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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Sat May 20, 2017 11:54 am



Good↓Greed   - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: lostwoods - Artist: ozonesounds - Words: N/A

"I don't know a thing about you, but I do know you are spiritually dead from a physical level. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I had found myself on death's door and became a hollow. So, consider the empathy within me mortified at that thought."

There was then a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders given by the male as he spoke in a candid and honest way. Why else would he bother to want to help this individual he barely knew? It's because if he was placed into that situation himself he could envision the amount of pain that would be inflicted upon his body, mind and spirit and it was not a pleasant thing to visualize. So, the affection within himself desired to help those who wanted to be helped because being a hollow was nothing but an existence of error, wrong and anguish.

"Anyway, I'll quit being a little bully and picking on you. As it was pretty fun poking at those wounds from a sadist point of view, but that's not why I'm here."

With a skip, hop and a jump; the male bounced up on the shoulders of the hollow and used his mastery of Chi to lighten the mass of his body so he wouldn't break the guy in two. Then, if he landed on his shoulders, Adam planned to lean his head down and place both of his hands across Yaksha's face as he stared into his eyes.

"What do you really want to talk about with me? I'm certain it wasn't just to hear the ramblings of a man giving himself the ultimate mental masturbation to pleasure himself."

And really -- Adam wanted to know. He believed they were wandering around for long enough and wanted to know where exactly they were going. So, to him, it actually wasn't a bad idea to hitch a ride on his shoulders. Thus, the male would wait and hear what kind of response he'd get as he hummed patiently to speed things along.

"Or is it you want me to stop with my own little game and get to the heart of the matter of why I'm really here? As I'm sure small talk can be tedious when it comes to getting to the spirit of a person."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Sat May 20, 2017 7:04 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Yaksha's movements carried that same consistent sense of negligent ease as he walked down the streets of Vegas, followed by a young boy, one who was quite persistently trying to get under his skin, and get some kind of rise. He followed along, and that was the part that he really cared about; he'd already made his intentions quite clear, and he had no intention of stopping or rescinding the conditions now. The words struck him, but slipped around his head as if they were pinging off a glass dome, never quite being able to hone in. It was...noise. Nothing more.

There was, however, one interesting thing in it all. The boy had admitted his own fault, calling a spade a spade. Bullying. Sadism. Confessing to such sins without ever once changing his expression, or showing remorse. His lips peeled away as he chuckled once more; the same polite, gentle thing from before. He wondered if the boy realized how much he himself resembled a hollow, compared to the people he met and spoke to through most of the world. And beyond that, in just that one moment it was beyond contention. This was no mere child. No one that young could express such mature thoughts.

To extend one's life wasn't hard, with the modern technology. Yaksha had learned that quickly. But extending youth? This drastically? That wasn't the work of nanomachines, or plastic surgery. No, this child was tapping into primordial forces, things that had existed long before him and would exist long after. He couldn't be sure which, but there was no way this child was just a random spiritually aware child. Even with the previous display of creationism, Yaksha couldn't quite get a lock on the powers, however; it seemed too nonsensical, too abstract, to pin down.

And then the boy was on his shoulders, weighing no more than a scarf or some other article of clothing. Hands groped his face, eyes attempting to bore into his own, and that smile was one of such bright warmth that Yaksha couldn't help but wonder what the boy hid behind it. He returned it with a pleasant, distantly distracted smile of his own, hands by his side as he inhaled, eyes closing as if he were about to shout, or explode. When he did speak it was in a slow, pleased tone.

"Lemon Parmesan Risotto. A light salad with some chocolate basalmic. I think I still have a few servings of sharks' fin soup from when I was entertaining. Ceviche. I don't have any recipes that involve peanut butter, but I know a perfectly serviceable chocolate chess pie recipe I could bastardize. Do you prefer pie or cheesecake?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Fri Jun 23, 2017 10:12 pm



Good↓Greed   - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: lostwoods - Artist: ozonesounds - Words: N/A



That's the only word which was ringing in Adam's mind at the moment. The boy was hungry, and his mind was becoming irritated by the fact that he wasn't getting the sweets he craved. It seemed as if they were taking all day to get to the juice of the meal and he wasn't having any of it. Therefore, Adam decided to pause things, jump in the air and give Yaksha a hard flick to the nose to otherwise physically convey his impatience to get to the point of all this.

