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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Feb 21, 2013 10:58 pm
Shizuo grinned, of course as all this shit happened, because of that he had decided now it was time to bring the fight to him. There was no other real way that this was going to work. No real way that this actually quite was going to end well, Which is why he grinning had kicked off , his feet causing the ground after they contracted to the stuff of gods domain , - to shatter in a quarter mile wide crater, while he himself? Well he completely seemed to lag the speed being a lot like a flash step itself you could very well say. It was that speed which was so just plain old strong that it was frightening truly frightening, it literally caused the wolves as he shot past to implode from a hypersonic shockwave, whilst that happened shizuo had done something different, he had now with no restrictions? Well it was quite simple, he would seem to pop into existence but his blades where no where to be seen, it was quite wasy to see that the speed and the raw power had caused something extreme to happen.

Because after the blades descended? Well the force in each combined would be unheard of, the swing itself causing a lightning burst from the sky, due to the metaphysical qualities of kiba itself. It was also then that the blades came down, diverting the reverse blast of a thundercloud straight down into the chest cavity at speeds that made him seem like he just was teleporting. It would probably be also EXTREMELY HARD to avoid, but that was not it, no his force from his kicks? Well they had ascended to a new level in force, literally moving at a speed that from the pressure resistance alone he was able to speed up his movement in the last second, causing that metaphysical anomaly of a barrier to pop up once more. You could say though that this attack itself could probably cleave a new Fault line on the earths crust, because from the sky, the swing itself was enough to cause another volcanic eruption, thed strength itself was almost bottomless. But it was because of this that the swing itself would be so devastating.

So in short? This swing made all the other feats he had pulled off, look like not even specks of dust in the universe, the scale was so drastically on another level all together, that it would seem like a ascending god of some endless land's fist had come around to smack some sense into an idiot. For this reason the swing also generated a burst which cleared the clouds for miles around, the wind gusts you could say were also devastating, because every charged ion, in a 4 mile radius, had been excited due to the drag and friction between the metaphysical lightning quality of the bleed in interaction with everything around it. That caused basically the lightning sparks in the general vicinity. More then that though as the blade was swung ,it would also have enough cutting force to split a mountain more likely then not. So the swing was amazing and dangerous as fucking hell you could say in the gist of things even if you didn't want to think of it that way.

Seconds after the swing, though shizuo would have done another thing, kicking off with the same force, which would cause a cloud above to disperse and vaporize, the sheer force being enough to break the hypersonic sound barrier, and cause a micro burst updraft on this foe, and again the same flash step like speed would be presented, sending him flipping and landing to make a mile wide crater, his knees bending and his muscles absorbing the impact like it was childs play. He now slowly looked up his eyes, no longer saying "FUCK off" but if you don't get a hint? You are going to die and I will drag your bloody body to the ends of hell no matter what you think is going to happen. Now that said and done, shizuo slowly stomped on his dropped cig. Looking up as his eyes just turned colder then the void itself as he spoke once his voice ominously calm yet quivering with rage itself. " You made me loose my cig" Now this was the time pure hell? was about to break loose

Last edited by Shizuo on Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: A beast unleashed [FINISHED]

Fri Feb 22, 2013 4:12 pm
Starrk merely watched, seeing as once again the boy decided to go for a singular strike at him. Well what do I do… He thought to himself, staring blankly upwards towards the sky as the massive blast of energy shot towards him. However, there really wasn't anything for it, as he held up a single hand at the approaching attack. I wonder if that would be enough to finish him off…

As the attack impacted his hand, he merely looked at it, holding it back from his body from the one, single hand. "Oi… You can't, can you…" He asked, his eyes slowly widening as he looked at Shizou jumping around behind the massive burst of energy, still holding it at bay. Not even the gloves around his hands were getting scorched by the blast, which he then slowly shot his hand into the air with.

Without ceremony, the massive blast that Shizou had thrown at him was sent flying to the air, as Starrk realized the only thing that would be able to stop this… thing. "OI! Lilynette." He said simply, turning around to one of the wolves behind him, who looked right back up at him. "What?"

