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Start making Fires [Open, Morocco] - Page 2 Empty Re: Start making Fires [Open, Morocco]

Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:26 pm

Yuukinan Asthavon

Rakshasa Of Wrath
Death Energy Merge

Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 402

Yuukinan finally sat a distance away when she was sure that Mirja was not in range anymore. She spat to the side and then punched a wall. The wall exploded, the entire thing destroyed. She shook her hand and wiped the dust off of her glove. Undamaged luckily, unlike the wall. That wall was fucking in tatters and had been turned into a pile of dust on the ground. Yuukinan shook off her overcoat and afterwards, Ikari Jumped out of it. She sighed and looked at Yuukinan, turning into her shapeshift of the girl with a blue coat, blue skirt, orange shoulder cropped hair and ears still.

"You could've stayed and listened to her Yuukinan..."

Yuukinan shook her head, Fuck no, hell no, no way. She was not going to listen to a Shinigami. Especially not one who she felt was going to try weird things. Yuukinan shook her head, she was done trying to deal with Shinigami. The last time... clouded events actually... All she knew was that she had an intense hate for Shinigami, and humans. She thought both were pretty despicable. Which is why when a human bumped into her without apologizing she slammed his head into a wall, absorbing his DE Force after he died. She sighed softly, his DE field was disgusting; damn humans. She hopped back on top of a building after she wiped all the blood from that man off her and Ikari followed soon after. Ikari sighed softly, she knew Yuukinan could get pissed easily, but, sometimes she could take it too far. Ikari hugged Yuukinan tight and Yuukinan calmed down slowly.

Their lives have never been an easy one, but, they have always had each other to stay some semblance of happiness. Yuukinan sat down on the building and sighed softly, Ikari sitting next to her.

"Think that Mirja person will come looking for you, Yuukinan?"

Yuukinan shrugged, not sure how to answer Ikari entirely.

"I don't know... She probably wouldn't be able to get into hell anyways. I hope she doesn't come searching for me is all."

Ikari sighed and leaned into Yuukinan, her sign that she was done in the human world. Yuukinan nudged her slightly, signaling that they would only stay for a little bit longer. Yuukinan had to admit though, the skies here were bonkers beautiful.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Start making Fires [Open, Morocco] - Page 2 Empty Re: Start making Fires [Open, Morocco]

Wed Nov 02, 2016 12:43 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Strange woman, Mirja thought. It was like she had come here just to start a fight, and yet didn't start a fight, at all, actually. Mirja was ready for one, but nope. It was all bark, no bite. This world had become strange after the near apocalypse. So Mirja shrugged and turned away from the girl, going to go do what she was going to do in the first place.
"Strange woman, coming down here running mouths and not starting fights. I was all worked up, as well. But not even a tickle, what a tease" Mirja muttered to herself, Swishing her wolfish tail and Flash Stepping away, so the girl wouldn't think Mirja was following her.

Returning to the planned course of action, she arrived at a door, and knocked on it. Three times, waited five seconds, then twice more. As secret knocks go, it was pretty lame, but whatever floated their goat-boat. The door was answered by a man who put in a great deal of effort to look scruffy, which was kind of amusing.
"When does the Narwhal Bacon?" he asked. Secret knocks and secret codes, this guy was so paranoid, but Mirja kind of loved it.
"Midnight, obviously" She replied, and was let in. She walked straight up to one of the big comfy chairs, and sat down very carefully.
"Alright. I got your message, and the payment, thank you, about this gem you were looking for. Apparently, it's going to be sold at this flashy auction here in Morocco in a few days. Hope you've got the right kind of clothes, and you've brushed up on your Snob, because these guys are the upper echelon" He told her, taking a seat in front of her, by his desk.

"Tsk, world nearly gets destroyed, and people still find the time to be snot-nosed nobility. But, fine. I don't think I have any dresses that could fit in, care to point me to a tailor?" Mirja asked.
"For a price" The man replied. She expected nothing less from such a mercenary.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Start making Fires [Open, Morocco] - Page 2 Empty Re: Start making Fires [Open, Morocco]

Wed Nov 02, 2016 2:31 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Between her informants fee, and the cost of getting a dress worthy of going to the ball, Mirja's purse was feeling a little light. She was going to have to punch the crap out of someone with really long odds to get back her capital. Probably some crazy 20 on 1 fight. She wouldn't even have to put that much down on herself, with such odds. She'd get a lot back if she won, and hell, this was Mirja, Hammer of the Gods. She was born to win when it came to hand to hand Combat situations.

Still, it would take the dress maker several days to be done, and so Mirja decided to explore Morocco in the mean time. She first thought to sample the food, and got down to it, several cafes over the next few days were visited, and many different dishes tried, along with their selection of drinks. Nothing really jumped out and impressed her, however, so she was pretty sad. However, then she was informed that her dress was finished, which brought her mood up a little more. Smiling, she went to the tailor to go and collect it, and once there, she beheld beauty.

