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The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Empty The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper.

Sat May 03, 2014 5:49 am

It was a perfectly fine day in the forests of Karakura. Quite a distance away from the city, the sun shined so brightly with no clouds in sight - the perfect weather that allowed the local flora to bloom and keep growing. IT seemed like nothing bad could possibly disrupt this weather or the relatively calm forest. You'd be surprised how fast the circumstances change. In these areas there was a being of immense power - the Flame Reaper he was known as, his real name was Poliro Tensol, a former Gotei 13 captain who had been in obscurity for a long time. Although he made his presence to known to a few individuals, he still resided in the forest largely because he had no where else to go and no motivation to - nothing in the world was awaiting him. It wasn't very exciting to say the least.

But who knows? Maybe that will change today, he never knew what could happen. He was resting, something he did a lot mainly out of boredom, sitting down at a tree with his eyes closed. From a glance you wouldn't expect this person to be a powerful vizard, but rather just a random person. He was not fully asleep, but rather half asleep. He was always a bit paranoid about sleeping fully in the wild mainly due to the fact someone could attack him unexpectedly. This is the point of time where Poliro's day was about to get a lot more exciting.

Poliro began to feel something - a pressure. It wasn't normal at all. It was quite immense actually. Poliro's eyes slowly opened upon this feeling, wondering what it was. He began to slowly mumble to himself thinking about what it was. It wasn't a normal type of pressure, he could feel that.

"What the fuck is that..? That isn't a spiritual pressure.. it feels different. But its still quite powerful, I can feel. Is someone around here fucking with physics or gravity? Huh..

He was trying to figure out what this feeling was as he began to try to sense the spirtual pressure of the beings nearby. He couldn't feel anything at all, anything noteworthy. He only could feel something so tiny he didn't know if it was spirtual power. He was left confused to what it was as he began to talk it out with himself again.

"That possibly can't be anything... probably just a animal or something. Its so small it can't even be considered spiritual pressure. So where is this other pressure and power coming from? I don't get a good feeling from this at all."

Poliro snapped open his eyes fully, standing up and observing the nearby area intently. He kept on edge now, wondering if the cause of the mysterious pressure would make itself known. He was caught off guard by how strange it was, but he wasn't freaked out or scared but rather curious. Maybe this was going to be a exciting chance for him to do.. who knows. Time would tell.

The Cookie
The Cookie
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The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Empty Re: The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper.

Sat May 03, 2014 9:20 am

Artist: Unknown - Song: Ketsui to Kakugo - Word Count: 1149

Nature.. Not all cherished its existence in this world and would most likely be used for battlefield because of its uncommon use by mankind and the only area in the Karakura Central that still stays green. The Karakura Forest was mostly used as a relaxation place for those warriors who had fought their guts out against the greatest opponent, but sometimes was used as a battlefield to clash each other's head with as much power as they possible could use and rip each other's eyeballs out. Not to mention, a lot of stuffs began to happen recently after the Australia War, as if people are taking advantage against the current situation where everyone is weakened and drained from the war, but there is a human who went a good boom in the war and could still walk around the streets wihout even giving a damn about the world.

Bright crimson hair, a face of a fugitive, a criminal, a bounty that was put up across the city and there are even a few of these bounties stapled against the trees of the forest, and it seems that the male was rather popular for a villain role. The young man wears a bartender-like clothes, bloody crimson eyes that stabs your soul when you get through a direct eye contact with it, an aura with a threatening intent and radiating a strong pressure of.. you can say, nothing but air that consists of his own aura, allowing anyone to recognize that it came from the same person. It doesn't seem strong or hard but if one were to look closely enough against the man, his surroundings seems to lightly twists and bends, sometimes, leaving a blurred effect behind it when it becomes thick enough. His expression seemed to be casual and packed with nothing but boredom behind the face of his, as if nothing good or entertaining has ever happened today. An underarm crutch was visible on his right shoulder, its durable steel shining in a dark grey color as another machinery seems to be attached to his right waist, glowing red, operating 24/7 to sustain the life of the human and a type of power source where the user could draw out his actual power for the temporary amount of time, by making use of natural occurances and powers wihout the need of the supernatural.

