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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] Empty Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:47 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Reports from his clan indicated that he was in South America. The question was why that came to mind of course but he knew the man. Poliro was never a guy who went into simple matters. His eyes of crimson closed as he opened a senkaimon and appeared here in the world of humans. This place never changed as he stood in an open field at the moment. The wind was nice as he noticed the harvest had been taken care of. The area was a nice place as he exhaled a breath gently. This place was the world where people could grow and change the world they were in. The Living World was filled with potential but he came here for a reason. To recruit Poliro into the Unabara Clan, they required a new Guardian. Someone who would challenge all comers and send them back in body bags. The person needed to be strong beyond the reaches of this world. The Guardian's were lead by one man in particular. Takumi had been gone for a while and this had lead to the world changing for him. Tsubasa knew if Takumi had been there his family wouldn't have been hurt.

But that was shirking away his duties. He couldn't avoid the fact that he was to blame for it. Takumi could be found later along with Tetsuya when he was healed. He found out about Tetsuya's survival of the incident. Though his injuries were severe he didn't need to prove anything to his father. Tsubasa knew well enough that his son was skilled enough. He didn't try and figure out things from that point of view. For now, it was time to focus on Poliro as he exhaled a breath releasing his spiritual pressure. Figuring his energy would certainly get the male's attention. The Unabara had gone through a massive expansion on earth recently. They were growing in strength from the events that had unfolded. Retainers had been found and the Guardian was the next piece of the puzzle. Question was would Poliro fit into the place or would he need to wait for Takumi?

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:26 pm

Song: A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry By: Demetori - Word Count:410

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

His gaze slowly went over him and took in details of Poliro now. So that had been enough to draw him out. He suspected that might be enough to get his attention. Tsubasa cracked his neck a bit as he felt like he may end up seeing more here."My name is Tsubasa Unabara, you may not know me. But I know you pretty well Poliro Tensol, my clan was butchered a while back. His eyes stared at the male now as he didn't seem to care for that memory. Tsubasa slowly brought his hand to rest beside his sword. He suspected Poliro would want some form of demonstration of his might. People always wanted to fight him for some reason, but he guessed it beat other things."I'd like to do more than just invite you to some rebuilding effort..Tell me Poliro, what is your ambition? Mine is to make all names know the Unabara as the strongest peacekeepers. Defenders of this world and all other things precious. But I suppose talk won't be enough to sway you.So come let's see just how strong you are Poliro."

Tsubasa said as he rested his hand on his zanpakuto.Spiritual pressure shot around the area almost like a blast went off. He smirked a bit as he'd told his story. Now this choice was on Poliro to decide. Tsubasa could certainly fight him at any range. He waited to determine if this was the course. His eyes scanning everything Poliro was doing. Slowing things down so he could take notes of each thing. Muscles, even the slightest twitch would signal the beginning of this battle. This wasn't a battle of gods but men. It didn't come down to such things ever, he'd read Poliro's file a few hundred times. When he became Head Captain, it was his job to invest and create for them. Poliro was a chance he let slip by due to the invasion. How different that could have played out didn't matter in his mind. Tsubasa was creating the most fierce fighting force ever seen. The Unabara Clan wouldn't just be known as some people who were together. They would be known and seen as full on people by themselves.

Lightning crackled off of Tsubasa's body as he watched him closely. It ran along his form as he seemed ready to go. Tsubasa could take off at a moment's notice and begin his attack on him. He didn't intend to go easy on someone like this. He was here to fight them and prove his point. He wasn't sure what kind of speed was required in this situation. Feeling the Izanagi also prepared to scan anything that was out of place. The technology was helpful in a number of ways, as it provided them with many means. Poliro's motivation did interest him immensely. But for now, he would settle on letting him decide the move. Tsubasa had known well enough things would go to fighting. It was his field thus why he came and no one else. He was prepared for this battle in particular.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Thu Mar 23, 2017 6:40 pm

Song: Emiya Unlimited Blade Works By: Hideyuki Fukasawa - Word Count:655

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

He watched as the male moved, his pivot was good. The form wasn't too bad only thing he lacked was a good follow through. His swordplay could use some work as he came at him with an easy to read angle. Tsubasa's eyes examined him taking in the stroke and movement. Such great potential wasted on nothing but a journey. He had plans and Poliro was a big part of them. As the sword came he moved with his speed catching the blade between his fingers. Generating a reishi barrier around his fingers and some lightning. Along with his nano skin, he was fine as he stared him. "Former Head Captain Tsubasa Unabara, let's see the depth of your potential Poliro." The power was surprising Poliro had damaged the lightning field had he not prepared two defenses that were a gone finger most likely. Drawing his blade with lightning speeds the blur of movement saw the weapon cut across Poliro's chest. As his blade went upwards aiming to cut through the male's skin and clothing. He could recover from this form quickly and begin an attack of a different type.

