Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:18 am

The red haired girl sighed, knowing what she had to do right now. She had enjoyed her time in the living realm, but the time had come for her to leave it behind. Luckily enough for her, after her encounter with Wolf Lionus it seemed she was once again able to use the senkaimon to travel between the worlds. The slim looking spirit grasoed the hilt of her zanpakto, which was strapped to her side by the sash that held her kimono in place, wondering if everything would go alright. If everything went correctly, she would end up in the rukongai, and then would use her ability to catch the scent of flame users to find her family. Shaking her head, Sherri Yazaki rid herself of any negative thoughts. It was time for her to return, and return she would. Taking a deep breath, she opened the senkaimon and went through to the soul society. As had been planned, she ended up on the outskirts of rukongai, immediately picking up a few scents that were familiar to her. It was most likely that the faint scent of Miaka was busy with her duties due to being a member of the thirteen court guard squads, so the young looking yazaki would not go after her. The scent that she recognized as Yoma’s was also probably busy, so the vizard chose to go after the third, one that she hoped would be friendly towards her. Pushing herself off, she used shunpo to cross the distance between her and the one she sought after as quickly as possible. Hopefully he wouldn’t be upset at her for leaving the family like that, no notice but a letter she had left explaining to them that her guilt had led her to leave for an unknown period of time. Sighing, it was the best she could do for now, if her brother was indeed angry, she would soon pay dearly for all that she had done. Shivering, she looked around as she stopped her movement, a good twenty feet from where she could identify the origin of the scent was. Moving slowly, she neared the spot cautiously, her eyes wary as she approached. Having moved closer, a mere seven feet from the man, a soft, worried voice spoke, one word leaving her mouth.


Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:37 am

Artist: Arctic Monkeys - Song: Arabella - Word Count: 0

It had been so long, the time just seeped by like a passing tide. And now tsui stood in a place he had left so many months ago, The Yazaki house hold. The man had been searching for so long the trip took him back to his old home, the hiru settlement now but an open plain the once burnt area now clean and refreshed as if life itself touched the once barren land. Now after all this time he returned his head in a new place, a kind of seriousness partially growing in the man though it wouldn't take away his deep care and happiness. Now as he finally had come home the man had taken to his old room, his hand holding the only photo he had ever loved, a photo of a face which he missed.... a photo of his wife. On his journey Tsui left this here a longing always wishing to return home just to see her face again, it had been so long he missed every part of her .... but now he had his family he had those he loved and for that he needed to remain strong.

But now the yazaki hold was different now, yoma and miaka leaving for the gotei there visits back becoming rarer, the tinder's and some members did remain some just staying to have a place over there heads. But out of all of his family tsui missed one most, the girl he had always looked after as a child, her twin never really needing any help even to the point where she barley cried. Sherri however was one who seemed a handful at times but every time the young man picked her up smiled .... and it made him truly feel like a good brother. But before the man had left for his own soul searching quest she had left them, his treatment of the girl for her actions before were harsh and he regretted them everyday since, feeling he was probably the reason for her departure.

But now the past was something he was trying to let slip and move forth. But as he walked through this mansion of theirs, his zanbatou lying on his shoulders, tsui couldn't help but force a smile over the accomplishments the yazakis could achieve and the future they could have. So thus as he swung the door open a keen look of pure happiness in his eyes the man would take to this distric his heart flustered by the beauty around him. He walked through this small "town" the locals and merchants greeting him as he went and during his stroll as he turned a corner his chuckle still coming forth was when he saw her ... sherri. Without a moments notice he'd lean in wrapping his arms around his sister his smile growing present as the hope in his eyes returned, he embraced his baby sister hoping she could forgive him.

I missed you sis .... I'm so sorry for everything .... its good to see you back.

Returning to the Family [lio] M9rTQZk

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Sat Mar 15, 2014 8:05 am
She felt his arms close around her, the man hugging her as a smile grew on his face. As it did, A smile broke across Sherri’s face, tears of happiness pouring from her eyes as her hands flew around him, hugging him as tightly as she could. She let him speak, not interrupting until he had finished saying what he needed to. She was glad, it seemed he was not mad at her for leaving them. She then began to speak, her voice soft but for of happiness.

“I thought it was your smell Tsui… thank goodness I was correct. I missed you so much brother, I’m sorry for taking off like I did. I hope I didn’t upset you or the others, but I just needed some time away. Anyways, how have you been Tsui? I assume that Miaka and Yoma are off doing stuff for the Gotei, but at least I can spend time you my favorite brother.”

