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The Dark Enforcer
Joined : 2011-03-14
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Emerald Barley, Golden Wheat, and Platinum Blades (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Emerald Barley, Golden Wheat, and Platinum Blades (Private)

Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:39 pm
Emerald Barley, Golden Wheat, and Platinum Blades (Private) - Page 2 Yurits10
Yuri Tsukuyomi
Appearance: Vanguard Warden
Transformation Status: Dormant
Damage Status: Shallow Cut on his Right Hand
Emotional State: Focused/Excited
Intoxication Level: Feeling good
Tier: 0-2

Dohohoh- This is what made Yuri's life worth living. This is what made life exciting, feeling the flame of battle rub up against his own heart, His soul. It was fighting someone as capable as Jaeden that made this all the more enjoyable- Considering his crushing defeat at the hands of Shadin Yuudeshi- The Yayjuu Leader and Head of the Yuudeshi clan. It was that day one month ago, That Yuri dedicated himself into never being so helplessly outclassed by anyone. However, He hoped this pure battle of swords would help clear his doubts he held in his head for a fleeting moment. Alas, As Yuri's first strike tried to make a clean hit, Jaeden lifted his sheathe, using what seemed to be his electrified reiatsu to create a magnetism polarity to make a clean repulsion of Teion-en- Very clever indeed. However, with that, Yuri merely grinned, Thinking in his head that his sheathe is apparently needed in his style- Or, that's what he's trying to sell to The Dark Enforcer. No Matter, All will be figured out soon enough. It was when Yuri attempted to make his second strike where things got a bit interesting. As he pivoted into his second movement, Tsukuyomi noticed him swing his sword aimlessly to the opposite flank of where Yuri was. Tsukuyomi's eyes narrowed as he cut his attack short, hearing a faint swiping sound through the air on his right flank. Shifting his amethyst eyes to the right for a modicum of a second, It was there He noticed a tip of a blade- However, The rest was nearly invisible to the naked eye, or untrained eye. In response to the cutting sound, The Dark Enforcer quickly dodge rolled to the right hand side under the invisible blade; However, As he did so, It slightly cut the back side of his shirt, Making a slash mark on his back- Thankfully, The tip of the sword didn't make contact with his flesh. He stood up swiftly, Looking at Jaeden with such excitement in his eyes- Displaced slashes eh ? Bizarre style indeed considering how he implements them into action.

"Hmph! Let's see that one more time..."

Those words were merely muttered to himself in a very low and docile tone of voice, He was waiting to see how he actually strikes with that technique. Shifting his attention from his Technique back to the battle at hand, Yuri continued his previous assault before noticing that this man's reiatsu flow was very calm- As if he needs tranquility to strike perfectly. Very nice style indeed. But, These were all assumptions in his head that needed to be proven before being exploited for his own benefit and gain. It was when Yuri started to implement his Kougekijutsu technique "Tenroumetsuga: Ensenga" Where he knew this would be an amazing sword fight. With his daunting speed, He appeared on his rear flank, attempting to stab him in the seventh vertebra to paralyze him stone cold before he heard the clash of metal- He blocked it with an impressive reaction time, Which made Tsukuyomi's grin grow even wider. The moment he blocked it however, The Dark Enforcer didn't waste any time staying in the same position, taking a swift jump backward about four feet; At the same time, dodging his counter strike to cut his chest and torso. Landing on the ground with a graceful embrace, Yuri entered his Kougekijutsu stance once more; His right hand was in the front of his left this time around to switch things up. When Yuri shifted into his own stance, As did Jaeden, creating what seemed to be a very high posture stance of the sword. His right eye brow rose slightly in retort to such an action before Jaeden disappeared into a flurry of Shunpo towards The Dark Enforcer. His eyes darted left and right, Looking at each singular location of where Jaeden landed and disappeared before he emerged directly in front of him. Yuri chuckled as he noticed him attempt to give a singular Swing at his shoulder- However, This is a battle of styles, not strikes, There had to be more to it. There was.

"Very clever- But, Try Harder!"

