Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:49 am

Deep in Karakura Forest, lies a medium sized area which contains many assorted trees with varying heights, each having different slash marks around the body or having its body missing chunks of barks. In some parts, the grass is green and lively while others places are dark and lifeless. The area is lit with beams from the sunlight that are spread around the area. This is where Ace decided to take his rest.

He had been searching for his friend for several years now. He followed each rumor he had come across only to find that it was a dead end. Today, he had heard of another rumor. The description of the person was very close to his friend's appearance the last time he had remembered him. Ace became optimistic and headed to the position where his friend was supposedly last spotted. On the way, he fought through some hollows which gave him no trouble. He saw a clear spot and decided to take a break.

He ran a hand through his jet black hair and checked to see if there was any blood on his dark red leather jacket or his black jeans. Hmm looks like I managed to not get blood on my clothes this time. Point one for staying clean. Ace thought and smiled. He looked at the nearest tree root that seemed comfortable. He saw one that looked perfect and sat on it, his back leaning against the trunk of the tree. Ah this feels like a perfect time to relax and finished the chapter I was reading. Ace thought and pulled out his book and began to flip to the page he had left off.
Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:16 am

The air was thin and crisp, and ominous feelings flowed through the air just as much as the assorted spiritual powers masking the entirety of the forest in it's shadow. The trees were of varying sizes, but the differences would sometimes be rather huge- especially for a forest. And yet, it didn't seem too unnatural, seeing as how it was ¨Karakura Forest¨ specifically. Much of the trees and earth in the area were bathed in signs of battle, showing the history of some of the other stumps and dead spots on the floor and how they perished. And there, amongst other things, Akira had sighted a man sitting down at the roots of a tree, holding something up to his face, his visage being more visible than other parts of the area due to the moonlight, which clearly pierced through the skies and guards of the trees, with little resistance from neither clouds nor leaves.

In all honesty, Akira was only taking a stroll. What brought her to what appears to be the forest of the damned was chance. Akira was contemplating her next move in reaching her objective, and soon enough, she had walked straight into the fray of Karakura Forest, completely losing track of time entirely. By the time she had come to, she was already deep within.

¨Shoot. I might be lost..¨

Upon realising where she was, as well as the fact that there was a man before her, Akira thought of a relatively basic idea, in which most brave, but mainly ignorant an stupid, people would make- talk the stranger. Clearly, Akira's mother hadn't taught her some virtues to live by before she died, such as ¨Stranger Danger¨.

Akira began to walk towards the sketchy character, passing through the moonlight, allowing her hair to bask in it's presence, while her light fair skin glistened, her large eyes still partially covered by a lazy eyelid that sank over the very top of her iris's, and muscles relaxed, making her appear calm and collective, abolishing any signs of animosity.

¨Excuse me? Would you happen to know a way ou-¨

Akira leapt backwards, a fair distance away from the figure. Her skirt fluttered upwards, but lasted far to short for any pervert to see. She moved into an odd stance, summoning two handguns in her hand with a burst of chi, resounding all through-out the area; her left arm was pulled up before her, her elbow bending the forearm to her right, the handgun pointing away from the man. The arms were in the same position, both parallel to the ground and extending invertedly into her midsection area. But... Why had Akira suddenly taken up an offensive form?

¨Why? Why is it that I feel a hollow presence within him, but... but there is no hollow?¨

Without being acquainted with Vizards nor Arrancar, Akira hadn't the faintest clue of what they looked like, and has chi had been her main concern, she hadn't attempted to know what they were. Furthermore, she had lacked attendance at school, and as a result, hadn't met much people there. Naturally, she would be confused and feel threatened... but..

¨Wait a minute... it's a hollow energy, but human, or at least spiritual body of a non-hollow... Heh, maybe it's the result of some sort of power? Perhaps that power is... effective? No, wait, what am I thinking. I've gotta focus.¨

Momentarily being distracted, Akira quickly assumed a calm impression. However, behind the calmness of her exterior, her mind was thinking about how the man before her is what he is, and that she was contemplating whether she could obtain that power, and all in all, she was thirsty. Thirsty for vengeance upon her sister, and thirsty for knowledge and power. Something the man could both possibly present. However, first, Akira must deal with the ordeal at hand. She gripped her handguns tightly, preparing for whatever might be to come.




