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Namine out on the town Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Namine out on the town Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Namine out on the town Empty Namine out on the town

Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:31 pm
Namie decided that it was about time that she go out and meet people. She knew she had to make friends cause she already had a dangerously low amount of people that she could actually talk to. Even lower amount of those who actually thought she was not to dangerous to their sanity to even go around. She took in a deep breath as she made her way through town with a smile. Namine you know you have a friend in me.. Why do you need to hunt down idiots that will proubly just end up hurting you in the end. Friends with the people of this world no matter who they are is never a god idea.. After all there is always some scheme or something else waiting to get you in the end with these humans.

She knew the risk was high but it was something that she felt she had to do. Yes i know all that already. Sorry you are my best friend but i do end up haveing to meet someone. AFter all I do dought you wil be able to remain with me forever after all. I do need something for when you eventualy go away after al. As she spoke her words aloud she did not even hear the slue of people whispering behind her back about how she h ad to be crazy. She was talking to nothing at all. Though little did they know she was talking to her chlothing. Though if they did know it would make it all the more worse in the end.

I just feel i need to find something to fill a void.. I do not know how to explain it. I just can not help but think that something is mising. She slowly nods her head as she offered a slight smile. Well you can find it or you have it and you just do not know it yet..

Voice in namines head. Only those with telepathy can hear it.
Namine speaking out loud.
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Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:46 pm
Sijel took several deep breaths as he took this time to ditch his insane father. Whatever he was it seemed as though his father was more demonic than sijel was. Sijel began to walk clamly as he tried to understand where he was. He knew he was in karakura but he'd ran so fast he'd forgotten what part he was in, after all he only went through this town when he was hunting those creatures at night. "You're dad has the right idea, you need to practice until you die." Came a voice that boomed into Sijel's head as he began to recognize little by little where he was. His face contorted into one of shock and disgust. Sijel stopped and looked around letting those around him walk past as he began to look for something to do.

So far he'd been painstakingly training the blood from his body for several weeks now and figured that he needed a break. He then began to run as he tried to get a quicker look at his surroundings. His white hair whipped in all directions including in his face as he ran forward blinding him from the female that stood inches form him. He had caught a glimpse of her and noticed that she wasn't paying attention and slammed his foot down to stop himself. His eyes widened as his body got this pulse. He looked at the girl and clasped his hands together. "I'm so sorry!!" He yelled as he closed his eyes praying the girl wouldn't freak out.

Just as he did a luminescent blue butterfly began to lazily fly around Sijel and landed on his shoulder as he slowly sat up to look at the woman with a face of embarrassment as he smiled innocently.
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Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:04 pm
Namine looked to the male and slowly tilted her head to one side. She was not paying attention to pretty much anything. SHe was so blind to all that was around her she did not even notice the sudden stop of the man before her. Its okay.. Though i realy have no idea what you are appologizeing for. .. As son as she said that the voice slowly rang in her head. He had to make a sudden stop cause of takeing note of you o something like that. I was only paying attention at the sudden foot break. The voice said as namine soon coud not help but giggle at what was said.

well i supose its a good thing i was not paying attention then huh? That would be awkward to see but i supose its not al that bad? Ohhh and its okay you need not be sorry i could have moved out of the way if need be.. Well if i was paying attention that is i suppose. With that she slowly nods her head to the male standing before her. Oh yes i am namine pleasure to meet you. Sorry for all the akward moments. But life around me is just fuul of them.
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Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Mon Nov 16, 2015 9:57 pm
Sijel watched the girl as she giggled and began to say it's okay. She was truly an odd one considering especially that she had no idea what was going on. Sijel smiled and gave his own name. "My name is sijel." HE said as he put his hand out to shake hers. "WHAT brings you to this area?" HE asked curiously. His glanced at his shoulder and saw the butterfly. He looked in disapproval and began to wave it away to perch somewhere else.

"I get that you aren't into women and all but....she's pretty cute." Came the voice in his head once more. Sijel couldn't help but wonder why of all things to say he would say that. He wondered why the voice said anything at all at a time like this. He rolled his eyes quickly and looked back at the girl as he awaited her response.
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Namine out on the town Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Namine out on the town Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:11 pm
Namine could not help but smile when she was asked why she was out and about. Ohh we are out patrolling. I figured with all the things going on the whole attack things i suppose you could say. It would be good to step up my game some and go out and patrol to help keep people safe. after all the things that hide in the shadows will not take care of themselves.. Unless they are not evil i supose then they can.. WEl lets just say i have a tendency to fight that wich may be considered evil. She could not help but studder some as she tried to explain what she was saying.

Ohhh god just tell him you hunt hollows to keep people safe. ITs not that hard to say. There may be other things to that go bump in the night but purifying holows is our job. She then sighs as she slowly shakes her head. I know its our job but i can not be that honest. I do not even know if he knows of the things that go bump in the night and all that. It is rude to throw him into stuff like that so wildly.. As she spoke she had forgotten the guy was stil standing before her.