It was there from his Peripheral vision he noticed two other invisible blades come into his vicinity pretty much as soon as the real strike was implemented into action; In response, only his right hand began to grow with a purple hue, coating itself in a rather thick veil of reiatsu. Tsukuyomi knew, in reality, It would be almost Impossible to block all three strikes flawlessly considering his range, stance, and speed at which this shinigami was attacking with. However, He isn't dubbed "The Improvisionist" for nothing, There is almost nothing he can't think himself out of- Except the tab at the bar. Alas, He merely had a modicum of a second to think of a plan, and before he knew it, It was like his body moved on instinct, Knowing what he should do. First, Tsukuyomi removed his right hand from the handle of Teion-en swiftly; At the same time, swinging to his left flank to deflect the invisible blade in question. However, This is where it got epic. Using his now free right hand, The Dark Enforcer reached out towards the real blade, grabbing it firmly; a small amount Blood instantly began to trickle down his palm and his wrist. However, this could have been much worse to his hand if he didn't coat his hand in reiatsu before hand. Alas, With the grabbed sword in his hand, It only took a modicum of a moment to pull it upward slightly, managing to block the other invisible strike with his opponents own weapon- an amazing feat to come up with such a strategy on the fly. Once the threat was averted, Tsukuyomi immediately relinquished his hand from his blade; Yuri knew of this man's elemental reiatsu, and coated his hand in reiatsu enough to repress a bit, if not most of the charge if it was implemented by Jaeden at that time. Jumping back about three feet after that whole ordeal, The Dark Enforcer took this time to inspect his hand for the damage that was caused; Didn't feel as if any tendons were cut, But, Damn, It stung like a bitch. Looking past Jaeden, Yuri noticed that his sheathe was about ten feet behind the Shinigami captain. His eyes hardened into a dead pan focus as he said aloud towards Jaeden.

"That was quite a show- look what you did to my hand. Whatever, We've just begun to show each other what we can really do."

With that, Yuri expelled himself forward with intense speed in a shunpo past Jaeden on his right side; However, This speed was at least two- If not three times faster than the shunpo he used to grab his blade out of mid air during his Kougekijutsu technique. Seemingly flying past Jaeden, He appeared before his sheathe, Picking it up with his slightly scathed right hand. Using his left hand, He untied the white ribbon around the body of it, Wrapping it tightly around the wound on his hand. It successfully stopped the blood flow for a bit; However, Due to drinking the sake previously, His blood was a bit thinner, making it flow just a bit faster than normal, but, No matter. Once again disregarding his sheathe behind him, Yuri rests Teion-en upon his shoulder in his nonchalant battle stance; The Vanguard warden rested his eyes closed for a moment, Standing in place for about five seconds; Within this time, He was completely open for an attack- Or, So it would seem to the untrained, wild, or stupid opponent. It was here, Yuri would attempt to "Mimic" Jaeden's invisible swiping technique of the sword. Focusing, Remembering, and Analyzing most of the statistics shown from this technique, Yuri felt he was ready to attempt and shock this wonderful swordsmen with his own wondrous skill. Opening his eyes suddenly, Tsukuyomi launched himself forward without a second thought, Racing towards Jaeden with his natural speed; The Frozen wheat once again shattered from the wind wake from the dark Enforcer, Revealing that their wasn't much frozen stocks of wheat anymore within the vicinity of the two combatants. Yuri lowered the tip of his blade on the ground as he got within two and a half feet of Jaeden before swinging it upward aimlessly at no target, Continuing to move forward as he did so; But, Alas, This was where he attempted to mimic Jaeden Crow's attack. As soon as he swung upward at the ground, Another nearly invisible upward strike was crafted behind Crow at the back of his right shoulder. This was merely a trial as he continued to move forward into Jaeden's range, Swinging downward with Teion-en at the front of his right shoulder. If either attack didn't stay true to its mark, Tsukuyomi shunpoed from location after the second swing, four feet to the left of Jaeden.

"Now! Let's do it to it!"

Spinning his Zanpakutō once in his hand, Yuri gains a tight grip upon the handle, raising his reiatsu a fair bit into his Zanpakutō, Creating another faint purple hue- This time along the blade, instead of his hand. Holding his sword upward, Yuri was seemingly about to slice downward- but, He transitioned the downward motion into a Horizontal slash, Creating a shockwave of pure force be released towards Jaeden's location; The horizontal shockwave was about four and a half feet wide and about four inches thick. This wave traveled at intense speeds towards Jaeden, and considering the distance between the two at the moment, It would be a mean feat to dodge it perfectly. Moreover, This attack was seemingly doubled as another entity of Yuri appeared on Jaeden's right flank as well; This was all made possible due to the shunpo Yuri used to escape the immediate vicinity after his second strike. It wasn't a normal shunpo, Even though it looked as such- It was called Enjo- (Succor; Referencing to Their Co-Operation): Spinning his Zanpakutō once in his hand, Yuri gains a tight grip upon the handle, raising his reiatsu a fair bit into his Zanpakutō, Creating another faint purple hue- This time along the blade, instead of his hand. Holding his sword upward, Yuri was seemingly about to slice downward- but, He transitioned the downward motion into a Horizontal slash, Creating a shockwave of pure force be released towards Jaeden's location; The horizontal shockwave was about four and a half feet wide and about four inches thick. This wave traveled at intense speeds towards Jaeden, and considering the distance between the two at the moment, It would be a mean feat to dodge it perfectly. Moreover, This attack was seemingly doubled as another entity of Yuri appeared on Jaeden's right flank as well; This was all made possible due to the shunpo Yuri used to escape the immediate vicinity after his second strike. It allows for a movement at Intense speed and Precision footwork for a Creation of a Perfect Clone to Fight along side him much like a Gelemos Sonido- While Using this Stepping Technique, All other variants are rendered Inactive Until the Clone Fades from too much Damage intake or reiatsu depletion. This Clone is Controlled and created by his Reiatsu, meaning it Can attack on its own; It Can Only Last for Four Posts and Requires a five Post Cool down time. However, This clone was only meant to implement the double attack and faded immediately after it was done its duty.

