadvantage played in Radioactive's favor as he could tell the shark was slipping.

And so, for that reason, Radioactive grabbed his Zanputko and went on to allow the shark to eat him whole. It goes without saying that this turn of events had shocked Katsurou, Radioactive's Zanpukto Spirit, as he believed that Radioactive was finished once he allowed himself to be devoured by this beast. Even the Shark was rebelling in his "victory" as he thought he had finally gotten the upper hand in this battle against this psychotic man. In spite of Radioactie being eaten, however, nothing in his inner world began to change. In fact, Radioactive wasn't being digested at all. Deep within the bowels of the shark beast, Radioactive was going to town on him from the inside out.

Soon, the beast began to shriek in pain as Radioactive tore open a massive hole from the beast's stomach as his blood, guts and everything else held within his body began to pour into the ocean. Disregarding his roars of pain, Radioactive then went upwards towards the Shark Beast's chest as he ripped apart his rib cage and viewed the heart that kept this demon living. With a large grin upon his face, Radioactive would then feast upon the Demon Shark's heart as he let out one final yell of pain before falling prey to his injuries...and dying. That's right, within twenty minutes, this entire fight was over by Radioactive devouring the creature's heart.

Katsurou, after that display of insane power, could only watch in awe as he witnessed the powers of that beast transfer to Radioactive upon his death. All of that power the mighty Demon had once possessed was now Radioactive's own to claim due to him dying within his inner world. It was also, upon that day, Radioactive turned into the shark beast he is today. Because, upon the shark creature's death, the massive transfer of his powers began to heavily alter his Shikai state to a point where it looked nothing like it did before. Not only that, but on this day Radioactive had also attained Bankai by simply forcing his way by raw strength, power and will into attaining it. Though, because of the way he gained his ability, it eventually ended up in it becoming nothing more then a more powerful version of Shikai; instead of it becoming something completely different had he had done it the natural way like most other Shinigami.

The Aftermath

When the operation was a success after a painful procedure, the two of them had awakened to their new bodies that had a strong craving for blood. Before they could both cause any harm, however, KJ had their memories were wiped of that day and replaced with the thoughts that they had attained their demon's through Zanpakutō training since neither of them were able to make contact with their spirits. However, in Radioactive's case, his Zanpukto Spirit was able to save these memory out of respect for keeping the two of them alive throughout the chaotic ordeal they had went through as he was not made of an organic material like Radioactive.

Thus, as they both came to inside the barracks of Squad 4 where they were told that they had been discovered ditched somewhere in the woods after a massive battle with rouge Shinigami that they had won. Radioactive, on the inside knew what had happened, but strangely didn't seek revenge. Those two fucknuts gave him a damn good challenge, a source of power and the time of his life. And with his sister seemed to be relatively okay, he simply accepted what had happened to him. Though, Priscilla seemed confused, in pain and irritated from her side; in the end they both simply accepted that answer and went on about their ways. Soon after this point, Radioactive discovered more of his abilities and was called out constantly into Earth when the Gotei 13 discovered the disturbingly powerful might he had attained.

His Purpose

Unknown to Radioactive, KJ put literal meaning behind his nickname. While in the confines of one of KJ's confines of his lab during the operation, The Mad Scientific had harnested the power of a powerful source of radiation that would be near endless if applied to Radioactive's body; who was his best project at the time since he had sealed a powerful shark beast inside of him, he had reitsu levels that were on the same level of Kenpachi and he was just the perfect host. The Soul Society was also at war with the Quinices at the time and they needed a secret weapon to wipe a majority of them out. ...guess who would be the perfect piece for that? You guessed it, our buddy Radioactive.

After inserting the source of super-powered radiation into Radioactive's body and Zanpukto, it seemed to click with him instantly. This was displayed by him wiping out a large flock of hollow's during a training session placed far out in a dessert within Africa. It was truly a sight to behold. The explosion went on for nearly a full ninety miles since not even Radioactive could control it at the time. And the effect it left...well they were equally amazing. It left a fifty mile radius within that ninety mile area unlivable for the next one thousand or two thousand years, while the areas outside of it were made semi-livable within the next two hundred years or so.

