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Thicc Boi
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Something in the Air [Private]

Thu Dec 29, 2016 4:02 pm



SONG: Dango Daikazoku - ARTIST: N/A - WORDS: 256

Rarely was Brittania ever home. Hell, rarely was she in the US. But today just happened to be one of those lucky days.

Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Infamous for it's small size and fore being a very dull place overall, but it's downsides were Brittania's upsides. She despises living with other people and hates being in crowded places, so having a small state with a small population was like paradise to her. Currently, Brit was at home. Since it was the holidays she didn't have work, and since she doesn't really keep in touch with any of her family there wasn't really anywhere for her to be. Lazy days were the worst for her though, working was the only thing that could keep her mind off of her loneliness....Nope, too late. She was already being affected by it as she curled up in the corner in the fetal position hugging a pillow. The pillow was quite soft against her bare skin, so she figured that it should keep her busy for a while. But it didn't either. If anything, it just made things worse. She needed something to do, and that something was to bake a cake.

Britannia didn't know why a cake was the first thing to come to her mind, possibly the fact that her birthday was soon, or perhaps she was getting fat? Who knew. Though upon that thought, Britannia had decided to leave her apartment and take the city bus to the grocery store. They were bound to have cake mix, right?

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Thu Dec 29, 2016 7:03 pm

The Outcast Mischevang


Something in the Air [Private] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 536

An Arrancar born from wrath never does fair all too well in the world of the living. However, Tian was faring well enough. Just like her sister, Rose, she was able to surgically remove her mask and seal up the hole that used to be on her body when she was born. It was probably a freak accident Tian was born like she was, but, she was glad to have been born; especially in the family she was born into. Great sisters to live with and learn from. Of course, she didn't learn too much from Rose in the end; sadly. However, things had been different lately. Tian had left Hueco Mundo, left her sister, though it did pain her greatly, she had to. After all that had happened with Shadowfall, and her sister aligning with them, she had to leave. But, it's not like she exactly strayed too far from home.

Lately, Tian had been taking up residence in America, Shadowfall territory, and she decided to go to Rhode Island for the time being so she could have some time to be alone and not have to worry too much about people. Even if the only trace left of her hollow mask was the small heart on her left cheek, she still was wary of people who might stare at her. Or even just those who may talk to her differently, but, it helped that she was in a small city. Tian sighed softly and looked from the bus stop she was sitting on the bench of. Her legs were crossed as she waited for the bus. She watched the vehicle arrive and she stood up, slowly walking up to the bus. She sighed softly and slowly stepped onto the bus; her semi-detached hair bouncing from her movement and air currents. Luckily, not many eyes would be drawn to her. Luckily. Tian sighed softly as she paid the bus driver before she walked further into the bus, her bare thighs accented by the muscles in her legs as well as black set of clothes she wears. It is also worth noting that Tian seems very light on her feet despite any implications she may be built like. Of course, the Zanpakutō hanging from her back, the handle at a 45 degree angle from her left hip, was likely an indication she was not normal exactly.

The Arrancar yawned softly and walked onto the bus and took a seat next to Brit on the bus, taking the seat since it wasn't occupied and due to it's position; perfect so she didn't have to take her Zanpakutō off her back. Tian let out a sigh again and then pulled out her wallet to check how much money she had. She sighed softly and then placed her wallet back in her pocket. Just enough for a little bit of grocery shopping. Who knows, something nice could happen today. Something that could change her life forever, however, for now, Tian laid her head back against the head rest and then sighed softly as she looked up at the roof of the Bus. Time to find out what fate has in store.

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Thicc Boi
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:16 pm



SONG: Dango Daikazoku - ARTIST: N/A - WORDS: 256

The moment she stepped on the bus Britannia noticed her. Who wouldn't? For starters her hair was floating- no, not floating per say but was more like a piece was missing- and she had some wild tattoos on her face. Or, at least they seemed to be tattoos. Brit gave the woman a slight glare, not meant to be hostile but just to give her the message that she got her attention.

