Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Tue May 23, 2017 9:52 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

The sound of papers being shuffled filled the office of the leader of the quincy. She had just gotten through the days tasks, the mountainous pile of papers that sat upon her desk neat, orderly and finally all rejected or signed off on. It was harsh, sitting here for hours on end doing nothing but papers, but alas it was what she signed up for. Today however was another day, and particularly a certain wolf was apparently going to come down to visit. Niflheim slid from behind her desk with poise, her posture impeccable even as she stood up and lifted an arm over her head, the other sliding to press against the back of the others shoulder joint, applying enough pressure that it was possible for a faint popping sound to be heard. The softest of yawns leaving her mouth.

She had left her office, and to the surprise of her subordinates what she was wearing was not the formal attire of the vandenreich. Rather she was wearing a simple white dress with frill at the end, and a soft stole across her shoulders of the lightest blue. Her thigh-high boots a pristine white the heel not to thick, but not too thin either. Still functional, or as functional you could ask a the deathtrap known as heels to be.

They were to meet in the park, a part of the quincy city that on a hot and muggy summer's eve as this would be sparsely populated. Which was why as Niflheim left the government building, there wasn’t as big of a crowd drawn by her sudden appearance as on more milder days. The ocean’s breezes helped to abate the hellish heat so close to the equator but, sometimes they still got a freak hotwave such as this. Much to Niflheim’s irritation, she was used to a much milder climate in antarctica where it was simply cold. Yet, one wouldn’t be able to pick up the hints of displeasure from her face, it was as it always was around her people; a composed mask. She was their symbol of leadership, the crutch that would help the quincy get off the ground. She’d show them nothing less than the leader that cherishes them so.

Niflheim made her way across the governments square, her heels clacking against the flagstones, the pristine white walkways that had been only lightly dusted with gray undertones. She wasn’t in a rush to get there, no with the sound of seagulls crying overhead, and the soft sound of ocean water rushing to and fro lapping at the shores was calming. It allowed her to as she breathed in and smelled the brine to remember why she chose this place. The scenery, and the tranquility; both of which was what the quincy needed. A place they didn’t have to worry, and she had given them one, but as well she was only human, and humans needed a day off every once in awhile.

This was her day off, as she strolled through the streets completely without aid of her supernatural speed, or her supernatural gifts. Her expression tranquil, and her steps unhurried, she already was arriving thirty minutes before the time they were supposed to meet, and because of that she felt it was alright to take her time. As such, she meandered gently greeting the populace, giving them friendly smiles and gentle nods to their questions or slight shakes if she couldn’t answer them. Eventually she’d make her way to the park that was near one of the edges of the city, it’s beauty a terraformed part of one of the islands that the city was built upon. It’s verdant greenery vibrant and flourishing; the palm-leaves gently swaying in the wind.

She had arrived at the meeting point, and thus she now gently sat down on her knees, as she had been taught by her parents when she still lived in japan. Resting her back against the palm tree and letting her eyes slide shut as she felt the breeze blow against her face. This, was bliss.

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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] LzZCuy7
Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Tue May 23, 2017 10:23 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja, was wearing A Dress. She didn't usually do this sort of thing, and so her fashion was kind of a bit fluffed as to what she was actually meant to wear. It confused and mystified her and eventually she got some help from one of the people she knew, who advised her to wear this dress particularly. Apparently the latex shine and the corset and the general look of it all was exactly what she should be wearing while talking to someone like Niflhiem. Split for riding, running and kicking, obviously. She wasn't going to put on a deathtrap like a full length dress without making sure she could move in it.

On the boat her heart was thumping incredibly hard, she was so nervous, she couldn't stop pacing in her cute satin shoes, and was glad that she had checked the weather before coming out. Since she didn't sweat, it was going to be a hot day, had she not played with her runes and turned her skin into basically a nice cool bit of shade that she carried with her.

Second, third, and fourth guessing herself, she stroked down her latex dress, and wondered how this was going to go down. Last time wasn't so great on the relation front to the Quincy, but with Nif, it couldn't have gone better. Mirja's heart had been captured by the Quincy woman, and now she had come to see what she could do with that. The whole concept of love confused her, and so she needed Nif's help as much as her love, to actually be what the woman deserved. Fixing her hair for the fifth time - it had actually been brushed and styled, rather than left in the iconic ragged mess that she usually let it lay in - she stepped off onto the docks when the boat arrived, and took a deep breath. She had a basket full of picnic stuff, all made by her, and this was going to be nice. Last time she walked through the city, she kind of made a mess, so this time she decided not to walk through the city, seemingly vanishing from the docks as her Slip-Stream carried her at incredible speed to Niflhiem's side. She hadn't been this nervous when she was faced off against the Troll, or even the Atlas Project.

