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Scientific Discovery [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Scientific Discovery [jj]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:14 pm
Amy raised an eyebrow as the doctor told him that they would direct that question towards his wife. She watched curiously as a cloaked figure came forth, removing the hood to show a young teenage looking female, though her flesh was grey and she had black scelera, these two things telling Amy that this person wasn’t as she had originally been. She listened to what the woman said, and as she finished, Amy laughed. She couldn’t help it as the jovial laugh escaped her, something about how she spoke just made Amy bubble with happiness, or maybe that was just her excitement for what was to come, she could not be sure. Nodding towards her, she spoke, a grin playing at her face.

“It is a good thing that society’s norms have not tainted ones such as you, for they are nothing but walls behind which the weak of mind try to hide. Thank you for your warm welcome.”

Turning back to the doctor, Amy listened as he explained that the woman was something called an Edotensei, a soul bound to a corpse. She tilted her head softly to the side as her then told her he wouldn’t do anything she didn’t exactly wish to do, at least on the subconscious level. Amy wasn’t so sure her subconscious hadn’t been messed with when she removed herself from the space time continuum, so this did worry her a bit. However, she didn’t think on it, it wasn’t something she needed to worry about at this point. He then explained that what he was about to do would likely destroy her clothes, then showing her a chair that would stop her from harming herself during the procedure. Sighing softly, she removed her clothes once her was done with his explanation. With slow, methodical steps, she brought herself over to the chair, sitting down in it and taking a deep breath to relax her mind. Closing her eyes, she spoke with a firm voice, mentally prepared for whatever was to come.

“I don’t believe I will be able to strap myself in due to the limited movements of my limbs, so might you be kind enough to do so for me? My given name is Amy Heiwajima, let’s get this over with as quickly as possible please.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Scientific Discovery [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Scientific Discovery [jj]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:41 pm

The Doctor felt he had been right in treating this girl.. No, this woman the way he had. The laugh she gav ein reply to his wife and the comment she told her in reply was an interesting note within his mind, and he hoped that Suzu's mind, nearly two years later, would maintain its values of the past.

When she finally approached the chair, that normal smile returned to his lips, holding out a hand as he pressed a single button… and a muffin fell on his head. "...Wrong button…" He muttered as he threw the muffin off to the side, having accidently hit the Muffin Button before hitting the true button.

As he did so, the chair methodically, silently shifted, warping as it bound Amy to it, spreading her body so that nothing was concealed and there was nowhere that would be hidden as the Doctor stood over her, holding the first of the injectors. "Now, this first one shall hurt the least, and will prepare your body for what's to come. The other two are for you to find out, as I still can't exactly explain them myself." He explained to her simply as he pressed the first syringe up to the side of her neck, poking past the flesh as he pressed downwards.

As he did so, immense pain would overcome her entire body. Every nerve was on fire as her entire bodily make up began to shift, change. It was rapidly ripping apart her muscles, completely binding them with spiritual particles that were within her bloodstream as the material continued to flow from the hose attached to the back of the syringe, ensuring that the proper amount would enter her bloodstream. Her skin began to grow much, much harder as the resistance of her entire body increased ,before her mind went under a sudden shift. The Doctor's other hand reached out, opening both of her eyes as the chair lifted her up to display the entire room.

As he did so, she would realize that no longer did this sight cause her any pain whatsoever. The rest of her body was catching up to her now as the pain covered her entire body from head to foot, as if filling her entire body with the sensations of her nerves changing, literally being ripped into shreds and reforged as a curious purple light washed over her, large lamps forming on either side of her body as they shone, her body likely beginning to thrash as the amount of improvement began to multiply, rapidly improving the power of her body as the Doctor stood over her, watching her thrasing about as steam began to shoot out of every crevice of her body, liquid rapidly following as the stench of human body left her body, her body beginning to completely catch up to the development that it should already have had as her nails grew intensely long, becoming more like claws as purple energy flowed from the chair, cutting off the excessively long nails.

The Doctor watched all this, before beginning to take out the second syringe, looking over body as he held out his own arm before her. "Now to ensure that you have the spiritual capcity to take this, here comes the ridge." He explained to her as he stabbed himself with the syringe, a flow of blood entering it as the silvery chemical substance within it began to shift, change, and react, before becoming a dull purple. "This is my essence. This is what shall make you able to perform your desires. Enjoy it, for I predict it shall grant you more happiness than you ever imagined." He explained to her as he pressed it into the center of her navel, the place where her umbilical cord had been cut and tied.

After the first shot had gone on before his speaking, it would have enforced a drug so powerful, so intensely latent that even her newly enforced senses felt as if she were clawing through druggy water, like laughing gas combined with every narcotic known to man as he spoke to her ,barely aware of what was happening as he looked at her. For a moment, Hebi itself appeared over her body, before he pressed downwards the edge of the syringe.