"That seemed a bit over the top... but, I'm sure he'll be fine- He's a Captain, Unless, these new Captains have been soft on their training."

Regardless of The shock-wave hitting Jaeden, once the two shock-waves collided together, It would create a massive concussive force that seemingly exploded with "Empty" energy as it ripped apart everything with a five foot radius with merely it's wake of wind. Yuri jumped upward, attempting to escape the collateral damage that could be caused with such an attack. But, If He was caught in the pincer attack, One would surmise that his equilibrium would be distorted a bit from the extreme "SMACK" of sound. So, Floating in the air about seven feet, Tsukuyomi looked down at the ground, Attempting to see How Jaeden would handle such an assault.

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Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:44 pm
Jaeden smiled somewhat as he stuck Seiryu in the ground in front of him, he reached up beginning to take off his weighted clothing, if he wasn't fast enough it appeared that this man would give him a short carrier as one of the Captains with sword skills. His eyes opened slowly, a gift of Jaedens was about to be put into use. Two of them to be correct, Jaeden's eye sight was an inch wide, giving him a far greater range. When those eyes opened, he was far far more dangerous. Jaeden picked Seiryu out of the ground now, he was amused by this little dance they'd just had. Jaeden only needed to see a move or sword move twice, to understand how it worked. Not to mention ways to counter act the move, he was watching him closely. He watched the male closely, noticing some similarities and being quite able to read the move that was coming. This was gonna be an interesting game indeed, Jaeden's speed was quite faster. His physical limitations weren't what they once were. Jaeden shutting his eyes and fighting like that did have some advantages. But the main advantage of them being open was greater.

The weights were discarded, cracking the ground that was frozen and going down to break the solid ground below that. Jaeden's handling of Seiryu had begun to change slightly, a more smooth version that seemed faster. He seemed to take a couple practice swings, his arm weights gone had allowed him to swing his sword much faster. SSSWAP! Could be heard clearly for each strike through the air, he brought his attention fully back to the figure of Yuri. The male had rushed forward, though he appeared to be open for attack. Jaeden shock his head somewhat, watching the man rush forward. The similarity he noticed was clear, he'd gone for something a bit unexpected. Not to mention it was a good attempt for his first try, Jaeden did notice the attack and reacted in full with it. He sent a large burst of electrical discharge to his hand, causing a similar effect to what had happened with his sheath. He used his hand to block the sword of Yuri, bringing his blade quickly in a speed that was impressive. Into the invisible blade. However during this, another blade was made. Coming straight at Yuri's back, he was sure Yuri had already come up with a strategy.

Once Jaeden was sure this exchange was quite done he relinquished his grip upon the sword of Yuri, he'd copied his idea a bit yes. Though Jaeden's reiatsu was a bit more suitable for the idea, he'd not walked away unscathed from that exchange though. His hand had been given a deep wound by blunt force, to the hands muscles. That had stung quite a bit, but he could still use it rather freely. This was becoming quickly one of his more favored days indeed. Jaeden had gotten a distance of at least enough space three to four shunpo would be needed by a master of the art to reach him. Jaeden was extremely impressed by this, perhaps it was his turn to show Yuri a slight surprise of his own. Jaeden's foot work wasn't bad truthfully, he never really tried things like this. Because his style required a tranquility of sorts, he was gonna enjoy the look on his friends face this time. But before he had time to act he had spoken his words and watched the man advanced at him now. Well it seemed like show time was coming in now, game on.

"Interesting, that was the very first time someone's tried my own move against me. A couple of things different from our school, but still extremely impressive.."

