Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:12 am
A short, young looking, girl wanders through the forest, a giant pair of scissors, hanging on her back, dragging on the ground slightly. Her features cannot be seen past the red hood and cloak, the most prominent thing about her currently; the giant pair of scissors. She keeps walking through the forest, unaware she is near Karakura Central. She continues to wander through the forest, looking only for a place where she may find a way to try and reduce her immense blood lust so she doesn't end him killing someone she cares about... That is if she finds someone to care about and doesn't kill them first...

As she continues to wander aimlessly around the Karakura forest, this hooded figure finds a small lake, she walks to the edge of the lake and as she looks upon the lake she smiles softly, enjoying the sound of the very small sound of water flowing. The extreme silence of the forest itself. She sits down slowly, lodging the giant pair of scissors, on her back, into the ground with ease. She leans against the pair of scissors, closing her eyes and enjoying the pleasant silence and the smell of the lake.

The hooded girl sits there for a good while before pulling out the pair of headphones she took from the human not to long ago. She looks at them, as well as the device she stole. She sighs, not entirely sure how to use them yet and puts them away. She only sighs, as she puts away the devices that are still a little unfamiliar to her. The hooded girl looks at the lake again and she exhales in relief, closing her eyes again, feeling the sensation of sleep starting to slowly overcome her being. She sits there, half asleep, enjoying the pure silence of the forest and the lake.

Just as she begins to truly enjoy the silence and her near sleep sensation, a loud noise echoes around the area. She opens her eyes slowly and she looks upon a hollow. As she looks upon this hollow she only sighs but, she notices that the hollow completely obliterated the lake. The girl stands up slowly, her eyes seemingly glowing from her rage alone.

This girl looks at the hollow intently, an extremely annoyed look on her face. She sighs and pulls her giant pair of scissors out of the ground. She grits her teeth and spins the pair of scissors around her wrist "Normally... I wouldn't kill a hollow seeing as our races aren't normally too opposed to each other..." she grins and chuckles "Unfortunately for you, I don't care what most demons have to say" she cackles evilly and as the hollow starts to move she throws her scissors at the hollow, cutting an arm clean off. The hollow screams in rage and grabs at the stump, where it's arm used to be. The scissors, after cutting off the hollow's arm, lodge into the ground on the opposite side. The hooded figure appears standing on top of the pair of scissors. "You disrupted me.. and that.. I cannot FORGIVE!" she kicks the pair of scissors up and kicks them again, the scissors flying at the hollow again. This time the scissors cut off the hollow's arm.

The hollow screams in rage again and The Hooded girl appears standing on her pair of scissors, looking at the hollow with a look that could seem emotionless to the passerby. However, in truth, the look she has on her face is that of true Bloodlust... She spins the scissors around her wrist again, looking at the hollow as it screams. "Lord will you ever just shut up, screaming and screaming. You know, before you got here it was nice and quiet. Then you come here and wake my blood lust." she sighs but starts laughing, laughing evilly again. She breaks out into near insane laughter, and as the hollow starts moving towards the hooded figure she stop abruptly "Interrupting me again, really?" she stops spinning the scissors and splits it apart at the joint, using each separate half as dual swords. She slices off one of the legs of the hollow. She stands behind the hollow as it hobbles and starts falling "I told you not to interrupt me you damn Hollow..." she rejoins her scissors at the joints and she turns around slicing through the hollow, cutting it in half and breaking it's mask. She looks at the hollow as it dissolves. "Pest..." The hooded girl looks at what used to be the lake, seeing that it is completely gone. "Just when I found a nice, relaxing, place..." she sighs and puts her scissors on her back and continues walking through the forest, looking for another place to attempt to relax

Word Count: 812
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:28 am

Wielder of The Dark Chi

Enter: Vanyel Xioyang

Word Count: 692


Vanyel Xioyang was wandering through the forest....when he detected someone pass one of his Quan Barriers! This meant....either a new tasty victim....or a idiotic hollow stupid enough to pass through his barrier. Either way, time for some fun time! Vanyel's body would vanish and reappear on the branch of a nearby tree, before this would repeat over and over. Buzhou. A Chi Human's flash step. Wait...he stopped performing quickly sense...another presence had passed his Quan barrier! A brave soul trying to defeat whatever had passed his barrier before? Hah! Like that was possible. If it was a spiritually aware human, they would have one HELL of a time trying to beat a Hollow with only their fists! Vanyel began to laugh. His psychotic laughter quickly grew louder and louder, with his head slipping backwards, and his tongue sliding from his mouth to move around his lips.

After this, he would allow his tongue to re-enter his mouth. Enough thinking...time to kill. The Wielder of Dark Chi was so excited! That only challenge he had gotten was from Sector P on the Moon, and even then, he had mainly gotten a challenge from the weird...slime....thing. But, those two had survived. He could fight them another day! That was good....Vanyel loved a challenge. It was boring if he could kill his prey too easily. Perhaps these two could be a challenge? Maybe....maybe. As Vanyel resumed his mad dash towards the energy he had sensed from his Quan barrier activating. Using Buzhou from time to time, he would begin to pick up speed. As he continued moving, his hand would move to the katana at his side, gripping the hilt tightly. With his other hand, he would spark a single orb of energy. This energy orb's color was a mix between black, and crimson red. This energy orb would spark and volt electrical energy everywhere. However, this energy was not harmful. This was just for looking awesome. Vanyel loved doing that. It made him more threatening....and more sinister.