Sorry about that. We kinda differ on our way of thinking and we kinda get into fuss matches ever so ofter. So you can forget the last bit of that if you so desire. It is a pleasure to meet you mr Sijel. My friend does not have a name sadly or well not one that he has told me anyway.
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Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:33 pm
Sijel stared at the girl for a very long period of time as she began to argue with herself, well not herself but clearly not someone physical. Sijel knew that feeling all to well and just smiled. " are patrolling in broad daylight. " HE commented as he looked around. Sijel figured he would help the girl out since he had nothing better to do. However, he needed to know what he'd be patrolling for. "I'm sure there's nothing more wild then my life and the people I've met recently. " HE commented as he made a mental jab at the demon in his mind. " YOU are so lucky I can't harm your body in any way right now." THE voice came calmly.
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Namine out on the town Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Namine out on the town Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:46 am
Namine loked to him as she giggled and slowly shook her head. Ohh there are things that are far worse then you out here. AFter al i have been proclaimed to be worse cause of what i am. So yes there is always something worse. You just need to know where to look. Thats why we patrol. She said with a soft smile as she raiseda hand as she slowly nods her head. Soon a cross would be seen dangling from her wrist on a chain. the cross was runic in lok and had two dragons on it. As she loked to him pur energy seemed to explode outward from the cross and formed a extremely intricate purple and blue bow. she gave a soft smile as she looked to him.

You should explain what you are hunting to the idiot. After all if he thinks he is the worse thing out here then he has things to see that will scar him quite possibly. Namine shook her head as she laughed. your the idiot. After all those who do not know about the true things that go bump in the night and in the day are the blessed ones.. She said as she heard the howl of a decently weak hollow a few feet away. She knew it was close but stil. She quickly moved to take aim at the weak hollow and puled her bows string back. A beautiful white arrow would form as she smiled. She then released the arow hitting the hollow dead center of the mask causeing it toslowly dissapear as she smiled.. SOme things are just better off not being known. You can live longer that way. Said with a slight nod as she took in a deep breath. Yea but not knowing can get you kiled in this world. AFter all they seem to be feeding on more and more hear latly. You have to do something. Even if we do not know what that something is. You have a point but i do dought now is the time to worry about that little detail.

Last edited by Natalia on Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:25 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:40 am
"And if you don't mind me asking....what are you?" Sijel would ask. His answer would have to wait as one of the creatures he went after at night appeared after letting out a loud roar. Sijel turned as he looked in shock. He only knew those things came out at night, he had no idea they appeared during the day as well though he kind of suspected it. His minds began to race as he tried to calm himself. He turned to see the girl gripping a very interesting bow. It was actually quite captivating and would be the topic of discussion if sijel himself wasn't overreacting over the event.

"THIS chick just got more interesting. " boomed the voice of enoryan in sijel's mind. Sijel began to look around to see if anybody saw what just happened.
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Namine out on the town Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Namine out on the town Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:37 pm
namine tok in adeep breath as she could not help but smile yet again. She moved her arm down to her side the bow remaining formed as she looked to him. He would take note that a few people were around but none of them could even take notice of the bow she was weilding. You do not need to worry. not many can see or even pay attention to their surroundings. They find its safer to ignore that around them in the long run. She said with a soft giggle as she slowly shok her head. Ehhh why not tel the poor sap what you are. After all in the end it may do some good. You never know when you may need people like you said. Nods her head as sheslowly closed her eyes. You are right on that. It is never certin what the future may hold. WEll in anycase.. I will simply introduce myself in full then. I am Namine the quincy. I suppose it is a pleasure to meet you. well again that is.

She said with a grin as she loked to him. Some consider quincy's worse then demons Though she never paid much mind to hearsay. She loked to him as she gently relaxed her hand and her bow gently faded away as she noded. I think this guy is speachless cause of how awesome we were. Though then again in the relm we are from we are not even the best our kind has to offer. You really ned to step up your game girl. Yes i do but we will have time for that a little later. AFter all takeing the next step up in our ranks take time. And i am pretty sure we have all the time in the world.
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Namine out on the town Empty Re: Namine out on the town

Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:46 pm
Sijel took a deep breath when she said that and it was proven by the street as it began to empty out casually as if nothing happened. Sijel would then listen to the girl and his face would stare blankly as he tried with all his might to figure out if he'd heard the term quincy before. He failed epically and decided to ask the girl. "So what's a quincy. And while we're at it you fight those things.....what are they called, I see them all the time at night but never knew what they were." Sijel said blatantly as he looked at the girl.

"Also......I'm......a....." Sijel struggled to say what he was since they were being completely honest with one another. "I'm a half demon." He said as he waited for her expression he was pretty sure of what it was going to be and what that comment was going to lead up to, but he was just trying to be as honest as she was, no point in hiding such a thing if she wasn't going to. "She's going to fucking kill us." Enoryan said casually in sijel's head.
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