His hand tingled as he released the male's blade vanishing before the fire could make contact. His speed was insane as Tsubasa reappeared a bit away from him. Lightning cracked in the sky as he smiled a bit. This was amusing enough it was time to test him in another way. Potentially speaking he was the best he'd seen thus far. He had a tremendous amount of skill and possible outcomes. His hand tingled from that blow it was a considerable blow to take. Also, it was brave of him to attack him in such a direct manner. He suspected Poliro's greatness ever since he'd lead the Gotei. The warrior nation he hoped to create would need people like Poliro. People who went beyond the normal understanding of power and skills. Tsubasa wouldn't have been able to catch the blade had Poliro attacked with everything. He sensed it being somewhat of a swing to figure him out. Or maybe he was given the male too much credit for that.

For something to grow sometimes, it needed to be tested. He was quite well prepared for combat in this situation. Tsubasa intended to found a culture of warriors. To embrace what it meant to be a culture devoted to that cause. To show that Spartans weren't the last great warrior culture to thrive and showcase skills. But for now, he needed to collect the pieces for the future. Takumi, when he returned, would be helpful in setting everything up. He readied his zanpakuto taking from one's stance slowly. It was traditional for the most part taking things from kendo among others. He let his wakizashi remain on his obi sash for now. He'd wait till the male forced him to draw it and perform something. Tsubasa had trained most his life to perfect his own warrior way. Now it was time to help create the next culture of being a warrior. No one way was correct but they would live hard and find conditions that suited them. He didn't know what he wanted in the end, but his legacy for the Gotei was done.

Monsuta had the building blocks in place, but just maybe he didn't need them. He didn't need an organization surrounded by so much Dogma. They were a faction that required something else entirely. His body became alerted as he focused his entire being on Poliro. Watching and ready to engage in combat against him. Had that swing been done against anyone else, they'd of likely lost fingers attempting what he did. Tsubasa knew full well the cause and effect of things such as that. The Unabara founding this faction would require strength like Poliro's in the coming days.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:40 am

Song: The Hot Wind Blowing By: Jamie Christopherson - Word Count: 675

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"I could tell that wasn't your full power and could judge the angle of the swing. Good to hear that you're ready to go now, I'll start fighting in earnest.." He said softly as in his free hand crackling sparks began to form. Tsubasa's body illuminated with lightning as sparks danced across his frame. Slowly the form of a blade began to seem clear with the high voltage weapon. His eyes watched Poliro for a moment before switching to the issue coming at him. The formed projectile based blades in the air. His eyes scanned them slowly taking in details of them as noted in their composition they would explode. At a certain distance, he could guess by the makeup they would do quite a bit of damage. Flame Reaper did suit Poliro as a title overall. Tsubasa had plans for Poliro so it was better he shows him just how strong he was. A combination attack would be suitable to this situation. Calculations in his mind as he judged their speed and movement. As they came in at a slower pace for him as he focused on them.

Utsusemi would fit his needs pretty well here as he was an excellent user of hoho. This wasn't entirely hard or impossible for him to come up with here. Tsubasa stood still holding the bolt as he exhaled a breath of air. For Poliro it would appear as though his body was struck and caught in the blasts. Tsubasa was caught off guard by the explosion and taken out with an expression of disbelief. Eliminating his spiritual pressure and scent came next. Leaving no trace as he thrust the electricity blade forward to pierce through Poliro back. The crackling blade if it made contact would send all it's voltage through Poliro sending him flying as lightning coursed through his body. Tsubasa's frame would act quickly as he pointed his finger outwards. "Hadō 90, Black Coffin." The box would appear around Poliro the second he landed closing in around him. Giving him little time to react to the oncoming attack. As the box, finished closing spears pierced all of its sides.

A normal person's nervous system would have been messed up from the attack. Tsubasa couldn't be sure what state of things would come from this. He'd prepared a couple countermeasures and was ready for what was to come. Tsubasa had a couple aces up his sleeve he could use for this moment. He had some creative ideas for his powers and did indeed view Poliro as a suitable foe. Poliro would be the Retainer of the North. He was something Tsubasa needed for his clan to truly begin the goal. This wasn't going to be simple no matter how you sliced it. His eyes stared at the location of his tactic being used. It wasn't a bad idea for the most part. It would let him judge how strong Poliro was against something like that. He had one last trick up his sleeve as the static electricity in the air had built up. Tsubasa returned to his stance for form one, making sure he was ready. It was time to be precise and capable for the situation to come. Control was the objective here and would require timing.

