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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Sun Jun 04, 2017 4:13 pm




A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

Watching as Toshiko coiling her arm around her like a side hug. This got ritsuko thinking toshiko was probably a busy woman and it'd give a good indication too her workees that she's busy and wouldn't like to be bothered with ridiculous tasks for her to do. Ritsuko did feel toshiko's hand carress her back however she stopped immediately probably because this would give her workers the wrong idea she could imagine the local newspaper saying "Toshiko has romantic relationship with random girl" Having her hand held by toshiko was a bit silly after all she's not a young child who'd get lost in a crowd of people but it probably was for the best, she probably wouldn't want no guy take advantage of her innocence.

Toshiko mentioning of using her railgun in a open area was a bit concerning but also exciting as well she's heard of railguns whether in videogames or in real life having immense destructive power capable of destroying a small house instantally so it was a smart idea to go into an open training area since it allows her to fire without harming innocents.

Toshiko was mumbling something but it was difficult to hear whatever the case her and toshikomwas having a great time together

Maybe after training they could go outnand explore the city some more beaides she'd be interested in learning the culture of this city and where it stands against other ogranizations like Vastime.

This was a great chance for Ritsuko to learn something about toshiko and her tatics on sniping whether or not there similar or different.

"I can't wait to see your skills as well, maybe we can give eachother some pointers.

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:18 pm

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 381

Toshiko chuckled softly as she opened a door to the outside, fixing her sunglasses as she looked towards the open sky; made bright by the sun light. Toshiko looked around a little before she spotted an area a bit away, it was far away enough from the city that Toshiko wouldn't have the City of Light's defenses reducing her energy levels to sustain such defenses. She sighed softly, knowing the risks, but, she also knew if she was needed it would take no time to get back. Toshiko looked around once more before she slowly let go of Ritsuko's hand and turned to her, smiling at the girl. Behind her sunglasses, her eyes had a fond look for Ritsuko, but, due to the tint of the sunglasses Ritsuko likely wouldn't be able to see it. Luckily, her smile was clear as day.

"Alright, I have an area a bit away that we can go to; it'll be safe for both of us and those around. Not to mention, I can show you my Vollstandig."

Toshiko grinned and then gained a very small blush for seconds as she thought of what she was going to say next.

"However, it is a ways away. I was thinking, so we could have time to explore the town, I could carry you there. I'm sure my Hirenkyaku can get us there in time. So, are you okay if I pick you up and carry you? Oh, also, I'll be carrying you... um, what is it called? The princess carry or something? I dunno. It's safer that I hold onto you instead of the other way around, basically."

Toshiko rubbed the back of her head, smiling softly at Ritsuko as that same small blush appeared for a moment and then faded. Afterwards, Toshiko simply waited for Ritsuko's replies, trying desperately hard not to let anything lewd or dirty parade around in her mind. She really did not need lewd thoughts at the moment. Later? Sure, whatever. Now? They would do her no good. So, the Quincy girl simply waited for her companion's answer; a companion who, even though Toshiko's mind didn't realize it, her heart already yearned for.

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:50 pm




A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

The sky was beautiful today nothing but the sun beaming over the city and people walking around without a care in the world.
Ritsuko watched as Toshiko scanned the area in front of them too find a sutiable spot for them to train, she wasn't sure what exactly in her body moved turned around as she smile couldn't tell what her eyes were saying due to the sunglasses but her smile was a good indication she was excited for this ordeal and so was she.

Hearing Toshiko sigh made her a bit worried, maybe the area she found wasn't a good place to train or perhaps it was far away? Speaking of does this city even have defenses against global threats if so what is it and how does it affect certain races such as shinigami or hollows. She watched as she continued searching and let go of her hand.