"He can't move about in the air. That's his weak point." Starrk told her quickly, seeing the wolf's eyes widening. Yes, Starrk had an idea on how to get Shizou… however, it was going to take a massive amount of… ..did he just… Starrk stared down below, dumbfounded as he watched Shizou form ANOTHER crater, his eyes wide with shock as he began to realize something. Just another mile… and…

He quickly pointed one of his four guns at Shizou, the two airborne ones swiveling around back onto his shoulder blades, as without a hint of warning they began firing Oscura out of each, the black cero shooting high up into the air as Starrk vanished, his Sonido allowing him to move a ridiculous amount of distance in one step thanks to the blasting energy on his back.

"Cero Portella Grande: Loco Cien Mil." He said simply, as he reappeared next to Shizou, hearing him make some comment about his cig. Sorry… I know cigs can be good… but I prefer napping as my addiction of choice. He thought to himself as he reappeared directly in front of Shizou, one gun barrel pointed up towards Shizou's face, the other directly at the ground beneath him.

However, most likely much to Shizou's surprise, Starrk's gun did not fire anything. Rather, a large blue portal, roughly 2 feet in size, appeared in the air within the massive crater, as Starrk began pulling the trigger of his other gun, feeling his massive power flowing through it. Without warning, the entire crater beneath Starrk and Shizou was rent… into nothing but an absolutely massive hole. The whole went down for like… well, that was easily explainable.

The hole went down the last mile and a half. Last mile and a half to what? Well… the mantle of the planet earth. "NOW! LILINETTE!" the former Primera barked, as the guns on his back suddenly swiveled, pointing straight downwards. From the guns released MASSIVE blue cero, which shot down into the lava below, slamming firmly into it through the hole, resulting in Starrk using his sonido again , skidding in the air far above the crater, looking straight down at it.

"Droplet effect…" He muttered to himself, as Shizou lost the ground underneath his feet. "I don't think I can do much more then this, Lilynette…" He remarked simply, looking down into the crater as the triggers of his massive attack would become completely revealed, the last piece of the puzzle snapping into place as the cloud of wolves above him shot downwards around him, slamming down onto the top of the crater… and proceeding to make the worlds biggest pressure cooker.

Starrk had deduced from his last attack with Cero Fuerza that this guy used pressure of some kind to generate his abilities. However, Starrk believed there was a maximum amount of pressure that he could maintain influence over before it bubbled over, and the pressure would start affecting him. What he needed right now, though, was a back up plan should the pressure cooker fail; which is exactly why he had used even his jetting BACK to his advantage.

After the cero had slammed into the lava, the lava would begin to rapidly shoot upwards, as it was like a drop in a body of water. The water would recede, before suddenly overcompensating to fill up the space, as the jet of lava began to shoot upwards. However, there was a problem; the massive hole was still only a hole, and thus the massive amount of lava could not spread out into ripples, but instead was forced to keep going up and up, an absolutely MASSIVE amount of lava rapidly approaching Shizou.

Now, with the sudden destruction of the ground beneath him, Shizou would no longer be able to maintain himself, and thanks to the little warning Starrk had given him he would likely start to fall down into the massive, rising pool of lava below. Doubtless, Shizou would try to take the pressure from the rapidly filling space to his advantage, shooting upwards towards the wolves and trying to break them apart…

If it weren’t for what Starrk had placed down there, as he lined up the timing perfectly in his head.

"Fin, Grande Loco Cien Mil."

As he spoke this, Shizou would discover the Espada's TRUE game. Without warning, one hundred thousand cero were released from the single large Portella… and they were all going straight down. More accurately, straight down towards the falling Shizou. They would all slam into him, as the ones that didn't slam into him would be thrown down rapidly into the lava below. Starrk counted on him using that barrier thing again; if he did, it would be his ultimate downfall.

The cero that went off of the barrier would continue to shoot down into the lava below, not filling the hole in themselves. This would make it so that the lava would be pushed… and start shooting straight upwards, due to the water spout effect. Ah, but this is where the beauty of Starrk's attack came in; the massive spout of lava, due to the large nature of his wave of cero that would take a minute before it let up on Shizou, the lava would rapidly be forced to go straight up much faster then before at the obstruction which was allowing it to avoid the other cero.

In essence, the only reason that the lava was about to come up and completely, utterly MELT Shizou from behind was because of the barrier that he created around himself. Important to note… a metaphyiscal barrier, which would be unable to stop the natural effects of pure lava. Starrk had noted the properties of the barrier when it destroyed Shizou's cig.

Starrk merely watched over as the massive cloud that was hanging like a barrier over the top of the hole began to rupture and burst, massive amounts of lava spilling out of it from all sides before at last it exploded, the cero below running out as lava shot around everywehre, a spot even landing on Starrk's clothing, to which he flinahced and put it out by slamming Lilynette into it.