Vanyel leaped up into the sky, using Buzhou to boost him upwards. As he did, he looked down. A red-hooded girl...murdering a Hollow! Hehe....and she was completely fuckin' clueless that he was there! Using a special ability through his Chi, Jiaodian, he would be able to see multiple things about this girl. He could, for one, see her aura. The aura in her case, was the type of energy that she boasted. And it was.....a Demon's spiritual power! Oohh.......Vanyel was interested! She also seemed to have a large weapon...a giant pair of...scissors? Umm....the fuck? Weird weapon for someone like a Demon. Vanyel simply grinned at the weapon. Once he was done...he could take those scissors. They seemed to be strong, considering that they just destroyed a Hollow. Another thing to add to his collection! He began to fall. As he did, he ripped his sword from his sheath. Holding the sword above his head, with the blade pointed towards the ground, he would attack as he fell.

As he fell, he would attempt to stab her in the back. After this he would land upon the ground with a mighty thud, shaking the ground and causing a small crater from where he landed. As he slowly stood, the orb of energy from before would still be on his palm. He would slowly raise his arm, pointing his palm towards the girl, and the orb of energy would shoot forward in the form of a beam. This beam was pure black, and it would speed towards the girl, ripping apart the land beneath the beam. Yoh. That was the name of the attack. It was incredibly simple. A beam of energy that would fire in the direction of where Vanyel chose. This energy beam had the power of a Arrancar or Hollow's Cero, or a Shinigami's Kido. If this girl avoided the attack, it would completely obliterate the tree behind her. After this, Vanyel would grin wide and swirl his tongue over his lips, and say one thing before laughing psychotically.

"'Sup, bitch? Name's Vanyel Xioyang! The Ultimate Wielder of Dark Chi and the person who will kill you! AHAHAHAHAH!"

I will DESTROY you!

Coding and Graphic In Template By:
[THEFROST] and Lilith

Last edited by Henrex Astillon on Fri Jun 17, 2016 5:05 pm; edited 3 times in total
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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Fri Jun 17, 2016 12:00 pm

The Seeker of Blood

Enter Arianda Vael
The Seeker of Blood

Word Count: 522


As Arianda walked away from the corpse of a hollow she heard a strange noise, a sort of whistling. She also felt a presence above her, just barely, but it was there. Just as Vanyel is about to strike Arianda with a stab to the back, she moves just enough to cause the scissors to block the stab. After that Arianda does a simple flip so she is facing Vanyel now. When Vanyel uses the beam Arianda sees it and looks confused but she moves out of the way with a little bit of shadow movement, bending shadows to her will. She looks at Vanyel, looking slightly confused, and annoyed. She doesn't say anything, hearing the orb destroy the tree that was in front of her. She looks at this, strange human who just yelled at her, saying he would kill her. She sighs and looks extremely bored at this random ass Human who dropped out of the fucking sky. She sighs, pulling her scissors off her back with little effort and she looks at Vanyel and as she does she plunges her scissors into the ground slightly, creating a crater where the scissors impaled the ground. Arianda examines this person, noticing a very strange energy coming from him. She looks at him still, annoyed and bored. She only shakes her head and spins her scissors around her wrist.

"What a strange human you are... Frankly, I doubt that you could ever kill me..."

Her eyes flash red for a moment and in that instant she throws her scissors at Vanyel. If he avoid them she will appear where the scissors would hit, catching the scissors and then throwing them again, repeating the process across multiple throws. Humans... Arianda hates humans, and this one is no exception, a cocky idiotic human that needs to be taught one thing; don't fucking mess with Arianda's walk through the forest. As she throws her scissors around she starts laughing, laughing insanely in fact. She starts bursting into this laughter just as her instincts take over and she prepares herself for whatever this strange being may do.

"If you think you can kill me... THEN YOU ARE AN IDIOT LIKE THE REST OF THE HUMANS!!"

After she says that she will attempt to grab Vanyel and then throw him into the ground. Of course if she misses that won't happen and instead she will get him away from her in some way, be it a kick or a slice from her scissors. During this entire encounter she is grinning, grinning, and grinning. Her eyes showing a crazy-like affinity, a craving for blood. As she craves for blood she thinks of all the screams she heard from shinigami and she starts to get even rougher, putting more strength behind each strike, and scissor throw, she aims at Vanyel. Also, while she is throwing her scissors around, attempting to get this stupid human away, she waits until the scissors fly into the air and she will grab them and convert them into the great sword form. However, she will only do this if the scissors fly into the air. Otherwise, she will attempt to avoid any actions that Vanyel makes, still laughing madly along the entire way. Arianda then laughs extremely loud, her eyes still showing her affinity for blood.

You were not so fearsome...

Coding and Graphic In Template By:
[THEFROST] and Lilith

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Left_bar_bleue419100/999999The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:16 pm

Wielder of The Dark Chi

Enter: Vanyel Xioyang

Word Count: 976


Vanyel only grinned as the girl avoided his Yoh attack. After that, the grin grew wider as those giant pair of scissors from before came flying at him. Yes, yes, that's it....come to papa. Vanyel immediately reached his arms around, and the handles of the scissors would fly into his outstretched hands. However, what he was not expecting was the girl to appear behind him and snatch them from his hands. This girl was pretty pathetic for a Demon. He knew the demons had special powers. Yet she only threw around her scissors? How pathetic. When faced with an opponent, pull out all the stops. Don't hold back. Use all of your powers. However, this girl was a prime example on how people got themselves killed. She wasn't using her important powers. It would lead to her demise. As she threw her scissors again, Vanyel would draw his dagger from his sheath, now dual-wielding his weapons. Sword in his left hand, and dagger in his right hand.