And to get down to the nitty gritty, though, the real harsh effects of this explosion were made clear when Radioactive was used as a tool to wipe out a good majority of the quinces. It induced cancer as cell-cycle genes that were mutated to anyone who lived through it, caused dozens of nasty tumors and some that even exploded from the inside due to the amount of reitsu still stored in them, fluctuations in their reitsu that eventually caused them to just burst into their own miniature explosion due to the sudden increase of power, Thermal burning plus Gamma burns from highly penetrating gamma radiation coupled with Beta burns from shallow ionizing beta radiation and simple physical burns from the extreme heat, the disablement of using any type of spiritual power due to the special kind of radiation poisoning their bodies natural flow of energy and many other effects that have yet to be revealed.

The Incident

Unknown to Radioactive, the craving for blood on Priscilla's side was much more intense then he had originally believed. From the news Radioactive had received from someone else inside Squad 11, Priscilla had been discovered by a group of a Shinigami devouring innocent souls in a bloody daze. From reports, she was when she was pushed to her utmost limits as she took about a dozen Shinigami on. It was a rough battle between them all. Priscilla suffered lacerations, burns, blood loss and near lost of her arms. Nearly defeated, she collapsed upon the ground where her Demonic Spirit called out and forced her to transform into her Shikai form for the first time.

From the new strength she had grained apparently, Priscilla was told to ahve been able to easily kill the rest of the shinigami while devouring nearly every last piece of their bodies. Unfortunately for her, however, one had secretly gotten away and alerted the rest of the Gotei 13. Furious and out for justice, Central 46 sent some of Squad 2 to capture Priscilla. But, upon hearing this news, Radioactive had made up his mind. After coming this far with his older sister, there was no way he was going to leave her behind like this. Radioactive didn't care much for alot of people in the world, but with one of his last blood relatives in distress, he had no choice but to help her out.

So despite having only his loyalties to Kenpachi and Priscilla, Radioactive stepped in and defended his older sister. The two of them went through a long series of grueling battles, many deaths stacked upon their escape and hundreds of lives forever changed by their actions and damage. But when it came down to it, they eventually succeeded in their goal of escaping this hellish place together. After one final battle near the edge of the Seirtei, Radioactive had punched a giant hole within the gate in order for the two of them to escape the Soul Society and flee as wanted felons and traitors against their own kind.

Thus beginning their life in the human world.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sun Jun 21, 2015 12:16 am; edited 69 times in total
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Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Empty Re: Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++]

Sat Jun 19, 2010 6:48 pm
Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Youtubeshit-1


Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Image4039-1

• Zanpakutô Spirit:Katsurou lives on a small piece of brown land that's about the size of a small town surrounded by a body of red water and a red sky with black clouds. There is not much to see here since great shark demon that was sealed inside of Radioactive long ago destroyed most of his original spirit world.

As for Katsurou personality, he is a quiet, but strong old man. He slender, but somewhat toned, has gray hair and is always wearing a black robe. He is quiet the opposite of from what you think Radioactive would have for a zanpukto. He doesn't believe in pointless battles and constantly scowls Radioactive about his acitvites. That alone could be the main reason why Radioactive suppresses his sword so much.

• Sealed Zanpakutô: (Click right here to see his blade

The sword is sealed inside of him, so you will never see this. It's simply there as a core to his powers as KJ was able to help him train enough to force it to go into Bankai and Shikai without the Zanpukto's Consent. And if you just so happen to see this sword by chance, it will be extremely different since it's only summoned during his Bankai State.

Shikai Description:

Thanks to the way Radioactive was designed by KJ, his body has the ability to constantly stay in his Shikai powered form which most people, including Radioactive himself, refer to as his shark form. When it sits at idle his powers aren't as suffocating to be around then when he powers up. He's also alot more lighter before transforming into his Shikai state as well.

However, once Radioactive decides to get his reitsu juice flowing, he's weight will increase, most of the muscles inside of his body will become much more powerful, his spiritual pressure will be dramatically different along with his reitsu which may become alot more diffcult to be around for most people and sometimes a yellow/orange glow will surround Radioactive.

