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A new Friendship Empty A new Friendship

Thu Apr 13, 2017 6:16 pm



A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 334

A few hours later......

She looked around and saw the delicate Toshiko still resting on her lap listening to the sounds of her heatbeat, ritsuko wondered what she was dreaming about perhaps taking over the world or maybe it was something more relaxing like sitting on a beach looking at the beautiful sun and the smells of the ocean.

Ritsuko almost felt like a sibling to Toshiko, having a bit of laughs and giggles while also experiencing a few serious moments as well. It would be weird to call her "sister" since they only had a few conversations with one another and have now just started cuddling; she wasn't sure if Toshiko would like the whole sister thing but it'd be great to grow a stronger bond between the two. Hell both her and Toshiko having somebody to speak to in times of grief whether it'd be something minor as seeing a nude picture or something more serious they'll be listening to eachothers issues and try to find ways to resolve it.

Whatever the case Ritsuko needed to use the restroom after all sleeping on the couch for a couple of hours did make her feea bit

However she was stuck in the tight grip of Toshiko's arms still holding her tightly, one thing's for sure she did admit hearing the sounds of her sleeping was pretty adorable to say the least. She did had one of two options to get out of her grip, the first option was to wake her up obviously but Ritsuko didn't want to bother her besides she's probably having the best dream of her life however she's not exactly sure. Option two would have to slowly move away from her grip while not waking her up at the same time, allowing her to slip theough and march her way to the restroom.

"Alright guess i should try to slip through"
Ritsuko said to herself

Since Toshiko was already asleep it's safe to assume her grip has been loosened a bit making it a bit easier for her to slip out, however if she continues to grip her closer she'd have no choice but too wake her up. Ritsuko tried to take Toshiko's arms and have them at least touch the cushion ritsuko was sleeping on, removing each finger from behind her waist and slowly have them

Ritsuko wasn't much of the sneaky beaver, luckily though the her feet were on was carpet which was a good sign at least. Ritsuko slowly put one foot over the other looking down once in awhile making sure no foreign objects would allow her to trip and fall with a bruised nose or something.

The final obstacle was the Linoleum floor near Toshiko's desk it was standing between her and the restroom. Ritsuko looked in utter determination almost having fire in her eyes, that she was going to make it without waking toshiko up from her beautiful slumber. She could just do a typical leap of faith and touch the floor but risk falling to the ground; but she decided to walk through it, however once her feet made contact with the floor it was making a few creaking sounds but hopefully it wasn't loud enouch to wake toshiko up.

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:35 pm

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 405

Toshiko truthfully had a bit of an iron grip, but, it wasn't an iron grip around Ritsuko. It was meant to keep Toshiko on Ritsuko instead of the other way around; which is why Ritsuko would have basically no trouble slipping out from Toshiko's grip. Well, besides the fact Toshiko made a sound akin to whining of a sort, or simply groaning, hard to tell, as Ritsuko slipped out of her grip. Luckily for Ritsuko, Toshiko was a heavy sleeper; meaning that unless the alarm went off she wouldn't wake up. So, in other words, Toshiko was currently laying on the couch asleep; her body relaxed and her shirt part of the way up on her body. This revealed her stomach, in all of it's pale glory, and the slight muscle definition she had on her stomach; for her abs. It wasn't extreme, but, it was at least defined enough. It didn't help that Toshiko also could care less about whether her body was covered in clothes or not when she was sleeping; meaning if Toshiko slept a bit too long, she may end up in her underwear in front of Ritsuko. That was not the objective here.

Toshiko coughed softly in her sleep when the floor creaked in response to Ritsuko's footsteps, but, Toshiko was not affected by it at all. Toshiko gave off a soft yawn as she sat up, not even awake, and looked in the direction that Ritsuko was in; not actually looking at her as Toshiko's eyes were completely closed. She yawned once more before she flopped backwards onto the couch, laying flat, with her arms spread for Ritsuko to literally crawl on top of her if she needed or wanted to. And, in truth, Toshiko would likely still want to cuddle with Ritsuko for a little bit longer until either getting to business or not doing more and more cuddling; which Toshiko would be totally okay with.