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Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:01 pm
The growth underfoot crunched as Omedotte walked through Karakura Forest, brushing greenery out of his face as he want. Every now and again he would stop for a few seconds or do a slow 360 while walking to marvel at the trees and how tall some of them were, or how some of them were seemingly obliterated by what looked like a battle or two. This continued on for a while as he simply wondered through the forest, not really having a destination in mind.

Though sooner or later this came to an end as he entered a clearing where he saw someone. Two someones to be exact, one a man, sitting on a tree root seemingly reading a book, the other, a woman, some distance away and standing in a rather strange stance holding what seems to be... handguns!?

Omedotte quickly looked to his left, towards the woman, and to his right, towards the man, rather rapidly with a confused look on his face. Looking again at the scene before him, he raised both of his hands a little above shoulder height in a disarming gesture. "Now now, no reason to be violent here right?"
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Sat Nov 23, 2013 7:42 pm

((OOC: Just saying this, but just because our characters are noobs doesn't mean we should RP like them. Make sure you know the rules and what not and don't forget your tiers in comparison to others! :D))

Here he was again... or still, rather. He hadn't left Karakura Town since his last encounter by the lake, and decided to give relaxation one more try before he went back off to Soul Society as incognito as he could. This time he would try to go into a deeper region of the forest and see what luck that would bring him, if any at all. Everything was quaint around, birds chirped here and there, the wind pushed the trees every couple of minutes with small gusts that would knock loose leaves to the ground. It was definitely a nice day here in the small town, but the forest looked astray compared to when he once lived there. Chunks and pieces of the trees were missing from random battles that had happened throughout the years, some of them he, himeself, produced on accident. It amazed him that at one point in time this town wasn't as broken and actually had a good flavor to it.

Today was an unusual day for Jinn, however, as he had freshly bathed himself in some strangers house this morning and actually didn't have a distinct odor to him. His feeling to itch and scratch at his skin weren't as frequent as normal, but that didn't clean his nose out! He dug his index finger into his nose and slumped over a little in pleasure, as he continued walking deeper into the forest. He let out a nice sigh as he removed his finger and a large string of snot dislodged itself from his nose. "Woahhh, that was in there?" Stuttering through his words with laughter he flicked the boggy to the ground then brushed his finger against his pants.

He folded his arms behind his head and interlaced his fingers to his dreads, when some familiar spiritual pressure hit him. "Well, well... Looks like they haven't gotten very far." He told himself in a soft tone as he concealed his own pressure. It wasn't very long ago that he had seen the two before, but he'd be sure to have them surprised this time. Undoing his hands from his head he shunpoed up to the tree making virtually no sound that didn't sound naturally produced by the wind. That's how he played it from tree to tree with the frequent gusts of wind. Soon enough he was near ontop of the tree that the guy was sitting under. There was another guy that he didn't know too that approached them with arms up as if they were going to shoot them or something. I doubt they'll be able to sense me, but who knows. I'll just watch how things play out for now.

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Sun Nov 24, 2013 1:17 pm
It had been several years since he left the Soul Society. Enough to make him stop counting because the number was too large. The reason for his presence in Karakura forest was that he wanted to get some hollow killing done. As he walked the forest, he saw a group of hollows and decided to have a little fun. He took off his red trench coat and pulled out his zanpakto. He ran at full speed and sliced the hollows up with quick work. The group vanished and Axel was happy that he did not get any blood on him.

He went back to retrieve his coat that was lying on a log. Once he put it on, he realized that this was a new area that he had never been in before. He began walking in many direction finding hollows here and there that he killed. What a very boring day. Axel thought as he kept on walking around. There was no missions to take on anymore. Ace sighed and looked around. The place was eerily quite. He looked around and decided to walk in the direction he thought he came from.

He walked for a while and started to grow tired and bored. Leaving the Soul Society, I didn't think it would be this boring or lonely. Ace thought and then sighed. He began to remember all of his friends back in the soul society. It put a smile on his face as he remembered each of them. Then he remembered news of his old friend Ace joining the Gotei 13. That little surprise always put a smile on his face when he remembered it. That's when he remembered why he left the Soul Society.