Blocking both attacks with his weapons, Vanyel would leap forward, sensing the woman moving towards her weapon for a possible follow-up attack. How could he sense this? The two will still within Vanyel's Quan Barrier. Vanyel could sense any movement within it. As he vaulted above and over the scissors, if Arianda would attempt to attack him after he grabbed the scissors, she would be greeted by his steel lined boots. After this, Vanyel would kick upwards and flip backwards. This would, if connected, slam into Arianda's chin, possibly breaking her jaw, and sending her flying backwards. As he landed, Vanyel would point a finger in her direction, quickly sparking an orb of his Chi onto the tip of his finger, which would zoom towards Arianda. He would then proceed to fire off four more blasts. Five Yoh blasts.

Vanyel would then stop his attack. She just called him...human. No....Vanyel Xioyang....was NOT human...he was not....those PATHETIC WEAKLINGS. He was VANYEL. He was....The ULTIMATE Wielder of Dark Chi. No one...would EVER best him. He was the best with Dark Chi....and time...THE GREATEST HUMAN TO EVER WIELD CHI! Beating this...BITCH to the dirt....was the next step....Vanyel's stopped attack would soon turn to...small giggles. Soon, it escalated. It quickly became Vanyel's signature laughter. His psychotic laughter.

"Heh...hehe.....ha....haha....AHAHAHAHAH! You think....I'm just a human? SUCH AN ARROGANT. AND INSOLENT. BITCH!!!"

Vanyel was in full on crazy mode now. No one could talk him out of this. He was going to KILL this Demon. He would break her....just like his mind was...




Those three words were the only thing that would ring out within the maniac's head. Keep breaking....keep snapping....THIS GIRL WOULD DIE! As Vanyel's laughter grew louder, his eyes would widen with insanity. His grin would grow. His mouth now stretched from ear to ear. A Cheshire Cat. His body was shaking. He couldn't control himself. It was let his the talking. No more talking....time....for....DEATH.


Vanyel watched as the scissors flew towards him again. His head cocked to the side as a crimson red and black aura erupted around him, pushing back everyone and everything that would come close to him. Chains would fly furiously around his body, before spikes erupted from them. Vanyel's eyes would turn to a deep crimson red, with the white of his eyes turning black. His clothes would change in color as well. From blue to black, Vanyel would now look more of the typical depiction of a demon. The chains from before would shoot forward with astounding speed. These chains were not there to bind Arianda. They were there purely to HURT and KILL her. As the chains shot forward, Vanyel leaped forward, disappearing within moments of moving. Buzhou. He reappeared behind Arianda, who now had her scissors. She had tried to grab him. How cute. BUT STILL. COMPLETELY. USELESS. He would completely BREAK her. Both in spirit....and her body. Then....she would be his to toy with. Torture her for a few days....then KILL HER. A FITTING END FOR SUCH A BITCH LIKE HER.

Vanyel placed both his hands in a cone in front of him, causing a black and crimson orb to form, with the size able to fit both of his hands. This orb would grow the slightest bit larger, then fire at her. Another Yoh. This would be the prime thing that Vanyel would use to MURDER this girl. CONSTANT. ATTACK. Vanyel would then rip his dagger and sword from their sheaths, which he had returned them to when he performed Buzhou. He would then begin his next attack. Salad slicing, it could be called. Vanyel began to move his weapons with immense speed, slashing everywhere. The flashing of steel. The aura of madness. That would be all Arianda would be able to see. This...was the very EMBODIMENT of insanity within a human. Vanyel was just that. Insane. If Arianda tried to attack him, most of her attack would be reflected. This was due to Vanyel's Xinfeng active. It would act like an Arrancar's Hierro. But this Xinfeng would break if Arianda's attack was focused on that area.

Vanyel would stop. He stopped his attack. His eyes were still widened in insanity and fury. His heart and blood were PUMPING with determination to kill. His blood was full of energy. So why did he stop? He didn't know. He just...did. His head was facing towards the ground. His grin was still visible. But....then his head flicked backwards. His head now faced the sky. He started laughing. He was thrilled. The only one who had been able to satisfy him this much in combat was Fjell, the demon. IT WAS GLORIOUS! THE BATTLE WAS SO AMAZING! But now, it was time to see if Arianda would attack back. She had better. It had better be full force. Nothing held back. Just how Vanyel wanted.

Would she satisfy the maniac?