Toshiko breathed softly as she continued to sleep, a single arm reaching for Ritsuko before her body stopped responding to random stimulus of movement and sounds. Toshiko softly mumbled Ritsuko's name under her breath before she stopped and simply breathed easy. Toshiko now simply lied there on the couch, waiting for Ritsuko to return to her after the trip to the bathroom. After all, even in her sleep, Toshiko was patient.

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Mon Apr 17, 2017 4:11 pm



A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 330

Looked back too see whether or not Toshiko was awake due to the creaking noise she'd made. However she was in the clear as Toshiko just coughed and exhibited a small yawn and slowly adjusted to a position near her line of sights, however her eyes still remained closed sleeping like an angel and finally flopping backwards and laying flat on the couch.

"Phew, that was close"

Ritsuko sighed in utter reflief, then slowly opened the door to enter the bathroom making sure to shut the door slowly so it wouldn't make a loud thud; she then turned on the bathroom light and looked at herself in the mirror her hair was pretty messed up and her eyes were rheum.
She decided to wash her eyes out to make them seem more presentable and quickly taking off her hat and adjusting her hair accordingly before heading back into the room to cuddle with Toshiko a bit more.

"Be quiet you, just wait a few more minutes then we can enjoy some burgers" Maybe i should get a bacon cheeseburger, or even a-"
Ritsuko gasped in utter excitement as her thoughts gathered about what kind of burger she'd like to enjoy eating, it emitted a small echo considering she closed the door. Although she could feel her stomach growling begging for something to eat it'd be best to just wait until Toshiko wakes up, after all she can't be rude and ruin a good night sleep especially someone like her.

She splashed her face with water and then yawned a bit, after all that nap did leave her body relieved of any aches or pains.
Ritsuko slowly reopened the door and moved across the floors as quickly as she could before slowly coming back to Toshiko making sure she was in the same position as earlier.

Although she couldn't sleep at least Toshiko could have her around her arms again listening to her heartbeat.

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Wed May 31, 2017 6:41 pm

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 490

It's a good thing Toshiko can be a really heavy sleeper, but, hey, at least Ritsuko could slip out of the cuddles and go to the bathroom without waking her up; good job to her. But, Toshiko certainly was in a bit of a lighter sleep, but not light sleep, when Ritsuko came back to her. As soon as Ritsuko made sure Toshiko was back into the same position as before, a small, but soft, smile appeared on Toshiko's face slowly; her head resting against Ritsuko's bosom comfortably. Toshiko yawned softly in her sleep as she continued to cuddle the girl without much care of what was going on besides cuddling Ritsuko. Eventually, Toshiko's eyes fluttered slightly as she slowly woke up, at least, it seemed like she did. Her head lifted slightly and she moved up a little to place the softest of kisses to Ritsuko's cheek, gave a weak smile, and then moved right back to where her head originally was; on Ritsuko's bosom. Just the cheek kiss was likely enough to surprise Ritsuko, but, Toshiko may as well have been inebriated by sleep; she wouldn't remember laying a kiss on Ritsuko's cheek unless she was told.

Toshiko rubbed her face against Ritsuko softly as she listened to her heartbeat while she slumbered. Eventually, Toshiko's eyes actually did flutter open; truly awake instead of drunk by sleep awake. She smiled at Ritsuko and hugged her close.

"M-Morning~! How'd you sleep? And is it really morning? Oh also, I hope I didn't cause you to wait too long for me to wake up..."

Toshiko chuckled nervously and gave Ritsuko one more smile as she relaxed a little from her slumber, having no idea she kissed Ritsuko on the cheek; at least it wasn't a kiss on the lips. That woulda been rather shocking for both of the Quincies. Toshiko yawned rather loudly before she covered her mouth as her pale face went surprisingly red; her arms still wrapped firmly around Ritsuko. A soft chuckle left her mouth as she continued to cuddle Ritsuko. She placed her head back onto Ritsuko's chest and lightly rubbed her back with a single hand.