Jaeden observed the movement, noticing a couple facts about the move he'd not seen yet from Yuri. Reading it and memorizing the patterns to it, noticing the energy output of what he deemed the minimum amount required to release it. His eyes observed the clone as well, the tactic was obvious a three prong one. The clone was bait, the idea was to force him into the air obviously. It was a good idea, Jaeden nodded somewhat deciding to oblige it. He used a shunpo going into the air, as the clone came into range and attacked. He released a powerful burst of his reiatsu sending a huge amount of lighting energy around his body. For someone holding a sword, fake or other wise. This lighting around his body shot out and would well give the clone a deep frying. Jaeden's eyes went to the next location, had he been keeping his eyes closed in this. Yuri would of pry turned Jaeden inside out, he'd gone above the original move. The third was where he was expected, Jaeden used a faster shunpo then normal as the male came down. The attack went into the other and unleashed a large amount of force. Yuri had done quite a bit, he'd forced Jaeden to take things far more seriously then he'd expected too. But this was good, he wanted to take this seriously. Had that stupid Haori been on his shoulders, he'd of pry been turned into a puddle by that attack. Or rather it would of made him release his shikai so he didn't die. Jaeden had sped up quite a bit with the loss of the weights, those held him back a bit. Using a shunpo to get about five meters from Yuri, Jaeden had taken to the skies. Dispatched the clone quickly as he could with lighting, he'd given enough voltage for the that enemy to put it in a state of shock for a long period.

"Damn, if I'd been wearing the weights and keeping my eyes closed..those would of hurt like hell, you already did some serious damage to my drinking hand..Heh...well I've had sometime to watch how you move..let's see if I can chill out a bit."

Jaeden vanished, attempting to match the speed that he'd seen from Yuri, he wasn't there most likely. He came in point black, an energy was coating his zanapktuo. He'd seen the one move enough to somewhat duplicate it, however it pry didn't have the right feel to it. Jaeden had used his own style merging it with this move. A nearly invisible blade had been behind Yuri, while a blast of a smaller size came from Jaeden's Zanpakutō. He was able to duplicate it somewhat, grant it he couldn't of done this without watching Yuri. As to if he'd gotten it correct or not all the way, only time would be able to tell him the truth about that. He observed this a bit further, as the back blade was used as a corning method. The blast had come out at a range, where his swords tip would still reach Yuri. It felt a bit strange fighting with a move from the other swordsman's weapons, but it was fun to try something new out with such a great warrior. He didn't know how exactly to describe using a move within the heat of the moment, he'd of course changed it slightly. Having fired that blast right on top of Yuri was all he could think of on the amount of time given. Jaeden's dragon eyes were known among the Crow's as some of the most dangerous, had it not been for his inch wide eye sight and other gifts that allowed him to read movements and copy them if need be. The crow's folly was about to be either a high pay off, something could go wrong any moment. But this was true battle, at it's finest.
The Dark Enforcer
Joined : 2011-03-14
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Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:02 pm
Emerald Barley, Golden Wheat, and Platinum Blades (Private) - Page 2 Yurits10
Yuri Tsukuyomi
Appearance: Vanguard Warden
Transformation Status: Dormant
Damage Status: Shallow Cut on his Right Hand
Emotional State: Focused
Intoxication Level: Sobering up
Tier: 0-2

All he could do was smile at a time like this- Apparently, This captain wasn't showing his true cards in this battle of blades. His eyes narrowed slightly towards Jaeden, Noticing him take off his weights and moving accordingly; Training the body to work under extreme conditions- A very smart move when it comes to training. Tsukuyomi applauded in his head, giving Jaeden one of his infamous grins that trails off into hardened battle focus. Moreover, When Tsukuyomi noticed the speed at which he was swinging his sword, It made him chuckle just a bit; Considering that's how fast Yuri swings at 65% of his full capabilities. Right now, In retrospect, The Dark Enforcer was fighting at 45% of his full speed and strength- Mainly, because this was deemed a friendly battle without the use of offensive powers. Alas, Yuri didn't dwell on those facts, Mainly because This shinigami captain might pull something off that he has never encountered. When Yuri started his assault on him, He noticed another discharge of electricity form around Yuri's target, Making it become repelled. He scoffed slightly at the use of another power- even though it was defensive. However, This didn't stop nor slow down his assault towards Jaeden, Merely made it clear on what he should do in this situation. Shifting his attention at the Blade coming towards His own back, Yuri Twisted his body, pivoting on his right foot to spin towards the Nearly invisible blade to block it with his weapon swiftly before launching himself into the air with a mere discharge of reiatsu. As he soared, Tsukuyomi's amethyst eyes look towards the ground at Jaeden- Thinking if he should make this a real test for this guy.

"Please- Flattery will get you no where, Nor will taking my ideas of defense."