"It's not nice to keep a date waiting, starving and irritated. You should quit playing games with my heartfelt stomach and just teleport there at this point."

Then, without thinking twice, Adam pulled out a knife from his pocket. One which overflowed and radiated with a dense amount of chi to it. It seemed to be swelling, surging and screaming to life with a high amount of potent energy to kick to life.

"Otherwise, I'm taking control of this operation and taking us to the next tasty place we see!"

Adam was very much was certain of that fact. This hollow was playing too many games for his taste, and he hadn't the stomach for it any longer. So either he was going to accelerate things along, or Adam was going to make his spilt here and now to satisfy the craving of his beloved stomach. You don't just play with a boy's hunger like that and expect him to want to stick around. Hence, he was giving his hollow friend one last chance to get things in order as he was growing very, very, very impatient with all of this walking around.

Nothing was happening AT ALL! BAH!

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Good↓Greed   - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:13 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Ah, the sweet sounds of youth. The child was clearly losing his cool, after that little display...or perhaps it was because he was simply so very jaded and bored with this conversation that he would eject, and sacrifice...whatever it was he'd come here for. Yaksha had known humans to be capable of any number of madnesses, and cutting off their own nose to spite their face was simply one of them. He folded his hands, tilting his head to the side. Once more, his grin was innocent, bemused, almost...worried, now.

"Teleport? What do you think I am, some kind of magic man? Name -one- thing I've done that would give you the impression that I could possibly teleport."

Even as he spoke, Yaksha's fingers twitched and jerked lazily, his eyes rolling, as if he were holding another conversation, entirely in his head. It took him about five seconds to find the interior of his penthouse, which luckily was just about the time it took to finish his little facade. He finally snapped his fingers, causing a faintly shimmering purple-and-black curtain to peel away from in front of them. It was much unlike the garganta of a typical hollow; this was no slash in the air, no hungry gaping mouth that led to another realm. This was something graceful, meticulous, almost beautiful to behold. It looked, in fact, like there was no teleportation taking place at all; like he had simply created a false image of Vegas around them, and it ended at the entrance to his living room.

He stepped inside, removing his coat slowly, with a rehearsed ease, and then folding it over his arm. He hummed faintly to himself, as he continued to fold it and fold it, ever smaller; three, four, five folds. Eventually, the suit that he wore seemed no larger than the width of a fingernail. He smiled a toothy grin, and tucked it in one pocket, turning towards Adam once more. His vest, now fully exposed, was painted in shades of gold that almost seemed to twinkle and glint in the light, as if diamonds had been embedded into it. He walked right past the child, as if having forgotten his presence, but spoke just as he was entering the kitchen.

"Taking control. That phrase never ceases to bring a smile to my lips. There's no control to be taken. No one's ever in control. You may as well try to take the blood from a rock. You can do whatever you please, you have that right. But you'll be a slave to your instincts, same as me, so long as you're alive. And you're already letting your youth show, you know. In my old age, I find small talk to be one of the greatest tools in my repertoire."

"Perhaps you'd like to play a new game. Nothing wasteful, I promise. Twenty questions. I'll even let you go first. If you can guess my name, I'll let you lick the spoon."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:58 am



Good↓Greed   - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: lostwoods - Artist: ozonesounds - Words: N/A

"It's the year 2417....we have access points that can teleport us to places. Don't play coy with me!"

At this point, he seemed as if he were just playing the role of a dummy given the inflection of his voice didn't seem to indicate he was going to seriously harm him. It was the kind of voice that a parent would give to their child if they were having mindless play sessions with their offspring. So, there was no warning given when Adam decided to give a soft bop to the nose of Yaksha for being so silly with him. While teleporation wasn't a common power, they certainly had machines which could transport people from point A to point B without a problem.

Bop, bop, bop, bop, bop, bop.

