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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:07 pm

It was one of those days. Her personality was as uncertain and strange as her powers themselves. Either because of some ill-fated events earlier that day or that week, it was clear she was not herself, but she honestly didn't care. Given her new position, it was best to be wise and if her foul mood was to be let out, it had to be done so in an appropriate manner. Tsubasa wasn't around no surprise, as he rarely ever was. Their own relationship was tense at the moment to say the least. Aiko had regained some of the freedom she had enjoined most of her life, and had just recently forego the firm ties that held there to the Seireitei during the time in Tsubasa's squad and as the former 3rd Division Captain.

Her husband and her were not at a rough spot on their marriage, at least she didn't think least not yet. Either way, she was in a mood where she had to channel out her feelings the way she knew best throughout her life. Battle. But it couldn't just be blind fighting given her new responsibilities. Among the Captains, the head of the 5th Division seemed to be as best a choice as any. His skill with Kido was astounding given the Division's proficiency with it. It would be a good match against her own. Also, he was bound to be proficient in a wide array of combat related areas. Also, given his personality, or what little she knew about him, it was difficult he would refused. In fact, she believed, if anything, that he would just be greatly indifferent to it but likely agree out of having nothing more interesting to do. The specifics were his and she truly didn't care much as soon as he showed up.

The battle, or sparring to put it better, was not a life or death situation, obviously. She was not there to beat Iriko, she was not there to show her power or superiority, and she was not there to train him. The battle was merely a way for her to channel her mood effectively in ways that would be better handled than others. If throughout the event, either her or the Captain managed to gain some knowledge as if the battle had indeed been educational enough to be called training then so be it. It would just be another excuse to satisfy the reason of her actions. Not that she cared to explain to anyone, and likely, she would not.

Much earlier to the arrival of the Captain, Aiko had been prepared. She had invited no one else but him. It was clear that the area would be clean of unsuspecting eyes. Much earlier, she had dedicated some time to erect quite a number of peculiar barriers. For the most part, they stemmed out of the knowledge she had gained from Hachi and Tessai growing up as well as her own development and ascension into kido. In essence, the conglomeration of barriers had very different purposes. To her eyes, and Iriko's, once he approached the area, he would witness a gigantic barrier encasing an area that was large enough to be considered a fairly sized battle field. There was also numerous barriers set out just outside of it to make it impossible, even for the most keen of sensors, to take notice of their battle. Also, one of the barriers was specifically erected for camouflage. To anyone else passing by, though there would be no one, the area would seem as if it had been as it always was. The barrier, its look, their energy and the sound were completely and perfectly camouflaged.

Even with the very intricate set of barriers she was hardly tired. She could easily use a number of kido without becoming phased but nevertheless, she had ingested a special herb she had taken from Tsubasa's home earlier. It just replenished what little energy she had consumed erecting the barriers. Thus she stood, at peak performance, waiting for Iriko's arrival. In anticipation to his coming, she was actually excited. Very excited. Perhaps too much, but it was easy to notice she cared very little. Even as she kept most of her spiritual pressure in check, there was still an enormous amount leaking out as usual. Even if the barrier seemed to be taking its toll by just standing still it would hold. She had made it sturdy enough where, though it may not have looked like it, even if Iriko and her were to release to their maximum potential, the barriers would be sturdy enough to sustain it. Nevertheless, she would save it. She would wait a bit into the battle to forego her control over her energy and let it flow out uncontrolled. But not yet. Still, and looking on ahead, her mini skirt flowed by the wind created by her energy. As usual, she wore her typical garments. The school-girl uniform, very typical and nearly identical to her mother's save for Aiko's darker tonalities of blue and shorter skirt and smaller top; it was what she always wore. Moving her feet from left to right occasionally albeit only an inch or two and then back into the same place, she was uneasy in a good way. She was excited. Cracking her neck by merely abducting down slightly towards her shoulder there was a very loud but welcomed crack as she smiled in satisfaction to its sound. Cracking her knuckles as well by merely closing her hands into fists, her toes did the same. With a grin she would pull at her gloves to fix them though there was nothing to fix about them. Okay she thought to herself. She was ready and he was due to arrive at any moment. It was time.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]

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On A Whim [Private] Empty Re: On A Whim [Private]

Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:01 pm

The captain was silent as he walked into the area, his eyes blinking as a strange occurrence happened all around the area. Where there had been sky, a strange barrier had appeared. ....Bakudo... He thought to himself, tilting his head at the sky. The truth was, he had had no idea the barrier was there until just then. In addition, he knew nothing about the barrier that was around his body right now. The truth was, Iriko was a man of Hadō. Plain and simple. Bakudo meant nothing to him; so this barrier, he couldn't tell the very smallest detail about.

