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Last edited by Kade on Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Legendary Demon Hero Returns Empty Re: The Legendary Demon Hero Returns

Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:11 am
The Legendary Demon Hero Returns Under_night_in_birth_vatista_sprite_by_sieghartelsy-d7fzern


The Legendary Demon Hero Returns WVMWLOu
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The Legendary Demon Hero Returns Empty Re: The Legendary Demon Hero Returns

Thu Aug 28, 2014 1:53 am

Artist: pocoTAN- Song: Vague Insanity (Chiptune) - Word Count: 1348

"Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. Activating Protocol CTATAR7. ActivatingProtocolCTATAR7ActivatingProtocolCTATAR7Activating

These words seemed to repeat themselves over and over too the point where they became incomprehensible for those around this sound to understand.

The moment that Damien Zarathos touched down within the prison facility -- the silent alarms that were installed within the prison had been programmed to go off. Although he managed to break into the building, the male had failed to suppress his spiritual energy. Therefore, the massive presence that this creature's aura let off was enough to tip Shadow Fall off that something had been -- off. Understanding that this compound lacked sufficient men to deal with the threat, most of the soldiers were ordered to evacuate the premises -- and leave the task of battling this man -- to Neoveta R7. Having already submerged this entire compound within her presence, even for a replica, Neoveta R7 proved that she could swap out buildings rather easily. This is due to the fact that most of Shadow Fall's bases are connected to the Demi-Network and Neoveta was considered the administrator of said hive.

Therefore, before Damien could begin his first assault, most of the internals of the building had been transported to an unspecified location further in Malaysia. The particles that comprised the prisoners, staff, weapons, security and everything else prior to Damien's arrival had been teleported outright. The only thing that remained were mere clones that were meant to gauge and analyze the threat. Henceforth, what Damien had encountered was nothing more than an elaborate ruse on the end of Neoveta R7. Once the security images, energy patterns and analysis had been complete -- they realized their target: Damien Zarathos.

There were rouge reports scattered across the virtualnet that this man had been one who was skillful enough to even attack the Gotei 13 prior to Khala Asthavon's assault on the Soul Society. Thus, this was a credible threat and it seems their new and improved security measures were put to the test for good reason. So with a soft sigh, Neoveta R7 dispensed of the imagery within the prison. The guards and prisoners alike were shattered and the farce had been put to an end. Like dust in the wind, the conflict that arose in the prison were nothing more than a projected outcome of what Damien could have done -- if the Demi-Network weren't in place.


After making his grand announcement and attempting to flee the area, the soft humming sounds of a low running engine were emitted all around him.

And not too long after that...


The very earth around him was pulled and attracted around Damien's body and sought to capture him whole. Concrete, dirt, building scarps, debris, metal and everything within a half mile perimeter clamped down on him and formed a tense seal that would even make someone of his master durability find trouble getting out of. They were enhanced by Neoveta's Godling Spells and meant to be a rich source of Demon Magic fueled by fractions of The Demon God's Heart itself.

".won tcejbus gnizieS .demrifnoc tegraT"

Coming forth out of the darkness was a frail girl who seemed no older than perhaps twelve years old. Standing at four foot eight, the height between were quite stark. Nevertheless, her white colored hair stood out against the dark atmosphere of the shadows where Damien had been hiding. Extending down to her feet in two pigtails, and with a lone strand of hair sticking up by itself, the girl had quite the peculiar hairstyle. And although her dress seemed to blend into the void itself, lined markings across her blouse were seen lighting up with a crimson glow around her them. The same type of illuminating glow was seen on the forehead of the girl as there was a scarlet gem placed on the center of her temples.

Holding each of her arms, the frilly ends of the demoness's sleeves and ends of her skirt further clashed against the darkness with their white texture. The same effect washed over on to the red bow that was fastened neatly across her collar and the spandex-like body suit that laid under her blouse. With the words "R7" lighting up on the back of this girl's dress, her power then gave off -- a bizarre -- pulsation. If Damien were even familiar with Mana and Khala's energy signatures, then he'd feel the very spirits of these two powerful demons surging within this female at the same; alongside her own massive wealth of energy.


The girl -- sounded as if she were stuck on an infinite loop. But this was but a mere enchantment for a sinister spell she was cooking up. The girl was moving at a rate of time that flowed differently from her perception. Seconds felt like hours, hours felt like days, days felt like weeks, weeks felt months, months felt like years, years felt like decades, decades felt like centuries and so on and so forth. It was as if the world was moving too slow and unable to keep up with her rapidly expanding mind.

