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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:03 pm

Mirja, the Masterless Pet

Ahh, Morocco. Lovely place, if you had the taste for it. Which, Mirja kind of did, sorta. Ish. If there weren't so many people around. Her teaching of Iko to be a proper person was going slow and people kind of made Mirja nervous. The Wolf Girl was so protective of Mirja anything could bring her out in force, and that made things awkward for Mirja when she was trying to talk and then Iko appeared and started ripping throats out. Unfortunately, she was here specifically for people today, so she couldn't avoid them if she wanted to.

The person she was looking for, was a man who had his ear to the ground, so to speak. He knew a lot about everything, which was why she was going to him. She had heard about a sort of gem, the Damos Gem, which was meant to give the wielder control over fire, or something like that. Mirja liked setting things on fire so this really worked for her, if she could work it. This place, like all of Europe, was Shadowfall territory after all, and after her leaving of Arianda, she had no protection in these places any longer.

Well, no protection more than her own mighty fists and powerful muscles, and now nails that grew like claws. So, a fair bit of protection, really, but nothing that would stop a fight before it began, which was something she always wanted to do. Fighting led to bad, ouchie stuff, usually for the other side. And of course there was Beowulf as well, he would always be around to back her up, regardless of what happened in life, which was a comforting thought. And in this place, she needed all the comforting thoughts she could get her clawed hands on.

Certainly drew attention as well. Not because of her Shunshakou, short and to the point, or the sword on her hip, or the lack of shoes. No, it was the ears and tail that poked out from her head and Shunhakou respectively, ears twitching to sounds and tail swishing as she walked along the road. Few gray-haired wolf girls appeared in this neck of the woods, so Mirja decided to flaunt it. Got the goods, give the fun, no? Swishing tail, swaying ass, lewd smirk, everything that would make guys go all in a tizzy around here. And it was fun.

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Sun Sep 04, 2016 6:53 pm
Reserving a post. Juuuuuuuust in case
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Sun Sep 04, 2016 10:03 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon

Rakshasa Of Wrath
Death Energy Merge

Artist: Sick Puppies - Song: You’re Going Down - Word Count: 623

It has been a while, hasn't it? Though Yuukinan does not completely remember her time on earth, it had been a long, long.... LONG time. Being 1000 years old does that to you, one second, you're a shinigami then POOF, you're a Rakshasa guarding one of the layers of hell with little to no memories from your time as a human or a Shinigami. Well, whatever, Yuukinan did not care about her past. Frankly, all she really cared about was herself and her hell beast Ikari. Speaking of Ikari, she wasn't drunk, for once. Of course, she wouldn't be, considering she was actually travelling with Yuukinan. The two had decided to go here for some fresh air... some. To Yuukinan, the Human realm was full of smog and was absolutely disgusting at points.

This place was no exception... Sprawling cities, numerous amounts of people. Hell, Yuukinan had to stick to the roofs in order to just get around. Luckily, she was able to move fast enough so people wouldn't be able to see her as well, if at all. Of course, if anyone knew who Yuukinan was they couldn't tell now. Anytime she ventures into the overworld, where humans, and otherwise, reside the most; she activates her DE Merge form. In truth, it really is unneeded but, she doesn't like to draw attention to herself. She also uses a slight alias, with only her last name being true. That Alias is Akame Asthavon. Don't ask her where she thought of it, it just kinda popped up in her head one day and she thought it'd work.

As Yuukinan kept moving along she brushed the incredibly long hair of her DE Merge aside so she could see appropriately and so that the hair wasn't going everywhere. However, she stopped suddenly when she sensed the presence of a Shinigami. She gripped the handle of her sword, which were Kugiri Megumu and Thangkas combined currently, trying not to rip it out of its sheath and violently attack the Shinigami. She knew they were on a ceasefire between the demons and the Shinigami, but, she couldn't help it. She HATED Shinigami, they had always struck a sour chord in her mind.

She resisted the urge to yank on the red handle of her blade, and strike down the Shinigami. Ikari looked at her and grabbed her arm lightly shaking her head slowly.

"Yuukinan... You know that we are on a ceasefire right? Besides, attacking a random Shinigami like this is a bad idea."

Yuukinan gritted her teeth as she looked at the Shinigami, her normal emotionless state completely gone, but, she looked at Ikari, clearly pissed.

"I can't exactly just ignore the fact that a Shinigami is here! I HATE them!"

Ikari sighed softly and hugged Yuukinan, being the only one who can really do so without getting eviscerated. The hug slowly calmed Ikari until she returned to her normal cold gaze. She sighed softly and patted Ikari on the head softly, taking her hand off her Katana. She sighed softly once more and then thought.

"We could follow her... To see what she's doing..."