Six bops of the nose was given to Yaksha from Adam for once again playing with words. After they had gone through the whole rift of his garganta, the male didn't even really seem to pay much attention to the change of scenery around him. Instead, he just plopped right on into the change in setting without so much as giving a single fuck to give. Instead, he was much more focused on the foolish wordplay games that the hollow was playing.

"You are being obtuse right now. You know what I meant by that. Grrrrrrr~"

Again, the boy seemed to just be going through the motions as the physical or vocal indications that he was furious just wasn't there. Rather, he seemed to be amused well enough to keep playing this little game until the meat and bones of why they were both here were finally starting to get underway. So, rather than wait to play with any more of this ridiculous foreplay, Adam cut straight to the point and cut through his house of cards.

"Skeletor, if you don't get to the point, I'm going to shove you in a room with He-Man and I don't think you'll like that."

Was that a threat or not? Who knew. The boy still just seemed to be as cheery ever as his eyes darted all over the place.

"Because we both know that the two of us want something from one another. So let's skip the date, get to the bed room and iron out those sheets so we both can extract what we desire from one another's body."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

Good↓Greed   - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:20 am

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"I am being remarkably obtuse! And you're being a remarkably bad guest. I'm making you your chocolate peanut butter dessert, just as you requested, and here you are, ruining a perfectly pleasant conversation with lewd insinuations. I will -not- get to the point, because I have all of eternity to spare. You couldn't be expected to understand, youngling."

He hummed under his breath, drawing a whisk from nearby with smooth, negligent ease, and beginning to stir the batter in front of him with one hand, the other extracting a pie tin, and pouring a small dusting of flour onto what looked almost like a wooden cutting board. Throughout, he hummed to himself, staring off distantly into nothing. His lips moved slowly, silently, eyes tracking things that weren't there to be seen, and finally after almost 30 seconds, set down the bowl.

"Have you ever heard the old classic, 'A Boy Named Sue'? I'm willing to bet you haven't. It was a great one. And I've a feeling it would strike you as especially hilarious. After all -you- never had any issues with being called by a girl's name. Did you...Alex? Andi? Ariel? No, none of those. Going down the list would get us nowhere. With your arrogance, it must be a name with some -gravitas-. The sort of thing you take pride in mentioning to people. And the more I think about it, a unisex name isn't quite right either. No, you -do- have a girl's name. But you've never let that stop you, have you?"

He turned away, gliding towards the young child with such fluid and predatory grace that it almost seemed like his feet weren't even touching the ground. He inhaled slowly, face finally splitting into a real grin for the first time. He began to lick at his lips, examining the young boy in front of him, and then folding his hands behind his back, as he leaned forward.

"In my experience, a good meal with good company is as good if not better than sex. I have no interest in eating a raw, unseasoned steak. As you are right now, I would sooner chop my dick off than put it into a single of your holes, and I would sooner consume my own tail than let you put it in any of mine. So, the point is this. I've cleared my schedule, just. For. You. I've set aside time, to hear your delightful pitch. Thus far you've offered money, offered to kill me as a way to end my supposed anguish, and have openly declared your pity towards me. Your beside manner could use a lot of work. I'm insulted by your lack of professionalism...Adam? Eve?"

A shot in the dark, naturally, but as far as names that would lead someone to feel this entitled, they ranked about one step below 'Chad' in his mind. And Yaksha would have to be blind and deaf and dumb not to notice this child's obvious attempts to mute his masculinity. Or, perhaps, to give the impression. It was all masks, after all. All the way around the world.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:02 am



Good↓Greed   - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: lostwoods - Artist: ozonesounds - Words: N/A

"Well, you are being rude yourself. I don't have eternity to spell and that's not nice for those of us with finite lifespans."

In that moment, Adam would pull his nose upwards towards Yaksha and give a pout as it was true -- he was human. Well, a human with an insanely prolonged lifespan, but a human none the less! He didn't have until the heat death of the universe to get to the point. So it was only natural that he'd become irritated when people can't just dive into what they want. It was perhaps a pet-peeve of his as he was more curious to know the nature of a person rather than having to smash his head into the metaphorical table when getting through small talk to get to the deep stuff.

"And I don't care what I'm called. The ends justify the means in my book."

