Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal]

Tue May 27, 2014 12:00 am
The wind blew softly through the flower filled clearing, making the red strands of hair upon the person in the clearing dance slightly. The red headed girl, her hair spiked up to hide the small horns that adorned her head, sat cross legged in the middle of the clearing, a sword laying on her lap. Her eyes were closed softly, red wings spread slightly behind her. She was wearing the standard shihaksho of the shinigami, except for a dragon emblem embroidered over the left side of her chest. A thick, muscular tail flicked lazily behind her, the tail hovering a centimeter above the ground. As she sat there meditating, a soft flame like glow surrounded her, before a person seemed to appear directly in front of her.

The person seemed to have slightly gray hair, almost white. He was definitely male, standing a couple inches over the half dragon shinigami. Behind a pair of glasses, a pair of yellow eyes with cat like slits for pupils looked down at the blade of the shinigami. He wore what looked like a black trench coat with gold lining over a pair of khaki pants and a white dress shirt. In his hands he held two books, tomes written in a mysterious language and filled with knowledge beyond the shinigami who wielded him. Sighing, the man spoke forth, his voice soft with understand, but could not be mistaken for anything but the command it was.

“Rise Tessa Morrowend, and tell me for what reason have you called me here? Are you actually foolish enough to believe you can achieve your bankai as you are? You have not fully accepted who you are yet, I have told you numerous times not to call me until you have accepted all of you.”

The man looked down at Tessa, his eyes not filled with anger or any other negative emotion, but rather curiosity as he wondered how his wielder would appease him.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Left_bar_bleue20/100Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty_bar_bleue  (20/100)

Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty Re: Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal]

Wed May 28, 2014 9:03 am

Word Count: 406

Today was a great day for the forest. A hot, sunny spring day with barely any clouds in the sky. This was also the kind of the day that the Flame Reaper, Poliro enjoyed. He was on a simple walk through these parts, not doing much else. He didn't think today would be anything special, but that was going to change soon. Because within this area was a friend of Poliro's, so to speak, a dragon-like shinigami female named Tessa. Not so long ago, the two found each other and at first fought with hostility, but then befriended each other after the conclusion of that fight. It was nice for him as he didn't have any friends or allies anymore after his long isolation in the forest.

In this area, Poliro happened notice Tessa was nearby, being some distance from her. What a lucky change of day for him. Tessa would probably notice his strong presence was nearby, and would be able to identify it was him. He ran over to her, so that he would be behind the girl and then he started to pet her head. He didn't fully pay attention the man that was with Tessa. While he petted her, the reaper spoke up in a carefree voice.

"Hi there Tessa, have you recovered well? Looks like you're trying to train here..

He looked up and saw the male. He seemed like a ancient sage of sorts. Based off the fight Poliro and Tessa had, the reaper guessed that this was her Zanpakutō spirit. The fact he had been summoned to the outside world would mean that Tessa was trying to achieve Bankai. Poliro grinned at her as he stopped petting and began to talk again.

"Are you trying to train for your Bankai? That's my educated guess. I think I could help you train here actually. What do you think?"

Poliro had a nice smile on his face - he was going to try and help out his friend unlock her true power. Tessa wanted a rematch with Poliro one day once she got stronger - if she was able to achieve bankai, that would be her first step to getting to that stage. He already knew that her shikai was quite potent as their fight evidenced. He could only imagine what her bankai would be like. Today, Poliro would assist his new ally. He wondered how she'd react to him petting her though..

Base Coding:[THEFROST]
Graphics and Coding:LatinDoge
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Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty Re: Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal]

Fri May 30, 2014 7:36 pm
Tessa could tell he was coming shortly before he entered the clearing, the smell of his flame was one she found quite pleasing. How she had not realized it back when she was fighting him she did not know, but that did not matter right now. She could tell the scent was coming from behind her and slowly closing in on her. Her body tensed slightly as he finally stopped behind her, Gladius Scientia having just finished speaking. She hadn’t wanted him to hear the argument that was about to happen between her and her zanpakto spirit, as well as not knowing whether he would be kind to her or not causing her to be slightly apprehensive about his appearance. However, most of her worried disappeared as his hand rested on her head, petting her head. No doubt he would feel the horns atop her head that were usually concealed by her hair, the draconic self feeling extremely content in the man’s touch. A soft purr escaped her throat for a second before Tessa seemed to realize what she was doing. Her cheeks taking on a slightly pink hue, she stopped purring and shook her head in an attempt to clear it.

When Poliro stopped petting her head, she slowly stood up while listening to what he said. Yes, she was indeed trying to achieve her bankai, but her stubborn zanpakto spirit had been giving her a hard time ever since she had managed to manifest the librarian in the real world. Sighing, she fidgeted slightly as she tried to figure out how to best explain things to Poliro. However, to her shock it was her zanpakto spirit who started talking to the flame reaper.

“Poliro Tensol, Flame Reaper, formerly of squad seven, and lover of the late Ayane Redwood.”