"He...hey, have you been waiting long?" She asked, ringing her hands nervously as she looked at Niflhiem, her radiance such that it calmed her and made her nervous state many times worse.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Fri May 26, 2017 10:55 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

The breeze blew her long silver hair, the heat kissed her luminous skin from the safety of the shade, her platinum irises hid behind closed eyelids. The smallest of smiles on her face as her back rest against the rough bark of a tree. Her sensitive skin able to feel the abrasive surface with startling clarity. Every ridge, small and big was registered in her mind, every movement no matter how minute jostled and cause a new sensation. It wasn’t uncomfortable persay, but in a way soothing, nature as the world intended it. Beautiful and untamed, weathering the test of time.

Tranquility was shattered by the apprehensive voice of the girl who had been the reason for this meeting in the first place. Niflheim’s eyes opened and her platinum irises gazed at the wolf, their light colors speaking of her happy mood. The weather was lovely, and she hadn’t any paper work to do, it was enough to allow the normally tranquil and pristine leader of the quincy to feel a sliver of a child's giddy nature.

Niflheim’s response was a soft shake of her head as she motioned for the wolf to come over. Her own lips curved in the smallest of smiles as she responded in her naturally withdrawn, but gentle and warm voice.

”..No i haven’t been waiting long, i had mountain of work to get done so i only just arrived maybe a few minutes before you. “

Maybe she had fudged the truth abit, she had been here for easily an hour dozing in the warmth of the sun. But, her little wolf like friend didn’t need to know that now did she? It was this thought that had caused Niflheim to tell one of her very rare white lies. Soon though she straightened up and her posture returned to it’s normal arrow-like angle. Her head tilted ever so slightly as her hands rested coiled around one another in her lap. She didn’t really have much to say but, she was curious. What was the reason that her friend wanted to meet on such short notice?

She figured what ever it was there would be a time that it would be revealed. So, she didn’t pry or prod much. Rather she decided to revel in the bird song that warbled and whistled around them. The symphony of sound that entered her eardrum pleasing and soothing to the leader of the quincy. Infact as she raised her hand into the air, a sea-hawk swooped down from the heavens and landed upon her hand. A thin veil of reishi hardening her skin through her c the concept until it was akin to leather, capable of handling the hawks amazingly sharp claws clamping down upon it.

Soon she brought the hawk down and stroked its head, her gentle demeanor enough that it kept the wild beast calm. In fact it leaned somewhat into the sensation, almost as if enjoying it. All the while the smallest of smiles adorned the quincy leaders face. From her traditional japanese upbringing emotions were to be hidden. It was why her demeanor was normally like that of a doll, every reaction muted to it’s bare minimum. It was part of the charm maybe, but this small smile was gentle and pure, she loved animals, and this bird was gorgeous.

It’s russet hues and it’s curved streamlined wings spoke of power, and grandeur. This predatory animal was capable of soaring through the heavens, riding the natural currents of the wind. It was graceful, and She simply adored it. Her eyes soon pulled from the bird and looked back at mirja, the gentle tilt of her eyes speaking of how much she was enjoying this day off. Even now though she was waiting for mirja to say why she was here, even as she pet the bird.

Template By:

Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] LzZCuy7
Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Sat May 27, 2017 6:47 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja sat down next to Niflhiem, her latex dress crackling as she moved, and shining in the sun, which seemed to draw some attention along with her cute wolf ears, and tail. She pulled her picnic box up to her, and opened it, a resounding crack rang out as the lid snapped off from her nerves being to jittery to control strength well. Slowly she hid it behind her, and hoped that Nif didn't see it even though it was obvious that the box was now sans lid, and it wasn't quiet about it at all.

"Ahh, work. Yea. Lots of that when you are the leader. I'm surprised that you even managed to come out here, I thought you'd be doing more work until the world imploded through a localised black hole. And then you still tried to finish off some paperwork" She yammered, smiling and kind of getting angry at the same time. Why couldn't this just be easy, why couldn't she just deal with this like normal people. She could flirt up a storm, and while there wasn't really any intentions other than that, it was easy for her. But this, she could barely control herself. These were the nerves that she was meant to get over in the Academy, sending love letters to people. But, there she was thought of as a monster and nobody so much as looked at her with anything more than disgust and contempt. Murder would do that, to your reputation.