Shikai Abilities:

• Spikes: One of Radioactive's natural abilities is that he can create hundreds or even thousands of bone, steel or energy spikes from the skin across his entire body. Typically, he only shoots off the bone or steel types during battle and in smaller sizes. However, if things get heated, Radioactive can merge the nuclear energy within his body and create miniature nuclear weapons to fire at his opponents that can even explode in some cases.

• Reitsu Control: Radioactive's Shikai gives him the ability to send a mass amount of reitsu wherever he wants inside of his body. Say if he was going to punch someone; Radioactive would easily transfer most of the reitsu flowing through his body to a spefic body part like his arm in order to make his punches much more powerful then before. However, this comes at the risk of weakening other parts of his body which makes attacks more effective on Radioactive if you catch him in between these states.

• Energy/Radiation Blast: Thanks to the massive storage of energy in his body from his reitsu and nuclear core, Radioactive can fire off many variations of energy attack's from his mouth, hands or pores of his skin even. If he wishes to, he can even fuse these with the radiation in his body and fire off waves of nuclear energy at opponents that can cause many nasty side effects such as Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain along with nasty radiation burns and increasing their chances for radiation sickness overall. Even if Radioactive misses his target, the radiation will still be spread throughout the battlefield in order to accelerate these side effects.

• Brute Strength: Radioactive's brute strength is something to be admired. Some people have compared his raw power to the likes of Kenpachi, but Radioactive has no comment on that. From the facts, however, his strength is so insanely strong that in infact whenever his reitsu is raised even slightly in battle, in some situations, any hit he makes can become a truly deadly explosive blast. Another example of his strength is that he can seem to easily cause large cracks, carters and holes in the ground or objects around him without much effort. He's even been seen being able to lift very large buildings in combat and hurl them like weapons during serious combat situations.

Even without any of his special powers, a large part of Radioactive's strength comes simply from his weight. At any time Radioactive can weigh at least one hundred thousand pounds in idle mode, to nearly seven hundred thousand pounds in battle when not in Bankai. That's equal, when in his idle state, to having a two story house fall down on you. So, from his weight alone, he could easily incapacitate many people without using up too much energy. Add to the fact that he becomes even more lethal when his reitsu raises, you have yourself a very intense fighter.

• Intense Defense: Along with his raw physical power, Radioactive also has an insane defense. For a comparison to measure his defense skills, Radioactive's skin seems to be harder to cut through then steel in some cases. Most people who use physical combat often have a tough time trying to injure Radioactive in a straight fist fight, and even people who use special powers such as beams of energy or fire have a tough time putting a dent in Radioactive's armor. The most that usually happens in those situations is that he comes out with alot of burns or scrapes, but is otherwise uninjured.

And, let's add to the fact where his weight, muscles and nuclear core come into play. From his weight, he can withstand an onslaught of punches from a typical six foot tall, two hundred something pound man due to simply his weight and have thick his skin is. It's almost like trying to hit a brick wall on a building, pointless. Therefore, Radioactive can take alot of abuse. And, over the past six hundred years, his muscles have began to get stronger, tougher and endure more with each battle he's partaken in. If you are lucky enough to get past Radioactive's skin, all you will be greeted with is his extremely thick muscles.

Finally, the last thing that helps intensify's Radioactive's defense is his nuclear core. If he somehow ends up getting cut in a fight, there is a high risk for radiation to leak onto to the battlefield in large amounts that can end up overwhelming a opponent. Though, once Radioactive realizes the initial release, he will either let it free to kill a pathetic opponent quickly or contain it himself if he is having a fun battle. Not only that, Radioactive can also use this nuclear core to form an invisible layer of extra defense that can melt, burn or poison people with radiation.

Wormhole Punch: Over the many years of his existence, training and combat sessions; Radioactive eventually discovered he could travel between nations on Earth, the Soul Society, Demon World and other realms by applying enough of his power into a punch in order to create a miniature wormhole that will allow him to travel to different places. This is mainly used to travel throughout Earth as he does not bother going into the Soul Society unless a real challenge is presented to him. Despite this ability, though, he never really knows where he will end up. Yes, sometimes he may end up in the location he wishes, but other times he can sometimes end up on the other side of the planet due to the way his wormholes work.

