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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:04 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

It's been a week since Kaminari had given her little note to Captain Crow. It was today that they were supposed to meet. She had not gotten word from him since then. She didn't even know whether he was going to show up or not, but this is where they were supposed to meet. This place was where she constantly trained herself. This was where she obtained her bankai as well, although she didn't think Captain Crow knew about that little ability. In fact, no one knew about her bankai just yet. She was keeping it a secret until she knew she mastered it, or until she needed to use it. So far, the need to use her bankai had not shown up, so she was still the only person to know about it. This area was a large meadow, covered in tall grass. There were yellow flowers everywhere. The entire area was surrounded by trees in almost a perfect circle.

"This place..." Kaminari thought to herself as she looked around. She was currently sitting down in the middle of the field, hiding her spiritual pressure completely. She waited there to see if he would show up. The grass was high enough that she would not be seen unless he came from the air, and Kaminari doubted that highly. He wasn't the type to make a flashy entrance, especially in this situation. "... It'll be gone after today... At least until everything grows back, but that will more than likely take a long time, so... goodbye..." She closed her eyes and continued her wait, keeping her pressure hidden completely, and sitting hidden within the tall grass. She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. It was almost noon and he should be arriving any time now.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Wed Aug 15, 2012 2:22 am; edited 1 time in total

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:19 pm
Jaeden could hear the protests of his Zanpakutō, it didn't think this was worth it. Jaeden was a fine warrior and would fight Kaminari with no restraint's. His eyes were closed and truthfully, this helped him a bit he hadn't truly thought about this for a long period. Upon arriving Jaeden had his head around looking for her, he slowly pulled his Zanpakutō free. Not wearing his weight gear, Jaeden could easily disappear from Kaminari by suppressing his power. Jaeden didn't exactly care what was going on, his eyes remained closed. At this moment his reiatsu flared up, lighting began to burn the ground around him. It appeared he was ready and able to fight, he didn't mind keeping this a distance game if need be.

Jaeden wondered if Kaminari had progressed far enough in her swordsmanship to understand the Tengu style, perhaps not but it wouldn't make a difference. This form was designed to deal with enemies who decided to fight a certain way, Jaeden was ready to treat this as a serious match. Letting the girl vent steam was fine, but Jaeden himself needed to let loose. No enemies so far had come along worthy of his full power. He could feel the lighting sparking off his shoulders and body, this was gonna pick up soon. Flashy entrances weren't his deal, Jaeden was making it known he accepted her challenge. The skies above had begun to storm with lighting and thunder.

Jaeden's reiatsu had this effect on the area, those born as elementals had this problem. Jaeden was willing to release his shikai when the time came.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:00 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

"He's coming..." Shiroka spoke out from the depths of Kaminari's soul. They could both sense the presence. It was definitely Jaeden who was approaching. Today there was no ranks, no Gotei 13, only two people locked in a duel until the other surrendered, or died. Kaminari was not planning on dying today. She was looking forward to one hell of a fight from Jaeden. "I know... He's here." Kaminari thought. She did not move yet. She knew he was unable to sense or see her. That didn't really matter though. She was just glad that he decided to show up. "It seems he's ready... Are you?" Shiroka asked her and Kaminari opened her eyes. At that moment, the sky began to darken as if a storm was coming. His spiritual pressure was great, but that didn't effect her like it once did. She too had become much more powerful then before.

It was time... Kaminari stood up and made her self known. She looked straight towards Jaeden and narrowed her eyes at him. For a few seconds, she allowed her own spiritual pressure to flare up, allowing it to match his. A mere two seconds passed and she decided not to waste any energy showing off her own power. She had learned that the level of ones spiritual pressure was not always the deciding factor in a battle a long time ago. She would have to be on her guard. She knew of his strange swordsmanship style. That was definitely going to be his big advantage over her. Her mastery in her speed was definitely going to be her advantage in this fight.

"Be careful... Don't stress. You two aren't friends right now. You're both enemies, remember that. Do not let any of your emotions get in the way. If you're going to fight, fight to win..." Shiroka spoke to her in an attempt to keep her calm and focused. Kaminari stayed silent, reaching back to her Zanpakutō's and unsheathing the both of them. She was ready as well. She did not make a move yet. She wanted to give Jaeden a chance to say anything he wished to say, or even let him start this battle in the first place. If he did not, she would start it without any hesitation at all. Friendship was now set aside. Last time she allowed any friendship to get in the way, she was practically annihilated in every sense of the word. She was not going to let that happen. Now... it was his move.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:18 pm
Jaeden's reiatsu died down, he could sense her. So Jaeden did something that only he and several others could, he erased his presence now. Focusing hard on making his reiatsu disappear along with ever trace of him, finding him wasn't possible sadly when he decided to do this. Jaeden's hearing and other senses were far higher than even someone with above average due to his type of training, he had spent a life time depending on the senses other people let get weaker over time, his senses were waiting for her.