The crimson-haired man was called Sou Yuuki, also known as 'The Nightmare', his infamous title as a villain, an antagonist or a demon-like human that doesn't even resemble or act like a human at all, and fights like a berserking demon who would rip apart your face and punch you right in jaw to send you back where you belong from the beginning. For him, supernatural powers like fire manipulation, gravity manipulation, boundary manipulation or, otherwise, any other superpowers that allows the user to gain abilities that aren't the 'original', controlled using a divine or demonic energy such as Reiatsu, Za Koa and Death Energy and to them, they are almighty gifts given to them and gives them power that surpasses mortals because of their physical body that has spiritual properties, that allows them to be much more durable than average humans, more powerful and 'above' the mortals, since they don't die from aging or normal illness that humans would have when they are sick.

Sou strives his best to prove that humans, the mortals, aren't as weak as the world thinks, even if they have no powers like the spiritual being does or have any superhuman capabilities gifted by God and gave them some type of energy to be a superhuman. The Nightmare is one of those so-called 'powerless humans' that wants to prove to the world that superpowers does not always solve everything and puts you up to a higher league than humans with no supernatural powers, and until now, he is only half-way away from his goal, as he fought against many of his opponents wihout relying on the supernatural, and using his gifted strength that uses his brain and his body's muscles to use strength beyond imaginable levels, allowing him to obliterate mountains or split a path before him using a correct amount of calculation and strength to execute a certain force and defeat the enemy. The Nightmare has been through many obstacles, to fighting humans that has superpowers to an Iramasha that controls boundaries, a shinigami that held a strength just like him and many others from his past, and now? He is just a human, a changed man from his past and no longer hold the bloodthirst he used to have into killing others, underestimating them and run mayhem with his strength.

Today was a good day to relax in the forest, his right hand was in his pocket as his other hand held a can of fruit juice, orange-flavour, a perfect drink to quench a good thirst out of your throat. His finger tapped on the lid and cracked open the lid with a pull of his finger, releasing a POP! sound while the bubbles released itself away under the carbohydrate of the drink. The great taste of the juices were the best for a good relaxing, and placed against his mouth as the juices poured into his mouth for a good gulp. Orange juices, nothing can compare against it when it comes to relaxing in the forest and heard the birds chirping across the forest. Nature is pretty good at its own way, but sadly, when it comes to fighting, nobody will appreciate nature anymore and would go on with their destruction. Luckily, the forest would always appear the same no matter how much nuclear bombs or destruction was placed in it, since the authorities would deal with it either way.

Stumbling upon a man when the Nightmare was walking across the forest, and himself seemed confused with what this man figure is looking around and about with those gloomy, dark eyes of his that looked like a man who haven't slept for days, but the presence of this man would nothing but an annoyance to his mind and ears, as he hoped that he didn't need to stumble before a gloomy man with a hair that looks like a person who just got out from his emotional issues. Waving his can back and forth lightly against the male, his words were disrespectful and rang out a tone of a fierce young man, rebellious one, speaking in a voice of an average japanese male as his expression left a distaste against his presence in this comfortable forest, "Get out of here, brat. If you want to get a nap, you have a bed to sleep into. Unless you want to throw away your life and dig yourself a good hole for a grave, well, i would be a pleasure to see you put up some guts against my words and stay here."

Template By: [THEFROST]
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The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Empty Re: The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper.

Sun May 04, 2014 7:15 am

Artist: Unknown - Song: Ketsui to Kakugo - Word Count: 968

Popping his neck sideways, Sou was rather surprised with this man's reply when he rudely asked this gloomy man to leave from this forest if he wants to keep his life to himself, but it seems that his ears and head weren't ringing just yet from his after-slumbers of knockouts. His grin grew wide and opened his mouth, the Nightmare's tongue dropped out and licked his own lips with his sadistic smile as if insanity was enveloping the Nightmare , his laughters were imminent and sinister, just like a demon's laugh, "AHAHAHA! WRONG GUY!? DON'T GIVE ME THAT SHIT, MISTER SHITHEAD. YOU TALK AS IF YOU ARE STRONGER THAN A HAND OF MINE COULD COUNT. IF YOU WANT TO GET ROUGH, AND I'LL SHOW YOU WHAT REAL ROUGHNESS MEANT!"