For example, he may be focused on going to China, but due to a miscalculation or direction in the wormhole, he can possibly end up all the way in the Grand Canyon instead. Sometimes, if he really desires to go to a certain location, force may be needed from his power in order to guide him on the correct path. Things move at hundreds, if not thousands, of miles per minute while within these wormholes. But, Radioactive can still detect the presence of the human realm, Soul Society, Demon World and etc. If he can find a familiar power signature, he'll do his best to lock on it and use his raw strength to guide him to his location.

• Pride Of The Shark: Learned from his older sister, Priscilla Yunari, he was able to master this technique and make it his own. It starts by Radioactive gathering a large sum of reitsu, energy and in some cases, radiation. From there, all of that power will mold itself into a massive shark composed of all that energy and is roughly the same size is as that of a typical sky scarer in the 25th century. From there, before it makes a direct hit, the shark itself is able to shoot off hundreds, in some cases, thousands of energy beams, radiation blast, energy/radiation spikes, super sonic roars and large vibrations that can shake a one mile wide area.

From there, the shark will then try to close in on the opponent and seemly consume that person with it's massive mouth. From there, once the fighter is digested, the shark will then become to glow at an extremely fast fate. So much so, that just being near it can cause temporary blindness. After the critical point, the shark will then self destruct and create a massive explosion that stretches for almost two miles.

The initial impact will try to obliterate everything within the blast radius and reduce it to nothing but ash and ruble. The sound and vibrations within the blast will also try to crush every single bone in the opponent's body, rapture their organs and deafen them. Not only that, though, but the blast will also attempt to engulf their entire body in flames at one point and produce fourth degree burns all over their body. That alone could cause severe damage to an opponent in order to knock them out for the reminder of the fight. If that wasn't enough, though, Radioactive also has the option to add radiation into the blast from his nuclear core for an even more powerful impact on the opponent.

Most think this is Radioactive's signature move, and even he is starting to believe it is.

• Nuclear Core: Through insane experiments done upon him by the mad scientist known as KJ Yunashi, Radioactive has an intense built-in nuclear core that is comprised of both natural and artificial radiation created by his very own body. This core has an insane amount of energy that Radioactive hasn't even been able to properly measure in terms of strength, it may even equal his own strength or more when it comes to brute force. With the core, he is ability to absorb most other radiation in the air, through attack's or even stealing radiation from any nuclear fusion or nuclear power plants. This core also gives him the ability to add these nuclear attributes to his attack's or body.

For example, Radioactive can activate the nuclear energy upon will and coat his body in an intense field of radiation that can swiftly sicken, damage or burn opponents who stand by him. It's also possible to in cooperate this energy into his physical attack's by leaking out large amounts of radiation through his skin and combining it with his reitsu and raw force for truly deadly blows.

• Jaws Of The Shark: This is an ability that Radioactive seems to have developed throughout the past five years from his steady stream of constant combat. You see, he has fought against many opponents whom had delivered immense amounts of energy based attacks against him. In one case, he had even taken a point blank Getsuga Tenshō from Kurosaki Ichigo while he had released into his Bankai + Res State, devoured it and then amplified it in strength with his own energy in addition to extra fuel from his nuclear core; to make a more augmented and powerful attack that decimated the Saudi Arabia desert for countless miles; leaving most of it to be a nuclear waste sight for hundreds of years to come when Radioactive had left that battle and forced Ichigo to retreat. Another instance of this occurring would be when he even devoured energy attacks generated from Ceon Clixx in Shikai, eating whole attacks from the likes of Kenshin Yuudai and other highly powerful combatants with immense power in their own regards.

