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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:56 pm

Taichou felt a pang of guilt in her heart — guilt that she had asked him what was wrong, reducing him further to tears, and guilt, because something inside of her was actually elated that Azela had left him. She did the best she could to conceal this though, using Henrex's face now as leverage to pull him into a tight embrace; the hand that rested on his cheek gliding to the back of his neck in order to hold him steadily.

Following this movement, the woman rested her chin against the top of his head — a soothing tactic, nonetheless — before she whisper just loud enough for the male to hear, "I'm sorry that she's gone, Henny.. I know what it's like to be left behind." Her words were firm, as they had to be considering Taichou's aim was to relieve his pain, not fester it. The eldest Vael's idle hand then rose to the middle of Henrex's back, where it would begin to draw gentle circles with her palm — rubbing the muscles that lay beneath in order to try and release some of the tension that her dear friend was full of.

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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 7:04 pm


Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: KY0UMI - Song: Unravel - Word Count: 725


That was the only thought that traversed the thoughts of the Hybrid boy as he allowed his emotions to take the helm of his actions. It was so utterly pathetic, to him. To allow himself to be consumed by something like this. Time had passed, and he still had not been able to truly say that he was over the experience. But, there was still the fact that he had hidden most of his mind, heart, and emotions away after that happened. Mere days, or even hours after it had happened, he had locked himself up.

Dedicating himself to forcibly keeping his mind off of the painful cluster that it was, he had began pretty much torturing his body with absurdly long self-training sessions that would bring his body beyond his normal limits, and inflict horrifyingly large amounts of physical pain towards him. But, here he was. In the middle of Europe, with Taichou Ryakketsu -- his old friend -- and he just broke down crying because of that. He cursed himself over and over again within the confines of his own mental fortress, his body now unable to keep the tears from falling.

He didn't even bother to wipe them away. But, the sobs soon came to a halt as two arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a tight embrace, causing the male's eyes to shoot open in surprise, the pale liquid that resembled the emotion of grief blurring his vision, and burning his cheeks. Quiet, hushed, but quick inhales came from Henrex, his mouth releasing the violently taken air as quick as it had entered his system. Feeling the half-Demoness' hand gently drape over to the back of his neck, and her other arm rising to the middle of his back, his ears barely heard the whisper.

But, his mind registered the words that she gave him, her tone firm, but soothing. As the girl's attempts to comfort the other half-breed sunk deep into his nervous system, and causing his brain to send out waves of signals all throughout his body, altering his behavior based on the emotion that he was slowly drifting towards. As the panicked breathing began to slow into regular, deep breaths, Henrex could feel himself reverting to what him, and some others could refer to as a "normal" state for his mind to be in.

Taking in a slow, but deep breath in, he felt the muscles in his body relaxing, and loosening from their previously tense state. He hadn't...even noticed that. Flicking around in the sockets from left to right, Henrex's grey and red eyes soon found solace from peering in a downwards direction. A small sigh left him as his arms that had been wrapped around Taichou the entire time loosened their iron grip. So much of his body had reacted without him even knowing or realizing this fact. Closing his eyes and breaking off the already mildly long embrace between the two, the back of Henrex's hands dragged across his lower eyelids, ridding his face of any more tears that would try to fall.

"...I'm sorry. You must think I'm pathetic, acting like this."

His head lowered, and his hair fell in front of his face. He truly was ashamed of his current actions. Suddenly, the sound of two cups clinking against the object that they sat at caused Henrex's left eye to quickly move over to see what had occurred. Seeing the steam rise from the two new cups of coffee that had been set down, his eye soon flicked over to the waitress who had done so. As the pitch black void set itself onto the girl's form with unnatural speed, causing her to jump slightly, Henrex's eye soon moved back to where it had been before.

His hand slowly reaching out and wrapping his pale fingers around the thick glass handle of the coffee, before bringing the beverage close to his chest, holding the bottom of the cup with his other hand, before lifting it to his lips and taking a quiet sip. The flow of the combination of sugar and coffee itself caused his nerves to suddenly feel a jolt of energy within them, and his body began to relax. The quick sip of coffee was definitely something that he needed so that he could calm down, even if it was by the slightest.

"So -- how...have you been?"

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Last edited by Henrex on Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Tue Mar 07, 2017 10:13 pm

The Ryakketsu-Vael woman shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, her flaming umber irises rolling in response to the male's admission — He was far from pathetic, especially considering he'd been abandoned by a woman who claimed she was so in-love with him. Foolish, perhaps, but sometimes you just can't help your emotions.

