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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty A New Mentor, A New Start

Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:43 pm



Artist: P3P OST - Song: 3-31 - Word Count: N/A

It was time to be a big girl! For far too long, Selia's been the same as a freeloader within the Vanguard. The girl was great at keeping morale up, but absolutely horrible in anything else with her lack of discipline, power, and intellect. For someone with such weak features and capabilities, it would be a slaughter to send her out on a beginner mission to improve... so a mentor was needed. Someone to train her, someone to help her mature and develop in just the right ways. Someone who can finally get her to break past the limitations that's been put on her weak, fragile soul. The girl was definitely past the age where child-like antics should be forgotten, yet she clung unto them as she did in her past life, where she was the appropriate age.

With such a goal in mind by the higher-ups, she was sent out to meet her new mentor. Absolutely no knowledge or anything was given to her, simply that it was someone very special that took the public request of helping her. Honestly, just about anyone could help Selia improve her combat abilities... but very few could actually bring her to the level of understanding needed to improve. Hell, she doesn't even -truly- know her Zanpakutō's name, she simply called it after a pokemon and kept it. Childish behaviors would only lead to childish results, and when dealing with the work of a shinigami, one needed just a bit of intellect to truly progress. Despite all of this and all of the mini-speeches about her needing to improve, she still brought one of her most obnoxious shirts to the meeting grounds. A bright pink BADMAN shirt that looked like something Vegeta would wear. It looked a bit cute on her, going well with the blue jeans and blue/white sneakers she wore!

The girl herself was left to wait and wait, draconic tail sliding back and forth against the ground as bright blue eyes glanced all about. The meeting place wasn't too far into the forest, but it was enough that the great hustle and bustle of the city could easily be forgotten by the chirps and hums of birds and other wildlife all around. The spot itself was just a very large opening, spanning about the length of a fairly large auditorium. Beautiful trees lined the perimeter and made ti also feel a bit like an arena, and the few scorch marks on the ground from past fights/training sessions here showed that this was a spot frequented by others. Nevertheless, Selia was here for a reason, and she had to remember it!

It was to meet her new mentor, someone to help her get big and tough and strong! And to make the best first impression she could, the girl already held a box of cookies in her arms. It was just an assortment of store-bought cookies, ranging from chocolate chip to sugar to raisin to everything else in between. A nice, kind gesture by the childish girl, but one that would hopefully put her on good terms with this being. For all she knew, it could be someone three times the size of Hayden with bigger muscles and more explosions! It could be someone the same size as her and super sweet! The possibilities were endless, but she knew one thing. Regardless of who you were, one cookie out of this whole bunch had to hit your sweet tooth.

And so the girl waited for the one person that could very well change her life forever. For better. Or worse.

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A New Mentor, A New Start MNjstuP
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty Re: A New Mentor, A New Start

Tue Apr 05, 2016 9:54 pm

Artist: Makio Iuchi - Song: Deep Blood - Word Count: 624

Generous. Right, that's the word we are looking for here. The Beast of Karakura was feeling rather charitable on this day because of the fact he decided on an impulse to help train some lost "kid" seeking a mentor. He didn't have to do it, he had bigger and better things to do. But -- something inside of his heart pushed him towards this direction. As, if nothing else, he wanted to prove to himself he could be benevolent and hospital to others. Therefore if for nothing else than his own personal reasons of mortality, he would take it upon himself to enlist in this project.

From the resources he was given, there was some brat from The Vanguard whom earnestly requested that someone, anyone, train her. After mulling over further reports associated with this "child", Shadin then discovered her name was Selia Natana and she was an active operative of the Arcanists. With all the intel left over in Karakura Central's databanks, he could also tell that this agent held about as much power in her as a grunt hollow. Therefore, a lot of room was going to have to be covered in order to save her from her own weakness.

Yet -- he still felt the tingling urge to do so. If only because he himself had been there many centuries ago.