Ikari groans a little, knowing full well that if she tried to argue with Yuukinan she would lose, and it seemed like Yuukinan was convicted to follow her. She nodded in compliance, although it was a begrudging nod, and they started to follow Mirja by hopping from rooftop to rooftop. Yuukinan wasn't going to attack the Shinigami, but, that wouldn't stop her from following said Shinigami. After all, hate and anger drives her more than anything...

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Sep 05, 2016 10:20 am

Mirja, the Masterless Pet

Surprisingly, considering she never did any Kido and had no spiritual sense, Mirja's reiatsu sensing was pretty good. It wasn't incredible like some peoples, but it got her where she needed to be, and gave her a good, solid sense of the surrounding area. And that, allowed her to sense the Demon using that strange energy coming in on her. It was probably Arianda. Same energy stuff, and who else would be stalking her through the slums of Morroco? The woman just couldn't leave well enough alone, and it was slightly irritating for Mirja that Arianda couldn't just give her a bit of space. Mirja had made it clear that she wanted some space for Iko, some time to recover and work with her new mind tennant, but no, she was all up in Mirja's grill right now, without so much as a week to let her come down from thata place.

So, Mirja led the Demon Woman on a merry joureny, up and down places, passing where she was going three times and patroning a lot of the street-side stalls, chatting to some people with shockingly elegant french, and generally being quite the friendly person. She made sure to give the stand the money for the stuff she bought, and then talked to some of the people around to ask if how the day was going, and if there had been any Hollow attacks recently. After Mirja got her anwser she gave the burger to a small kid on the street, probably ruining dinner, but what did she care, she had a fluffy tail!

Next, was the dress shop. She ordered a copious degree of clothing mateirals, and oversaw the measurements properly, so she could make an outfit that she was probably going to need for later. She had a large wardrobe of outfits, but could always use more for her antics around the world. Mirja carried on this meandering around Morocco until she thought Arianda was sufficently irritated at the lack of culmination in the stalking. It was at that point she used her Flash Steps to appear next to the Demon that she thought was Arianda.

"You know, if you can't give me a few days to myself..." she then paused. The smell was different, and this close, she could tell the minor changes in the girl's energy pattern that meant she was so obviously not Arianda. "Ohh, hey. Sorry, thought you were someone I knew. You are pretty cute though, you wanna get to know each other better?" She teased, oblivious to the other creature right next to her. When Mirja focused on something, she was pretty single-minded in that focus.

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 1:58 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon

Rakshasa Of Wrath
Death Energy Merge

Artist: Panda Eyes & Teminite - Song: Highscore - Word Count: 819

Lord.... What the FUCK was this girl doing? If she was aiming to annoy Yuukinan it was both working on not working. Ikari was constantly keeping her from blowing a fuse and turning the surrounding area into a crater; the only reason she hadn't destroyed anything yet. Yet. She watched as the Shinigami went to a booth. Then to the next booth, seemingly handing a child something, and then she was inside of a building. Looked to be a store of clothing from what Yuukinan could see. Whatever, that shit was boring and frankly she had no interest in waiting for the Shinigami.

While still being able to sense the Shinigami, Yuukinan fixed her overcoat and the tie she had in her DE Merge form. She was definitely fond of this form, she really could tell you why she thought of this form, something about her appearance and blade just screamed terrifying and that she was an assassin. She fixed the plates of armor on her forearms as Ikari turned into a fox and hopped onto Yuukinan's shoulder.

"Yuuukiiinaaaan, can I get drunk already??"

Yuukinan sighed softly and lightly scratched her head, a little annoyed at the thought of having to deal with a drunk Ikari, again. She shook her head and poked Ikari lightly.

"No, I don't need you drunk right now. You can drink Sake when we get back to hell. Now is not the best time anyways."

With a sharp sigh Yuukinan ceased speaking to Ikari, noticing that Mirja was finally emerging from the clothes store.... and she was going somewhere else. Yuukinan felt the need to just blow up some people. That feeling was only amplified when the Shinigami appeared next to her, saw that coming. This girl was fast, but, her movements seemed a little clunky to Yuukinan. The second her eyes were set upon Mirja they flashed with intense rage and anger. Wanting to rip apart the Shinigami here and now. Ikari bit her ear slightly, pulling her out of the rage long enough for her to listen to Mirja.

Wowww, mistaking Yuukinan for someone else. Yeesh, that annoyed Yuukinan. After Mirja spoke about getting to know each other and that Yuukinan was cute, Ikari couldn't do anything to calm the anger that Yuukinan had acquired from being called "cute." Sure, Yuukinan was cute, in her DE Merge and her true form, but, she HATED being called cute. She did not like being called cute, it was demeaning to her for some reason. With a single step she flew backwards to the opposing side of the building, drawing her sword, the sheath in her left hand, as she flew back, Ikari resting on her shoulder, un-moving.