The woman sat next to her, which made Britannia uneasy for obvious reasons. Everyone else seemed fine with her, but not Brit for some odd reason. She decided to let the girl slide but keep her on her suspicious persons list. "It's crazy how they let you carry that around wherever." She didn't look directly at the woman but the tone made it obvious that she was addressing her. The main topic was the woman's sword. Last time she checked, open carrying wasn't allowed. Unless that only addressed guns, which is a load of crap.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Something in the Air [Private] Sumera-character-list
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:36 pm

The Outcast Mischevang


Something in the Air [Private] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 323

The Arrancar known as Tian sighed softly when Brit made her comment. While it was true that simply walking around with a Katana isn’t exactly comforting to most; in shadowfall territory it would be the least of one’s worries. Which was something she was about to tell Brit, the woman sitting next to her. Tian grinned a little and then let her gaze slowly turn to Brit; still grinning but not looking threatening with the grin as it was more playful.

“Well, in a country occupied by Shadowfall, I would think the least of one’s worries would be a woman carrying a sword around. But, I understand your worry. Do not worry though, I’m not crazy.”

Tian let her gaze turn forwards once more as the bus started to move away from the stop it was at. Of course, it wouldn’t take too long to get to the grocery store. Yes, Tian was going there too; gotta have good ya know. She sighed softly and her gaze was tempted to turn to Brit more; liking her overall appearance in general. She did look nice, but, that glare she gave Tian earlier was certainly an interesting one. Her hand went to the only remnant of her surgically removed mask, the heart on her left cheek, for a moment and traced the outline of it before she quickly lowered her hand to her lap. She sighed softly and then directed a question to Brit without looking at her.

“Tell me, why are you the only one actually being interested with me; at least on this bus?”

It was clear, Tian wanted to know why she, of all others on this bus, was questioning her. Of course, it could be because she was sitting next to her, however, she was the only one who looked and paid attention to her presence. Hopefully that did not mean something bad in the end.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by darkfunnel on Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Thicc Boi
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:30 pm



SONG: Dango Daikazoku - ARTIST: N/A - WORDS: 256

"Well, you know how most of the population are spiritually aware? Well that small percentage that aren't are apparently on this bus." She nodded towards the passengers that were giving here odd looks. Most of them probably thought she was crazy, in which they weren't wrong but it didn't apply to her current situation. "That or I'm just the only one who's bothered to approach you... arrancar." It was feint, but she could tell the difference between this woman and a normal human. Normal humans had more of a calm spirit while arrancar's were more violent and terrifying. It's hard to explain.

"So.... where's your mask? Thought all arrancar had masks." She looks at the woman with a face of curiosity. Britannia is quit greedy when it comes to knowledge about the other spirits. She failed her classes as a kid when it came to this stuff.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:08 pm
darkfunnel wrote:

The Outcast Mischevang


Something in the Air [Private] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 303

Tian sighed softly and looked forwards still, thinking as she heard Brit speak. She had a nice voice. It was clear she was just trying to figure things out though. She sighed softly and made a motion with her hand to lower the volume.

"Try to whisper... even if these people aren't sensitive to spirits it's still a bad idea to talk so loud; some people aren't exactly... kind about such powers. I would know."

She sighed softly and then listened as Brit once more and then winced at her statement. Was it really that obvious. She groaned softly and then looked at Brit, turning her head to Brit completely now. Tian spoke softly and in a low tone, not anything menacing just more questioning and casual.

"Was it really that easy to tell I am an Arrancar? Man, I'm losing my touch. Tell me, instead of randomly interrogating me because of my race, what your name is. If you wouldn't mind."

She smiled at Brit a little sweetly before she yawned softly and then leaned her head back and let it rest on the headrest. Tian let out a soft sigh when she heard the question of her mask and then sighed softly before popping her neck and looking towards the floor of the bus.

"That's a... long story, but, the short and sweet of it is that I got the mask surgically removed; as well as the hole."

She sighed softly and then shook her head, no need to dwell on past events after all. She looked back at Brit and then tilted her head to the side; waiting for Brit to respond to her questions. Hopefully, it would be good in the end.

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Thicc Boi
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:04 am



SONG: Dango Daikazoku - ARTIST: N/A - WORDS: ???

"My name? It custom to give out yours first, but since I did start interrogating you I could let that slide. Brittania. Britannia Kuja, though my friends call me Brit." She gave the woman a light smile. She didn't notice before, but the arrancar was quite pretty. Rarely has Britannia had an attraction to another female -sticking with the males as she was raised- but every now and then a pretty girl would catch her eye.