She moved, her tattooed forearms resting against the tabletop as she extended them, reaching out with open hands in order to wrap her fingers around the steam-emitting cup of piping hot vanilla Chai, the Demoness' favorite. Ignoring the scalding heat that radiated from the mug, she raised it to her lips, parting them in order to take a languid pull of the simmering drink; her elbows now taking the place of her forearms on the table's hard surface.

Her red shadowed eyelids fluttered closed, her dark eyelashes creating a shadow in contrast to her porcelain cheeks as she absorbed the spreading warmth throughout her body; beginning as soon as the liquid hit her tongue, before spreading to her throat, and esophagus — it was one of the best feelings in the world for Taichou, and she had to admit that it certainly helped clear the awkward air after Henrex's little meltdown.

She'd been roused from her thoughts as she heard Henrex speak once more after he'd been sipping on his coffee. Slowly, her right eye flickered underneath the lid, before drawing the eyelid back in order to peek over at him from beneath her lashes.

"As you can tell, I've... existed, as of late," she said, before she continued, "When Mirja-sama vacated her post as Arianda's sexual plaything, she disappeared from our home in the Seireitei — leaving me to my own devices. Naturally, a week had passed, so I decided to put my studies at the Academy on the backburner in order to search for her. Long story short, I ended up in the Wastelands, alone, and emaciated after searching everywhere for her."

She took a breath before continuing, a signal that the difficult part had only begun.

"I managed to get surrounded by a horde of Hollows, and two Meni Grande; who proceeded to send two Ceros into my abdomen, nearly severing my spinal cord. Since I can't even wield my zanpakuto yet, they sensed I'd stopped fighting my imminent death, so they retreated. Arianda found me shortly after that, and tried closing the wound with her Za Koa, but the wound still had traces of the Hollow's energies, and wouldn't close by that means... So she was left with no other choice but the fuse her flesh into my own — rendering me both a half-Demoness, and her full-blooded sister considering her DNA was so potent that it virtually destroyed my own."

Her facial expression contorted, becoming pinched in distaste, but nonetheless, Taichou droned on.

"I've been staying with Arianda since."

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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:53 pm



Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Henrex's fingers softly tapped against the fragile glass of the coffee cup, feeling the heat seep into his hand, sending small needles of pain through his arm. The sides of his face, sticky and rough from the dried tears that had embedded into his cheeks. A soft, but shaky breath left the lungs and lips of the male as he found the beverage to be soothing to his nerves. The heat and sugar of the drink slowly caused his anxieties and sadness to fade away. Henrex's eyes quickly shot to the area surrounding them, leaving his body heating up with embarrassment from his meltdown.

There were multiple gazes that burned into his own, and he turned around -- now feeling their gaze burn a searing hole into his back. Henrex swallowed nervously, feeling himself begin to break out into a sweat, both from his mind and body's natural reaction to something like that, as well as the heat of the room beginning to take it's toll on him, a drawback to the cloak that he wore, along with the grey and black clothing that he had chosen to wear on this chilly night. However, his mind was able to snap back to reality when Taichou began to speak. His head instantly turned towards her, listening intently -- both curious, and worried to hear about what had happened during the months that they had been apart.

The short explanation of her wandering into the Wastelands, due to Mirja leaving and going missing for some time left Henrex's eyes to close halfway. She too, had been abandoned by someone close to her.

'I'm sorry, Tai. I wish that you didn't have to go through that...'

His eyes closed fully, leaving his other senses to be empowered through his sight being closed off. The Wastelands, a place that was filled with Hollows that caused many of those who were unfortunate enough to meet their end. Henrex's eyes snapped open once he heard the damage that she had suffered at the hands of the restless spirits that were the Hollows. A soft sigh came from him as he continued to listen. Then, he heard the words that sent chills down his spine. The altering of her DNA, and the transformation she underwent to becoming a half-breed.

Henrex slowly raised the cup to his lips, his eyes carefully scanning over Taichou in her entirety, with spirit energy flooding into his eyes as he looked at where she said the wound that caused her transformation was. He could both see, and sense the prominent demon energy that resided both in her body, and in that wound. To finalize everything, Taichou simply said that ever since then, she had been staying with Arianda. After a small sip from the cup, and setting the object back down on the table, Henrex inhaled deeply, before quietly letting out the stream of air.

"I-I see. That's...heavy. I-I'm sorry that happened, Tai. I really wish...I could have helped." He whispered, his hand softly brushing against the other hybrid's for a moment.

