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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:42 am
Ah what a wonderful day it is...The sun was shining, No hollows, No Shinigami...No Iramasha...Nothing, Nothing was hunting after her today, Everything was leaving her alone to live her life as she wished for one day, Finally! A sigh crossed over her lips as Arrianna Tsuki and her Seishin Buki wandered the forest of Karakura Town, One of the more popular towns in Japan it seemed. Either way, She seemed to be giving freedom for one day to do as she wished.

As a result, She decided to take a stroll through the woods, Why?, Well...Why not? She was finally allowed to rest, No hollows, No Iramasha, No Shinigami, Nothing...No worries at all! Or so she had thought....Either way, Right now she was in the clear so she decided to take a break down by a pond that her Seishun buki had brought her too, Laying down in the grass as the tall male wearing a neatly laced coat and jeans, Equipped with what some might call a 'Zanpakutō' though only a fool would think it was one. To the average passerby they'd see only the female, But to a select few, They'd see the tall male. Irregardless, To some, He might seem like a Shinigami on an escort/protection mission, Disguised to look like an average swordsman, So one might think he had a Zanpakutō when in fact it was not. Though it was no ordinary sword, It definitely was NOT a Zanpakutō.

As she lay down in the grass and the male kept watch, The wind was gentle in its breeze and all seemed to be going splendidly "Ah what a wonderful day! Finally a chance to just lay down and relax!" Arrianna chimed aloud, To which the male simply nodded with a soft smile, Keeping one hand on the sheath of the blade, Keeping a close guard and lookout for those who might try to attack her.
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Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:59 am

The thick morning fog had covered the forest that morning, a beautiful day but this forest seemed so dark and dull. Tora had ventured into here looking, searching for something ... someone. and without any delay he headed to the point he had felt them there was something odd about this forest something sinister

The thick air circulated throughout his lungs cold dark he inhaled it all, the dark was in his blood. he wind was fierce the pounding was cast through the air Toras spiritual pressure washed over the area like a massive tidal wave as the man stepped into the clearing his Zanpakutō, Loki sitting in his hand the gigantic golden blade shined in the morning light sitting upon his shoulder it truly shone with glory.

his eyes were closed but he could see all ahead of him, brushing his light brown hair from his eyes they opened ad he looked upon the Iramasha and her little "pet". he stared at the man looking to the sword laden at his side and gave a brief sigh of disinterest, turning his head alittle he looked from the male to the true master, his curiousity had been sparked. turning to the woman he allowed his next words to come quite bluntly

"interesting i didn't expect to find an Iramasha here?"

As he spoke he was already launched into action and within a split second he was standing face to face with the girl his massive blade laid across her Seishun bukis neck, not with the intent to kill him but just to stop him from interfering. He had been drawn here by this ones spiritual pressure but she didn't seem to be anything truly special but here she was, how intriguing. As he looked upon Arrianna he used his free left hand to lift her chin up so he could look fully upon her.

"and who might you be?"

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

An interesting development[Private] M9rTQZk

Kanji Man
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Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:24 am
Bad move, As the male had attempted to jet forward, His blade made a loud clashing noise with the metal of the male's blade, His entire body seeming to have moved in one swift motion as shortly after the blades clashed him and the female were standing about 10 feet away from him. "I see...It seems I cant even get a single days piece" The female murmured, One hand holding onto the male, the male's sword once more in it's sheath, Seeming like it was vulnerable to attack. "Let's see..." Her voice began to trail off a bit as she began to think to herself 'What is he? Shinigami or hollow? I can sense bo-' She let out a soft gasp 'Vizard' She whispered, The male now drawing his sword, Moving so that the female was now between him and his blade.

"You made a bad move coming after her like that" The male's voice rang out like drums being beaten "What do you want? You are neither hollow nor Shinigami! So why hunt me, Someone who is not your enemy?" She asked demandingly "To break through my defenses, You would have to spend your entire life trying, And even then you may only scratch the surface of my defensive prowess. My name is Shunsui, The most powerful defensive Seishun Buki in existence!" The male called out proudly, His hand gripping tightly to the blades hilt "State your business and why you attack me!" She demanded, Wanting to waste no time in finding out the reasoning behind the man's seemingly random attack.

