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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty The Hunt(Horus)

Mon Jan 13, 2014 3:31 am

Artist: N/A - Song:Bleach OST 4 #14 Pleasures Of Combat: - Word Count: 603
As the war in Australia came to end it was difficult for Roderich to find a way to be entertained under the mountain of tedious paperwork that was stacked on his desk. He hated doing things like that with a passion, but it was necessary. He was impatiently sitting at his desk slouched over a a stack of papers that he was scribbling through at a furious speed. Almost finished with the report his head got closer to the papers and his eyes widened as his writing speed got much faster right up until he signed his name and finished his report.

"Jeez that was wayyyyyy to boring..."

It seemed like all he had done sense he had returned from Australia was administrative duties. The fight he had in Ballarat was an intense thrill that pushed him to new limits and strategies. He yearned for that same feeling, but didn't want to do so in the Soul Society. After dealing a blow in Australia it seemed it was time to pursue a blow against Shadow Fall. Contacting the 12th Division he found a list of targets who were within Shadow Fall. Looking through the list he didn't really care who he was going to choose so he closed his eyes swung his finger up and down the list and slapped it down right in the middle. The name of the target was Masakaki, and that's really all that's known about him. Roderich liked how that would present a challenge though. So he waited around the 12th Division so that they could locate him. Finally after a couple hours of searching they got a rough location of where he was. That was enough for Roderich so he had them open a portal to the forest where he was near, and to add on the thrill he decided to make it how he had it Ballarat.

A Senkaimon then opened 100 meters in the air facing the ground above the Karakura Forest. Roderich was nearly to the exit when he picked up his pace and jumped face first through the portal. Exiting the Senkaimon in the human world he was face first sky diving towards the ground. With his arms at his side Roderich began to yell


His speed gradually increased as he approached the ground. Roderich sliced through the brisk air in the higher altitude as he was swayed left and right from turbulent winds. He was turning his head left and right trying to sense where his target was, but not being the best at sensing spiritual energy he flattened out his body slowing his speed and tilted himself to the left angling himself toward the flower of fields in the center of the forest. Reaching the field he flipped forward to where his back was towards the ground. Manipulating reishi he slowed his decent and slid through the field angling his sheathe into the ground slowing his slide.

Roderich jumped up to his feet and brushed off the dirt and flowers that had covered him on his descent looking around all he saw the field of flowers. They were a beautiful sight which he was unhappy about, but glad that he didn't destroy the entire thing. He knew this would be the most optimal fighting space, but it wasn't somewhere he was happy to have destroyed. He walked to it's middle, and if his flashy entrance didn't attract Masakaki then he would have to use another method. Roderich walked to the middle and sat down and released his spiritual pressure. Hopefully this would attract Masakaki, but if not he was going to have to do something more extreme.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:49 am

| Song: N/A | Artist: N/A | Wordcount: 698 |

After the War for Australia it seemed things were changing rapidly throughout the world. Various nations were now gearing up for anything that could potentially follow the chaotic war that had occurred upon the continent of Australia and its surrounding islands. During this period the various nations of the world wouldn't be the only ones preparing for the potential war on the horizon. Ever since the war had ended Masakaki had kept up with any rumors he could, and the more he heard the more things pointed to another war occurring sometime in the near future. Nations, organizations, rogue bodies... Everyone was preparing, whether it involved gearing up, training relentlessly, healing injuries suffered in Australia, or general information and resource gathering. And topping it all off was the one thing Masakaki hadn't quite wanted yet.. Although he had only heard so in passing Masakaki knew his sources were reliable, it seemed that the Mad Hatter had become the target of several different bodies, including the Gotei 13. The male quickly concluded that perhaps being on vacation when he had been worked out horridly.. Though the demon knew it was his own fault, after-all he could have simply left Toowoomba back then.

