Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Joined : 2013-12-23
Posts : 173
Age : 35
Location : Nadira

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Platinum Points:
Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Left_bar_bleue11500/20000Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Empty_bar_bleue  (11500/20000)

Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Empty Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand

Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:49 pm

Artist: Gramatik Song: Indigo Child

Here he was, in Hueco Mundo after a couple of days of traveling. It went without saying that for every moment that passed while he pursued to resolve this personal dilemma, he felt worse and worse that Cirno had instructed him to let this very thing go, to let nature take its course and have someone else rid of this mysterious woman if she really was to become a threat to humanity as he 'claimed' that she would be. He wasn't fooling the angel however, she most likely saw that he had only used that as an excuse to get rid of her now that he was aware of her existence, a direct connection to his other 'lives.' Nina had also advised against this, claiming that with the little knowledge that she had on Espada within this world, it was not a good idea to confront this mystery woman Pyra with such little equipment and weapons.

Perhaps the little vixen was right, the frustration could have been seen on her face the entire time she was perched onto the man's broad shoulders like a small ferret of some sort. She knew this was simply a means to tie loose ends, and that kind of thought process was always liable to get someone killed. Even as Lex's scouter panned across the seemingly endless sea of white sand and night sky, the dark grey furred fox frowned before glancing at her master. "Master... please! We shouldn't be here. What will you even do when you find her? You can't kill her, you barely have any stable control of that sword." she reminded, watching him beginning to trek through the cool sands beneath him. "I'm not here to kill her, as you said, I don't have the necessary tools. I'm just trying to figure out why is she here, alive. And specifically what timeline is she from? I need to know if she has something similar to myself, having 'previous lives' as if we are just reincarnations. Leaving her around with knowledge of such a past as we have had will only prove troublesome if someone else finds out and tries to obtain information from her." he mentioned, his deep blue eyes glancing from left to right whenever the tinted blue lens of his scouter rapidly blinked with information.

So far, just coming here to such a place not meant for humans was making him a bit uneasy, and rightfully so. Despite the sword that he brandished that gave him the necessary strength to fight even some of the strongest shinigami, he didn't know its limits, nor its setbacks, if it even had any. It would have been quite foolish for him to get into a fight without gauging just how powerful the sword could make him without putting a strain on his body. "Master watch it!" the vixen shouted at him, breaking the dark skinned man from his thoughts abruptly and making him focus on his surroundings. But it was too late, the awkward step already being taken from the usually attentive mercenary to have him tumble forward on the dune they had been climbing up for the past twenty minutes. Down he went, and off she sprang, the vixen leaping from the man's shoulder and hopping down the steep decline as fast as she could, trying to get ahead of the tumbling human.

As soon as she managed to get a few inches ahead, Nina quickly hopped directly in front of Lex's path and violently slung her small black tipped tail across the sands to create a small cloud of dust to shoot up before solidifying quickly into several makeshift tiles of earth that protruded from the sands. Lex would quickly catch himself thanks to this, rolling out on an even level for an extra moment before springing up into a casual stance, rubbing his coat from grains of dirt as well as his hair. Nina could see it, the irritation on his face from him not seeing the sudden decline beforehand. She didn't say anything however, just holding back a sudden impulse to burst into laughter as she made her way back onto his shoulder. "You seem... distracted." was all she said, just watching him brush whatever dirt particles off that he could before continuing his way through the seemingly endless desert still. "Shut it Nina." he quipped, pressing a button on his scouter to assess where the strongest source of energy was at this point.

He couldn't help but feel stupid all the same; the woman that he was seeking was getting to him, whether she was directly in his mind or just passively. He was making mistakes, and he couldn't help but imagine the seemingly sweet and innocent woman giving a sinister giggle at him for his seemingly rushed plan to meet and probably kill her. With a low chime from the equipment near his ear, he was back on track from the arrow pointing him in the right direction again. He would just have to find out what lied ahead for him and his companion; perhaps some purpose, perhaps death, but hopefully, most importantly, some answers.