"Here I am, Minding my own business! Just wanting to enjoy a peaceful day, And what do I get!? Some fucking prick Shinigami that thinks he's big and bad wanting to try and kill me because I happen to have some fucking Iramasha blood in me! All day every day! All I get to do is run! Run run run run! From you stupid Shinigami! From those fucking hollows! Even from my own fucking race! UGH! What is with you fucking assholes anyway!? Who the hell died and made you gods of who lives and dies huh!?"
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Fri Dec 28, 2012 4:50 am

run ..... she knew nothing of the word, he had been slightly surprised by the counter attack but after a quick examination this thing was nothing. he had been knocked back alittle but it only took a few seconds to regain his composure only one of his eyes was opened as he scanned the 2 infront of him he let out abit of a snort almost mocking his enemies. "My name is Shunsui, The most powerful defensive Seishun Buki in existence!". this was quite the claim from what he had seen the thing had a slight amount of strength but it was still pathetic in Toras eyes.

the girl herself was just plain loud she continued to yammer on about why he had attacked her but Tora gave little to no intrest in her anymore his eyes were now both open staring at this male. As her final words escaped her mouth he looked at her the dark killer aura of the man flowing over her

"Shut up!"

his ears were ringing with a bit of a chuckle, not his or his enemy which could mean only one thing. Toras eyes shifted to the side of him there on a rock sat tiger his inner hollow half the old man a smile on his face laughing at this situation

"perhaps you should let me take care of these brats? you seem to be loosing your cool."

But Tora didnt even bother answering the inner hollow as his attention turned back to the fight the hollow was gone wit a sigh tora pointed Loki at the man who lay infront of him

"you say you are the most powerful defensive seshin whatever .... i shall put that to the test. Let the lion eat the tiger, come Loki"

like a massive explosion a huge burst of air flowed out like a large eruption in the spot where Tora was standing ... nothing. but around the 2 somthing was moving the air was rapid changing like a gigantic storm was brewing but this was just his test. moving at speeds up to 100 miles per hr, miliseconds seemed like years as he swiftly withing the males guard within an instant he had already torn the veil to his mask ripping his hand over his face the tigers vizard mask was on and placing his 2 fingers upon the chest of the male he launched a cero at incredibly high speeds then immediatly to escape any counter attack launched himself backwards about 20 feet his massive blade raised prepairing for both the Seishun Buki and the female

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

An interesting development[Private] M9rTQZk

Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:14 am
The two seemed completely unphased as the male released his Zanpakutō. Indeed, They had seen too many releases to even be concerned. They had foughten some Vizard's in the past, So his mask was nothing new, And neither was his cero "You seem to have mistaken what I said little man" The male called out as the Cero was fired off, Despite the speed in which the Cero was fired, The male seemed quite capable of keeping up with his speeds as he whipped around and aimed the sword directly out in front of him, a small 'barrier' like aura spiking around the male, Causing the Cero to split in half and whip around them. "I will state this for you once more since you don't seem to quite grasp the complexity of your situation" Arrianna began, The male didn't seem to know what he was getting himself into since he wrecklessly attacked her Seishun Buki.

"A Seishun Buki is akin to a Shinigami's Zanpakutō, It's form is akin to a Shinigami's Zanpakutō Spirit. Each one is unique in that they all have their own unique abilities to help them accomplish their task, Mine, Is an unbreakable defense. Even a Fukutaicho's Shikai and Bankai would take awhile to smash through his defenses. Neigh, A simple Cero of your level would never be enough to destroy it nor will anything you try be enough to break him, Add to that, Because he is the ultimate defense, He can block from multiple angles at once" The aura that had spiked up around the male when the Cero was blocked continued to raise, Though Lionus' had released his Shikai, There was one key thing he was missing....Power. While it was true her Seishun Buki could not directly attack, That still did not mean that he was unable to defeat this male without ever moving.

The aura that had spiked had seemed to be coming from the male....However, Any Iramasha knew that a Seishun Buki could not generate this kind of Reiatsu aura by themselves. And indeed, This was further proven when the aura itself began to lash out, Smashing into trees, the ground, Even the small pond that was near them "Many of you Shinigami have tried to kill me, And every single one of you has failed. The only one that would be able to kill me is a Captain, And even he would find it troublesome to break through my Seishun Buki's defenses" Her hand raised into the air "Now then, If you do not mind I need you to die now" Her fingers pointed outward and she seemed to 'claw' the air. What wasn't seen, Was the 5 razor sharp blades that she had just released, And despite her blindness, Her Seishun Buki served as her eyes and if the male looked closely enough, He could see that the males eyes seemed to always stay locked onto him.

