Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ple Twelve
Ple Twelve
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Sat Apr 15, 2017 3:55 pm
The sound of keyboard keys clicking filled the room. The flickering of computer monitors illuminating the large room, casting deep shadows onto the reinforced walls of the laboratory. Rows and rows of computer monitors and equipment filled the room. encircling a small chamber in the middle of the room that was currently leaking out the thick, smoke like effects of the liquid nitrogen that ran through thick tubes that connected the upper part of the chamber into a compressor suspended over it.

From a window a man looked on as a small team of programmers finished up the final pieces of the code before the activation of the unit that was currently stored in that chamber. His face was illuminated ever so slightly by the flame on his cigarette that he held lazily between his lips. He looked like hell, a young man worn out by endless sleepless nights. There were bags under his once blue eyes, now faded into a light silver from years of carrying the burden of another genius. His face, once clean shaven, now sported a stringy, ragged beginnings of a beard.

In the protective glass of the observation room he could, of coarse see the programmers working diligently on the other side. What he really saw in that glass was the reflection of a man he no longer recognized. He could remember years ago when he graduated from the Academy, top scores in just about all the modern skills of a scientist in the Gotei. He could remember looking up to the scientific legends of the Gotei, men who had created things beyond the imagination. Things that were just standard equipment now. That, however, seemed like several life times ago now.

"Cardis?" Came the almost lyrical tunes of his new assistant from somewhere behind him. It broke him from his thoughts, bringing him back to the world, and task, of the moment. As he turned to face her, his dirty lab coat flowing a bit with his movement, she quickly corrected herself. "Sorry. Department head Vist, Sir?"

He took the moment to take in his new assistant here on her first day. Her long, raven black hair was curled up into a small bun with a bright red ribbon whose edges hung down lazily from the bun. Her pale skin almost glowing a bit in the brightness of the fluorescent lighting above them. Her eyes were a pinkish red color, and for an instant they locked onto his.

She bowed. apologetic for her formal faux pas. In her hand she held a manila envelope, that she now clutched tightly to her chest as she looked back up to him.

"It's fine." He said, taking the cigarette from his between his lips and tossing it to the cold steel of the floor several feet to his left. "Besides, if Captains and their Lieutenants can drop formalities and be friends so can Department heads and their beautiful assistants."

Her cheeks flushed red, as he knew they would. It was fun to see her flustered. Always had been, ever since they were little kids. Again he found himself lost in a time long ago until a soft cough from his Assistant brought him back.

"Here are the final approvals from both Master Tsubasa and Project head Henrex." She said, handing the folder over. Their hands touched for a moment, bringing another blush to her cheeks as she turned her head to the right to hide it. Turning she walked over to a nearby dark board, upon which were scribbled various formula's and equations.

He opened the folder, noting the rushed signatures of the two signing parties. They had been waiting several weeks for these simple scribbled lines. He had actually began to wonder if after all this work if the two responsible parties would even bother giving final approval, or if they had already gotten bored and moved on to the next project they would start off really excited about and later pawn off on underlings like himself.

"If I may speak off the record...I think you should go get some sleep Cardis. Just end the project now and put it in storage. Take a break before they assign you to their next project."

He smiled at this as she turned back towards him, concern in her eyes. Despite himself he found himself taking that idea into serious consideration. It was entirely possible they had both already forgotten about the whole thing. Would never even notice if it all just ended up in warehouse storage would they? Turning back to the glass he looked out at the programmers typing, the chamber that held the final product. It was almost as if he were looking at it for the very first time, unsure now of how to proceed with it.

"You may just have a point there Miss Mass. You may just have a point..." His voiced trailed off as he considered the pros and cons of her suggestion, and the plausibility of being caught. In all honesty it was not likely he would be caught. Those he had once looked up to like Gods...well they were both already on the next project.

"Alright. Let's do just that." He said quietly to himself.

Last edited by Ple Twelve on Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ple Twelve
Ple Twelve
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Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:26 pm
The automatic sliding door made a slight wooshing sound as it opened, the action activating a small biometric scanner that quickly identified him as the Department Head. A green light came on, and the secondary security door slide open with the same wooshing sound the first one had made. The air in the chamber was cold, most likely due to the liquid nitrogen pumping through the rather loose assortment of tubes that ran across the ceiling in a jumbled mess.

The small team of programmers who had been busily typing away at their various computer screens all turned to look at him as he entered into the room, many standing to salute him. They were all young, some of the most inexperienced staffers he had ever worked with. All of them were so eager to work, eager to prove themselves as he had done.

He found himself sighing, feeling a touch of sadness as he stepped onto a raised section towards the front of the room. All these kids, youths just starting their careers in Soul Society science. They had no idea about the reality of this work, how working for the best and brightest can crush a persons soul.

"I am here to announce that work on the EXAM project will be ending as of today. I am so proud of the work each and every one of you have done to complete this project in such a timely manner. Please, give yourself a round of applause."

Those still sitting stood to attention, the entire room clapping in celebration of their accomplishment. His assistant, Ms. Mass, stepped up onto the platform, facing the pod that housed the result of the months of hard work. Her hand touched a glass observation window on the pod, rubbing away condensation as she stared at the red headed girl housed within.

"Collect all data and erase the hard drives and servers of all relevant data regarding the EXAM project. You have one day to do so. Again, congratulations on all your hard work." He concluded, stepping down from the platform to a second round of applause as he stepped back towards the exit of the programming floor.