The dummy had a ribbon wrapped around it's neck and the top part of it's chest was bare, with the tops of it's breasts showing. It also had very short arms, not even coming down to the dummy's elbows before cutting off with a frilly pattern. The top of It's breasts had a frilly fabric look to it but this just made the dress all the better. It then carried on down to the stomach area where it was plain and fitted tightly to the dummy, it looked to be offering support for the rest of the dress by the way it hugged the dummy. The actual light brown dress started around the dummies waist and the sides had the same light brown fabric that with overlapping layers that the rest of the dress was made out of but the front appeared to be a separate part of the dress and was made of silk rather the taffeta the rest of the dress was made out of. Roughly ten tiers of this pink silk ran down her waist part of the dress, each tier getting wider until it reached the floor. The dress was studded with fire drops, rubies and emeralds in a very gaudy fashion. A pair of black gauntlets ran up the dummies arms, contrasting the pink, but making it look good. A flowery, pink hat adorned the top, and completed the angelic visage.

Mirja could see what had cost her so much, but loved it, and so put it on with the help of the tailor. It even had a hole for her tail, which was perfect. She got used to the feel of it for the few hours before the auction, and then headed to the large mansion it was held in. Her hair had been tided up as much as possible, and the rest could be explained away as a bad hair mishap that she was still recovering from. Once inside, she saw that everyone had a dress like hers, and was glad she didn't skip at all or would have looked very foolish indeed. Now, all she had to do was find the gem, and make away with it. And then, if rumours were to be believed, it would be Fire Powers, HO!

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Start making Fires [Open, Morocco] - Page 2 Empty Re: Start making Fires [Open, Morocco]

Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:00 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja mingled, not that she was really into the whole idea, but still, she was forced to do it for the sake of not looking like a tool, apparently. She wanted to just get to the auction, but no, there was wine and stinky cheeses first. Fine, she thought, I'll hang around and be the best dam mingler these people have ever seen! And it was this mingling were she was acosted by a man, in a tuxedo. He looked pretty dashing, if his gender was Mirja's type, she might even go home with him tonight, but unfortunately, it was one.

"Such a lupian beauty, I am enamored. Doctor Caanan, pleasure to make your acquaintance" he said, a gentleman so that he lifted Mirja's hand and kissed it softly, before frowning softly and lifting her hand a few more times. "Your hands, so slender and elegant, yet have a weight I would not expect from a girl thrice your size" he mused. Mirja smiled and gave him the best curtsy she could manage.
"Trade secret, I am afraid, Doctor Caanan. But it is lovely to meet you, I am Mirja Eeola" she replied. The man was clearly enticed by her, staring into her eyes, and watching her ears twitch, it was a bit flattering after Arianda to have some flirt rather than just take. It didn't go much further, however, as they were invited into the auction proper, to begin a bid on many different items.

It was anarchy, to Mirja. Everyone throwing their money at useless baubles, nothing of any good at all. But then, Mirja saw what she was coming for, the Damos Gem. She could see the aura surrounding it, and gave a broad grin. Trying to bid for it, she was far from the only person why wanted it, and eventually it went to Doctor Caanan, of all people. The fates were fickle, but maybe she could work them out, none the less.The auction ended eventually, and then came the after-party. She mingled a little, before the good doctor found her, and they chatted. He was suave, civilized, and knew how to talk to a woman. Come the end of the night, she was invited back to his for the night, and she couldn't help but accept. She knew were it would lead her, but really wanted the gem, so she made sure to follow.

Mirja's foresight was pretty solid. It turned out the night ended exactly how she thought. A few glasses of wine, some more smooth talk, and some well made ice cream, and Mirja was in the bedroom, being very careful not to break him. Unfortunately he turned out to be human, so his stamina could not hope to compete with hers, and he collapsed, somewhere between the sixth and eighth shot. he was quite a stallion but Mirja was a girl who could go all month. With Doctor Caanan out of the picture, she could focus on finding were he had hidden his little gem. The dress on the floor was beautiful, but the gem was priority, she'd come back for it if she had the Gem. She could sense it's fiery presence, and let it lead her into a basement, tucked neatly under the house.

Following it led her to a large, heavy vault door, almost taunting her with it's perceived indestructibility. Mirja put that notion to rest very quickly, but it set off alarms all over the shop. They were shrill and piercing, and she was going to call down everyone in this dam place, so she needed to get out fast. The Gem she had come for was on a pedestal, in a glass cabinet, which she smashed and grabbed the gem. The door behind her slammed shut and locked itself, before several vents dotted around the vault hummed to life and started to suck the air out of the underground storage. Which would have worked better if there wasn't a large hole in the door. A large hole she left through rapidly, ascending up the not-so-secret enterence to the basement, punching the two guys who seemed to be standing guard waiting for her to come out, and then Flash Stepping through a wall and out to freedom.

It was a shame to leave behind such a beautiful dress, but she had what she needed. Returning to the room she had been renting to gather Beowulf and her Shunshakusho, Mirja quickly dressed and then left the country by foot. A good cross-country run would do her good, and now she had this fire gem, things were looking up in a big way. She couldn't wait to try out their supposed fire powers. She knew there was something about it, but wasn't entirely sure what, exactly....

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Start making Fires [Open, Morocco] - Page 2 Empty Re: Start making Fires [Open, Morocco]

Sat Nov 05, 2016 12:06 pm
[adm]The Damos gem should now be in Mirja's possession:

Go ahead and make an equipment thread for it and I'll approve it and then you can add it to your app.[/adm]

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