"Y-YOOOOOOOW!" She screeched, which led him to looking at her with one eye, half of his mouth closed. "Chill out… Or if you can't do that, at least chill me out…" He noted, looking back dowwn to the battle once again, looking at the massive volcano that had just been created, and waiting to see what else was going to come shooting out of it.

Last edited by JJ on Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: A beast unleashed [FINISHED]

Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:49 pm
"oooh HOT mother fucker LETS GO SKIING BITCH "

Shizuo said as he was flipped down towards the lava. But the foe would probably have forgotten with so much force, the pressure would dig another vent to the side, as shizuo having flipped and smashed his shibuki into the lava at high speeds thanks to the pressure around him, which he was not resisting fully, but doing so at a certain incline. Flux and flow in this way allowed him to "Ride " The lava which was spiraling up as shizuo swung, gashing a HUGE displacement in the side of the wall but he still was going down, spiraling and avoiding the jetting lava spots Flames burning his skin in some places to third degree, and in others well it was cooking it but not yet quite getting that bad, the key word would be, not quite yet. While he now had using kiba quickly cut a lattice circular hole. He was moving the flames and red where all around him, but he was still calm. He was not worried quite yet, as he exhaled riding around another central spout of lava as he flipped kiba and sighed.

"I guess I better get outa this" Shizuo pondered having now smashed his fist into the side of the vent shaft that went straight into the mantel. But more then that, well when the punch first took place, you could say it caused a hole a massive hole to blast in the side , jetting him in as he spun and quickly cut the ground causing a block pillar to basically block the entrance sealing off the lava While the wolves and lava collided causing the worlds biggest cluster-fuck. Shizuo had been kicking his way upwards walking slowly as the dead and brittle skin layers peeled off, while he continued to walk, grinning and humming a tune while he was exhaling walking up and up and up. His body just was a wreck but he barely felt any of it, he had his muscles and his organs where in tact being hidden under those amazing muscles. For this very reason he was taking his time, letting the foe seem like they had won. Like it was really over.
He probably waited One minute? Two minutes walking up and up with his speed he was going pretty fast, crashing through the ground and bringing himself closer and closer to the beast of war once more. His body was pretty much still mostly in tact but he was not going to have been stuck in that attack, he knew it was too big which is why right now he was taking his time letting the foe hopefully think all was right in the world When in fact? Things probably where going to get pretty fucking out of hand.

So now he was close to the surface the wind blowing as he was grinding, the ground was bucking and he was marching towards the surface. Towards the pure hell that was taking place in this battle of unimaginable scale. He knew he probably was going to fail eventually but, he was going to scare the shit out of this one, hopefully making them think twice about kicking someone without knowing a thing or two about them. Also he was going to teach him not to fuck over someone with their cigs. Precisely HIS cigarette's which is why? Well he had about 500 feet from the surface decided to take another cig out and light it, the soothing tendrils of smoke now bringing him back into his zen. His love and his happiness, which was exactly was what he needed before the day was over. That and dr.hebi to fix his body which he sadly had wrecked throughout this fight. His skin was getting tight and he felt it, it was itchy and irritating but nothing more then a minor annoyance to say the very least. Without further ado though, he made his return like a bad horror movie's monster, or someone who just did not obey the laws of reality, such as staying down for example. He honestly just was trolling those rules hard ball by now, and he was having at the very least some fun doing it to be exactly honest.

While he moved shizuo had now made his way to the surface, causing a crater as he swung to the side from which he began walking out of shibuki now firmly secured on his back, and his burned cloak flapping like a mocking tribute to this foe's utter FAILURE to actually stop him from getting back up. Now, though he smiled and yelled.

"Guess WHO! did you miss me , I know I missed you baby!"

A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 BtXe12b
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Fri Feb 22, 2013 10:34 pm
"...God... why do I have to get this guy..."

The cross commander muttered, his Pesquia triggering as he realized that the man was still moving around... by the power of his swords. While Shizou himself lacked spirit energy, his blade's most certainly had them, and Starrk was a far cry from an ordinary Pesquia user. "This is so annoying..." He trailed for the hundredth time, pointing his gun down at the hole where hizou would be sure to appear.