So like an avalanche of demonic hell, a wave of demonic spells started crashing on Damien one after another. Spears filled with metaphysical poison meant to stun him where he stood, chains that were empowered by the satanic blessings of hell meant to further imprison him in order to make it harder to resist and blast after blast shadow energy meant to vaporize and cook him to a bloody pulp with enough power to rival two grand ray cero's fired off by the feisty Primera Espada herself.

All of this was rained down on Damien to make him subjected to her wall, but not before -- a final barrier was erected.


That was the damning sound that was heard as a red and black vortex consumed before of them. This shield was meant to entrap Damien and make him a prisoner of this child until an explanation was had from him.


That was the soft sound the swinging of the girl's index finger made at it pointed at Damien. Tilting her head in a curious matter, she uttered these words: " this? We...deppots...eb....t'now."

Her words seemed to move -- quite sluggish -- to say the least. Almost as if she were glitching out of reality outright. Even the demoness's body seemed to have blocks of itself fizzle in and out of existence like a bad reception on a television set. But that was her attempting to adjust her perception to this slowed word and deaccelerate her state of mind for a short time.

"That prison compound....was filled....with people wanting to family. I do not....want them I will stop you. Please....DO NOT resist me. If you STOP....we can END this. I don't....WANT to have to EAAAAAAAAAT you." Getting a better grip on her sentences, the girl blinked with each passing word and meant every piece of it. If this man continued to be a pest -- he'd be treated like one and served up for this little minion's dinner.


In one burst of vomit, the flesh, bones and blood of -- some -- unidentifiable creature -- were projected out of the creatures mouth to show her seriousness. Some of the gooey red mess had even stained the girl's dress -- before it evaporated from the sheer heat that radiated off of it. Perhaps a symbol of things to come if this man were ignorant enough to pursue a conflict with the child. But who knows -- everyone in this world was insane with all the crazy powers around these days!

...and anyone could play the role of hero oh so easily! Maybe it was up to Neoveta R7 -- to teach him a lesson in futility and challenge! These were --- amusing thoughts - - that ran in her head to say the least.

The Legendary Demon Hero Returns WVMWLOu

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The Legendary Demon Hero Returns Empty Re: The Legendary Demon Hero Returns

Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:58 pm

Artist: Alice Syndrome - Song: 夢遊少女 Word Count: 1248

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Nothing but a constant series of blinks came from the child as she analyzed what meaning behind Damien's words. Mother -- gave birth to this creation? That was a bizarre notion to process through her mind. Luckily, for her, a few seconds was more than enough time to mull over this as much as the wee fledging of a demon needed. Moving through a bizarre mist of haze within the four corners of her mind, Neoveta R7 started tapping into the memories of Mana Asthavon's encounter with the Mad Demon. Recalling their larger than life battle across the outlands of Demon World, the intent of her mama's will had became all but apparent to the child.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Hours went on within the child's head as she peered through the conundrum that was her parents twisted and contorted desire. A challenge? A fight? Or just plain boredom? These were some of the questions that Neoveta R7 processed through her mind as she was dumbfounded at the results in which she found when it came to clarifying and confirming Damien's comments.

With those statements being more than true through reading a fraction her mothers imprinted memories --

-- could he, in fact, be family?

If the man were to be connected through being given life by her mother, that would make them brother and sister in her mind. Through Mana's Death Energy coursing through the man's veins, that was more than enough influence within him from her mother to piece together the bonds needed to forge a siblingship. It was quite the profound thing to digest. After a few more seconds, or hours within Neoveta's mind, she had accepted this as a truthful statement and wanted to welcome him into her kinship.

" share my mothers essence. So....I are my brother."

Those words stabbed the landscape like a knife to the heart. No longer speaking with her mouth, the projection of Neoveta R7's voice had boomed throughout the air to convey her intent to him. Her eyes seemed to light up as she then started hear him out on the subject matter of rather or not to eat him.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Poisons? Peace? Traps? Death? Evil?

All of those notions above were -- ludicrous -- to the child. Countless had came before her whom claimed these same things, but throughout the many hundreds of battles that was waged in her brief lifetime, Neoveta's body had more than enough endurance to bare the weight of a bit of toxins and boobytraps if it came to it. However, that wasn't too important to her now. The male seemed earnest and well intent on not wanting to hurt her.

He had what would most would say is -- a good moral compass?

Yeah, that was the word for it. Not many demons she had encountered seemed as good meaning as the man before her. And with her vision and perception of him further becoming deluded by seeing him in the light of being her sibling -- she had a heart to make her own choice and let the man be as he is.