"First. Don't fucking call me cute. Second, No, I do not want to know you at all. Shinigami are not on my list of people I would like to 'know.' So, no fucking thanks."

Yuukinan did not move a single muscle after she drew her sword, sometimes its name in this form escaped her, after all, it was a weird name. But, never mind that. If Mirja was observant enough, which she could not be at the moment considering the center of her focus is Yuukinan, she would notice that the blade of this Katana was not meant to be touched under any circumstances. The blade had a weird foreboding feeling about it; as if it could kill with one slice... Of course, it couldn't do such a thing to anyone. But, it definitely does not look like something you want to get cut by. Ikari yawned softly and pawed at Yuukinan's face.

"Come oooon, this Shinigami isn't worth iiiit. Let's just go so I can get drunk~!"

Yuukinan looked at Ikari and lightly nuzzled her fox nose, yes she is a fox right now just in case you forgot, and sighed softly. Just from looking at Yuukinan, her eyebrows pointed downwards, mouth shut tight, eyes unwavering and shining with wrath, that she was pissed at the very sight of the Shinigami. Unknown to Mirja was that it took Yuukinan a lot of effort not to just straight out attack Mirja. Of course, some of that was Ikari's efforts too.

"Tch.... You know I can't just leave now... besides, I don't want you to get drunk again!"

Ikari pouted and Yuukinan growled a little before she looked back at the Shinigami. Yuukinan didn't look like she entirely wanted to fight, then again it kinda looked like she did want to fight, but, with the distance thrown between the, she wasn't going to attack anytime soon; if at all. Yuukinan stood there, waiting for Mirja to act. Whatever may happen, hopefully the city doesn't get destroyed.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:20 pm

Mirja, the Masterless Pet

Not Arianda, but certainly a very angry woman. Something Mirja would solve soon. That kind of anger, needed an outlet, and she felt empathic towards her enemies, the ones that weren't mindless beasts at least. When the woman fled and drew her sword, Mirja sighed softly, shaking her head. Mirja thought her soul was screaming, and that she was the one to help bring it into a blend of control, and release. Much like Mirja's own strength and personality. She had only recently come to grips with the power she was wielding, and she would be damned if she let the girl wallow in this abyss without streching out a helping hand.

"Sorry. It sounds like you really have some problems with my race. But I want you to know" She said, before suddenly flash stepping again, to be right in front of the woman, the blade barely an inch from her body. "I am here to help you. I understand what you are going through. Spent so long angry at Hollows for the Fifty Year War, I couldn't think past the rage to see what they really were. Just, helpless victims of circunstance, not worthy of angry. Only pity"

She looked to the blade, and felt like it was not something she should really be this close to, but at the same time a few hundred years of feeling invincible because your very skin reflected whatever the world threw at it made her very confident. Those mad scientist bastards needed high intensity lasers just to get through her skin enough to inject her with the drugs, so her mind didn't really factor the girl's sword as being anything better than a super laser.
"I'm sorry for calling you cute. I didn't know you disliked it so much, and I want do it again. But if not cute, then what do I call you? I'm Mirja" she gave the woman as soothing, friendly smile as she could. There was also a fox, apparently, but Mirja was focused on the sword-wielding woman who was apparently on her period all day every day.

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 2:46 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon

Rakshasa Of Wrath
Death Energy Merge

Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 481

The second Mirja came within range, Yuukinan raised her sword in a split second; the sword at Mirja's throat. It wasn't touching her, not even a little, she had no idea Mirja had hard ass skin, but, the blade of this Katana wasn't exactly weak or dull. As a matter of fact, the angrier she got, the sharper the blade would seem to get; though only slightly. She did not want Mirja's help, she had Ikari and that was the only person she needed in her life. Even if she was an Asthavon, only the Queen could provide her with any semblance of "family." But, even then, she did not like being around her. She was always wanting to get into the panties and pants of every guy and girl, and Yuukinan would like to not deal with that, at all.

She glared at Mirja, with such intense rage. Contrary to Mirja's believe, she wasn't suffering, not even a little bit. The sight of a Shinigami, even just seeing the Shihakusho, pissed her off too much to bare. She kept her blade leveled at Mirja's throat, and would not move it unless Ikari somehow convinced her to. And, unluckily for Mirja, she happened to be a Shinigami. The very thing she hates more than anything in this world. She continued to glare at Mirja, not saying a word as Ikari spoke, still a fox.

"I suggest you leave... You see... She's not very fond of Shinigami, to put it bluntly, she hates every single Shinigami; and that includes you."

Ikari spoke in a very frank voice, also in a tone that was along the lines of a warning. She also made sure that she could not be snagge off of Yuukinan's shoulder by hiding in her overcoat slightly. Yuukinan only nodded in confirmation to what Ikari had said, and wondered what she should tell the Shinigami what her name was. Her glare was unwavering, her blade un-moving as she decided to give Mirja her alias.

