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Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:21 pm


10/31/2416, 6:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 6:00 PM CST time on Oct 31st, 2416. At the moment the city is in unrest. There are various fights taking place across the city, fires are rising up in the air and there seems to be hordes of infected fighting against the living. Your job is to figure out a way to resolve the incident. You can kill the infected, isolate them, cure them or whatever other way you can ease this outbreak.

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Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:44 pm
Well this was a fine mess they had gotten themselves in. Or himself, depending on how many people you actually consider Hayato and Red to be due to their shared existence. It was Halloween, and just like out of a movie zombies started to attack a major city. Lovely. In the middle of it all were Hayato and Red, surrounded by infected people. They stayed about 250 feet away from Hayato and Red, the only thing that kept them at bay was their singing.

The zombies seemed to be mildly affected by it, as anyone that listened to their song would try and keep their distance from them, while the song didn't explicitly state that message, they wove it into the song. Those that were still alive, but infected were more likely to be affected by their message. But then they realized something. THEY COULD FLY. As the song ended they both jumped into the air as they yelled out "Airy Change!" Lights surrounded both of them as wings manifested behind them. Red's wings were a deep blue, made of teardrop shaped gems. Hayato's wings were made of diamond sapped, colorless crystals. They both floated a moderately safe distance from the ground, about 50 feet. By this point their song had ended and they needed to think of something.

Bellows them the infected started to congregate below them. This gave them an idea. They looked at each other, nodding as their dual nature allowed them to know what the other was thinking. Their wings glowed as they separated from each other. The flew into the sky as rainbow colored lights spiralled into their bodies. At the peak of their flight they said "Aurora Rising!" They spread their arms opens ass the light thye gathered burst out into a glowing aurora borealis. The lights could be seen for miles, being 1000 feet wide. Those directly under the lights would be exposed to intense purification energy, taking a moderate amount of damage, but it all came from the purification. At the moment no one knew what was causing the infection. But maybe a healthy dose of angel energy will cure them. He had reversed hollowfication once before, maybe this will work too.
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Sun Oct 30, 2016 7:52 pm
[adm]Notice: since this is a 3 tier zone, Hayato will be capped at 3-1+ due to the foreign miasma surrounding the area. [/adm]

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Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:56 pm



Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: SOUTH SECTOR EVENT] 6EdIfMt

Song: Conflict - Artist: Dragon Crisis - Words: N/A

While the city was in total chaos at the moment, it seemed that the songs which both of the Iramashsa were playing for the infected audience had started to have an effect. Some were beginning to revert back to their normal selves with the purification, while others simply lumped over and died because their bodies were already too far gone. A few were even seen as taking some sort of mental damage as a few of them began to mimic signs of pain. These were seen by some of the infected wincing in anguish, others coughing up blood and some groaning.

However, this did not stop the horde from progressing forward. Since many of them possessed a form of intelligence that allowed them to critically think, many of the hordes which were not immobilized or converted started to spread out and move away from the area. Additionally, both Red and Hayato were marked as a target and needed to be dealt with. Therefore, it would seem as if the entire area had thawed out of infected. The streets were still burning, but most of them within the immediate fighting area were empty.

That is -- until rows of red eyes started to shine down from the fires below.

Soon, numerous cloaked figures started to emerge out of the darkness of alleyways, sewers and rooftops. They were somewhere in the dozens and each of them had on a shade mask which resembled the facial structure of doberman dog. This is because prior to the outbreak, this cluster of demons belonged to a local gang called the "The Hounds Of Chicago" that operated in the shadows. They were a small time gang, but they possessed enough muscle to otherwise hold down their territories within the south sections of Chicago.

Thus, in their infected forms, these beasts could more than prove a match for each of the Iramasha that had arrived. As each of them appeared to emit a black energy which served as a barrier to otherwise bypass and negate the effects of both of the foes purifying elements. This would make it a much harder feat to deal with these creatures as they did not intend to go down without a fight. Additionally, there appeared to be a leader of sorts that emerged from the mist. It was a woman whom stood at approximately five foot seven and had overflowing hair which reached down to her back.