"...This is a perfect mood to write..." He muttered out loud as he took out a scroll, bubbles emerging from the pipe in his mouth as they swirled around his body, creating a cushion for his behind as he sat down, his mouth slowly pouring out more bubbles from the pipe as they hovered around his body, his eyes looking directly at the figure of the young woman before him. A transcendent beauty indeed; one who won't be tempt with mead... The lines began to flow on the paper in front of him, his hands deftly moving as he wrote out the characters, his eyes moving to the paper and away from her as he began to speak.

"Hmm... this battle you've proposed I must say; I did not expect it. Especially considering the last clash I held with your husband... I wonder if I'll glean more of that relationship during this proposed conflict?" He wondered aloud to her as the bubbles around his body began to change, warping and morphing as spears, blades, shield, arrows, and all other manner of weaponry appeared around his body as the bubble he sat on transformed into a throne... as without warning the spears began to fly rapidly towards her, appearing all around her body as the bubbles divided, becoming hundreds of weaponry as they hovered around her body, Iriko still looking at his paper.

What could it be that got her so agitated? I don't see what it could possibly be... She's married, in a class of her own, very powerful, has friends, happiness...? What is prohibiting her happiness...? The thoughts flowed through his mind, all about as he continued to write. She stands like a statue; her eyes staring right at you. He continued, having decided to write this poem in a second-person fashion, rolling his neck about as it cracked; the crack symbolizing the first wave of blades as they hardened rapidly, becoming much harder to break or damage as six three-foot long blades stabbed forwards towards her, one at each elbow, the back of each knee, her chest, neck, and forehead. She could perform a shunpo, certainly, but given the multitude of blades that were still propogating around her body, she would likely need to perform some kind of area damage to get the job done...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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On A Whim [Private] Empty Re: On A Whim [Private]

Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:37 pm

Upon the Captain's arrival, she was somewhat surprised to see him writing with such ease. She just didn't think it was the time to write. The Captain was indeed quite unorthodox but she was not one to speak, as the term defined quite well. She was knowledgeable enough to know, or at least infer that Iriko's behavior was not demeaning towards her. Instead, he was merely behaving how he usually did. His behavior was not the reason she was there though. There was a lot on her mind and thinking about it would do no good. The more she mulled over her thoughts the more upset she would become and it would not go well. Instead, the battle was all she needed to channel the feeling and rid herself of it. She was not completely familiar with Iriko's abilities as she had never seen them firsthand and had instead merely heard of them. Still, she had the preconceived notion that his unorthodox behavior was likely a reflection of his abilities, so the odd way in which he used his bubbles did not quite surprise her as much as it would have others.

For the slightest moment, even if just a second or two, she was momentarily calmed as she wonder what it was he wrote on the paper. She was a largely curious woman after all. However, though accidentally his words would return her to her ever present eerie and upset mood. "My husband has nothing to do with this nor the reason I requested you. I'm not here to defeat you or prove anything. I'm not here to train you. I'm here to relax, and enjoy a battle. That's all." Her words flowed out quite smoothly, even though she spoke rather bluntly. She was not being mean or kind in the delivery of her message. Some might have doted her words as cold but she doubted Iriko would think so. His behavior was not usually the warmest so her choice of words and tone of voice shouldn't have done too much. What's more, her main driving point was just to let him know what was going on. Nothing more. She was not upset for anything that her husband had done. There were quite a lot of things. Some related to her newly appointed position, possible unnecessary changes to it, and other personal quarrels with other people. The mention of Tsubasa however, just managed to get her more upset because in a way or another, it had reminded her of why she was upset.

As soon as she saw the bubble around him, she was at the ready. She was no fool. Though she didn't personally know him, he didn't walk around at all times with bubbles around him or so she supposed. Even if it did, in a battle, he was bound to be more careful about what he chose to display as it could be taken as an attack. Analytic as she was, it was a bit difficult to fool her. Given his personality, he was not likely to be presenting her with a bubble show for her amusement on a day where they had agreed on to a battle. Not likely, she thought to herself. As the bubbles started to flow and hover her way, she grinned in almost anticipation and excitement. Rushing to one side, she eased her control on her reiatsu just slightly, albeit still holding back most of it. Even then, the large pressure of reiatsu was already immense, as it began raising the dust around them, even tossing away some small sized rocks. While she rushed, she extended both of her hands outwards, kind of like a bird would, but there was no real motive of importance to it, at least not yet. in that same motion, though she rushed, the bottom-most tips of her hair remained where they once where. However, the toughness of it had been enhanced tremendously. Flexible, yet as tough as some of the most sturdy of steel, her hair had been extended quite a bit. In part because of the large amount of spiritual pressure release albeit not even being her maximum some of the weapons had been pushed away. Not many however. Her hair on the other hand, had been divided into a myriad of strands as it had been purposely grown even longer and tougher.