His tone of voice towards him was very sarcastic, Not many people reach out openly to grab the edge of a blade. Considering the edge of ones sword is so small, Anything could be hiding within the exact sharp edge of anyone's sword. Alas, He rushed towards him once again for his second phase of his attack, Shifting into the stance needed to activate such a feat. As he unleashed his attack of pure force, Tsukuyomi noticed that his clone got immediately fried as it released its burst. An Offensive attack with reiatsu- Elemental or not. He grinned as he also noticed that he escaped the concussive blast that occurred afterwards. Yuri grimaced, thinking to himself if he even has the capability of what he once had. It was time to show him, What a real swordsman could do. As Jaeden also resided in the sky, The Dark Enforcer looked over at his Opponent before holding his sword towards Jaeden. His intent could be clearly felt- It aimed for victory. There was nothing anymore that needed to be tested. His reflexes are great, His style with the sword is deceitful, And his reiatsu is certainly.. useful in terms of Offensive and Defensive capabilities. Opening and closing his right hand, Yuri tilts his head to the right slightly, Listening to his words; Chill out ? Oh, Sure. In a very challenging demeanor, Tsukuyomi readied himself for what Jaeden was about to throw at him. Suddenly, The Captain was gone; Tsukuyomi's Amethyst eyes saw him vanish with impressive speed, In response, switching his stance into a commando stance of sorts- Something he does very rarely. Like Magic and predictability, Jaeden appeared directly in front of The Dark Enforcer for a swift slash- Shit, His Peripheral vision caught a hold of slight veil of reiatsu coating his sword, Meaning. Duplication. Sliding his left foot backward the second he appeared, Yuri set his body into motion, already creating a course of action.

"Get real Jaeden!"

From Here, Tsukuyomi implemented a simple movement that is most Devastating- A Variant of the former Juushourai Technique. If an opponent attempts a strike from any flank, Yuri would attempt to Parry the strike with an Soft swing that is respectable to the side being affected, Just enough to make the other person's weapon rebound slightly; Moreover, as Jaeden released his wave of reiatsu, Yuri scoffed, creating a tangible thin force of his own reiatsu that took a modicum of a second to manifest around ONLY the edge of his Zanpakutō. So, in response to this tangible force of his own reiatsu making contact with jaeden's, It literally split in two, making one diverge to the aimless target to the left and the other half held on the edge of the blade. So, Wasting no time, The Dark Enforcer spin-steps to the opponents respected flank as he "slashes" his Katana towards them in a forehand grip- In retrospect, Yuri lets his Zanpakutō go slightly before grabbing it with his opposite hand, Completing the parry with a spinning slash of Ambidextrous style; However, as He spun around, His weapon was long enough to block the incoming blade that intended for his back. This entire countering action took less time to blink four times, This is where Yuri is going to show him some true talent. Hoping back from Jaeden's location about five feet, Yuri reaches over to his other arm, Outstretching it slowly, and did the same to the other as he was done with the first one. With the alcohol fading from his system with the high action focus, Tsukuyomi tossed his weapon into the air aimlessly before catching it swiftly with his right hand, resting it on his shoulder in his nonchalant battle stance. It was here, Tsukuyomi would get a little even for the use of the Offensive blast of his lightning. Holding his left hand outward at Jaeden, A faint cold breeze past by the palm of his hand; In response to that, Another Faint cold breeze that begun to encompass the orbital radius of three feet of Jaeden. Within LITERALLY, A second and a half, That area in question was suddenly engulfed by white feathers in a swirling fury. The revolutions of the orb was too high to count, as Yuri closed his hand, creating an implosion of white feathers that rained down as crystals towards the impeding wheat field.

"Was that not what you meant by chill ? My bad, I'm bad with puns."

Yuri never bothered to tell the nature of his white feathers towards Jaeden- Mainly because, Telling a stranger what the nature of ones abilities is retarded. But, Once a feather has made contact with a target material, It creates a chain reaction of Mini-Implosions that Internally freeze the target from the inside out; The Implosions of the ice directly attack the atomic structure of the target, attempting to freeze them solid. Once it has made contact, It's chilling effects on a Human advisory would effectively slow down their movements by "Freezing" the part of the body in question. If succeeding in this, The effects would potentially Freeze the person's Blood, Killing them without much effort if it has made contact for over five times. That orb of the Hyougajin Umo power was about 30% of it's normal destructive capabilities, Meaning, That If Jaeden was caught inside of it, His body would be rather damaged considering the lethality of the feathers themselves. But, That attack wasn't meant to take him out of the game, Merely to have a bit of revenge at the Lightning attack. Where ever Jaeden appeared after the Implosion attack, Yuri bent his knees before rocketing himself towards Jaeden, Appearing in front of him within a couple of seconds. With his weapon in his right hand, Tsukuyomi swung his blade upward at Jaeden's shoulder with swinging speeds that were four times faster than what they were a moment ago- As if he himself took off some time of weights, but, These weights were all metaphorical. The swing itself created a wake of pure wind that resided around him in a razor form, cutting most things in its way. From here, Yuri would continue to the right, Lifting his left knee towards Jaeden's gut to attempt to completely knock the wind out of him. If those attacks didn't strike true, Yuri would follow through, Jumping forward before skidding on the ground to redirect himself towards Jaeden once more. With his stance reverted into that of his Kougekijutsu, Yuri twists his body counterclockwise as he enters the two foot vicinity of Jaeden's person- This time, he was using his favorite technique within the Kougekijutsu; Souryuu Rengazan.