He yawned and stretched out his arms when he felt something familiar. He put his spiritual pressure to a level in which no one was able to detect it unless they were of captain rank. Even then, it would be like the level of a human able to see souls. He approached the area and began to sense two spiritual pressures in which he was familiar with. He began to think back to his past where he had sensed these two and that's when he remembered. He remember one was his old friend, Ace, and the other was a guy named Jinn. Axel had met him several times in the past and felt his spiritual pressure. Axel was always good at remembering spiritual pressures. Meeting him once, he'll memorize it quickly.

He approached the area with haste and silence when he felt two more. These two they were not all familiar at all to him. Well looks like my boring day turned into Christmas. He stopped after getting near them and began to focus to see if any more would appear. Sure enough, he felt two more spiritual pressures some distance away. He wasn't sure who or what they were, but they are headed in the direction he was heading. He quickened his pace and found the area where all four of them were.

 He was in a bush and looked around, still keeping his spiritual pressure to a unnoticeable level. A chi user and some other person...from this spiritual pressure I'm guessing demon. Axel thought as he remembered through several missions how a demon's spiritual pressure felt. He saw Ace on a tree root reading a book but Jinn was nowhere to be found. The demon was approaching them with his hands up and the chi user girl had her gun-like weapons pointed. He began to feel the other spiritual pressures come closer. This is going to be very interesting. Axel thought to himself as he hid in the bush.
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Sun Nov 24, 2013 3:55 pm
Satsuki wandered into the forest and sighed with relief. It was a huge difference from the crowded and bustling Soul Society. He abhorred Soul Society so badly. The man couldn't even believe how bad his luck was to die early and then be transported into an unfamiliar place. Everyone seemed to always be staring at him, always wanting to know what he was doing. And they always seemed to be questioning him.. They seemed to know something about him.. but what was it...? It was like everyone knew except for him..

He crashed into a tree, too deep in thought before. 'Oww...' Satsuki snapped from his thoughts and looked around. He hoped he could find the way back home later.. Well, here seemed like a good place to train. The man felt so weak and inferior to the other shinigami so he was going to change that. Maybe a couple training sessions here would strengthen him up a level or so. Maybe.. Satsuki began mentally making a list of all the things he needed to become stronger. Weight lifting would be a first.. And then what? Wrestling? But then that would mean he would have to come into contact with another person and he hated that.. Martial arts? But he needed a trainer..

Sighing in defeat, Satsuki decided to just start his training and think about this later. The shinigami pulled his swords out of their sheath hanging from his back and stood with his feet shoulder width apart. He charged forward and sliced the air savagely for a few minutes then stopped. 'Maybe.. maybe I should try to put more emphasis on it.. and ..I don't even know what I'm doing...But.. '

This was just the beginning. If he didn't get it now, then how would he later? He focused on a tree the opposite side of him and ran to it slowly before taking his time to carve it up. He felt like he had fought before but forgot how or something. Every time he did try to remember, he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Maybe no one wanted him to know his past.. But what was in his past that even he couldn't access it? People don't just die like that, so how did he die? And how did he become a shinigami? He groaned in pain, clutching his chest. Maybe it was best he forgot it all...

The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Sun Nov 24, 2013 5:08 pm

»Entwurf, Skyzen«

Taking a break from his freelance work back home and the manga that he had just started writing and illustrating about a group of kids that try and save the world, as they all are, Skyzen decided he would take a stroll through the town. Well, he tried at least, he could feel the spiritual energy of someone going around slaying hollows. Better them than me, I suppose, thinking to himself about if he had kept walking he would have been the one slaying them. He just wasn't in the mood at the moment, but he decided to follow the guy anyway. He stayed about a mile or so away from the spiritual pressure, which didn't feel like much of a threat at all, but he'd see what else he was up to while he was wasting time.

Skyzen had just recently taken on the responsibilities of Spec Ops Lieutenant in the Rinyūaru, and it was making what little free time he already had even smaller. So he had to enjoy every minute he had. He sported his normal attire, but it had been almost 24 hours since he changed or showered since he was up all night the previous night trying to meet his deadlines for work. Things were really starting to get hectic, balancing his life as a Quincy and his life as a Human seemed almost impossible to accomplish, but it was whatever he'd figure it out.