Aside from collecting the information since the end of the War the pink haired demon had also been travelling a bit, and was currently passing by Karakura Town through the nearby forest. As the Mad Hatter made his way calmly through the woods he began whistling a joyous tune while spinning and twirling his cane in his right hand. 'Petty fools and their war.. As calming as this walk in the woods is I just can't help but want to fight..' Where the thoughts that occupied Masakaki's mind as he continued merrily through the woods. As the demon made way deeper and deeper into the woods he began spreading his influence, tainting the area around him. Within his field of influence Masakaki was now gaining any and all necessary information, such as the detection of a gateway of sorts forming in the air above the forest. As the gateway was detected Masakaki couldn't help the joyous grin that would appear, it seemed his walk in the woods would be more entertaining after-all. Looking into the sky, beyond the trees, the Mad Hatter saw it, a Senkaimon opening in the air above before a Shinigami came hurtling through and towards the ground with a yell of "Wooooooooooooo".

Clapping his hands together Masakaki took of with an excited bounce in his step. Golden eyes watched as Roderich made his way through the air and trees before visually losing track of the man. Quickly spreading his influence even further into the woods it was quite easy for Masakaki to detect the males location before speeding off in the direction he detected Roderich. Pink hair and pasty white skin seemed to flash throughout the forest as Masakaki made his way towards his target, though the demon had yet to find out he was also being targeted by the same man he now hunted. Eventually the golden eyed demon came upon a clearing, Roderich seated directly in the middle of a flower patch that had been partially destroyed, likely from the males entry into the area. As the male release his spiritual pressure a joyous and excited chuckle rent forth from Masakaki, whom calmly made his way into the clearing, each footstep falling with near absolute silence despite the leaves and twigs crushed underfoot. "Why hello there Mr.Shinigami!" He called out before vanishing and reappearing directly behind Roderich using a combination of his natural speed and Shadow Movement, making sure to use just enough speed so that Roderich wouldn't even notice him until he was there.

"You wouldn't happen to be looking for me would you? I did hear that you Gotei people had me on a wanted list of sorts." These words would be spoken as Masakaki peered over Roderich's shoulder, golden eyes filled with mischief and mirth. Vanishing again in yet another display of his speed Masakaki would appear just six feet infront of Roderich, mirroring his seated position perfectly aside from the cane being twirled in the demon's hands.

Original Coding By: [THEFROST]
Changes & Gfx By: Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:56 pm

Artist: N/A - Song:Bleach OST 4 #14 Pleasures Of Combat: - Word Count: 448
Roderich was a little bit startled at the speed the man had found him, but with the same huge smile on his face he was excited. He slipped his right hand into his jacket pocket and pulled out a picture given to him by the 12th Division. Putting it out in front of him and glanced at it, then the man, then it again. Crumbling it up in his hand he tossed it to the side. He then glanced across the way towards the man with his huge smile and said

"Actually yes you are the exact one I was looking for! It was really nice of you to find me. It would have been reaaaaallllllyyyyyyy boring to have to search this entire forest for you. Sense i know who you are it is only nice of meet to elude to you who I am! My name is Roderich Alstein the Lieutenant of the 9th Division of the Gotei 13, and I was given a mission to capture or kill you. Soooo basically I get to fight how I want to with the strength I want to. Which also means I am going to get to have a bunch of fun!!!"

Roderich put his hands on the ground and pushed himself up to a standing position. Dusting off the dirt and flowers that had accumulated from his slide upon entry. Grasping the hilt of his Zanpakutō with his right hand he unsheathed it and turned is body to where his entire body was pointed to his left and his Zanpakutō was facing forward towards his enemy. In this fencing style stance he was ready for combat.

One of the greatest joys in his life was in combat. He found joy in everything, but the one thing that brought him the most joy was this. Spending countless ours on theory and training he was always excited to use his strength. After the war he was piled with enough paperwork to make it almost not worth it, but this time it was simple. Unless he did something really stupid he wouldn't have to deal with the mountain of paperwork he had to last time.

Also because his patience was that of a 5 year old he made the first move. In a lowered position he flash stepped in front of the man and with a three strike combo he did a quick horizontal slash from Masakaki's left shoulder to his right followed by a diagonal slash from his right shoulder to his lower left abdomen finished with an upwards backhanded slash from the last point up across Masakaki's face. These strikes were not meant for the most power, but for accuracy and speed.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:43 pm

| Song: N/A | Artist: N/A | Wordcount: 839 |

As the demon known as Masakaki took a seat several feet infront of Roderich his face still sported a jovial grin, even as Roderich reached into his pocket before pulling out what must have been a picture of the Mad Hatter. For as the blue haired shinigami took out the picture he had taken several glances between it and Masakaki, as if comparing the two. Masakaki's ever present smile only grew as the shinigami crumpled the paper before tossing it to the side and speaking.