With that she pulled herself away from her brother, smiling up at the red head she had hugged. A soft smile was on her face, and she offered her hand out towards him, tilting her head curiously at him. She just hoped everything would be okay, at least she knew that things would be better for her. She had finally been able to accept that the monster residing within her was something she had to deal with, a part of her that she needed to be able to control. She had come to her answer, and now she knew that she could not run. She would do what she could to help others, she would push herself harder to defend those she cared about, and most of all she would stop blaming herself for the actions she had performed in the past. True, they were things that she did, but blaming herself and beating herself up over it would not undo what she had done. Now she was on a new leaf, a new page, and she wanted to spend the first of that with her family.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

The Living Microwave
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Sat Mar 15, 2014 6:21 pm
[making request to post in next cycle if allowed. feel free to say no if desired. character requesting to post as Miaka Yazaki.]
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:54 pm
Always busy covering for her older brother's postion Miaka was now tackling the task of being in charge of the Yazaki Family. Tsui has disappeared out of no where leaving her to step up out of no where. When this happened many of the souls she recruited had left. they felt uncomfortable with a women being in charge which really angered Miaka. Miaka keep working hard to keep the Yazaki family something great in honor of her grandfather even if their was no one left in the household. Miaka missed her family and wished to see them but she needed to be strong as she was now the symbol of the Yazaki.

She grew worried over her family that she also started keeping as much of an eye that she could in her free time on Yoma Yazaki and confirming his status, From what she knew he was getting in all sorts of trouble and hassles even getting himself caught in some incidents within the gotei. Yet it didn't seem he changed too much from when she knew him. Something she can't say about tsui, She couldn't remember him too well from when they were little, she remembers that sherri died and she blamed herself for that. Tsui was a different case he was taken away at a young age and not seen til she was older but even then tsui took his own courses of action yet not much was their to remember.

Being the current temporary head of the yazaki Family Miaka came into talk about expanding the family yet supporting another, She even offered them Yoma as a guinea pig to show the signs of their merger. This family being the Hollow knights which only had 2 of their members led by nickcca. Talks of this merger had been completed but miaka still didn't feel comfortable with holding the position of head due to it belonging to tsui and not herself. She was certain of one thing she was going to beat the hell out of tsui for just up and leaving.

Heading home to the household to relax Miaka ran into some surprising faces. upon seeing their faces brought great joy to miaka and also great anger. The moment she saw her brother she rushed in directly at him to give him a solid punch to the gut. She grew angry at him for his actions but after attempting that punch she then went right into a quick little hug and did the same for her sister but this hug was much more affectionate then tsui's and much stronger as well.

"Tsui you bastard where the hell did you disappear to? i been doing your job since you been gone. so what do you have to make up for that? Also im so glad to see you i would love to catch up with you. its just so nice to see that your doing so well. Finally everyone can be together soon."

Miaka changed her tone when speaking to sherri as her tone became more energized and excited.
"so sherri im so happy to see you i could keep hugging you forever but what have you been doing with our idiot of a older brother?"
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Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:42 am

Artist: Boy & Bear - Song: Rabbit Song - Word Count: -

The suppressed silence, everything seemed so loud these days ... why couldn't the quiet stay just a little longer. Tsui stood his hand wavering through his crimson hair, each lock seemed to fall out of place when he hugged Sherri all of it falling to cover his face concealing that sincere hurt smile. Tsui never really meant to hurt other he just seemingly had terrible luck, needless to say he hated what he'd done. Even now that he returned he couldn't bring himself to find peace in fact now he seemed more broken than ever before.

It would be obvious to any the man wasn't sleeping, the bags under his eyes were heavy, how he wished he could just drift away but every time he did he'd awake in a cold sweat chocking on his own vomit and blood. It use to be easier, the pain use to lie a lot deeper but these days it seemed that all of it just seemed to catch up to him. But this moment for such a little time seemed so ... real.

As they walked he could only smile in the face of his baby sisters words, so much time had passed by he forgot about all the small things hell he didn't even recall when Sherri left ... maybe he just didn't want to remember. his eyes tried to keep focus as they walked his head trying to take in the questions themselves, most of all he just appreciated the company he hated the feeling of being alone. But before he could respond it seemed that another face he longed to see had come forth, her red hair flowing through the air as she strode forth anger lashing forth, tsui knew he deserved it. His eyes sat placed at the ground his sad smile still holding across his face, even as she latched her arms around him he couldn't bring himself to look at her it hurt too much. These girls he loved more than anything in the world now, accepting him and all he was ... he couldn't do it ... he couldn't let his heart forgive what had happened. His hand trembled as he lay it around her embracing her like she did him, maybe this was the lack of sleep or his body reacting to recent events .... or maybe it was just purely the weight of it all seeping out, the shaking not even stopping as she let go to go to their sisters side.

She came home, im happy she did to with just you around it'd be dullsville....  I'm sorry sis, for everything. You always had a good level head on your shoulders i just .. i couldn't leave it, I guess i had to go back and see what my action brought... i should have stayed, i could have been smarter but i think i just wanted for one moment to step away from being what i am trying to be and in that moment see what I am. It may sound corny and idiotic but ... that's just me for ya.

His hand waved over his temple, his casting guilt and sadness mixing with that small glimmer of warmth and happiness he felt in the company of his family, he didn't know how he was going to come back from all this, hell the way he was going he wasn't sure how he'd live through the passing days in anything less than torment but  he  didn't want them to be sad for him, he wanted these girls to smile and keep smiling with all their hearts, he loved them.

Returning to the Family [lio] M9rTQZk

Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:25 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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