Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Wed Nov 27, 2013 12:43 am
Axel was beginning to get comfortable in his position in the bushes. He watched the group and waited for the other two to show up. He felt one spiritual pressure following him and the other stay in it's position. He also detected that the one who was following him was a Quincy and the other was a shinigami some distance away. "Hmm following me to the party eh Quincy?" Axel thought to himself as he waited for his arrival.

Soon, the Quincy showed up. He noticed his glance at the tree above Ace and then glanced at him. "Hmm so that's where he is. Sneaky little Jinn" Axel thought and developed a slight smile. Then, the Quincy told a joke about alcohol. Axel was amused with this Quincy's humor and started to like this Quincy. Though besides the Quincy's joke, things were getting slightly boring.

That's when he felt several hollows heading towards them. He grew excited because he was itching to do some fighting due to his boredom. He was about to draw his Zanpakutō when suddenly several holes appeared in the sky. "A Garganta? Why here and now? And why Gillians!?" Axel thought as he saw more Gillians come out of the Garganta. Axel begin to worry about the numbers and then saw Ace take off with his mask on. This surprised Axel as he didn't think Ace had a mask. Ace gave orders to the Quincy and Axel turned to him. He began to wonder if the Quincy would follow Ace's orders or not. Axel drew his Zanpakutō ready to help Ace when he saw Jinn appear in front of the Quincy then as the Quincy reacted, shunpoed behind him. He accused the Quincy and then was about to strike him with his Zanpakutō.

That is, before Axel shunpoed between both of them and blocked the attack from Jinn. "Hello Jinn, it's been a long time. I'm pretty sure you won't recognize me since we've only met a few times in the past. But that's not important now. What's important are those Gillians who have shown up right now. So how about we ALL handle the Gillians first before going at each other's throats? Might I remind you my dearest friend, Ace, is out there risking his life to handle the hollows. While you let your hated cloud your thoughts and attack someone, who is by the way much stronger than both of us combined, that could help us clear these Gillians. Now, how about you focus that rage at the Gillians instead of him?" Ace said with emphasis on the word 'ALL' and a smile on his face.
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Wed Nov 27, 2013 8:33 pm
Satsuki was about to aim at another tree but stopped when he heard an enormous sound that seemed to be erupting from the sky. "Huh...? What is that????!!!!" Against his better judgement, he ran towards the sound to get a better look. To his horror, a massive group of hollows were stampeding their way towards him but.. they ran right past him.. towards where the noise was coming from. What was causing this noise? He wasn't too sure if he should actually follow the hollows, in fear that he wouldn't ever be able to exit the forest. But his curiosity propelled him further into the forest and he sprinted along with the hallows deep into a forest where a group was. He didn't pay much attention to the group as they seemed to have no importance.

The shinigami halted to a stop, panting heavily as he glanced around quickly. He mentally scolded himself for daydreaming at a critical situation like this. Satsuki inched towards the group slowly as to not draw attention to himself. As much as he hated being near people, it wasn't safe for him to be in a place like this alone. He was going to need all the protection he needed... for now. 'And when I get stronger..' He shook his head. Not the right time to think about this right now. Satsuki managed to make it to the group safely. This group seemed to be decent sized. At least it wasn't a full on crowd or anything.

"...What's going on?" he finally managed to address the group. He gazed at the sky quickly, glancing to get an estimate how many Gillians and gargantas were there. "I was training in the forest when I heard a noise," he blurted out quickly. He didn't know what else to say at a time like this. He wasn't very social to anyone. Satsuki avoided talking to other people, unless he really really needed something. He gripped his swords tightly, ready to fight. But he never fought a Gillian before.. This was going to be something to remember if he could keep alive. The man desperately hoped that the others knew what they were doing. And maybe then, he could learn and grow stronger from this experience.

BATTLE OF THE NOOBS FIGHT THREAD - Page 2 Kai-smile2_55952337
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:55 pm

»Entwurf, Skyzen«

Things were beginning to unravel, the hollows neared his position. Along with a few new arrivals. It began to rain gillians from the sky as though it were a cat. 3 hurricane in Florida. Reiatsu's shifted the winds direction as the protectors of this small area began to engage the gillian's above. Leaves that were once attached to dirt and grass beneath their feet fluttered in the air with the random gusts of wind. Being an artist, Skyzen had to make mental memory of this image. He was somewhat mesmerized by the landscape of the area right now, for a few seconds ago it was just a ruin of battle. Now that altercations began to, well, alter things it completely changed the essence of the area.

For Skyzen near everything was an art, or had some sort of artistic quality to it. If a child dropped her ice cream cone on the ground he'd take a picture of the way it splattered, this also tied in with his fascination for the sciences as well. However, he'd pay no mind to the child's feelings until he snapped the right picture. Then, of course, he would help the child into finding a new one or paying the parents seeing as he ended up using the ice cream anyway. This was how he had been since he gained interest in art when he was in high school, always drawing and doodling until the Karakura High's art teacher asked him to start taking her classes so he could hone and use his skills. That and it was hereditary, being that his parents were both freelance artists that did a lot of work for people that needed high quality art pieces done. His parents work could be found in a lot of auctions, as well.

As everyone began to spring into action toward the gillians he was read their first moves and was able to tell how far they'd be able to go with these gillians before one was actually able to land a hit on them. Though it was just a guess, he was pretty talented at being able to read a match up strictly from reiatsu. It looked as though he was going to have help these guys out after all.