Therefore, as his body began to adapt to these sorts of attacks, Radioactive had forged Jaws Of The Shark and realized his teeth had the ability to consume most types of material, substances and even other special abilities that dare enter into his mouth. He's even theorized that his jaws hold the capacity to tear through Zanpukato, considering how they fall under the jurisdiction of Jaws of the Shark. Additionally, Radioactive is aware he must have one hell of a bodily resistance and endurance to be able to consume the devastating levels of power put into these attacks his opponents have used against him and consumed as if they were nothing. So, Jaws of the Shark most likely even gives him a higher defense to most of his body's internal structure as well; making him less prone to taking damage if attacked from the inside out in his opinion.

However, what Radioactive doesn't know is that if his body sustains too much damage, there is a chance that this ability may lessen in effectiveness. This applies to if he loses too much energy or sustains enough overall exhaustion or decrease in health. Furthermore, the potency of this technique varies throughout the different states his body goes in. So, if he were to use this in base, there may be a better chance for the opponent to possibly overcome Jaws of the Shark. Where, as if this was used in his Bankai State, the odds are stacked more in Radioactive's favor for overpowering it. Thus, leaving the judgement calls to be made by Radioactive on when to use this technique to it's fullest.

• Skorost Rezhim: Skorost Rezhim literally means "Speed Mode" in Russian. Upon activation, this state in either in his Shikai or Bankai form(s) will compress Radioactive's weight and muscle mass into reitsu, energy and radiation for him. Thus, making him slimmer during the process, but giving him a new dimension of possibility for his fighting style.

For example, without all that weight slowing down Radioactive's body, his overall speed will increase making his attack range much wider and larger then before. Not only that, but his reitsu alone will be more fierce then before since it will begin to poison most weaker souls then himself with radiation if you are within one thousand feet of the fight. Not to mention that it will be extremely difficult to breath when you are close to Radioactive during combat, the heat will Two Hundred Degrees Fahrenheit near the center of where Radioactive is transformed at, the gravity alone will be 3x's more intense then the Earth's or Soul Society's and many more nasty side effects waiting to be revealed.

And in this state, Radioactive can also shift his muscle mass and strength to any other body apart along with his reitsu in order to make deadly blows to his enemy's. If he was going in for a kick or punch, Radioactive could shift all his reitsu and muscle mass into his leg or arm and use that to inflict as much damage as possible on the person. This would be even more lethal if Radioactive was to summon his spikes while making this attack. However, when he does that, he leaves other parts of his body open to damage if someone were to attack him and make an attack that would normally not do as much harm when all of his muscles were intact, cause alot more injuries to his body then before.

But a change of this calibur doesn't come without a few drawbacks. For one, since Radioactive has slimmed down, it is now possible to cause more damage to his body. He will still be able to take damage and such, but not with the kind of defence he has while in his regular Shikai state. Second, there is a possibility of injuring himself while his muscles are being compressed, changed, shifted around and modified during this state. If he makes a mistake, it could end up in him causing massive internal bleeding, damage to his muscles or being unable to use his limbs. Finally, it is possible for him to reach a limit if he exhaust's too much of his reitsu in this form.

• Hulk Mode: What is Hulk Mode? Hulk Mode is the state where Radioactive sacrifices nearly every ounce of his spiritual energy, abilities and even his nuclear core in order to achieve a state of maximized strength and defense. This means that he loses the powers needed to have basic flight, the capacity to generate energy based blast, any sort of radiation based attacks and anything his body cannot do organically. Hence, this means his body's natural capacity to produce spikes will not be effected while in Hulk State. And, on the flip side, his strength will be taken to near absolute level's while he ascends to this state. An example of this will be that if someone were to take a direct blow from Radioactive while he was in this transcended period of peak strength, there is a large chance that he could shatter through even some of the highest defenses; such as Bakudō 99, metaphysical barriers and things of this nature. In fact, if Radioactive were to even graze someone who was unequipped to do battle with him in this state, there is a good chance the sheer force from his blows could level their body because of how strong his impact force becomes in this mode.