"Actually yes you are the exact one I was looking for! It was really nice of you to find me. It would have been reaaaaallllllyyyyyyy boring to have to search this entire forest for you. Sense i know who you are it is only nice of meet to elude to you who I am! My name is Roderich Alstein the Lieutenant of the 9th Division of the Gotei 13, and I was given a mission to capture or kill you. Soooo basically I get to fight how I want to with the strength I want to. Which also means I am going to get to have a bunch of fun!!!"

While Masakaki listened to the shinigami drone on he couldn't help but agree that it would have been quite troublesome, in addition to boring if the two had taken much longer before encountering each other. The male had even gone far enough to introduce himself as a Lieutenant from the 9th Division of the Gotei named Roderich Alstein. Apparently his mission was one in which Masakaki was to be captured or killed. As the male ceased speaking Masakaki replied with a vigorous nod, already having accepted that the two would meet in combat.

By the time Masakaki's nodding ceased the shinigami now known as Roderich pushed himself from his spot, coming to a standing position before dusting himself off. Grin ever present upon the Mad Hatters face the demon was quick to replicate his foe's movements, quickly pushing himself from the ground though with a single hand as the other still held the demon's spinning cane. Golden eyes gleamed with anticipation as Roderich slid into a stance which had his body was pointed away whilst he faced Masakaki with his Zanpakutō, it seemed he was ready to get things moving and Masakaki was more than happy to answer in kind.

For a few brief moments the two foes stood before each other, before the tension was suddenly broken. In a display of lack of patience Roderich shot forth with shunpo before lashing out. Whether from his own impatience or a lack of information the Shinigami seemed to surely be underestimating the Mad Hatter's capabilities. Opting to showcase some of his abilities for the shinigami Masakaki was quick to step back out of the range of Roderich's first strike, before deflecting the second along the length of his cane. As blade left the end of cane a sudden change in Masakaki's energy could be detected. As soon as the fluctuation could be sensed the shadows beneath and around the two began writhing in before surging towards Masakaki, and more precisely his empty palm.

While the darkness and shadows gathered upon Masakaki's palm Roderich's third strike, a backhanded upwards slash, would make haste towards the demon's face. As suddenly as the strike began it came to a struggled halt, Masakaki having grasped the blade in his empty palm thus causing his demonic blood to begin mixing in with the congregation of darkness and shadows. As this happened a dangerous glint of mischief came alive within the demon's eyes.

Before the shinigami's superior strength could overthrow Masakaki's grip the demon was quick to release the blade before utilizing Shadow Movement to relocate himself several yards away. The moment he reappeared a difference could be noticed, specifically the ball of darkness now present within the once empty palm of Masakaki. Within an instant the dark sphere was launched in Roderich's direction, meant to collide with the ground a mere two feet behind him. Whether the sphere would collide with Roderich or the ground behind him it would detonate in a large blast of darkness similar to an explosion that would result from a technique such as a cero. In addition to the large explosion that would be present upon collision would also be the intense heat that occurs so quickly, and at such an intensity some may believe they've caught on fire themselves. Finally if either directly hit, or partially contacted by the demonic energies it would act as if a strong rush of parasites entering the foes system. In either case eventually the foe will find themselves heavily taxed, resulting in a further exhaustion of energy, and eventually weakening, slowing, or damaging the foe further.

From his position Masakaki was content to wait for the results of the Black Inferno Blast with a ghost-like grin upon his face. The fight having started it was soon to be time to determine just who the hunter and hunted would be.

Original Coding By: [THEFROST]
Changes & Gfx By: Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:46 pm

Artist: N/A - Song:Bleach OST 4 #14 Pleasures Of Combat: - Word Count: 603

HIstorically Roderich wasn't the type of person to back down from an attack. Though a bit foolish in his opinion it brought a great sense of thrill and intensity to a fight. Even if it meant and early end to a fight if he couldn't oppose or destroy an opponents attack, especially ones that he would have time to to attack, then he already knew the fight was over. Some day this need to find a thrill may kill him, but until that day comes he actively does so.

