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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:17 am

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Once again, Saeko’s heart fluttered with passion as Tsubine continued to envelope her mind within the aura of the moment, consuming her soul with his overwhelming attentiveness. What other words were there to describe him? He was beyond amazing, a once-in-a-lifetime partner that Saeko could spend the entirety of her life with. The symbols of their love, of their passion, were these moments. These crowning monumental times were nothing else mattered but being within the warmth and love of another. Never in her entire life had she met a man who could make her feel as strongly as this white devil did. Ever since fall from grace, it had always seemed that her life was both trial and error. The errors, regardless of how large or how minute, were choosing males that never…really struck much emotion, or even power into her spirit.

Even during the pinnacles of her life, a time where the love for her mother was boundless, no male could ever impress her as much as he did. She idly remembers the first time they met. The woman had fainted during a rainy night, lying on the ground as though her body could no longer muster even an ounce of power. The next thing she remembered was waking up on a sofa with a man watching over her. How had she gotten here!? Was this man trying to make an attempt on her of some sort? Without proper thought, her body reacted before her mind and she slapped him on the cheek. However, he had managed to successfully calm her down and explain what had happened, the way his face looked when he spoke was so nervous that Saeko had found it amusing, endearing even. She knew that he was genuine and in a stroke of good manners, she kissed him on the cheek that she had struck and left.

The next day, she confronted him as a civilian, requesting that she have a position in the thirteen guard squads as a fourth seat. When he allowed her to enter his offices, she apologized for her unnecessary actions and offered him dinner, to which he accepted without any hesitation. From that moment thereon, their fates were forever entwined. She knew there was something about him that made her blood quicken, something that made her heart beat with love. In fact, at their dinner date, she had even attempted to bed him, an unfortunate failure in the end. Thereafter, however, he accepted her love and the two were nearly inseparable. They had become a pair. What started out as mere chance, resulted in these two becoming amazing lovers. And even though they separated, something that caused her great distress, he was here once more, before her in every detail.

He was no illusion, everything from the hair, to lips, to shoulders, and his defined musculature were all undoubtedly real. And, even if this was a dream, she would wish to never wake up. He reassured her that this was no dream, gliding his sculpted fingers across her spine, sending euphoric shivers down her spine as soft moans left her lips. His thrusts remained placid, as he continued to use the minimal amount of force needed to keep her body in ecstasy. In reply, she fervently swayed her hips, rotating her walls around his strong weapon. Her moans were not extremely audible, yet they didn’t need too. Of course there were times were these two would make love so intensely, that at times even the heavens could hear their passionate cries. And there moments like these, the ones were they simply lost themselves within each other’s warmth, lost in their own heavenly bliss.

Last edited by Shirou Emiya on Mon Aug 06, 2012 10:02 am; edited 2 times in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Reunion of the Soul - Page 4 Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:26 am

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SONG TO INTIMACY-- Sumiisan -- The Desired Future


Is this
What they call love?
Or is this
Just a case
Of simple attraction?
Do I care for or love her?

Tsubine decided that it was time for him to increase the speed. However, his brain did not command it. No, it was his heart that told him to do so. His thrusts now increased in force and in speed. His own legs and asscheeks left the rock more and more frequently. He reached down and grabbed her supple, round, left lower cheek. His grip tightened slightly, as its feeling returned to his mind. Yes, the feeling of the past.
"Saeko... This walk turned interesting, didn't it? Who would have thought that we would have met up in the same place. This part is almost expected of the two of us though, no?"
Tsubine chuckled slightly with the end of his satement. Yes, Fate must be not only cruel but also a romantic. To see the pain of these two meeting once again was only overshadowed by the feelings they felt for one another. The pain was because Tsubine felt that he had made a mistake. He had made a mistake that nothing could fix... yet, here he was, forgetting that mistake. This was because the mistake did not matter, only Saeko did.
Yes, she was the only thing on his mind. He could feel her essence, her existance. The feeling of that pressing against his own is all he could feel now. His body was doing the sexual pleasuring, but it was his spirit itself that was providing the emotional attachment. Tsubine would let her answer and respond to his statement, but he wouldn't let it take too long. He pressed his lips against hers once more, turning his head slightly. He could feel the sweat on her face, her soft, well-moisturized lips. Her sweet smell only made Tsubine's body increase speed and force more.