Furthermore, when it comes to his defense, his energy had turned into a state of raw defense in order to shield him from spiritual, metaphysically, physical and otherworldly attacks. An instance of this defense coming into play would be if someone were to warp reality around Radioactive's body. It's very possible that his body could resist eighty to sixty percent of it's effects; based on absurd amounts of enriched energy Radioactive holds on the regular bases being compressed into a raw physical/defensive state. This also enables to take even more damage then before; as he believes he'd be able to take a constant barrage of direct blows from Kenpachi while in his Shikai or Bankai versions of Hulk State. However, since this has not been tested yet, it's still only a theory and Radioactive hopes to prove this one day if he is able to find someone fun enough to bring this out of him.

However, even with the drawbacks of something like this, there is obviously further limitations to it. Even someone like Radioactive will have problems sustaining this level of raw power for periods of time. Since Hulk Mode, by Radioactive's estimates, increases his raw strength by three hundred percent in Shikai State when used in his Ascended Shikai State, and upwards of five hundred percent when released in Bankai; there is an IMMENSE strain placed on his body by amplifying his offensive power upwards towards these dangerous levels. To put things in prospective, while in Hulk Mode, Radioactive believes that if he were to use it's full potential, he has the potential to change entire continents if he had concreted his strength into a truly devastating blast, shatter entire islands, roughly the size of Chaos Island, into pieces with two to three swift hits and even produce stomps capable of producing massive Tsunami waves that could devour entire cities in minutes from the changes in the Earth's tectonic plates from Radioactive's impact hits; consequently crafting Earthquakes that could destroy entire metropolis's in the process.

Ergo, with all of this said, Radioactive realizes he needs to watch how far he pushes his muscles, stamina and endurance in this state by releasing devastating amounts of strength while in this mode. If he attacks too often or too hard at once, he runs the risk of causing immense internal damage to himself in the form of erupted organs, damage done to his vision by the vessels in his eyes bleeding out, massive lost of blood leaking throughout limbs from the raw amount of strength generating from his blood, critical damage sustained to his muscles from the severe demand he places in them and possibly even shattering his bones if he takes himself too far or tires himself out. Therefore, this does not give him full rain to use Hulk Mode's full strength constantly in this state, but rather, it's saved for opponents who truly want to get a rise from Radioactive or feels he wants to test himself against. Lastly, Hulk Mode can also only last upwards of ten to twenty post, depending on long Radioactive can sustain himself based upon his health and endurance. He'll need a five to ten cooldown period and will be open to use it again two more times if the fight persists into those sorts of duration.

Making Hulk Mode one of Radioactive's most powerful techniques, but having equal ability to ruin his day if he abuses it or pushes himself too hard at once.

• Atomic Blast: Radioactive can release this move at ANY given time. By gathering up VAST amounts of both nuclear energy and reitsu within his body, Radioactive, depending on how much of it he wishes to use, can self destruct and create a massive nuclear explosion that can stretch for up to the size of a small farm town at it's weakest, to the size of Modern Toyko by waiting one or two post's. It's like a nuclear, or on it's highest, atomic bomb going off on any given area.

The blast damage alone is able to destroy most people, cars, homes and buildings. It's possible for the blast, by itself, to create a massive carters in the Earth that dig for hundreds of feet into the ground and stretch for many miles at full power. Not only that, but Acting on the humanoid type body such as Shinigami, Demon's, Vizard's and etc, the shock waves alone can cause pressure waves through the tissues. These waves mostly damage junctions between tissues of different densities that are the bone and muscles, sometimes even interfering between tissue and air. Lungs and the abdominal cavity, which contain air, are particularly damaged. The damage causes severe hemorrhaging or air embolisms, either of which can be rapidly fatal to most.

Even the overpressure from such a blast could instantly damage most people's lungs who were close to the blast and shatter them like glass with Radioactive's extra reitsu adding to the force of the impact. Some people's eardrums would instantly become shattered from the sheer sounds and overpressure as well. The winds alone could also reach upwards of one thousand miles per SECOND; ripping apart anything in it's way.