"I'd be interested in seeing your vollstandig in action i can't wait to see it"[/color]
Ritsuko with replied with an innocent chuckle

Toshiko's suggestion of carrying her instead of the other way around was a splendid idea besides ritsuko was of shorter height and frame meaning if she even attempted to use Hirenkyaku her small structures would just disspate immediately and cause them to fall on their butts or worse break bones.
[color=#00008B]"Well i guess it'd be a good idea if you carried me instead after all my Hirenkyaku isn't that strong compared to yours or Ghislan's"

When Toshiko mentioned the words Princess Carry she couldn't help but laugh but not in a ignorrant way but rather a humorous one. She's never heard anyone say that in forever, the only times she'd seen princess carry was in the videogames or horrible medieval plays whatever the case she would be happy to be carried.
Spreading her hands out like she was giving toshiko a hug awaiting for the princess carry.
"But of course Toshiko, carry me like a knight in shining armor. Maybe we can go off into the sunset together like in the movies~"

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Sun Jun 04, 2017 8:51 pm




A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

The sky was beautiful today nothing but the sun beaming over the city and people walking around without a care in the world.
Ritsuko watched as Toshiko scanned the area in front of them too find a sutiable spot for them to train, she wasn't sure what exactly in her body moved turned around as she smile couldn't tell what her eyes were saying due to the sunglasses but her smile was a good indication she was excited for this ordeal and so was she.

Hearing Toshiko sigh made her a bit worried, maybe the area she found wasn't a good place to train or perhaps it was far away? Speaking of does this city even have defenses against global threats if so what is it and how does it affect certain races such as shinigami or hollows. She watched as she continued searching and let go of her hand.

"I'd be interested in seeing your vollstandig in action i can't wait to see it"[/color]
Ritsuko with replied with an innocent chuckle

Toshiko's suggestion of carrying her instead of the other way around was a splendid idea besides ritsuko was of shorter height and frame meaning if she even attempted to use Hirenkyaku her small structures would just disspate immediately and cause them to fall on their butts or worse break bones.
"Well i guess it'd be a good idea if you carried me instead after all my Hirenkyaku isn't that strong compared to yours or Ghislan's"

When Toshiko mentioned the words Princess Carry she couldn't help but laugh but not in a ignorrant way but rather a humorous one. She's never heard anyone say that in forever, the only times she'd seen princess carry was in the videogames or horrible medieval plays whatever the case she would be happy to be carried.
As sheextended her arms out towards toshiko like giving her a hug.
"But of course Toshiko, carry me like a knight in shining armor. Maybe we can go off into the sunset together like in the movies~"

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Mon Jun 05, 2017 10:59 am

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 928

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko and softly, a little nervously frankly, kiss Ritsuko on the cheek before she bent down and picked her up rather swiftly, holding the smaller girl close to her. In this position, it would be easy for Ritsuko to rest her head against Toshiko's bosom if she wanted to, hell, if Toshiko was in just the right position, it would be easy to kiss her as well. Toshiko looked at Ritsuko and smiled confidently at the girl that was now held in her arms; in the extremely used princess carry. She continued to smile at Ritsuko for a few more seconds before she lifted her head and looked towards the area she was fixing on going to with Ritsuko.

"Hold on tight, alright? I've got you so you should be fine, but, better safe than sorry, right?"

Toshiko grinned at Ritsuko, the girl exuding confidence which was quite usual for her. She ran forward with Ritsuko, the girl's weight seemingly not encumbering her, before she took a nice 20 foot jump upwards. Afterwards, Toshiko used her Hirenkyaku to send herself forwards; outside of the City of Light's limits. Every 50 feet or so, Toshiko would land upon something to reuse her Hirenkyaku; be it the top of a tree, a rock, or simply just focused reishi under her foot. It wouldn't take too long to arrive at the destination, but, Ritsuko would be able to get a nice look of the surroundings and be able to study Toshiko's face more than before.