Coding and Graphic In Template By:
[THEFROST] and Lilith

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:01 pm

The Seeker of Blood

Enter Arianda Vael
The Seeker of Blood

Word Count: 847


Arianda watched as this human kept on knocking her scissors aside. Slowly, every so slowly, she assessed how he works, fights, what he is; Figuring out his weak points. The elbow? No, wouldn't work, bastard could still attack somehow. Neck? Probably... but dodging is always a possibility... When Arianda went to grab her scissors, as they sailed into the air, she vaguely saw what this man was doing. Instead of grabbing her scissors she twisted around, kicked them down so they landed into the ground, creating a rather large crater. She then had to catch both of Vanyel's kicks while she was in the air, using her Akuma Kyodo to easily deal with the kicks, small bruises appearing on her hand on her forearm. After she landed, she then kicked a couple of the orbs aside, dodging 2 of them using well placed Shadow Movement, getting hit with one full on that nearly torches her cloak, but the cloak is strangely undamaged. She looked at herself and sigh, noticing how burned she is. She noticed that the orbs burned her legs quite a bit more than the rest of her, but she didn't care, what's pain? Something useless that should be ignored. Fuck pain, fuck this human, bitch needs to die. She looks at Vanyel and then at her scissors in the ground she only sighs. Instead of throwing her Scissors at him, when she reached them, she melded out of the shadows next to them, grabbing them. As she does so the scissors shake slightly and the eye rings break at the top and fold over while the blade binds together. And as she does so she starts quietly chanting words so she can use some Demonic Magic. As she does so she starts to grow in size, in many ways, wings sprout from her back and scales grow on her body. Her nails turning into claws and another pair of arms growing from her side. Every single appendage, everything about Arianda is covered in scales. She picks up the scissors easily, and seeing as her attempt to grab this monkey failed she looks at him completely bored, still, as he puts his hands into a cone and fires the giant Yoh at her. She puts her scissors, which now resemble a great sword, and basically use them to CUT through the Yoh, of course she did suffer burns from that. Yet again, she didn't care. Not even a little bit, so what if this insecure monkey attacked her? Whatever, just means someone to kill. As Vanyel starts to attack she folds her wings up and stands there, feeling many strike bounce off harmlessly due to how durable the scales are. She does feel some scratches, and some strikes to weaker areas, but still she doesn't care. Pain doesn't limit her, never has, and never will again. She looks at Vanyel, who had just stopped attacking and was laughing instead.

"My turn then? Well, don't care what kind of defenses you have... you're gonna die... You've shown me that you easily are not human... How does visiting hell sound?"

Suddenly Arianda's eyes flash red and with immense force she brings her great sword down on top of Vanyel, aiming for his collarbone. She puts a large amount of strength into this attack, which currently is strong enough to break through all but the strongest of defenses, say the hierro of the top espada. However, if it doesn't break through defenses this strange monkey has she would then suddenly split the scissors in half, attacking from both sides with the, now, dual swords, aiming for very weak points on this Human, say the neck, an arm, the side, anything vulnerable. Afterwards she will then kick him in the side, attempting to send him flying. If she lands any attacks on him, who the hell cares? This human barely has the strength to break her defenses as he is currently. To Arianda this human truly is just a weak Monkey, who has no idea it's tangling with a Demon. After kicking him she will fly after him and then seemingly slash at him from multiple directions by using Shadow Movement, her wings and her overall increased speed. However if she doesn't succeed in kicking him she'll continue slashing at this human with both her scissors halves and the claws of her second pair of arms, ignoring any type of attacks he may use on her. If he tries to move away Arianda will say 'Za Koa says: GET OVER HERE!!' and use Sowspear on Vanyel to bring him close to her again to slash at him with her swords and the claws from her second pair of arms. If Vanyel uses another Yoh, instead of attempting to bat it away, she will use shadow movement to meld into the shadows, but only long enough to get behind Vanyel and slash at him from the rear. Afterwards she will then move away, getting in a defensive position, preparing for what this crazy ass fuck will try to do next.

You were not so fearsome...

Coding and Graphic In Template By:
[THEFROST] and Lilith

Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Mon Jun 20, 2016 12:15 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: Spear of Justice - Word Count: 1220

The girl had transformed....some sort of Demon form. Hehe....NOW it was getting interesting! She was now covered in scales....perhaps now she wouldn't be such a little COWARD and FIGHT! Vanyel grinned more and more as the fight continued. His laughter picked up again, and the aura raged even more, with chains wildly swirling around him again. His eyes widened with even more insanity and his head cocked to the side as this girl brought down this massive great sword that replaced her scissors which had slammed onto his neck....and simply bounced off. The sword would shatter a small portion of his Xinfeng, however. This was so much fun! The heat of battle and exhilaration that rushed through one's veins!

Another attack. The single sword was now two. The sword split and attempted to attack his neck, shoulder, and right arm. However, the attacks to his neck and shoulder would simply be repelled by Xinfeng. The attack to his arm, however, would break through the Xinfeng, causing a large slash to appear on his arm. His grin soon faded once he realized this and he hovered a hand over his wounded arm. Vanyel would begin to heal his arm. Yuhe, another Chi skill, had the ability to use Chi to repair damaged cells, skin, and tissue. However, this would only heal his arm up to the point where there was still a wound, but it was not as big. Most of the massive slash would now be a scar.

After this, his lips would slowly part open, revealing his white teeth, and form into a grin. At this moment....she was so perfectly vulnerable. Quickly gathering a sum amount of Chi within his chest, Vanyel released a powerful blast of Chi all around him, which would act similar to a shockwave, but with some additional effects. Upon impact with this shockwave, Arianda would be met with a massive dizziness, loss of balance, and a small but of deafness. Tilian. A neat little trick Vanyel liked using to catch his enemy off-guard. It had a maximum range of 200 meters. Not as good as Yoh, but still was a nice little skill to hide and use at a random point.

However, Vanyel then sheathed his sword. He then crouched down, ignoring everything the girl was saying, and began to chant one of his own rituals. A red transmutation circle would form around Vanyel Xioyang, and a crimson and black aura would emit from this circle, and would seem to focus about flowing near his hands. He would then begin the ritual's incantation. This ritual was one that had a Norse name, and reference Norse mythology. Strange, wasn't it? A Chi Ritual made from a man from Japan, referencing Norse mythology. It was very strange. However strange it may be, it most certainly was effective.