After the initial blast, the thermal radiation could cause damage on people who even put themselves at a safe distance. For instance, the flash alone could cause "Flash Blindness" in some people. It is caused by the initial brilliant flash of light produced by the nuclear detonation. More light energy is received on the retina than can be tolerated, but less than is required for irreversible injury. The result is bleaching of the visual pigments and temporary blindness for up to 40 minutes. The worse case being permanent blindness in some opponents or bystanders. Also, On clear days, these injuries can occur well beyond blast ranges. The light is so powerful that it can start fires that spread rapidly in the debris left by a blast.

Trying to put out the flames by this attack will also be extremely difficult. Such as in urban areas, the extinguishing of fires ignited by thermal radiation matters little, as fires will be started anyway by electrical shorts, gas pilot lights, overturned stoves, and other ignition sources. Not only that, but thanks to the mixture of reitsu, the flames are even protected and strengthened by Radioactive's spiritual energy. Making most of this also effective towards both living and dead bodies.

Because thermal radiation travels more or less in a straight line from the fireball (unless scattered) any opaque object will produce a protective shadow. If fog or haze scatters the light, it will heat things from all directions and shielding will be less effective, but fog or haze would also diminish the range of these effects.

Other side effects that could occur in this atomic blast are EMP type attack's. The Gamma Rays from Radioactive's Atomic Blast is enough to effect even some of the toughest electrical equipment the 25th century has to provide. The pulse is powerful enough to cause long metal objects (such as cables) to act as antennas and generate high voltages when the pulse passes. These voltages, and the associated high currents, can destroy unshielded electronics and even many wires.

Along with that, Radioactive can also cause severe earthquakes in the wake of his power. Within a controlled distance, Radioactive is able to cause 10.0 Earthquakes at full power that can ravage anything in it's wake for miles upon miles. Creating massive scenes of destruction in it's wake.

However, this is still not the full capability of Radioactive's Atomic Blast. Thanks to his reitsu, Radioactive can even launch miniature nuclear blast within the initial explosion, create THOUSANDS of energy attack's while the attack is still being unleashed within the area and is overall a peak time to create serious energy type attack's. It's even possible for him to create an energy attack that can rival the atomic blast's power with all the energy in the area and the energy coming from his body. So, in some cases, Radioactive may even fire one Nuclear Blast and a Reitsu Blast of extreme power. And, anything that is caught within the range of this attack, risk's the chance of becoming fused together when it reaches atomic level's. Such as metal's, objects and sometimes even certain people from the abnormal effect of adding reitsu into the attack.

The types of radioactive exposure after this large scale attack is pretty nasty as well. Intense thermal burns from infrared heat radiation that would consume most people, Gamma burns from highly penetrating gamma radiation that would likely cause deep gamma penetration within the body that could damage most organs and lead to a swift death from the sheer power Radioactive has at his disposal, every kind of radiation poisoning imaginable such as bone marrow death (severe bloody diarrhea, indicating intestinal disorders causing fluid imbalance, extensive internal bleeding, septicemia infections) Gastrointestinal death (gastrointestinal pain, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and acute diherria), and Central nervous system death (drowsiness, lethargy, tremors, delirium, seizures, convulsions, prostration, coma, respiratory failure and death). It can also cause Infectious diseases resulting from nuclear attack rather quickly, Utero Effects and Cancer. The exposure is even capable of producing perament sterility in both males and females; killing all sperm count in males.

Not only that, but the artificial radiation can effect other worldly beings like Shinigami, Demon's and Hollow's. It can cause a special poisoning to certain characters bodies and prevent the use of reitsu based attack's without having a large hauling dose of pain effect the person each time they use it, it can create dozens of burns that absorb the person's spiritual energy and create large sacks of acid that eventually burst and create a acid that can pierce through armor, bring some of the natural effects of Earth-Bound radiation to these people and can even dose a area in so much artificial radiation, that it becomes extremely difficult to utilize reitsu at all. Not only that, but it can even cause some people to stop seeing spirits and other wordily things all together.

The radiation can also create an Artificial Nuclear winter in some locations with the help of the Artificial Radiation's effects and Radioactive's own reitsu. It's even possible for a quick Artifical Nuclear Summer to occur after the Nuclear Winter as well. If anyone is caught in either, it can quickly, over time, disrupt their use of reitsu, cause more artificial radiation poisoning and infect their blood.