He noticed the spiritual pressure starting to fade as the other guy was going a faster than a walking pace, of course. So he began to use hoho in order to keep his mile distance from him. Soon enough he was entering the edge of the forest area, that was beaten down by previous battles, which was pretty obvious and he wouldn't waste any time even thinking about what had happened. As he stepped into the forest he immediately sensed several other spiritual pressures. "A little meet and greet ay? I could go for some social interaction right about now." Smirking he put a little bit more pep in his step as it had been sometime since he had actually talked to anyone that wasn't over the phone or VOIP. He was slightly curious what was going on because there was three people grouped together, someone hiding above them, and another person hiding from the same level as them, that was the one he was following.

He was about fifty feet from the small group of three before he decided to announce his presence, "Yo, what's going on over here?" Questioning the group he glanced behind him and up in the tree, he decided to keep quiet about the guys hiding. "Anyone bring any alcohol?" Snickering at his lame joke and then waited around for their reaction. He looked behind him and noticed that all of this gathered spiritual pressure had grabbed the attention of some other friendlies, that weren't exactly very friendly, definitely hollows. They didn't seem to be a threat to him, so he'd wait for someone else to notice.


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Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:02 am

»Ace Marx«

Ace had closed his eyes shut. The disturbances were distracting him from trying to read his book and that began to piss him off. He felt the spiritual pressure of someone familiar and then realized it was Jinn's. Just then, it disappeared from detection. Hmm looks like Jinn as found our little group. Great...more distractions. Ace thought and sighed. That's when he felt it. His eyes shot open and he glanced around real quick. He was sure he felt it. It was there for a brief moment and then vanished like Jinn's. Was that Axel's spiritual pressure... Ace became lost in thought and that's when he felt another shinigami's spiritual pressure some odd distance away. Then soon a Quincy joined them. Though he felt that this Quincy was particularly stronger than the rest.

Ace, in his very agitated state, tried to concentrate on his book but to no avail. Then the Quincy began to talk and that's when he couldn't take it anymore. He close his book, got off the tree root he was at, and began to walk away from the whole group. That's when he felt it. He looked up at the Quincy and Ace was sure he felt it. He looked around and he was sure of it. A group of hollows and... Ace thought but couldn't quite put his finger on it. That's when the garganta appeared!

As soon as the garganta opened up, knew this would be trouble. He saw several gillians come out of it. One...two...three...four...five...six! Ace counted in his head and then the garganta closed. Ace drew his Zanpakutō and was about to face them when another garganta opened behind them! "What the hell!? Why are all these gargantas opening up!?" Ace said aloud just as more gillians appeared. This time ten came out of the giant gap in the sky before it began to close. "Shit this is bad." Ace said to himself though anyone near him could hear it. "Hey Quincy, I know you're strong so handle those gillians back there-" Ace's sentence was cut off when one more garganta opened up his right. This time seven gillians came out. Pissed off that he couldn't finish his chapter, he put on his mask and took off towards the six gillians. He flash stepped in the air and fired his ice cero from the palm of his hand spraying the group and charged them, not know if the cero was effective or not, hacked at them using his increased strength and used his increased speed to dodge the attacks made by the gillians. Though his blows were getting through them, he would need help taking them down.

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Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:48 am
Omedotte snickered when he heard the apparent joke from the man, who was apparently a "Quincy" as later revealed by the man with the book. He felt he could probably use some alcohol right now. His eyes darted to the man with a book as he got up, looking quite frustrated, and walking away. Omedotte looked at him again with a puzzled expression as he stopped and began looking around. That's when the holes opened up seemingly out of nowhere, just hanging in the air, and hollows started coming out of them.

Omedotte looked around hurriedly at the now 3 groups of hollow surrounding them. Making a quick decision, he started vibrating, almost shaking violently before seemingly strange things started happening to him. Heads, limbs and heads started growing from him, slowly stretching themselves away from his body until they started forming humanoid shapes. When all this was over, Omedotte stood with 3 copies of himself around him.