As memories of Ceon Clixx, Kisuke Urahara, Yourichi Soi-Fon, Tsubine Zanifir von Zarkonheinz and so many others of the Karakura Defenders started to flood his mind; Shadin understood that it was almost his responsibility at this point to ensure the new generation had promising heroes and champions to keep the legacy strong. So if for nothing more than his sentimental crap, The Beast of Karakura Central would have found himself stepping out of the shadows of a tree and towards the center stage of this lush "arena".

Upon doing so his crimson eyes would have immediately locked on point with Selia's oceanic stare. With a few more glances given, he couldn't believe the get-up she was wearing and couldn't help but lean down to his left side. As on that arm would be a silver and futuristic looking mechanized cane which assisted The Beast of Karakura's body in keeping balance with it's volatile energies. And in this moment, all of the prowess within him were stunned with just how childish she was wearing that ridiculous pink shirt.

With a gusting of that warm spring breeze overflowing the area, the silver hair of The Yuudeshi would flutter against the breeze as his vertically striped shirt soon followed suit and flailed in the wind. Taking a glance down at it's stone grey and alabaster pattern his garment possessed, he pondered to himself just how silly this whole thing was going to be. As, given his own appearances, he more than likely looked just as bizarre.

Pale skin, skin tight black jeans, ashen shoes and the body-type which would make even some skinny chicks envious. Yeah, these were all traits of someone who clearly blended in just as well as Selia did. The only difference between the two of them at this point was the fact he didn't have a freakish dragon tail to bolster his peculiar appearance.

So as he gave a gruff sigh in the air, he would then stop wasting time and make his way over to the young girl before tilting his head and asking her this simple question:

"Just why on earth would a runt like you want training?"

Then, with a gentle chop on her head, he'd give a deadpan stare and expect an immediate answer.

A New Mentor, A New Start WVMWLOu
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty Re: A New Mentor, A New Start

Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:02 am



Artist: Homestuck OST - Song: Love You - Word Count: N/A

Was that him? Over in the distance, walking from the trees? Yes! Yes it was! The small child already began to get visibly excited, large smile appearing upon her lips as she seemed barely able to contain herself. She was finally gonna get her training from someone, and maybe even a new friend! Someone to talk too! Someone that will actually give her some attention when compared to others who had... Well... Either left her entirely, or are too busy to give her much attention. Wait, none of that mattered now, she had to look professional and cool and strong and everything she could. With her mentor in sight, Selia quickly fixed her posture as best as she could. Feet planted firmly on the ground, back straight, and box held outwards-

Though the bop on the head made her wince just a bit, and then quickly return back to her happy, smiling self. When she turned her head upwards to get a good look at him, the both of them could tell something. What Selia could tell was that this was a very thin man who didn't look super strong, so maybe he used magic and stuff! Along with that, he had a pretty cool outfit on himself. The girl didn't really have very much fashion sense, the only thing she knew is that colors looked nice, and people looked nice, so everything looks nice on a person! A very positive view on the world that also just went to show how underdeveloped her mind truly was. Her observations of Shadin were simple, but the ones he may get from her would be very different.

The first thing he could immediately notice was that she had something -powerful- on her. No, not her Zanpakutō, no, not her horns or tail. The bright, pink shirt. The more elated and, for lack of a better term, cocky Selia became, the more energy is surrounded her in. This energy was capable of surviving many great blows, to the point of where she could easily last on the sidelines of real battles. Perhaps that's the only reason she's still alive at this point, but there was something else. Something that could easily be overlooked by most people. The only reason Shadin might notice is because he took the time to get close and had the spiritual power to sense changes in others, and the change within Selia was extremely minor.

There was something wrong with her. The spiritual essence that was given out normally seemed to belong, happy, full of vigor, brimming with potential. It was the spirit of a young shinigami who was young and had a great abundance of energy... though something was off. Near the very core of her very being, something didn't match. It was something different entirely, but still the same. A different type of spiritual signature, but the same soul. This small, almost core-like piece of Selia wasn't brimming with energy. It wasn't extremely excited. It simply remained there, silent and waiting. Waiting for something to happen, waiting for a change. Waiting for something to release it. With how small this core was, any real attempt at releasing it from most of the other Vanguard members might lead to tearing through the rest of the positive, happy soul in the way. Sure, this could be ignored... but why would a child like her have a core that seems to counter-act her very nature, seemingly trapped instead of free like her?