The hitting sought out and would hit the weapons likely deflecting them. In the case that any of them avoided her strands, pursuing, catching up, and hitting the weapons elsewhere would not be difficult given the speeds that her hair could reach. On that same motion, a large cloud of dust was kicked up behind her, though not enough to obscure her visibility. In doing so, she punched twice the empty air before her, releasing two massively devastating blasts in the direction where Iriko sat. The blasts were of great power of would require extreme speed to dodge or an equally immense defense to block. Her ability was not merely just compressed energy. No. By infusing some of her energy into her wind manipulation and temperature control, her morning sun ability was extremely devastating. With an extremely powerful blast of energy mixed with razor sharp wind waves, the super heated qualities of the attack would likely burn and dehydrate the target if hit. Moreover, any of his bubbles, given their proximity, would likely be stripped of some or most of their qualities as they required at least some water components.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]

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On A Whim [Private] Empty Re: On A Whim [Private]

Sat Mar 15, 2014 4:35 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu
"I had thought it likely that he did not; however, that darkness is still within your mind." He told her honestly, looking directly at her as he gave her the reply to her earlier comment. Bright flash of her eye; she doesn't think she can die. He continued to illustrate the page with poetic language as he observed her reaction to his assault, blinking as her spiritual pressure increased tremendously… though not actually showing surprise. "Must be a bother keeping a hold on that all the time. Have you ever considered converting it?" He asked her, as she would perhaps begin to realize that there was light snow beginning to fall around their bodies. This was Iriko's own spiritual pressure; making it nearly impossible to get a proper read on him, his spiritual pressure took on the traits of precipitation control, the effects gradually increasing as combat went on, though for now it was just beginning to place down a few flakes around their bodies.

Agile as a rabbit; makes moves spawned from habit. He wrote down as she moved, glad that he could record such a fantastic sequence for the history and progeny of the Seireitei. The blades that had gone towards her met her hair, and they were deflected. Very interesting, very, very interesting. Hair like stone; fierce to the bone. His thoughts reflected the current situation before him, though by no means was he shocked or felt unprepared for this latest challenge. Then she punched the air in front of her, and Iriko let a single syllable be released from his mouth.

"Sai." He spoke simply, as from his hand emerged a wave of pure force. The first Hadō slammed into her punches, and strangely, very strangely, it stopped, halted. The force of this Hadō was absolutely extreme; as the second wave of force crashed against it, it yielded a few feet, growing close enough that Iriko's garment and short hair was slightly tossed about. However, the attacks suddenly stopped as the Sai increased even further in magnitude, before without warning it pushed from the bottom of the attack going upwards. The force was redirected, flying high into the air as the dust around them was pushed aside, Iriko's bubble keeping his body in place as his eyes remained locked onto the figure away from him.

"So you leave them with only my spiritual energy?" He asked her as the saliva in his bubbles were dispersed, causing them to lose their reflective coating as the spheres of pure reiatsu appeared to be the structure of the bubbles themselves. However, Iriko was slightly surprised at last; maybe she would be as well. After all, another bubble had appeared in front of his body when he had felt the wind change, and his feeling was accurate. In the shell of this bubble, hardened to the point of a Captian's Zanpaktou, as Iriko was able to do, were marks, scratches. The extra additives to her wave of force had continued to go through. While Iriko had not been expecting them, he now knew very well of their existence, and learning something such as this was… exciting.

You feel her blade; though not from what it's made. He finished the stanza, though he was still seated as he had been before. Now, he returned to the offensive as one of the bubbles nearest to her body shifted, growing several different stretching blades as several bubbles around her merged together, stabbing towards her body from just about every direction. However, this time, the sharpness of one particular bubble was much higher than the rest; a spike that was shooting towards the right side of her torso so as to not cause too much damage if she did not see it coming; this bubble was as sharp as Iriko's zanpaktou would normally be, causing this one to be able to pierce even her hair.

"Hmm, Sokatsui, sokatsui, sokatsui." He muttered as the bubbles would disperse, three immense spheres of blue light emerging and firing out an intense level from his body, one after the other, each scanning outwards and decimating the landscape around her body as they attempted to hit her dead on. Meanwhile, Iriko's mouth pressed back against his blower as he pressed outwards with his lips, causing more bubbles to stream out by the hundreds, pouring out into the air around them as Iriko gripped his zanpaktou, a bubble having emerged from the end of it looking like a blade. This blade hovered in front of his sitting form; should she attempt close combat, it was with this tool that he would combat her. All around his body, the bubbles changed, creating a wide field of needles, with Iriko in the center, his brush moving across the paper.

So she takes flight; for she will make you feel her bite…

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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On A Whim [Private] Empty Re: On A Whim [Private]

Sun Mar 16, 2014 9:28 pm

With a smile on her face, she was not surprise at his actions. Sure, guessing his movements, his motives, and his future behavior was not possible. But given his position, and what she expected of him, she would see it no other way. It was obvious by then that the temperature in the field was increasing at a rather hastened and increasing rate. Shocking as it was, it had started snowing. Given the properties of the snow and how they felt, the only guess possible was that it was a byproduct of Iriko's abilities. Most likely a passive ability given his detached nature or the lack of movements that seemed to indicate a connection to it. But no matter. Even with the snow falling from above, it was truly only noticeable quite a few feet, possible even quite a few meters above them. Given the temperature of the field, the snow melted into nothingness much earlier than it would have taken to reach them. She was alright. Not only was she largely immune to the effects of her own ability given the action of others of her own, but she was, for the most part, acclimated to most kinds of weather.