Incantation Circle:

"Fenrir! Give me the power to shatter your bonds, and destroy anything that stands in my way!"

One this was said, Vanyel would begin to change. Not in a major way, but it would still change him. The aura of the Dark Chi user's awakening seemed to be enraged, with the aura flaring up as the ritual incantation was completed. The crimson and black aura that had emitted from the circle now began to move. The aura would begin to flow around Vanyel's hands and the tips of his fingers would sharpen and form claws, and his breathing would soon turn to growling. A grin broke out on his face once more, revealing his white teeth transformed as well. The had sharpened and formed fangs. The circle would remain still, and Vanyel would flick his head back, emitting a loud howl from his throat.


The maniac howled towards the sky, with the circle's aura from before now erupting towards the sky, and slowly forming into a single cloud of a mix of black and crimson energy. The cloud would slowly dissipate over time, but the ritual was complete. He slowly dug his new claws into the ground, as well as digging the toe of his steel toed boot into the ground. As he ran his tongue through his new fangs, Vanyel would leap forward at incredibly high speeds, his claws primed at the ready. His eyes widened with excitement as he closed the distance between himself and Arianda.

The arms that held his claws would thrust forward in a stabbing motion, aiming to either stab or grab Arianda. He would, if this succeeded, pull her close and his grin would grow even wider. He would then start slashing her body up something fierce. His laughter would ensue from this action, with his eyes going wild. Vanyel was more insane than ever. Chains would erupt around him again, with spikes bursting from the chains. However, if his previous attack failed, he would simply have the chains swirl around him wildly.

"Time to cut up that pretty little face of yours~"

Vanyel's eyes sparkled with amusement, before these chains would lurch towards Arianda, all of them heading towards her face. If these were dodged, they would rebound and head back towards her and Vanyel. Once they had passed her at least twice, they would return to Vanyel's side, spinning around him extremely fast. Vanyel would close his psychotic eyes, before they would open again, and his hand would drift into the inside of his jacket, before they would come out, revealing three daggers, gleaming with black and crimson energy. He would then flick his arm out, sending the three daggers flying towards her.

After this he would then thrust a hand out, with the palm of his hand glowing. Not only would chains begin to fly out towards Arianda, but a black and crimson energy blast would fire towards her, even more powerful than before. It was another Yoh attack. However, the chains that had launched forward would begin to wrap around the Yoh blast, spinning and making the blast even more deadly.

However....a single kunai spear broke through the Yoh. It pierced the blast and wrapped around Vanyel's midsection. This was no ordinary spear. It was a Demon Spell. He could hear the girl yell "GET OVER HERE!" and Vanyel smirked. Sounded like a character from a video game. Vanyel allowed himself to be dragged towards the girl, but he had a plan. As she melted into shadows with the Demon's version of Hoho, Shadow Movement, Vanyel would focus near all of his Xinfeng power for this moment into his back area. The girl attacked him. The blade pierced his Xinfeng....and his back. Vanyel's grin faded. He did not scream. He did not react to the pain, aside from a small flinch. Vanyel would then rip the spear that had yanked him forward off of him, then reach behind him and pull the scissors from his back. Arianda had reappeared in front of him.

Vanyel would then flick his hands open, sending sparks of Chi from his claws out. His growling could now be heard clearly. Anger....Hatred....INSANITY. Those three things would describe Vanyel's mental state right now. It was the prime of what he always felt. He was insane. But now...he was at the pure PINNACLE of insanity. Vanyel soon grinned again, but this was wider than before. His white fangs would gleam from the dark aura he still emitted.

Playtime...was over. All Hell was about to break loose.

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Mon Jun 20, 2016 6:22 pm

The Seeker of Blood

Enter Arianda Vael
The Seeker of Blood

Word Count: 708


Arianda, still rather perplexed by this strange human, watched as he slowly got torn apart by her scissors. Not terribly quickly, but fast enough the the point where she was still quite bored in this human. She felt the giant shock wave this human sent out and she was definitely buffeted by it, she grit her teeth, creating a counter shock wave with her wings so she could decrease as many effects as possible trying to keep herself as aware as possible. Just as she thought that maybe she should just let this human be instead of killing him in his insolence he suddenly howled, like a wolf, out of nowhere. She looked at this extremely strange human with a look that now shows complete annoyance and disappointment, the words 'dear god...' echoing through her mind. She then sees him charge towards her and aim to stab her, using her wings she flew back slightly, enough to be out of claw reach. However when the chains started to spin around him violently she had to move a little farther away, to avoid getting her scales any more damaged. She also did so to avoid any more possible injury, however, because of the shock wave earlier she got lightly nicked by a couple of the chains revolving around Vanyel, creating sizable dents in her scales. As she lands the Human sends chains directly at her face and she sighs, throwing her arms in front of her face attempting to block the chains. Doing so breaks the scales and only draws a small amount of blood. As Arianda lowers her arms, a immensely deadly look is revealed, here eyes showing only complete blood lust, while her face is completely calm. She sees the daggers and slices two out of the air and does a flip, kicking the other one into the air and as it comes down she kicked it directly at Vanyel, blade first. The blade went through the Yoh, following the spell she cast earlier. She then had to move way the hell out of the way using her wings to fly above the Yoh and avoiding the chains via the flight. Afterwards she appears in front of the, now bloodied, human and smirked.