"I'm Akame Asthavon... now if you could, leave. I didn't come here to fight, Shinigami"

She said the name Shinigami with a slight growl; malice abundant in her voice. It was clear that she was not on her period all day every day. No. She had a grudge against Shinigami that would never fade. To Yuukinan the reasons were unclear ever since she forgot most of the details about her past. Everything up until she was a Rakshasa was a blur. Oh well, she didn't care. Being 1000 years old was good enough for her not to care about her past anymore. What she cared about now was herself and Ikari. Nothing else could gain her care without somehow being important to her, good luck doing that.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:00 pm

Mirja, the Masterless Pet

Mirja didn't so much as twitch as the blade was moved to her throat. The silver eyes just stared, intense and unyielding. There was no backing down in her eyes, her posture, or her tone. She truly believed she could help this woman come to terms with the grudge that seemed to rule her life so intensely. Iko, on the other hand, was howling at the thread, and it was quite an effort to keep the wolf girl from coming out and starting a fight with the girl. Who's name, as it turned out, was Akame Asthavon.

Mirja smiled softly at her surname. This, was certainly different to how Mana acted.Breaking off the girl for a second, she looked at the little fox hiding away in the folds of Akame's clothing."How can she hate me? I have never even met her. It is strange to hate someone you have never met, never heard of, and never knew existed before today, no?" Mirja asked, before her eyes returned to Akame. The strange compassion and sincerity flared in her eyes as she spoke to the woman, consumed with rage for what appeared to be no reason.

"Why not allow me a chance to show that I am not someone to be hated, but someone who is here to be a friend. Honestly I am curious how you are related to the Queen, and slightly surprised that not everyone is as....ah.....promiscious, as she seems to be" Mirja explained, silver eyes still locked on Akame's through out her entire speech."But honestly, you were the one stalking me. I merely thought that you wanted something from me with the following up and down town all day that you have been doing. Neither of you have anything to worry about from me, I promise. My only goal is to help you, how ever I can"

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Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:01 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon

Rakshasa Of Wrath
Death Energy Merge

Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 344

Not to be hated, huh? HA! What a laugh, what a fucking joke. What a mother fuuucking jooooke. This girl obviously had no idea who she was dealing with. She was a Rakshasa of Wrath; her anger was endless. She grinned and laughed a little, a lot actually and it was quite the evil laugh, to which Ikari shook her head and spoke.

"You clearly do not know how Rakshasa work, Shinigami. Akame, here, is the Rakshasa of Wrath... her anger can never fade, and nor will she ever relent it."

Yuukinan finished laughing after Ikari finished speaking and she immediately looked at the Shinigami, her face still just as pissed as before. She lowered her Katana with a swinging motion, possibly clipping Mirja, possibly not. She sheathed the Katana and faded into the shadows, appearing on the other side of the building; far away from Mirja once more.

"No thanks, Shinigami. I wish not for your help or companionship. It's taking all of my will not to turn you into a pile of corroded flesh..."

She sighed softly and jumped to another building, gaining more distance between her and Mirja. She knew she nicked Mirja, and she knew that if the cut had reached flesh, that part of her body would be corroded slowly. It wouldn't last for long, Yuukinan could tell she was rather stalwart compared to most Shinigami. But, if her blade could even reach a single blood vessel, a single, tiny vein and the corrosion would take hold. Yuukinan meant to hit her completely, because she really didn't care. It was a Shinigami. In her mind, they deserved all the pain that could be given to them.

She continued moving, trying to distance herself as much as possible. She could travel between dimensions to get away. It takes far too much energy to get away though, so, she'd have to wait until she completely lost the Shinigami. She did not want to have any sexual encounters; especially with a Shinigami.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon Sep 05, 2016 6:24 pm

Mirja, the Masterless Pet

Mirja's eyes were filled with pity as she was told this woman's anger would never fade or be constricted, nor controlled. To be doomed to such a life, was something that she couldn't think of. She moved out of the way of the blade just enough to not be clipped, it was no attack, so it was easy enough to do, and then allowed the girl to leave. Persuing her more would just add to her woes, and now that she knew the girl was a victim of her anger, and never would she know freedom....Mirja's heart was to full for words.

The girl slowly faded from Mirja's senses, and when she was finally gone, the Wolf-Girl let out a sigh. Well, this had been eventful, to say the least. Useless was another good word for it. The demon of wrath had barked a little, and then fled with her tail between her legs, effectively making Mirja waste a few hours for no reason at all. Still, she could head off to her contact and not exactly be late because she hadn't really set a time for it. Kicking off with a flash step, she let the demon girl go where ever she was going. It was not Mirja's business anymore.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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