The are wasn't just hot however. It was very, very hot. It was near-impossible for Iriko not to be sweating profusely from his hands and most areas of his body. This was not nearly half of the power of her temperature control but it should have already started to weigh in on her opponent. As the seconds passed by, the ground seemed to become somewhat coarse, being stripped of the little remnants of moisture that might have been present earlier. Her opponent was no different. Sweating as he likely was, dehydration was not far away, even at the controlled level of heat she maintained. Dehydration was the least of his worries. However, other effects were likely not of concern to his well being, at least not at that exact moment.

Still rushing, though not at her top speeds yet, his bubbles did their best to catch up with her. Naturally, not because of a gap in power but rather out of the difference between an ability and the being itself, they trailed somewhat behind her. She recognized their speed as they did indeed trailed her, but it was not close enough where she felt threatened yet. Arms still outstretched, palms facing down, she grinned as her hair grew rather rapidly. Striking the ground with extreme power, it made a number of small holes on the ground. It was obvious, given the action, that the hair was of an extremely durable and tough and at the moment. While most of his sealed bubble attacks would likely not have a profound effect on her hair, perhaps some of the stronger form of his attacks would. Her hair was made not only to be extremely tough and hard however, it was also specially flexible and easily bent so long as she wished it to be when she willed it to be.

Pushing her up rapidly into the air, her hair acted like a form of extremely powerful spring, firing her into the air. Though he could definitely attempt to hack at her hair and cut it, it made little difference if he did so. Assuming there was a strong enough attack to cut her hair, regrowing it at the same speed at which it was caught, or even faster would be as simple to her as breathing. The hair pushed her up at such blinding speeds that it easily matched that of a bala shot, one of the fastest forms of attacks. On top of that, she had used the momentum from her earlier rush and made use of her flash steps to further increase her step. The combine use of the rapid techniques meant her speed of travel was much faster than his attacks could react or follow to, and possibly even faster than he could take notice of. All else being well, she would be nearly on top of him, in any specific position she had willed to end up with, before he could conjure up a concise and prepared form of attack or defense.

Given the extreme speed displayed, it was not difficult for Aiko to bypass and thus dodge the three incoming hados. If he had actually gotten up and at least attempted to move around while he fired them it might have been different, but he had chosen to do what he chose to do. While in motion she spoke rapidly, "Rikujōkōrō. Sajō Sabaku." Before he had time to even blink, six wide beams of light would attempt to slam into his midsection holding him in place, while the second bakudo created a very thick rope, almost chain-like that would bind him strongly. Although Iriko's power with kido was impressive, Aiko was also an extremely powerful kido user as it was likely her best area. The lack of an incantation meant very little as there were few who could summon kido as powerful as her without an incantation. If the latter was indeed spoken well... it would not be a pleasant feeling for the foe.

Since her movements were so fast, it was not rare to see her hair all over the place around her. Whether there was any purpose to it was beyond comprehension, at least for Iriko. As high and as quick as she had traveled, the sunlight from above shun directly behind her likely obscuring or momentarily blinding her opponent. The rays of the sun must have made her hair look somewhat yellowish or golden as it was still rather early. Barely noticeable as it was, she seemed to move her lips extremely fast. It was way too fast for regular or normal comprehension. What she spoke would likely be nearly impossible to decipher and it was difficult to tell whether he ought to be worried about it or not.

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On A Whim [Private] Empty Re: On A Whim [Private]

Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:24 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu
Naturally, it was impossible to truly track this individuals movements; his thoughts were permanently locked inside his brain. As the heat around them began to increase, he merely shifted his eyes, looking all about him. Seems I shall truly have to do that soon, hmm… Fine by me… I suppose. He reflected as his body began to sweat, his mouth breathing in and out as the breathes came in and passed out of his body, looking for all the world as if he were involved in some variety of intense stimulation. The truth was, due to his strange body, his sweat was coming out in much higher rates than a normal persons; cooling him off much more efficiently. It looked… strange, to be certain, with the redness of his body, the tenseness of his muscles, the consistency of his panting; but it was what worked for such conditions for him.

His eyes followed her as she began to ascend, the gaze locked on her being as sweat poured down his cheeks, at last putting the paper down by his side, his mouth opening at last he saw her beginning to fly through the air.

"She soars through the air without thought;
For she must win this battle that's fought.
If she should die,
Still she would fly…
Until the day her wings are caught!"