"The concept of death must entertain you... Shall I introduce you? Well... then again, you've already met her."

She kept smirking and as she did so she swung at Vanyel's neck with the right blade, attempting to grab him with her second pair of arms. Whether or not she succeeds in grabbing Vanyel she'll still try to slash at his neck. If Vanyel launches an attack at her she will use on of her arms to attempt to block the attack. Next, she decided to prepare if Vanyel attempts to get away from her in any way. She whispers the prayer 'Behold, the putrid embers of Za Koa' to herself, preparing the spell so she may put it in an area where the 3 seconds would expire and then hit Vanyel directly. During that time, she will begin to wildly slash at Vanyel now, from the left, right, above, below, nearly all directions she can attack while having this crazy ass man grappled. Even if she doesn't have him grappled, she'll fly at him, doing the same thing but, flitting around using her wings, cutting from all directions at that point. Arianda looks at him while doing this, still only slightly bored.

"Come then... face Death... Boy... I can tell you that she isn't displeased in your, performance."

Arianda smirks again, extremely obvious blood lust churning in her eyes, as she glared at this being before her. She sighs and her final attack, for now, is just like one of her original attacks. She slams her blades into Vanyel's collarbone, at the same spot she aimed for earlier. She was done, bored and wanted to continue her peaceful walk, this monkey disturbed it. He needs to be taken the fuck out.

Time to stop playing, time to let the skies fill with blood, and for the maiden of death to descend upon the heavens and dispatch this human. This must end.

You were not so fearsome...

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[THEFROST] and Lilith

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:50 pm



Artist: Toby Fox - Song: Gaster's Theme - Word Count: 947

Bitch....BITCH....BITCH BITCH BITCH!!! THIS FUCKING BITCH WILL DIE! This was the only thing COURSING through Vanyel's mind as the girl attacked him. Using Chengtan, another Chi Skill, Vanyel reached out to the blade that attacked him, wrapping around the blade with a black and crimson energy. This was the physical form of Dark Chi. As he did, he thrust his hand down, which would force her weapon to impale into the ground. Vanyel would then disappear, then reappear next to her, before twisting her head so that her ear would face him.

"It's a shame that I'm going to kill're not too bad looking, sweetheart~....."

Before Arianda could grab him, Vanyel then would disappear again, reappearing above her, firing two Yoh blasts before disappearing again. He would then reappear a few feet behind her, then draw his dagger from his sheath, and twirl it between his fingers. He would then return his katana to the sheath, and then bring his dagger to his cheek. Gently pressing the tip of the blade to his cheek, Vanyel took on even more of the psychotic killer appearance. As he cocked his head, he realizes something. Two things, actually. One, his Chi Ritual from before had faded. Two....his Awakening wasn't going to last much longer. He had to finish this up.

As he slowly dragged his tongue over the metal blade of his dagger, he slowly brought an arm forward, pointing the palm of his hand at her. By doing this, he then sparked a single orb of black energy on his hand. As he did, his aura would fade. Any chains left swirling around him would vanish. His Awakening was now inactive. However, there was a reason behind this. That reason...was the black energy ball in his hand. As it began to spark and arc Chi in the form of lightning, Vanyel's "aura" would feel weakened. By this, his presence would feel much weaker than it did before. This was due to his use of a skill. Piqi.

This skill would, essentially, close off all of his Chi nodes, or Qiqong in his body, focusing all of his Chi to make this. This orb of black energy would grow larger, almost engulfing his hand completely. Vanyel then sheathed his sword on his shoulder, before he brought his other arm up to the same height as the arm preparing the blast. This orb would not leave his hand. Instead, he would leap forward, drawing his arm backwards. As he did, the orb on his hand would spark and arc more Chi electricity. As Vanyel would draw near to Arianda, he would thrust his arm forward, causing the orb in his hand to lurch outwards, forming a black sphere around here. If this hit, Arianda would be met with immense pain.

However, this would take a massive toll on Vanyel. He would have very little Chi left in his capacity. However, he was going to use an extremely small portion of it to use his flash step, Xin Yue Buzhou, to flash away from her. At this moment, Vanyel was weak, beaten, and exhausted. He was an idiot to use that. He was desperate to kill her. He wanted her dead. This bitch....was going to DIE. He slowly drew his weapons, ready to confront her.




They were there. Voices within the maniac's mind. They were telling him to kill her. Torture her. MUTILATE HER. CARVE HER FUCKING FACE INTO SOMETHING UNRECOGNIZABLE! More and more graphic and disturbing thoughts started flowing into the Wielder of Dark Chi's mind, and his eyes widened. This...was an amazing feeling. It was faint....but it felt so good. The feeling....of knowing that he was close to death...but yet he still fought. Adrenaline pumped through his veins as his grin grew. Laughter erupted from him, and his head flicked backwards.

His head snapped to attention. She had said that he would face Death. SHE SURE AS HELL WASN'T FUCKIN' DEATH! SHE WAS NOWHERE CLOSE TO IT! Vanyel slid his tongue out of his mouth, and the pink object would hang from his mouth as the feelings coursing through his heart, mind and veins started driving even more insane. He tried saying something, but it only came out as unintelligible rambling. The feelings was going to his head.

