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Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:03 pm
Something kept Shin interested through his entire time here. Mostly it was Shibo Aijin. He decided one day to pretend like he would play a game with her. He called it the Silence Game. He was surprised, it was a trick used on children and yet, she fell for it. For three days of this whole scouting adventure, she was silent. And he was amused at the faces she made every time she wanted to talk, almost like it pained her being unable to speak. It was highly amusing as he scoured up the river, moving up it and keeping his patrol line steady while peeling the environment carefully. Granted, it was a general patrol and while the 2nd Division was in shambles, it was his duty to pick up where he felt his subordinates lacked. And in his coat pocket of his brown attire was his Captain's haiori. For revealing he was a Captain would just welcome uninvited visitors. And he kept his pace along the water's edge before something caught his interest as he stopped.

Something is further down the river.

I noticed that. I would know if any other patrols were out also. Good chance it isn't someone we know.

How do we go about this?

Force it out of hiding and feign ignorance. Also, you lose.


Shin simply grinned as he made his way to the water's edge, coming up to a large waterfall where he sensed the being in question was at the top of. Doing what, he wasn't entirely sure. But it didn't matter, Shin simply sat at the crest of it, taking a break and waiting to see what would happen.
Nix Shraik
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Crossroads (Nize) Empty Re: Crossroads (Nize)

Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:44 pm

Artist: True Tears- Song: Nyuushakou ni, Migite wo Kazasu - Word Count: 527

He was joyful! The boy was a bomb of happiness, that could explode in any moment. And for that he needed to thank his genius idea of visiting the Soul Society. It started as any ordinary day in Hueco Mundo in which Nize would go on a patrol around the Desert, do some lab work and in general be as depressed, as he was last few weeks. With a semi-bad mood he was starring at the quiet sand, when the memories of green plains and beautiful flowers filled his thoughts and made him shed a tear. He so wanted to see them again. And then the male thought, why not? If he wouldn't cause any trouble and stay as low, as possible, there wouldn't be any harm done.

And with making this decision the Arrancar face lighten up, a huge smile spread across his face and the guy just radiated childish joy. First he baked muffins, everyone loved muffins, right! Then he took a red baggy sweater, green shirt under it and wore black leather pants with black running shoes. After coming his hair and putting the baked muffins in a green lunch box's, picturing turtles, he opened a Garganta and was on his way.

The place was different from the last time. In stead of purple flower field, this time it was the base of a waterfall. The fresh air filled the males lungs and with his first steps the male could literally feel the life going through the land. Everything was so pleasant, bright and green. The sound of running water was like music to his ears. Dragonflies and other critters were just adorable and the male could just imagine himself living in this calm place. Somewhere far away the Seireitei was seen, but he didn't even know what it really was. The boy was dense in few aspects of life.

A overjoyed giggle escaped his lips and with it he started to run around the place, jumping up and down, lying on the ground and then as quickly getting back. His smile grew wider and wider, spirit became lighter and lighter. He jumped up in the sky, made few circles in the air and then landed just on the top of the waterfall.

It was the moment when he suddenly felt the presence of someone entering his Reishi manipulating field. It was his unique ability that allowed him to control Reishi particles in outstanding levels. In so, it also allowed him to sense every being made of Reishi entering this field. With it he turned against the male. Seeing him just sitting like that and doing nothing Nize decided to act first and smiled in his direction, waving. From nowhere the earth under his feet broke and he fell right in the direction of the water.

Imagining what will happen to his muffins, the Arrancar acted fast and quickly used Sonido to disappear and reappear next to the Shinigami in almost a instants. The boy's cheeks were burning red from joy and in loud, childish tone he spoke to the new companions.
"Hello there! I'm Nize, want some muffins?" With that he opened the box of still steaming sweets.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Crossroads (Nize) RDLUVBj
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Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:56 am
And there it was. The being in question was quite fast. But....non-threatening? Maybe the muffins were poisoned and Shin was the perfect one to negate that tactic? Who knows. Shin felt no harm in it otherwise as he looked towards his target in question.

"This is different. Never been randomly offered muffins before, are you the Girl Scouts equivalent of a....whatever you are?"

Shin had an idea of what the being was but, it would be better if he made it identify itself rather simply guess and hope he was right. He shrugged as he grabbed a muffin and began to munch on it. He smiled lightly as he noted no poisons in it, so it wasn't a secret Shinigami killer of snackfoods. That would be horrible. But, the tasty snacks he had made him grin.