So, with all that said, this is truly one of Radioactive's most deadly, but simple attack's. A Nuclear fallout from him would be catastrophic at full power.


-There is no release phrase for him since he is constnatly in his Shikai-

Bankai Description:

Immediately after releasing his bankai, a strong red light engulfs what would be an area of 50 city blocks with a height of 500 feet. While within this light, Radioactive was transforming. First, he became taller. Standing up at 8'4. Second, his skin turned from a faded orange and white to dark red and black. Third, his teeth grew even sharper and longer before with noticeable growth on his black claws. The fourth change in Radioactive's appearance was that his hair had gone even longer going past his shoulders. The fifth change is that he had various black spikes popping up out of his body. Five small spikes were on his eyebrow, three small spikes going in a row were popping out of his tongue, three spikes were aliened on his fin, two large black spikes were coming out of his elbows, and six medium sized spikes were shown coming out of his back going down in a line with a row of spikes on which side of his back. And finally, the last change that happened was that a very large blade with shark designs and spikes coming out of the hilt appeared in his right hand.

Bankai Abilities

• Massive Power And Reitsu Upgrade: While in Bankai, all of his abilities are just turbo charged. Basically it's just one HUGE power up. In this form, however, his reitsu basically destroys everything around him. If you aren't EXACTLY on his level, there is a strong chance that you could die from all the side effects his reitsu causes to the area around you OR your body just won't be strong enough to withstand being around him.

• Insane Weight: In Bankai, at the very least, Radioactive can way a whopping 1 million pounds. That makes it very difficult to even think of fighting him with physical power. It's enough to where just by jumping up and down on the ground, he can create carters without much effort on his part. If you were to get hit by Radioactive and were a human, there is a great chance you would simply end up as a puddle of guts on the ground

• Chaotic Strength: When Radioactive reaches this point, he has been seen to dish out some truly frightening raw force. Just by punching the ground, Radioactive is able cause extreme Earthquakes, rip holes in the ground for a half mile and even shatter steel like it was nothing but glass. Even a simple grace by his fist would be enough to rip someone's face completely off.

• Chaotic Defense: At this point, Radioactive has been seen to even take two grand ray cero's on and come out with nothing but a few burns and damages to his clothes. The defense in this stage is almost too much bare for most of his opponents. Not even Radioactive knows how much damage his defense can take because he's never even taken it to it's maximum level.

• Immense Energy Attack's: Radioactive has been seen firing off a round of energy blast's from his mouth and hands that seem to be on the scale of a Grand Ray Cero without extending too much energy on his part. This is mostly due to the fact the nuclear core within his body and his sheer reitsu is fueling the energy he needs to create these truly destructive attack's. The only limit Radioactive has on this is that he can only fire off one at time with each limb and mouth he has. Meaning, more often then not, he'll simply try to make it as powerful as he can.

• Full Beast Mode: Rarely does Radioactive ever have to go past his bankai, but if he wants to either show his opponent his full power or he has no other choice, he will go into his final form. After activating this form, he will literally turn into a giant shark. He will be the of the sky scraper for reference, he will weight nearly 2.1 million pounds, his scales will black on top and white on the bottom and his eyes will constantly glow dark red.

In this state, he is insanely fast since the water is perfect for a shark body, his powers are at their maximum and radiation can easily slip out of his gills. Not to mention his body will be able to convert the water around his body into energy that can heal him, heighten his senses to their best potential.

However, there is only one requirement that must be met before he can go past his Bankai. In order for him to obtain this mode, there must be some type of large mass of water. That means he cannot transform into this state unless he is near a beach or a large lake.


Radioactive [APPROVED, 0-2++] Image4037-1

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Grand Master
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Grand Master
  • Focus: Master

General Skills
  • Durability: Grand Master
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Grand Master
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Hoho: Adept
  • Kidō: Beginner
  • Zanjutsu: Beginner
  • Hakuda: Grand Master

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:15 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:44 am
Updated Appearance, Shikai Powers, Bankai Powers and a few other details along with the overall appearance of the application. Will update background eventually.

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