Male, female, mafemale; none of it mattered in Adam's mind was it was hard to offend him given his lack of grasp on the concept of sensibilities, politeness and all things civil. He was a bloody terrorist: he was going to be called every name under the book. So there was no sense in getting worked up about what gender someone might refer to him as. Since, in his mind, he was already a vessel of humanity's best and worst traits; so having the embodiment of feminity and masculinity within himself were desirable traits as far as he was concerned.

And as Yaksha started to go on about his long verbal scolding about Adam's manners, one could almost see the boy staring at the screen and giving a "what the fuck?" kind of reaction to the camera. If he was doing all this research into the boy, one would believe that a terrorist wouldn't be the most pleasant, well suited, professional and no non-sense person in the world. Which is why The Monsuta operative mouthed the letters "w h a t" to this whole segment about how he ran his ship.

"I'm a terrorist. We aren't exactly known for our manners."

That was the truth. What, did this guy expect Alfred J. Pennyworth to come and whisk him away into a world of wonder and awe? Not in a million years!

"Anyway, moving past your morbid desire to cut off your own member, I'm certain you want to expand your casino operations, right?"

At this point, Adam was getting starved, so he was going to need something to get him through the meat and bones of this conversation. It's why he reached into his sleeve, pulled out another chocolate bar and started munching on it to give him the strength to get through this.

"Well, The Monsuta can help with that as I'm certain you aren't happy with how small scale your operations are. I mean, you are agitated enough to want to rip off your own family jewels, so I know you are frustrated in more than one way. It is why I'm acting as a gateway to bridge the gap between our people to you to help you in exchange for favors."

With a snicker out of his mouth, Adam threw a piece of paper on the table before him which listed out some of the benefits of being a Monsuta contractor. They could set their own rates, have a flexible schedule, set the terms of the contract and pick and choose what missions they wanted to do with them. The human was interested in working with The Hollow, but he was beginning to have his doubts that this sale would go through. Which, in his mind, was fine. After all, you can't persuade everyone, but you miss all the shots you don't take!

"We're a pretty flexible group, so I just want to figure out what exactly are YOU looking for from us?"

That was extra emphasis given on this sentence as Adam's eyes squinted down and locked sight with Yaksha. Really, what was the point of this meeting if he couldn't attain anything he wanted from it? While the boy was savage in the way he attained his goals, that didn't necessarily equate him to being unfair. If he could help, he would like to give the people he is working with a fair deal. Which is why he was so keen and insistent on this. Everything is give and take in the world; even down to the smallest of actions.

"As I can offer you the sun, the moon and the cows that live under it; but it won't matter if you don't also make the effort to make your desires known. As I want to have your assistance with equipping us with more allies we can depend on, so what exactly do you want in return for that service?"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:14 pm

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

"A terrorist? Now don't you think you should -lead- with that? You've spent a lot of time here, leading me along and trying to convince me that you know something deep and philosophical about your fellow man. Then you start probing and prying about muscle. I've had to pry every little nugget out of you, while you sit on my couch, stuffing your face. You make demands that cut me to the quick, and you don't even notice."

His eyelid was twitching now, face still a perfectly pleasant smile as he folded his hands behind his back, and began to rock in place, looking up at the roof. This child was infuriating, more infuriating than any human he'd met to date. He seemed to be following some completely parallel line of thought processing, something too alien for even Yaksha to comprehend. He sucked at his lower lip, with a sound like a clogged drain, for about ten seconds, then finally pulled his hands apart, and let them hang by his side.

It was hard, so very incredibly hard, to remain calm and professional during this conversation. But he couldn't allow this little child to take the conversation by the reins and lead it, or to tug Yaksha about like some kind of a beast of burden. He had to make sure the child didn't get a chance to cut ahead in the conversation, and lay down tracks. To buy himself time, he picked up the contract, eyes scanning over it, poring over each word, expression faintly frustrated as he read.

"I do hope you at least have some reputable shell corporation for all of this. Something well and distanced from your terrorist activities. I will turn state's witness on the Monsuta at the very first opportunity, if I feel our relationship is becoming a matter of public scorn or disdain."

