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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:45 pm

Aeras Nero

"FAKU YOUR FACE!!!!!!!!"

The Nature Iramasha roared, as Nero released his Gigears Cross. "CUTTING CROSS!!" He replied in earnest, throwing out his own right foot, swerving around as his left foot came around, shooting off the two. However, the blast wasn't enough, as the difference in power became clear between the two. Nero's blast stood upt ot the attack, but was not able to hold it back as he shot behind it, flying high up intot he air as he swung his legs around behind him, his arms swinging out in the open, feeling the air shifting around himself.

"CUTTING PATH!" He yelledo tu again, throwing both arms forwards as he impacted with the man, the blade of blood stopped by two massive claws around Nero's hands, like the Fangs and Slashes, but in a different form around his hands. He roared, pushing against the blade of blood with all his might, drawing in all the air around himself, feeling the sharpness of the blade against his face as it cut into his flesh. This was because he was redirecting the blade. He knew that he was going to have to make some sacrifices in order to destroy his opponent, but he had hoped not to have gotten cut by that thing.

Either way, he slid quickly along the sword, his feet skating o it as he threw out his right leg at his opponent's face, the wraps around his legs shooting out, manipulated by some unforeseen force as they wrapped themselves around his opponent, trying to completely wrap them in his clutches. Then, Nero felt them both beginning to float, as he tossed the both of them into the air. "FAKU! HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY IN HELL!" He announced, slashing at his opponent even harder then before on the way up, his feet nonstop as he kicked at his foe over and over, before at last releasing him.

He then shot back, throwing himself in the sky as his feet grinding upon the very air. "Faku. You don't think you can actually defeat me in the… yaknow what, YOU SHOULDN'T THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME AT ALL!!" He cried out firmly, his right foot shooting out and spinning his entire body around as he performed a massive crescent slash, the massive attack sailing right for Lind in an attempt to greatly damage him, Nero putting enough force behind that attack to hopefully break that blood armor. Talk about annoying… He thought to himself, the smile on his face faintly shifting as he realized that his opponent was still using weird tools to do his fighting for him.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:06 am
READY? SET! GRIND! {I}{R}{A}{M}{A}{S}{H}{A}{ }{S}{TI}{Y}{L}{E} - Page 2 Lind_zps6054f220

Lind could feel his blood pumping, the rush of battle it made him smile ...... how good it felt to smile again. The cross had been deflected not only that but it seems Nero launched into action as well. as his hands hit the blood sword he could feel the immense power interlocking between the 2 of them, like the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object. They gripped for power and once the sword ticked the cheek of Nero he could feel it .... true strength.

The next words came as a bit of a surprise at this time. "CUTTING PATH!" Lind hadn't realized just what this kid had been doing, slowly redirecting his attack .... ingenious. Linds eyes shone the crosses in them analyzing everything in its wake seeing the man that stood before him he finally knew this was a true battle. The man ran along the sword his wraps encasing around lings body, latching him in place. His reactions were to slow and he knew full well what was about to happen.

The Blade struck his face cutting his cheek open and lifting him in the air for some reason. "CRAP!" It wasn't over the onslaught of kicks landed one after the next each cutting the man up little by little. Lind Was thrown a few meters lying next to the river he sat there as Nero spoke "Faku. You don't think you can actually defeat me in the… yaknow what, YOU SHOULDN'T THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME AT ALL!!" As this slash came spiraling at him the foot of Lind came in a horizontal right kick the fang lunching out smashing Neros little trick in half as they collided. "what was it again shithead? ..... right Faku, well you faku.... I AM LIND WANIJIMA LETS HAVE SOME FUN EH YOU FAKU!"

Like a bolt he took off firing multiple Fangs at this man each converging each other as it meet its position forming into a encircling ball of chaos energy around Nero, which to the touch could cut most things apart "Bloody Road Infinity Jail" Lind ran the opposite direction as fast as he could closing his fist as the chaos energy became unstable. This was a true fight.


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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:15 pm

Aeras Nero


He shouted back, real maturely like as hmore and more slashes came at him. His body moved at an insanerateashe seemed almost as if he were moving faster thenair itself,a she shot past Lind, the jail growing around him as he suddenly stopped himself, spinninghis legs around and around again as the cage finsihed itself around him, staring at Lind.

