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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:20 pm
Forest green eyes blinked mournfully as another shot went down the human’s mouth. Her platinum blonde hair looked like it had not been cared for in days, her clothing just as unkempt as her body appeared to be. Another shot went down her throat as the bartender shot her a worried look. The woman, Arturia Letty Pendragon, had already had far more alcohol then would generally be wise and yet she beckoned for yet another shot to be poured. He did so reluctantly, and she picked it up with a look of thanks before downing it in one swift go. Finally she got up, deciding she had consumed enough to deal with her recent depression. Sliding a couple bills across the counter in order to pay for her tab, Letty slowly made her way out of the bar and in to the warm New York city night. The air was filled with the noise of the nightlife, and with a deep sigh Letty slowly walked off, eyes on the sky above her. Could she move on from her current situation in the end? It had been months since Meru had disappeared, having left her almost on the verge of death after one feeding. The devil girl had even left a note, describing how she had only been leading her on, seeing her as nothing but another meal. She had genuinely cared for this girl, despite how she had acted upon their first meeting, and this was how she was repayed? It had hurt Letty deeply, the betrayal Meru had sent her way, and since then she had done nothing but eat, drink, sleep, and wander around randomly in an attempt to stave off her depression. Looking back down, she sighed as she found herself in a dark, empty alleyway. Finding she had no desire to continue her little walk, she leaned against the building, her thoughts drifting around randomly, the ache in her chest growing as she stayed there.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat Aug 09, 2014 12:14 am

The Doctor's gaze looked at the wayward soul as it began to approach. Hmm... the fallen soul... seems to be at her lowest point. Seems it's time for me... to appear... and lure her... down her new path... Broodmother... The male thought to himself with a small, manipulative smile as he saw her beginning to slowly sway near the tree where he was sitting.

Without much hesitation, he dropped an apple from the branches, causing it to lie at her feet. When she looked up, she'd meet the eyes of the strange, snake-like male and his snake appendage, Hebi. However, a faint hissing was leaving the mouth of the snake as its eyes swirled color, hypnotically assaulting her mind and causing her whole body to relax as the male spoke straight to her subconscious. "Shh... relax... you are tired... You need to relax... feel it coursing through you..." The male told her as his body slithered down the tree, the snake's eyes never leaving hers as it slowly grew nearer. "The eyes are so relaxing... and you are so tired.. just feel your shoulders going, limp." The male's hypnotic voice intoned as he reached the ground, straightening before her as he smiled, Hebi's eyes swirling around and around likely causing her own to follow. "So easy to relax... so easy to watch... so easy to listen to the words... so hard to think... so much easier to listen to my words... to fall down into the exhaustion, to stop fighting it, to go down, down, down down down... and down more... with each down, going ten times far as deep down... down, and down... listening to my voice... focusing on the eyes, but not falling asleep, as the eyes are much too pretty... just watch them swirl and consume your vision, empty your mind but for the eyes... the rest of you is far too tired to fight it.. simply let it go..." The male's hypnotic, persuasive voice, highly trained in his art intoned as he slowly began to walk around the girl, the snake's body wrapping around hers as it felt to her like his voice came from everywhere at once. The snake's body wasn't touching her, but by now if she was susceptible she wouldn't even notice it any longer. "Now tell me... are you not totally, utterly relaxed...?"

"And doesn't being relaxed, feel good? You know it does... and hearing my voice say that proves that it's true, because having to work it out yourself is hard... to follow the eyes, to listen to the voice, to not have to move... so easy... just answer the questions... if you know them to be... yes."

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sun Aug 10, 2014 5:49 am
It was as she was looking up towards the sky that she saw the man. At first she blinked, thinking that the appearance of the snake like man was simply a hallucination due to her unusually high consumption of alcohol. But no, the man and his snake… arm… appendage… thingy, they were entirely real. It was as she stared in to the eyes of the snake appendage that the color of the eyes began to swirl in a hypnotic pattern. Her body began to feel relax as the male spoke, thoughts drifting softly through her mind without her actually recognizing them for what they were. Her eyes began to droop as a wave of tiredness fell over her, her shoulders relaxing to the point of going limp. She didn’t know what was happening, but to her it did not matter. Her conscious thought was blissfully ignorant of what was happening at this moment, her eyes finally closing completely as the man’s words caused her body to relax completely. Her voice, driven by the effects of the hypnotism, spoke softly, as if unsure who it was talking to.

“Yes… relaxed… relaxed feels good…”

And with those words her body succumbed to the great amount of alcohol she had consumed earlier. Her body going completely limp as she fell in to the deep dreamless sleep, it was now at the mercy of the man before her. At the same time, while he could do to her body as he wished, he would get no answers from her until she awoke. Only time would tell what the man would do.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Tue Aug 12, 2014 10:41 am
The Doctor's small smile slowly grew wider as he looked at her going limp, Hebi at his side beginning to wriggle like mad in a silent fashion. The Doctor walked up to her, and placed his head directly to the side of her. "Yes… relaxed feels good.. When you obey, you feel even more relaxed… so obeying feels good." He whispered into her ear, speaking directly now to her subconscious. "So repeat after me… 'Obeying feels good'." He told her, and waited for her body to react. Meanwhile, he would slide to in front of her, a smile on his face.

"Yessss… whenever you hear the word 'good girl', you will become overwhelmed with a massive sensation of pleasure and joy that consumes your whole being… this pleasure is like that of obeying, and is even addicting… You crave it… you need it… and you know this to be true, because you're a good girl." The Doctor finished as he watched how she would react as he took a syringe out of his cloak, pointing it towards her.