With his third strike missing the target completely the first and biggest change was the distance. Eliminating the chance for immediate response was exactly what happened because Roderich did not practice Kido. He found it only useful for misc. Purposes, not in combat. To some they would say this put him at a disadvantage, but in his view it posed a challenge for him to overcome. It also meant that he could focus on his Zanjutsu, speed and strength not only tactics wise, but training wise. This was not the first time he was presented with an attack like this where he didn't have the opportunity to immediately respond, but he wouldn't allow that to stop him.

Upon missing his third strike Roderich reset his stance to the previous fencing stance in preparation of what was to come. As Masakaki reappeared Roderich readied himself as he shot off a large blast composed of darkness. Now this was something that was new to him. It was alike to a cero he had taken not to long ago, but different at the same time. Knowing that he needed to someone around or through it he needed to fight energy with energy. As the blast approached him in those few moments the edge of his blade glowed with a light blue energy used to increase the cutting power of his Zanpakutō and to clash with things of this nature.

With the blast a moment away all he could do at this moment was clash with it so he waited and as it bombarded his blade and it was much stronger then he thought it'd be. His heels digging into the ground and being pushed back little by little he was being overcome by the blast. If he took something of this caliber head on it'd be extremely dangerous so he needed to react quickly. His first instinct was always the way he reacted. After so much training and theory he found that he usually would do something that wasn't going to get him.. well killed at least that instant. He began lowering his stance and angling his Zanpakutō diagonally where his hilt was pushing forward and the tip of his blade pointing back. He the grabbed the back of his Zanpakutō and with both hands yanked upwards using the balance of the clash to redirect the blast to above him.

Roderich was lucky to get through that as he stood back up fully and began charging Masakaki. It excited him that he was still alive, but if he wasn't careful one of those blasts would kill him. With an approach in the same stance style it looked as if he was going to charge Masakaki head first. While charging though he flash stepped to the left of Masakaki in a lowered stance, from his point of view, then again above him in an attempt to throw him off. From above his struck at Masakaki using a stabbing strike to the right shoulder followed by one to the left finished with a back handed slash to the top of his head*

Template By: [THEFROST]
Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Fri Jan 31, 2014 9:00 pm

| Song: Waltz Of Puppet | Artist: Iron-Chino | Wordcount: 517 |

'Hihihhi.. this lad isn't too shabby, being able to deflect my black inferno blast like that.' Was exactly what crossed the mind of one Masakaki as his calculating golden eyes took in the scene before him. Instead of evading the destructive blast that had been sent sailing his way Roderich opted for a different approach. This shinigami was definitely proving interesting as he channeled reiatsu into his blade before meeting Masakaki's blast head on. Watching intently while sliding into a ready stance the demon's interest was further peaked as his attack was deflected into the sky above their bout where it would explode harmlessly, albeit giving away their location if any happened to be near.

After his attack was deflected Masakaki's eyes remained on Roderich as he stood tall once again before charging forth. Just as he was about to launch himself to meet his shinigami foe said foe altered course using a shunpo in order to get within Maskaki's range. While the movement itself hadn't entirely surprised him he hadn't been completely prepared for Roderich appearing in a lower stance before flickering above him in order to strike out. As such the purple-pink haired demon let out a brief grunt as a thrust from Roderich's blade met his right shoulder, piercing clean through. Smirk still upon his face Masakaki reached out with his empty hand and quickly took hold of the blade of his foe before he could land another piercing strike to the opposing shoulder.

Holding his gaze with Roderich the golden eyed demon's smirk grew and continued to do so before he broke out into a fit of laughter, his grip upon his foes blade tightening further causing a trickle of blood to drip from his pale hand. Before his laughter would come to a halt the pale demon launched his counter attack upon his foe.. It was time to display his skills further and see if this shinigami would continue to intrigue him. In the instant the decision was made he was on the attack, arm blurring through the empty space between himself and his foe as he brought his blade up in an arcing cut from Roderich's left hip to the right shoulder. There would be enough force behind this strike to cut the shinigami deep, but not deep enough to put him out of commission, he did want this bout to continue in the end. Following up his first strike Masakaki would be quick to bring his blade down upon his foe once more, this time in order to slice through the tendons of his wrist. This would be followed up by a swift kick to the stomach, the force behind which should be enough to crack several of his foes ribs if it landed.