Eventually, Toshiko finally touched down onto the ground, breaking some of the speed they had from the Hirenkyaku by running along the ground for about 10 feet. After doing so, Toshiko skidded to a stop, making sure to keep a tight grip on Ritsuko and also making sure her feet didn't catch on anything as she slid to a stop. Toshiko exhaled softly and grinned at Ritsuko, her hand on Ritsuko's thigh seemingly assuring that she was being held tight and wasn't going to fall. Toshiko looked around the area and chuckled softly. It wasn't a bad place, but, it was mostly a plane of sorts; a plain plane as it were. So, naturally, the area was rather flat, not many hills or mountains around. Of course, there were some that Toshiko and Ritsuko could use for their shooting practice. The ground was covered in green grass, and had some small plants here and there. Toshiko softly put Ritsuko's feet down onto the ground, seemingly not wanting to put her down, but, knew she couldn't just carry her 24/7 since they had some shooting to do. However, her arms remained around Ritsuko for at least 30 seconds before it finally slipped off.

Toshiko had to take a few minutes to think about some things. She knew that love was a very fickle, finicky, and rather hard to obtain thing. She thought she had that for Sofia, but, that was clearly a lost cause as the girl wasn't righteous, and, not to mention, she left the Quincy randomly and seemed to have gotten herself tempted by some demon; and in more ways than one. Toshiko sighed softly, but, the reason for the sigh would be unclear. Toshiko was certainly enjoying herself, this was the most enjoyment since Sofia kissed her what felt like so long ago... speaking of whom, a person who Toshiko thought she loved but only lusted for. Her eyes spelled her concern, though they couldn't really be seen, that she may be lusting after another without truly loving them. Toshiko sighed one last time. No, no, she wasn't lusting after Ritsuko, she'd been feeling sensations unlike those with Sofia; and she hasn't even felt the need to do anything sexual. With a soft sigh, Toshiko shook her head and calmed her thoughts. She looked at Ritsuko and grinned as her form glowed a soft blue hue for a couple of seconds.

"Welp! Here we are, Ritsuko. Nice place for just us, so we can practice a little shooting and not worry about harming anyone. Oh, also, as promised, lemme get into my Artillery Configuration of my Vollstandig."

Toshiko grinned at Ritsuko as something quickly appeared over her form, it looked to be heavily technological in nature. The technological suit, or armor, was black in color with blue trimming. It had a type of "wings" on the back of them that seemed to be harnessing both electricity and some other type of element. Part of Toshiko's pale skin could also be seen through the front of the form, but, it wasn't to the point where everything could be seen, of course.

A new Friendship - Page 2 Latest?cb=20160107155653

Toshiko grinned at Ritsuko and pressed a button on the side of the helmet that caused the visor and helmet to fold into the rest of the suit.

"S-So, what do ya think? I have two other, well, technically three, other configurations that I can use; just may need a little to switch between each on is all."

She smiled and waited for what Ritsuko may do or say. After all, part of her chest was visible, and the outfit itself did look rather interesting and possibly cool. So, it was only a matter of time before Ritsuko asked questions about this or that.

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:47 pm




A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

Before reciving a kiss on the cheek and being carried she stared at toshiko deeply as she was holding her close like a princess being carried off into the sunsrt by the hero after thwarting the castle and defeating a mighty dragon.

Once they reached twenty feet ritsuko had to place her head on toshiko's bosom to accomodate the large height they were jumping at; if toshiko could hear good enough ritsuko would be uttering similar to someone jumping off a plane for the first time and feeling the wind against their face "Tell me when this is over"
She was drastically afraid of heights every minute or so they would be relaunched into the air until until they reached their destination; she did see a few buildings from the it was breath-taking but her heart was felt like she was going to pass out.

Once they arrived at their destination ritsuko's body felt nauesous like it was about to throw up right onto the grass and that'd be embarassing for her regardless she got to experience a quincy activate vollstanding in front of her own eyes.
As she squealed in utter delight like a child going to their favorite place after getting a good grade on their report cards Ritsuko felt like a kid again after seeing toshiko's volstanding it reminded her of Gundam and other great mecha anime she enjoyed as a child collecting all the toys, dvds, and even dressed up like one on halloween albiet it wasn't perfect but still.
Ritsuko remembered why she was her so she cleared her throat and before getting her composure back in order
"Ahem um your volstanding is abosolutely astonishing tremendous even the futuristic style really compliments your weapon and wings"
The only real complaint she had about the appearance was the chest region, it was only a minor nit-pick but it just really bothered her like...what is it even supposed to protect? In her mind she was utterly confused as hell sure she's seen a bunch of anime where the woman wear cool armor but have only the breast or navel region exposed but was it a means to distract the enemy?