With that the zanpakto spirit held out one of the books he had been holding, letting it fall open to a page in the middle. Held open in the librarian’s hand, flames shot forth from the opens pages. However, these were flames quite different from anything Tessa could produce, these were the flames of the flame reaper. Looking at Poliro over the flames, the voice of the spirit was quite serious.

“Yes, I have the knowledge to recreate your flames. My library contains all knowledge, everything ever known is stored within my books. I am the guardian to this knowledge, the spirit born from the library of Alexandria, as well as her zanpakto spirit. Do you really think I would allow even a fraction of this knowledge to fall in to the hands of one who doesn’t even accept themselves? She will not achieve bankai before she can accept who she is.”

With that, the book snapped shut, the flames disappearing in an instant. Slowly the young half dragon shinigami leaned against the flame reaped, eyes closed and a small pout on her face. Her words were soft, barely above a whisper as if she didn’t want to speak them at all.

“I am not a dragon, I can’t be. I’m not a multi-skyscraper tall beast who kills because his instincts tell him to. I am nothing like my father, and I refuse to be anything like him! If you haven’t forgotten, he raped my mother!”

As she had spoken her voice rose until she was yelling at the end, eyes opening with sparkling rage as she began to yell. Once finished, she took a couple of breaths before collapsing against Poliro, silent tears streaking down her face.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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TOTM November 2011
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Platinum Points:
Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Left_bar_bleue20/100Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty_bar_bleue  (20/100)

Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty Re: Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal]

Tue Jun 17, 2014 6:15 pm

Word Count: 787

From what Poliro felt, she was enjoying being pet by her. He smirked a little, feeling her horns under his hand. He wasn't going to impale himself on them. Shaking her head, that was Poliro's cue to stop as she stood up to listen to him. Poliro was quite curious about the Zanpakutō spirit of Tessa's. He appeared to be some kind of ancient sage. An omniscient being is how he came off as to Poliro. Before Tessa could begin to speak though, the spirit began to speak to Poliro. What he'd say would come as quite a shock to him and unexpected.

“Poliro Tensol, Flame Reaper, formerly of squad seven, and lover of the late Ayane Redwood.”

Poliro didn't know how to react. He was a bit stunned and a bit hurt - reminded of his painful past. How did that Zanpakutō spirit even know about him. He really must of possessed some all knowing knowledge to know that about Poliro. More shocks came through when the sage-like spirit created fire - but it wasn't just normal fire, the reaper could tell quite easily it was the fire he produced. How was he able to do such a thing? He must of been powerful as he spoke once more.

“Yes, I have the knowledge to recreate your flames. My library contains all knowledge, everything ever known is stored within my books. I am the guardian to this knowledge, the spirit born from the library of Alexandria, as well as her zanpakto spirit. Do you really think I would allow even a fraction of this knowledge to fall in to the hands of one who doesn't even accept themselves? She will not achieve bankai before she can accept who she is.”

Prompted by his speech Poliro shifted his attention to Tessa, having learned something new about her that was quite personal as the sage spirit closed his book. Leaning on him, eyes closed. Poliro looked down on her. What the spirit said must of impacted her as much as he was impacted. She began to speak but it sounded like Tessa didn't even want to say what she was about to say.

"“I am not a dragon, I can’t be. I’m not a multi-skyscraper tall beast who kills because his instincts tell him to. I am nothing like my father, and I refuse to be anything like him! If you haven’t forgotten, he raped my mother!”

As she got quite loud, Poliro could feel the emotion in her. It made him feel quite emphatic - he felt the pain that Tessa experienced and frowned quite visibly. Collapsing onto him, Poliro wrapped his arms around her in a nice hug, trying to comfort her as he stroked her head and began to speak, both to the spirit and to her. He was going to make quite a emotionally charged statement.

"Listen up. If you have all knowledge in your library, find the book that describes how hard i'll kick your ass if you upset her like this again.. there's no reason to be so insensitive!"

He raised his voice a bit as he cared about her a lot and what he did to her made him feel quite angry and protective. But the reaper didn't want things to escalate, not planning on picking a fight today - he honestly didn't feel like it. Today he felt like helping Tessa and he had the perfect opportunity to do so. Today he would help her accept who she was and ultimately help her achieve bankai. Hugging her tighter, he looked down to face her as he'd speak again.

"You aren't really a dragon. However, you have the power of one. It is a part of you. Tessa, don't think about where your powers came from. Just know that you have them and they are a part of you. Embrace who you truly are because if you do, you can achieve your true potential and power. I'll help you do this.. I want you to achieve your true power. I know how it feels. Not being able to accept yourself. I couldn't after I became a vizard.. but after a while, I embraced what I was and became a lot stronger as a result. You can do the same.

Keeping her in his arms, Poliro was going to wait and see what she would do next. For now, she probably wanted and needed some comfort from him. That was alright. It would probably not be easy for Tessa to accept herself but someone was here that could help her do it - and thus she would then be able to unlock her true potential and power.