"I wanna get super duper strong and be able to help people and stuff! Lots of people get hurt, so I wanna make them not hurt and stuff!"

I want to be free.

...? Selia didn't say that, so where did it come from? Selia didn't know, nor did she care as hands already outstretched themselves to offer Shadin the box of cookies.

"I'm Selia! It's super duper nice to meet you! I got cookies as a big present for us and stuff!"

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A New Mentor, A New Start MNjstuP
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty Re: A New Mentor, A New Start

Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:56 am

Artist: Makio Iuchi - Song: The Rising One - Word Count: 1093

A touch was all that The Albino needed in order to understand something wasn't quite right with this child. When these two made physical contact with one another, the spiritual senses of Shadin screamed to him that a broken force lay within Selia's embodiment. It was enough to almost make him almost look at her in total shock with how "IN YOUR FACE" this feeling was. How could he have been so oblivious to this shattered and distorted self? Was he just losing his instinct and perception?

Sure, the t-shirt she was adorning was giving off some wickedly powerful energy, but to him not having armor in this day and age was just plain ridiculous. When you aren't a walking powerhouse, you needed to do everything within your reach and grasp to protect yourself. Ergo, he saw fit to look past that garment and sense the deeper abnormality that her body was pulling himself into. As it is for this reason that his hand unfolded itself and rested on her head as if he was giving her a pat. This was done so that he could have a greater attachment to the girl and peer deeper into her spirit to understand what was wrong.

And, upon doing so, the sounds of shackles and chains started echoing within his mind as he couldn't shake the feeling that something, or perhaps, someone, was trapped within her soul. This conclusion came to pass within his mind because there were two similar, but different spiritual signatures churning about within her insides. It whispered to him, pulled at him and yearned for The Yuudeshi to press forward and release her from the depths of this imprisonment.

. . .

It is at that moment that he understood just what his duty was. Much like many of the Ziamichi he had helped freed, sealed and otherwise contain; this girl required the same level of extensive soul modification and healing as they did. As more than anything else, Selia seemed quite oblivious and ignorant as to what was mutating within her soul. This then indicated to Shadin that perhaps the child before him wasn't quite her true form. The secondary nature within her either had to be some form of alternative spirit, a link her true self or some other kind of messed up equation.

Nevertheless, he'd never get anywhere just mulling this over inside of his rapidly thinking head. Action needed to be taken in order to make sure that this child was well taken care of and tended to. Hence, he would move his right arm away from her head as it began to radiate and shine with a powerful white glow. If Selia had any form of awareness she could more than likely sense the imaginative nature overflowing from it. For inside of this light were the proprieties of Imaginary Computation being infused into it.

He was programming a profuse amount of intricate formulas within his mind to inscribe into his energy. By infusing these complex blueprints to his spiritual power, he hoped to use that energy as a medium to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual in order to pull into her soul. As he could envision these effects, and then his energy could help to bring these thoughts materialized into an actual force in order to induce change upon the world around him.

Then, once this was process finalized, the plan would be that he was going to yank and yank upon the chains of her heart until the inner-self within Selia was hauled to the surface and given a chance to retain control of her body. At least, that was the goal he envisioned. Anything could go wrong and he equally anticipated that failure. Yet, regardless of the risks, it needed to pursued and he had faith in his ability to see it through to success.

Therefore, while Selia was busy talking it up with him, he could once again hear that voice pleading for him to set her free and it only provided more motivation for The Beast to act. However, before he could, Shadin would utilize his spiritual energy in order to gravitate the box of cookies she offered with him through the feat of telekinesis. Since his left arm was still lodged within his cane, and his right was acting as a channel for his power, it was only natural that it had to be put to the side and levitated upon The Yuudeshi's right shoulder.

"If you want to help people, then you need to first start with helping yourself."

That was the first and gruff response he would give to the chipper kid as he looked at her with quite the perplexed look in his eye. Her entire soul screamed in pain, yet there wasn't the slightest look of anguish despite a confused look when that "other" voice spoke. It made The Yuudeshi went to peer deeper and further into Selia as he gritted his teeth.