His hands widened itself, cracking each and every of his knuckles as he was preparing to land a good deal of pain to this Vizard guy. Firstly, Sou would begin to ring his brain with information, coordinations, levels of energy and the air pressure across his surroundings in order to execute his ability at its peak wihout producing any errors during the usage of his strength. His right foot was preparing for launch, as the brain rang, it sends off an electromagnetic wave across the internal structure of his body to prepare the muscles, his heart pumping faster and breathing rate became heavier but at its normal speed, only taking in more oxygen in amount, while breathing at a normal speed. Adrenaline pumped his muscles, his natural stamina began to transport itself to his right foot in a specific amount in a matter of seconds, muscles expanding to allow larger amounts to flow in for his body to execute his attacks fasters in its energy transportation rate through the control of his own muscles. When the clumps of energy finally gathered into his foot, the energy would explode, absorbed by the muscles in his foot area and releases a strong air pressure of a sonic-boom beneath his feet, and it was done by shaking and vibrating the particles that are across his leg, and forces the particles to attract itself into a single solid air before the imbalanced pressure between each particles would send each other flying like bullets, which these bouncing particles would produce a strong kinetic energy and changes in air pressure beneath his feet, eventually creating a powerful sonic-boom that launches him foward in an inhuman speed using raw strength alone.

It wasn't shunpo, teleportation or any sort of supernatural attempts, and all of these are done using natural occurances and exact calculations of his brains to put into an equation to allow him to mess around with the atmosphere and execute the correct procedure to launch himself at high speeds through brute strength. The sonic-boom would simply crush the earths apart, bursting upwards as the cracks would extends a few feet apart, while few trees were blown away and some collapsed under the cracks that he creates under the force of the pressure created by his feet. His speed was beyond normal, moving just about the above of an advanced shunpo, and all of these, aren't using superpowers at all. In a flash, the Vizard can find a palm of the Nightmare's hand simply took a grasp of his face while moving at high speeds, and during the catch of the Vizard's face, the Nightmare's face was clearly smiling with excitement, and would prefer to see what this man can do with his supernatural powers. Jerking his arms back, Sou would throw the vizard against the trees before him, hopefully crashing into a couple of feet while the pressure around the Vizard would be created under a high pressure, and during the travelling of the vizard from the Nightmare's throw, he would notice the earth beneath him breaking apart as he travels onwards.


Oh yeah, the Nightmare was not done yet. Laughing like a full-on maniac, his foot stomped with all of his might, and it wouldn't break the ground apart. From his body's core, a message pulsed through his physical body to prepare a boom of vibration from his body, just like a seeking minefield that will explode on you once it reaches its destination, and Sou's not going to use a bomb, instead, he is going to make use of the air and the earth around him to produce an explosive-like boom, but more devastating. The moment his foot gets into the contact with the earth beneath him, a small orb of compressed energy would be formed within the core of his body, and the stomp would force the energy to take a slam against the earth and explode outwards like a vibration, and with proper coordinations and adjustments with his feet's position and air pressure that his foot creates during its friction with the air, the vibration would travel beneath the ground and burst upwards right under the vizard, enough power to devour up the trees within a mile radius and blow away the trees to a faraway place, and the explosion could leave a good deal of damage even if it is against a trained shinigami with a durable set of body.

His legs had light scratches on it, and it seems that there are some few drawbacks with the strength that he uses in combat. They weren't bleeding, but just scratches to his physical body as a sign that it is a warning that he shouldn't be going past 1% unless he is trying to go literally insane and mayhem with the Vizard but depends on the situation, it might be an interesting fight enough for him to get past the line he has drawn before him.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Empty Re: The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper.

Mon May 05, 2014 9:35 am

Artist: Maiko Iuchi - Song: Aratanaru Tatakai - Word Count: 2068

The ground erupted its fierce power beneath the two individual, but since its his own strength to take on against to begin with, the Nightmare seemed to willingly take on the destructive explosion made from his own strength alone, and when the dusts had cleared, only visible scratches were seen across his body, just as if his body developed a tank-like body to even survive such destruction. Standing there with his hands beside his body, he was not too surprised to see someone to summon such flames to throw at him and burn his guts out with power, not to mention it was all ten of them being launched at once to finally see a smokery deep fried human out of the oven if the Nightmare tried to take them on directly, but this is what he is planning it for. Laughing sadistically, his grin became wider, as if you looked at it, you can't tell if he is a human or a demon at appearance. There were no fear in his eyes nor any hesitations, and only excitement surged through his blood and his face is expressing that fun.