He called out to her as the blasts roared, flying underneath her. His face was adorned with a smile; he could definitely appreciate beauty, and also liked to have hope for the Gotei and those who lived within it, even if they could not change something. Such a display was, to him, pleasing. He heard her words; even if she would think that he could not, they only encouraged a laugh from him as the rods slammed into his body, inflicting complete paralysis as another chain went around his body, binding him. "Think this is my first time?" He asked her, completely honestly, looking at her in all of her splendor as she stood poised before him….

And without warning, a blade pressed against the side of her leg, before RAPIDLY growing as it attempted to impale all the way through. If she attempted to retreat backwards, she would drive her leg further into the bubble blade that was penetrating it; if she moved forwards, there was Iriko's body with all the bubbles. It was perfectly timed in the place where her hair was not; Iriko had had enough time to study it to see its abilities completely in action; and this attack would reflect that knowledge. In the split second before it had formed to penetrate her, it would be obvious that her hair could not block this particular movement, even as Iriko stopped there before her, his entire body paralyzed as if impaled by swords from every single angle.

"Heaven queen, carry me, away from all pain!" His mouth spoke, as a strange purple light appeared in front of his body. Without warning, the light exploded outwards, a kido-like construct rapidly flowing outwards at speeds that were strange even to Aiko; she had likely never seen this before. It was Iriko's latest creation of Kido; a kido that forgave all pretense in form of speed and piercing power. It darted to her side, rapidly firing at speeds well over that of sound, leaving a massive roar in its wake as it bounced about from all angles, as if sealed in an imaginary box, before suddenly and violently it struck, aiming to impale directly into her chest at full ramming speed, moving like a bolt of lightning. It was a Hadō, without doubt, but it was a very peculiar one… because it did not stop. The energy kept flowing from Iriko's body as it grew even more piercing, continuing to rapidly bounce about as the attack began to hit her from several angles at once, trailing her until it was destroyed, or pierced through her body. Meanwhile, the bubbles continued to propagate all around them, Iriko's body still held captive by the many rays of lights and the chains.

"...Shikai… Six Slugs."

A single set of words left his mouth. However, the statement was like a din; no matter where hse was, she would hear them clearly… and feel a shiver down her spine. The shiver was the presence of something that had not before existed… The spiritual pressure of the Shinigami. It was not pressing on her. It was not acting aggressively. It would make her feel sick. Sick to her stomach; nauseous. This was true, for as the antenna grew out of his head and the kido around his body broke into pieces, completely unable to repress this massive level of energy that was beginning to arise, the male stood at last, looking directly at the woman as the entire force of bubbles shifted.

Moving much faster than before, at speeds rivalling even that of shunpo, the blades appeared around his body, the bubbles numbering in the tens of thousands now as they aligned themselves behind Iriko, a terrific display of skill in being able to manipulate so many different objects at once as he looked directly at the woman before him, his eyes and presence completely changed. As he transformed, strange green, translucent liquid began to replace his sweat, oozing over his skin as it cooled his body, his slime resisting the enhanced heat spectacularly as Iriko looked directly at her, slime growing around the skin of his body, the antenna emerging, and his upper garment falling away to reveal his chest, completely covered in the strange slime. He was as the unique aura of pressure promised… absolutely disgusting, distasteful. He was a slug. He was ugly. He was gross. He was a being one would not want to associate themselves with; and at last, if she thought about it… she could understand how this male got to be the way he was, how lonely, how utterly lonely he had been during his life, with an inner soul like that…

Pointing a single finger forwards, slime dripping from it as it began to flow onto the ground around him, his eyes still staring right at her, he began to chew. In his mouth was a strange substance, almost like gum. He began to blow a bubble… and when it popped, everythign would seem to suddenly HAPPEN.

A bubble shot out, completely filled with darkness. On the other end of that bubble another shot, splitting off the two of them as they reappeared on either side of Aiko, stopping dead in their tracks as they BURST. As they burst, strange black boxes appeared around her body; one around the other. Double layered and even unspoken as the kido was, both of them were still at full power.. Absolutely terrifyingly large full power. Meanwhile, the male's bubble popped again; and this time, an OCEAN of bubbles flowed out. These bubbles flowed like a torrent around the box, sticking to it from every side, each one darkening from the contact as Iriko stood there, looking at it, his hand still pointing outwards as he gripped a blade formed of bubbles… and began to slowly walk, rising upwards into the sky as a bubble emerged out of the slime that was pooling around him, the bubble of slime beginning to form beneath him as it slowly began to enlarge, as if pooling from the residue that was now flowing from his legs and torso, though his face was still visible. He continued to walk, circling her, holding that blade in her direction as he waited for her to deal with the black boxes that would begin to rip at her from every direction, doubly enforced unlike normal kdio, and completely covered in those dangerous bubbles…

Waiting to see what she would do next...

Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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On A Whim [Private] Empty Re: On A Whim [Private]

Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:05 pm

Surging through the air at those speeds it was obvious he was having a challenging time keeping his eyes on her, or at least he should have. The bakudos, nearly instant-fast as they were had successfully hit. The six rods had hit hard, slamming his midsection into place and momentarily rendering him immobile. At the same time, the extremely strong rope had risen from underneath him tying his upper body with incredible power. As it was obvious, he had made an attempt to get at her to stop her advances and likely wound her in the process. Though what looked like a blade had been created from the bubbles to be by the side of her leg, Aiko would quickly move past it. It was not really a factor, to be fair. Even if the weapon-constructed bubble were to trail her on Iriko's command, the conglomeration of a bala speed spring up movement of her hair plus her flash steps were just way to be much to be matched in terms of speed by techniques of that nature.

Still, there were bubbles in between her path and his location, but given her plan, it made little difference whether there were truly any or not. All around, the temperature continued to increase exponentially. If one were to take a sample and compare, the temperature that had been exhibited minutes earlier was nothing compared to what was being felt in the battlefield at the moment. like night and day, the temperature had risen by nearly immeasurable amounts, and it seemed to be increasing by the second. Given the insane speed at which she had traveled thanks to her hair and her flash steps the extremely fast words she had spoken, or better yet, made out, were just impossible for Iriko to decipher. Perhaps if she had been still or actually spoken normally he would have, but not on this case. It was a specialty she had build on from the teachings of Hachigen and Tessai, and given the speed, deciphering what she had said would not be possible until it was too late. Also, the shining sunlight above her would have nearly blinded or obscured his sight. Even if he had a general idea of her location, knowing where she was just not plausible since she traveled so fast. Not only was the sunlight shinning hard on him and goldening part of her hair from the rays of sun, but the extreme levels of temperature and his unnatural amounts of sweat must have likely gotten into his eyes and made his sight that much harder to attain.

Spread as her hair was, she would appear close to him given her insane speed. Her hair, arriving before her, would do so in the form of a myriad of strands. Strong, sturdy, and powerful as they were they would have easily pierced through most bubbles in their way with their tips. Though Iriko could create an incredibly large amount of bubbles, it was also truth that an individual had a near-limitless amount of hair follicles, and given Aiko's abilities, simple numbers just did not matter. With that, a seemingly very powerful kido shot out from Iriko's location in a massive roar to attempt to impale and damage Aiko. However, to think that she had gone so close to Iriko without a plan was a foolish assumption in it of itself. As the kido got in distance to hit her, a light green hexagonal barrier appeared and sucked in the kido gathering all the energy in one area, momentarily absorbing it, and forcing the attack outward and away from the shield-like barrier, possibly even hitting Iriko for the kido's intended damage before caving into itself.

She hadn't wasted a second, as she never even waiting for the attack to be sent elsewhere or getting closer to him. From the time she was propelled by the hair and her flash steps, numerous strands of her had motioned forward impaling with their tips his bubbles and laying just above her and even surpassing her intended position. Golden still, Iriko would likely notice too late that it was not the sun which produced the golden hue. It was just not plausible to notice earlier. It was something Aiko was used to doing. She had practiced this kind of techniques before. She never left the area from which the sun shined so the color was naturally the same all the way through and justified. The words she had spoken up there had no meaning to Iriko as deciphering their meaning was just not possible at that time. Still, hair before hair, her body made no ulterior motions. What would befall would be strange, even for someone as strange as Iriko. Specially since he was well versed with Hadō. From the tips of her hair, a massively and catastrophically devastating golden energy shot down onto Iriko. Given their close proximity and her speed and surprise-factor of her intent, it would be silly to assume that it could be dodged. Having being fired earlier than he could start his eventual phase into his shikai, the powerful kido would slam into him with devastating force, crackling and destroying the ground beneath them and wounding the Captain beyond normal recognition. Raikoho was an extremely devastating kido and it would have definitely affected him greatly. Even if his eventual shikai provided some form of healing, the damage would have been evident and likely lasting and the pain remembered. What's more, at the same time, massively powerful amounts of hair would shoot up from the ground beneath Iriko. Her hair earlier, the one that had aided her spring was just a rouse. Though the added speed helped, it wasn't the main point. The hair had traveled during that time unnoticed, tunneling underground given its sharp qualities and upon exiting into the surface they would wrap onto his lower body in conjunction with her bakudos. The tips of her hair would become sharp and shaped like fish hooks so that, should they be removed by her or his attacks they would rip and tear the flesh and muscle tissue off creating even more damage. Thus, the hair held in him place making the damage from her kido even more devastating.