"So, any plans of what to do today? We could go out and do somethings! But, I dunno what, so, I'll leave the choice up to you!"

Toshiko smiled brightly at Ritsuko, clearly happy to have Ritsuko with her right now. That smile didn't leave her face of course. It was true, Toshiko hadn't felt so damn happy in a long time; ever since Sofia. Who knows, maybe she should actually move on and look to things far more righteous. Or, maybe, she just shouldn't let her past hold her back from things that could be far better than the past. Yeah, that sounds better.

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:20 am



A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500
She was immediately given a small kiss on the cheek which did suprise her a bit almost like a mother kissing her child goodnight. Ritsuko didn't respond violently or with a look of confusion but rather a smile on her face it was a long tme since she gotten a kiss on the cheek normally she got a kiss for being a good daughter or friend but this was different. It was a kiss of someone you can trust and have deep conversations with without being ridiculed or judged by others and that's what she enjoyed.
Ritsuko wasn't sure whether or not to tell toshiko about the "kissing on the cheek" deal but she just ignored it, after all it'd probably make her flustered and giddy which she did kinda admire.

Once she got into the same position as before ritsuko still had her eyes open despite having toshiko cuddle her like a small cub resting with her mother on a cold winter night. Feeling toshiko's head resting against her bosom listening too her heartbeat make contact feeling the warmth of her face listening to the soothing heartbeat ritsuko have her a slight rub on the hair messing up her hair abig. She watched as Toshiko's beautiful her eyes opened and stared at hers

"I slept well nothing too bad happened, and yep it's morning" Before giving toshiko a slight kiss on the forehead

Feeling those soft hands rub her back was alluring almost enticing ritsuko wanted to move her hand down to her ass but ritsuko stopped her action as she remembered why she was here just to hang out and train nothing more nothing less "No bad Ritsuko! Your just friends" she kept repeating this in her head until she was asked a question on what too do for today.

Ritsuko wasn't sure whether or not to tell toshiko about the "kissing on the cheek" deal but she just ignored it, however if she did it'd probably make her flustered and giddy which she did kinda admire.

None the less ritsuko answered toshiko's question with utter passion and charisma like always.
"Well i was hoping we could go out and i'd love to see what the city has too offer, and maybe we can do some training? Who knows maybe we could be sniping buddies" Sticking her tounge out and winking

Ritsuko replied with a cheery smile on her face, she was glad that Toshiko could have someone like her around someone she can hang out and sympathize with while also have fun times. Toshiko reminded her of an old friend of hers her name was Анжелика (Angelica) she had beautiful brown hair similar to hers with eyes of an angel; most of the recruits teased her for being a lesbian but she admired her for that being something different is what makes people likeable. Ritsuko even had a crush on her at some point but she normally kept to herself not wanting to embrass herself in front of people.

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:46 am

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 465

Toshiko smiles softly at Ritsuko and soon gained a small blush upon her face as soon as Ritsuko kissed her on the forehead. She didn't question it, of course, it was a nice thing to get at random. OF course, she had no idea she kissed Ritsuko's cheek earlier; and she also had no idea that Ritsuko was tempted to touch Toshiko's backside. Finding out about either one would kinda send the Quincy girl into more embarrassment or simply cause Toshiko to get a little flirty before controlling herself and calming down; yet the former was more possible since Toshiko is normally the toucher no the touchee.

"Good... I'm glad you slept well, Ritsuko. And makes sense it's morning."

The Quincy chuckled softly noticing that Ritsuko's hand was still on her head; simply petting her without much care. This was certainly new to Toshiko, but, she just decided to roll with it instead of freak out in some way; it was a nice feeling anyways. Toshiko breathed a sigh of relaxation and adjusted herself, only slightly, so she would stay awake without disrupting the position she and Ritsuko were in. Toshiko kept her arms around Ritsuko and continued to rub her back, likely accidentally causing the feeling she felt before, but, also one of relaxation and comfort.