"….CHICKEN!" He decided, the simle insane on his face as his body began to move, becoming nothing more then a whirl of orange and white as his chains around himself began spinning faster and faster. Finally, he shot out of the cage, reappearing on the other side of it as he shot directly towards Lind, looking like a demon ora bat out of hell, his arms held to either side of himself as he seemed to flash in and out of existence as he crossed the short distance, the smile aboslutely insane on his face as hebrought his hands forwards, leapig up ito the air as he did so.

"THIS THRILLING TENSION! THE WIND AND THE ENEMY!" His voice let out, as he vanished one final time, the wind so hard around his body that it would most likely blow Lind off balance as Nero appeared behind him, the smile still on his face, but just a little bit smaller. As he reappeared, Lind would feel as four massive slashes slammed into the two f his body, and two large slashes were hitting the back of his legs. Nero had moved with the wind, making the four slashes with his hands, reappearing behind Lind, and firing the last two with his feet as he caught his balance, ending up in his position behind the man.

"F-fak-…" He stated, as suddenly the effects of fleeing the cage got up t o him, as suddenly blood splattered all across his body, shooting up from his shoulders, out from his legs, and flying out the sides of his waist. He was left panting a she hit the gorund, the blood around his body healing him as his bright blue blood splattered out all over the place, Nero's body falling onto one knee.


His voice roared, as he stood himself up again. He had lost a lot of blood in that attack; and while his body could regenerate wounds, he lost energy when he lost blood.As he stood up again, his entire body helped him stay up as he regained his ability to stand up again. He shook hi shead, trying to get rid of his drain from losing so much energy as he began to stir deep within his body,

"Wind's Re-return… BREAK… THE… SKY!"

He roared out, as suddenly from Nero's body flashed a bit of energy, before it covered his entire body. He looked at Lind with a dangerous look in his eye, as he began skating forwards. His skates caught the edge of the ground, as he threw his legs out behind him. "DOUBLE-INVERTED-PARALLEL-CUTTING-CROSS!" He roared as his two feet launched two giant slashes upwards, as his body spun around again, panting as he watched his foe, waiting for his reply…


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:33 am
READY? SET! GRIND! {I}{R}{A}{M}{A}{S}{H}{A}{ }{S}{TI}{Y}{L}{E} - Page 2 Lind_zps6054f220

This was it, he was so close.

the blood stained the ground beneath him. these wounds Nero had cut into his body engulfed him... but he had what he needed. The man had broke through the cage with sheer force. The fangs had cut him and Lind could see it, this was the opportunity he awaited but before he could launch into action Nero was already on top of him, the mans cuts had greeted his flesh, more and more blood seeping out. Lind dropped to his knees his hands now covered in blood. Behind him he saw Nero fell as well, the shouting of the man still shining through. With a bit of an edged smile Lind forced himself to his feet.

Damn it kid, you are something else.

His smile lay on his face as Lind rose his hand, the spilled blood on the battle field be it his or Nero's which was now Lind's free game converged upon him. Above his head a circle of blood was forming, above him it was flowing around like a river. As the next to little air blade came closing in they hit Lind with terrifying force. The blood spurted out from the wounds, and with a small cough it dripped out of his mouth flowing over his chest. With a look of discontent at this man Lind knew his body was failing, it was only a matter of time now.


As he launched out the wheels of his sand shark launching him at unbelievable speeds he let his left leg narrow out to the side. As it drifted into a sort of downwards spiral to Nero Lind truly felt at one with the air. His blades skated along this massive now half circle of blood. As it came down the fang ripping out the blood followed. They both came crashing into Nero's position, the amount of force within it unimaginable, enough to crush a small building.


As he cam to the ground Lind couldn't seem to find a solid landing point, crashing through the land until he was stopped by a small pile of rocks on the rivers edge. As he sat up the blood flowing out of his wounds and mouth he let out a small smile at this man, how could it be someone so similar to him was this much stronger? AS Lind stood he contemplated just how long he could last, hell the next hit may just be his last.... but he couldn't worry about that now. This guy who stood in front of him wasn't scared and neither was he!


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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:06 am

Aeras Nero


Nero roared, as the man came at him a final time. Final Fang...? Faku... He thought, his eyes watchign very carefully as it approached him, narrowing his eyes. Only one... chance... He thought, as he widened his eyes, looking with an immense amount of focus at the daunting incoming attack, his breath coming to him one final time as the massive attack came at him, hit him, and blood was splurted from the attack, a massive wave of it being thrown out, the sky-blue color grazing the sky as the attack went through Nero, bifurcating him at the waist.