He folded the paper, once, twice, four times, hands trembling ever so slightly as he set it on the table, then reaching up to tease a few stray locks away from his face. There was a look of terrible, agonized concentration on Yaksha's face right now, as if he were trying to remember the steps to a very difficult and complicated recipe, or trying to recite and recreate an especially long soliloquy from a play. He was silent for nearly 30 seconds, hands trembling slightly less with each passing moment.

"I'm trying my best here. There are niceties that need must be observed. However frustrating it is for you, I guarantee you that one of my outbursts would not be any better. Please. Negotiations are not meant to be done in under an hour. I have a plan. It's a very good one. I know the steps I need to take to get to where I want to go. My expansion is on schedule, and needs no funding, or allegations of funding, from terrorists. I am trying my best to keep an open mind here, but everything you show me leads me to believe your presence in my plans would be more liability than asset."

He turned away from the child, hands folding over his chest once more, eyelid once more twitching, albeit slightly slower now. He walked towards the kitchen, taking great pains to observe each and every one of the pots, a bit longer than was necessary in all honesty, before he finally turned back to Adam, and managed a sickly, almost painfully false smile.

"My desires are simple, Adam. Right now, in this moment. I want to feel like you aren't treating me as a means to an end. I don't want to wonder if you're going to throw me aside when it becomes convenient. I don't want to spend time second guessing my instincts. I want you to reach deep into that heart of yours, give me a big old smile, and tell me, with the most sincere tone you can muster, that this isn't just some one-night stand. Because I'm finding it very hard to take the bait when you're dangling it so half-heartedly in front of me. Cut the shit, kid. From stumbling across one another in the streets, to you suddenly revealing you know about my casino aspirations, and my race? It stinks."

He leaned over the stove once more, his voice drifting back stronger, more confident, when he wasn't looking at the child. When he could shove these feelings out of his mind, and focus on the simple rituals at hand.

"My casino will be a neutral party in this disgraceful state of affairs. Should the time come when you feel like stepping out of the dark and actually drafting your letter of intent, I will happily lend a hand. Should you need a safe haven with which to extract information from a high-profile target. I will supply my services. Should you need to know the powers of any particular individual, or anything of that sort. My casino will be the place to come. Contracting with a terrorist organization just sounds like it would destroy my bottom line. It's tedious in the short term, inadvisable in the middle ground, and utterly catastrophic in the long term. So how about you start taking some actual interest in my desires, for a change? Instead of offering me the sweet release of death as a bargaining tactic."

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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:13 am



Good↓Greed   - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Megalo Strike Back - Artist: Hyuman - Words: N/A

"I love to play tricks and tease people~! It's what I do to make life so fun!"

Bubble-headed as always, Adam expressed the utmost of glee as he explained the whole bit of him shifting and changing things around in this conversation. What? Did The Hollow expect the damaged, riddled and jaded mindscape of this little terrorist to be so easily probed and understood? Not in this life or the other!

Anyway, Yaksha was starting to get more tensed up than the collective combination of all South Koreans butts during the 2017 Nuclear Missle showdown between North Korea and South Korea. So, to help relieve his rectal pains, Adam saw fit to release a pleasant aroma of buttercup flowers in the room. As his pink chi started to flood the area, Yaksha may find himself with the sensation of a tender massage rubbing against the strained pressures of his hollowified body. That's because Adam's chi held as much potential to destroy as it did to nuture through the sweet love of Eve's humanity! So, Mr.Skull And Bones was in for a treat if he just calmed down a bit!

"I can feel the pressure building like a dam before it burst. Ease up, indulge and slow down a bit before you blow a head gasket or something."

Then, with a nonchalant shrug, Adam thought his worries over being connected with The Monsuta were trivial. Why? He already stated before he was flexible, had the resources to make things happen and was willing to meet any request Yaksha had. So while he was busy trying to talk the male to death with every complex word and meaning under the sun, he did not pay attention to what the male stated before and that started to annoy him as Adam was not one to want to repeat himself.

"While you were busy prattling on, you didn't seem to pick up on my request to know what you want and my ability to do whatever it takes to make the people who I work with happy."

Then, without warning, Adam flicked a piece of chocolate in Yaksha's face before moving on.