Around this figure appeared to be eight Hound Members and she was the first to engage the strongest of the pair: Hayato. Without an ounce of hesitation, the woman took off at mach one speeds in order to grab the neck of The Iramasha with her right hand with enough force to rip apart an entire city block. All the while, she would try and sink her left claw into the male's stomach in order to further inflict damage and drag him through the atmosphere and into the clouds to separate him from his male friend.

Meanwhile, many of the infected hounds zoomed in around Red and started to surround them. There were eight of these creatures in total and they all unveiled their crimson claws to the male. Without much warning, many of these infected started to slash, claw and tear into the male at all sides in order to try and catch him off guard and bring him crumbling down to the ground. They were aware of what he was and was ready to react within a moments notice if anything should go astray. In a sense, the pack was feeling him out and seeing just what he was capable of.

For now, this all they would do.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Fri Nov 04, 2016 6:22 am
It seemed to be working! While some were tougher than other, and some were far too decayed and damaged to survive, the purification powers of the angel iramasha seemed to have some curative effect! They needed to get out of there and get the word out!

But it seemed some puppies had a different idea.

Seemingly out of nowhere red eyes came into the crowd and attacked Red. But he wasnt there for very long. Hayato and Red were at the limit of their distance from each other so that they could reach that 1000 feet radius. Hayato didnt have fast reactions, but the sound of a sonic boom did make him turn, just a mere second before he was grabbed by the neck and dragged into the air. The moment that she started going up Red disappeared. Hayato got a massive headache as Red's consciousness came back into their shared body. This kept Hayato from noticing the woman's clawed hand stab into his stomach. It didnt really hurt all that much. Hayato wasn't a stranger to pain or taking hits. His neck sure did hurt though.

He felt the aura the woman had, preventing their external purification techniques from working, but that probably meant nothing if it was coming from the inside. The woman had Hayato held pretty tightly, close range. It was a terrible thing for her that he used to be a boxer.

In his right hand formed an extremely sharp aether crystal, filled with delightful angel aether. He pulled his arm back, and with as much strength as he could he aimed to plunge the crystal right in her stomach. Once there the gem would radiate all of the energy it had inside of it. Hopefully purifying the woman from the inside out. And if she was corrupted, cause some severe damage.
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Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:02 pm



Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: SOUTH SECTOR EVENT] 6EdIfMt

Song: Conflict - Artist: Dragon Crisis - Words: N/A

The Hound Dog's leader, Mia Perez, seemed to have Hayato by the ropes from her perception of events. The reason being is because it appeared as if most of her attacks left their mark on the male. Along with that, he was separated from his partner for the time being. However, this could just as easily be a ruse. She took notice of the individual known as Red disappearing and informed many of her comrades of the circumstance.

All of the individuals which had attempted to surround Red were to remain on guard and be prepared for any sudden attacks. They weren't quite clear where he was, but they were scattered out enough to where they could more than outnumber the male if he were to try a surprise assault. In the meantime, Mia could set her sights on the likes of Hayato. As she sensed a high amount of this "purifying" energy beginning to gather in his palm; it was obvious enough that he was going to attempt to cleanse her infection.

Therefore, the infected leader decided that it would be best to try and avoid taking damage for that de-detoxifying influence. Thus, before he struck her, the woman sent a concentrated amount of demonic energy towards the area the male tried to strike her out. As, when Hayato went in for that punch, the male would undoubtedly feel a burning hot sensation that might melt his skin. The reason for this is because the woman would have used her demonic energy in order to otherwise increase her shield's defenses and cause extreme burns to devour his hand. This could result in 1-3% of his energy leaving him and a stinging sensation to surge through his entire arm.

In exchange, the woman would have taken a hard hit to the gut. This would result in her making a slight grunt from the amount of weight his punch carried; forcing her to be flown away from the male and being flung about ten meters away from him before she forced herself to stop. After taking a soft breath, however, the woman would recover quickly and go back on the attack. As, with her nimble speed, The Hound Leader would be able to emerge above Hayato.