"Alright, Let's see if you can mimic this one Captain-san!"

This is custom swordsmanship ability that was crafted out of pure improvisation when fighting Hollows on his own. When this Attack is used, Yuri makes a chain of several Accurate slashes, moving forward with every strike. This is a damaging and deadly attack which is not easily avoided by grounded enemies. The implementation of this attack varies on how Yuri is actually feeling at the moment, He can use it as a chain of Five frontward slashes, or make four slashes with evasion placed between each slash. When putting this technique into action, Tsukuyomi breaks his Kougekijutsu stance, Sliding his right foot backward if his left hand is forward in position on the handle- Vise Versa if it was the opposite. With that, Yuri would lunge forward with shuttering speed, Swinging up and down from his forty-five angle in rapid succession that are usually targeted for his enemy's Latimuss dorsi on each side; These six slashes are usually regarded as a single swing if not recognized immediately due to their immense speed- Some would even all it a mirrored attack. From there, Tsukuyomi spins the sword edge back towards the target within a modicum of a second, pivoting on his forward foot at the time to sway to his targets rear flank with little trouble if executed perfectly. With that positioning, The Dark Enforcer kneels down as he spun, able to slash once again- But, This time in a spinning fashion at his/her hopefully exposed Achilles tendon. Finishing this assault off, Yuri pivots once more on his opposite foot to appear in front of them, Flipping the Flat side of his sword outstretch towards them- Pushing his body into the target to hopefully shoulder check his foe to the ground. Moreover, This Technique was used with the use of Shunpo instead of the Pivoting and natural agility for a faster execution. After the technique was finished, Yuri slid backward, Looking at The area of where jaeden stands, Grinning softly in response. He rose slowly, Shifting into a defensive stance before wiping off a tiny bit of sweat from the side of his face.

"Look, A single drop of sweat. You've really got be working now Jaeden."

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Emerald Barley, Golden Wheat, and Platinum Blades (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Emerald Barley, Golden Wheat, and Platinum Blades (Private)

Sat Sep 15, 2012 2:48 am
His eyes widened, well it seemed Yuri was taking this seriously at last. Jaeden could tell where he stacked as a warrior against the male, yes very well aware of the gap as swordsman. He didn't have enough time to avoid all the feathers, the chain reaction was going be bad. He had lost feeling in one hand in his attempt to dodge with a shunpo and good avoiding. The arm lost wasn't the important one, even if it was. Jaeden could fight with both hands. He'd not lost sight of Yuri, but his mind was in pain. He'd completely lost the skill to use this arm, his left hand was numb and almost as limp as though not their. Was he gonna lose his arm in this fight, he couldn't avoid him all the way. He needed something on the fly and now, what was it gonna be. He didn't have alot of time to him, Yuri was coming. All these thoughts were flowing into his mind, his left arm was pretty much gone. So he needed something that required one arm. Jaeden't hadn't begun to fight yet though he'd released a fair amount of reiatsu during his escape. He felt the lighting was what kept the arm from turning 100% frozen. None the less it kept it from becoming nothing more then a simple story for kids. He noticed the arm wasn't limp, but frozen solid. This wasn't what he needed.

Having to deal with Yuri's attack was a problem, his own attack had failed badly. He wasn't going to be able to just block this one either, he couldn't do much about this one. He swung his sword quickly in time to cut most of the damage out it. He'd been sent backwards by the wave though Yuri used. They were certainly on different levels that was for sure. The slash to his shoulder that came next was going to be hard to block, he brought his sword against the blade side ways to block it. Moving his leg up, he blocked the knee it had stung alot since Jaeden wasn't a professional by any stretch of the word for Hakuda. The race wind that came in had taken him off guard, he didn't have anytime to react for that sadly. It had sliced him in several places. He felt warm liquid pouring down his body, the crimson flow was something familiar.

Now time to really do much, he would have to improvise and use a new move just on the spot. He set up in a different. Raising the sword up for a thrust, he was lining his energy in a strange set up around the blade, the idea came from Yuri. Though ordinarily Jaeden wouldn't of attempted to use something like this. Now he was learning true swordsman improvise and adapt during combat for the enemy. He waited now, his left arm frozen against his side. Yuri appeared and came, he would need to do this just right. He watched carefully timing this just correctly, the attack would spread outwards and make Yuri either go low or high. This much was sure, it was a thrust that was like a clean sweep. That's what made it strange, he wasn't sure if he'd done enough. But time was up and it was time to find out how this would go.