His laughter increased as the adrenaline increased. He leaped forward, slashing everywhere as he could literally see nothing but the aura of the ones around him. He whipped his head around and leaped in that direction, seeing a red aura in the shape of Arianda's body. His eyes grew even wider and his laughter escalated to screaming of the words "DIE" and "KILL". Vanyel had truly lost it now. He had become drunk on his emotions, as well as the immense adrenaline pumping through him. He continued to leap from area to area, slashing wildly. At this point, Vanyel Xioyang could no longer form any sort of words.


He wanted more blood.

He didn't have enough. The voices weren't satisfied with any of the HUMAN victims that he had killed. It wasn't enough....he...and they...needed more. Blood. Death. All of it. HE YEARNED FOR IT! Vanyel stopped dead in his tracks. As he did, his laughter would resume. The laughter would not stop. As he resumed his attack, the maniac would then sheath his dagger, before taking his katana with both hands. An uncommon move for Vanyel, since he normally wielded his katana with one hand, not two. As he did, the maniac would stop in his tracks, panting, and muttering more unintelligible rambling, with him constantly shaking his head.


Was there any sense that could be made of the man's rambling? Or was it just more rambling, with no sense within?

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:42 pm



Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1050

Arianda had sighed, peering at this strange man, not feeling much of anything from her singed arms. As she got progressively more annoyed by this man she thought of doing something that she hasn't needed to use in a long time. She got even more annoyed when he had pinned one of her blades to the ground. She just used her other arm to pull it out of the ground resisting the spell. She then heard this strange man speak into her ear. She grits her teeth at his comment.

"As much as I would like to take your compliment... I think I'll just end you"

Despite her words she didn't fully anticipate the two Yoh from above. She was able to dodge one of the Yoh, she had to end up blocking the other one, singing all four of her arms now. She doesn't make any sign that the pain is affecting her, however she can feel a slight toll on her body now. May have to use that. Were the words that went through her head after she blocked the two Yoh sent out by the human. She then watched this human touching himself with his knife, as she watches this she is completely dumbfounded but she starts muttering words under her breath, preparing many defensive spells. As Vanyel jumped at her she smirked slightly and she whispered under her breath: "Touketsu, your manifold powers freeze all in fright.". Soon after she says this a Fluttersphere forms. Luckily for Arianda, it doesn't take all that much energy; unfortunately she's starting to lose some stamina from blocking a couple of those Yoh. She uses the Fluttersphere to effectively avoid the attack, moving to the very edge of the center, while Vanyel himself is slowed down. Just as the black energy flared up she sighed in relief, seeing that she avoided something that would have done some pretty good damage, however, she did feel some of the energy reach her and shock her since the space she has isn't very great. She winced from the pain, but didn't show any other signs of pain, aside from a slight gasp. Unfortunately the human had left her Fluttersphere. She knew that leaving the center completely would release the spell, so she waited for the human to attack again. As he closed the space and attacked her, Arianda barely avoided his attack. This human had impressive enough speed, even under the influence of the Fluttersphere. However as he slashed again, Arianda had moved to avoid and her foot just barely stepped out of the center, and the fluttersphere shattered, leaving Vanyel at his normal speed again. Arianda curses to herself and blocks what attacks she can from this human swinging wildly. Using her other pair of arms she blocks a good amount of the strikes, but a good few of them get through and break through her scales. She looked at the human as he suddenly stopped, and starting laughing, and laughing. Soon after he started attacking again, using his Katana with both of his hands. Luckily for Arianda that means he had one less weapon. Again she blocked most of the attacks, a good amount getting through. When he stops again, muttering like the mad-man he is, she looked at this man, quite annoyed.

"I had hoped I wouldn't have to use this, I was hoping to just let you off with a few dents to the skull, broken limbs, you know, the whole nine. But, it does seem that I underestimated you... It's time to end this. HUMAN"

As she says this the scales on her body seem to be molting off. Yes, as if they are coming off like a second skin, an expired skin that must be replaced. As the scales slowly chipped off, of their own accord, the second pair of arms also turned to dust and fell off. Horns grow from her head, about a foot in length. The hair around the horns, red, like the color of blood, seemingly binds into a braid on its own, a blade sprouting from the end of the braid. Her wings also grew to be just a little bit bigger. And as she spreads them, it is revealed that all the scales that were on her body, are gone. She still barely has her Akuma Kyodo, but it isn't as strong as when she was in her shifter form. She looked at vanyel, and said nothing as her skin slowly changed to be an even darker shade of red. She started to move towards this man, her eyes seemingly glowing with blood lust. If Vanyel looks into her eyes, he won't be scared or anything lame like that, no, he would only be aware of this demon's vast blood lust. How much Arianda loves to shed blood, and how much she will be pleased to spread more of his blood upon the dirt. Before she took another step, she seemingly disappeared, and then reappeared behind Vanyel, attacking with her bare hands, instead of her scissors, at least currently. She slashed at his back, in the same area she hit earlier, with her claws. Afterwards she attempts to stab him through the gut, hoping to have caught him off guard. She looked at him, the only thing left on her body are some tattered, skin tight, black attire that nearly revealed her. But she didn't care, she just has to be rid of this man, this monkey, this fool. As she thinks this she takes her scissors and slashed at his side now, aiming to injure him severely. After she had done so she will move a bit away, starting to feel the toll on her. She sighs To think this human would be able to push me to my limits... formidable bastard.... Those were her final thoughts, feeling some of the wounds from earlier bleed and the burns acting up. She only sighs, ignoring the pain. She looked at the human one more time.