If she was allowed to appear above the male, the woman would then move with a graceful movement before delivering a swift dropkick to the skull of The Holy Iramasha. In doing so, she would hope to send him falling back to the earth like a living, breathing comet at supersonic speeds. This would result in blunt damage to his skull, immense blood loss and a sense of dizziness and a loss of 2-7% of his energy. Additionally, there would be added damage to the male's body if he were to fall into a series of buildings or go straight into the earth itself by making a crater upon impact.

Regardless of what event happened, however, Mia would follow the male and follow that up with a series of a dozen energy strikes. These would lock themselves to the energy pattern of Hayato and attempt to otherwise vaporize him to force him to use more of his abilities. As each of them possessed enough potency to destroy an entire city block or two if they were to ignite at the same time. Hence, the male would be in more than a little dire of a sitaution. It was going to be up to him to see how he could deal with the infected.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Fri Nov 04, 2016 1:39 pm
The punch stung as he tried to get through the energy barrier the woman had put up. He couldnt get to her skin, and her corruption was draining his energy. This wasnt easy, she was a counter for him. She was so fast, that was his only weakness. But that meant she also had a few weaknesses. Fast people usually burn through their energy quickly, and they need to get close to him, and that was a mistake.

He saw as she flew back due to his punch, then she disappeared. He could feel her coming down from the sky, The moment he felt that he said "Making Drama! Switch on!" The area within 10 feet of him glowed, hopefully in time to trap her in his aura. Right after that, those in the area would disappear from Chicago. Though they really never left. Hayato's Making Drama allowed him, and others, to be teleported into a part of the Aether, a part he controlled. Though its looks and actions were predetermined.

Once inside they would be in a 250 foot wide area of shifting colors, patters, all coming together in straight lines, almost as if they were inside a kaleidoscope. And much like a kaleidoscope everything was reflected, with the exception of the woman. Hayato was reflected three times in the world, each one identical to the next. The world was also filled with Aether energy, not all Angel and pure, but there was a strong presence of it, enough to make someone like Mia sick.

With That Hayato created a star shaped blast of energy and sent it flying towards Mia. Though could she tell which one of the three blasts were real?

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Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: SOUTH SECTOR EVENT] Empty Re: Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: SOUTH SECTOR EVENT]

Fri Nov 04, 2016 3:16 pm



Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: SOUTH SECTOR EVENT] 6EdIfMt

Song: Blood Moon - Artist: LENK64 - Words: N/A

Mia did manage to find herself trapped within this new dimension that the Iramasha had created. She hadn't anticipated it, and it took her by surprise, but the infected leader wasn't deterred from her objective in the slightest. In her mind, if this realm was created by the target in front of her, then if she were to force him to be neutralized then this realm should disappear as well. In fact, the dropkick the female made should have been enough to otherwise make a dent in the male. So, if nothing else, the demoness had that on the male.

After being transported to this new area, the woman would take a moment to analyze her surroundings. From the looks of it, she was teleported in a color-filled void and there wasn't too much to worry about here for the time being. While it was filled with the male's energy, that simply meant that the enclosed space they occupied was more of a cage match. Something which might be able to work in the infected's favor if she were to organize and plan her attack in the right sequences. Therefore, it was ready for the next round and sensed the sudden shift in power generating from the male.

If he was intending to make her sick with this stuff, the male would have to try harder and infuse more of his effects into the atmosphere. As while Mia felt a heaviness in the environment around herself, it wasn't anything she wasn't used to being within a region controlled by Shadow Fall. So she would observe this feeling passively as she took flight and anticipated any sort of sudden environmental shifts.

In the meantime, she wouldn't worry about the reflections. As, instead, Mia would divide her energy into three separate blasts. All of them fixated on each and every mirrored image of Hayato and his star-shaped attack. It was fueled with enough energy to hopefully devour them all and cause intense injuries which could lead to burns, dehydration and 2-4% of his energy being lost if they were allowed to hit. Additionally, the woman would then freeze and release an eruption of fire and heat from her body to spread across a two hundred meter direction in order to try and trap the male further.