His eyes closed, and his cheeks briefly turned a light shade of red, before his hand retreated back to his side. While the color symbolizing embarrassment soon faded, Henrex once again took a sip from the cup, before breathing out quietly. Henrex's hand gently pressed against the back of Taichou's, his icy fingers meeting with the warmth of hers, due to her cup's heat affecting and triggering a kinetic transfer of heat and chill. His face once again softly touched the color of red, and his eyes refused to meet Taichou.

Again, his hand darted away, retreating back to his side. Hopefully, some of the tension from his -- outburst from before had been lifted. After all, he didn't want to have something like that make the situation any more awkward than it already was.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Tue Sep 05, 2017 1:45 pm

"You know, Henny... It's actually not nearly as bad as it sounds, since I'm here with you." The Demoness' face flushed at her own admission, her crimson rimmed gaze flickering to the face that refused to meet her own. Extending her idle arm, the woman reached over, her tattooed palm connecting with his cheek, her thumb hooking beneath his chin in order to maneuver his face to look at her.

The Serpent's facial expression was unreadable to the naked eye, but to those who looked beyond — she was regarding him with warmth, loving, even — her lips curled up at the corners, parting in order to flash him her infamous pearly-white grin; which caused her cheeks to dimple.

In an instant, Taichou leaned in, bridging the gap between them. Her head bent in a manner for her to rest her forehead against his — her warm, vanilla smelling breath fanning across his face as she had begun to speak again.

"We all go through things our loved ones think we shouldn't have to go through, but the difference is.. I've got you. And that makes up for all of the fucked up shit, tenfold."

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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Tue Sep 05, 2017 7:43 pm



Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

This was something unexpected. For Henrex, this was one of the things that he never expected Taichou to do. His hands softly fidgeted in his lap, before Taichou's words came to his ears, and his eyes widened in surprise, as well as causing his face to dim to the color of red, before his hand softly rubbed the upper arm of his other. Hearing her speak so positively, as well as talking so...flirtatious with him? Was that the right word? He didn't know. However, it didn't really feel bad to him. It felt somewhat comforting to hear something like that from her. And then, another shocking turn of events.

He felt her warm hand softly graze his cheek, and what felt like her thumb press against his chin, and felt his head being gently tugged to her. He didn't fight it, he just let the girl have her way. His eyes softly drifted over the porcelain features of the Ryakketsu girl, before he found his eyelids relaxing ever so slightly, and the hints of a smile formed at the edges of his mouth. His vision soon danced down to the beautiful, white smile of the Demoness. As their heads tapped together, Henrex's face began to burn even further, before he finally managed to gather the words, and the wits to be able to speak.

"Likewise, Tai." He whispered, before his hand broke from his side, and snaked over to the where Taichou was. His fingers softly laced over the back of Taichou's hand, feeling the icy chill of his hands begin to warm from the heat of her hand. Henrex let out a shaky breath as he could feel his heart rate increasing, feeling the pulsating vitality slamming against his sternum, threatening to burst from his chest. Then, the next words that she said was what nearly made his heart burst.

"We all go through things our loved ones think we shouldn't have to go through, but the difference is...I've got you. And that makes up for all of the fucked up shit, tenfold."

Swallowing hard, Henrex nodded slowly, barely moving his head, as to not disturb the conjunction that their heads were connected with.

"I couldn't have said it better myself. I've got you, and you've got me."

Henrex's eyes finally closed completely, feeling himself relaxing further in the company of Taichou. His fingers softly slipped in between the Demoness', his hand clasping hers tightly. They had each other, and it was all that they needed at this moment.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Tue Sep 05, 2017 10:53 pm

The Serpent peeked out at him from beneath her lashes, and her laughter rose from within her chest, ringing throughout her throat, like the earthy sound of a woodwind instrument.

Seconds spent like him blurred together, and felt like hours. Chewing her lip, the Demoness' threw caution to the wind. She leaned forward; her heart beating so quickly that it was as if she had been shot with adrenaline. Their lips met. She felt a fluttering feeling well up beneath her belly-button, and her heart nearly beat out of her chest. She couldn't resist, and it felt so damn right. She was caught in the moment, especially now that his hand was holding her own. She felt invincible. But how did he feel about it? Instinctively, with trepidation, she pulled her lips away from his, though they hovered centimeters away, waiting for a reaction from him — her cheeks a deep shade of crimson.

Fuck. Did she really just kiss him? Taichou's heartbeat must have been a good 230 beats per minute right now. Quite frankly, she wanted to kiss him again. His lips were soft, and comforting, just like the way he made her feel; and they fit perfectly to her own.