Jaeden sat down now slowly, letting the grass take over it was time for Seiryu and he to meet. He could feel the area shift to that thundering plans within his world, yet he could feel the dragon's voice scream inside his head. Jaeden wasn't here because he owed her, nor was he here because of anything truthfully. She wished to test herself, that was all that mattered. And he would push her to that test with all his strength.

"Are sure you are ready for this Jaeden, dropping your power to simply cloak it and erase everything is fine. But how far are you willing to go for this one win, it doesn't seem worth while if you push things as hard as you are. Please don't over do it my master, you know the people don't care for you when you let it all go."

"Worry not Seiryu, in this fight no holding back, I will fight when she is ready..I don't plan on rushing into this like a fool for her to strike down..When she's ready to show herself, we can begin. Not to say I don't know where she is, i can detect her."

Jaeden had trained to an absolute perfection with this suppression of his he held his sword across his leg, his lighting and storm based weather had vanished almost back to normal. The fire died down slowly, Jaeden had sat down in a nice place his powers hadn't quite effected yet. He'd toned them down quick enough to disappear, his mind was focusing on the Tengu arts. Soon he would begin and he would show her the true sword of illusions. No truth was able to be seen through one's eyes, this was the final truth he would teach Kaminai.

Jaeden stood to his feet now, having completed his task of clearing his mind he knew where she was and this was good enough for him.

"When you are ready to begin Kaminari, I await you.." Jaeden let it go again and his reiatsu sent sparks flying around him as he took the Tengu stance and waited for Kaminari to make a move. He was giving her the first strike, facing the female's direction now.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:47 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari watched him sit down, keeping her eyes on that exact place. She didn't know what he was planning, but his presence had completely disappeared. She just kept her eyes on that area, waiting... After a while, he stood up and her left eye began to twitch. "What the hell is he doing?" she thought, watching him with suspicious eyes. Hearing what he said, she blinked a few times with a raised eyebrow. She was going to give him the first strike. It would have put him at an advantage, but he didn't seem to want that. Now it was her choice. This battle might end up going her way if he did that all the time. Close range was a no. She wasn't going to get close enough to allow his blade to trick her. Kaminari took in a deep breath. Her best bet now. "Kidō..." she said with a smirk. This was definitely going to be her best choice of action. Although a curse, at the moment, her voice was a blessing. Using Kidō and having to call them out will definitely help.

"All right..." she said as she brought her right arm back and sheathed the second of her Zanpakutō swords. She calculated about thirty feet being between the two of them. It was time to shorten that gap a bit. "If you wish for me to go first... I WILL!" She ran forward at her max speed. Being a master in it, she moved very very quickly, almost a blur to those who could not keep up. She stopped in her tracks about ten feet away from him, the perfect distance. "Hadō THIRTY THREE! SOKATSUI!" she shouted at the top of her lungs and raised her palm towards him. A large beam of blue energy shot forward towards him at a high speed. Adding onto this, once he heard her voice, certain effects would be passed onto his body. Not many could dodge something at the speed of sound, no matter how hard they tried. Some claimed that they could, but that was just illogical in her opinion, this ability giving her one hell of an advantage.

Now standing only a few feet away, she narrowed her eyes, concentrating on him and his reactions towards this. The Sokatsui had come out a perfect eight feet in diameter, matching her own speed. She would hope that this would show her seriousness in this battle. She was ready to do serious damage to him if she needed to. It was just a matter of time before this battle really got going and the two of them were both severely hurt. She wanted to win, but something made her doubt that she will.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 3:49 pm
Jaeden wasn't really willing to wait for things to become worse, his zanapkuto released as he was waiting, lighting and thunder sounded in the heavens before Kami fired her Kidō. This was on her first word, Jaeden noticed a couple things that were slightly off with him. His gauntlet was gathering lighting energy, this was his shield that blocked energy attacks. The lighting grew as the woman shouted her Kidō, it was interesting strategy. She planned to keep a long range offense. But something else was on his mind now, her speaking something had caused a problem. Jaeden had got ready to cast a Kidō of his own after blocking Sokatsui. With the lighting shield, the sparking energy danced around, it was large enough to protect his body from harm.