Without really thinkinga bout it any more, two blasts shot from the gun, slamming down intot eh ground on either side of Shizou. This would reveal him much earlier then him just walking out of the ground, although without actually touching him with the cero. Some burns.... I wonder if... HE trailed off, looking down at Lilynette. "STARRK!" She cried out, meeting his brain wave. "I know." He muttered, grabbing firmly on the guns, as without warning the guns dissipated, only the ones in his hands. The other two pistols went over to either shoulder, sticking otu just like that.

"Reiryoku Swords.... En la Grande!"

Starrk uttered, as without warning two blades appeared in his hands. Both of them were blue in color, with absolutely MASSIVE amounts of reiatsu within them. The reiatsu was absolutely INSANE withing each of them, even as Starrk rested them down. Without warning, behind where Starrk was standing high in the sky, the Reiryoku blades caused a massive amount of force, completely destroying the ground behind him. Starrk saw this with his 360 degree vision, before narrowing his eyes. The reiryoku blades changed, as their tips became extremely small, only a picosecond in length, 1/1000 of a nanosecond.

"You will show me why you are able to do what you do when I shoot you."

He declared simply, as without warning he suddenly appeared in front of Shizou. His right hand struck down, a firm slash directly at Shizou, out of nowhere. however, that wasn't all. Shizou rapidly swung the blade, as he swung his left arm across at Shizou, feeling the reiryoku flowing through it as suddenly in front of Shizou's body appeared an absolutely massive cero wave, standing high up in the air. "Cero de la Blado." He announced, as the sharpness moved through Shizou. Just like the first attack, this would be enough power to break a limb, but there was something more then that.

The blast would slam into Shizou... even as Starrk vanished, reappearing behind Shizou as he slashed both blades down across Shizou's back, aiming to rend open his back and cut him into little pieces if he could succeed. However, there was one important thing to note during all this. Starrk was going at his full speed. The absolutely RIDICULOUS nature of his speed was such that Shizou's cig would not even have been able to make any amount of a trail of smoke from the time Starrk vanished from the sky, to the time he was taking his stance behind Shizou once more, staring rightat him as he had begun close combat at last.

Oh, and Shizou's cig exploded again from the force of the Cero de la Blado.

Last edited by JJ on Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: A beast unleashed [FINISHED]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:31 am

Word Count:259
Posting music:Omen: The Prodigy
Faction: None
Power Type: Physical Powerhouse
Power Tier:
mood: Content
Favorite Lyrics:"Go back to sleep. . . Go Back To sleep." - Counting bodies like sheep to the Rythym of a war drum: By a perfect circle

Post Section

Shizuo felt his right arm become obliderated in sections bone showing with the muscles attached, as he had flexed his muscles hardening them to disrupt the flow avoiding decapitation on the limb but only just. the fleshy spatter flew , to the side, though he smiled. Blood running from his mouth, remembering the moment of his death. Fighting for a cause he believed in , this was like that, nothing different nothing gained nothing lost, he was at his limit he knew it. His muscles had taken a pounding he was only human after all, this man was stronger then he was It was a fact not some dispute of fate. It was fate that once more he was going to fall here to someone that truly was worth the battle. Someone who was going to change the world eventually he knew it. Even as he smiled once, his eyes seemingly dull as he had been slowly dying this whole time, even though he had been on a rampage? To be honest he had been half dead for awhile now, drastically weakened from the battle that was taking place. From the pain that he had endured, he felt his weariness the caress of the darkness once more. He knew once more he was not going to get out of this one, he was coming home in a body bag like he thought he was going to. This was the difference between the moon and the sun, the future of this world, and the remains of a lost era. An era where he stood at the top, as a human he was revered feared. It had been a hard fight, but then that time, he had died for what he believed in there was no second guessing no second option, no fleeing from fate. He was a man who went to the ends of the world with his belief he would serve to his last breaths for eternity. Every breath on borrowed time, every breath numbered but still even after his life had ended he was still here, a person had given him a second chance a chance to meet people like this. To meet the future of the world, to meet the people who where going to take over when he was gone ,when his time was over he was a relic something that did not belong anymore. This was a place for the living not the dead.

