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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:08 am
Bright red wings beat against the warm evening air above the forest outside of karakura town. These wings held up a young looking female shinigami, a red, scale covered tail twitching behind her in agitation. She wore the normal shihaksho, except hers had a red dragon on the left side of the chest. Red eyes scanned the forest below as fangs dug in to her lower lip. She knew she shouldn’t have stayed away this long, especially without doing her daily meditations. Her hands trembled as she tried to hold in the power that raged beneath her skin, threatening to make an appearance. Tessa knew she couldn’t keep it in much longer, she needed to get to a secluded place so she could unleash the beast in peace. However, a ripple of power ran through her body, eliciting a scream from her mouth, and she knew she could not keep going any longer. Folding her wings behind her, she let her body fall downward, down in to the trees as she let the beast within her loose in one stroke. A roar bellowed through the trees as her body changed. Red scales covered her body, her horns doubling in length so they were now clearly visible as they pokes through her hair. Her nails turned to deadly claws as her mouth opened. Fire spewed forth, spreading quickly to the trees. Slowly the burning inferno spread through the forest, flames rolling from the bellowing creature that had landed within it. Her claws ripped through the trunks of trees as the beast she had become roared furiously at being unable to do what it wished. It wished to hunt, to kill, to destroy the pathetic lives of those nearby. For now, the shinigami known as Tessa had been lost, her body being controlled by the draconic fury she held within her. This part of her was different, unlike the timid, peaceful shinigami, this beast was searching for blood.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Wed Apr 23, 2014 6:32 am

She wasn't the only dragon in these parts. While he wasn't a dragon in the literal sense, he had enough power that dragons would be laughing stock to him, fantasy creatures would be having nightmares about him. The person in this area would be the flame reaper himself Poliro. He was simply chilling around this area, sitting down at a tree nearby this rampaging girl, his eyes shut resting. He only wanted to rest today but it seems like shinigami never get their rest, heh.

The girl let out a bellowing roar which Poliro's eyes snapped open to. It disturbed him a fair bit. His immiediate reaction was to look around and see what was going on. He was a bit further away from her so he didn't see right away.

"The fuck was that?"

The noise increased as trees began to get ripped down and destroyed, he clearly saw. He wanted to know what was going on as this presence disturbed him greatly. He felt that presences energy. He wasn't too intimidated so he was going to see what was going on. He quickly got to the area where he saw the trees fall and saw the dragon-like girl. Uncaring for the rampage, he spoke out.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to rest out here, can you go act childish elsewhere? Please?

He doubt that was going to work as it seemed she was almost in a crazy bloodlust. Poliro knew what to expect and he readied himself, hand on his sword. He wasn't going to be the first to attack as he doesn't like the pointless fighting himself.

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:08 am
The smell hit her nose, the smell of a living being. A feral grin spread across Tessa’s face as her body turned to face the one who had approached her. He spoke in words which the shiningami understood, but the dragon cared not for. A low growl escaped the beast once the newcomer stopped speaking, and Tessa opened her mouth. A blast of flames escaped from her mouth, flowing outwards towards the one who had come forward. Wings spread out, a clawed hand reached down to grip her blade. Flash stepping forward, she would appear next to him as she drew her blade in an arc, an arc that would go through the space that he was occupying at the time of her attack.

If the man had moved to avoid her attack, the beast’s eyes would shift in an attempt to find him. As they did, her legs would bend while spread apart. At the same time her back leaned forward, her arms lowering towards the ground and dropped the blade. On all fours, the beast let fourth a bellowing roar towards the one it saw as prey. It did not care that the man was clearly stronger then her, it wanted blood. Blood, it needed blood, and the beast bared its fangs as its wings beat, traveling as fast as it could towards the man before her. Once she was close enough to take her attack, both claws would slash across in an attempt to cut open the chest of her prey and draw blood. Immediately afterwards she would attempt to push her mouth to his shoulder and sink her fangs in to his skin. She needed blood, and she would stop at nothing to achieve what she needed.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Thu Apr 24, 2014 5:24 am

Poliro faced down this dragon like entity as it seemed it was in some form of blood lust. It didn't answer to Poliros peaceful attempts to stop itself, it just wanted to kill. Poliro's presence or obvious power wasn't enough to stop her as the dragon attacked with fire. Poliro wondered if this was some kind of legitimate dragon hybrid of some sorts. Breathing fire, the appearance all seemed quite dragon like. Either way, the creature shot fire at Poliro. Poliro laughed as he simply held his hands out and tanked the fire, stopping it from engulfing his entire body. The creature would see that he had burned his arms a fair bit, and the clothes on his arms too, but he kept laughing.