"Yeah, yeah. The name is Shadin Yuudeshi and it's fine and well to meet you. However, I need to do something to fix you. Your body is entirely out of wack, kid. Stand still and let me make it better."

Straight and to the point, he didn't want to waste anymore time as this feeling was wholly nagging at his body. Even if she protested at this point, the speed in which he moved could undoubtedly reach her bare chest before Selia had much of a chance to react. Then, once his right hand was moved to her chest, he could tenderly tap it and seek to open a white vortex upon her body.

If this action was allowed to take place, then he'd drag his right hand straight through the hole and reach into the depths of her inner world. In doing so The Beast would hope to grab on to the unstable core within herself, pull on it's spiritual chain and yank it back into place. As, his intention was to induce a swift evolution of the self by restoring this broken spirit back to it's proper standing through the ungodly prowess of Imaginary Computation.

Therefore, the only thing he could do at this point was stand -- and wait. But not before uttering this final comforting word:

"And don't worry, I'll be sure to eat the cookies AFTER this is over. You have my promise, kid."

A New Mentor, A New Start WVMWLOu
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty Re: A New Mentor, A New Start

Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:04 am



Artist: Homestuck OST - Song: A Taste For Adventure - Word Count: N/A

The young, oblivious girl was unaware of what went on through Shadin's mind, though she could tell one thing. His face quickly changed. What was once a fairly deadpan look turned into one with concern and interest. Patting her head really brought forth such emotions? Probably not, but that was all that Selia could guess as to why that was the case. Honestly, it was a little bit weird just how different things became in just a blink of an eye, as she could already see his body tensing up just a bit. Deep, blue, curious eyes only seemed to widen as she stared upwards towards him, tail shifting from side to side on the ground as her breathing remained somewhat calm. She had no idea what really set him off, but it was something... maybe a big, bad arrancar was coming? Was that to be her training?

No, that wasn't it. His arm was moving to the side to do something, something that she had no idea on what it was, like most things. Energy was forming, it was bright and white... but that's all she could tell. The actual concept of Imaginary Computation was something far to expansive for her childish, under-developed mind. Hell, even just basic math was hard enough for her, so the chances of her understanding what he was doing was essentially zero. This lack of knowledge did bring him one boon, she didn't object to what he was doing. How could one object to an action that they knew nothing about. As more and more of his energy pooled up along his arm, her eyes only seemed to grow all the more wider as she stared.

She was happy to know that he liked the present, and seeing the box levitate over to his shoulder was a nice thing. She did something good! Along with that he said something that she was sure was super wise. To help others, you have to help yourself... how did that work? Nooo idea, and before she could even think any harder on it, Shadin let her know one very important thing. She was messed up, bad. How? Beats her, she had enough trouble figuring out how to even use her Zanpakutō, how was she going to know that something was wrong with her? Well, the first thing that would let her know something was wrong was the fact that a vortex ripped itself open upon her chest. It took her a moment to realize this was happening, and already she screamed out in terror at the fact that there was a hole right there... and the next few moments would be the most painful of her life.

Shadin attempted to do something risky, extremely risky on a being with next to no real spiritual power. Selia did not have the speed to protest, but she did have the voice to howl out in pain. With so much energy being used to tear into her, she felt as if her entire body was going to explode into an inferno. The pain was overwhelming, excruciating, horrific. In order to reach the core of her very being, one had to tear through the thick layer... and that was what Shadin was doing this very moment. Every passing moment led to him digging his way deeper within, her body forced to spasm as eyes were shut tight and tears flooded past her cheeks. Even the thick tail she had was thrashing about violently, slamming into the ground over and over as the girl attempted to squirm. Every slight movement she made hurt all the more, eliciting more of her screams of torment and terror. Just the insertion was horrible enough, to the point of where she felt as if the pain wasn't going to end... but the next part would change her forever.