Standing at the same position, the Nightmare did nothing but standing there, and to Poliro's view, all ten of these fireballs did took a direct hit altogether on contact against the likes of the Nightmare himself, but Sou did a little magic trick behind it. Although he did take some of them on contact, he has to physically touch them, feel them and take them directly with his bare hands for proper calculation for energy wavelengths, vibration properties, intensity, pressure, heat and energy levels that are being produced in the flames in order to be able to summon them by the vizard. His left hand reached out and took one of the fireballs directly and before it could have the time to even explode, the Nightmare utterly and effortlessly overwhelmed the energy burst from the fireball's explosion, since one releases energy upon explosion, all he had to do was to crush that energy using an even stronger power, and that, was to use his own strength. Crushing the explosion with his left hand, the explosion never seem to occur, but visible burns were to be seen against the palm of his left hand and it definitely hurts for an average human, but for Sou, that shit's nothing but something that is in the way of the combat and was plainly ignored.

While the rest of them took a direct blow against the Nightmare, and they definitely hit him as those flames fiercely burned the forest like dinner's being served on the tables. A figure seems to stand in the midst of these flames, and with a wave of his left hand again, these flames was blown away by a strong gust of wind produced by his left hand and its strength only, and when the figure moved out of the destroyed area, his body seemed to have a few burns against his body and one or two moderately-dug wound against his flesh, with blood gushing out of it. For an ordinary human, he would've died wihout having at least a form of supernatural defense to keep his bare foot up against the earth and leave out from the destruction wihout huge scars on him, but surely, he does have his own tricks. With all the calculations in mind the second his hand had took a strong blow to one of the fireballs, he takes all the calculations and quickly compress his electromagnetic field into a smaller size by commanding the network using the ability of his brain to communicate with the network by using the electromagnetic waves that the brain can naturally produce for a body to work, and these informations are automatically pulsed to the network to force it to follow the command and compress it, while adjusting its properties and changing it to a suitable density and frequency to bounce all of the electromagnetic radiation within the rest of the fireballs which further decreases its heat when it passes through the electromagnetic field it sets up, and once it explodes, the destructive force was not as powerful as Poliro had planned, since his electromagnetic field bounced off the thermal radiation from the fireballs through the removal of 1/2 of its actual heat on its outer layer and the core of the fireball, its power became weaker and thus, the explosive force was not as great as it used to be, but still enough to land a good deal amount of damage to his body and still casts flames to the battlefield despite half of its power was potentially removed.


Laughing ever so loudly, darkness seems to enveloped him as his stare was as sharp as a blade, his fist clenched as the smile was expressed within and about his lips that he is definitely enjoying. Taking a step out of the crater, it was his turn to leave a broken jaw to this vizard's face and make sure he would never stand up again in this battlefield. For the nightmare, there was no such thing as fear for him, and the only one who can induce them and break apart a man's mind with fear was no one else than a human, a mortal, a monster with no exact superpowers and could still cause destruction nonetheless just by the use of his strength that is unnatural above any possible humans or even beings that possesses a great deal of strength, but nowhere within the league where they could get to choose an indefinitely-scaled strength, from lower than 1% to an infinity percent of his strength, a law of strength and human limitations that he was able to break through with a good push from the back. Just like a human stepping into the territory of the unknown and against the limits that the law of the world has put up for humans, a locked door where every humans and beings may not be able to achieve their strength to a blinking amount of infinity, the power that allows him to take care of an entire continent of Asia with a mere single punch from his fully-mastered Infinite Strength, but sadly, it was nothing but a prematured ability that could stretch out to destroying an entire city.

His strength is truly a monstrous thing to deal with, to a point where he could still use his bare hands to go against a bankai with an effort and crush them wihout needing to use his full power and could still make the world shake apart under the raw power of his strength. Fires of hell, tsunamis that can devour a city, lightning strike that can match a nuclear bomb, bring all of that to him and Sou will overcome them with nothing but his guts and fists alone. No one can ever understand what he has been doing to himself after all these fights he has been through, and not Sou himself is sure what goal he is striving for, so he built a temporary goal for himself, to achieve an absolute power of strength to make even the mightiest warriors kneel before him and tremble before his strength that matches the unknown, a human with extraordinary abilities of the natural itself.

Lunging himself before the Vizard with an amazing speed, Sou's going to make an attempt of an uppercut, simply holding the capability to force the earth beneath him to rip itself apart and burst upwards just under the force of his strength that travels upwards to leave a good broken jaw, even if it is spiritually enhanced and above-average than humans, but even the toughest defense would get a taste of his fist that simply gives you the chills and a hole right in your tummy. He does so by leaving a trail of energy as his brain commanded his body to pump natural energy out of body, and the muscles would start expanding to move a larger amount of them into his fist to allow him to use his strength at a much faster rate and would take no time to release them. But while the energy are within the transportation to his fist, it leaves a trail of energy into the muscles of his entire arm, a powdery amount of it would be enough to disturb the air particles across his arm and make his desired attack to be executed within his control.