Nevertheless the vollstanding was both pleasing to not only the eye but a must have for those who enjoyed mecha anime like she did.
Regardless Ritsuko put that thought in thr back of her mind after all it was time for some training. She took a deep breath as she could smell the beautiful crisp fresh air of the plains it felt like heaven to her a flat surface consisting of no mountains or other obstructions or civillians that can distract them from sniping.

"Ah this is great, a perfect training ground for us both and nobody would be able to see us both. So are you ready to shoot some targets?"

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:28 pm

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 555

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko softly and bent down to pull her into a quick hug. Luckily, this would not cause Ritsuko's face to be stuffed into Toshiko's solar plexus. So, Ritsuko wouldn't be getting a face-full of Toshiko's near bare breasts today! Toshiko soon let go of Ritsuko and then stood up. Luckily, Toshiko was no taller than before, maybe a couple of inches, but, nothing extreme. Toshiko flicked her right wrist as her Railgun materialized in her hand; the gun coursing with electrically charged Reishi. She looked at Ritsuko and smiled, the helmet that came off earlier folding back over Toshiko's head.

"Stand behind me Ritsuko, but, not too close behind me. Go back at least 10 feet and cover your ears. Trust me, this thing could wreck your hearing. Luckily, I have hearing protection built in."

Toshiko tapped the side of her helmet, indicating that the suit took care of noise suppression. Toshiko then quickly fell into a kneeling position; not extremely stable, but, better than standing. She also didn't feel like going prone quite yet. Toshiko messed with her railgun for a couple of seconds before the sound of what seemed to be an action being worked to load ammunition. The air was deathly silent as Toshiko breathed softly. First breath... she focused her aim on a large rock in the distance. Second breath... she placed her finger on the trigger and made sure her aim was trained directly at the middle of the rock. Third breath... she steadied the shaking of her railgun and slowly exhaled; letting the Carbon Dioxide leave her body as she squeezed a shot off.

After all that deadly silence, Ritsuko would hear the sound of what seemed to be that of an explosion; which was Toshiko's railgun firing a round. It seemed like it hadn't even been a second since the round was shot from Toshiko's railgun; hell it was possibly even less than that! But, soon after an explosion was seen, and heard, in the distance when the railgun round found its mark and blew the rock Toshiko was aiming at to smithereens. Speaking of Toshiko, after she shot, she slid about 9 feet back after firing so she was basically right in front of Ritsuko, her slender figure likely quite easy to see as the suit clung directly against her skin. Toshiko rolled her right shoulder and tapped the helmet again, causing it to fold into the armor of the configuration. Toshiko turned her head to grin at Ritsuko, the grin very bright in nature as she placed the butt of her railgun in the ground.

"Your turn Ritsuko! And please, please, don't worry about showing off; this is like the only thing I have that I can snipe with; and, well, it is a bit powerful... Hehe. Point being, don't show off unless you want to; I just wanna see what you can do is all~"

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko turning around fully to stand up and kiss Ritsuko on the cheek before sitting in the air, using her wings to float there as she waited for Ritsuko to do her thing and show off her sniping skills; something Toshiko was very excited to see.

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:10 pm



A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

Within a instant Toshiko's railgun immediately appeared into her hand
filled with electricity like those sci-fi weapons the hero somehow knows how to use despite having no prior training.

Hearing a sound almost like an explosion from a pack of dynamite or a car exploding right in front of her the rock was exploded into tiny piles of rubble it was surely a spectacular sight to behold.
The recoil from her gun was obviously impactful considering she stepped back a few feet until Toshiko was right in front of her.