With one, powerful yank, Shadin accomplished something spectacular. The first effect of this movement would be another, loud, ear-piercing scream. The girl was in horrific amounts of pain, and no amount of petty training would ever prepare her for it again. The next step was something a bit more awkward. Her Zanpakutō immediately began to spasm, changing colors for a few moments before slipping off from her side and falling upon the ground, soon followed with her entire body doing the same. Things began to fluctuate, the color of her eyes, her very form itself was changing with this movement. Soon enough, everything that began to happen to her was concealed in a bright, white light that covered her body entirely. What it was? No one knows, but one thing was for certain. The screaming stopped.

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Song: Metal Crusher - Artist: Gooseworx - Words: N/A


That was -definitely- not Selia. It was an adult, someone who was actually mature. The voice itself sounded a bit high-pitched with a bit of raspiness in it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't smooth like butter either. It let someone know that this was the voice of a young-adult who probably yelled too much, along with having quite a bit too say. The bright light that once covered the body of Selia soon began to fade away as Shadin could sense one thing. The core was spreading, it was taking up everything- no... no that isn't right. The core was switching places, taking the very front as a thick layer as the once happy, overly excited energy of Selia was sealed back into the center. What took place now wasn't silent and calm, but a bit teasing and mischievous once released.

The light faded rather quickly as the visage of a small, thin woman took place. The clothing that once kept Selia warm barely fit the woman, hell, the pants were ripping at the seams as she stood tall with a big, tooty grin. The badman shirt that was once worn was unbuttoned entirely, letting her shapely hips and soft tummy be revealed. The special parts were luckily covered by the fabric being caught upon them, only giving a bit of a side-boob glance. Legs were somewhat covered. With ripped pants came the issue of her thighs and calves being completely visible. Hopefully to someone like Shadin, a bit of skin wouldn't be an issue. The main difference would be the face, smiling and happy with a nice row of sharp teeth behind soft lips. This woman was staring -right- at Shadin with a smile, and seemingly a lot to say.

"Alright, so uh, real quick dude, thanks a bunch. Do you know how -horrible- it is to have one half of your soul wanna stay a child while the rest of you is ready to move on? Like FUCK that was annoying. Anyways, uh, yeah. Hi I guess?"

Her face quickly turned from a smiling one to a bit of a confused one. Lips were pursed slightly as beautiful eyes stared forwards right too Shadin, as if expecting -him- to explain to her everything that had just happened.

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A New Mentor, A New Start MNjstuP
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty Re: A New Mentor, A New Start

Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:02 am

Artist: Yerzmyey - Song: Dark Galactica - Word Count: 1044

The screams of the child were all but blocked out from the ears of The Yuudeshi. With the creation of two small clusters of energy which shun with a bright radiance at his side, Shadin placed these objects in each of his eardrums in order to null her cries. Call him whatever you want, but hearing the yells of a child in pain wasn't exactly pleasurable to hear. It broke his heart in some aspects as he never much cared to see his own daughters in pain; so that feeling rubbed off on any small child whom he deemed wasn't some immortal freak.

'Fuck, just hang in there, brat.'

That was the one thought that hung in his mind as she began to observe the violent spams and burst of agonizing pain that Selia endured during this whole jacked up process. It caused him to grit his teeth as it was not a sight he intended to see. Sure, this whole song and dance been repeated numerous times with many different Ziamichi's and Vizard's he mentored, but it never got easier seeing a frail person like this being put in crippling pain.

Yet, with one final holler, the horrors of her trial would come to a conclusion and this procedure was going to show the results. Whether they be successful or not -- Shadin did not know in this moment. All he felt was a dread in his chest and a desire of hope in his mind that things would work out for this kid. With a glance to her side, his acute spiritual sense did pick up on the alterations taking place with her Zanpakutō. Additionally, when viewing her vital signs, there was still very much life left within her.

Thus, when Selia fell straight to the ground, there was no cause for alarm just yet. She was still very much alive and kicking, but something within her was fluctuating and rushing to the surface. This analysis proved to hold up when a flare of dazzling white light devoured the small child's body. And, at that moment, Shadin decided it was best to take a few steps backward in order to let whatever happen -- happen.

And boy -- did it ever happen.

. . .

That voice, that vulgarity and that body.