Toshiko yawned softly and continued to rub Ritsuko's back as the girl seemed to be thinking on what to do; of course, then she did speak about it. Basically, go out on the town and do a little training. Toshiko chuckled softly and nuzzled Ritsuko softly before giving her a soft smile.

"Yeah, I'd love to do that. I can show you around some of the places before we go to the range; or maybe some other place so I can use my Vollstandig without too much worry."

Toshiko didn't mimic the wink and stuck out tongue that Ritsuko did, but, it felt her with the strange feeling to kiss Ritsuko full on the lips. Of course, she didn't, but, the sensation was still strange and caused Toshiko to get after herself a little in her mind; some reprimand for wanting to kiss someone who was a friend. Ritsuko was her friend, she shouldn't kiss her because they were friends... or were they more? Toshiko sighed softly, pushing her thoughts into the back of her head so she could think with a little more clarity. Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko and held her close, rubbing her back still.

"Welp, you give the word when you wanna go, Ritsuko. I just need to get my hat and sunglasses before we leave, but, whenever you want to go, just tell me."

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:38 pm



A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 350
Ritsuko was hoping that she wouldn't freak out about being kissed on the forehead but based on her reaction it was clear she was fine with it although a small blush could be seen which she found utterly adorable. None the less ritsuko continued to rub toshiko's head like a puppy and hearing her breathe a sigh of utter peace and relaxation without ruining both ritsuko and her positionin was soothing. Ritsuko was nervous as toshiko continued to rub her back but immediately calm down once it was a rub of comfort rather than straight up lust or a way to get in her panties not with a seduction or straight out lust but rather comfort and support.

Before toshiko gave a soft yawn and continued nuzzling ritsuko "That'd be great, i'd love too see what your vollstanding can do toshiko" Despite not having acquired vollstanding it'd be nice to seee what capabilities Toshiko's would have in a combat scenario; hell maybe if she's lucky ritsuko can get hers? But hey a girl can dream.

Although ritsuko was cheery as ever in the outside on the inside however her mind was in a constant battle with herself she was conflicted about these feelings towards Toshiko. First they were just complete strangers on the beach learning about the history of the quincy race and how to properly manifest reishi; and now as if by fate or destiny friends or that's what she believes cuddling like they're a couple. Ritsuko put those thoughts on the back of her head after all it was a new day too train and some girl time.

"We can go now, i'll be waiting for you outside don't keep a girl waiting~" she giggled as she exited Toshiko's office and awaited her arrival
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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Thu Jun 01, 2017 10:59 pm

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 427

Toshiko chuckled softly and nuzzled into Ritsuko still, not unaware of her own lewd thoughts. Of course, hers were likely magnitudes worse than Ritsuko's, in terms of lewd-ness. Oh indeed they were, it was more quality to what Toshiko did to the maid last night to regain some confidence; oh right, her. Oh well, Toshiko didn't care now; she was busy with Ritsuko and slept with her instead. Whatever.

Toshiko smiled softly as she felt herself actually thinking of some interesting thoughts besides the lewd ones, well, mostly. The ones she didn't think were lewd were butt touching and thigh teasing, but, then again, those probably would be lewd. The Quincy girl let a rather brilliant small smile slip as she thought of it, but, also thought of how cute Ritsuko was; she was just too damned cute over all. Toshiko yawned softly and chuckled, deciding to return the favor with the kiss, even though she had no idea she did kiss Ritsuko on the cheek earlier, and place a small kiss on the cheek; the opposite cheek than the one she kissed when still basically asleep. She blushed softly and smiled at Ritsuko, Ritsuko being the first girl to likely see Toshiko blush with actual truth in said blush. She chuckled softly and slowly slid back down to Ritsuko's chest.

"Alright! That'd be fine with me, but, mind if I show off mainly my artillery configuration first? It's the one with my railgun, of course. Also, would you rather go around the town first or later? It is rather flexible after all."