He'd been pushed back, causing damages around the area except the point behind him. His footing got solid, he kept a calm face. Rain began to fall due to his sword's shikai. Lighting sparked around as lighting bolts flashed down, landing on Jaeden's body causing a blinding light. The lighting was hard to look at as it built up, the sparking glow it gave off slowly lit things on fire around him. The next move was his, but what would he do. Jaeden had used a defensive move to block, had he not done it. Well he'd pry of died, the shield was used up on that. The water that began falling would play a big part in Jaeden's strategy to come, it was making him wet. Which made him conduct more electrical energy, this helped him draw in the static electricity easier. However one thing happened to his enemy as well, rain fell on her.

Jaeden wasn't sure why, but his Kidō wasn't going to work. He'd tried to fire a spell, but found nothing had come during the Sokatsui. Thus just blocking, his shikai roared as thunder echoed through out the area. Jaeden's red reiatsu glowed around his body now, sending out a fairly decent spiritual pressure.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:24 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari knew now that Jaeden's senses would be slightly off. His vision would be blurry for a while, he'd be off balance, and he would be feeling lightheaded. Her little scream would be the cause of this. Having been within ten feet of him, she purposely had screamed out to knock him of his norm. As he blocked her first attack, a rather powerful Kidō, she narrowed her eyes at him. She was also taking a mental note of the sudden and rather drastic weather changes taking place around her. Not a few minutes ago, this place was bright and beautiful, now dark and damp. She was becoming soaked due to this sudden storm that hit, but it didn't bother her too much. She was unaware that it was all caused by Jaeden's shikai, but she did have some sort of clue. It also looked like after she made her first attack, even though he blocked it so easily, he wasn't willing to move onto the offensive. He did not even attempt to attack her.

"Hm..." It was time for yet another attack. She was not going to take it easy on him, so the moment he blocked her Sokatsui, she began chanting rather loudly. "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring." It was obvious that she was using every ability that she had to bring Jaeden down. Still standing a mere ten feet away, but ready to move if she needed to, she continued on with the chant, building up one of the more powerful Kidō she could use. "Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!" At this point, she brought her right arm upwards, aiming it towards Jaeden. "Hadō Sixty Three!" she yelled even louder, now using Shunpo to appear ten feet behind Jaeden, but slightly off to his right, "Raikōhō!"

With not only the chant, but being at this close of range, she hoped it would a massive amount of damage. A massive blast of yellow energy shot forward towards him at a rather high speed. The pure energy emitted from this Kidō was enough to take down or severely injure most. Adding in the effects of her little vocal ability only allowed her the bigger advantage. His blurry vision would likely of gotten worse, his loss of balance would probably be very bad at this point, and would likely cause him to become even more lightheaded than before. Combining all of this, dodging was going to be hard, and seeing that his shield from before had been used up, she wondered whether he would be able to conjure another one. The fact that this was an extremely powerful Kidō had to be taken into account as well. If hit by it, it would likely leave his flesh scorched, the entire first layer burnt rather badly, but not ridiculously. Only time would tell exactly how Jaeden would react to such a massive Kidō being shot towards him. Arm still pointing towards him, Kaminari stood there waiting to see the result of her second attack on him.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:10 pm
Jaeden ebcame aware of it, though Kaminari wasn't aware of the fact that Jaeden's power had begun, he noticed the damages to his eye sight. Closing them wasn't an issue, his balance was sorely effected. So he needed a plan and one now, Kami was getting soaked which if Jae was a pervert wasn't a bad view. Jaeden had only one idea it was about time, he'd been absorbing enough electrical energy his power of lighting was rather impressive. Jaeden's crimson eyes were glowing bright red under the closed lids. Kami moved, he was finding her rather easily. Her voice was painful to listen too, but it was time for a counter attack. Jaeden gathered himself using a shunpo now to go to the right not far from the female. Jaeden raised his hand as lighting began to smoke off his body, he was ready for a fight. Jaeden perhaps appear most like a super charged conductor at the moment. She was picking fairly good Kidō, the interesting choice was Jaeden's back being put against a sturdy tree.

It would be crisp soon, Jaeden wasn't about to unleash his strongest move, though this one was fairly powerful and unless Kami was careful. That water would act like a seeker for it, the ground had puddles now adn her and Jaeden were both soaking wet. The thunder and lighting were beginning to storm as Jaeden got ready to attack, he was a bit wobbly and well her voice had this effect. Jaeden pondered simply slicing his ears off, but he could do something else. though it would mean he'd be fighting with his eyes open. He could use lighting to fry his hearing and cause her attack to lose it's effectiveness on him. First it was time to see the gap, her attack had shot as Jaeden had left. So now it was ready.

Bringing his sword up and down, he yelled the name of his Zanpakutō's attack tripling it's already great strength. His sword's power was built up from the lighting he'd been absorbing. Also dodging from the 8 meter distance wasn't gonna be easy, she was pry well aware of the switch in his position.