Yeah, whatever form she took now had to have been her true form. As this lusty looking creature stared intently at Shadin, The Yuudeshi's had a mixture of disbelief, surprise, irritation and relief all at the same time. While freakish supernatural shifts like this were the norm, it was still quite the dramatic shift from the frail little child he saw just moments ago. As it would be akin to a midget suddenly bursting into a six foot seven bodybuilder with a poof of rainbow fairy magic. Uh-huh, that's how ridiculous this was.

Nevertheless, once he had time to access the situation Shadin would give a soft sigh out of his mouth. If nothing else he did manage to save her life and fix whatever damage had been done to this shark-toothed grin girl's soul. In fact, that smirk looked way too damn similar to another sharky freak he knew. Radioactive was his name and he almost assumed these two would be two peas in a pod with how huge their freakish grins were.

Anyway, before she started rambling on word after word, The Yuudeshi's face then started to gradually transition back to it's neutral deadpan expression as he looked further down at her attire. Usually during most of these gaudy transformations the users clothing would often change with them. However, as Selia's tits and ass nearly fell out of her clothing, it was clearly not the case in this instance. Therefore, he decided to guide the particles of his spiritual energy to her clothing. In doing so he launched a kido spell intended to increase the length of her attire so that it wasn't hanging off her body and making her look like a damn street whore.

With that tended to, his blood eyes would then meet her bubbly gaze and he'd lean on his cane once more in order to indulge all of this in. The chick certainly had a mouth on her, but it seems like his theory held up to be true from what she described of her experience. Though, it seemed about time to introduce himself. Since this woman seemed lost and almost expected him to guide her. And that's precisely what he would do.

"Right. Yeah, you are welcome. And try being stuck in the body of a eighteen year old for four hundred years before asking questions like that."

Letting out a "tch" sound from his teeth, Shadin was then reminded of his own predicament as his body refused to age a day past the prime age of eighteen years old. It was all thanks to his own brand of semi-immortality that he inherited from his own demonic spirit when he became a Ziamichi. Once he reached his peak, his body locked in that moment and refused to budge from that point. The wonders of demonic genes. Nevertheless, that wasn't too important. What was important was deciding where to go from here as the two of them were at an impasse.

Whatever. Just spit it out. That's the best bet.

"You look about as lost as a deer in headlights. So, here is the deal, whatever form you took before now sought out mentorship to improve her powers. There was some fucktarded spiritual disturbance within yourself and I used my power to repair it to bring you, breast and all, back to the surface. So, tell me, what exactly DO you want out of this? Where do you WANT to go from here?"

With an eyebrow raised, the ball was now in Selia's court as he needed to know what developmental plan to formulate based upon whatever the hell she wanted to improve in. If she even wanted to improve from here. Time was ticking and he didn't have time to waste. So, hopefully, she would figure it out soon.

A New Mentor, A New Start WVMWLOu
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty Re: A New Mentor, A New Start

Mon May 23, 2016 12:48 am




Song: Besaid Island - Artist: FFX OST - Words: N/A

Four hundred years? Holy shit, welp, I got beaten out in terms of a shitty situation.

She had to say this at least, it was nice having her clothing fit her once more, hiding her body in a much more modest way so that any chance of an awkward situation could be avoided. But now came quite a few new questions with the whole new situation. How would everything play out from this? She had just changed into what she believed to be her true form, even if the now repressed, younger version of herself was now wondering why she was trapped so far deep down, unable to react or do anything of her own accord. Coupled with the older version's confusion on what to do from here on out, and you just got one out of place being standing right here. No real power, nothing to her name, just a new, fresh start for a new, fresh mind. Sort of.

Oh, a question set up for her? She did remember the whole searching for a mentor thing. She may have been repressed, but she was able to understand and observer everything that happened to her. It was the same as having one's body hijacked and taken away from them. She was still there, she still felt everything, ranging from the loneliness caused by everyone leaving to the joy of being around so many people. She knew exactly why she wanted to grow stronger. To protect those around her, and to finally maybe keep someone's attention long enough for them to stay. The child in her wanted companionship and friends, but the more refined version? She wanted love. Perhaps not in the romantic sense, but in the sense of just someone who would be there. How could she do that if she were this weak? How could she even protect others? Sure, her whole visage and vocabulary hinted that she was selfish and greedy, and maybe she was, but she still had a heart inside of her.