And instantly, something happened. From the center of her stomach, flowing in every direction, over her legs, stomach, chest, back, rear , crotch, arms, and even around her neck, black snake-like tattoos appeared all over her body, completely covering her from to head to foot. Without warning, searing pain, pain so intense that she could feel it even more intensely than the first test, like that pain but sharpened a hundred times, even though there had already been the first shot administered, roared throughout her entire body.

It was true that this one was affecting her soul, as it was cut off from any kind of connection to the Seireitei, broken from the cycle of plus and hollow, her body binding with her soul as she became one solid spiritual being, becoming… whole. Imperfect, perhaps, but perfection was a lie to the Doctor, and what she was about to receive would still be extremely valuable.

As this happened, a single arrow shot out of the base of her spine, like a snake as it shot straight downwards, the Doctor admiring it for a few moments as the tattoos covering her body began to change slightly, shining brightly as the pain began to reside from her body, most likely leaving her panting and completely and utterly exhausted… but there was something more.

As the Doctor looked at her, he blinked. For the first time, she would be able to feel his true energy signature. She could feel the entirety of his past, of his mental torment, of the centuries of being experimented on, of having no mind, nothing to call his own, the broken shell of existence that this male known as the Doctor was. And on top of that was the fact that within her mind now was a horde… an absolute hive of knowledge. No matter how much information she gained now, or how many processes she attempted to think at, she could perform them all without pain. Furthermore, her entire body was sensitive, receptive as physically possible ,where at this point a single touch could set off every single nerve on her body depending on what kind of touch it was, displaying the sheer increase in observational senses she had developed.

"How does it feel to be bonded to the "Corruption", to those who accept their fate… to be one of my kin. You now biometrically answer directly to my desire, and I am responsible for any questions or resources you ever require. That is my gift to you… and you shall love it dearly, I do believe." He explained to her as he hefted up the final syringe, looking at her with a bit of a strange expression. Most likely, she could speak now ,though her mind would likely still be too buzzed and fazed from the experience to truly form words.

"This last one has never been tested on anyone of your caliber before, but I'm basically injecting experience into you. Right now, your being is hundreds of times improved on what it had been before, and now we'll be placing the level of your development at that stage into you. This is what will put you out of commission for weeks, as even your newly advanced mind is just enough to be able to take it on. This is all I can do for you, but listen to my voice and sleep."

He told her as his right hand touched the base of her tail, the dopamine and melotin in her mind spiking to levels that she could not even have fathomed before as the hand slid downwards, most likely putting her out of her own mind in the moment it took to slide his hand down the length of her tail… as well as unfortunately possibly leaving quite the mess from the liquid mess that was being rapidly cleaned by the machinery around her.

When that was complete, at last the Doctor would heft up the syringe.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Scientific Discovery [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Scientific Discovery [jj]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:04 pm
Amy watched as the doctor pushed a button, snorting as a muffin fell on him, making it obvious that he had pressed the wrong button by mistake. He then pressed the correct button, a faint smile playing on Amy’s face as the straps wrapped around her, binding her to the chair she was sitting in. She took deep, calming breaths as the man lifted one injector, explaining to her that it was the least painful of the three. With that, he pressed the syringe in to her, injecting the substance it contained in to her. A scream rent from her lips as unfathomable pain coursed through her body, her hands gripping the chair as tightly as they could so as to stop herself from tearing her hands apart with her strength. She kept her eyes tightly shut, the pain too much for her as of this moment. For what seemed like hours her eyes stayed shut, but then the doctor pried both open, and they widened in surprise. For unlike before where it had caused her great pain to open both eyes, now it did not pain her at all. Pain still coursed through her body, but Amy was quickly getting used to the pain, as if she had been in pain all her life and that it didn’t bother her at all. She smiled up at the doctor, not affected by this level of pain anymore, and watched as he raised a second syringe. This syringe had a purple substance in it, and he injected this substance in to her navel as she took a steadying breath. Her eyes glazed over, the drug easily working its way in to her system, and Amy’s conscious was locked within her own mind. She would not notice anything, neither the tattoos nor the pain that ran through her body as the second injection worked its way through her. Nor did she hear him speak as he prepared for the last injection, but her mind did fall in to a slumber, her subconscious reacting to the words of the man, the man she trusted to help her pursue the one thing she desired in life, knowledge.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Scientific Discovery [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Scientific Discovery [jj]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:15 pm

As the Doctor watched her finally come to a piont of relaxation, he looked at the last syringe in his hand. "Then here's the final… procedure…" He muttered as he placed the final syringe above her heart, before he pressed the micro-thin syringe through her body, pressing down into the heart that beat in her chest, before pulling the syringe's trigger.