When his fist finally begins its uppercut process, the trailings of the energy that was absorbed in the muscles of his arm would begin to vibrate first, and of course, it would vibrate temporarily like a chainsaw that can simply cut apart its target in exception of Sou for his body's immunity against vibrations, as proven in his fight against Yukuri where he could simply let the vibration travel and transported to a desired location and make them go BOOM. Using his experience with Yukuri's fight, he could make his entire arm turn into a chainsaw caused by vibrations, simply cutting apart its enemy within the vicnity of 3 centimeters away from his fist, and a direct hit from his fist can simply let his fist drill right through your flesh and smash one's jaw apart, shattering it into pieces like a glass while punching you far away from the lands of the forest if made use of its recoil from the force of his punch. Even if Poliro managed to avoid it, the vibration coming off from his fist may as well put a good scar on his face as a mark to remembering him by if this battle were ever to end.

After the earth beneath him bursted upwards, his fist would draw back and simply, smashing his palm right into the walls of the earth and would take no longer than a second that send it off like a projectile against the likes of Poliro, which travels at 1/2 the speed of sound and on impact? It can simply leave half-a-mile crater from the force of the impact launched merely by the palm of his hand. The Nightmare uses the wind around him and taking control over the calculation of the air pressure that he did earlier ago, and when his palm applies force to the earth, he makes use of the pressure from the opposing momentum when his hand makes contact with the earth that he forces his hand upon, and throughoutly using the energy from his palm from the commands of his brain, his hand would release a pulse of vibration, temporarily disturbing the bouncing particles of air that is moving freely and using the attraction of charged particles between the air and forces it to collide itself together into a single solid air particle, which would form a high air pressure between the squeeze of the particles and would burst into a high energy of wind when the air pressure becomes too high to be squeezed anymore by the particles, and the air particles would be forcefully pushed away by the exploding air pressure and would enough to create a powerful wind and a portion of shockwave that simply shoots the earth off like a bullet against the likes of the vizard.


Gripping against the underarm crutch tightly, he was hoping this man can get through a good fight against the Nightmare, or this shit won't be fun anymore wihout two beings getting on their ego and get this fight started, man-to-man.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Empty Re: The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper.

Sat May 17, 2014 5:48 am

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Psychic Battle - Word Count: 3407

The Nightmare's figure was nonetheless, unwavered regarding the current circumstances he is in. Unable to feel fear, he became the inducement of fear itself, and this fire knuckhead is nowhere in the league of actually being able to feel fear itself, and this is what Sou liked about this fighter, someone who can put up a good fight even if he had to go as far as to face one of the raw strength fighters, a human, a monster that reaches the realm of the two, the mortal and the immortal. For spiritual beings, semi-immortality is possible for one to live through hundreds and thousands of years while retaining their younger-appearance of themselves regardless of the age they are reaching, just like a 800 years old female that still appears like a child, while mortals are beings that will wither and die away with age and diseases just like any other beings that have no supernatural abilities or an ability that keeps them alive for almost eternity, as long as their important organs are kept safe. In Sou's case, he stands between these two facts of immortals and mortals. Sou is a mortal human, as a simple fact, but at the other time, he has a power beyond any other human beings do, or mortals do, strength that surpasses the limitations of one's physical capability and the boundaries that holds away the superstrength that humans cannot achieve, an awakening that not even the Nightmare himself understands the concept behind it, unknowing whether that he is a human or just a typical monster that not even science itself can explain.

It is easy to underestimate a human like him, given how an ability that a human holds and the appearance they give off but nonetheless, even a human like the Nightmare can make sure his victims can lose an eye or two to never see the daylights again. But to be honest, Sou never felt as surprised as he is before, to suddenly feel a spike of energy suddenly rising from the likes of Poliro and he wouldn't let all the spotlight taken by a vizard, otherwise, all the action would be gone to that one fiery guy right before his eyes. Maybe he would go a little bit out from here, but just not yet to give Poliro what he truly needs, a fight to the death with each other's heads butting against each other like dragons attempting to slaughter each other with all of its power. His lips were visibly smirking, his hands were in his pockets and the pressure around him also begin to spike, and to do so, all he needs was to gather a little portion of his natural energy into the core of his body and compress it into the size of an orb, and in its compressed size, the pressure it gives off is incredibly heavy and powerful, since even a small portion of natural energy from the Nightmare is enough for him to split a path before him with only a drop of sweat, and he uses it to rival itself against Poliro's beginning of release into shikai with an even greater pressure, and the pressure he gives off are simply earth-crushing, trees were visibly breaking apart from the pressure and fires would extinguish away from the face of the earth.