"I still want that training. I gotta get stronger, better, all that stuff. If I don't, how is there gonna be any world for me to live in and enjoy? I got a gift others ain't got, and it's called the spiritual pressure slightly above your average human. If someone teaches me all the right things, I can use it for something other than being a walking hollow snack. That sound cheesy? Not sure, but uh, yeah. I do want to change things and stuff, make 'em better, maybe not be a useless pile of reiatsu and do something with my meaningless life to make it not so meaningless."

She was being honest, but having trouble wording what she wanted. That's be something she would have to work on, expressing herself better. But hey, who needs a charismatic character when you got good looks? Everyone, but it's better to at least lie to oneself to make the pain hurt less. She was still new to everything, wanted to do everything, wanted to see everything, wanted to experience everything. The mind of a child simply evolved into an adult, the goals and dreams remained the same, only with twisted views on how to achieve them. The ball was back in Shadin's hands, would he accept this odd nutcase, or would he leave them behind?

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A New Mentor, A New Start MNjstuP
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A New Mentor, A New Start Empty Re: A New Mentor, A New Start

Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:19 pm

Artist: PLaid - Song: Unbank - Word Count: 670

Well, it seemed that she wanted all of the usual stuff your average person desired when wanting to become stronger. An ambition to reach a new strength to protect others, an impulse to find their gift and a chance to find their place in this violent and chaotic spiritual world they lived in. And, to Shadin, these were all fair enough goals. The commitment behind them, however, was going to be the more engaging process.

For now Shadin believed that he could at least get her towards the door of stabilizing and harnessing her spiritual power. Therefore, he began to walk towards Selia before promptly getting face to face with her. Then, once he was all in her personal space, he did not hesitate to grab and pull her right wrist. Once there, he would begin to channel small portions of his own energy into her in order to establish a link between their souls and a means to form a bond with her. This was important because he wanted this next lesson to be as clear as crystal to her.

"Well, congrats, you want to be the average joe. It ain't cheesy because I was the same damn way when wanting to attain power. It's only natural."

While the tone of voice on the male was gruff and stern, there was an honest and satisfied portion to the words he spoke as well. As, at least she didn't seem sadistic enough for the time being to want to use it to cause more useless drama in the world. There were more than enough beings in this planet that wanted to destroy things just for the sheer hell of it. He could count at least a hundred thousand of these Saturday morning cartoon villains off the back of his mind easily. They all came in droves and were as bland, dull and idiotic as the lame criminals, scum and shitheads before. As if you kill one, another dozen crawl out of some hole.

Regardless, this lovely trip down memory lane isn't what he was exactly here to mull over. No. He was trying to ease his mind, focus his power and learn to let it naturally flow by mentally guiding it. This was especially important because he exceeded in areas of the mind and most of his abilities stemmed from this precious resource. So, in order for him to train Selia, it would have to be based on these circumstances and he would teach her to let her own brain handle most complex supernatural processes.

"The first thing is first: relax your mind. Second, use that brain of yours to map out the potential of your abilities. Think of a chain, imagine it's composition, infuse elements of your inner world into it and allow it to materialize in your hands as this new power is being channeled into you. You should consider all of your powers as extension of your body, allow your brain to create new metaphysical nerves and eventually it will be easier and easier to control and develop your powers through pure thought alone. Go ahead, try it."

Yeah, it was a lot of useless and cruddy words to digest, but it did help that The Yuudeshi's own energy and influence were helping her. Through the usage of Imaginary Computation flowing through her body, Shadin was utilizing his own usage of quantum mechanics to alter the metaphysical values within Selia's core. By modifying the capacity her body had to achieve new forms of abstract thought and power, she could begin to accelerate her growth and the limitations of herself could be overcame so long as Shadin kept the training wheels that was his influence constantly active in her body during this training session.

So, in essence, all Selia had to do in this moment was push and his power would guide her towards the destination her new spiritual wheels wanted to go.

A New Mentor, A New Start WVMWLOu
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