Her burning umber orbs retreating beneath her heavy, red rimmed eyelids, and tried to slow her breathing. Was she overreacting, or overly nervous? Perhaps, but that's because she didn't want to jeopardize how Henrex felt about her...

What if I just fucked everything up?

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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Wed Sep 06, 2017 6:18 am



Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Everything had gone by so fast, it was mind-numbing. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing in it's entirety, though. It was something that he just wished he could have enjoyed just a bit more. The first thing was Taichou's laugh. His mouth broke out into a smile at the sound of it, leaving him grinning as well. But then, Taichou continued to surprise him. She surprised him with something that he honestly never expected from her. She had kissed him. Henrex could feel his heart racing even more than it had been before, and could even feel his nerves dimming.

It was painfully short. A few seconds went by, and she broke the hold she had on him. She was so close to him now that he could see into her eyes. If she looked into his, she would see the same thing that she was feeling. She wanted to do that again. He could see her face slowly dimming to red, causing him to smile softly, before his free hand slowly snaked around her, pressing against the height of her back and pulling her close to him.

"Hey...I never said stop." He whispered, his eyes softly tracing over Taichou.

'To hell with it.' were his only thoughts as his next actions were executed.

Their bodies pressed softly against one another, and Henrex then did the same thing that Taichou had done to him mere seconds ago. The hand that grasped hers drifted up to her cheek, his thumb securely placing itself on her chin, before tiling her head upwards toward him. Leaning in close, their lips met once again. His heart felt like it burst into flames, and warmth coated his entire body. Right now, this felt so right...

His other hand gripped at Taichou's tightly, his fingers moving in the slightest, only to readjust themselves. His mouth opened slightly, before his bottom lip softly brushed against the Demoness' own. Eventually, the spell between the two was broken. But, Henrex wasn't done. Moving his head away from Taichou's lips, and now moving to her ear, he whispered words that made his heart race with anxiety at what her response may be.

"Taichou...would you be upset if I said -- I like you...a lot?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:45 pm

"No... Because..." Taichou struggled for words, dumbfounded from the second kiss, though not in a bad way. At all. Hell, she wished he'd do it again. Her entire body was ignited, as if she were Icarus, flying too close to the sun. Maybe she was. But all that mattered to her was here and now, and that she had Henrex by her side.

Her lips trembled, though more-so in response of his lips against her own, and she gathered her thoughts, trying to form concise sentences.

"I like you too. I.. Always have." she breathed, opening her eyes in order to look into his. Every nerve of her body was awake, and humming, causing her entire body to quiver. She'd never had this reaction to a kiss before; and she'd had a lot, of those in her lifetime.

The Demoness' raised their intertwined hands, and rested her cheek against the back of his, tenderly holding it within her own, heavily tattooed hand. Her burning gaze flickered for a moment, just so she could scan their surroundings — a bad habit of hers because of her presence as a Vael — before resuming her trance-like stare into Henrex's eyes.

She could stare at him for hours and not get bored.

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Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Rooted [Taichou/Henrex]

Fri Sep 08, 2017 6:07 am



Rooted [Taichou/Henrex] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

To the outsider, those who looked at this scene would most likely be very confused. A man who had broken down, before kissing the person he was with. It was something that most people didn't see every day, and were probably wondering what in the world was going on with the two. But, Henrex wasn't really caring all that much. Henrex was focused on Taichou, and her alone. But, the next words that she said were what both relieved him, as well as sent him riddling with tingles of guilt. She always had liked him. His eyes slowly went downcast for a moment, before his eyes went back to her.

"How about we continue this where there aren't so many stares our way?" He whispered, his head moving closer to her ear as he felt his hand pressing against the warm flesh of her cheek.

Henrex's face broke out into a small, smile, before he brought her hand towards himself, kissing the back of her hand. It was a bit of an old gesture, but it definitely had not lost it's spark with someone like Henrex. Raising a hand from his side, before holding up a single finger, as to signify to give him a minute, or a second, before his hand disappear, along with Henrex's entire form. Using a quick burst of speed, Henrex shot to the front of the cafe, a moderately sized wallet in his hands already. Pulling out a large sum of money, he set the money on the counter, before zipping back to Taichou, taking her hand once again.

Gently pulling her to her feet, and moving his hand to the small of her back, Henrex walked with the Demoness towards the exit of the cafe. As the two soon made it outside, Henrex turned around, pulling the Demoness close to him, gazing into her eyes once again. A small, playful smile appeared on his face, before his next question would be asked.

"Hey, Tai...have you ever flown before?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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