So she looked over to Niflhiem, and was getting upstaged by a hawk. Bloody thing, she was going to...not kill it because the situation would not be improved by her ripping the head off a bird with a scream of anger and vexation. She didn't know why she was here. Mirja didn't deserve someone like Niflhiem, she was far to pure, far to nice for something like her to pollute. And so she just sat there while Niflhiem stroked the Falcon, and dissolved in self-doubt and anguish.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Wed May 31, 2017 10:13 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

In the soft light of day, Niflheim had eventually allowed her eyes to deviate from the avian that had landed upon her hand. She once more glanced at mirja, seeing the emotions that flit across her face. The leader of the quincy was curious, just why did she come here? That reason was a simple one, she was mirja’s friend, and her friends held a special place within her heart. Though they didn’t rise above the call of leading the quincy people, they are still important to her, which was why she had braved the “masses” and come out here into the midst of

In response to the agitation that mirja felt, niflheim extended her hand. Gently she patted the wolf upon the head, ruffling her hair before giving her a soft smile. The silky smooth hair running between her hands as she did so. She . . wasn’t the best at expression anything other than a maternal kind of emotion for those she cared about. The quincy. . she loved them , but it was different than a leader caring for their subordinates. It was similar to a mother caring for their children. She worried about them, fretted about them, and because of it, it was fair to say that she was a pretty darn good reader of emotion.

In this instance, something was bothering mirja, that much was blatantly apparent to her. So, with a soft smile that spread from one corner of her mouth to another, she allowed her hand to continue to mess up the carefully styled hair upon mirja’s head. This girl was always the biggest of goofballs, she seemed to be sporadic and niflheim didn’t really know what she’d do next. A wildcard , the very definition of one. That was the easiest way that she labeled mirja.

Yet, her hand receded as it once more coiled into her lap, her silver eyes light today, probably due to her happy mood. She hadn’t a single care in the world at the moment, rather she continued to soak in the suns rays, enjoying the sensations of warmth. Though she hated it in her office, were she only got the humidity of it, here under the open blue sky, Niflheim enjoyed the suns rays. As she closed her eyes, she laid back against the tree she was resting under.

Her hand shifted, and this small movement was to cast the bird back into the air, the hawks keening call echoing as it spread it’s magnificent wings and flew once more. She opened one eye, in a very uncharacteristic moment of laziness to watch the bird go by. Then the eye would drift over to mirja, and she asked in a soft voice.

”Is something bothering you?”

Template By:

Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] LzZCuy7
Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Wed May 31, 2017 10:37 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Slowly melting in her despair, she was tugged from it when suddenly Niflhiem patted her. It was not something she usually allowed, biting people if they tried to get near her wolf ears, but not it felt good. her tail swished across the ground and she made soft, happy growls as it happened, and didn't even worry when she realised that her hair was being messed up by the patting. Her hair wasn't as important as this small, but deeply meaningful show of affection from Niflhiem. It was what had captured her heart in the first place. The way it was just done without thought.

Eventually it stopped, which was suckish, but then that was the philosophy of the world. Everything stopped eventually, and all you could do was enjoy the time you had when it was happening, or go out and capture it so you could make it carry on. The very thought of Nifl made Mirja not want to show her usual, feral wolf side, and so she suppressed it and slowly shifted until her head was leaning against Niflhiem's lap, making sure that her unnaturally heavy body wasn't leaning to uncomfortably on her. She had no idea what she was doing right now. She was lost, far from what she knew, and without the ability to just fix the situation by punching things until it stopped becoming a problem.

"No. Nothing is wrong, anymore" she told her, smiling softly on the girl's lap. Maybe she never would be able to actually tell Nif how she felt. She was not a Wolf to which words came easily, but she could just enjoy the small parts of when she acted without thought and just, hugged her, comforted her, or patted her ears. Such small things meaning so much to Mirja, it confused her. But, at the same time, it was a situation that she didn't need to understand.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:00 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

Mirja seemed to be enjoying it, the affection. So Niflheim curled an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into snuggle. Her expression light, the carefree platinum color of her eyes shifting to glance at the sky.

It was so nice out here, the warm breeze pressed against her and allowed her to feel the suns calming rays. She wasn’t able to get out like this often and even as the leader of the vandenreich. So she enjoyed it, her body shifting from its position against the tree, the rustle of her dress almost inaudible as she laid down on the grass beneath the tree, dragging mirja down with her to lay against the grass. Her eyes gazing up at the sky slowly as she said to the gal name mirja slowly.