Once she was able to smoke him out of all this, the woman would then have her answer and be able to deduce which one was real. As, if he were to stick around that heat zone, it is possible he would suffer intense injuries. For this damage zone spread in every direction, but left an opening for him to leave as this space they fought within was two hundred fifty feet. So, it was a matter of seeing what move he would play and how she would react to gauge her next series of attacks. All that was needed was patience at this point.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Fri Nov 04, 2016 8:57 pm
The six blasts of energy hit eachother, each struggling to move the other, even for a short period of time. This lady was tough, he though to himself. No shit Sherlock, Red replied in Hayato's mind, finally back from the sudden disconnection. "Remember how you tried stabbing her? Why not make it so that she can stab herself?" Red quipped, Hayato knew what he meant, but that might take some time.

He flew up into the space above, avoiding the blasts from Mia as his own gave out. With such rich and fresh Aether around him his skills would have lots of fuel. And being a master at control and crystal creation, he could cut down some time for what he needed.

Hayato cloaked himself in a sturdy bubble of energy, it wouldnt last too long if she barraged it, he just needed some time. He concentrated as he combined his aether crystal creation sills with his Idol Aura. This area was more than small enough to be bathed in his aura, and he was going to use it to confuse Mia.

He took a deep breath and exhaled as a cloud of crystals came from it, and not just his, but the reflections as well. This cloud was laced with harmless crystals, but as time went on many of them clustered together. Some real, some fake. The real ones were deathly sharp, and were very similar in effect to what he created before, crystals filled with purity, so many that she was bound to hit at least some of them.

This was a bit draining though, the fight had taken out at least 25% of his energy so far. Sure he could still safely fight but he was getting a little bit uncomfortable in the scenario. It was really almost like a stalemate. Sure he had taken the most damage out of the two, but skill, power, and strategy wise, they were pretty much counters to the other.
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Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:02 am



Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: SOUTH SECTOR EVENT] 6EdIfMt

Song: Blood Moon - Artist: LENK64 - Words: N/A

It seemed as if her attacks were beginning to have an effect on the male. Therefore, it was only natural to keep track of him through the sense of Aether that this male's body produced. So, like a bloodhound sniffing out its prey, Mia would fly at supersonic speeds in order to cut the distance between the two rather quickly. As this Hound leader was intent on delivering the punishment to this male.

Ergo, Mia would begin to bang, smash and claw at the dense dome of crystal that the Iramasha had produced across his body. While it was quite sturdy, the foe trapped inside of it should at least feel trace amounts of her brute strength clawing against it's internal workings. This would produce pressurized assaults to inject themselves within the sphere and begin to make the males bones, organs, and overall body feel as if it were taking multiple heavy impact shots to it. To the point where she hoped to force 2-5% of his health and energy to otherwise be nulled.

However, this would not come without at a price. While Mia assumed her cloak would protect her body away from the crystallized substance that was appearing across Hayato's body, it still did not hold up and portions of it were ripped away from her hands which she used to thrash against the barrier. This would result in heavy bleeding, wounds opening up on her palms and large amounts of blood overflowing from her hands. Additionally, the shockwaves from the attacks would run up her arms and induce a feeling of sharp pain throughout them; causing bruises and burns to radiate throughout them as a result of her miscalculation.

Therefore, the female would recognize that it was not safe to engage him in close range combat and promptly jumped backward by about fifty feet. Once she performed this action, Mia would then go on to gather up her remaining idle energy and energized herself to have a 0.2x increase in her overall stats. In doing so, she would unleash a form of demonic magic meant to form a simple bolt of lightning amplified to the point of being able to hopefully break that shield of his in a contest of magic. She needed to gauge just where his otherworldly talents were and this should hopefully prove to do the trick.

As, in a matter of moments, she would repeat this spell and have dozens of strikes of lightning appear in a full 360-degree angle. (So, just imagine lightning appearing in most directions around Hayato's body) On her command, they would be released and were intended to break that barrier of his and force more of his energy to be drained and depleted as a result of being pushed so hard. Hence, all she had to do now was watch, wait and see what would emerge when the smoke cleared from her assaults. That was all she could do for now.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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