And suddenly, Nero vanished, or rather, his afterimage vanished. Nero was standing directly in front of the Fang, a place where he had just been skating on. On that position, there was a single cloud, and Nero was standing on top of this cloud as it popped, and he fell downwards, panting as his skates hit the ground. The boy winced, hard, as more of his blood shot out , covering the ground beneath him as it became revealed that he hadn't been able to do it perfectly; his right arm from the elbow down had been completely severed from his body. "SO MUCH FOCUS.. ON SINGLE... ATTACKS...!" He roared at his opponent, as his skates suddenly released an unholy burst of Nature Energy, causing Nero to shoot forwards at an insane rate as he brought his left fist back, slamming it into Lind's face, as without warning a massive amount of wind shot from around his hand, increasing its force to the point where Lind would most likely be sent flying, his forehead most likely crushed wide open and the cutting winds resulting from the attack ripping at his body.

"Fa...ku...." Nero breathed out, panting with exhaustion as he looked at his arm. This is going to take a lot to fix... He thought, as he felt the skin close up around the severed limb, not regrowing it as Nero did not have enough energy for that. "Faku.. If you make me go any further I'll end up killing you... and probably myself. DO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING?" He roared, one final time, as a set of clouds began emitting from around his body, collecting all around him as he was panting from exhaustion, his sight beginning to go dark, and he knew that if he pressed himself much farther... he'd die.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Fri Apr 26, 2013 10:57 pm
READY? SET! GRIND! {I}{R}{A}{M}{A}{S}{H}{A}{ }{S}{TI}{Y}{L}{E} - Page 2 Lind_zps6054f220

Shit .. has it really come this far.

The move crashed straight into linds face, the man flew through the air his face now forming a smile, this kid that had stood before him .... so much strength. The air fell against his skin so still in that one moment, then it happened. The air pressed through literally ripping his flesh apart digging into his body. Linds destroyed body skidded across the open field several times before crashing into a jagged rock. Upon impact Lind would spit out blood his internal organs probably in a bit of turmoil here, Nero was completely right if he pressed on there was only one course of action to be had. As lind tried to lift his arms a small amount of fear flew through him, the bone was well broken hell he could barely move.

...... I wasn't good enough ........... shit

It was all lind could muster to just stay conscious in this situation. He was probably bleeding out at this point but Lind didn't really care about that, he sat in agonizing pain near unable to even move. But he could only really think of one thing, this kid ... he was something completely different. Lind had barely managed to even damage the kid to this point where as he now sat in a pool of blood, was this really the difference in strength between these 2 similar people.

hey shit head, whats your name?

It was odd for lind to have asked a question like this, hell he was wrecked right now and the guy still standing had no reason to even bother with him anymore. But he couldn't help but ask, this man was someone he would search after. After being beaten like this ... maybe this would make him stronger, or maybe he'd die in the cold dirt here. either way he wished to know just who this crazy ass person who stood before him was.

Next time i wont lose, i'll make sure no matter what happens i will beat you!

With those words he seemed to let out a large smile, all that foreshadowing worry gone. Lind lay back his eyes closing as he let sleep take him, the blood around him a testimate to this battle, but now it seeped back into the boy slowly but surely stitching up his wounds at this rate he'd be here for a long while while he was repaired but inevitably it was making him whole once again.

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat May 11, 2013 5:33 pm

Aeras Nero

"My name.. Is Nero!" He said simply back at the man, turning his head around as he watched him fall at last, panting extremely hard. I can't believe it... He actually... went down... He thought to himself, completely exhausted as he felt the waves of pain and overuse of his body flowing over him, completely consuming him in the discomfort. "Faku... Don't forget it... and that will only happen IN YOUR DREAMS!" He told the man fiercely in reply, watching as he fell into sleep. Frick...

He looked about himself, before shaking his head to the side. Nero...! ....FAKU! FINE! He snapped back, feeling Aeras' worry as he walked over to the man, exhausted as he reached his arms down under his neck and legs, picking the man up, with shuddering breath and shuddering step as he walked within the Nature Iramasha base, his body cringing as he reached the welcome area, throwing down the man onto one of the couches and himself falling back into a chair, feeling his entire body going into small spasms and cringing violently from the pain. Frick... everything's... going... black.... Looks like... this is it for now... He thought to himself, the light slowly going out of his eyes, as unconsciousness took over his mind and body, going limp, at last leaving the struggle behind, the mighty battle over at last...

End Thread.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:36 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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