”..You know. . Contrary to belief i don’t have many friends. Being a leader is lonely even though it’s rewarding. “

In this rare moment of quiet the quincy allowed a soft laugh to leave her lips. Her silver hair resting besides her and curling around her shoulder. Even now there was a soft prominence about her, the way she lay there had a subtle air to it, as if she was a queen or some dignified leader. Yet lazily she yawned and let her voice shift out to mirja.

”..But i also constantly worry if i’m unable to be the leader they deserve.”

Her musings were ultimately her own but sharing them with mirja was a sign of trust. She trusted the wolf before her and wanted to show her that. So she rolled on her side and glanced at the face of the wolf giving her a brilliant smile , gently reaching up to rub between mirja’s ears as she said in a soft tone, her hand once more moving through the silky tufts of hair.

”But. . you are more carefree huh? You big goofball pup!”

The quincy leader normally would be reserved but right now she was venting, enjoying herself in the day. So she coiled her arms around mirja’s waist and pulled her in, and in doing so allowed her chin to gently rest against the wolfs shoulder. Her eyes glancing at the buildings beyond, unreadable as she said in a soft tone that was wavering some. She didn’t believe there was nothing that worried the wolf, she had seemed agitated all day during their encounter, and now she was beyond being subtle about it.

“ I don’t know if you take friends seriously, but I do. If something's wrong you can tell me about it, i will never ridicule or make fun of you for it. Thats what being friends is about”

The quincy leader finished but she didn’t break the hug, she merely relaxed there for a moment, because she too was frustrated, frustrated that mirja was not being honest with her.

Template By:

Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] LzZCuy7
Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Fri Jun 30, 2017 10:25 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja was a dominant girl, a girl who had a very forceful personality, was very up front and in-your-face about most things she got up to, wither it was flirting, cooking, fighting, or playing the piano. But, for some reason, with her heart slamming inside her chest - such that she felt like she had used Heart's Kiai without realising it - she was content to just let Nif do what she wanted with her. And it seemed Nif had a lot of things to do with a cuddle bug the likes of which she had with Mirja. A cute, latex-clad wolf for which she could snuggle, and hug, and play with her ears. That was enough to make Mirja gruffle with enjoyment.

And there was a lot of venting as well, she seemed to enjoy talking to Mirja and letting out things that sounded as if she had not told anyone else before, or at least had not properly spoken to someone about it in a long time. Mirja was always open to being a careful ear to listen to their words. Even if she couldn't help, she could still listen, and that was just as good. Sometimes people solved the issues themselves just by talking to someone else about them.

However, her honour was besmirched when Nif claimed she was a big goofball pup. So with a mock look of shock, she stared at Nif.
"I can't believe you would suggest that I do not plan my every action years in advance. Why, before I had even met you for the first time, I had plans to do this" She exclaimed before burrying her face into Niflheim's chest and blowing raspberries. It wasn't all fun and games however, so eventually she pulled her head out and let out a soft sigh.
"I don't know. I don't know how I treat friends because I've never really had any. Taichou would be the closest and she is more an obsessive dependant with a long, tentacled string attached. But, if you really want to know then I think I can tell you" Mirja said, just lying there for a few more seconds before gathering the courage to speak up. Closure was better than nothing, after all.

"I'm in love with you. Maddeningly in love with you. I don't know when it started, I just know that I saw you in a light I have never seen anyone in. In a light I didn't think I was able to see people in. And now, your very presence brings me serenity that has eluded me for so many decades" And that was that. Cat, was officially out of the bag. Nothing she could do now, but wait. And hope. And pray if she was religious in any way.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:31 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

Niflheim’s first reaction was surprise. She hadn’t expected that she was going to be confessed to certaintly. Then again with her track record, generally she didn’t see herself as someone who could be the object of love for others. She was a leader, a guardian and a way for the quincy to thrive. Yet, the very words that slipped past Mirja’s lips, so honest and unguarded startled her.

It caught her off guard and because of it the sight of the quincy leaders flushed face could momentarily be seen, scarlet against the pale whiteness of her face. And soon her silver gaze hardened for a moment, a flash that would be barely discernable. She didn’t know if this was some elaborate joke that the girl was playing at her expense. So in that moment Niflheim shifted and all of her force, all her years of experience showed, quickly grasping and pressing the wolf to the tree while she held her there, her expression mute as she searched the wolfs face.

Searching for the answer of why she would say such a thing, be so cruel and thoughtless. Her lips pressed into a thin line of icy fury that very few had the misfortune to discern. There was no love in that gaze, there was only an icy calm and yet. Even as her fingers curled into the bark with enough force to crush the wood beneath them the icy gaze that was present soon melted. She couldn’t see anything on the wolf’s face to discern that she was lying, or otherwise playing games with her, as her kin who shunned her had done so long ago.