After receiving a kiss from Toshiko it was her turn to shine.
Having a gaze of Toshiko just floating in the air with her wings awaiting for what's to come from her.
Ritsuko just looked out into the distance pondering about her abilities as a sniper what good could her sniper do against a fucking railgun sure it has a faster fire rate than most snipers it didn't have any "punch" to it just a regular sniper that utilizes different bullet types infused with reishi but besides that it was pretty much small-fry compared to Toshiko's.

But this wasn't a competition on who could destroy the most rocks it was just seeing how they both snipe.

Applying the bipod onto the ground to gain more stability and less sway far as aiming. Inhaling the carbon dioxide and holding her breath for a few seconds until the scope was completely steady on target which was the rock a few meters from her general direction and fired in rapid succession. As each shot penetrated the rock with only a few small holes which wasn't much but it was better than nothing. Ritsuko couldn't hold her breath anymore as she exhaled coughing a bit, she normally has a habit of holding her breath for too long.
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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:32 pm

The Righteous Guardian


A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 409

Toshiko watched carefully as Ritsuko started to take up form on the ground. Toshiko actually released her Vollstandig, for now, and fell to the ground without a noise. She observed Ritsuko's positioning and breathing. She hummed softly as she watched and listened. One breath then she held it. Interesting. Toshiko continued to listen and watch. She wasn't sure, but, she believed Ritsuko to be a little too rigid. There is no question you want to be a little tight on the gun you are firing, but, you don't want to get too rigid. So, Toshiko watched Ritsuko take her shots and then smiled softly, a hand coming to rest on Ritsuko back and rubbing it softly.

"Very nice... You're a good shot, Ritsuko; nice grouping. But, may I suggest a couple things if that's okay? First off, try to loosen up slightly. Like, not extremely but to the point where you can still move your arms without feeling like it would mess things up. Secondly, try taking in three breaths instead of a single one. Gets a little more oxygen into your body before you take the shot, or shots. Also, if you want, you can slowly exhale after holding your breath for a little; should help steady the shot."

She then positioned her hands on Ritsuko's shoulders and slightly moved her shoulders just so the butt of the gun would be tightly secured by her shoulder. Of course, it was a little different while prone since there is more space to put the butt of the rifle than when standing or crouching. Toshiko then smiled softly as she laid down next to Ritsuko and adjusted her position only a little more; just so that she had a nice hold on her gun.

"That should help with recoil some! May help with accuracy as well, a bad hold can really screw up your firing. Ah, I'm sorry if I'm doing or saying anything you already know; just some things I am noticing is all."

Toshiko smiled at Ritsuko as she laid there next to her. She yawned softly and hugged Ritsuko and then kept her spot next to Ritsuko; simply waiting for the girl to comment in some way. Toshiko probably didn't know more, but, she's done enough shooting in the 24 years of her life to know at least a little; hopefully.

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A new Friendship - Page 2 Empty Re: A new Friendship

Mon Jun 12, 2017 4:38 pm



A new Friendship - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 500

Ritsuko wasn't going to whine or complain about getting advice and critism regarding her shooting and saying she's the greatest sniper ever no in fact she listened after all even professional teams in baseball, basketball or hell it can apply to anything they all needed advice wnd critism in order to improve and that's what ritsuko was going to do listen and then comment about what Toshiko said. So she listened as toshiko gave her praises on her over shot and grouping also even offering a few pointers to improve her overall sniping as a whole; such as loosening up to move her arms a bit and taking in three breaths instead of the usual one. These tips were actually nice and ritsuko thought about it taking in three breaths would be rather than holding one breath in at the risk of losing oxygen to the lungs also exhaling would help steady her shots in general in which she looked at toshiko and nodded.

Feeling toshiko's hands on her shoulders making sure the butt of the sniper would be perfectly positioned and ritsuko noticed a complete difference when those changes were made it felt more comfortable for her arm and may affect her overral recoil.She then positioned her hands on Ritsuko's shoulders and slightly moved her shoulders just so the butt of the gun would be tightly secured by her shoulder.

"No that's fine toshiko all this advice is really going to help out in the long run, i just wished people showed me that while at the boot camp. But i'm glad your teaching me the proper ways of sniping"

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