If the male wasn't fast enough or didn't hear them quick enough, The 5 blades that she had created would slash at his skin, Their damage equal to that of a sealed Zanpakutō strike. Was this meant to do a lot? Nope...She just wanted to see if this male could keep track of the wind, If not...He was dead with her next attack.
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Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:36 am

What a pain

These two were so noisy and their arrogance ticked of Tora to no ends as the male had stopped his attack he could already sense the counter attack coming, the on coming blades scraped past him and what seemed like a blur of a moment the speed of Tora easily dodged each blade. with a sigh he turned away from them not willing to look at them any more

" you girl, you're weak. no matter what you do you will be weak, kids like you shouldn't play in true fighters play ground. and just for that i don't even want to look at you filth anymore... end it."

the lieutenants hand raised gripping the mask the demonic eyes piercing the very souls of two in front of him his deep dark aura flowing crushing amounts of spiritual pressure it was enough to crush a small building released from him building and building to greater heights his eyes were also turning from their original blue to a deep penetrating black and with a hurtled manacle laugh he screamed out

"FINALLY, THIS IS WHAT I WANT THIS IS IT, sorry for the wait. ill let you die now."

he moved even faster than before his speed almost hitting the 200 mile limit Tora had once accomplished was now encircling them ripping the air away from the center of his circle like a small vacuum building a sort of cyclone outside of the area making it a windless void. as he came to a halt face to face with the female his massive sword flung downwards towards her shoulder. and in the same instant he had placed his fingers pointed straight at the males chest a massive ball of energy building out of them ripping reiatsu into it a cero at least twice his originals strength.

"now then, If you do not mind I need you to die now." .... how ironic

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

An interesting development[Private] M9rTQZk

Kanji Man
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Sat Dec 29, 2012 1:03 am

That was all that was heard before the clashing of his sword met the males, And before the Cero was even started the male was gone. Appearing a considerable distance behind the male as her Reiatsu signature began to sky rocket at an alarming rate, Though its force wasn't enough to ping the attacker down, It was more then enough to knock him off balance considering how much had just surged out of her, Her voice rising greatly and her voice itself had changed dramatically "FOOL! HOW DARE YOU MOCK AN IRAMASHA!" Her Reiatsu signature continued to sky rocket as her Seishun buki began to glow brightly "FACE THE WRATH OF A HYBRID IRAMASHA, ONE WHO HAS GONE THROUGH THE VALLEY OF DEATH AND RETURNED AS SOMETHING FAR GREATER THEN ANYTHING YOU PATHETIC SHINIGAMI CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE!"

Her Seishun buki vanished and the light it created became absorbed with the female, Her hair raising above her head. Now, To an Iramasha, They'd be able to see she was completely bypassing her first Hybrid Stage all together, One white wing, One black wing expanded from her back, Her clothes being torn off her slowly as though they were being incinerated, Only to be replaced instantly by long strands, Her hair changing from black, to red, to purple, Her skin tone darkening as well"YOU MESS WITH POWERS BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION HOLLOW!" She stated, Now speaking directly to the beast that dared to threaten her life, The blindfold that had been on her now gone and instead replaced with what she was only able to do in this form, Sight.

Her Reiatsu stopped spiking for just a brief moment and sent out a high powered shockwave, Knocking down the trees around them and possibly knocking him backwards a bit if he wasn't prepared for it. Now, Was all this for show? Or could she back up what she was talking about? He was about to find out the hard way. Everything that had just transpired had taken just a few mere seconds to complete, All her words had come together nicely and cleanly and shortly after the shockwave was sent out, She vanished. Now, If the hollow was even paying attention, He MIGHT be able to keep track of her Reiatsu signature, But even if he was able too, Her Reiatsu signature was slower then how fast she traveled, and as a result, She appeared behind him before her Reiatsu signature would've suggested, Her fist aiming to slamming down into his spine "Ai" Weather the punch was blocked or not, He'd feel the impact of the fist if it touched him.

Her first move, Ai, The first stage acts as a 'funnel' for her Inner Chaos Energy, It funnels the energy into her hands, Channeling her energy as such enables any attack she makes with her hands increase in it's strength and destructive power depending on the amount funneled, This stage is visible by the amount of energy that most anyone can see resinating directly from her hands and/or weapon, It's important to note that this energy can be put into anything she holds, From wooden chairs to a broadsword, To even a bow and arrow, If it's a bow and arrow the arrow retains this energy until it connects with something at which time it explodes into dangerous shards that attempt to impale anything close to it. The explosion has a small radius of about 15 feet.

Now, Just because she wasn't holding anything doesn't mean a damn thing, Her fist still contained the funneled Inner Chaos Energy and the destructive force of her first Hyrbid stage, Her first hybrid stage alone gave her an enormous boost in strength, Combining that with her second hybrid stage AND the funneled destructive force of her Inner Chaos Energy was absolutely massive, If he managed to somehow dodge, The force alone of the punch would send a shockwave that would cause a decent chunk of the landscape in front of her to simply vanish.
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