From that he had learned the folly of his ways, he had lived as if he was living too, doing all that was stupid. All that was long ago forfeited that was his way now. He was not living he was eternally in the cycle of death and life, he was a ferry man stuck in the crossing walking the lonely road in the brackish water forever one step after another for all eternity. That was his place now, This one was strong though, that was true, he would be happy fading back into the depths of time. He had found a person he could finally leave this world too. . . someone who could protect those they cared about. Someone that truly he would be content with watching over for the rest of this life this life of loneliness he had been granted. He was a tool, a being, a watchman, a herald for times of change, that was his job, from the second he had died, and been born again in this way he had been looking. Looking for someone he could leave this world too , leave to protect leave to watch from the sidelines. He was no longer a denizen of this world, he was an outsider. He would never know love, or the wonders of what the living so incompetently took for granted, he was here still for his duty. . . That is what was made painfully clear here, as he smiled blood running down his mouth. Because using that kind of strength taking that kind of beating and heat? It was going to make him break down eventually, that time was now. He was happy in some ways to finally have been able to see one who had the strength to take the place in the world he no longer belonged too. This would be his last moments before he followed his fate, he was not cut out for the world which was of the living, as he was neither dead or alive, he was something which was hard to put exactly into words. Something that was brought back, something that was here from the grace of another he knew this. He was painfully aware of it.

So as he grinned he felt the force of the blows on shibuki , which was securely on his back , once more blocking the blades which where so strong. It exploded on impact causing the sky to light up once more as he seemed to look up at the sky his arms hanging as his cloak or what was left of it was billowing in the breeze. The breeze which seemed to be more of emotional significance than physical, he was smiling as while the blades did become deflected they cut into the side of his body, causing two moderate cuts there, while he was looking up the smile widened but had no ferality in it anymore, No it was one of release someone who felt like he was truly finally able to accept his fate. This battle had been so much more to him then something that was merely for show, it was the thing he needed to be free of the world in which the living resided , he was no longer a denizen of this life. He had not been for months now, as much as he loathed to admit it, but still it had been fun while it lasted. He had been happy in the delusion , living life to the fullest he had fun his arms at his sides he did not make a move to counter he just looked up at the sky, that amazing blue sky, the pocket that was ringing around this place. It was so breathtaking so amazing, he had never seen such a blue sky when he was living. He guessed it was the worlds way of saying "You have done good, its time to pass the torch" That made something happen, something that NEVER happened, which is what truly showed something serious had changed. Something was different now, he was awake, after being asleep for a long time, he was not a human being any more, he was not of this world, and had no right to call it home. as cuts began opening up all over him, he had been keeping all the wounds at bay through pure muscle contractions. And blood began to flow, he smiled though looking up he was holding on from his will and the true nature of the soul, which is eternal to keep moving on in any way.

Yes though as he slowly turned around, the aura of the damned was all gone, tears running down his face he was looking up at the sky, his legs where not shaking but, he was covered completely in blood, dripping around him, yet here he was still standing despite the odds. He was looking up at the sky, his arms at his side as he sheathed it, both of his swords blood still running from him, as he was looking up at the sky, tears running down like the summer's sweet rain, droplets mixing with the blood. It was him who was looking up at the sky smiling blood running from his mouth ,while his lips murmured something hidden within the rivers of blood. He was looking forward slowly his grin showed though it had lost its feral edge, the joke was on him this time. He had bitten off more then he could chew, he knew it and he accepted it but, he was slowly reaching up, putting a cig to his lips taking one deep drag the smile still there. While his arms his body looked battered and done blood running everywhere. He was still looking at the sky, and in his mind? The sky.. its so amazing today . . im glad.. I met this one he really is the real deal, if its this one. . I think I can leave the rest . . to him That was what went through his mind, while his knee's shook slightly before the quivering ultimately stopped. His eyes still never once leaving the sky, while he just seemed to speak slowly his lips wetting as he murmured or rather spoke To no one in particular.

So.. this is what it means, to be able to pass the torch?. . How nostalgic, I remember now the living are the living, and are denizens of there own world their own life. . . I no longer belong there.. I have someone else to go back too, a new home a new fate . . So why . . why do I feel so at ease after loosing everything that defined me, that took my breath away? That made me happy.. its stupid.. I am stupid. . I thought I could.. could.. shoulder this burden.. but what has that gotten me. . Nothing. . . I came back . . and clung to the life I once had.. so why .? Why now do I feel like something is changing.. . this is absurd. . I lost so much.. fell so far.. but he .. he is my everything now.. Why .. did I instead of accepting that.. cling to the past.. And shun the futu-

Shizuo had puked up blood mid sentence the cig falling from his mouth, but he did not fall no he took another deep breath . He was still looking at the sky, as all around them it rained, the skys so charged with lightning rained, lava hissed ash fell, smoke rose. The whole place looked like hell, but here he was standing there puking blood looking at the lies .. the lies he had lived the way his world had been abruptly opened right before his eyes. The mistakes he had made along the road , the one thing he had left to do. . as a human was to cry.. and enjoy what it meant to be released. He had never cried. . . he had lost out on that feeling of release.. everyone has to cry once in a while it is what made us all human. .