Base Coding:[THEFROST]
Graphics and Coding:LatinDoge
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Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Left_bar_bleue9500/10000Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty_bar_bleue  (9500/10000)

Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty Re: Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal]

Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:37 am
Tessa felt Poliro’s arms close around her, the pain in her heart lessening slightly. Something about this man calmed her, most likely due to her draconic half. She knew dragons were very emotional creatures, it was why they tended to live in small packs. On instinct, Tessa raised her hands, slowly closing her fingers around the fabric of Poliro’s jacket, clinging to him. His words towards her zanpakto caused her to shiver slightly, she knew full well that the spirit did not take well to threats. However, instead of taking his words as a threat, he seemed to sigh and look worriedly down at her. A slight smile crossed the face of the spirit of the library, but it was gone within a second. Raising up his arm, he flipped open the book he always held. No flames shot out, or any other sort of energy, and the spirit just began to read from the pages as if he had no other care in the world.

The red haired girl looked up as Poliro began to speak again, tears still dripping from her eyes. She hung on to every word he said, a soft whimpering sound leaving her throat as he ended his speech. She looked down, a worried look in her red eyes as she began to speak, her voice soft and filled with uncertainty.

“I… I didn’t just gain the powers of a dragon from my father. I have the instincts of a dragon, half of my genetic coding is of a dragon, possibly more. You may be a vizard, but do you desire to devour souls because of the hollow within you? I don’t want to lose myself to my instincts, but it’s so hard to do so when they’re constantly there. I… I’m afraid that if I fully accept that I am half dragon that I won’t be able to stop myself from devolving in to another beast. I’m scared… I’m so, so scared Poliro…”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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TOTM November 2011
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Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Left_bar_bleue20/100Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty_bar_bleue  (20/100)

Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal] Empty Re: Evolution of the blade of knowledge, Accepting the whole of oneself [Portal]

Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:42 pm

Word Count: 779

As the Zanpakutō spirit seemed to show no care to this suitation, it was up to Poliro to solve the dilemma that Tessa is now ultimately presented with - accepting herself. If she was unable to do this she would never be able to unlock the true potential that Poliro knew she possessed. When the duo first met they engaged in a bloodlust-fueled battle. Even though Poliro emerged victorious he was left surprised at the dragon girls power. He honestly thought if she could overcome this mental barrier, even he would begin to fear her powers slightly.

Tessa started to speak to the reaper and he had all the intent in the world to listen to her right now. He could feel what she was going through, the raw negative emotions that are so powerful. These emotions are some of the most powerful forces on the planet. Unless you are incapable of feeling such things, it will always come to you. The strongest humans in the world can be defeated by something like depression.

“I… I didn’t just gain the powers of a dragon from my father. I have the instincts of a dragon, half of my genetic coding is of a dragon, possibly more. You may be a vizard, but do you desire to devour souls because of the hollow within you? I don’t want to lose myself to my instincts, but it’s so hard to do so when they’re constantly there. I… I’m afraid that if I fully accept that I am half dragon that I won’t be able to stop myself from devolving in to another beast. I’m scared… I’m so, so scared Poliro…”

Poliro smiled at her warmly - with a warmth of a blazing fire. He wanted to give her some happiness with this move, and talk her out of this and try to motivate her to move forwards with herself. He really wanted to see her succeed. He didn't know why himself. He didn't know too much about her and came across her a 2nd time by pure luck. Whatever the circumstances - she had revealed a lot about herself to the reaper and that signaled some trust in him. Poliro was not a man to break peoples trust so easily as he began to softly talk to her in a calmed, relaxing voice.

"Listen to me Tessa, I know how it is. The struggle for control - not wanting to become a mindless beast that only works on instinct. Not everyone can succeed in that struggle, but you certainly can. The hollow in me is controlled - I bested it in a long, long game. It sort of recognized me as a master due to that and gave up.

Suddenly as he said that, his voice began to shift to a hollow-sounding tone as he spoke again. The softness had disappeared for that moment, most likely ruining what was trying to be a relaxing moment for her.

"But I do get a bit.. out of control at times. Especially when he gets fucking mad, haha. That's when I can push instincts onto him. It honestly helps him in combat, yanno!? Stops him giving a fuck about all that honor bullshit they taught him in the Gotei!"

His voice reverted to normal again as he sighed deeply to himself - his other half just embarrassed him quite badly and made him look not as strong on control as he talked. He face palmed and muttered some cursing under his breath.

"Yeah.. i'm not perfect either. IT mainly affects my personality and sometimes tries to.. do shit like that. That's about the extent of it. The point is Tessa, you should accept your power, what you are. You won't be a mindless beast if you believe you are in control. Its all a mental game and I know you can win it. Start believing in yourself and accept yourself. You'll gain power beyond reckoning, trust me. You will be able to stop yourself devolving as you say. I fully believe in you and I will support you Tessa. You aren't alone."

In this moment, Poliro kept in her hug. He was prepared to let go when she felt comfortable and ready to move on. The reaper had high hopes for her, despite the embarrassment he had received from his hollow side during his emotionally-charged speech. What was it about her that made Poliro so compelled to help her? Was it just the experience of a control battle, which he could relate to or was it something more? Not even the reaper himself could answer this. The answers may become more clear with time.

Base Coding:[THEFROST]
Graphics and Coding:LatinDoge
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