Not wasting any time, Omedotte sent one of his copies towards the group of six hollows to aid the man currently in combat with them. He himself started towards the group of 7, his other two copies flanking him. He left the group of ten hollows alone, assuming the "Quincy" would take care of them.

Omedotte charged headfirst into his group of hollows, punching left and right and occasionally crushing limbs by enveloping them with his own body, and also burning the occasional hollow while in his more liquid state.
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:04 pm
-ワット 迅速-

Sitting in a tree, not really doing much of anything, but watching the three underneath him. Waiting for something interesting to happen. The wind would blow ever so often, knocking his spiritual pressure out of whack. It didn't seem to alert anyone, however, the two, Akira and Ace, had already met him before and probably recognized it when it would flicker from the instability that came with the wind. He just hoped that it wouldn't completely give him away, as if it did he'd be repeating the same situation from the other day.

All he wanted to do was relax, and not be bothered, but he kept running into problems and people. It was his duty as a member of the 13 protection squads to aid those in need, plus he could use the training. He hadn't actually gotten to train like this in a while, soul society is dull and he was unable to really connect with his Zanpakutō. The ignorant bear that constantly refuses to battle him because he was too weak. Which in ways he was, but he wasn't so weak that he couldn't at least try to beat this bear's ass. It had frustrated him for some time now and just made him more and more eager to be stronger. He wondered if he'd ever be able to obtain his shikai. It wouldn't be anytime soon, he knew that, but what he didn't know was that he was too reliant on the added strength his Zanpakutō gave him. He was only fearless when he had it in his hands and his Zanpakutō spirit,  Raitoningu no Tsume, was well aware of that especially after he was stripped of his blade a few decades ago, he struggled to even move correctly in order to get back to his blade. Which was his first concern, not for Raitoningu no Tsume, but for himself. Which completely made Raitoningu no Tsume feel used. Hell, the two had never even talked, the only reason he knew why battle was refused constantly was because of his peers. "You know, if you were more respectful toward him, and showed him your real strength he might just talk to you," they would tell him.

Yep, he was some fifth seat officer, alright, can't even talk to his Zanpakutō and is shaken when his Zanpakutō isn't as his side to bail his ass out of situations. Not to say he isn't strong or has no will or determination, he is just unaware of what makes him weaker than others. Over fifty years in the Gotei 13 and he was still unable to even accomplish a successful Jinzen with him. The bear was simply unimpressed even with all the effort and devotion that he had put in to become where he was now. He just simply didn't meet Raitoningu no Tsume's standards, but that was alright. He knew that if his Zanpakutō's standards were high that just meant he would be even stronger once he was able to obtain his shikai state.

It wasn't too long until yet another, what seemed to be, human came into sight. It was hard to sense whether or not he was able to even see or sense all of them. The man dressed in a normal attire, but he had something that he had seen before, a Quincy cross. Though he knew little but what was taught to him in the academy and the one battle that he had been in with him. It was certain the thing around his neck was in fact a Quincy's cross, their source of power, even though without them they can still be quite a threat as he had seen when he faced one. The man never even used his bow to fight, but simply blocked all of his blows with a small tube that they called ginto. The man used it as if it were a sword and was extremely skilled with it. Jinn found it insane that for what little of a lifespan they had already been through they were able to produce such power. It was certain that if this quincy came along he meant trouble, he'd have to do what he could in order to stop him from harming any of the others.

Good thing I bathed... I would have given up my spot a while ago. Maybe I should start doing that more often. He joked to himself, knowing that would never happen. He enjoyed his stench and his filthy lifestyle it was considered to be natural, which is how he liked it. His dreadlocks even being natural, although he had attempted them several times before and didn't turn out well so this time around he did them correctly and twisted them rather than it all just bundling up into unattractive fat dreads.