"A little dry but, very sweet and tasty. Thank you.

Shin continued to munch on the sweets, pondering exactly what he was going to have to deal with. This was definitely a new kind of encounter. Enemy tactic? Potential ally? He wouldn't know really until he investigated this further. And he simply delighted in these snacks as he did.

"I'm Shin by the way."
Nix Shraik
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Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:47 am

Artist: True Tears- Song: Nyuushakou ni, Migite wo Kazasu - Word Count: 374

Seeing the male eating his muffins and enjoying it, Nize too felt as the happiest person alive. And why not? The male seemed friendly, polite and wasn't charging a death ray at him. A perfect start for a pleasant friendship! And all these thoughts were quite easy to see in his face. The blush on his cheeks that resembled red flowers on white paper, the energetic tension just radiating from the boys body, it all just was in front of the Shinigami. And when the guy spoke from the Arrancar words flew out like beans from gun.
"I'm just Nize! And I came to visit, so baked a lot of muffins! The last time it was cookies, but I was out of chocolate, but I had lemons! You know, if life gives you lemons, you make...Lemon muffins!?" There the male broke off and made a awkward smile, feeling that he had made the saying wrong. He was sure he did that!

But again when the stranger introduced himself, the pale boy made something of a squick and grabbed his hand in violent shake.
"I'm so happy to meet you! Tell me, are familiar with the surrounding here? Do you know any interesting places here? As I said, I'm new to the territory, so don't know much about it! This again was a new place I found now and I love it!" To show his excitement he jumped high in the air, creating something of a after shock from the force of the jump. For a person as close, as Shin it would feel like a serious punch in the body.

In any case if the male did or didn't avoid it, Nize would now fly in the sky, his bat wings revealed and imp-like tail moving back and forth. Together with the long, pointy horns it he seemingly looked like a generic demon, though he was far from that. Nize's cheeks again were red, his face flushing even more.
"I'M SOOOO SORRY!!! I didn't mean to jump that strong! Are you alright?"
He really looked worried, but then realizing the male was okey, let out a relieved breath and made a small smile.
"Thanks God everything is fine! I'm not stalling you right now, ain't I?" Concern again colored his face.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Crossroads (Nize) RDLUVBj
Crossroads (Nize) 82q86I3
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Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:40 pm
Isn't he....chipper?

It seems....genuine oddly enough. Which is rare. I was suspecting a ruse but he seems to generally want to bake muffins and interact. I need to learn more however before I make a decision.

Shin said as he watched him burst upwards and fly around, the gust being a nuisance before he came back down. He seemed to be quite....a spaz. Shin needed to know more information before he made any solid decisions however.

"Since we're in the interest of sharing Nize-san. I scout this area from time to time but, all the interesting areas are within the Seiretei. I'm surprised you haven't visited there yet. Speaking of sharing however. A formal introduction I think is fitting."

Shin said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out what would look like a white cloth at first. After a few moments, he would drape his body with it, revealing the Captain of Second Division insignia on it's back, the cloth being his Captain's garb that he wore when necessary. He cracked his neck and grinned slightly towards the new individual.

"I am Kimoi, Shinryu, Captain of the Second Division and Onmitsukido."
Nix Shraik
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Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:34 am

Artist: Adrian von Ziegler - Song: Reign of the Dark - Word Count: 492

The boy looked a bit ashamed, scratching the back of his head and avoiding the strangers gaze.
"Well, I had always wanted to visit the place, but somehow always decided that it would be for best not to do it! My people aren't too welcomed in there." With his left leg the male was drawing circle after circle on the wet ground.
"But maybe some day..."

Nize blinked for a moment, feeling really confused. It was well seen in his face and the way the male stood in the air. His hands were behind the boys body and he did crock his head to one side.
"Ummm...Good for you!? Sorry, I'm a bit confused, is Captain some sort of title or anything? Like, my title is Septima Espada or Master Of Reishi? Is that like that?" Well, Shin got his answer, even if not like he would expect.