"And it sparks and you're ready for surgery, surgery…" He breathed out to himself as the material left the syringe, her entire body beginning to shift and change. She had changed into a field of light as it acted within the confines of the machine, acting and maneuvering as if attempting to decide on its shape. The Doctor had no idea what would happen now; everything about her spiritual make-up was being caused to form right now, and he awaited for the cause to at last calm down again, his eyes watching with interest as he beheld the results of his experiment.

The Doctor knew that all of her abilities as a normal human had just reached their pinnacle point, maintained by her new body and soul. What it had produced he was now eager to see, and as the smoke finally cleared, he could see that there was some display occurring from her body...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Scientific Discovery [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Scientific Discovery [jj]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:34 pm
As the syringe for the final injection entered her being, the liquid within it pooling in to her body, change would begin. Her body began to shift, first in to a field of light before the air around her swirled in place. Atoms began breaking apart, protons, neutrons, and electrons rearranging themselves as the light died to reveal the changes that had taken place. Blond hair flowed down her body, stopping at her chest. Black snake tattoos swirled around both arms, her skin a pale color, as if made of porcelain. Black fingernails were rounded off, her bust only average for a woman of her age. However, what happened next would be of the most surprise to the doctor who had operated on her. Gold eyes flew open, and Amy slowly shifted her body to look at him. Her body still restrained, a look of annoyance flitted on her face before straps seemed to break apart, their protons, neutrons, and electrons reforming along with the air around her in to a black dress with a snake like hood. Smiling softly, she raised herself from the chair, stretching before reaching out in to the air. The molecules within the air broke down, radiation lashing out as it reformed in to an extremely sharp iron blade. Raising an arm, the air around it swirled, atoms breaking apart as the parts of the atoms became a part of her own body. She then brought the blade down towards her own body, the blade shattering as it met diamond skin. Grinning, the young woman turned to the doctor, a smirk on her lips.

“Looks like I don’t need those two weeks for recovery, though perhaps three to five days of rest might be good. I feel like I’m about to fall on my face, though I have to admit that this is a pretty neat little ability. Atomic manipulation, the ability to manipulate the protons, neutrons, and electrons within an atom, breaking them apart and fusing them back together again to create something entirely new. Well, I think.. that this… is… good night.”

With that, Amy did indeed fall to the floor, exhaustion taking over her as her body deemed it necessary to replenish the energy she had used. It would be unlikely that she would awaken within the next fifty hours, though anything was possible at this point.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Scientific Discovery [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Scientific Discovery [jj]

Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:56 pm

...So that's the final level of her evolution, hmm… and it truly worked, the form she has taken is exactly correct…

These thoughts went through the Doctor's mind as he observed her new figure. She had adopted the snake-cloak, as well as the tattoos, accepting the monikers of the Doctor's as her true nature. He watched as she stretched out, his Rinnegan activating for a moment as he observed her spiritual energy breaking down the molecules and reforming them as her arm became a blade, breaking the blade against her own body.

"Perhaps not, but there will stlil be significant side effects to consider. Remember, you were supposed to develop that skill over your lifetime to have it reach that pinnacle… controlling it will be no easy task." He explained to her as she explained to him what was going on, putting to words the sensation he had just witness as she fell unconscious…

Right into the arms of one of the Selves. The young man with a bolt through his head lookd down at her, before looking back up at the doctor. "You're an insane b@stard, you know that?" He asked the man, who merely blinked at him in reply.

"Whatever do you mean?" He inquired, though he already knew perfectly well what it was that Yin wanted.

"I mean, why did you make her the spitting image of Amelia… she's gone… and she's not coming back, no matter how many people you remake in our image. It just doesn't work." The male insisted, the labchair converting into a queen-sized bed as Yin lowered her form gently down onto it, looking at her for a moment before looking back at the Doctor, genuine rage in his eyes. "So why do you.."

"Because I'm not doing it for me. I'm doing it for them, and specifically, Yin? I was doing it for you. So that you'd finally be able to move on. I'm tired of you moping about inside of The Gray. This one will never leave us, because this time, the Agent is bound to us by a desire that is themselves." He explained, before waving his hand, the bolt vanishing and the white cloak changing to black once more as the emotionless expression of the Selve returned, the Doctor looking down at the sleeping woman.

"Either way, I'll still put you out for two weeks… as a patron, I know that you're body will start to react to what I put into your body second, and the souls' recuperation from that takes at least seven times two days. I am the expert in this one field of myself… and this is the least I can do for you." He explained to the sleeping woman as he took out a small computing communicator, about the size of a DS from the beginnings of the Twenty-First Century, placing it on top of her body. If she changed or did anything, it would alert the Doctor, and with that, he left her. He still had other experiments, despite how interesting this was.

[E N D - T H R E A D]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Scientific Discovery [jj] - Page 2 Empty Re: Scientific Discovery [jj]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:03 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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