"Shall we continue this entertaining bout of ours Mr.Alstein? Of course I do hope you make the decision to do so, you've proven quite the intriguing foe already. So what do you say Mr.Alstein, shall we continue?" Questioned Masakaki as he waited to see how Roderich would react to yet another brief display of his skills.

Original Coding By: [THEFROST]
Changes & Gfx By: Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:51 am

Artist: N/A - Song:Bleach OST 4 #14 Pleasures Of Combat: - Word Count: 539

Now this was just starting to get fun. Even though his strike didn't work as well as he had hoped it had shown the flexibility of his opponents mindset, and possibly a showing into his "interesting" way of doing things. With his blade being held it seemed as though the demon hadn't noticed that what coated his blade was actual a special blue energy that he manipulated around the edge of his blade to increase it's cutting power. Though he wouldn't entirely act of it yet as Masakaki was in a hysterical laughter he went on the counter offensive getting a large slash across his torso. Blood spraying from his torso he knew taking another shot like that would definitely not only take him out of the game, but also allow his fun to end so he couldn't allow it to happen so as the second strike came at him he spun himself under his blade and blocked the secondary cut as he was met with a strong kick to his stomach sending him flying backwards.

As he rolled he stabbed his Zanpakutō into the ground stopping him on a knee and standing up. He thought it was funny that he said that, because he was just starting to have fun as well. In fact it was just getting started, and it was about to get better

"Hahahaha this is just starting to get fun, but seeing as your a much more than worthy opponent I think I'll throw in a party favor"

Roderich then pointed his Zanpakutō at Masakaki and his left arm outwards horizontally and spoke these words

"Rebel against the oppressive, Seirra!"

After Roderich finished those words a shining blue aura filled the engravings that are upon his blade all the way up to the tip of his Zanpakutō. They also fill the non gold parts of his hilt/guard. The lines then make their way up his right forearm and surround it then cross his chest and envelop his entire left arm. It envelops his left arm and right forearm in a white heavy armor that appeared from the energy. Once that is finished what appears is first his Zanpakutō itself stays the same with engravings lit. Next from above Roderich's left wrist a circular shield formed from the light which engulfed his left arm. From the center to the outer edge the shield is 2 1/2 Feet. There is a engraving in the shield that looks like a 4 point star, but it looks more like four crystals meeting at a square center.

"Couldn't very well dance without my partner now could I?

It was Roderich's turn for a real assault upon this demon. He began to charge Masakaki as his blade lit up brightly and he stabbed towards Masakaki from a distance of a few meters away shooting arrow like in shape energy bursts towards his torso(6 in quick succession). The blasts have piercing attributes about them and were aimed at Masakaki's full torso, and as he closed that gap extremely quickly his shield began to become bright and arriving at Masakaki he bashed the rim of his shield into his chest with a reinforced strength with the energy filling it followed by and stab under that bash to Masakaki's stomach.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:43 am

| Song: Master of Puppets | Artist: 刹那 (Kokoyasu) | Wordcount: 1194 |

Although the bout between Demon and Shinigami had just truly begun, one could already feel the excitement permeating the air. As the sound of steel piercing flesh cut through the air it was quickly followed by Masakaki's maddening laughter, during which a hand was brought up to latch onto the blade piercing his shoulder. Though things weren't going to be quite as simple as he had thought, Roderich had coated his blade in reiatsu before striking thus furthering its cutting power as he struck. Thus instead of ending up with small wound that simply dripped some blood the demon ended up with a deeper wound upon his hand. And so Masakaki was bleeding freely from his palm as he happily took advantage of the position to counter attack. The quick upward strike was able to catch his foe, resulting in a large spray of blood and a large wound upon the torso. Yet it wasn't the end, a second strike meant to cut tendons in the wrist, was evaded and blocked as his blue haired foe spun beneath his own blade before being met with a heavy kick sending him sailing backwards.