-re , I was the moron in this story.. the one who was delusional yet he still.. he let me have my will make a choice on my own. . Did hebi possibly know, I would have to come to this decision on my own?.. That.. that idiot. . that wonderful idiot. . did he know this was going to happen the whole time?. . That eventually I would understand. . . Understand ?. . . Wow.. Just.. "

Shizuo took one more steady breath, slowly he spitting up more blood had just smiled tears streaming from his face pooling with the blood. The tears of a man who had never cried who was emptying himself of the last thing he had to do. The last thing that he would experience in his life, That was what was going on here, and shizuo was exhaling and inhaling, as he slowly looked at the clouds and the sky so blue, so pure a far cry from his own sinful existence, he was like the troll looking at the swan, two things which never could touch. Even if he tried with all his heart, he never would be pure as the sky, the thing of beauty the thing that truly made him calm truly strengthened his resolve, while he was slowly laughing, his laugh not of demented insanity but of nostalgic meanings which where hard to really discern at a glance. He was looking there, still his mouth working moving while he was slowly pulling out something one of kiba he was pulling out one of the twins. smashing it into the ground. smiling as it stuck there straight up, it was odd and at the same time, strangely symbolic for some reason, as shizuo had slowly opened his mouth his breath coming in ragged grasps but at the same time, it was full of strength and life, full of the promise of something better. It was strange but the man, still was standing despite the blood now running black from major arteries he was standing on his will alone, his muscles having become to hard to actually let him fall he looked up and smiled he was smiling even though he had lost.
Now speaking he asked. .

Hey you. . .Will you listen to the last request of a man who's era has ended ? I know it may be strange.. but I want you.. to take that blade.. the one in the ground. I am sure it will help you, you will know when to use it. . . But take it please, I am no longer.. of this world.. the living are not my place.. I am not its denizen. . I learned this now. . this fight.. this world.. I have had fun here.. but my fate.. it is different. I have lived a full life.. You know.. I had fun. I really did, I finally found what I was looking for. . someone I could . .rest at ease knowing that they could handle it.. take care of things.. Don't let what is precious to you slip away.. hold it close and tight.. fight for what you feel is right. . not for what others tell you. That is the way I thought of it at least.. but.. I must tell you one more thing.. you helped me realize all this.. and.. for that I would .. -

His voice cracked as the blood ran out, though for 4 seconds after his heart stopped he was looking at the sky his mouth still working, it was moving, as the tears ran out, his smile stuck on his face, the sky above seemed to pristine and amazing , it was perfect for him.. He felt like finally he would be able to go onto what he really was supposed to do. He was sad it took him this long to learn but.. happy that it finally had happened. For this reason he was not scared of his fate, he would walk its path to the new ending , the happily ever after he had always sought, but never really had been able to truly achieve . It was the new story not the end, but a whole new beginning, something new and something that would be able to lead to new things. For that.. he was not scared.. but merely content, and curious to find what the next... fate had in store for him.. he had followed his first path the era that had ended.. now.. he would follow a new path.. to the era.. that comes after.. but finally his voice came out, first strong. . and after a whisper..

.. .. Thankyou ..

Now his voice was in a whisper as he said. .

The sky.. is so beautiful .. but.. this is good bye.. I leave.. the rest.. of this .. e- ra .. to.. y-

Now, his voice was still, eyes loosing their lack and luster, the smile on his face, and the magnificence of it strangely fitting. His wounds had bled dry, and his body had finally succumbed, but the one thing was.. he was still looking up at the sky, as a rainbow formed, he did not fall, even in death... he was standing tall, for what he had obediently followed. . even in death he stood never having falled. . Even in death. . . He would not bow.. his body was there, not falling not moving, as impossible as it seemed ,he remained there, death.. or atleast.. a minor period of darkness. .for him . . having washed over, his eyes still open, and blood dripping from his smiling lips, and the cloak flapping around him..