"You...are nice. You You...will live. are naive. Why...? If I'd be long dead. Do you...know why that is?"

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Those scarlet eyes of hers pierced into Damien's almost as she posed that question to him. While clasping her hands together, the once menacing aura that the homicidal child had started to dissipate. The crimson lights around the demoness faded out, the trail of guts around the girl's feet melted away and the skies themselves broke way to the moonlight above them.

"You....have a good heart...but you cannot...let your guard down. Mistaking me for a something not wise. You should know....our kind is great at deception."


When finished, there was not much else to really DO against the man. Neoveta, and all of her incarnations, could not muster the clutch to harm their own family. So she had no will or desire to necessarily stop the man from attacking her shield; despite having MORE than ENOUGH firepower to lay waste to this entire city if need be.

Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah.

More legendary weapons, more holy magic and an endless surplus of demonic magic were ripe within the air. It was to the point where the child was unphased, unimpressed and grew rather dull with the whole ordeal altogether. Therefore, under the sense that she was above all this, Neoveta R7 decided to take it a step further and bolt upwards into the heavens and avoid taking a hit from his ball before he made a move.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh; chrrrrrrrrrrr, chinnngggggg, SHRONE!

These sounds were echoed throughout the area as Neoveta broke down her body, moved throughout the particles in the air and avoided being within the range of his attacks through her wonderful particle step. It was quite the useful asset to have from her Demi-Engine for situations such as these. Still, she harbored no ill-will towards him for that. After all, his mind couldn't process life the way hers coul. It would take him awhile to catch up to where her feelings were now and that was -- ok -- with Neoveta.


The gleaming light from her scarlet eyes pierced towards Damien's location from the heavens as she nodded her head at what he said. Once again, she had all the time in the world to come to understand the words that were muttered from his mouth.

Just -- what was he going on about? Evil? Her mother? No way. She was misunderstood in her intent. The Queen of Demons requires one to be ruthless, but Neoveta never saw her mother in a devilish light. The origin of her nature was something that made her that way. Mana couldn't help it as much as Neoveta could help needing to feed like all other demons could.

Nevertheless, the notion of him yearning to bring peace to the world, and not destruction, is what cemented her decision to allow him to be set free from her clutches. Since he was no longer aiming to assimilate her family, and with her completing the objective of protecting that prison, there was no need for any further -- conflict. If there was something to be addressed, her mother could more than deal with it as it seemed she wanted this creature to live.

And Neoveta -- liked the thought of having a brother herself.


With another soft exhale, Neoveta R7 opened up a red portal to Demon World and motioned for Damien to enter it. Should he choose to accept, the crimson vortex would lead him to the Sirsa Nation -- a land in Demon World aiming to have peace. Hearing his sentiments about achieving a state of unity is what prompted her to send him there. She knew the current King of that nation yearned for similar goals and that perhaps he should move there to seek refuge.

"The gateway behind you...shall lead you into the Sirsa Nation. Go there....and just walk away from this. done with this conflict brother. But....I do not advise you stay here. Others....will not be as patience I am. So please...just go there and regroup."


All that was left for her to do now -- was watch, wait and see if he would react.

The Legendary Demon Hero Returns WVMWLOu

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The Legendary Demon Hero Returns Empty Re: The Legendary Demon Hero Returns

Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:48 am

Artist: VocalBGM - Song: Sweets Time - Word Count: 1253

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Gauging the reactions of Damien, it seemed that he was no longer going to be a threat. Well, at least her message seemed to seek into her brother. Understanding that he had their blood in him was more than enough to make Neoveta content for the time being. The child's defenses lowered further when the announcement of him no longer seeking to kill or harm her family was made. In the form of a soft sigh, her face eased over and a small smile came across the child's lips. Neoveta then nodded her head in agreement with what he was saying. As for the other bits of his long speech? Those would have to be dealt with as time progressed. And in the mind of Neoveta -- time was something that was more than abundant in stock.

She couldn't say too much on the notion of her kind killing and dominating people -- because that is just how life was in her mind. It was the grand nature of things since the dawn of time. Ever since man drew his first breath, it was always about survival of the fittest. With that in mind, she decided to express those sentiments to him as she let out a cold breath from her mouth.

"I am happy that you...are not going to harm our family, brother. are wrong about the domination and murder of people. We...don't torture innocent civilians. Only...those who are our enemy. Please...understand that."