"Fool!" A voice came from a tree in the distance where the shinigami was trying to stay concealed from the others. Skyzen figured this character would be a problem for him as well as the others, but didn't expect the guy to act so rash and toward him. Why was he the fool after all, he was just walking through trying to mind his own business but then all of these things seemed to follow him. As the Shinigami pranced toward him he placed his hands in his pockets. In doing so, he felt a grain-like substance within his pocket. Everything fell into place for Skyzen. Did I really just do all of this... He punished himself for being so foolish, turned out the shinigami was right. He was a fool. "YOU CAN'T JUST COME HERE AND ATTRACT ALL OF THESE HOLLOWS ALONG WITH YOU, YOU FOOL!" The shinigami proclaimed as he appeared in front of Skyzen and before he could act he was behind him. His speed is substantial for someone of his spiritual energy. He thought to himself as the shinigami proceeded with his attack. Skyzen turned around swiftly and grasped his cross crushing it in his hand, reishi built up within his palm and created an Uzi that had a blue glow to it.

Suddenly the two were diverted from one another by another man, the one that hid in the bushes. "Hello Jinn, it's been a long time. I'm pretty sure you won't recognize me since we've only met a few times in the past. But that's not important now. What's important are those Gillians who have shown up right now. So how about we ALL handle the Gillians first before going at each other's throats? Might I remind you my dearest friend, Ace, is out there risking his life to handle the hollows. While you let your hated cloud your thoughts and attack someone, who is by the way much stronger than both of us combined, that could help us clear these Gillians. Now, how about you focus that rage at the Gillians instead of him?" He stated right before he blocked Jinn's attack. Skyzen smirked at the thought of how quick these shinigami were. It had been quite some time since the last time he fought a shinigami, but even then when he fought them they were much stronger than these, but yet didn't seem to be as fast. It was evident these two must have had a bit more training in their hoho abilities than they did in their fighting abilities. However, Skyzen still had a bit more training than they did, well a bit was actually an understatement. It was evident that Skyzen would be able to easily defeat most of the people that were around him, but he wouldn't worry about their efforts to defeat him until after he rid these Hollows from the grounds.

Skyzen shifted his attention away from the middle-man and looked toward Jinn, "It seems as though you are correct, Jinn, if that is your name." Skyzen explained as a smirk arouse his visage, "But whether it was me that brought these gillians here, just the substantial amount of reiatsu within the area they must be extinguished. Look at your friends." He insisted and waved his hand horizontally as though he were displaying a new car. "It seems as though they were more worried about the humans in this Town being attacked by the Hollows rather than whoever sent them. Either way, shall I?" Skyzen continued and then flashed off to another group of Gillians that was unattended.

He slid in the mid air, oddly causing some white smoke to appear from his shoes. "Hello, Gillians, might ask where your leader is? It's not often a bunch of du-" His sentence was cut off by a large cero blast being charged then fired at him, quickly he shifted to the left and brought his Uzi up to the Gillian's sight. "Now, now... let's not cut m-" Again he was cut off, this time by two Gillians, he pivoted on his left foot came down to a crouching stance and let his right foot slid on the ground returning him to his original position. He chuckled at how rude the Gillians were to him. "I know you have minds in there, but I guess I'll rid you of your rudeness." Pulling the trigger of Uzi he began to fire a volley of reishi-made bullets to on of the Gillian's mask cutting him down in an instant. The Gillian screeched in horror, which caused a train-reaction upon all of the remaining Gillian's in the area. "Did I make you upset?" Skyzen shouted as he flashed away again behind the Gillians where he began to fire once more this time aiming horizontally blasting all of remaining Gillian he was fighting cutting their heads in half. "There ya go, you bunch of idiotic Hollows, you won't be being rude to anyone else again!" He proclaimed with a smirk on his face. He took a look over at the others to see how they were doing. It seemed as though some of them might need his help.

This wasn't very normal of him to do, help shinigami that is, but if it weren't for the fact that they didn't have the ability to destroy them all themselves he would leave. However, this was his town and he did accidentally crush hollow bait in his pocket. So it made sense for him to stick around and help them out, even if he wasn't the biggest fan of the Shinigami, or whatever they were.


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Sat Nov 30, 2013 1:22 am

»Ace Marx«

Ace was hacking the Gillians left and right slowly making progress. As he attacked, one Gillian would fire a cero at Ace and he would shunpo to dodge it. Then he went and attacked another one, dealing a single blow before having to shunpo away to dodge a cero. The progress was painstakingly slow, but it was progress. He took a quick glance at the back of him to see what was happening to the others. He turned back and face the Gillian only to have what he saw sink in. He shunpoed some distance away and turned around to look at what had happened.

What he saw was very surprising to him. First, the mysterious man who was trying to calm the situation between himself and that girl, had multiplied and sent one of the clones to help Ace and took the other clones to face the group of Gillians on his right. Second, the Quincy actually decided to help them. When he gave the order to the Quincy, he was about 75% sure that the Quincy would not care and leave them to handle it. So for a Quincy to help them was somewhat strange. Lastly, the biggest surprise was seeing his missing friend, Axel, fighting with Jinn. Many question started to form in his mind like why he left or why is he fighting with Jinn. He was almost lost in thought when he had remembered he was fighting Gillians and turned back to them.

Just as he turned around, three of them had fired a cero right at him. He shunpoed right in front of one of the Gillian's face. "You are a real pain in the ass." Ace said aloud. He grasped his Zanpakutō with both hands and made a powerful upwards slash at the Gillian's face, killing it. "One down, five more to go." Ace thought and shunpoed back. He could feel that he was beginning to lose control of sustaining the mask so he took it off and hoped that he would not need it soon. He charged at the Gillians, continuing his hit-and-run strategy.

The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:22 pm
Sorry, S_E, but if you do not post before Saturday you will be skipped. Seagull once it has come to your turn you will have three days after the last post to respond due to your recent inactivity, as well.

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