Nina's Appearance

Pyra's Appearance

Template By: [THEFROST]
Starter Member
Joined : 2015-02-01
Posts : 62
Age : 63
Location : game console

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Platinum Points:
Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Left_bar_bleue0/0Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Empty Re: Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand

Sun Jan 24, 2016 3:01 am

| Kaida Axworthy |

"Spittin' fire like a tongue twisted dragon."

Life enjoyed snatching the little things away from you when you needed those things the most.

This is one of few rules she hates, but abides by nonetheless. In the middle of her overhaul project back home, she got a call from some of her surveillance boys about Hueco Mundo. Their reports were short yet filled to the brim with concerned details. Nowadays she left her Lieutenant as dog watch more often than not. At a younger age, Kaida could recall how she rose through the ranks of the Vizard Corps, could recall acutely how much free time she had to herself to eat, sleep, and train. Storms brewed within the distance of the peaceful town of Karakura. An uprising could occur. 'Another one,'she reminded herself.

Several yards ahead of her flew the only cotton-candy feathered falcon in existent. The cigar trapped between his beak twitched as he searched for anything out of the ordinary within the area. Kai had not received any other word from her scouts. This usually kept with routine by her own word. Because they were apart of the Special Operations team, they were not meant to be seen unless direct action was necessary. Hitting someone at face-value was reserved for the likes of the combat division. Again, these were her scouts. While they trained extensively for stick operations gone wrong, they were not needed as such. She continued on, the wispy ends of her coat trailing behind her. Said coat masked her spiritual energy entirely out here as if to make her out to be a nonexistent being.

Not that it would be the first time, of course.

Hills of sand surrounded the lone figures steadily moving through the desert. They were lucky enough not to draw attention. Hollows had not forced swords to be drawn as of yet. Despite that her silver hues sailed across the sea of eroded minerals in search of trouble. Kai closed her eyes as she came to a stop. The Gargantua trip here always left her itching to move, to do something other than walk, walk, walk.
And once they had stepped out the passageway, they just kept walking.

She kind of willed for a Hollow to appear now. Anything to singe the brittle ends of boredom clouding her mind-

"Master watch it!"

Her lips parted to bark an order to Naozane and mere seconds before the words tumbled from her lips, he soared off in the direction of the panicked shouting. He flew over the edge of the incline, observing as the male tumbled down and his pet scurried after him. Naozane circled so high above them, his shadow would appeared enormous under the moonlight. The falcon circled for a few milliseconds more as the man got to his feet thanks to the generosity of his companion. Feeling as though he had seen enough, he headed straight back to Kai and settled onto her left shoulder.

She pestered him for a report until he caved and spoke to her in a hushed tone. Oh, someone who had her type of strength? Was this the abnormal disturbance? Naozane certainly didn't believe such a thing. Then again, had surprised him in the past three centuries they were together.

"Where, pretty bird?"

Ruffling his feathers at the sentiment, he tipped his beak at the hill to her left. Utilizing her flash step, she appeared at the top of the hill. Her russet colored hair streaked with pale white made her appear ominous under the moon. Kai's pupils shrunk as she took in both the man and the creature upon his shoulder. Smirking, she waited to get his attention. If he didn't see her in plain sight, then she would momentarily allow her spiritual pressure to illuminate her being in cackling, stark white energy. Just for a moment. Then, she would immediately mask her presence to him again.

Either route, once she caught his attention, the Colonel would grin wickedly, calling to the man, "You're standing on private property."

She knew it was an unnecessary risk to let her power surge around her like this. Steadily, the dangerous, burning reiatsu well-known by her peers took place. The trip here left her antsy. In the few days before coming here, she hadn't received any sleep to quell her nerves. And so, it was with this reasoning that her spiritual energy surged, then exploded outwards, launching forth an avalanche of sand heading straight towards the man. And this was only a fraction of her energy being released. Immediately, she flash stepped a mile away from the scene, Naozane still perched calmly on her shoulder.

He chastised her, of course, much to her annoyance. It was not rude! If the poor bloke took offense, she would just use the beach party excuse.


Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand 1981977                                            Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand 1594048                                        Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand 17990213

Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand XfvlBsf
Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Joined : 2013-12-23
Posts : 173
Age : 35
Location : Nadira

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Platinum Points:
Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Left_bar_bleue11500/20000Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Empty_bar_bleue  (11500/20000)

Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand Empty Re: Mission Status: The Flower Within the Sand

Thu Jan 28, 2016 7:59 am

One step at a time, that was all they could do as the young man gave a somewhat defeated sigh. Here he was, out in the middle of nowhere looking for what seemed like one of his past live's supposedly dead wife. If that didn't sound crazy to anyone else he may have explained his current dilemma to, then perhaps he had spent too much time in this timeline. Suddenly his scouter began to chime rapidly from the detection of another presence nearby. This wasn't due to the spiritual pressure, but rather the sudden shift in atmosphere displacement in the area that was recorded in the shape of a person. He had witnessed enough advanced assassins and spies to bypass multiple types of cloaking, however with how this current world worked, Lex was still not accustomed on how to accurately gauge spiritual pressure or magical energy.

Funny enough, the figure didn't seem like they were hiding their presence all too much anyway, standing in plain sight as their coat seemed to flutter in the night breeze to give an ominous look. Their statement gave a little insight on why there were here, though as he examined them more, he was a bit concerned that the figure seemed like a female human. Perhaps it was another Espada, something that Lex still couldn't wrap his mind around that was supposed to be an advanced Hollow of some sort that took on the shape of a human. Or was this person something else? He wasn't all that curious to find out, simply turning fully to face her as he glanced up at the figure placed on top of the steep dune. He displayed a kind and nonaggressive expression as he waved slightly to the woman.

"I'm simply passing by, I don't want to cause any trouble, just looking for someone. You wouldn't happen to know where..." he began, when he suddenly felt the burst of spiritual energy blast out from the figure's presence, causing an avalanche of sand to come hurling his way. His expression quickly changed as he saw them 'disappear' from his sight to a serious one, the technique of flash step still being rather new to him in this world. 'Master...' was all the vixen could telepathically project to him, not sure what exactly to say during something like this. 'Don't worry, I got it.' he answered back calmly in his mind, simply walking forward to the approaching large wave of sand hurling in his direction. It wouldn't take but a moment, but the man had already began pouring his energy into the ground beneath him ever since the person showed up, giving him more than enough ample time to prepare for the approaching tsunami of grained earth. If either the mysterious figure or their familiar was watching, they would see that Lex would continue walking calmly to the avalanche until being swallowed by its powerful and merciless wave of massive force.

He seemed to be gone within those few moments of time, but even as the avalanche was still going down the dune, the dark skinned male would casually walk out of the top of the sliding layer of sand as if he was simply walking up a hill, showing no signs that he had met any resistance from the avalanche during his travel back up the dune. Even Nina who had been perched on his shoulder during the trek back up seemed to be unfazed by it, not even a grain of sand in her graphite colored fur as she glanced around the area for their mysterious guest. However, in reality both Lex and Nina were encased in a layer of dirt, currently orbiting loosely around their bodies. It was a hologram that would not show this actual occurrence, hiding the hovering sand around them and making it seem as if they had simply walked through the avalanche unfazed.

Nina continued with this charade of seeming to not be affected by the avalanche, taking a few moments to thoroughly search for the newcomer. But considering that the woman was masking her spiritual energy, she figured that it would be rather difficult on her end. After not finding her presence, she just glanced back at the man she accompanied and sighed as he just crossed his arms. 'I'm not sure if she's still around. Stay on your toes.' she insisted while glancing around again. 'I plan on it, I should probably speed this up, who knows if there's anyone else out here that's looking to cause trouble. I'm sure she'll show up on my scanner again any second now...' he replied telepathically, his sapphire hues calmly looking around as well. In truth, he felt he couldn't be in a safer place, the sand was almost like a god send to him for his protection during his search. He hoped that he wouldn't have to show anyone exactly how that actually was the case.

Niosha Magic Used

Programs Used

Niosha Energy Used: 6 NE/150 NE

Template By: [THEFROST]
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