Watching his foe carefully as said male rolled himself into position to stab his blade into the ground, thus halting him immediately. Hearing Roderich's response the golden eyed demon could only await what he would see this foe pull off in this performance. As fate would have it the wait would not be long if his foe's rising spiritual pressure was anything to speak for. The golden eyes of the Mad Hatter partially hazed over as his excitement took a backseat to growing blood-lust and madness. Allowing Roderich to finish speaking Masakaki wasn't disappointed as said man's blade began to glow before markings began to dance upon his body. It only took a few moments but when the change was complete the Mad Hatter was glad he waited for such a thing to occur, though he wasn't to sure if he could have prevented it from happening anyways.

Taking in his foes new appearance Masakaki was quick to react, immediately a difference would be felt in the clearing the two beings fought in. The first sign that would set in before Roderich even finished speaking of his partner would be an eerie feeling of dread. The second sign was one that only Masakaki himself would notice immediately due to the properties of his Za Koa Influence, this would be a boost in his abilities; from natural traits such as speed, strength, reaction time, and endurance, to boosting his unique abilities, and granting him environmental knowledge. With the spread of his influence the demon hoped this would bring out an even better fight from his foe, whilst also keeping him on equal footing for now. Of course this couldn't be his only reaction, it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining if he lacked a reaction to Roderich's own increase in power. And so as his foe's blade began to light up the demon immediately reacted, unleashing his own unique aura, the Madness Aura. Not only would this result in an aura of madness enveloping the area, but it would also allow him to utilize the aura in several different ways before further tapping into his powers if it called for such a thing.

Such is the Mad Hatters madness that he is able to physically manifest its aura into constructs such as barriers, blades, or energy blasts. As his foe thrust his blade towards him, a few meters of space between the two, he knew just what to showcase for this instance. Watching the first arrow shaped energy blast approach the demon only smiled confidently while it neared before thrusting a bloody, but empty palm forward. The effect was instantaneous as a barrier created from his madness aura appeared. The barrier itself was the same color as his own demonic energy in his current state, but it also showcased numerous golden eyes, identical to Masakaki's own, throughout. The first of the blasts met the barrier explosively before the second and third collided with it, shattering the barrier of madness. The last three that followed were just as easy to deal with, but would leave him open for whatever followup there would be. Sword-arm blurring to life the pale demon dished out three lightning quick & precise strikes, each strike bisecting one of the three blasts resulting in six small explosions going off behind him as a sudden brightness began to fill his vision.

Having dealt with the other attacks had already left him open as it was, the bright light of the oncoming assault only adding to the issue as the demon fought to defend himself in-time. Unfortunately the window of time between the six successive blasts and this shield-bash while not quite to small, was aided by the bright light given off by the shield that was now colliding with his chest with quite some force. As a dribble of blood made way between the demon's lips and down the pale skin of his face it would only be a result of his skill with the blade that he would manage to deflect the thrusting stab the was combined with the shield-bash. As it were the stab would slice through several inches of flesh as it passed by the demon's stomach. In this moment the Mad Hatter decided he would do something he wouldn't normally do. He was going to forgo technique and natural speed and in its place use demonic ability and his raw physical strength in order to deliver a succession of powerful blows to the Shinigami. Despite his wounds he could only thank Roderich for striking him in the way he did, as it saved having to close the distance himself for the first blow.

With decision rapidly made the pale demon release the grip upon his own blade, it dropping harmlessly to the forest floor as the opposing empty hand fiercely grasped Roderich's sword-arm, which due to the deflected attack would be reached further than intended. In the moment immediately following the Shinigami would be met with a heavy blow to the stomach, the force behind which would be enough to punch a hole in reinforced steel wall. Before his foes body could react to the impact he would be quick to utilize his grip, if he managed to get one, to pull the Shinigami forward against the unleashed momentum of the punch before being met by a knee to the sternum. If he didn't have a grip upon his foe it would only be a matter of following the first strike with a heavy left hook to the kidney. Either way he would then retrieve his blade whilst building up another black inferno blast in the left hand. Briefly kneeling to grasp his blade Masakaki returned to a standing position before looking over his shoulder, pointing the index finger of the left hand in Roderich's direction before unleashing the blast after a few seconds. Upon this action the demon's eyes would narrow, his demonic energy flowing forth greedily as madness continued to tighten its hold upon the battlefield.

Original Coding By: [THEFROST]
Changes & Gfx By: Horus Sariel
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The Hunt(Horus) Empty Re: The Hunt(Horus)

Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:08 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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