Then, before the Arrancar companion manage to say a word, another voice spoke seemingly from nowhere, after which another person emerged from the air behind Nize. He seemed almost identical to the boy, when talking about face features. But there the similarities ended. First, a scar went from the guys one corner of mouth to the right outer corner of eye. Then the clothing. A leather jacket with iron spikes on shoulders covered his bare, white body. Tight leather pants that left no room for imagination were on him and on feet black boots with again spikes and platform soles, around 10 centimeters high. He spoke with ignorance, hatred and something not really describable at first.
"He is a Shinigami! Captains are those leading them! He is your enemy Nize. These beings rely on killing Hollows and Arrancar alike, so their own realm wouldn't collapse. Their sole purpose is to destroy us and our way of life." A grin crossed the strangers face, as he directed his gaze at Shin and almost devoured him with it.
"Though, you need to admit, he is someone you would love to see in your bed!" He liked his white lips.

Nize seemed shocked. Something between sadness, confusion and disappointment colored the males eyes and slowly he mustered enough strength to speak, though the words weren't louder then whisper.
"Is that true? Are Shinigami...This place...Depending on our death?" His clothes slowly burned off in white fired, being replaced by black leather jacket with a black skull in each side. A skull with horns was seen in the middle of his belt and in the same time black tears slowly went down his cheek.
"Is what Lust told us now true!? Please, tell me that it isn't!"

The boy felt crushed. Again a place he thought of place to relax and again he wasn't welcome in it. Earth Realm, this place, no one wanted him or his kind at their home and that saddened the male so deeply. A black staff slowly manifested in his hands, on them he wore black gloves with red crosses on the above.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Crossroads (Nize) RDLUVBj
Crossroads (Nize) 82q86I3
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Crossroads (Nize) Empty Re: Crossroads (Nize)

Tue Jul 28, 2015 11:55 pm
Multiple things started happening at once. The first of them being him revealing himself to be a member of the Espada and then, an apparition of him Or rather, an alter ego. And it validated some truth to Nize but, Shin's eyes carefully observed the situation and wondered if combat would happen. But when Nize seemed saddened and shocked, Shin realized something: A highly naive Espada was a rare weapon. A rare source of intel and sabotage. Too rare even. And he wondered what angles he could utilize in that sense.

"It is a half truth. We don't actively hunt Hollows in the sense of going to Hueco Mundo and killing them for sport. The weaker minded ones aimlessly attack humans and we protect them and their souls from those Hollow. Arrancar are different. You are able to function without aimlessly consuming humans. There is truth to what he says, there is a longstanding grudge against Arrancar held by some Shinigami who lost loved ones to Arrancar, and vice versa. For me? I've never had that so I view each individual as an individual. And to be completely honest I consider demons more of a threat than Hollow anyway."

Shin said with carefully chosen words as he observed this 'Lust'. It would seem it was an alter of sort to combat this being's naivete. Shin knew talking riddles around it would be pointless so, he'd get right to the point he had in question.

"Simply put, human souls become pluses, which become shinigami. So protecting humans was like a mommy bird protecting it's eggs. And there are quite a number of Shinigami who hunt Hollow and Arrancar. I'm more interested in hunting demons myself however. They think they can just trounce about and claim everything for themselves. The real fault in Hollows isn't in their intent but, in their diet. I always wondered if Hollows could eat demon souls. Things would be quite nice then. Truth be told however....Lust was it? I know you don't trust my words and perfectly viable not to. So ignore them for the time being. You know that as the Captain of the Division I happen to be from I could have attacked at any time and done serious, even fatal damage. And I chose not to. Simply for the reason that my curiosity has taught me one valuable lesson."

Shin stepped forward for a moment, looking towards the pair, one angered and another distraught as he kept his vision on them carefully as he simply took his Zanpakutō, while still in it's sheath, and placed it on the ground as an action of neutrality.