Once those words were echoed out into the world, the replica shell of Neoveta held out her right hand and activated a projection of holograms to appear behind her. Just what did these images show? Simple: the prisoners. All of the prisoners that Damien encountered -- before their capture -- were enemies of the state. They were seen committing crimes such as rape, murder of her kind, destruction and other heinous acts as this group of humans sought to bring down the Demon rule over this country; despite their influence allowing for America to turn into a superpower once more.

" think things would be different under another ruler? Humans...have always been this violent. From my knowledge...they segregate their own kind, butcher their own kind and will do anything...for a profit. How is that...better than our rule?"

Holding up her left hand, more imagery started to emerge throughout the area in static boxes. These showed the crimes and dark acts the humans committed against each other. These included: theft, political corruption, poverty, racism, sexism, molestation and all the many acts of war. So with these facts on the table, Neoveta clenched both of her hands and had the imagery die-out once her point was made.

Humans would see to it that this nation would be just as bad, if not worse, if her mother was here regardless or not.

"I...have no sympathy for those who are my enemy whom would create the same acts under different circumstances. We...have helped this country improve their standing in the rule and they should be grateful. We do as they long as we are not infringed on. They are more free now...than they have been in the past four hundred years, even."

Wrapping her arms around herself, Neoveta started to shiver and shake her head against what he was saying. No matter what society a person lived in, there would always be a segment of the population wanting to end a rule out of fear. This -- was nothing new to her from the knowledge accumulated in the demon child's mind. So she would see to it that she would be her mothers spear and maul through anyone trying to slaughter her or her family.

That -- is what her creation was intended to do, right? Protect and serve? That -- was her purpose, no?

Rubbing her temples in response to a sudden headache shooting out of her skull, Neoveta's mind seemed to be troubled to an extent as she let out a small whine. This was a rather difficult thing to process as she really didn't prefer talking about subjects like this, but knew that certain questions had to be dealt with no matter how uncomfortable it was. Her mind was more -- analytical -- than it was emotional. Therefore, this process was made even further complex and hard to cope with it. Although, the child was trying to find a way to do so.

"I....don't want to see you, my mother or myself get hurt either. I will....relay this message to my mother if that is what it takes. We can....coexist if she adjust her habits. I am not sure about our rule being lifted, but...we can try to make things more comfortable for those who serve under us. Maybe...allow them more positions of power."

Shivering still, Neoveta's body had chills running down it as she wasn't quite sure how that meeting would even go. It had been awhile since she spoke to her mother, and bringing up a subject like this? Well, that was quite the tense conversation to come back to. Nevertheless, it was a venture she'd have to go down eventually and she had concerns to express to her mother at some point.

"Thank you...for listening, brother. I will...also take what you said...and see what I can do...for peace on my end. Whatever....that is, anyway."

Utilizing a form of telekinesis, Neoveta remained away from her distance, but Damien would feel the sensation of arms hugging him. In that single motion, this was her form of showing affection without getting too close. It was still too soon for her to do it herself with her bare body, but this would do for the meantime.


Once he stepped through the portal, Neoveta let out a heavy exhaling of air and decided to get out of that area. There wasn't any good to be had from standing in the shadows until the morning sun rose. Her brother would make it safely to Sirsa Nation and from there he could just pick up the pieces.

So as she gathered her spiritual energy....


Like a seven forty seven jet, the small demon child took off like a rocket throughout the black skies of America's outland and made her way towards The White House; leaving a trail of crimson dust in the wake of her travels. During her flight over, she'd send the results of the encounter to those within Shadow Fall.

'Mission...successful. Prison...relocated. Threat...left open for mother.'

Conveying those three simple sentence across the Demi-Network, Neoveta transcribed the events that occurred to her mother and hope that she would not be too man about the actions she chose. There was a lingering sense of nervousness, guilt and anxiety over it. But maybe -- she'd understand?

'Fahahaha, excellent work child! I see Damien is still around and kicking! I'll have fun soon enough'

In a jovial laugh, the transmission of Mana Asthavon's voice pierced into Neoveta's mind like an all-damning burst of relief. With her mother's approval on the situation, perhaps she felt like she did a good thing after all for both sides. The objective of Shadow Fall was cleared, Damien didn't have to fight her and Neoveta didn't have to harm him.

This made a soft smile come across her face as she faded further into the night and eventually shadow warp'd towards her mothers location.

But -- not before these words were muttered out:

'"I want good. So I will....make peace happen for my mama and everyone. Somehow...."


The Legendary Demon Hero Returns WVMWLOu
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The Legendary Demon Hero Returns Empty Re: The Legendary Demon Hero Returns

Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:30 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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