"You will feel no pain and will offer your arm to me." He told her, and awaited for her to react to the command. If she did, then he would go up to her before smiling again. "Good girl." He would say again. If she did not, then he would walk up to her, gripping her arm and say. "To not obey is the same as to deny everything good… " And proceed to slide the syringe into her neck, not causing her physical pain but absolutely overloading her body but instead causing an intense surge of raw pleasure, enough to likely make her fall over and turn her mind into a deafening blankness for a few moments.

If she did, however, he would slide the needle slowly into her arm, instead causing it to course through her body slower, resulting in her instead just entering a heightened state of sensitivity and a purely relaxed state, slowly increasing in the feeling of joy or bliss, depending on how one looked at it. This was the Mind Break Serum, after all, an extremely addictive aphrodisiac, although in this case the Doctor had highly diluted it, meaning that it would only reach its true prowess if her blood rate were to heighten due to excitement… in other words, if she became alert, her entire reality would feel shattered by the massive effects of the drug. In either case, the Doctor would slide away from her afterwards, looking her up and down before tilting his head, snapping his fingers and likely causing for her to wake up consciously… but his subconscious commands wouldn't fade that easily.

"Now then, did you deserve this?"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Sep 20, 2014 1:21 am
“Obeying… feels… good…”

The words slipped from Letty’s mouth, her subconscious in full control of her body as the strange man continued onwards with his words. It was as he told her that she was a good girl that a wave of pure pleasure washed over her, a soft moan escaping her as she reacted to it. It was unlike anything else she had ever had happen to her, after all she was not normally someone who would bend to the will of another, submit to their desires. No, she was one who enjoyed having others submit to herself, she was the dominant in all of her relationships. So to her, the pleasure of submitting to another was completely foreign, completely different than anything she had ever experience before. Yet it somehow was greater than any pleasure she had achieved in her previous acts, due to the man’s influence on her mind. As it was, her true nature still lay beneath the programming, still there in its entirety.

It was for this reason that when the man commanded her to offer her arm to him, that she did not comply easily. Her arm rose slightly before stopping, trembling as it both attempted to follow the order and pull itself to her body, away from the man. Her true nature was fighting the programming, refusing to let this man control her, while at the same time she was trying to follow the man’s order due to the programming. If the man had done nothing, this fight would have continued until she broke through the programming he had placed on her, shattering his hold on her completely. However, this was not to be as the man’s next action would change everything. As the syringe entered her neck, overloading her mind with raw pleasure, it had a quite interesting side effect. Due to her true, dominant nature attempting to fight off the submissive programming entered in to her by the man, the sudden rush of pleasure disrupted her every mental function, and effectively shattered her personality in its entirety. As she fell in to the bliss of unconsciousness, her old nature destroyed, her personality completely set to nothing. The only thing remaining, the programming the man had inserted in to her, her new personality accepting it as the base for itself, forming around it. Sure, some fragments of her old personality might remain, but she was truly a new person.

It was as she woke up, returning to consciousness by the snap of his fingers that another side effect appeared. His question asked, she turned to face him, a look of pure confusion on her face.

“Deserve what? What just happened? Who are you? Who… am I? W-What’s going on? S-Scared… I’m Scared…”

Her hands gripping around her body as fear entered her eyes, her words making it quite clear that she had no access to her memories. Whether this was permanent or temporary, only time would tell.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:07 pm
"Correct, correct~ Obeying is pleasure, pleasure, pleasure… so you obey my voice…"

The male told her, before seeing her attempting to resist. Finally, he struck, the needle flowing into her as it overwhelmed her mind, and he could see in her eyes as the defiant light faded, a most satisfied smile slithering across his lips as his tongue slowly followed suit, Hebi quivering madly behind him. He could see that the programming was doing its work from the reaction she gave; and now she would be transformed into the perfect submissive individual.

Slowly, Hebi slid out from behind her, holding her body upright with its smooth body as he awaited for her to wake up once more, that smile still on his lips. He heard her questions, before holding his hand up to her face, looking her directly in the eyes. "Do not be afraid… feel how safe you are…" He told her, as Hebi began wrapping its body around her, constricting her body and preventing it from being able to move, the extreme smoothness sliding over every part of her body. "Safe in the coils… You love that feeling, don't you…? You love obeying what I say… " The male's words continued to flow as the hypnotic gaze bore down on her new self, Hebi beginning to constrict and deconstrict around her body.

"The one who brings you this safety and pleasure...t hat is I, your Master… Doctor Hebi. I saved you from that fear and loneliness, from depression within your soul, and made you feel so good…" He continued to tell her as he drew his hand away, slowly bringing her towards him with Hebi and looking directly into her eyes. "What just happened…? I was just showing you how good obeying felt… and you can still feel it, can't you…? The residual traces… you just want more, that's all… you're afraid of that feeling going away…" He informed her, and if she indeed felt fear after that point, she would feel fear and pleasurable excitement as well for obeying the male's words.

"I just wanted you to stretch yourself out fully for the snake that's protecting you to coil around your body… to expose yourself to its protection completely.. Do this, and you will be such a good girl… you will feel awash with pleasure for obeying…" He continued, tilting her head and speaking directly into her ear, the warm breath sending shivers down her spine. "And then you were going to give yourself to me fully, and love obeying every last… second of it… Right..? Ssss…." The male's words continued to trace as Hebi continued constricting and deconstricting, binding and unbinding, pressuring and releasing, relaxing and massaging every part of her body, leaving no part untouched through her clothing...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:30 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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