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko and then slowly let go of Ritsuko as she was getting up to wait out in the hallway. Toshiko gave her a quick hug before she left and Toshiko had to go to the bathroom herself, to pee and let herself relax some, without doing anything lewd since she couldn't keep Ritsuko long. Toshiko soon opened the door in her boots and with her sunglasses on, but, she was missing her hat. She rubbed the back of her head softly and chuckled nervously.

"Sooo, I have no idea where my hat is. I can find it later, but, I didn't want to keep you waiting. So, where to first Ritsuko? Tour around town or go out and train some? Your choice!"

She smiled brightly at Ritsuko, waiting for her decision. Toshiko probably wouldn't let herself admit it, but, she already cared greatly for Ritsuko.

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:55 pm




A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

Watching as Toshiko coiling her arm around her like a side hug. Toshiko was probably a busy woman and it'd give a good indication too her workees that she's busy and wouldn't like to be bothered with ridiculous tasks for her to do. Ritsuko did feel toshiko's hand carress her back however she stopped immediately probably because this would give her workers the wrong idea she could imagine the local newspaper saying "Toshiko has romantic relationship with random girl" Having her hand held by toshiko was a bit silly after all she's not a young child who'd get lost in a crowd of people but it probably was for the best, she probably wouldn't want no guy take advantage of her innocence.

Toshiko mentioning of using her railgun in a open area was a bit concerning but also exciting as well she's heard of railguns whether in videogames or in real life having immense destructive power capable of destroying a small house instantally so it was a smart idea to go into an open training area since it allows her to fire without harming innocents.

Toshiko was mumbling something but it was difficult to hear whatever the case her and toshikomwas having a great time together

Maybe after training they could go outnand explore the city some more beaides she'd be interested in learning the culture of this city and where it stands against other ogranizations like Vastime.

This was a great chance for Ritsuko to learn something about toshiko and her tatics on sniping whether or not there similar or different.

"I can't wait to see your skills as well, maybe we can give eachother some pointers.

Last edited by MWD on Sun Jun 04, 2017 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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A new Friendship Empty Re: A new Friendship

Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:17 am

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 406

Toshiko smiled softly and slowly coiled an arm around Ritsuko, mainly to act as a side hug of a sorts and to basically tell others that may be around that Toshiko was off limits today. Toshiko smiled softly and slowly let her arm fall from Ritsuko's back and she smiled at the girl in front of her, her face a little red as she pushed away certain... thoughts that she didn't need to be thinking of right now; thoughts of the lewd kind. Toshiko nodded softly at Ritsuko and popped her right shoulder, wincing as it did pop before she looked towards her right, eyeing the door there.

"Alright, if I'm to pick then let's go to the range first; or at least somewhere to shoot without being bothered by others or worry about people walking into the area we are firing in. Also, I suggest an open area of sorts with only us since my Artillery form, that has the railgun, is rather... destructive. Resident ranges wouldn't be too happy with me... eh-heh."

Toshiko rubbed the back of her neck, chuckling softly. Toshiko's hand then slowly reached for Ritsuko's hand, grabbing it gently and slowly starting to move to the door to Toshiko's right. Toshiko looked at Ritsuko and grinned, the hand holding no more than a way to make sure Toshiko doesn't lost track of Ritsuko, but, she also knew what it could entail besides that. She sighed softly and continued to walk towards the door.

"Thanks... I normally like to cover up my hair since it gets messed up and all frizzy. Sometimes I also need to cover it up since I well..."

Toshiko's voice now grew really soft as she basically mumbled under her breath as this next part was rather embarrassing.

"Since I haven't bathed in a little and my hair is dirty.... I hope you didn't just hear mee..."

Toshiko chuckled softly, today being one of those days where luckily, she had bathed recently, but, it was still a concern. Toshiko chuckled softly to herself and then turned around to look at Ritsuko, a smile on her face as she stared into Ritsuko's eyes.

"I'm really, really glad I met you, Ritsuko. I can't wait to see your shooting skills!"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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