"I have connections to civilizations, people in power and have ways to kill the trail that binds our souls together."

Again, with little notice, the male pulled out a sword, stabbed into the table and had more a stern expression across his face as his eyes began to radiate with an overflowing of crimson light.

"Please, if you want me to be serious, then cut the self-masturbatory crap about how different and in-depth your speech is, clear the shit out of your ears and pay attention to what I've been saying: what do you want out of this offer and what can I do to help you? You are wasting my own time when you are worried about my mannerisms rather than what I bring to the table."

Leaning backward into his chair, the tone of Adam's voice came across as much deeper, harsher and coarse as he was beginning to grow tired of these round-a-bout terms of speech. If they were trying to make a deal, then he should worry about what he has to gain or lose and get to the point.

"And to believe I have no interest in providing goods and exchange is laughable. Human society works on give and take. I could not achieve what I have built without that and I have no interest in causing harm to you or selling you out unless you actively try to harm me. I may be a terrorist filled with bloodlust, but I'm still human and have a sense of self-interest in maintaining a good reputation for business."

Making sure his intent was clear as ever, Adam dropped down in Yaksha's lap, stared him directly in the eye and spoke slowly and clearly:

"Stop beating around the bush and tell me: what do you want? No long-winded bullshit speeches, please."

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Good↓Greed   - Page 2 Empty Re: Good↓Greed

Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:33 am

Yaksha, The Anthropophagus

Yaksha canted his head to the side, eyes widening and fingers relaxing, as he reached a hand upwards, as if waving smoke out of his face. He allowed a soft laugh to escape the back of his throat, and then approached Adam with a downright atavistic edge to his motions. There was something in the stretching of the muscles, in the hungry glint of his eyes, something that seemed to imply he was no longer the same creature that Adam had been speaking to only moments ago. He placed his own hands on the counter, and looked straight into the young human's eyes, before speaking in a slow, almost sibilant hissing tone.

"Anubis. Apophis. Set. Sekhmet. Ammit. Hollows once ruled this world, Adam. And it was a pretty good time, I'd say. Humans kept to their small little homes, and lived their small little lives, and they all knew who really called the shots. Well before the Soul Society was running around mucking things up, the hollows were perfectly willing to work with humans to make the world fit their own desires. I want to wipe away the...stigma of hollowfication. I want to drag my brethren, kicking and screaming, into the 25th century. I want to show everyone that hollows don't need saving, or pity. I want to remind everyone that a lion doesn't need mankind's help to be saved, especially not when that lion predates modern civilization."

His eyelid began to twitch, ever so slightly, a vein pulsating in one side of his forehead, as he reached up again, waving at the very air around himself, even gnashing his teeth. It looked very much like a horse or some similar animal trying to get a fly that had been buzzing around its head to go away. His expression was quickly shading towards one of mania as he walked into one of the other rooms, returning with a glass full to the brim with red wine. He began to take several long sips, and as he did, his eyes drooped.

"Imagine, if you will. A world where everyone leaves an extra place at their table open. A world where children leave bowls of milk out at night. A world where humans know the things that go bump in the night, and they have an...understanding. That they need fear nothing, if they simply keep the old ways alive. Imagine a family of four, sitting down to eat, knowing and accepting that at any old moment, a jolly old hollow could come drifting up from the floor and ask what's for dinner. Imagine a world where hollows are able to set aside that petty necessity for murder, and just kill...for sport. For the sheer hell of it. You know? Like humans."

He drained the rest of the wine, staring into the glass for a few moments, and then set it down on the table, finally sitting across from Adam, and allowing a dazzling, Hollywood-level smile to cross his face, as he reached up a hand, and began to run it through his hair, chuckling.

"Long have I walked beside you, Adam. I'm tired of being off on the fringes. I want to usher mankind to a new level of greatness. I want to show people that hollows come from humans, and to human we return...with or without the aid of the shinigami's tools. Call me a wolf in sheep's clothing if you like. Call me a romantic. Use whatever titles you like. I don't see the point in arguing with you any longer. I belong, Adam. That's all. I want to know I could walk into any home, anywhere in this world, settle down on the couch, and be treated as part of the family."

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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