Yuri was moving forward, so he wouldn't expect this. But Jaeden's next attack was going to release a large burst of energy but keep a small bit back. Hidden away for the next attack. His arm was rather useless, he didn't announce a name yet either. As Yuri's first slash came. He sent his sword forward with a powerful thrust. Sending it out, on either side a fair range making it hard to just go left or right. The attack meant the user could go above or below it above more likely given they were on the ground. If someone attempted to go right or left, they'd be cut gravely by the edge of the thrust. The blade was like a spear almost with a cross blade. The aim of the attack was for Yuri's midsection, he was hoping for a second thrust.

A small invisible amount of energy was wrapped around the blade, using this for the next move. The thrust did have a good effect. If one were to picture it, consider a thrust coming outwards a point of energy being shot forward with the thrust. It's basically a highly pressurized thrust of energy. Shooting it out at the target, making them go up or down. This was the last option after this, he was all out of moves. He'd thought about it one more step ahead, if Yuri went as he predicted then one more thrust would be ready. He pulled the blade back swiftly and readied for another thrust of it.

Jaeden sent the next thrust out, the small almost invisible blade a point like a rapier aimed for Yuri's well mid-section near crotch. He'd fallen down mid way, he'd not dodged Yuri's attack completely and was a mess of blood.
The Dark Enforcer
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Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:11 am
Emerald Barley, Golden Wheat, and Platinum Blades (Private) - Page 2 Yurits10
Yuri Tsukuyomi
Appearance: Vanguard Warden
Transformation Status: Dormant
Damage Status: Shallow Cut on his Right Hand, Minor burns on his arms.
Emotional State: Focused
Intoxication Level: Sobering up
Tier: 0-2

This battle was coming to a close sooner than later considering the condition that Jaeden was in at the time. The Dark Enforcer grinned softly- This was a good workout, One he hasn't had in the longest time. Maybe at a later date, They could do it again- At full strength, With full capabilities of one another. However, It was clear that Tsukuyomi was the better swordsmen in this certain happenstance. Alas, The Dark Enforcer's eyes narrowed slightly as he saw Jaeden shunpo away from the encompassing swirl of ice that attempted to enclose him into a frigid end. However, The Shinigami didn't escape that completely, But, Still did an impressive job considering. Yuri scanned his body, noticing that his left arm is a solid piece of mass, almost completely frozen by the powers of His Hyougajin Umo. A slight smirk cracked on his face before continuing his assault upon the captain of the Gotei. It was here, Yuri released the slash of razor wind that hit its mark, slicing Jaeden in several places- Hmmm. It was here Tsukuyomi noticed that Jaeden looked like he was at the end of his rope, But, This battle wasn't over until one of them ceased moving, Or something calling the fight itself. But, Digressing onto the next part, Tsukuyomi's knee attack was blocked by Jaeden in the nick of time- Very swift block considering his condition.

"Nice Jaeden, But, We should wrap this up!"

Tsukuyomi declared that this should end sooner than later- Moreover, The Dark Enforcer knew this would be the last exchange of blows for both parties if he had his way. So, Yuri started the final part of his schematic, Lunging towards him to attempt his slashing attack. It was here, Yuri didn't have a lot of time to try and attempt a counter. As Tsukuyomi came into his range, His amethyst eyes noticed him get into a thrusting like stance. Shit. In response to him having a tiny bit of time to react, Instead of trying to parry the thrust, Tsukuyomi dropped to his knees with his momentum, Sliding on the ground at a very low stance, allowing him to slide under the blade to appear on his rear flank. Lifting his right leg first, Yuri planted his hand on the ground, allowing a pivoting station to turn towards Jaeden. Once again, Jaeden threw another thrust- But, This time, Expelling energy outward. Yuri didn't have time to move considering his distance, So, Lifting his arms in front of himself, He braced himself for impact as he grimaced. He Blocked it moderately good, Burning the sleeves off of his arms, and giving him slight burns on his forearms. But, This is where it ends, Once Jaeden attempted the third thrust, Yuri escaped the immediate area with a extremely fast shunpo backward, Gaining distance between himself and the captain, Watching the same energy get expelled again. His eye brow rose slightly, Figuring out what that was. But, Alas, Yuri rolled his arm slowly before placing his right hand on his hip and tilting his head down at the ground. His breathing was defiantly increased considering the physical excursion he just expelled. He Stabbed Teion-en into the ground before smiling towards Jaeden, It was then, His Zanpakutō began to glow white.