This was the story.. of the man who's era.. has finally ended

Summarizing Paragraph Section

And this would be where the summarizing paragraph, would go. So look here for the general idea of things if you get lost in the complexity of a post.

A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:53 pm

A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 Shoot_11

A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 _or_do10


A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1A beast unleashed [FINISHED] - Page 2 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1


Starrk was silent, realizing that at last, the boy had fallen silent. His eyes widened in surprise as his body burst, and Starrk realized he was going to start bleeding out. He's relaxed… which means he's probably going to… Starrk realized, cursing mentally that the boy was going to die without telling Starrk how he was able to stop his cero.

He began to speak gibberish, all of which Starrk listened to impassionedly. I'm not a hero… Guilty as Charged. He thought, shaking his head at Shizou as he realized that apparently the guy was just crazy. Seems he was just horribly bipolar… He thought, staring at the man in front of him as he continued to bleed out, his body dying as the power within him faded out. Starrk only glanced at the blade as it was thrown to him, before he raised and eyebrow and one of his wolves sniffed at it.

"Thank goodness… I can sle-" He realized, as without warning a figure was coming up out of the ground. Starrk looked on with pure shock as he realized that a man in a red cloak, like the black one that had been on Shizou's body, was coming up out of the ground. "What the…. Cross Commander?" He asked, seeing one of his fellow Cross Commanders coming out of the ground, his familiar snaky gaze looking at Starrk.

However, there was something else with the Doctor. On the ground, there was a corpse rising up out of the ground. Starrk's eyes got amazingly wide as he realized that the Doctor had the burned portion of his cloak, destroyed from Shizou's earlier attack that Stark had countered. "Greetings commander….. Wild Buck." The man said back to him, the smile apparent on his face as he turned over, revealing a single smidgeon of blood. The Doctor rubbed the blood with his finger, causing it to smear on him, as his hands alighted with a purple fire.

"Now, however…. I truly, truly desire… the power that you have… It will be vastly interesting… to sssstudy…" The Doctor finished, as his hands pressed onto the body. Starrk's arms were on his body, lax with his reiryoku swords still in his hands as he realized that he couldn't just shoot the commander.

The strange corpse began to shift and change, as without warning its facial features became those of Starrk while he was within his sealed, as the erst of the fire cleared, fully revealing the Edotensei Creation of Coyote Starrk. "And as for my asssisssssstant…" The Doctor mused, reaching a single finger out to the boy, touching the back of his neck.

Without warning, Shizou's entire body would shift, would change, as withotu warning purple fire began to stream from his wounds, consuming his entire body, utterly and completely, before it would fade out again, revealing Shizou's form once more, completely recovered, seeming as if he were sleeping peacefully as he came back. "Come along…" Dr. Hebi spoke, placing a hand on the newly created Edotensei and the other laying itself on the mark on Shizou's neck, his smile, toothless smile, so wide that it disturbed Starrk as he smiled at the Arrancar. "Thank you very much, Wild Buck…." He spoke, taking ad eep draft of air as without any gesture, the light on Shizou's neck from the mark began to glow, radiating light, as suddenly all three of them vanished, Starrk finally raising up all four of his guns.


He cried out, immensely loud, as from all four guns emerged an ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE cero, which rapidly consumed the entire ground as it flew towards where the Doctor and the two Edotensei had been, aiming to completely destroy them, ten times bigger then the city sized blast which had destroyed the massive crater below Starrk, as it flashed out, pure white in color, consuming everything in its path as the mantle itself was purely revealed below Starrk's feet, so massive in size that as it roared out Starrk could hear himself going deaf, his eyes shaking in his skull as the blast shot from his guns, going and going and going, watching it as it flew through the air and rent a massive path in the planet that could be seen as a large red line from space, until it was completely out of Starrk's view, leaving the Cross Commander standing there shocked, realizing that he had finally been taken advantage of by a comrade even more then Aizen had taken advantage of the Espada, completely manipulating and using the former Primera, as the guns in his hands faded into nothingness, his suit of clothing also vanishing as he sealed himself once more, Lilynette appearing beside him from his bandoliers, still looking shocked as he realized the horrendous thing that had just happened, as Starrk had long deduced what this Edotensei thing was able to do based on Shizou's words.

The Doctor now had the power of him.

Starrk and Lilynette have left the thread, Along with Shizou! Thread CLOSED and FINISHED!

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:39 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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