The quincy approached the group, but kept his distance which sent a red flag to Jinn that he was alert. This could be an indication of a near attack by him. Jinn shifted a little as his left leg started to fall asleep from crouching on such a tiny limb, luckily he didn't weight enough for it to even crack. As he did he noticed the Quincy glance at him and then in the opposite direction and then to the group of three beneath Jinn. He knew Jinn was up there, which probably meant he was able to sense his reiatsu. This quincy had to be stronger than he looked, which always seemed to be the problem. The strongest people always looked the weakest. However, this guy looked dull. He kept a straight face the whole time until he finally opened his mouth and joked about where the alcohol was. Which didn't entirely sound like a bad idea, but it definitely wasn't a good one. He glanced down at the others to see that they were half and half on the joke except for the stranger, that was docile at first, who snickered.

Now this guy looked weird, he didn't know what exactly he was. His spiritual pressure was off, but was definitely present. It was hard to sense him when Jinn was coming in and it still remained that way when he was literally ten feet away from them. Jinn felt as though it was about time things started to get interesting with the arrival of the quincy that seemed to be a threat to Jinn, which even he wasn't sure as to why accept for the few red flags from his arrival. That and the stereotypical shinigami, quincy love/hate relationship they shared. Which was mainly a hate relationship than love, simply because they both had goals of protecting spirits. However, the quincy have been known to be a resentful race and they held that reputation to this day.

It wasn't too long before the quincy glanced behind him, he must have sensed yet another intruder, but Jinn couldn't feel a damn thing. Quincy and their damned heightened senses. He cursed to himself, jealous of their abilities and strength. Though the quincy are well known for their determination and training at young age, which definitely puts them at an advantage. That and they gain all of their power from the spiritual energy around them. Which is nice and definitely puts them to an advantage in the other realms, however Karakura Town was slam packed with reishi. The more he thought about the Quincy the stronger his yearn to fight him splintered him.

Jinsoku's eyes bulged agape upon sensing what the Quincy did, he could fell their reiatsu and this wouldn't be no easy task. He clinched his jaw in anger, he knew the Quincy had of drawn them here.Though their was no solid evidence it was obvious he had to be the reason for this attack on such a desolate area. As they closed in on the groups proximity he was able to count them by their spiritual pressure. He lifted his finger and closed his eyes pointing at each one as if he was Helen Keller trying to sniff around for the bathroom. Five, five hollows were headed their way. He'd have to stop hiding. He began to lift himself up from the crouching position as yet another rush of reiatsu hit him. Shit, how in the hell... His trail of thought was kicked to the side as he saw the holes in the sky appearing, they made a sound as if someone was closing their sweater at slow pace and he was able to see the hollows peak out of the hole. Gillians, he had the chance to come to arms with these hollows once before, but not in these numbers. He shifted his attention to the sky again to see more Gillians pouring out of another garganta. Why are all of these Gillians appearing here? He questioned and shifted his attention to the accused Quincy. Yet again his head being pulled away to witness yet another hole in the sky. He clinched his fists I've gotta put an end to this, notes will have to be taken later. Telling himself to convince him that now was not the time to start studying Gillians or Quincy. I'll just attack this damn, Quincy! He fearsomely leapt from the leaves of the tree taken many golden, red, and orange leaves with him. He looked up to see the others sprint off to in the direction of different hollows in order to fend them off for now.

He watched as Ace sprung off toward the group that was directly in front of them, he made a gesture to the Quincy as if he thought they were to be on the same side. "Fool!" Jinsoku shouted as he unsheathed Raitoningu no Tsume, Let's do this! He thought trying to ensure his Zanpakutō that he would be victorious in this fight. He shunpoed in front of the Quincy and as the Quincy would began to react he would shunpoed once more slidding behind him to try to complete some damage to his ribs. "YOU CAN'T JUST COME HERE AND ATTRACT ALL OF THESE HOLLOWS ALONG WITH YOU, YOU FOOL!" Raitoningu no Tsume neared the body of the Quincy and Jinsoku wasn't stalling to wait for a reaction, as he knew the danger of having all of these hollows here would just bring even more in and not necessarily to this exact position.

Though he was unsure of this Quincy's power, one thing was for sure, he wasn't swayed by the the reiatsu that surrounded him as he would have done something before rather than cracking jokes, especially with a Vizard right in front of him.

Watto, Jinsoku -Name
Shinigami -Race
Male -Gender
Character Link- x
Rank-Jūsanbantai- 5th Seat

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