"Learning is more important than the results of swift action. And in my learning, you said something very particular to me. A particular word: Espada. An organization the Shinigami once went to war with, yes, though under particular circumstances. To be frank however, I find that instead of fighting, we could potentially become allies in a common goal: Weakening the demon threat. I mean, unless you like living under their thumbs that is. Perhaps if that's the case then by all means, come at me with everything you have. But, if even a shred of doubt is in your mind, I doubt there is any harm in coming to mutual terms on a common enemy? I'm not the oldest guy you'll ever meet, but even I remember when Hueco Mundo was a home for Hollow and Arrancar, not a room for rent like it is today."
Nix Shraik
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Crossroads (Nize) Empty Re: Crossroads (Nize)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:36 am

Artist: Kim Planert - Song: Mellon Udrigle - Word Count: 480

Both males listened to everything the Captain said with dead seriousness. Lust baring a light grin, while Nize just starring in his face like a lost puppy. Both Arrancar felt in their hearts pleasure hearing someone saying loud what they were thinking all this time. They stood like this in the air, focused and still. It seemed like even the wind had stopped itself for this important moment. A shy smile slowly formed on Nize, creating the ghost of what he had been only few moments ago. Lust played around with a giant, black hammer in his arms and gave the Shinigami few glances now and then. He had few things the white haired guy would just love to say, but most weren't proper for this, or any at all, moment or could wait another day. What now he saw was a chance to get some allies from high places.

When the 2th Division Captain was done with his long speech, Nize looked in the eyes of Lust. He smiled as the man would have something very amusing on his mind and waved his head in the direction of their soon-to-be companion. Both then slowly set down on the ground and looked straight at Shin. Nize with pure, innocent look on his face, Lust with something darker, more intimate, but not evil. The boy exhaled and started to speak in rapid voice, mumbling words now and then.
"You have no idea how long we had been planning the same thing! We too, me and Lust, had thought that Hueco Mundo wasn't as it used to be. As it should be...Demons have taken over and it feels like it is their home, not ours. They wage constant wars and battles, try to invade worlds and take them over. It feels like...Us, Arrancar and Hollows alike are just pawns for them. Nothing more..." He broke off in something of a sad whimper, feeling terrible to be force to talk such about his friends...Family...
"Espada were meant to protect our home, but...I have a feeling our task is to just protect the Demon Queen." A black tear formed in one corner of his eye and stayed there like that.

Lust took over the talking, as he saw that Nize couldn't.
"Alone we can't do it! We aren't that strong to be even thinking of fighting Ashlei Clixx or her sister Rose, not to mention all that force which is protecting them. Second, we need to gain authority in Hueco Mundo for anything to continue going on." He looked dead serious about all this matter, standing straight forward, with expressive body language of someone who had made his goal and is ready to do anything so it could be fulfilled.
"So, a question for you mister Captain, do you even have the authority yourself to assist us?" The emerald green eyes bore into the Captains gold ones with blade sharp precision.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:09 pm
"This might seem redundant considering how long you have waited but, patience is a virtue here. There is no simple way to just instantly dismantle the structure of the Demon stronghold in Hueco Mundo. As far as my authority, that's also a process to be worked out. Even if you and me both agree to these plans, if the other Espada disagree to it, it falls apart, and likewise for the other Divisions. So the first step in all this is me meeting face to face with the rest of you, followed by them meeting with the other Captains."

Shin said, the idea surely sounding like suicide for himself to walk in where it would be him and all Espada didn't sound too amusing to himself though it was a necessity of negotiation to meet those you are negotiating with. Shin looked up into the sky as it was beginning to get dark. Which wasn't a pleasant sign, it meant he didn't have much time before others got suspicious.

"More importantly is how we utilize information. You have the distinct advantage of knowing the Demon's movements, targets, and strongholds. We can use that to manipulate strikes against them, dismantle their takeovers, bring down some of their countries they have as footholds. And they will fight hard to keep them, so much that they leave Hueco Mundo barely defended. However, these two sisters you mention sound like by themselves could fend you off....which is where the other Captain's step comes into play. Formulating a plan to dismantle that control and them, will take a lot of information and planning. But, even if we can't destroy them, we can force them out through repositioning forces. There is one matter I wish to sate my curiosity with before any fruitition can come from this, as I must depart shortly."

Shin said as he then stood up, taking his blade and sheath and holstering it back into his attire before cracking his neck and looking towards them with a Grin.

"Well, two actually. First is, can you safely get me a meeting with the rest of you without alerting the demons. And secondly, this I want you to discuss with them as a part of my proposal to remedy all disagreements: Do demon souls give as much sustenance as human ones? I mean at this point there are more demons than humans almost. I ask simply because, if you could replace the human equation in a Hollow's diet, the Gotei 13 would be much more likely to consider you an ally and in the future, have no reason to bother you ever again. Discuss this with them and meet me here in two weeks time to determine the situation."
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