His eyes were sharply looking towards the two zanpakutos and the metal gauntlets equipped to his hands, whilst switching his eyes toward the pillar of flames that erupted fiercely around them, covering the area around them like a prepared battlefield awaiting for destruction and drawing any unwanted attention from the authorities, but Sou is fine with that, since he was typically used to these kind of situations in drawing attentions, it was nothing but a piece of cake to handle the situation and escape as soon as possible wihout getting caught. Chuckling lightly, his laughter became clear and loud, a tone of a sinister murderer, a demon of the battlefield itself, before his hands widened outwards, mocking the Flame Reaper before him with nothing but a smile on his face, "A NEW TOY FOR ME, EH!?"

Flame drills charged itself with spiritual energy, gathering up into a single point and toughening its shape to produce a piercing power that can make a beautiful hole on his body if it ever came in contact with him, though it seems that things were easily figured out soon enough by the knowledge of the Nightmare. The flames drills were soon shot forth and came by against the likes of the Nightmare himself, but it was nothing than a futile way of saying his greetings under the claps of his hands when such fire are so hot yet to Sou, they are powerful attacks covered in glass. It may sound like an underestimation, but there were no such thing as underestimation to him anymore. He may be hot-blooded, impatient and rushes to the extreme so that one may go at their full power against him, but his head definitely knows what he was doing, each and every step, each and every word and every mockery to the Flame Reaper that he could throw at his face with a football. "Now, question time."

Gripping his left fist tightly, it quickly went loose as his left hand swung fiercefully across the air, and that mere swing of his hand, created a swirling tornado across his body, so strong that it may be one of the strongest tornado that was naturally created under natural means of human power, than just to rely on technology itself to create such power. It swirls across his body in a circular formation, the flame drills would simply be blown apart to nothing but air under the fierce power of the tornado itself with the strength of The Nightmare itself. Truly, this is THE monster, and one will induce you the true fear that even the mightiest of warriors will never feel before. Despite being a mortal human himself, he is nowhere within the realm of mortal or the immortals. To be more specific, he is a human between the two realms itself under the incomprehendable strength he wields, a place where even a being with chaotic strength to destroy a city with a stomp is nowhere in the level of the Nightmare, the Infinite Strength, where he can access to it at his own will and use as much as he wants wihout hesitation. It was like the mind, the body, the conciousness, everything inside of him is his and the Nightmare's alone, unlike most humans, he can control it as freely as he wants wihout restriction. The tornado was created under the disturbance against the air particles, shaking up the air pressure and making use of the wind's direction. Making a calculation and rearrange these calculations into a proper equation to create an actual tornado by his strength alone, this was nothing but an easy feat for Sou to perform.

For his flame drills, they are just an embodiment of flames, to him, they are just stronger and modified version of the nature's flames by supernatural means when wield by a supernatural user of fire. Indeed, fire is the nature's natural disaster that has caused forest fires, an energy of explosions and used by our everyday lives in cooking and such, and if one were to create a supernatural, stronger, modified, even Bankai, these flames will never stray from the 'original', a fire's origins, its beginning, when fire became the natural disaster and the nature's law on Earth. Since he took Poliro's flames head-on with one of his hands previously, all he had to do was to take his previous calculations, split up the equation, rearrange the heated particles he once calculated and makes the 'original' concept of fire in his mind. These calculations are then being recalculated again using the 'original' concept of fire, take its boiling point and freezing point, the temperature, intensity, light, electromagnetic radiation and the core of the fire that 'fuels' its heat, an energy that the supernatural user creates the fire in order for it to float and to be shot at its opponent. The fire may be a clump of 'energy', but it will always have a center that allows the energy to be made in a floating 'clump', being manipulated freely into many shapes and controlled to be moved at a specific direction under the user's commands. Using mathematical calculations about the 'fire', and breaking it down into the 'original' concept of fire, rearranging its equations to make a 'new equation', then its origins would be found with mathematical calculation and scientific investigation. All he had to do is to create a tornado using a specific frequency, tune his calculations into the tornado to release a spiralling tornado that is enough to simply extinguish the 'core' or the 'energy' with using an even greater power, something that surpasses the energy and blows away its heated particles across and within the flame drills. To Sou, it was nothing but a child's play to solve such easy puzzle, all thanks to his photographic memory that allows him to remember exactly everything he could see, smell, taste, touch, feel and acknowledge. His brain is somewhat a part of genius and a part of a short-tempered bastard.