"I'll say it once more... I. AM. DEATH!"

After those words, she threw her scissors, aiming for whatever she can hit on the human, mainly aiming for his chest, not caring what it pierces, whether it be him or the ground.

This was about to end!

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The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open) Empty Re: The Red Hooded Girl Wanders Through the Forest... (Open)

Wed Jul 06, 2016 3:28 pm



Artist: RWBY OST - Song: Red Like Roses Part II - Word Count: 1,027

Vanyel simply scoffed at the girl's attempt to attack him with her claws. Focusing all of his Xinfeng's power within the spot she had attacked, the claws were able to leave minimal damage on him. Vanyel grinned as this happened, with his tongue sliding over his lips. However, the Xinfeng was getting weaker every time he used it. Right now, if he tried to use it any more, it would be useless. The strength of his Xinfeng was incredibly weak right now from the multiple blocking of attacks. He wouldn't be able to block anymore attacks.

As Vanyel's front was attacked soon after his back, Vanyel moved backwards, avoiding most of the stab to his stomach, but still received a long slash on his stomach. It was unavoidable. Vanyel leaped in the air, landing on the branch of a nearby tree, and his breaths were no longer silent. They were loud, exhausted panting. Pain. That is what Vanyel felt. Pure.....genuine...pain. It was glorious. The heat of battle. The bloodlust that flowed through both fighter's veins.

It was all amazing. The rush and the feelings that burned through his body. It was so....amazing. Never....had he ever...felt this amazing when fighting. A grin burst out onto Vanyel's face. His throat let out small laughter. This laughter soon escalated to full, psychotic laughter. THIS WAS THE TRUE HEAT OF BATTLE! Vanyel Xioyang lifted his sword from his side. The steel of Kuro Komo gleamed brighter than ever. The aura of evil that emitted from the sword was growing stronger.

Vanyel was shaking with excitement. It was not big, or major. His body was trembling with excitement. The adrenaline that pumped through his veins was giving him a high. A high of wanting more. More from this girl. More and more and more. He wanted to have the most fun he could from this fight. Vanyel reached towards his dagger, ripping it from the sheath on his shoulder.

His grin grew wider. This fight would NOT be ending anytime soon. His neck craned to the side, and a loud crack came from the bones within Vanyel's neck. Moving his neck in the opposite direction, his neck cracked again. With his weapons in hand, Vanyel leaped down from his tree, before grinning even more, walking towards Arianda.


The growl from Vanyel was clear to hear. She was not Death. Death would not have taken this long to reach their full power and kill him. She was just a WEAK, PATHETIC little girl. The scissors that flew towards him were NOTHING. All those things were...were a pair of safety scissors that she had no clue how to use. All she did was throw them. She had NO idea the true potential of her weapon.

A veil of darkness covered Vanyel's face, concealing his closed eyes, but did nothing to prevent her from seeing his white teeth that gleamed out from this veil of darkness. His eyes opened to reveal two ocean blue eyes. They were wide. Filled with insanity. The blade of Kuro Komo and his dagger gleamed in the afternoon sun. How long had it been? The time seemed to just flow like a river around them.

Vanyel slowly took a step forward, with his boots silently tapping against the ground. The steel lined within the boots jingled. It had been knocked loose. Oh well. He could fix it later. With this current fight, he didn't give a damn about the steel in his combat boots. Gripping both weapons in his hands, Vanyel's fingers and palms began to turn into a shade of white from the tightness of his grip. The hand that held his dagger began to move.

Twirling the small weapon between his fingers, Vanyel began to perform more and more dangerous stunts with his weapon. Whipping it around his body and around his wrist, Vanyel was in danger of cutting himself if he wasn't careful. However, his stunt was soon cut short by the sight of her scissors sent flying towards him. Vanyel simply reacted by grinning wider, then hurling his dagger into the air, and charging towards the weapon flying towards him.

With his katana in his left hand, he leaped into the air, raising his sword high above his head, priming to strike. With the scissors flying towards him at high speeds, Vanyel had little time to block and deflect. However, he was not aiming to get rid of the scissors by flinging them away with his mid-air deflect. Oh no. As the scissors approached him, Vanyel swung down, slamming the scissors deep into the ground. However, doing this caused him to lose momentum and speed, and he fell to the ground.

Landing on the scissors, Vanyel launched himself towards Arianda. Leaving his sword trailing behind him, Vanyel prepared for a single, killing strike. Decapitation. As the blade moved from behind him to move in front of him, Kuro Komo was about to taste blood....

Before the blade stopped moving in it's tracks. With the blade of the katana being mere inches away from Arianda's neck, Vanyel had purposely stopped his attack. His grin grew as he looked at the girl, before he moved his blade away. As he did, he reached his arm out, with the palm of his hand aimed towards the scissors that he had left implanted in the ground. The strange weapons would slowly be surrounded by a dark aura, and would lift from the ground.

The weapon would then float over to Arianda's side, before slamming down into the ground. It didn't bury them by too much, but it did keep them from moving. Vanyel had used the last of his energy to do that. As his grin grew from ear to ear, he sheathed his sword. He was not surrendering. He was sparing her.

"Not bad sweetheart. I can tell we've both reached out limits. So...just this once....I'll spare ya."

Vanyel slowly turned around, before he would begin to walk away. The fight was over. A small scale of destruction was caused from this fight. However, this fight may have been over for Vanyel, but it was no way in hell over for the both of them. Next time, she would die. Next time.....


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