His assistant quickly followed, whispering to into his ear. "Are you sure that neither Master Tsubasa or Henrix will know about this?" She asked, her voice wavering with uncertainty as her heels clicked softly on the metal floor panels.

"It's like I said, those two have already moved on to their next project. One of them might go digging in the Doll warehouse in a century or two, but by then they'll have forgotten they even ordered it made. That's just how those types are. Don't worry about it."
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Finishing Touches (Open) Empty Re: Finishing Touches (Open)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:17 pm


Finishing Touches (Open) 6EdIfMt


Artist: RED - Song: Pieces - Word Count: 522


So many things to be exhausted about. At least this would be one less thing to worry about once it was done. Completion was close in his grasp, and it was ready to be clasped by his hands, and coat him in that feeling of accomplishment. For him, completing something worthwhile was so incredibly satisfying. Finishing something like this, with how inexperienced as he was with these sorts of tasks, it was still all so very worth it.

So, a rare smile passed over the pale lips of the male, as his body, carried by his silent steps -- made it's way towards the lab where the project, simply known as EXAM, was taking place. Hands softly traveled up his body, feeling himself over one final time as a reminder in case he had forgotten anything. White lab coat, check. Specialized stethoscope, check. Glasses, check. A passing thought came by as he traversed the topic of the glasses. Perhaps he should tinker with them, and give them a bit of an...upgrade.

Quickly readjusting his tie, and granting his lungs a fresh brush with icy cold air from inhaling, before releasing, he stepped forward. The door opened, and his body was quickly greeted with an external brush of icy cold air. His eyes opened, and his head turned around. The entire room was silent. Quickly moving and blending in with the crowd, his senses tuned in to the conversations around him.

The pleased work quickly turned to annoyance as he heard a whisper between two of the head scientists of this project. Quickly sliding up behind them, he heard that they planned to collect the drives and erase all data. His eyes narrowed slightly as they continued to discuss, and even going as far as to saying that he and Tsubasa didn't even remember this occurring.

His feet moved on their own, his body disappearing into a silent Shunpo, before appearing behind the two, the deadly sharp tip of a ninjato glinting in the light of the illuminated room. The voice of Henrex Astillon's was barely a murmur, but the tone was firm, and commanding.

"You will do no such thing. I may have a large amount of work that I do, but that by no means makes me stupid, or forgetful. I have been observing this project in secret from the very beginning. Now, get me a drive of all information regarding Project EXAM. Every last bit. I'll store it somewhere. I'll most likely have use for it in the future. After all...P.L.E won't be the last to come from this project."

Another rare smile passed over his face as he turned to the case that she was in. A deep breath came from him, before his hand returned to his side, sheathing the ninjato. Turning to face the rest of the room, his eyes and voice now directed itself towards the rest of the crew.

"I would like to personally thank all of you for your hard work on this project. This is only a single stone to skip across your ocean of progress. Continue this path, and you will all be able to evolve tremendously. Congratulations."

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Ple Twelve
Ple Twelve
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Finishing Touches (Open) Empty Re: Finishing Touches (Open)

Tue Apr 25, 2017 8:33 pm
The look on the Department Head's face was one of mild surprise as he suddenly found himself staring into the eyes of none other than Henrix Astillon, Vice Captain of the Stealth Force and Project Head of the EXAM Project. The florescent light above hummed quietly as the entire room suddenly quiet, almost unnaturally so as dozens of young programmers went silent in a mixture of shock and awe at what was happening right in front of them.

The Department Head's assistant, Ms. Mass, gasped in shock as Henrex suddenly appeared in front of them seemingly out of no where. She took a step back, her high heel catching on the metal paneled floor a bit causing her to fall down backwards. She landed on her rear end, a wince of pain flashing across her face as she dropped the folders she had been carrying. Spread sheets and data analysis forms scattered across the floor as she stared up, blue eyes wide in shock.

Cardis Vist's moment of surprise ended just as abruptly as it began, his face becoming the very picture of scientific poise as his lips curled into a slight smirk. His brown eyes rested on the glint of the weapon, taking a slight step to the right as he began his rebuttal.

"Of coarse Master Henrex. The data is yours after all. I was simply complying with Research Department standards for projects such as this. To dispose of all copies of the data, except for one master file that will be sent to your private server by the end of the day."

His voice was confident, perhaps even boarding on cocky as he brought his arms behind him, crossing them in the middle of his back. A smile on his face as he offered a slight bow of respect.

Meanwhile his assistant was sprawled on hands and knees on the floor, desperately gathering the papers that had fallen from the folder less than a minute beforehand. A soft murmur started to fill the room, whispers among the young programmers as they nervously watched on.

He continued on, gesturing towards the dozens of others in the room.

"I think I speak for all of us when I say we on the EXAM System Project are deeply honored that you would come down here in person to celebrate the completion of the project. It is truly an honor."

Cardis backed up a step, now standing next to his assistant who was now getting back to her feet with the papers stuffed into the folder. He now bowed to Henrex in earnest, and following his example the mass of programmers nearby also bowed. Ms. Mass seemed a bit frazzled, flashing a nervous smile before leaning to bow as well.

"Can we expect Master Tsubasa to also be joining us today?" He asked, leaning back up from the bow. He snapped his finger, and his assistant took an extremely nervous step forward to hold the folder out for Henrex to take. She murmured an apology as she kept her eyes to the floor.
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