Though her hair itself would be equally damaged. She cared very little. She could easily sever it and regrow it. Then, finally having hear his shikai transformation, she caught a few glimpses of his new form. Though it was indeed a form she was not used to and definitely caused some strange and undefinable feelings within her, it was best to move back at least until she had figured out what to do. By then, her blast would have already done its thing and caused what it shalt to his body in conjunction to her bakudos and her hair. The eventual decimation of her bakudos meant nothing as Iriko's body was likely wounded to a point of near-no return. By then, she had also purposely re-shorten her hair to avoid any damage. Thus, turning on her heels and regrowing her hair into a very sturdy material coiling around her, she sped off. However, in due time, a very peculiar action had been taken. Very dark bubbles had been made by her opponent. They became boxes, full of power a bubbles seemed to flow into them readying some extremely strong attack. Grinning as she kept speeding away, another single light green hexagonal barrier-like shield appeared near one of it and absorbed the power of the black boxes and the entirety of the bubbles flowing into it before redirecting the energy away as it caved down into itself and nonexistence.

It was simple, really. Aiko was a very unorthodox combatant. Most of the things she did never made sense. Figuring her out was hard. However, figuring her out, if done so, was even more dangerous. Her abilities and personality made it so that the normal was normal and abnormal and the strange was normal and strange. Nothing ever made sense, and if it did, soon it would not, and there was no telling when the prior would have held true again. Though known likely only to herself, her temperature control was an ability that did not require her limbs. Sure, she could definitely make the process even faster by physically touching an object but she had no need of it to let her ability take effect. The earlier actions towards the start of the battle where she had spread her arms outwards with hands supinated had a meaning. There was a very particular kind of bakudo she enjoyed, and she had used for that very reason. It helped a lot that the bakudo was invisible until it was used, but nevertheless, the battle continued.

There, in that form he had acquired, Aiko looked at him. There were no more of his attacks lingering around as there was likely none of hers either. The space between them largely clear of anything but their eyesight connected to one another, she held a firm expression, not daring smile. It was true, his appearance was far from what she would consider hot. Nevertheless, she did not think less of him. He was a Captain and likely, her friend. "Wait.." she said rather softly. Walking towards him slowly, hand still down, she had an expressionless look on her face. Granted he could attack her at this time if she so wished for she would truly be hit. She had no plan on dodging or evading as she was putting a momentary pause to the battle. His looks were indeed...far off. It was initially hard containing the odd feeling, but she had managed. She cared for him, as she did for many. Coming into his personal space, she would close her eyes and wrap her arms around him. Even as slime dirtied her arms and her outfit, and maybe even her face, she did not seem to care. Nestling her head against his, she said, "I don't care, you are important to me." She made no mention specifically as to what she was talking about but she didn't need to and didn't want to. It was not strange that her already high riding top would have shifted some so that her large breasts accidentally brushed up against the man's body as her mini skirt showed more than many would have intended, but those things were beyond her interest, at least completely, at the moment. Upon his acceptance of the hug she would look at him, close as they were and smile. The battle would resume in a bit no doubt, but this was needed. The anger she had bottled up inside was definitely not gone and it would show up eventually once more. However, for the time being, the momentary peace of this embrace was necessary. She was happy. She was.

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Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:47 pm

Iriko Crow
The Dragon of the North, Seiryuu
It was true that following her with his eyes was difficult without the aid of his Shikai; however, even before he had released, there was one thing which aided him; his sensitivity to reishi. He could feel her moving about, the intensity of her reiatsu letting him know her location just as well as any other beacon would have. She was not particularly stealthy in that manner, but it did not matter to Iriko in either case.

As he watched her flit about, moving in all kinds of directions, the sunlight behind her really didn't change much for him. The truth was that Iriko could feel the massive amount of reiatsu that was building up around her, and at last as she pinned him down, he realized what she was going to use it for. Well this is bad… He reflected as his eyes narrowed, and in that final instant, the most intense moment of truth, with her body beginning to release the attack from herself… a bubble wandered in front of them, as if flitting about.

This bubble was STRUCK with the kido, the intensity not being able to be contained as it focused the blast, changing the attack into something more like a spear as it shot into Iriko, causing his eyes to widen from sheer pain and his mouth open as blood fell out, his stomach having been the most vital thing hit by the redirection, leaving a bloody hole in his clothes that just became matted and disgusting against his body due to her heat around them. When his attack was sent back, it merely bounced away from him, and he wondered for the first time why it was that both she and her husband deemed fit to ignore his attacks. Are my skills really so far beneath notice…? He wondered to himself, his eyes narrowing slightly as he felt his entire body fighting to stay upright, the hair that had appeared around his body being exposed to the energy of his Shikai.

In an instant, they were vaporized; while the hair was strong, they were far from omnipotent, and Iriko had dealt with it enough to know around what the threshold of its resistance was. Really, it was getting a little bit boring to him now, seeing her use the same things all the time, but he was still plagued by that one thought as he stood there, still bleeding rapidly as he pressed a hand against his stomach, closing his eyes after his assault against her. While she dealt with the black boxes, a red bubble emerged from the bubble, his eyes widening greatly as red energy shot out, the Shakkaho flying through his body like a beam as it crisped the inside of his body. Coughing up even more body, he seemed to be sporting something akin to a hollow hole now in the middle of his stomach, but his eyes remained looking forwards. It was a true credit to his resistance to pain that he barely seemed to be reacting to it; in reality… it hurt more than most things could be imagined.