"You're going to be quite fun. You don't know who I am right? I'm Poliro, the flame reaper. My blood might as well be fire. It looks like you need a fucking person to tame you, Missy. I won't be too rough now, but if you're too rabid, I may have to put you down."

The dragon responded with the flashstep onto Poliro to try and cut him. Poliro responded by jumping into the air in a acrobatic style, landing behind her. He quickly turned to see she had dropped her blade. Poliro identifed what species she was. She was a Shinigami? Poliro smirked a bit as he came out with more remarks to taunt her more.

"Since when did the Gotei start taking shinigami dragon kids? Are they really that desperate now? Hah.. I was a captain once you know. Sure you really don't wanna calm down before you get hurt?"

He tried once more to talk sense into her but in the state she was in it was going to be no good. She let off a roar towards him as Poliro simply stood uncaring. It seemed the "prey" might be too much for her to chew. She charged towards him fast, then slashing across at him, Poliro again used his sword to block the claws from making contact with her, the sword staying sturdy. She then tried to press onto him to bite. Poliro was not going to allow for that as he flash stepped behind her, a afterimage of the body she tried to bite being left for a moment as he said a few words.

"Sorry if I hurt you too much."

He then began to attack with his own Zanpakutō, rapidly slashing and dicing the area in front of him non stop, in a relentless assault where she stood. The ground around them began to turn into debris as it got destroyed. if she dodged, the area where she stood would just have a gaping hole and look like someone crashed into the ground very hard. The assault wouldn't end until she moved or dodged the initial burst. When she did, Poliro was ready to react. It seems like the predator is quickly in danger of becoming the prey...

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:05 am
Tessa’s eyes narrowed slightly as she watched the man take the burst of draconic fire head on, coming out with only minor burns from the attack. Some doubt found its way in to the dragon’s instincts, but still she would not back down. She continued her assault, but the man dodged her sword slice and blocked her claw attack. The doubt was growing within her with each failed attack, but still she did not show it. This was the dragon, the beast of fire, and it demanded the blood of this pitiful fool. Her teeth came towards him, and it looked like she would finally be able to quench the thirst that held her. However, her teeth closed around nothing, what she thought was her prey was simply an after image. Then the attack started, metal slicing through draconic flesh. A yelp of pain escaped the draconic female before she flash stepped away from the assault. The ground she had been standing on was torn to rubble, the man’s attack had been powerful. Her wings had several cuts in them, though she had been lucky that the bones hadn’t been injured by the assaulting blade. A gash ran across her back, though she had been luck that her scales had prevented it from being too serious. Many small cuts ran along the rest of her body, and the dragon stood there while eying the man warily. Her instincts had changed, no longer did it contain the desire to fight. Fear had infected her, and the dragon wanted nothing but to run from the one who had harmed it. For the predator had become the prey, the dragon harmed greatly. Still, the smell of blood kept the beast where it was, a struggle of whether to run or to fight occurring in the beast’s mind. Her eyes watched the man closely though, watching to see what action he might take, the action that would tip the balance and make her choose how she would next act.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:48 am

Poliro smirked as he had noticed the damage that had been done to her. It didn't look like a good situation for her right now certainly. He also noticed she didn't seem to attack him again after his first attack. He could easily tell she was beginning to maybe calm down and doubt herself. Poliro began to throw out more taunts at the dragon lady that seemed to be scared now.

"It seems like that attack hurt you a fair bit. I can see the fear in you now, that hesitation. That bloodlust has gone away now hasn't it? Fear is powerful. It brings gods to their knees. I thought you had a lot more in you than that, so COME ON! You can do better than that. Show me some of the actual power you have!"

Poliro was not satisfied with beating her down so easily, he wanted his opponent to come at him with everything now that the fight had begun. He didn't particularly like one sided battles himself, he wanted something more exciting than that. He called out again to her, his taunting coming out again. He seemed to be doing this to get her to show the real powers she had as he was sure the dragon girl had a lot more power than this. He had a feeling she did.

"I'm coming for you now. You better step up your power if you want to don't want to leave this forest in a body bag.

Poliro made his next move right after saying that, performing the flash step behind her. This time his sword was lit up with fire temporarily. Poliro decided to give her a taste of his own flames as he brought his sword down again in a might swoop towards her but this time, the fire in his sword rushed out in a arc forwards facing of Poliro as it came down, causing the ground to burn more as more devastation was left from Poliros attack, as he yet again created another hole in the ground as well as burning the floor. He was just going mild on her still.. his true power was still yet to be seen. But hopefully she'd use her own power if she wanted to win..