"Tosho, Teion-en"

It then Morphs into a Ice Blue Scythe with a Purple Tassel at the end of the Staff Part of the weapon. The Blade Has a Silver Engravement of the words "Purge" in Kanji. The Reiatsu Yuri Tsukuyomi Now emits are a Dense Wave of Blue Flames that contact create Injuries to a Fine Degree. Teion-en is Said to be the Very Pinnacle of Fear within Zanpakutō. With the blade being about 80 Cm's in total Length, This scythe is one dangerous weapon. Along the pole-arm of the weapon, That same Purple tassel Now wraps around the entire thing, signifying That his weapon as Changed. The blade of the weapon remains the same length, Although, Along the tip of the blade resides one hook that hangs about two Inches. The hook is great for versatile uses, Such as hauling pieces of debris and sudden weapon locks if given the Opportunity. However, He wasn't going to attack, he merely wanted to show Jaeden his Shikai weapon. Removing his Released Zanpakutō from the ground, Yuri rested it on his shoulder before saying softly.

"Next time we spar, You'll be up against this. Train hard, Don't want you to slip up in that fight Jaeden."

Teion-en swiftly reverted into his Sealed state as Tsukuyomi began to walk towards Jaeden. As he got within his vicinity, The Dark Enforcer held out his hand towards him with a smug smile before muttering.

"Nice fight Captain."

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Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:04 am
Jaeden body hurt, but he would show the same kindness that Yuri had shown him. " That's a nice move and thought." Jaeden said about wrapping the battle up, his eyes blinked after a couple moments and Yuri backed off. He watched the male release his Zanpakutō. "My turn..I am not quite at fully strength as you no doubt are aware..oh can you fix this.." Jaeden said nodding at his arm, before looking back at his Haori. I can't show him my shikai my arms too damaged to apply Seiryu's Gauntlet to it. Jaeden cracked his neck left to right, letting popping sounds go. He'd not been quite fast enough to avoid that attack of Yuris. He would certainly have to work on that, couldn't very well leave that many openings next time. Jaeden needed to train, boy Captain Unohana was gonna give him an ear full. He came back from a simply trip and had to come to their home. Jaeden flicked his wrist sending the blood on the ground now. This clash with Yuri proved something to him also, he wasn't ready yet.

I am not quite there and strong enough to guard what's important. The dreams of my men, but I guess in due time we'll get there. He sheathed the weapon now using only one arm since it was all he had at the moment. "My Shikai requires both arms, since I can't quite do anything with the other it will have to wait." Jaeden was being honest, he'd regained his composure and that was about it. His body felt hot from the blood and man it was a nice feeling to have really, been so long since he'd felt that amount on his body. He moved his fingers on his free hand, he was rather hopeful this didn't mean he lost his other hand. The hand was important to him, he didn't think Seiryu would be to thrilled about this little loss of a limb either. He could picture it now, the big old dragon giving him a lecture like no one else. Jaeden's reiatsu 's true power hadn't even been shown here. Jaeden had been holding it back quite a bit, in the next fight that wouldn't happen.

Jaeden also grew as a swordsman from this battle against Yuri. Things were going to be a bit different in the next big clash they had. Jaeden had no plans of running in head over heels to fight like a man who'd lost his way. " OH yeah, just call me Jaeden nothing official, don't got many friends who wield swords in the old styles anymore. " Jaeden was informal and didn't much see a reason to be serious about this situation, things were the way things were. That's life and the way the world was to deal with it was to be formal. Jaeden liked outside the box thinking and devoted himself to it, now his mind thought about his last attack that had granted him well not a win. But made Yuri pull back, this wasn't much of a victory if one looked at him and at Yuri. It was rather clear who'd been the winner. But as Yuri said, this battle wasn't quite done yet. They had a rematch that would take place sooner or later. Perhaps when Jaeden was at 100% he would offer a greater challenge.

His eyes went wide in somewhat of a horror like look. "AW darn, the sake ah well it died young. Well why don't we had to a sake house, my treat we may as well get our lips wet after that. I am willing to bet I give them a near heart attack. " Jaeden said laughing as he stood up straight, his upper torso robe was in tatters and well it just fell to pieces on him. The scar that went from his left eye to his left peck could be seen rather clearly. Though a simple scar from his years as a child, Jaeden whistled a bit he'd walked into a shredder more or less. Boy Yuri had surprised him with that attack, it was rather impressive to say the least. He would have to copy it in some manner next battle to show Yuri he learned something from his better in this round. But the truth was Jaeden's mind was keen and always growing, he always learned during fights like this one here and it was always interesting to him when he got in them.
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:56 pm

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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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