"SURGE SEIRYU and cut down all with righteous FURY!"

Lighting shot from Jaeden's sword in a large blast, almost like a dragon it chased after the female now. Going towards her at a rather quick speed, gaining a fairly fast speed. If she managed a near dodge it would cause a large amount of electrical damage to some of her body parts. A direct hit would be very dangerous, her next method of fighting this attack by Jaeden had best of been a good one. Jaeden brought his gloved hand up, thinking about it perhaps. Recovering his hearing was something he could do, but honor was something Jaeden needed to think about. how far would he go to fight her evenly without her voice effecting him. would he give up his sense of hearing for this. His hand shook at the thought, but he wasn't so desperate yet.

After the outcome of his lighting dragon perhaps something good would of come of it. He waited for the attack to see what happened.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:42 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari narrowed her eyes as he dodged such a massive and powerful Kidō without any problem at all. She wasn't able to understand how he was still able to move so easily when he was effected by her voice. It was impossible for most, so how was he able to do that? It didn't make sense to her. After he dodged, she immediately sensed him create even more distance between them, which shocked her completely. She had been standing at ten feet away from him, and he moved farther, creating a little more than twenty five feet between the two of them. For someone with a sword style like his, and the inability to use Kidō, you'd think he would try to confront her more closely. What was his plan? It was hard for her to figure out. The lightning that seemed to be a part of his very being was beginning to effect the area around him, turning a tree that he got too close to to crisp.

Kaminari watched his bring is sword down and begin to yell something. Finally he was on the offensive and moving in to attack her. With this distance between them, dodging wasn't going to be as hard as one might think. Kaminari was fast. She had not yet shown her true speed to him or to very many people out there. Only a couple of people knew exactly how she was able to move. She saw a blast of lightning shoot out towards her and there was absolutely no hesitation at all within her movements. At the same exact time as using shunpo, she reached back and grabbed the hilt of her Zanpakutō with her right hand. Vanishing from sight, she appeared behind him instantly, only two feet away. In a single swing, she unsheathed her Zanpakutō, sliced it downwards aiming to cut through the skin on his back. All of this happened in a single instant, she having moved at her top speed and using shunpo. This sudden change of strategy by getting within close range to him was only temporary.

The moment her swing was acted out, she planned on Shunpo'ing away from Jaeden immediately, whether the hit landed or nothing. Doing this, she would once again appear fifteen feet away from him, now to his right once more. Only a single sword drawn, she stared at him, holding the short sword tightly within a firm grip. She did not break eye contact with his form. She watched him closely, awaiting another attack and seeing whether the swing of her sword had done anything to him or not.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Posting Template By: [THEFROST]

Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed] Empty Re: Crow Vs. Kaminari: Will All Be Forgiven? [Closed]

Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:59 pm
Jaeden wasn't as fast as Kami and he was still rather floored, he was just pushing himself past it. Good she wasn't talking, this gave him a chance to recover. Turning soon as the female shunpo, he was able to follow the movement. Blocking wasn't a choice, but with his electrical powers getting built up again and her wet. Well his plan of action was slow, this was gonna sting a bit. As the sword came down to cut, his hand went up and grabbed it. The inner palm was sliced up a bit he could feel blood on it. Though Jaeden decided there, he would have to just manage it for now. This was a duel for Kaminari's forgiveness, and he'd go as far as he must. Jaeden's expression hardened as lighting sparked from all sides of his body, he gripped the weapon hard. Blood dripped down the weapon, though it didn't make his grip waver. Another interesting little thing about the wet Kami was she was in range for his electric reiatsu to reach her and cause shock damage. Jaeden spoke once again, this time he didn't let her see his eyes just yet.

"I will not let you have an easy battle, I will show you..all I am and earn this forgiveness! SURGE!"

Lighting shot from Jaeden's body now at Kaminari, he kept a rather firm grip on her sword. The lighting was a small bolt of it but it held enough charge to cause some damage to the female as well. He'd done it again though so the power of his attack was stronger, just due to the name being known and said clearly to her. The lighting around his hand would help him with that, the charge wasn't a bad trick.T he wound wasn't serious so it wouldn't take him forever to recover. Lighting struck his body three times while he gripped her sword at it's easiest point to grab of the blade, around the center. Jaeden's sword hadn't moved yet. But it was about to, bringing his hilt at her right side with an electrical charge to it. This could cause severe damage to the ribs. Though if she attempted to step back it would be the blade that hit her.

This attacked followed suit of the lighting bolt coming from his chest, that now faced her.
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