"So... what's a beautiful arrancar like you doing on a bus? Can't you fly? More so, where you going?" She tried to speak in a normal tone, making the compliment seem like just a simple gesture. It was the complete opposite in truth though, Brit did have an attraction to this girl though attraction isn't the only thing she looks for in a person. Deep down somewhere, she wanted to get to know this woman. Maybe they'll become friends or something more? Who knows.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Fri Jan 06, 2017 4:57 pm

The Outcast Mischevang


Something in the Air [Private] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 368

Tian chuckled softly at Brit's remark. She was right about that. It was indeed custom to give her name first, but, knowing the name of the one interrogating her was rather important, so, she was happy to give her own name after hearing Brit's name.

"Britannia... That's a nice name. I'm Tian Ling... Nice to meet you, Britannia."

Tian gave Brit another smile before she saw Brit's smile, and, even though Tian hadn't exactly thought much of relationships for the time she was alive, but, this girl was cute enough she considered it for a moment before she shoved those thoughts to the back of her mind. Tian's blue eyes, which looked very interesting in the light, reflected a bit of the light around them as she listened to Brit's question; her face gaining a slight tint as Tian blushed a bit from her comment.

It was definitely surprising to Tian that someone would call her beautiful. So, through a nervous cough, a bit of a grin, and allowing her slight blush to fade; Tian looked into Brit's eyes and answered her question.

"Well... I've never actually been on a bus before, so, I'd thought I should at least try it. I can 'fly' per se, but, it's not like I can legitimately fly. Aaand, I needed to go grocery shopping. Even a spiritual being needs food ya know."

She smiled softly and relaxed a bit as she sat next to Brit, not seeming much of a threat to Britannia or really anyone else. It was clear she could be a threat, but, she wasn't one to Brit and likely wouldn't be. One did have to wonder what may happen with these two. Would it be a fate encounter, or would it be something bad? Regardless, the future holds much mysteries for these two beings of differing origins. However, Tian had a feeling things were going to go well. After all, if things got serious, like relationship serious, Tian could protect Brit. But, that was not for now. Time to see what the future may hold.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Thicc Boi
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:27 am



SONG: Dango Daikazoku - ARTIST: N/A - WORDS: 146

"What a coincidence, I'm heading over to the grocery store too!" A slight grin would start to form as spoke, something about the two of them ending up in the same place was somewhat amusing to her. And as if on cue, the bus had pulled up in front of the grocery store. Brit stood up and walked towards the double doors and upon them opening she could feel the cold air from outside blow into her face.

She stepped off of the bus, the giant grocery store looming over her. To put it in perspective, it was about the size of a walmart if a walmart only sold food. The place was massive compared to other places around, it housing food from all corners of the world and then some. Brit turned around to see if her new friend was going to follow her.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Something in the Air [Private] Sumera-character-list
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Something in the Air [Private] Empty Re: Something in the Air [Private]

Sat Jan 14, 2017 3:50 pm

The Outcast Mischevang


Something in the Air [Private] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 267

Tian chuckled softly and grinned at Brit after she spoke. Indeed it was quite the coincidence that both of them were going to the exact same place. Tian yawned softly as she put a single foot up on her chair as she waited. Not before long the bus halted in front of the Grocery store. Tian let Brit get out first, since she was on the outside, and then quickly followed her out just in case the bus Driver did not see her; which he barely did. Tian basically had to dive through the door; causing her to roll as she landed outside the door. She rubbed the back of her neck and sighed softly, making sure her Zanpakuto was not trying to fall out of its sheath; which doesn't exactly come out of its sheath quite easily. She straightened her hair, which shifted a little randomly and seemed to literally come apart and go right back together.

Tian yawned one last time as she stood next to Brit, looking at the grocery store in front of them.

"Yeesh, this place is huge... I think I'll stick with you while in here; I probably could get lost in this place if I wasn't careful."

Tian chuckled softly and then waited for Brit to lead the way into the Grocery store; until then, Tian simply stood next to her and kept a cautious eye on the surrounding area. Hopefully, nothing bad would happen. One also has to know that Tian, for once, was actually relaxed. One better hope nothing shit would happen.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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