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:48 am
A soft growl escaped Tessa’s mouth as she listened to the taunts of the man before her. Her instincts fought each other, her body keeping still for now as the war within her raged on. However, the man’s threats were pushing her in one direction, goading her draconic self to continue to fight. Her fear was great though, and it still fought back despite it being a losing battle. Her eyes snapped to him as he called out again, letting her know that he was coming for her. Her muscles tensed, preparing for the onslaught that she was sure would come soon. Her eyes lost him as he flashed stepped behind him, only being saved from imminent defeat by her enhanced hearing. She spun around as he brought his sword down, pushing herself backwards to avoid the blade. She barely dodged it, but the fire was another thing to her. Watching as it surged off from the blade towards her, a grin formed on her face. Her hands reached up as she opened wide. The flames neared her, draconic hands grabbing on to the flames as if they were another solid object, and guiding them in to the mouth of the half dragon shinigami. As the flames entered her mouth, they were literally eaten by the dragon, her body healing as she devoured the flames of her opponent. Her wings healed completely, but she could not devour enough to regenerate the rest of her wounds. Something had changed though, no longer did her eyes shine of pure draconic instincts. Instead it was a mix of beast and humanity, a true blend of the two things she was. Her arm raised, a soft, feminine voice speaking up as she pointed her slightly burnt hand towards the male.

“Bakudo #4, Hainawa.”

The kido rope spiraled out from her hand as she flash stepped off to where she had previously dropped her sword. Picking it up with fluid movements, her wings beat powerfully behind her, lifting her in to the air. Now above her target, Tessa let loose another blast of flames from her mouth, though she quickly ended the attack. Her voice called out, clear over the raging sea of flames she had produced.

“Speak the truth, Gladius scientia.”

The zanpakto morphed, becoming a european style blade with seven runes etched in to it. Raising it in front of her defensively, she began to chant the kido she would cast.

“Bakudo #30, Shitotsu Sansen! Bind them within the holy symbol, Bakudo #20, Binding Cross! Bakudo #9, Horin! Ye lord, Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws! Hadō #33, Sōkatsui! Combine with the Darkness and Lightning, Shocking them with it, Dark Shock. Hadō #29, Dākushokku! Hadō #4, Byakurai!”

The first two kido seemed to produce no effects, except for the two runes one her blade lighting up with a pale blue light. Her horin did go off successfully, shooting an orange hued tendril to shoot off towards her male opponent in an attempt to trap him with the bakudo. As with the first two bakudo casts, the first two Hadō she attempted to use seemed to produced no effect other then the lighting of two additional runes on her blade with the same pale blue light. The byakurai did head straight for the man in an attempt to strike some damage upon him. Wings beating behind her in order to keep her steady in the air, Tessa panted softly. She wasn’t exactly used to casting so many kido in a row, and it only made it harder to do so with the raging draconic instincts that told her to maul the man till he stopped breathing. For now though, she would wait to see how the man reacted to her kido.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:37 am

It seems the dragon lady had stepped up a notch as she barely dodged Poliro's attack but Poliro witnessed something quite interesting to him as the flames spewed out in her direction, Poliro witnessed her literally grab onto the flames and devour them as it seems her body healed from doing this. Poliro laughed psychotically for some reason as it seemed his mental instability was beginning to overcome him. The thrill of the fight was getting to him as he called out once more.

"I hope they fucking tasted nice, haha! If you like i'll feed you until you vomit out your guts with my fire!!

He seemed to be on pure adrenaline as his mental cracks showed. He hadn't lost himself yet though, as he remembered the fact he wasn't going to go all out and kill her. For him this was a chance to unrust his fighting skills since he hadn't fought in so long. Besides, it seemed like this girl was just in some sort of blood lust and just needed to be snapped out of it anyway, why would kill her? Poliro was never a killer person to begin with. Luckily for her, she'd walk away alive in this encounter. He noticed she began to speak some proper words for once.

“Bakudo #4, Hainawa.”

The half dragon girl spoke using Kido to restrain Poliro. Poliro laughed a bit as he seemed to willingly get restrained as he kept a eye on her as she picked up her sword and released mlore flames at Poliro, Poliro smirked as he took on the flames head on, bits of Poliro's flesh burned off. Tessa would visbly see parts of his flesh were burned red now, his face and chest mainly. Poliro didn't seem to be in any sort of pain. He shouted out at Tessa once more.

"AHAHAH! BITCH! I actually fucking felt the burns then!"

Poliro saw as she seemed to release the Shikai of her own Zanpakutō. There wasn't any kind of epic release or anything as it simply morphed. Poliro heard her chant kido's but seemingly, they had no effect. He was wondering what was happening. But he saw what was going on her blade as Poliro began to think about the possibilities in his mind as he softly spoke to himself calmly about what was going on.

"Is she storing the Kido in that blade to unleash at once, or does it do something entirely different..? Something not very obvious is always a danger.."