Poliro struck him as the time to come out swinging and find a way to do damage against him. Tsubasa wasn't just strong he was ludicrously so, since all he did was train and change himself into this being. Someone who could create a culture of being a warrior. Tsubasa intended to change the very conception of what it meant to be a warrior. In this world, he made his goal and intended to make the most of it. Factions never change nor do Organizations till someone forces them to change. Forces them to evolve into their potential that is hidden. Vanguard, Gotei, these places must evolve into something. Turn into a different light and function for them to begin. Tsubasa didn't know where he could fit into the world around him. But for Poliro his education on just how strong this Head Captain was. It was only just the beginning as Tsubasa had the only scratch the surface. Poliro was strong and capable but was underestimating just how capable Tsubasa was.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Sat Apr 01, 2017 6:41 pm

Song: Iron By: Woodkid Word Count: 818

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa's orbs fell upon him he had good reflexes and reacted well. Better to get burned a little than get burned a whole lot. Tsubasa released the sword from his digits as he watched the tactics unfold against his kido. He'd yet to truly begin doing anything as he smiled softly. "You've got good potential and reflex's Poliro, can't wait to start training you towards your full potential.But enough of that for now.Your Shikai awaits." He said noticing Poliro had released his sword now as he slowly gave his zanpakuto a swinging getting into a stance. He was in the first form of the Lotus now as he was prepared. Something about this form didn't leave openings as he watched the movements. Seeing how the blade changed and quickly calculating the heat. Tsubasa released a massive amount of spiritual pressure as lightning crackled along his body. He'd released a huge amount a megavolt was discharging along his frame. Tsubasa slowly smiled as he now decided to fight at full capacity in his sealed state. Or rather as much as Poliro had drawn out thus far.

He could do one thing and activate his shunko, but for now, it was best to save that. He liked the angle and speed increase Poliro had gained. He was impressed by the Shikai and what sort of skills it had within it. So far it seemed like a basic sword strike and hand grabbing it again was out. Much faster movement but his sword skills lacked something. Tsubasa didn't mind that, though if you didn't lack you couldn't learn. That was the principal of learning and getting better. Tsubasa's eyes followed Poliro as he moved. He wasn't very fast but his speed had increased decently. Lightning crackled along his frame as his spiritual pressure showed itself. The skies began to darken a bit as storms raged in the air. If Poliro went further a barrier would be required as he'd left instructions. The Shadow Force and Clan would put up a large size barrier to get matters done. This was, of course, something that needed to be taken into consideration on the case by case.

The swing was good and his form wasn't terrible as he came through. Tsubasa moved his feet now as he began the movement. Sidestepping the blow he used his zanpakuto to slam the sword downwards. Deflecting the blow as he moved to the side avoiding the blow. At the same time, he changed his sword sidewise performing a horizontal slash at Poliro's chest. The angle was a bit obvious and as someone who spent his being on swordplay. Tsubasa was likely a poor enemy to challenge in regards to this. Using the control of Form one he decided to use Crimson Lotus. He sent a sonic boom to blowout which sent a kinetic blast into Poliro's sternum. He slowly returned his form as he spoke now giving him advice."I understand the desire to take the direct path, but when swinging your sword be mindful and use many tactics. Fight with multiple angles and understand the versatility of the blade you hold a Zanpakuto. " He said calmly as he watched Poliro's position now.

Tsubasa was giving him a small education on the art of the sword slowly. Making sure that he at the very least made sure to pass on something. An idea struck him as he got ready to begin, his clothing had gotten a bit scorched from the heat. He'd also barely managed to avoid the heat from it with his sword. Indeed this was a fascinating being as he judged his skills and prowess now. Everything was clear as he could easily begin to do something a bit bigger. "You seemed to like Hadō 90 in regular form.So why don't I do something a bit better..I'll show you it with its full potential." He said offering a smile to Poliro. "You can survive this if you use the same tactic but..think creatively Poliro." He said offering advice as he began the chant now. Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"

The sky turned pitch black as the chant was begun and he prepared it. As blocks began appearing once he finished it around Poliro each tipped with a cross-shaped spear. The skies darkness slowly vanished as the coffin was formed around where Poliro stood. If the attack was successful he guessed Poliro had been impaled a bit. The question was how would his target respond. Tsubasa was taking things a bit more seriously as he prepared to fight with a kido assault now. He paused at the last minute and decided that he would fight this matter normally. Tsubasa would fight till Poliro could force him to fight more seriously. So far this was far as he was pushed. It was a good enemy though as Poliro could get to see just how strong he was. No reserving his kido or mastery in that field. Though this was child's play compared to his true skill in kido the shunko. He'd yet to tap into that power which he'd use when Poliro forced him to do so.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED] Empty Re: Seeking the Strength of Ages [FINISHED]

Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:18 am

Song: Termination By: RTPN Word Count: 1083