As she began to absorb the boxes into her little kido… there was a snap. Iriko blinked, as a small explosion occurred from the amount she had attempted to absorb. His own bubbles were among them; and they would not be denied as they pierced the outside of the container, the power so great that it shattered in a small explosion with what had not been broken down, likely leaving small burns around her wrists and arms as a result. His left arm laid over the wound in his stomach, his eyes looking at her almost dully. How truly…. Awe inspiring… I was not aware there was such a figure currently in the Gotei… I have fallen behind; so far behind. So far away… He reflected solemnly, his outlook beginning to darken as he at last looked up to meet her eyes once more.

"...Wait for what." He stated back to her, his eyes looking at her cautiously, the slime beginning to increase in size at a great rate as he felt pressured. The strange being looked at her dead on, his eyes looking directly at hers. His were dull; not shining, not even looking particularly focusing on the fact that her body was being gently cut at her clothes ripped and tore by the blades she passed in order to reach him, his eyes seeing that look in her face. As he did so, he got scared for the first time. It was those eyes again; those eyes that had hurt him. Those eyes, that face, that look; it was a look, a look from his past. It was the face of the one who had burned him, the one who had destroyed him; the one who had made him, the one he hated, the one he loved, the one who defined him and left him with nothing, had left him with nothing; tempted him with hope, only to take that away as well! Such torment clouded his mind as his mouth opened partly, his eyes changing to an expression of total timidity that he looked for all the world as if he wanted to just step back. To run away; to get away from her. That was how strong his survival instinct to remove himself from this situation was, and when those words left her throat it felt like a terrific blaze had appeared in his mind.


He was about to cry out "NO", to deny her, to push her away, to try to protect himself, before suddenly something happened. She was holding him; he was in her embrace. His entire body quivered, and slime began to pour from his eyes and face, running down their bodies as his lip quivered. The sadness; at last, the sadness came through. Not the anger, not the hatred; not the desire to protect ones self, not the love that he had once been filled to the brim with, but sadness. A wail of pure sadness, of heart-wrenching, total defeat, left his mouth, as if held back for years as she held him in her embrace, the feeling something that he didn't feel like he could deal with as slime pooled intensely around his legs, before finally the bubble broke.

Slime exploded outwards, pouring out over the ground below and completely covering around it as the ground within the barrier became swamped with Iriko's excretions. His arms gripped around her body, as tight a grip as they could manage with the slime in the way, and he clung to her. He clung to her like he hadn't clung to any other person in well over four hundred years; and he let out the emotion within him. All the pain of being broken, the darkness that consumed him from the inside; he could not be fixed now, he knew that. But still, from the time before he was broken; the breaking had never been come to terms with. Never before had he felt like this before as on her shoulder the entirety of her back became covered in slime, dripping down her body and sliding in among and through her clothing. The sniffing of his need to draw breath caused his entire body to shake, but when he attempted to breathe he was stopped in order so that his body could wail once more.

That embrace; it was strange. Never before could Iriko remember the likeness of a mother or father; the camaraderie of another. He held ties of brotherhood, but that brotherhood did nothing for this pain spawned from a lack of the deep connection with another. This was something that could only be cured from being clutched at, embraced, held. For him to be refused the ability to run away from his fears; this is what Aiko had provided for him, and his body simply reacted. He himself didn't think about what he was doing; it merely happened, a natural bodily response. If she would let him go he would fall back, spitting and crying still, into his own slime. If she held onto him, then he would go on for over five minutes, drenching her completely and the area beneath them becoming an even swamp of slime as a result of the excretions that were being released from his person. At last, he would begin to calm down, and if she allowed him to calm down to the point where his breathing was normal, he would be able to stand stock still again.

However, he would not make a move yet; she would have to start things up again. For right now, his brain was numb; it had gone through too much release to immediately respond, and while his mind was currently at an insane amount of chaos, it was no longer covered down among layers of complete and total indifference. There were feelings within him that had been brought to the surface; from here on out, the fight would take a different type of tone. The only question was how Aiko would re-engage it from how it had once been; if she did at all. The truth was, Iriko wasn't certain if he himself was ready to keep going; heck, he didn't even know how she would react to his actions. It was very likely she ran away… If that were to happen, he would likely either completely stop reacting to anything… or go completely and utterly berserk.

Who knew what would happen..? Only one woman, and she was most certainly the one now covered in slime all over her body, even seeping between the fingers of her gloves, who heard for herself the actual wailing pain of this miserable creature before her, a sound that had been hear from no other and at its greatest level was one thing, and only one thing. For this Shinigami, this being who carried himself so highly and with such skill, and yet so indifferent, it was truly…


Core Elements Devised by Aivee

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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On A Whim [Private] Empty Re: On A Whim [Private]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:31 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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