In the tornado's case, it was rather simple to create if one holds a sufficient amount of strength and could unleash them specifically for such course. Wind can be naturally manipulated wihout any wind manipulation abilities, although it is more limited than the novice wind manipulator itself since more calculations would need to be done with either machine or an enhanced intelligence, something that surpasses a computer that running in a Terrabyte speed or at least, Gigabyte speed. Since he has a machine that runs most of the calculations and a brain that 'keep' the information like a hard drive. When his hand swings, with all the calculations of his surroundings that is done about the air pressure, direction of the wind, protons, air particles and dusts on the air , all he needs to do was to output a specific amount of strength. His brains transmits an impulse to the nerves in his brain, shooting throughout his body in a spark and to his brain, which would release an electromagnetic waves that carries information to trigger his muscles to begin acting under the command of the host, himself and the brain that releases the information through electromagnetic waves. It travels and bounces from the unnecessary areas of his body, only to absorb itself into a certain muscle of his body that is required to do its work, commanding it to expand to allow a clump of natural energy to flow through the large gaps given way by the expansion of his muscles. Compressing the natural energy into a smaller size of an orb within his left hand, the second he swings his hand, the compressed energy that uses his body's natural stamina or energy would explode, just like a nuclear explosion, it quickly unleashes a tremendous amount of explosive natural energy from his hand and disturbs the air particles across the atmosphere around the Nightmare's vicnicity, and the disturbed air particles would be blown off would collide against each other, to a path where the wind's direction would be heading toward, and each collision would grow into a bigger and bigger wind energy as the air particles crashes into each other, bits of energy exploding little by little as the wind would grow stronger, eventually, these collisions became so great when its force picks up from each collision, following with the wind's direction, including the opposing momentum caused by the wind's friction when his hand swung, would create a fierce tornado around him that swirls like a raging storm itself.

A minute after the spawn of the tornado, the time limit would hit its mark and soon enough, it would be visibly growing weaker before the tornado explodes into a strong gust of wind outwards, enough to blow off the earth beneath him into pieces and send hundreds of trees flying off to the distance under the strong force that his tornado was able to produce under the explosion of the strong wind when its summoning period went out. The Nightmare's smile was wide, and for one to describe his current smile, to him, a fight wouldn't be able to be called a 'fight' for the ability that a strength user like Sou holds, though it may not be an absolute ability, but even for a human, this is a certainly something to be reckoned with, even if it is just 'strength' wihout any superpowers held behind that mortal body of his that seemingly produced nothing but natural energy, although for a man with sharp senses, his chi energy seems to be extremely weak, only to be a drop of it left within his body and mostly consumed with natural energy that normal human uses in their everyday lives. Grinning widely, Sou would speak in a rather sarcastic tone with mocking-like attitude behind that grin of his, "What was I, the Nightmare, doing exactly?"

"You may think that your fire is some sort of an unbeatable superpower crap as long as you enhance it with an even more spiritual power, ascending to shikai and dealing against me? Ah, no way, that won't help you at all. If you're going to fight me with your so-called 'cards' and drawing them one by one, THEN FIGHT ME AT YOUR BEST OR YOU MIGHT END UP AS A SHEEP THAT IS WAITING TO BE DEVOURED BY THE DARKNESS! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"



Stomping his foot, there was no utter crushing of the earth or a vibration-cannon coming through. Instead, he had a good idea of manipulating the wind with just his strength since calculating his surroundings won't be much of a work and manipulating the wind would be just an extra slice of a meal. His feet can send out a strong soundwaves, vibrating throughout the course of the battlefield and surprisingly, with these small changes, Poliro can realise that the entire area around them was visibly turning into a foggy area within seconds before the winds began to gather up within a single area across Sou's body, becoming stronger every second that passes by. Scratching the surfaces of the air molecules using the vibration he sends off with a stomp, it would heat up the molecules of the air and creates a fog because of the intensive amount of water vapour that became heated from the friction between the vibration and the surface of the air molecules, if you think about boiling water in an electric kettle, that is the way he does it if he uses friction rather than electricity.