An additional bakudo came around him. Again he seemingly did nothing, keeping his smirk. This time as a offensive spell was directed at him though, it was time he finally showed her some real power. He spoke once more to her, but much more calmly.. and intimidating.

"You seem quite well versed in your kido, you seem to have some strong ablities... but dragon girl.. like I said. I'm the Flame Reaper, Poliro. Remember this name. Those captains you probably serve in the Gotei are nothing in terms of power. Let me show you the real power of a man who has nothing to lose!

As he said this, the entire area hummed with power as Poliro powered up his reaitsu and exerted it. The pressure would have some effects on the shinigami including potentially feeling scared and feeling really hot. She would be able to tell this man has deep, untapped power that he hasn't even touched the surface of yet. A orange, flame like aura appeared around Poliro as he broke both the Bakudo's on him in a instant. As the Hadō moved towards him, Poliro projected a barrier of flames, guarding him from the Kido as the energy seemed to dissipate into the flame, not even touching Poliro. Poliro then made his move.

"I'm good at Kido too you know. I was quite masterful at it. Let me show you the power of a true shinigami, Dragon girl.

He flash stepped into the air, where he made his chant. He put his palms forward.

"Ye lord. Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of man. On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens!" Hadō 73, Sōren Sōkatsui!"

As he chanted this, Poliro gathered a mass of blue energy at his hands and when he finished chanting it he pushed his hands forward and shot a incredibly powerful blue energy blast at her in the sky. If it hit her, it would be very devastating and almost lethal. But Poliro wasn't done yet. After she dodged or did something else, Poliro was ready to launch another attack as he raised his Zanpakutō horizontally in her direction.

"Hadō 32, Ōkasen!"

From his Zanpakutō, a yellow arc of energy shot out in her direction, if it hit the groundn the power of Poliro's kido would cause a little explosion that would take out the ground and trees nearby but if she remained in the air it would simply slice through her if it connected. Poliro was stepping it up now, the orange aura of energy remaining around him. She had to wonder one thing by this point of the fight.

Just what are the depths of his power?

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Sat May 03, 2014 3:24 pm
Tessa felt a feral happiness fill her as her flames finally had some effect on the man below. He didn’t do anything to stop either of her bakudo spells, something she was thankful for. Being bound like her currently was would make it much easier for her attacks to hit the man. A deep growl of anger escaped her mouth as the man said the current captains of the gotei were nothing compared to him. She would never allow someone to insult that person as this man had. Then the man’s reiatsu caught her, the rage within her from his insult at the gotei captains being the only thing that kept the draconic shingami from fleeing the area in fear. As her Hadō flew towards him, the man broke through the two restraining kido, a wall of flames appearing in front of him to devour her kido. He flash stepped closer to her, chanting his own kido. Her eyes widened as the blast of energy shot towards her, a quick flash step just barely saving her from the attack that surely would have decimated her had she not moved. However, as his second attack shot off towards her new position, she realized she did not have the time to get away from it again. Gritting her teeth out, she prepared to take on the kido head on, calling out a kido as she did.

“Bakudo #44, Armor of the flame beast!”

Flames surrounded her before forming in to a set of draconic scales that covered the previous set. She let the kido from the man slam in to her, growling as the kido she had cast just moments before cracked and buckled under the force from the man’s attack. Still, it had absorbed most of the attack, leaving her relatively undamaged from it. For a chant less kido, Tessa was actually quite surprised that it had held up as well as it had. Knowing now that she could not hold back, Tessa pointed the tip of her blade at her current opponent, regretting that she had to use it so quickly.

“Scientia improbos.”

The words, soft as they left her mouth, was all that she needed to get the results she was looking for. As soon as the words had reached the man, four kido shot out from her sword. Like a machine gun firing repeated rounds at an opponent, the four kido that had seemed to fail previous shot out of the sword in the order they had entered it, all aimed at the flame reaper that the girl was fighting. First, an equilateral triangle of golden light formed around her sword, emitting three beams of light from its corners that would attempt to pin the flame reaper to the nearest object. Immediately after that, a blue flash of light emitted from the tip of her sword before a cross made of spiritual energy shot out towards him, attempting to bind the man to it, literally crucifying him on the kido. Following the cross, a burst of blue spiritual energy shot out from her sword, aimed at the man in hopes of causing some harm to him. Finally, following the blue blast, a dark blast of spiritual energy surrounded by electricity shot out from her sword, aimed directly at the man’s chest in an attempt to paralyze the man and cause some sort of injury to him. Fluttering in place, a roar ripped from the girl’s mouth, before angry words were formed.

“Don’t you ever dare to insult my captain again, you piece of shit!”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Dragon's Fury [Poliro] Empty Re: Dragon's Fury [Poliro]

Sat May 03, 2014 5:36 pm