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Reunion of the Soul - Page 4 Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Wed Jul 25, 2012 1:15 pm

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“Indeed, it is my love. Our meetings were always one’s that happened on unusual terms. “ As Tsubine’s hand caressed the purple haired vixen’s cheek, her gaze continued to remain affixed on his handsome face. Come to think of it, what she said was unarguably true. No matter where or how, fate had always decided to bring them together in the most unexpected of ways. From an ironic standpoint, this particular time happened during a phase when Saeko felt nothing but contempt for her mother, her only current goal being to kill the woman who took everything from her.

Even if it were solely for the sake of her beloved, she would discard her vengeful wish and follow him to the ends of time. The same, doubtless, went for the man who was wasting no time in sending waves of pleasure through her body, his thrusts now moving in tandem with the motions of her hips. This pleasure in and of itself was nothing short of euphoria, her mind felt as though it had reached nirvana. However, it wasn’t from just the sexual adrenaline. Indeed, her passion came from the fact that she wholly loved this man, and that she was his sole prize, his sacred gem.

That feeling, more than any grandiose prose, filled her with ultimate joy. Each thrust was performed with the optimal amount of force and gentility, enough to cause even more fervent moans to erupt from her lips. His speed became nigh on relentless, as the intensity of his sexual exploration continued to fuel the lusts of Saeko’s body. She mewled at the power of his thrusts, taking each inch of his massive weapon that she could endure. Her walls tightened around his manhood, as though it were trying to consume the entirety of it inside them. The pleasure receptors were quite pleased by the initiator’s powerful ministrations. As a sign of their acceptance, the vaginal walls continued to take in its beloved guest. Soon, their motions started to become repetition, a rhythmic dance of conjoined flesh…

Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
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Reunion of the Soul - Page 4 Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:32 am

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Reunion of the Soul - Page 4 332595-1 Reunion of the Soul - Page 4 315661-1 Reunion of the Soul - Page 4 253001-1-1
SONG TO INTIMACY-- Sumiisan -- The Desired Future


Is this
What they call love?
Or is this
Just a case
Of simple attraction?
Do I care for or love her?

"As a man, it truly hurts my pride to say this, but I have to say that my end of this is almost done, if you understand."

Truth be told, Tsubine really hadn't had much of a love--or sex, for that matter--life since Saeko left last. No one could moan like she did. No one could accept the spear like she could. No one could entice him like she could. In the limited sexual encounters he did have, it was rarely anything but physical pleasure. He thrusts, he cums, he sleeps. The girl would be passed out from a new experience most likely, but Tsubine was just tired of repeating this process. Saeko on the other hand caused him pleasure like a freight train enjoying hitting a stalled car. Her own insides collapsing on his spear, her own mollusk-like anus ready to accept at any time, her own nails digging into his back... Yes, all of the nostalgia from his past sexual encounters with her suddenly flowed back into him.

The spear grew ever-larger within her. It was nearing its peak. The end was near, and her sanctum was going to be bleached if she let him. The spear danced with her walls, thrusting in when it closed, pulling back when it opened. That was his secret. He'd make a forceful entry, leaving his exit to be less of a hassle. And then, the process was repeated multiple times. And then, it hit something at the very end. It was the true sanctum. He felt her jump at him hitting her cervix, which tightened her walls against his manhood even tighter. However, that wouldn't stop him. One thrust more, she jumped and tightened again. It slowly opened its eye into heaven itself. He repeated the thrust, the tightening and jumping was more severe. Tsubine could feel his tip passing into it.

"Sorry if that hurt, I bet it's been a while since that's been hit."

He repeated the heavy thrusts again twice, and that is what was needed. Like a miner opening a massive wall of diamonds, Tsubine had penetrated her sanctum to its almost limit. And those extra two inches is all Tsubine needed. He pushed onwards, eventually reaching the top of her sanctum. And that was when Tsubine's own two jewels would be against her if she were on the bottom or sideways. Tsubine would make her feel true pleasure. He would do whatever it took to make sure that Saeko would know exactly what she meant to him. He did not exit the cervix, but instead made sure the tip hit against its exit as hard as it could without hurting him or her.

The choking sensation around the shaft below his tip was something Tsubine was not used to. This was only his second time penetrating that deep. And thus, it only drove him and his spear closer to madness. He could feel a pressure building up inside the spear, slowly making its way to the tip. As it made its way to the tip, he felt something seeping out. It was precum, slinging across her inner walls. Yes, it was near the end. But would this mean the end of the two's relationship once more? No, Tsubine would make sure it didn't. He couldn't lose her again...

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Reunion of the Soul - Page 4 Empty Re: Reunion of the Soul

Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:57 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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