Love, was something she felt for others, yet never expected for herself. She was old, far older than most of the quincy who lived in this world, and originally human. So unlike other supernatural beings who lived elongated lives, and thus had a different outlook on eternity, she had originally had the outlook that any mortal would have looking at eternity. Pain and longing. Even if never shown her heart had started out as soft and pliable as them all, and it had only hardened with the brutal medicine known as time.

She learned the world was far different from what she wished it to be, and yet it was for this very reason that the fair haired quincy was at a loss. There was confusion and something hidden within her gaze, she couldn’t understand why. Why someone would love her, or rather in any capacity other than kin. She had long since been accepting of the status quo, that she’d die alone. That she might find lust, but never have a connection that she felt secure in.

She who lead her people from the darkest moment of their lives, and who would die for them was afraid of loving. Of being loved, well that wasn’t quite true. She didn’t believe that she’d have the chance at it, she felt she didn’t deserve it. It was why she viewed the quincy with such reverence, why she would die before she let them fade into the darkness once more. They were the object of her love, they were the reason her heart kept beating, a bandaid. A purpose that she could devote everything in, and forget her own aching heart.

So it was unsurprising that the words that left the quincy’s lips were not that of a strong and sure leader. Rather they were those of someone who was while not quite afraid, certainly hesitant and unsure.

”..Why. . ? “

The way she sounded was different than simply someone trying to find out why for no reason. It was truly that she didn’t believe it could be possible. She had held the wolf at an arm's distance, treated her cruelly and indifferently for the longest time before giving her a window in, to be friends. Yet, here this girl was saying words that she didn’t quite deserve.

However all the quincy had asked was why, she hadn’t said no. She was blindsided by a situation she could not have forseen. She honestly didn’t know what the wolf saw in her. Yet maybe this solved the question in her mind of why the wolf had always been so stubborn. Her grip softened and she tilted her head slightly.

The anger was gone, and the confusion dulled as she waited for an answer, one of her hands shifting to cradle mirja’s face as she continued to search her eyes. She wouldn’t let this be a damned practical joke. If it was she’d never let the wolf back into her life, and the facade of the shell would never let her see the imperfect being beneath. Her lower lip was gently bit within her mouth and thought.

If this is a joke, there will be hell to pay.

Template By:

Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] LzZCuy7
Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja] Empty Re: Summers Heat [Niflheim/Mirja]

Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:59 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja had no idea what to expect after she had admitted such. She never made it a secret that emotions confused her, and that she had rather strange, detached views from everyone else, that got her branded an idiot, at best. Getting attacked, however, was not something that was on the list of possibilities. Not that Mirja wasn't prepared for it. She had a horrible mentality of always being prepared for a fight and always having a plan to subdue and inhume anyone she came across. Her reaction time was sublime, and her prowess in close combat was nearly unparalleled. She had to force down the switch that would turn this lovely picnic into a brutal fight and just let it happen.

That didn't mean she didn't take precautions. Her skin hardened dramatically as she rapidly uterlized her Zero-Point Soul Refraction Technique, and her eyes turned yellow with black sclera as she tapped into her Cardinal Seal without donning the Hollow Mask. That, might be a little too much for Quincy Land. But, as the seconds ticked on, there was no further attack. Nif got pissed to the extreme, -
an emotion that Mirja was well acquainted with, at both ends - but no actual strike came. But she still had the plan whirring away in her head. Utsusemi would provide sufficient distraction for the first second, and then spawn two Tulpa fists and deliver a punch to three separate points of the spinal column. Optimal outcome would be the breaking of the spine, but dislocation of the disks would also be acceptable. There was no hint of a joke or a tease in her eyes. They were cold, calculating eyes of a vicious monster.

But then Nif's anger melted away, and the confusion that caused threw off Mirja. She was expecting combat, hell she had the first minute of combat down in her head as well as adaption to unforeseen outcomes. But this...? Her mind shunted off combat, her eyes turned back to their normal, hauntingly beautiful silver, and there was racing of a different kind. Eventually, after a few seconds of silence, she spoke.
"I don't know. Never professed to understand much outside of combat. But, that was a rather, vigorous reaction. I can only assume that I am not the first, and that it ended very badly. You can talk to me about it if you want, or I can wait until you are ready. I'm not exactly going to die of old age"

Mirja seemed a lot more confident, a lot less nervous, and more in control of the situation. Which was strange considering she was pinned to a tree, but that was just how Mirja was. Conflict was where she did her best work.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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