Gathering the winds into one point is the use of air pressure, by increasing the air pressure around him through the compression of energy within each points of his limbs, from arms to legs, the normal air pressure across his surroundings would also be affected altogether and forces the natural wind to be clumping up into a single direction under the compression of the natural energy within each and every of his limbs, swirling across his body like a naturally-made armor through the manipulation of the wind. When his left fist pummels foward against the direction where the Flame Reaper is standing, the Nightmare would unleash a strong blast of wind, shooting off in a wide-area blast and transporting the fierce winds of nature with an orb of vibration where he shoots off when his fist collides against the opposing momentum before the knuckles of his fist, he uses the pressure created by the opposing momentum and blasts off the compressed natural energy within his left arm, which would turn into a projectile and causes a wide-area blast when the vibration breaks apart by its friction with the wind during its sonic-speed travel after its initial launch from the Nightmare's fist, and thus, creating a strong blast of wind that affects in a wide-area of 300 meters and simply ripping apart the earth beneath and turning the trees of the forest into dusts. Of course, he had an extra precaution to put it there if the Flame Reaper tried flashstepping away. Once Poliro moves away from the position, the remaining vibrations that was disassembled by the friction would explode into an explosive natural energy, into multiple bullet-like blasts of wind, enough piercing ability to simply shoot past through a mountain, unscathed.

He wasn't done yet with his counterattack, and this time, say hello to the Annihilator. Held under his right shoulder, it was shining in dark-gray color than white, rather different than the ones you see in hospitals and the materials used are steel than plastics, modified under comfortable use of the Nightmare during combat and has proven quite useful in many combat situations, and the first victim of the month, was definitely Poliro. Smashing his weapon downwards, Sou first commands his muscles to expand for a way for the energy to start rushing through his arm. Electromagnetic waves was deployed and rang throughout his body, and each of these tiny bits of waves holds the information to command his body to respond to his will, where the muscles would tighten up, giving more space as his natural energy quickly streamed through his right arm and towards his hand, where he is holding the Annihilator directly. Gathering the natural energy into a single point of his left hand, all it was left was to force the energy to 'explode' into clusters, which would end up into a explosive energy in a form of vibration, absorbed by the muscles of his hand and transporting the vibration to the underarm crutch within a matter of seconds.


Clicking his tongue, before the launch of the vibration, it first compresses the air at the end of the crutch, where the vibration bullet would be shot forth against the likes of Poliro, and the second it was shot off, it was fast enough and almost invisible, even for an enhanced vision and reaction to keep up with the speed of sound that flashes through the battlefield before one can even have the time to blink. Its destructive force can allow him to leave a crater large enough to wipe out a good portion of the forest using a compressed air pressure launched like a bullet from his crutch. It was the third time he has ever done so, and it was more devastating than before with all the analysis and the hardships he has been through for all of these battles between two beasts. A man that strives to be the strongest of all in the world and fight Mana to extinguish the darkness that has been creeping behind him, devouring him slowly before he becomes one of the so-called 'demons'.

Standing there, and before the eyes of the Flame Reaper, Sou seems to stand there, smiling ever so sinisterly as the pressure around him slowly grew, the darkness hidden under the eyes of the Nightmare slowly engulfing him within the shadows, the excitement and the blood inside of him was boiling, wanting to jump for joy with all the fun and entertainment that was given to him and the Nightmare had the urge to repay the favour by turning him into a corpse as one of his collections. No one knew who's the strongest, the true monster and the true fear of this battlefield. The pressure around both individuals grew stronger, and the colliding energy of the two forces are enough to even make a captain-level shinigami to be shrouded in fear under the monstrosity of these two fighters if their spiritual power is not enough to stay on par with the two colliding forces in power. A Flame Reaper and The Nightmare, A Vizard and A Human, The Supernatural and The Natural. They are, indeed, the opposition of forces that were destined to collide against each other, to prove whether the supernatural will always stand above the natural powers of this world, or will it be the opposite of the fact. The battle unfolds the demonic excitement of the two.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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The Cookie
The Cookie
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The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Left_bar_bleue17560/99999The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Empty_bar_bleue  (17560/99999)

The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper. Empty Re: The Nightmare vs The Flame Reaper.

Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:39 am
Locking this thread up for various reasons that Portal and I discussed, which both of us agreed to. If you want more details, hit it up to Portal about it. We've reached to a conclusion that Poliro left the thread because he doesn't feel like going all out at the time.

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